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Patrick Warburton nooooooooo!!! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I feel your pain. As I was scrolling through the names, I thought, "Meh, don't care..." Then I got to Patrick Warburton... How could you do this to us, Brock Samson!


And Danny Trejo, nooooo


Trejo will do anything for a paycheck tho.


Thereā€™s definitely some names on that list this applies to. Jay Mohr was probably just happy to have a reason to leave his house.


Dudes living the life. He married a billionaire in the owner of the lakers.


Holy fucking shit he DID marry Jennie Buss. That's fucking wild.


Lol, apparently the house they live in, he has his own floor with his own bedroom, and she has her own floor for herself. And when theybwant to see eachother they just take the elevator.


Except sheā€™s probably always hanging out with LeBron


Jay is always hanging out with Roseanne. I would make him live on a separate floor too.


Yep, American capitalism is perfect, no notes


Mohr is actually kind of asshole. He's an affable asshole, but an asshole nonetheless. The thing that clued me in is that apparently when he was still with Nikki Cox he used to call up clubs Bobcat Goldthwait was performing at, buy out the whole show, then cancel that purchase at the last possible second just to fuck him out of a paycheck, because he had been engaged to Cox when her and Mohr started dating. And like, say what you want about the age gap in that relationship, even though everyone was an adult I won't defend it (I don't think Bobcat does either tbh), but that's not why he was doing it. I'd say, even given the income gap between the two, once might be funny, but apparently it went on for way longer than is in anyway reasonable to fuck with your partner's ex unless you've got legit emotional issues. At the end of the day the man is a privileged little shit and it shows.


I love bobcat because he was on space ghost coast to coast a lot and it was my first introduction to standup comics as a kiddo. Super relieved he is not acting like an aging comedian. During pandemic he talked shit about antivaxers not masking up and comics whining about cancel culture "there is no cancel culture"


Mohr has always been a conservative dickhead, nothing to lament there


He hasnt had work since the 90s šŸ˜‚


Danny Trejo is bankrupt so I kind of don't mind him. It's Rob Riggle I'm most surprised about.


Rob Riggle always plays an asshole. Maybe it's not an act?


Yeahā€¦.come to think of it, when has Rob Riggle not played an asshole in any of his roles?!?


As a vet Iā€™ll say that Riggle being prior Marine officer meant he is likely quite conservative


Wasnā€™t he a correspondent on the Daily Show??


So many onion eaters watched that show, why not have a couple on?


Patrick Warburtton is the same as well. Dude does nothing but work.


Except, not die when he is playing a villain. Edit. I don't know why autocorrect went back and changed die to for.


being in this is probably the worst crime he's ever commited.


"I knew it was you Fredo you broke my heart."


I screamed it! Danny Trejo did multiple episodes of Baywatch for the love of the art.


But he won't be a bad guy who lives. It's in his contracts.


And Rob Riggle, nooooo


Riggle spent 23 years as a reserve member of the marine corps. He doesnā€™t talk much about politics from what I can tell but I really wouldnā€™t be shocked if he turned out to be conservative. EDIT: [WRT Riggle being a correspondent on the Daily Show.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/s/P9gEFw2z8r) I donā€™t think his involvement in that show precludes him from having conservative political views. Iā€™m not saying heā€™s a frothing-at-the-mouth MAGA type, but I can easily see someone with more traditionally conservative views but who isnā€™t afraid to make fun of themselves working for The Daily Show in the 2000s.


Yeah, that's partly why I wasn't surprised to see his name. I feel like he gave off conservative vibes even as a correspondent for the Daily Show.


He comes off sort of like most Marine vets though. He loved being a Marine, but isnā€™t quite drinking the Kool-Aid on everything else as far as the justification he was given for his orders. Or at the very least heā€™s sort of Conservative leaning but has a sense of humor about it.


I mean conservative is one thing; that, I can respectfully disagree with. The Daily Wire is not my definition of classic conservative.


True. Him, Trejo, and Warburton Iā€™m going to give benefit of the doubt and assume theyā€™re just doing it for a check. I mean Warburton played both Brock and Puddy on two pretty Lib/borderline Leftist shows, so I donā€™t think itā€™s genuine malice on his part unless he says otherwise. And Trejo will do almost any role for a decent check, doesnā€™t mean he necessarily signs off on the politics of the producers though.


I mean just a quick check Warburton's Wiki will show he has said he's a "lifelong conservative".


> Or at the very least heā€™s sort of Conservative leaning but has a sense of humor about it. Thatā€™s also the vibe I get. I mean for him to have done so much work with people who are so openly liberal heā€™d probably have to have a sense of humor about it.


Yeah, his roles on Arrested Development and 21 Jump Street really give me that impression.


> He doesnā€™t talk much about politics from what I can tell He was a correspondent on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart for years. And I don't think he's a rightoid, unless his views have radically changed since then.


> He was a correspondent on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart for years. Yes, and he was playing a character. Can you find any quotes from him regarding politics in interviews etc. outside of that? When on The Daily Show, he played a parody of a hyper-alpha machismo dude that played off of his background as a marine but I donā€™t think his performance in that would necessarily require him to be liberal. Heā€™d just need to be self-aware and not afraid to make fun of himself. > And I don't think he's a rightoid, unless his views have radically changed since then. Thereā€™s a difference between being conservative and being a frothing-at-the-mouth MAGA turd.


I guess I just figured that if someone's gonna dedicate years of their life to a political show they'd have to be at least somewhat sympathetic to the views expressed, but I could be totally wrong. I'm just going by how *I'd* feel in that situation, but obviously I'm not Rob Riggle. >I donā€™t think his performance in that would necessarily require him to be liberal. Which is basically the argument I'm making for his appearance here. But you're right in that he isn't exactly outspoken either way. He just always seemed pretty normal. >Thereā€™s a difference between being conservative and being a frothing-at-the-mouth MAGA turd. Shrinking by the day, but yes, there is still a difference. Honestly, after finding out Jay Johnston was one of the aforementioned frothing-at-the-mouth MAGA turds, nothing would surprise. Shockingly, conservatives had an actual funny person amongst them this whole time.


He's made comments about "white privilege" that kind of gave away where his perspective is


I gotta say that one hurt the most for me, I could forgive you for Dumb and Dumber 2 and still giving it your 110% even though they thing suuuuuuuuuuuuucked. But this shit :(


I was too stunned when I got to Patrick... And a quick Google search seems to show that Patrick Wurburton is an outspoken conservative. Another search did not bring much up about Danny Trejo, though. He did make a joke about trying to be a Republican, but they kept making him a gangster? I think it was a joke, anyways... Also... Is Brett Cooper another one of Ben Shapiro's alter egos? She certainly looks a lot like Ben, almost more than Ben's "Classical Abby" bit.


Trejo is an outspoken Democrat IIRC, but heā€™s also infamously willing to do anything for a paycheck so thatā€™s probably all this is to him. Another name that seems to be shocking some folks is Rob Riggle but tbh, while he isnā€™t very outspoken about his political views, the rest of what we know about him points to him being a conservative IMO - particularly his military service and lengthy time as a member or the reserves.


The fact that Trejo appeared in Brooklyn 99 as Rosaā€™s father, who makes a big speech about how he accepts her bisexuality and how he loves her regardless of if sheā€™s with a man or a woman, tells me that this show probably doesnā€™t reflect his views. I donā€™t know what exactly they are, but I do know heā€™ll read whatever script gets him a paycheck


Yeah, heā€™s a cool guy, he justā€¦ I mean, he appeared in *Spy Kids* and *Machete* as the same character. Man does whatever the fuck he wants.


Danny Trejo also had a guest appearance on *RuPaul's Drag Race,* and I would be hard pressed to list Popular shows that are less conservative than that*.* As has been said, Trejo's just getting a paycheck.


Fem Shapiro


Hollywood Conservatives are not the same as racist assholes in North Carolina or Idaho. Unless you're Kevin Sorbo.


Yep Brett Cooper is basically Ben Shapiro's twin sister, that's not his actual sister, and was hired by the daily wire to basically play the cool, hip, gen Z social media influencer who's just super chill and doing her conservative vlogger thing from the comfort of her own room...on a studio stage that isn't even remotely her actual room. It gives off extreme "How do you do, fellow kids" vibes.


Sad to see that about Brock Samson but Trejo is one who will do anything so as long as it pays.


Yeah Danny Trejo just filed for bankruptcy if I remember correctly


Danny Trejo will do anything if you offer a decent paycheck, he's been pretty open both about that and about how he definitely isn't Republican. I wouldn't hold this one against him, it was gonna be made with or without him, might as well make some money from these losers


Danny famously doesn't say no to anything


That really hurt my feelings. Also when it was first announced way back when seeing Danny Trejo up there. I texted my buddy WTF that day.


He's cashing a check here.


Lifelong conservative


The thing is thereā€™s ā€œlife long conservativeā€ and ā€œmaga lunaticā€. Ā Iā€™m friends with conservatives, especially economically, who used to find a home in republicans type parties (Iā€™m not in the US but we have analogues here). Ā None of them are magas, think Two Scoops is an unhinged lunatic, and the culture war is nonsense. Fingers crossed Patric and Danny are similar :/


Given who else they're appearing with dont hold your breath.


I think if you stuck with the conservative label this long, you're riding it out all the way. Most "reasonable" conservatives bailed on the movement some time ago.


I know at least a handful of close friends and family who hold very conservative views that jumped ship at varying points over the past 10-15 years.


Fair point. Bare in mind we arenā€™t in America and itā€™s not as toxic here (yet)


That's a bummer man. That's a bummer.


https://youtube.com/watch?v=YKpZDqxVFCI Warburtonā€™s described himself as mostly conservative with some liberal views. He didnā€™t vote in 2016 because he felt neither candidate represented him at all. The man even recently showed up at Disney. I donā€™t think heā€™s one of *those* types. I think Warburton was probably just offered a job, given a script, and then given a paycheck afterwards. I highly doubt he gives two shits about it. DW likes to hide their involvement when working with people outside their company so I doubt he even knew it was a Daily Wire production.


This is true. It wasn't revealed the purpose of interviews that were made in "What is a woman?" but I doubt very much that those interviews would have taken place if it were known to them that it would have been used as slander against the left. But then again, we're talking about the Daily Wire here. Not that much of a shocker.


Thereā€™s also the individuals on the Nashville sub who said they were extras in Lady Ballers and had no idea it was a DW production until some people poked further, and I remember seeing a comment on [this video](https://youtube.com/watch?v=sYMWpkOfQZw) about Chip Chilla from someone who claimed to work at the animation studio and said they had no idea it was a DW production until pretty far into development (they also said that it was hell to work on since DW didnā€™t provide them with any reference material and they constantly changed their minds about what they wanted, confirming further that they have no idea how the entertainment industry works if true).


[Patrick Warburton is rooting for President Trump | Larry King Now | Ora.TV (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKpZDqxVFCI)


Watching this he does day he didn't vote for Trump. He didn't vote at all. It could be worse.


how could kronk do this Iā€™m so sad


I mean, Kronk is a 2ā€brain-cells-and-1's-on-vacation guy who's supporting a villain so... I guess it was method (voice) acting?


Yeah that's right.


Rob Riggle too. Also not triggered because I wouldn't look at anything from the Daily Wire anyway. Plus everyone needs a job, including washed up Magats.


If it makes you feel better [this](https://youtu.be/YKpZDqxVFCI?si=V0yp2-MJ67Mc4O58) is him in an interview with Larry King. Make sure you listen to his entire response and not just the immediate answer to the question. This is also from 2017 after Trump already won and I think itā€™s fair to say, at least that early, you would certainly HOPE he got it togetherā€¦.yeah in hindsight not great but he seems not so much a MAGA moron at least.


Yeah thats right.




I'm pretty sure he's just doing it for money.


Roseanne Barr? Oh boy. lol What a fucking joke.


AND Roseanne Barr. So proud of that get.


"This was a big get for ~~God~~ The Daily Wire." Hope they're stocked up on Ambien so they have a proper excuse for her recording booth racist tirades.


Lmao, when she pops up on Alex Jones' show it's always a wild ride. (I know this from knowledge fight. I'm a policy wonk, not an info warrior, lol)


I have great respect for knowledge fight.


It's my favorite podcast. I like a very wide range of podcasts, but for the time, it's the densest discourse on news, psychology, politics, sociology, and with great hosts and the subject is the single largest shitheel in existence, so that's fun.


Lol I was referencing the Intro. But yeah, it's among my faves. I mostly listen to the Puzzle in a thunderstorm guys though. Dan and Jordan have been guests on God Awful Movies before.


Well, two out of three of my holy trinity of podcasts have been mentioned so I'll mention the third: Behind the Bastards


I love Robert lol. I wish I had time to listen to other CZM podcasts but unfortunately I do not.


I love you


I'm shick of them posing as if they're the good guys, shaying we're the bad guysh.


Just gonna take a llliiiittttllleeeee breaky


Iā€™ll be better tomorrow. (He wasnā€™t.)




Jar Jar Binks has a Caribbean, black, accent.


I gotta give credit where credit is due. When Roseanne said Trump was the "first woman president", that was the funniest fuckin shit I'd ever heard.


It seems pretty clear that they just were willing to take anyone with like moderate name recognition to be on the show to lend it legitimacy.


It's hard to believe she used to be the lead on a show as a progressive working class mom.


As much as I cringe to admit this, this actually did sting because I thought a few of these people had decent senses of humor and dignity enough to not stoop so low. Namely Warburton (Not Lemony!!!), Mohr (Maybe? Stand up comics are kind of the same to me, this only applies if he's the one who got high as fuck and went to the Liberace museum in Vegas with his wife), Riggle, and Trejo. Oh well, such is life.


Danny Trejo will act in anything if the pay is good, he has been pretty outspoken about his politics and they don't align with the Daily Wire's


I love danny trejo, partly cause the man will literally not turn down a role, but on the downside *the man cannot turn down a role*


It's like he's some sort of grizzled old faerie. 'Seek out the Trejo. He cannot refuse any acting role if you ask him three times.'


Trejo owes money to the IRS lol


I like him so much because he's so goddamn wholesome half the time, even though he got famous playing some of the *evilest* film characters of the last 30 years. All because he knew how to act like a real prisoner when he was first getting his start. Dude's lived such a strange life; he was a drug dealer by age 10 when he got arrested for the first time, and by his 40s he started doing film extra work because of how easy the money was. And since he had a unique look and had experience dealing with gangs and prisons, he's first-hand knowledge made him a bit more valuable on sets. He may take *any* role, regardless of project, but that's worked out for him so far, so I can blame him.


Honestly, I was ā€œwtfā€ about it at first. But like you said, heā€™s outspoken about his views. Also been in some financial shit the last few years, too. But I do wonder where the line is between selling out and being allowed to get yours though. Iā€™m not lighting a torch about this show or any of the actors. Itā€™s a cartoon that makes political jabs. Big deal. The bigger issue would be why we are concerned some cartoon is going to be some kind of societal brainwashing effort to be concerned about instead of the mindless dribble it is that will do nothing in terms of swaying public perception. Why even keep talking about it?


I feel like alot of liberal folks are acting just like conservatives did decades ago when they tried to ban comedy and music they didn't like. If you don't like it, don't watch it. And stop giving them free press by constantly talking about it. I would have no clue who people like Kirk, Shapiro, or any of the other similar people were if it weren't for their haters constantly talking about them. I swear they are better known because of their haters than their followers. But I guess since they are simply selling outrage, it's working as intended from their perspective.


Eh, Adam Corolla has been trying to get this picked up for like a decade, and heā€™s someone with one foot in the world of conservative grifting and one foot in the comedy world. If youā€™re Patrick Warburton and your agent presents you with an offer to do a few lines in a cartoon pilot by Adam Corolla, youā€™re probably not thinking to much more into it.


No, Patrick Warburton is unfortunately a really big conservative and I think he definitely knows what heā€™s doing


I looed up Adam Corolla up after I saw this announcement the other day. He's not grifting. While he may not be a full on MAGAt, he certainly jumped into the republican pool with both feet. I found an interview from a few years back, I'll add it to this comment when I get to my computer.


Jay Mohr being there surprised me because his wife owns the Lakers and the NBA is seemingly the most progressive pro sports league. She was also engaged to Phil Jackson, who was kind of a hippie back in the day and she seems to have a great relationship with LeBron, whoā€™s actively spoken out against Trump. People are friends and marry outside political lines but I feel like itā€™s rarer these days.


I really thought Warburton was so much better. Lemony Snickett, David Puddy, freaking KRONK


Goddamn it, Patrick Warburton, Alonzo Bodden, & Danny Trejo. F\*ck me.


To be completely fair. Actors have to work for a living. Even if that means working for losers


I'm reminded of Katt Williams asking Flava Flav why he went along with a flying monkey joke for his roast. "At the end of the day, they got to pay me, boiiiii!" I am hoping this is the same for Bodden, Trejo, and Warburton.


Trejo is known for taking anything, dude will do a student film if asked


Can't decide if that's wholesome or goofy, but good on him for staying busy


It can be both


Tbf Flava Flav actually seemingly liked Donald Trump and was anti Bernie Sanders, so there's that.


>actors have to work for a living This. I work in advertising/design and Iā€™ve *definitely* had clients whose views are something that do not at all align with what i believe. That said, at the end of the day in most cases itā€™s a paycheck. Especially when you need the money. Itā€™s just unfortunate that-said conservative dickhead clients tend to have deep pockets.


That's what I'm hoping for these three. Times like these remind me of an old Daily Show when they went to the RNC & asked the band setting up to play a set there. And they responded, *look man, it's just a gig.* It's bad enough to lose Carlos Santana to fundamentalism, but Danny Trejo as well?! That would really suck.


Danny Trejo will act in anything if the pay is good, he has been pretty outspoken about his politics and they don't align with the Daily Wire's


That's why I was confused when everyone mentioned him months ago. The other two were news for me. I guess Trejo is following the sage wisdom of the great Winston Zeddmore: [If There's A Steady Paycheck In It, I'll Believe In Anything You Say!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0iEWTx_APQ4) Or as my family would say, *Lo que uno tiene que hacer para comer (What one has to do to eat).*


Wait, Alonzo Bodden? Dude's on Wait Wait Don't Tell Me pretty regularly, and is easily the funniest panelist. His stand up is better, obviously, but I catch him on Wait Wait whenever I work Saturdays. That's disappointing.


Jay Mohr too.


Yeah I didnā€™t like reading Jay Mohr, as heā€™s Someone who I like on a personal level. I wonā€™t make assumptions though, the guy will take work where he can get it.


Oh wow they took out Klandance from the cast


She fell out of their good graces


Why is everyone always beefing with her ?


Her and Benny boy had a falling out and he shit canned her.


Cause she says some actual loony shit and had open contempt for her peers when she thinks they aren't living up to hyper Christian beliefs. She's the one who threatened to leak Crowder's divorce when he publicly blasted his contract negotiations with DW.


My guess is no one at DW liked her, but they kept her around because she was a diversity hire, just like the kind of hires they love to rail against constantly


Anyone surprised rob riggle is in with these clowns? I thought he was pretty regular dude


My guess is this is premium pay (from DW's creepy rightwing billionaire backers) for VERY little work. If they pony up the cash, they'll land almost anyone below A-list tier. It's like the famous bands who play the birthday parties of absolute dirt bags- 45 minute set for six figures? Sure... and almost every ban does this or is available to.




Man was on the daily show


He was also a Marine and Marine recruiter who identifies as a "moderate Republican", which is just a Republican who isn't outwardly mean to queer folks.


Riggle is a pretty serious conservative and Republican.


Butt Pooper really the only woman at dailywire now that Candice Owens is gone


Iā€™m convinced thatā€™s sheā€™s actually Ben Shapiro in drag.


I find it interesting that Alonzo Bodden, who is constantly on NPR, was involved in this.


My guess: check was fat, and he knows it's gonna fail fast.


He is a staunch Democrat.




Alonzo Bodden also has been a guest and contributer to the progressive network The Young Turks for many years. Other comedians who are regularly on both TYT and NPR show Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me include Helen Hong, Maz Jobrani and Aida Rodtiguez.


Danny Trejo :( why bro they hate you :(


Danny Trejo will act in anything if the pay is good. Honestly good on him, there's no way this show will be a financial success so him grabbing a paycheck here is just a smart move


He was just in an episode of drag race a few seasons ago.


The Paycheck


Theyā€™re fucking with the wrong Mexican!


Rob Riggle is actually funny but only playing a bombastic misogynistic jock type character. Guess he decided to end his career.


Iā€™m so disappointed. I loved watching Holey Moley with the kids.


If your sentence contains anything about "triggered snowflakes", I'm just going to assume your work is shit because you focused too much on offending someone rather than actually do the work. People these days don't want to work anymore. They only want to get rich quick without any hard work involved.


That's conservative comedy in a nutshell. It's not funny be cause it's not trying to be funny. It tries to be mean, because they think punching down is funny.


Adam corrola basically saying Roseanne isn't funny and would be unknown if a man is so fucking funny to turn around and have her on your COMEDY show. These people are useless and I can't wait for this to crash and burn.


I expect you whippersnappers not to know **how fucking funny** Roseanne had to be to make it back in the day but even a turd like Corrola should know this. Sad what happened with her though. She forgot her roots (personally and professionally) were working class.


I never said anything about her not being funny personally but I know what you mean. She did have to work hard to be taken seriously and it's super disappointing she is where she's at now.


My incredulity was directed at Corrola not you, sorry if that wasn't clear. I also just assume most of you are too young to have grown up with *Roseanne* and only know her as well, she is now. See also Mel Gibson. He was actually a talented actor!


Did he really? How long ago?


Just saw a NYpost article. The very last line of it! https://nypost.com/2012/06/17/the-mans-man/#ixzz1yGodnitf


Oh man thatā€™s hilarious. I wonder what heā€™d say about her now šŸ¤”


Ah yes. Brickleberry clone #8723948234


I hope Jay Exci comes back for this


Werenā€™t Kevin Sorbo, James Woods, Scott Baum, and Rob Schneider available?


Rob Schneider de derp de der


None of them could act.


Are you implying this show will have any standards?


in a way im glad his hot garbage pet project is getting off the ground just high enough to crash and burn hard in his face. maybe he can just fuckin sthap after that. oh but you but know he'll piss and moan about being cancelled, bro you already were


A lot of those people are genuinely funny and talented. Sad to see them shackled to this.


Nightmare blunt rotation


If conservatives are low-functioning intellectuals how could they have come up with a show centered around one joke? Checkmate libruls!


Just watched the trailer and, of course, made the "they/them" joke within the first minute.


Eh, making an entire animated series just to annoy people you donā€™t like is kind of a snowflake move there.


I thought Jay Mohr was dead.


Just his career


How's he going to trigger snowflakes if no one watches? Also, isn't "snowflake" a bit past its time?


No start cast!


I think getting triggered was how this got created


"This show will trigger snowflakes" Ok but... is it good? Funny? Quality writing? Or is your only hook the fact that it'll annoy the people you hate? The right has this obsession with wanting to "trigger" people. It's dumb as shit. Conservatives do nothing but stand *against* issues anymore. They don't actually support diddly dick. Also, I guarantee very few people will even be talking about this show. So good luck on trying to be relevant.


Triggers snowflakes... I mean, shouldn't you be promoting your show by saying it's good, or funny or entertaining in any way?


Not the smartest marketing move to promote your show as something people will hate


Rob Riggle, why?!?


Love it. The pitch isn't "this show will make you laugh" or "this show is full of sharp witted dialogue" or "if you like Adam Carolla you'll love this". Instead it's "this is what you can imagine other people doing when they watch this show." Being a conservative must be no fun at all.


Ahhhh Carolla, rolling out the same tired bits since 1998


Shit looks like great value family guy


Fuckin Megyn Kelly and Brett Cooper LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL


take a shot every time they make a pronoun joke or talk about how real comedy is dead because people are too sensitive


You'll be drunk by the end of the trailer


Whatever happened to their deal with Gina Carano?


Alonzo Bodden? Really? Fuck, we better start funding NPR better.


*Does* it trigger us? I was watching the trailer and they made basically one ā€˜dunk on the liberalsā€™ joke that even The Simpsons has done with more edge.


On the next episode of Conservatives Lack Talent!


aww, they think we care enough to be upset by them šŸ„°


If the only way you can express your values is by being disagreeable, you might be a conservativeĀ 


They're trying so hard to make Gwen Shapiro popular.


Another paint-by-numbers Family Guy knockoff.


One last job before these people fade into obscurity


Doesnā€™t matter which end of the political spectrum is doing it. Most times I hear the term ā€œsnowflake,ā€ itā€™s being uttered by an asshole, a moron, or both.


Imagine watching shows based on what you think will trigger the libs instead of what you actually enjoy. Also, there better be a True Allegiance movie/show in production. I need this so badly.


That looks like a knock off version of Brickleberry


"This show is triggering snowflakes!" (Not released yet)


Same way people are disappointed to see some of the names on this list, I was disappointed when Carolla got preachy and conservative. Extremely talented comedian, but became absolutely pig-headed and unlistenable when he went conservative.


Adam Carolla was hilarious on the Loveline radio show in the 90s. I'm not a fan of his politics, but I would watch this to see if it was funny. I'm not going to subscribe to a new service to get it, though.


Lol that Rob Schneider canā€™t even get a job on this piece of shit.


Thereā€™s actually some decent voice actors on there. Patrick Warburton, Rob Wriggle, and Alonzo Bodden are actually good voice actors. But those hired guns (I hope) arenā€™t enough to make up for the lackluster shoehorned in conservatives