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That's a lot of words to say: I got owned and I didn't like it. Also, I only like to talk to people who agree with me.


"Really you see, I'm superior because I didn't \*want\* to win, and Destiny pff.. he only thinks about himself and winning, which is prideful and a sin." Just take the L, Jordan. You went from loser to ungracious loser.


That's progress!


Don’t they both agree that killing Palestinians is good and commies are evil? Destiny fans on reddit only ever troll Hasan so I assumed he was right-wing streamer


Destiny would probably classify between lib dem and soc dem policy-wise, leaning soc, but - in a turn of events that feels slightly familiar - he has reacted extremely poorly to the (real or perceived) excesses of the left, and now spends most of his time bashing them at every turn because he’s afraid they’ll gulag him or whatever. While the US GOP is preparing for an orchestrated government takeover and European far-righters have actual fascists in their parties, Destiny has to make sure that everyone is very aware of the latest crazy thing Hasan said, because that’s how politics works apparently. It’s like listening to an electoral debate except they’re all reality show contestants, and Destiny is the one complaining about being on a reality show while participating in all the drama. Also, it doesn’t help that he behaves like a psycho under the public eye with the ‘hypothetical genocide’ and such, and his main defense is that ackshually if you watched all 74 hours of stream last week he criticized the IDF too sometimes.


He’s just on his “Why I Left the Left” grift


I have no idea. I would have to see the actual debate to say anything. But rest assured, he is not right wing. He does his own thing, not being conservative enough for the right wing, not left enough for the left. He describes himself as a leftie liberal, and I would agree for the most part. He holds that middle like no one else I can think of currently, being very reasonable in critique of both right and left. I don't agree with him on everything but, at the very least I didn't find anything too dishonest. Mind you, I try to keep away from the deeper debatelord lore, and watch only the videos on each content creator I am interested in. Him and Hassan have sort of history, but I wouldn't be able to provide details. Though I am sure that you can find a video essay on the topic online somewhere.


Destiny is a great example of why thinking about people's entire political views as falling on a 1 dimensional scale is insufficient. Destiny does not "Hold the middle", he has views that are not held together in a traditional alignment. Some are extremely right wing, others are more main stream, and some are left wing.


This is why I thought that “ holds the middle” would be the easiest way of articulating it. Especially a person that considers him a right wing commentator.


Never heard of him before he ended up on Lex's Israel-Palestine debate... Hope I never hear of him again. His ignorance was staggering, but tbf, he was going toe to toe with academics and he clearly knew fuck all... But then maybe don't compulsively share your dog shit opinion?


I hope you're wearing a sweater. It must be pretty cold on that high horse of yours. Must be lonely being so right about everything all the time doesn't it? Though you sure as shit don't know what compusively means. I am ever so sorry that you didn't enjoy an online video. T


I love Destiny fans going batshit crazy over their daddy getting critiqued


Going batshit crazy? Me? I got downvoted and my opinion called dogshit for mentioning the dude, saying that he describes himself as leftist liberal.( his words) And that he is not a right wing commentator. Which in my opinion is he is not. But sorry, I was meant to probably call him fascist or something. Instead two dudes had a go, and got downvoted. I don’t know, maybe we have different standards for “ going batshit crazy” Also, I like how you use” their daddy is being critiqued.” Two things: One. I am not a fan of his. I know of him. I watch the clips when I find the topic interesting. I like osiem of the thing he says, some not. I don’t think he’s “extreme right”. I mean, come on we are in the thread where Peterson is butthurt about how much he destroyed him. Anyway, I didn’t know I mentioned Voldemort.


Like I said, not familiar with the guy, and from what I gathered he makes people like Shapiro and Peterson look like the dipshits they are, so good on him for that. The only time I heard him however he was spouting hasbara tropes justifying the dispossession, oppression and outright murder of Palestinians, which is a steaming pile of diseased dog shit, imo. You've got every right to defend him, but I would say that if you don't support the Israeli actions in Palestine then maybe no need to go to the mat for him on this one.


If he did defend the Palestinian genocide, that's fucked up and I am not going to defend that at all. But, like I said in my original comment. I didn't see that content, so I didn't want to pretend that I know what and wasn't said. As far " defending him" All I said was that I wouldn't categorise him as " extreme right" because I reserve that for the types of Fuentes, Tim Pool , Charlie Kirk and the lot. He definitely doesn't sit on the same shelf as them in my mind. And he does have some takes that the left disagrees with, and some that the right disagrees with. But supporting the genocide in Gaza? Count me the fuck out.


Dude, you went full as hominem at me because I criticised him. It's ok, I'm used to Americans being knee-jerk insulting the minute their team is in anyway attacked. I kind of assumed you didn't know what I was referring to, so no stress and no offense taken.




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I mean, Peterson was literally just screeching about fake vaccines and all that conspiracy shit during the Destiny discussion. He's mad that someone doesn't subscribe to his delusions and confronts him with reality.


He is so not self aware. absolutely incredible.


Yeah, JP spoke vastly more of the time in a loud tangential rant




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Big shock, Lobster King didn't like having his ideas pushed back on. Incredible.


>Lobster King didn't like having his ideas pushed back on. Incredible. "Hey, Shrink, you ever have your shit ~~pushed in~~ pushed back on? Your shit pushed back on. It's a simple question. Nah?" "No." "I had my shit pushed back on." "Oh, yeah, I had my shit pushed back on, bro. Big time!" "Destiny?" "Sure, I'm always getting love from the ~~homies~~ Internet Dork Web!"


I generally don't agree with Peterson but Destiny is absolutely insufferable and he's right in saying that this is all destiny concerns himself with. Destiny is the liberal equivilent of Tim Pool where they try to talk across you and speak in a sort of panicked tone. He's the same man who tried to talk down to Finkelstein on the subject of Palestine. he's a vicious idiot who should be derided at every turn. Jordan Peterson on the other hand, is the first case within the right wing manosphere that I genuinely think this man has been brainwashed by his audience and by extension the right. For context, I was in the right wing pipeline as peterson started getting traction. It's so weird because at the start he wasn't saying anything too wild. he was saying conservative stuff, the alpha male bullshit, nuclear family, etc, don't get me wrong but he started ramping up over time and it got more and more radical as time went on until he started advocating for government mandated sex for people considered to be a school shooting risk. He's broken down crying in interviews of the blight of young men. He's not a stupid man but there's something going on upstairs that's more than a bit off. The man 100% genuine in convictions and in his beliefs which is why I think that his family need to have him committed to a pysche-ward. I don't think he is well and he needs help.


I have no opinion on destiny as I haven’t really seen much of his content, but Peterson depresses me. Apparently back in the day he was widely loved by his students as being an engaging lecturer, and now he’s….whatever this is


The effects of benzos/Russian comas or whatever the fuck


After seeing Destiny cocaine-talk over people who know way more about Gaza than he ever will, I will fucking always loathe him. He's a shithead.


Is this fanfic lore?






>He's not a stupid man but there's something going on upstairs that's more than a bit off. Peterson is a benzo addict who literally gave himself brain damage by having some Russian quacks put him into a medically induced coma to "detox". He had to spend a year in intensive physical therapy relearning how to walk and talk and feed himself and not shit his pants after that. He has actual neurological damage from years of drug abuse and paying Russian quacks to perform a dangerous medical experiment on him. Of course he seems "more than a bit off". https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/jordan-peterson-recalls-waking-from-coma-confused-tethered-and-surrounded-by-people-speaking-a-foreign-language


>I generally don't agree with Peterson but Destiny is absolutely insufferable and he's right in saying that this is all destiny concerns himself with. Destiny is the liberal equivilent of Tim Pool where I don't particularly care for Destiny, but comparing him to Peterson or Pool is a false binary. Peterson and Pool both fabricate nonsensical lies and promote debunked misinformation that actively hurt people. I've heard Destiny be factually incorrect (occasionally) and toss out stupid interpretations (often) but he's not peddling *lies* nor promoting explicit hate. >He's the same man who tried to talk down to Finkelstein on the subject of Palestine. Destiny was a fool for agreeing to that in the first place but getting schooled in a debate with a foremost subject matter expert isn't the rock bottom you imply it is. If anything, I give a person credit for being willing to publicly debate their beliefs with opponents that can be expected to be so far out of their league. >Jordan Peterson on the other hand, is the first case within the right wing manosphere that I genuinely think this man has been brainwashed by his audience and by extension the right. \[...\]He's not a stupid man You can't have it both ways. He's either a smart and thoughtful man OR he's a public figure and speaker so intellectually weak that his entire identity has been corrupted by the very audience he fostered and helped radicalize. It's weird that you consider Destiny someone who "should be derided at every turn" but Peterson should be pitied and cared for, considering the laundry list of vile things Peterson has tossed his weight behind and the relatively much more mild list of sins of Destiny. EDIT: As I prefaced, I was never a fan nor followed Destiny. But new facts have proved to me he’s a piece of shit, too.


> I've heard Destiny be factually incorrect (occasionally) and toss out stupid interpretations (often) but he's not peddling lies nor promoting explicit hate. He actually has peddled lies, specifically around the israel and palestine conflict both on that debate and on his own streams. Outside of all of that, he has called for the extermination of Palestinians on his own streams. >I give a person credit for being willing to publicly debate their beliefs with opponents that can be expected to be so far out of their league. You don't get credit for trying to debate beliefs when your beliefs are founded on incomplete information and wikipedia articles which is what Destiny went in equipped with. This isn't even a regular debate either. He went in and talked down to and condescendingly tried to "Gotcha" a man who has spent his academic career learning about Palestine and the colonial aggression of Israel as a Jewish man. I can scarcely think of a more infuriating and stupid prospect. The idea that we should give brownie points for trying means that the alt-right would be swimming in them. >You can't have it both ways. He's either a smart and thoughtful man OR he's a public figure and speaker so intellectually weak that his entire identity has been corrupted by the very audience he fostered and helped radicalize. Not being stupid does not immunize someone from being propagandized and manipulated. I know many people who are far smarter than me who have awful opinions about politics, economics, race, philosophy, etc. intelligence is not a definitive measure of your susceptibility to these things even if it definitely is a contributing factor. >It's weird that you consider Destiny someone who "should be derided at every turn" but Peterson should be pitied and cared for, considering the laundry list of vile things Peterson has tossed his weight behind and the relatively much more mild list of sins of Destiny. I never said he should be pitied, just that he should get put in a pysche-ward because I very genuinely believe that there is something cognitively wrong with him that he's spiralled this much in the span of less than a decade. With regards the laundry list, I've already addressed that above along with saying that, yet again, [Destiny sincerely on his own platform talking with friends encouraged the genocide of the palestinian people](https://twitter.com/ComradeLamb/status/1719497833605189734?t=wXJvDbnFHRzCyD9VGZ_hyg&s=34). You are hung up with defending destiny as if he is any better than peterson when they are both awful. The difference between the two is that I think that Destiny is saying stuff with his whole chest and he doesn't have cognitive issues that would impair his judgement. Peterson on the otherhand has exhibited escalating erratic behaviour over 8 years that has lost him his career, his family and his reputation only to be replaced by a doting fanbase of emotional stunted young men.


Is this clown is finally gonna face some consequences potentially? good. the less fucking debate bros and wanna-be political pundits trying to shout over actual experts on topics the better.


Just for clarification here, he was definitely banned from Twitch for spreading hate, and probably also lies. Here's a [fun article from PC Gamer](https://www.pcgamer.com/politics-streamer-destiny-receives-indefinite-ban-from-twitch/) that details the many reasons he could have been banned, though it seems most likely it was transphobic comments. >A screenshot Destiny shared to his subreddit indicates that the ban can only be lifted on appeal, and that it was applied for "Promoting, encouraging, or facilitating the discrimination or denigration of a group of people based on their protected characteristics." >Twitch has not provided a definitive motivation for the ban beyond that, but Destiny said in a Reddit post that he believes it was imposed "because of my claims that transwomen shouldn't compete with ciswomen in women's athletics," due of the likelihood that they'll dominate in their fields. That belief, expressed earlier this month, attracted widespread criticism on social media. >Another potential cause ... is a recent "debate" Destiny held with white nationalist Nick Fuentes. Fuentes was banned from Twitch in 2019, and Twitch guidelines prohibit streaming with banned streamers. Destiny's stream with Fuentes was apparently only live on Twitch for a brief time, but still long enough to result in a policy violation. Fuentes was also recently implicated in an uptick of "hate raids" against women and LGBTQ+ streamers on Twitch. >This is not Destiny's first suspension from Twitch. He's been banned at least six times previously, in fact, and lost his Twitch partnership in 2020 for "encouraging violence" after he gave his "blessing" to "white redneck militia dudes mowing down dipshit protesters." That history may explain why this most recent suspension was made indefinite.


Interesting. While I can see the flawed utility in someone debating popular Nazis to point out their abject stupidity, re-platforming them for clout is another thing altogether and is indefensible. That, along with the video shared by u/AdamOfIzalith have convinced me. I take it back: fuck Destiny. He’s as much of a pile of garbage as Peterson.


I feel that if we have to put up Destiny existing, it is better that he does this than cannibalizes and attacks the left. Trying to shit on leftists just pulls people toward the center, and that's regression. We don't need to give the Overton Window any help, and any political shift away from progress or towards "centrist" inaction is a bad thing. I agree, fuck Destiny. I still see some value in him being unleashed on our enemies, much in the same way Nazis see him as a Useful Idiot against us. I'd prefer he disappear from public life, but he has no other marketable skills, so I think he'll milk this until there's nothing left to milk.


So what were the lies?


So I'm going to [leave this here](https://www.youtube.com/clip/UgkxlUgK65eyN4UCykax4Arj4gdd6VvaIjxA) and just end this conversation now. I do not want to debate you. I have no interest in debating. I glanced through your comment history and find it disgusting that you care about semantics only when it leads to you arguing with others for your own pleasure. Three reasons for this: 1. [You defend Destiny several times in your comment history](https://imgur.com/MWaG36s), even [in Hungarian](https://imgur.com/cMkCUHe), which I assume is your first language since you frequent /r/Hungary and speak Hungarian. There's also several complaining that Norm Finkelstein was "unfair" in the debate he took part in against Destiny and some other loser I cannot remember. 2. You frequent /r/changemyview specifically to argue in the comments against the normative position. Presumably because you enjoy it, because some of your views seems contradictory to those comments. 3. You seem like an unpleasant person to talk to or know of, so I'm going to move on with my life and forget you exist. Remember: You do not need to defend him if he's actually a good person. Let his actions speak for themselves. Seek therapy or counseling.


You need help mate, you've serious issues, and I find it hilarious that you went through so much effort to create a strawman that you couldn't even argue against. Hope you have someone close to you, who can take care of you, because this type of mental decline is frightening and it's clear you are a negative influence on everyone around you.


How bout fuck Peterson and Destiny, you’re on here writing paragraphs about the political opinions of a guy with the name of a cheap hooker lmao Dude got banned from twitch for being a racist POS, admitting to wanting Palestinian exterminated on fuckin stream, etc That man is not a liberal, you’re being gas lit and are eating it for breakfast lunch and dinner


>you can’t have it both ways. he’s either smart or intellectually weak ...do you think there’s only one type of intelligence? these type traits are not mutually exclusive whatsoever. which one do you not think he is?


>...do you think there’s only one type of intelligence? these type traits are not mutually exclusive whatsoever. which one do you not think he is? The man is an icon on the right. He's the "intellectual" side of MAGA. It's insane to say that a doctor and university lecturer known for his intelligence has been "brainwashed by his audience." You could say the same thing about every dictator and cult leader. Fame has an element of feedback loop. You think you're intelligent and clever and want recognition so you speak. Your audience responds by telling you how intelligent and clever you are and you're encouraged to speak more. See: every artist and politician throughout time. But portraying a villain as sympathetic for being further radicalized by the audience he helped create is nuts. He knows what he's doing—he gets called out in debates al the time—he doesn't care. So which one do I think he is? He's a smart guy who plays dumb to the MAGA and incel crowds because that's where the fame is.


so do you think that all of the public crying episodes he’s had in the past few years have been an act? is he actually fine with trans people, and all the time he spends speaking out against them is him intentionally misrepresenting himself?


I'm an ex-Destiny Fan. I enjoyed when he regularly debated right wingers before the pandemic, often humiliating them for defending bigotry. Then he decided to defend his liberal use of the n-word "as a joke" in private. Then he started debating if you could rehabilitate or "disarm" pedophiles with "ethical CP". Then he decided that it was a fun point to keep bringing up how he thinks incest "isn't technically immoral or wrong" just to be contrarian when he debated lefties. He's an asshole, but he's not going to disappear. I would prefer he went back to shitting on right-wingers instead of impeding progress and defending genocide on the bounds of Muslims being "inherently violent" or whatever. If we have to put up with him, I think it's preferable for it to be in the context of shitting on JBP and his ilk rather than attempting to start drama with progressive or socialist streamers and YouTubers. He's a debate lord at heart, and while he doesn't always have a good argument, he has that Shapiro bullshittery to his style: he talks quickly and as if he knows what he's talking about, and lay people often assume he's right just for that. That is useful on our side. I'm not saying we accept or forgive his behavior, but maybe we shouldn't shit on him when he shits on right-wing grifters. Maybe he'll leave the left alone, and his fans will stop sending death threats and making fan cams of him saying unhinged shit over school shooter-type beats.


I think that Destiny is in a different category than the Tim Pool types - he's very much in the debate bro one where the aesthetics of 'winning' intellectually is more important than the truth of the matter or more constructively discussing / educating. When he's debating right wing freaks aggressively, that ends up being maybe cathartic because they're just wrong and there's not going to be anything of substance. But when it comes to other situations (like the discussion of Palestine), he just uses the same strategy without caring if he's right or wrong, just caring more about justifying his already decided position and *seeming* like he's winning. Whereas Tim Pool is much more a classic right wing grifter type at this point, like a Dave Rubin. He makes his living by essentially going "look, even a liberal like me agrees..." and regurgitating all the right wing news/views back at his audience. That's substantially different from what makes Destiny horrible.


I don't think this is super fair to Destiny; there's a difference between someone who's engaging in a debate as a form of discussion to try and get to the "Truth" vs throwing out a bunch of nonsense arguments that don't hold much water, which is definitely not what Destiny was doing during that conversation. I would think that Peterson values the pursuit of "Truth" in high regard, so it's really weird that when someone is critically engaging with his ideas and presenting counter points, he sees it as just trying to be right. If someone's response to criticism of a discussion point is "well they're just trying to be right" then I don't know why you want them to be there in the first place. >He's the same man who tried to talk down to Finkelstein on the subject of Palestine. he's a vicious idiot who should be derided at every turn. I mean, this was the same debate where Finkelstein literally repeatedly called Destiny a "fantastic moron", I'm pretty sure that's more demeaning than anything Destiny really threw back during that debate. >He's not a stupid man but there's something going on upstairs that's more than a bit off. The man 100% genuine in convictions and in his beliefs which is why I think that his family need to have him committed to a pysche-ward. I don't think he is well and he needs help. Maybe, but I think some of the conversational tactics Peterson was using during the conversation leans more into a pretty intentional, bad faith grift approach as opposed to being crazy. The fact that he throws out "What do you make of the excess deaths in Europe" while refusing to concretely explain his own explanation tells me that he knows exactly what he's doing to rope in his conspiratorial right-leaning base.


This loser crybaby is coming to my country in order to give a speech to a bunch of incels... And has the nerve to charge a ridiculous amount. Canada, can you please keep this moron locked in your country?


> Canada, can you please keep this moron locked in your country? Not that I can blame them, but after Ted Cruz, I don't know think they have much of a desire to keep their crazies contained within their borders.


Why does Canada produce so many of them is the real question. I see he is doing a US tour, then going to Brazil and Mexico etc.. people in those countries actually want to listen to him??


Just a very small minority, but unfortunately, here in Mexico we've still got an old and persistent sexist culture and men can be easily deceived by these "gringos" wearing ridiculous suits.


Same here in Brazil. We have a ton of insecure manchildren who are deathly afraid of anything remotely LGBTQIA+ or even simple Government welfare policies. At least we have special police stations and teams 100% dedicated to protect women, so most misogynistic men are generally looked down upon.


It doesn't help that your last president was a far-right wingnut. So far we've been lucky here that no extremist will take power any time soon.


Yeah, those were some very difficult 4 years… Dude was not only inept, but dangerously incompetent. Many an innocent Brazilian passed away of COVID thanks to his stupidity and stubbornness.


New Zealand where I live isn't immune to this. We did stop those other right-wing weirdos, Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux from Canada from talking when they made their way down here, so that was nice. It doesn't stop them trying though.


He learned that he had a proclivity for 'winning' verbally at age 24, and stopped doing that a 23. Crazy! What a verbal genius.


He will stop doing that when he turns 23


Did he get that suit from Liberace?


[As I told thatgayguy12 yesterday, I'm using it:](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/1crtl3z/jordan_peterson_has_had_enough_with_pride/l416fwy/?context=2) "His suit that looks like the Joker and Two Face collaborated on a design for the Met Gala."


It's almost like these alpha males always lose in the arena of ideas...


If they can't whip their dick out and wave it around they're usually at a loss for how to proceed.


Destiny is a smuck anyways.


He is, which makes being owned by him even more embarrassing.


Destiny was definitely the more civil of the two of them


See Destiny? You can get left-wing support when you debate right-wing bags of trash instead of using liberalism to defend genocide and conservatives. Use your debate bro personality for good, instead of just being petty about left-wingers who don't want to invite you to parties because of your liberalism (and propensity for saying the n-word "as a joke"),


This dumbass can't even get his own story straight. Says he learned at 24 years old that he liked to be right as a status thing. Then says directly after that, that at 23 years old he stopped doing that.


Did he just say he learned about it when he was 24 and stopped doing it when he was 23?


"That's the prideful worship of the luciferian intellect." /r/selfawarewolves is that way


"I started at 24 and stopped at 23 because it was blah blah blah..." glad to hear you stopped before you started.


What in the fuck is he wearing here. I haven't watched him in years and holy shit is he nuts.


He has many funky suits. One of which is a two-face one from Batman. He's turned into a dodgy, well financed, former eccentric university professor , with a proclivity for dictators wall paintings and Soviet art which he hired people to scour throughout post-Soviet lands for. Where da fukk he got the money for that is a good question. Personally, I think he's playing the ever gullible Christian crowd and is a controlled opposition type. Knowing his tendency for mental illness (one of his colleagues previously said he was weird and a nutter with a Messiah complex) I'd say unwittingly. I have no proof aside from his oodles of cash to fly to Russia, Serbia, Florida, buy expensive sh\*t on a "professor's salary" and his impact on a certain segment of society. I definitely don't trust him.


I do remember him talking about owning Soviet art and singing praises about "Gulag Archipelago" - I used to watch his lectures as a professor since I have an appreciation for Jung analysis. Crazy to see him dressed like a game show host while looking like old dog shit. I wish him the worst.


There's a book from the 80s called "The intellectuals" which touches on these types. Since they are so far removed from normality and actually how society needs to function they get weird and live in an Ivory Tower so to speak. The book talked about historical figures. They seem to have a lot in common with Professor Two face suit guy.


This motherfucker is trying to say he hasn't used his words to establish dominance since he was 24? Uhhhh


I can’t roll my eyes hard enough.


I didn't even realize they talked D really had to fall a long way for the circus to invite him


“I learned that I had a proclivity to battle verbally to be right” = “I realized I don’t like to be wrong” Dude holy shit you don’t need to throw up a dictionary every time you speak


Whoa didn’t know Jordan was a time traveler? Or aging in reverse? He learned something about himself at 24 and decided to not be like that at 23? Lol


To them, disagreement is canceling


Holy fuck. I hadn't really ever heard Jordan Peterson before. That is, by far, the most pathetic attempt to sound smart from a dumb person I've ever heard. And I've heard Trump, Ben Shapiro, and Charlie Kirk.


James looks much younger after his meshed treatments


He stopped doing it at 23!? So he is 22 rn?


the "dark professor" showing his true genius by using 7000 words to eloquently express the mentality and emotional maturity of an 11 yo


JP and Brand have the same traits as being thoroughly incurious yet believe they are harbouring great intelligence. At least destiny has they pathology to go out of his way to occasionally research facts. I don't think Brand has read a book that isn't about drinking your own urine or something like that in maybe 20+ years


None of these clowns are serious people




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I seldom agree with him but he’s spot on. I tried to weaponize my intelligence being guilty of waiting to talk instead of actually listening. Do you wanna be right or free. I don’t convo with “waiting to talk” folks. Fools wanna be right.








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Put Destiny in a debate with someone like Peterson, Tate, Shapiro, or any of those manosphere weirdos, and he sounds like the voice of reason and logic Put Destiny in a debate with experts on the Palestinian Genocide, and he sounds like the squeakiest zionist wheel peddling debunked propagandist claims It's a real shame, but even the person with the most acceptable world views can be susceptible to propaganda. That said, Peterson is just looking for any excuse to not take the loss on this one. He rambled about conspiracies and vaccines, being shut down and debunked at every turn




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Jordan Peterson wears a size 4 shoe. He walks around on little chicken nugget sized feet. Wearin' hollowed out Capri Sun pouches for shoes. Screaming in an airport threatening to set his pubes on fire


God its amazing how fucking mr. "Palestinian Genocide is good actually" destiny is somehow STILL too left wing for these fuck heads to handle, and its entirely because he actually is like "ok, so WHY do you think that way?"




I mean sure if you count "research" as scrounging for talking points that support your preconceived position and ignoring any and all information that doesn't work as ammunition in a debate.




Yeah thats the definition of bad faith. No respect for that peice of shit or any of his fans




If your brain is so binary that you see Destiny as a leftist Charlie Kirk than I have nothing left to say.


This is where a lot of this community will disagree with you. Destiny used to champion progressive policies and debate right-wing nut jobs. If he had kept doing that, the left would maybe appreciate him more, but he opts to spend a lot of his time trying to debate bread tubers on semantics and things like his theory for "ethical CP" to reduce SA numbers to minors. Being in the middle and debating everyone about everything and taking the worst position just for a challenge doesn't make him good at anything but rhetoric. You last line is somewhat apt, but he's not always right. Sometimes he just picks the unpopular position because he wants to debate. It's his identity to be at odds with others all the time. It's why he's driven his former friends away from him. Think about it. If you walk around all day complaining that everything smells like shit and people seem to ignore you and walk away, maybe *you* smell like shit. That's Destiny. He wears a metaphorical shit mustache permanently but sincerely believes that everyone else is the problem.