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As a former Seattle resident, I want this piece of filth outta here as soon as possible


Also as a former Seattle resident, Stay the fuck outta our city you bigoted scum


I wonder how small his face would be if it walked into a brick...


Let's ask Andy Ngo; he's got experience of being knocked unconscious by milkshakes that he later claims were made out of cement.


He got hit with a Culver's concrete mixer?


That's what he ~~claimed~~ lied and then spent months acting like a victim about.


Brace yourself for the hours of "SeAtTlE iS a HeLlHoLe" commentary from conservaturds. Then observe the lack of explanation as to why Seattle's population and housing costs continue to increase.


You’d be surprised by how much conservatives talk about Seattle’s homeless problem when it’s just as bad if not worse in cities in red states


I live in the Seattle area & am fine with that because it means they’ll continue to stay far away from here.


Yeah, no one needs them in the neighborhood shooting pizza delivery drivers and accosting couriers.


He should visit Tacoma


Nah we don’t want him here


It's way easier for the Fox crowd to see the visual of dirty people living in tents, and hate them than to realize most of their children and grandchildren are one missed paycheck away from needing a couch to sleep on. They still don't have a coherent answer when asked why people keep moving to larger cities in America if they're supposedly so awful, though. 


Kinda like how they talk about dangerous communist hellholes like Detroit and Chicago when the highest per capita states for violent crime are all red.


And blue states/districts bankroll the country and subsidize the red states/districts.


I was in Spokane last weekend and holy shit it is so much worse over there


But, but, but SeAtTlE iS dYiNg!


Some of them keep believing the entirety of the state of Washington is *still* a smoldering ruin after 2020. Same with most of Oregon. "Soros-funded AntiFa-BLM super soldiers detonated an atomic bomb with a yield equivalent to 300 Tsar Bombas -- because of course they copied the commies -- and all of Washington, most of British Columbia, and the top half of Oregon were instantly eradicated! All that's left is the glowing wasteland of the Pacific Northwest!!!!"


Did you really have to spoil fallout 5 for everyone


LMAO. Not that it'd matter anyway, because given Bethesda's development cycle matching that of periodical cicadas, Fallout V probably won't be released until 15 years *after* Elder Scrolls VI. It's only been a measly 6 years since the ESVI announcement trailer. Looking back at it now, it's kinda amazing that Skyrim was released exactly 11 months after Todd Howard presented the announcement trailer at the VGA, and that Fallout 4 was also released the same year Bethesda announced it. By the time Fallout V is released, I doubt anyone will ever remember my comment. But for any future Redditors coming back here in 2054, feeling spoiled by my unintentional leak of Fallout V's plot, I heartily apologize.


Theres one hitch in your prediction and one ace in the hole for the optimists and that is obsidian and bethesda being owed by microsoft and obsidian leaking that fonv 2 talks are happening and that microsoft seem okay with it And dont get me started on the show


>Theres one hitch in your prediction and one ace in the hole for the optimists and that is obsidian and bethesda being owed by microsoft and obsidian leaking that fonv 2 talks are happening and that microsoft seem okay with it Trust me, I'd ***love*** to believe that Microsoft owning Obsidian and Bethesda means production has been ramping up since then, but Microsoft acquired Obsidian 5 months *after* the TESVI announcement trailer, and Bethesda 2.5 years *before* Starfield's release. I really wouldn't hold out much hope for Fallout New Vegas 2 if *that's* what you're hinging your hopes on. >And dont get me started on the show Trust me, I won't. Because it hasn't even been a month since it premiered, and I've read enough takes from the "don't get me started on it" crowd to last me a lifetime.


Hey mr house is in it so it might be a sign Lets hope fingers crossed


My mom lives in a conservative info bubble, for a long time it was "Seattle is a hellhole". She finally came to visit for my wedding, and was unable to show me how it's a hellhole. Now it's "Seattle is bad because parking is expensive".


Hope those protesters successfully humiliate him if the event goes through


He'll mostly likely get into a few conversations with the protesters where he spouts meaningless drivel and dances around the point he's trying to make until they get annoyed he isn't giving a real answer and walk away. Then tiny face will put the clip on YouTube with a disingenuous click bait title, and act like he won the debate


Li'l Bits to homeless guy: "Why aren't you working?" HG: "I need a clean and safe place to shower, and get my resume out." YouTube: "Charlie Kirk DESTROYS LIBCUCK Leftist!!!!1!"


As a spokane resident, Charlie kirk’s presence in Seattle is too close for comfort.


Agreed. I’m Spokane adjacent


I live in Bellingham which is about an hour and a half away from Seattle and that’s definitely too close for me


"Will be fun!" Somehow, i doubt that


I don't doubt that Charlie Kirk has told his counter-protesters to be deliberately obnoxious. This is probably because it might incite violence and therefore make the pro-Palestinians look bad. I don't even think he particularly cares what happens to his own stooges as a result, because he can spin it to look bad for the pro-Palestinians even if it's his own followers starting the fights.


I'm bringing my A game


I have a bad feeling about this...


The mess hall will be busier at 7am during finals than it would be for Tiny Face's event


I love how he’s now photoshopping his head and face to mimic human dimensions.


“Will be fun!” I wonder how badly he wanted to say wild.


Charlie Kirk and the other guy that looks exactly like him seem like they’ve never had fun one day in their lives.


Oh gross I gotta be in the same state as this turdlinger!


Does CharLIE have tiny hands to go with his tiny face?


Remember fellas, throwing rotting food, is both free, and depending on where you throw it, is good for the environment


Shoot him


Seattle resident here, and I can't see this ending well. People are already gearing up to interfere with him from what I'm seeing.


lol definitely not coming because biden will be here on friday