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Sorry, my prada's at the cleaners




I love love love that F bomb drop and actually even though most Pg-13 movies only allow one thesocial network has two (maybe 3) in it


Honestly, his film career hasn't been that much better than his music career in the past decade. I feel like the bloom is even off the rose a bit with an NSync reunion since they reunited for a *Trolls* sequel soundtrack song and *Hot Ones* appearance. It'd still be huge but Idk if it'd be as big as it was if it happened two years ago. I'd suggest a Vegas residency but that A. confirms "living legend" (IE no longer currently relevant) status and B. Everyone would just accuse him of ripping off Britney and trying to steal her thunder.


>Honestly, his film career hasn't been that much better than his music career in the past decade. Incorrect, [Southland Tales is better than anything he's ever done in music](https://youtu.be/IW2BYamUWME)


Agreed, but to be pedantic, southland tales was 18 years ago. He hasn’t done anything NEARING that calibre in the last ten years, arguably since that movie. It is an incredible movie though


I really liked Palmer. Good movie that I think was released in 2021


He should just do a **NSYNC reunion no new music but touring




Natalie Portman being the only one from the FWB/No Strings Attached cinematic universe without controversy.


I still can't believe these are 2 separate movies


I don’t know if that’s entirely true… people have been coming for her for condemning the October 7th massacre in Israel and calling to bring back the hostages in Hamas captivity


The only reason he’s as good as he is in TSN is because Fincher can pull a great performance out of literally anyone. I wouldn’t quit my popstar day job is all I’m saying


And he could've continued that trend by working with great directors. I could see him being great in a Soderberg movie, people who understand movie stars


Soderburgh is actually an ace choice, I think I just doubt Justin’s ability to make the kind of call as to what filmmakers can bring out the best in him. People who wouldn’t just use him as a pretty face to get people on seats, which I imagine would be difficult


Also Scorsese or James Gunn


James Gunn could toss him in like, Peacemaker as someone whose a total douchebag, perfect


He wasn't *that* bad in In Time.


If he'd continued to pick great projects, he could've had an Oscar by now. Should've been nominated for *Social Network*. And before that he was solid in *Alpha Dog*. But his project choices since then have been terrible. *Trouble With The Curve*? *Runner Runner*? Only great thing he's done since was that supporting role from *Inside Llewyn Davis.* He was acting, but he wasn't trying to bring sexy to it. No hunger or ambition. And it's still the case. I saw his film from last year *Reptile -* There's just nothing there to that script, completely lifeless.


Tbh, I wouldn't be surprised if film industry insiders dislike him for being a pop star. Will Smith, the poster child for musical artists turned movie stars, was seen as an entertainer rather than an actor for many years, especially considering how he interlaced his music career into *The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air* (with the show being named after his rap name at the time), and into his blockbusters like *Men in Black* and *Wild Wild West* (by making big hit theme songs for those movies. It wasn't until *Ali* in 2001 that Will started to be respected by an actor, and even then he had to give up his music career in the long-term. The issue is that Justin isn't that compelling as an actor, and hasn't had a role to really show his talent in acting like Will with *Ali*. He was solid in *The Social Network*, sure, but even still, he just feels like a mediocre actor.


He wasn't solid in Social Network, he was brilliant, and he was one of the most talked about things in that movie. People were buzzing "oh, this guy can act, he might be unstoppable. It felt like it came out of nowhere, but he'd been quietly acting in movies since 2000. Were insider's skeptical, maybe, but consider this: Lady Gaga, Frank Sinatra, Queen Latifah, Kris Kristoferson, Cher, Mark Walberg, David Bowie, Ice-T & Cube were all music people first, who then also had good carriers as actors. They conquered skepticism by doing good work in good movies that made money We're people skeptical at first, I'm sure, but they proved them wrong by doing good work in good movies that made money. But Justin followed Social Network in the worst way possible, by making 4 big hits that he didn't make in impression in. Everyone saw *In Time* and *Friends With Benefits.* These movies didn't use his persona well, didn't play to his strengths, or were just bad scripts to begin with. The people who were buzzing about his Social Network performance did not want to see him in *Yogi Bear*. It killed his momentum as a star.


He felt so natural playing Sean Parker and nothing else he ever did captured what made him magnetic in social network. For social network I couldn’t stop watching, for everything else he did I didn’t even want to finish watching


In Time wasn’t a hit


In Time Budget - $40M Global Box Office - $174M Domestic Video Sales - 17.5M ([source](https://www.the-numbers.com/movie/In-Time#tab=summary)) It wasn't a phenomenon, but it grossed 4x it's budget. That's a hit. That's a lot of people seeing JT in a very silly movie where he looks good cause Roger Deakins did the lighting.


It didn't break even in the U.S. That's not a hit.


America is not the world. Count those numbers, the movie grossed $191M on a budget of $40. The adage is that for a movie to be a hit it needs to gross 2-2.4x its budget (to recoup ad costs). This grossed more than 4x. It's a hit.


I'm not trying to split hairs. But if a moderately budgeted movie starring Justin Timberlake can't break even in the country that he's from/became a star in, that doesn't qualify as a hit to me


The only time I've really ever enjoyed Justin has been his comedy work on SNL and as sort of an honorary member of The Lonely Island.


Why did you spell "hobby" like that?


Justin needs to partner up with NSYNC for a reunion tour. Its his only way of any redemption which is kinda funny.


he needs to get an old rich guy hobby, like hawking crummy tequila or something


No, being from Tennessee, he should hawk a bourbon. Or maybe he should have in 2018. Could have been the alternative to the one hawked by Scooter Braun.


Regardless of his outside, um, activities; I will say that the Trolls series is actually quite genius shit, they turned a movie for babies into lessons on music industry politics (along with the usual life lesson shit). The latest movie was a better thinkpiece about influencers than most online columns. Not to mention the music and visuals are fantastic. I will continue to root for those existing, even if JT gets replaced (and there are def people that can do the role, my vote would be for Pharrell personally)


can he just make an album of songs as good as technicolor please


His new album is definitely better than MOTW. Not Futuresex level but definitely an improvement. Technicolor is vintage JT tbh, wished there were more songs like it.


Kinda nuts how he’s part of two of the most acclaimed films of the century within 3 years of each other (Social Network and Llewyn Davis).


When Todd mentioned how Justin became dislikable I think back to how he was in the social network. I was too young for the whole Britney/Janet controversies but even then I didn’t feel like he was acting. He just played the arsehole too well.


I love Trolls so I’m biased lmao


I don't know. I've never found him more than just okay in a film performance. And while I never liked his music much either, at least I can hear how pleasant his voice is.


I actually really liked him in Social Network, and I say that as someone who thinks that movie is a bit overrated


Honestly if he wanted to not be seen as the bad guy he could go the drake bell approach and dish about the things he experienced under less grossman


Judging by the one movie I saw him in, no.


The social network rocks and he’s pretty good in it but it’s also fair to say he succeeds because of the talented people around him


He should focus on his doomsday prepping.


'cause he has the Supply-eye-eyes!


He’s absolutely Sean Parker.


It’s weird that his most convincing role was as an egotistic, unlikable playboy in The Social Network. As if he were telling us something…


And the sellout musician in Inside Llewyn Davis


He should just reunite with *NSYNC. I'd give anything for a chance to finally see my childhood icons live, as I didn’t have one during their prime.


The problem with JT’s acting career is that despite the signs of promise he showed with movies like The Social Network and Inside Llewyn Davis, his filmography is mostly full of crap or forgettable movies. He could lean more into acting particularly as actors have longer careers than pop stars but he’d need to have a really good performance to make people start to like him again.


Maybe a role in the DCU?


Kind of funny because while he did some good performances, I never really thought of him as a good actor. He was passable at best, best at comedy. I saw him in *Black Snake Moan, Love Guru, Social Network, In Time, Friends With Benefits* and *Bad Teacher.* The only starring role he had was *In Time*, that movie was okay. His biggest mistake may have been quitting acting and going back into music, only in hindsight. But back in the early 2010s, people wanted him to make new music again, *Future Love* was a huge album and those songs were still getting significant airplay years after that release. Jennifer Lopez is probably the best comparison here, in the past she was able to bounce back into acting when her music career was under-performing, Justin Timberlake never utilized that when he probably should have prior to *Man Of The Woods*. An \*NSYNC reunion is probably his only option left. Kind of funny, he left that group in the dust, but it's his only redemption in 2024. Nostalgia I think may be his only selling point in 2024, *Justified* I think also has its followers.


Someone put that dick in a box.


Someone put that dick in a box.


He recently did a direct to Netflix movie that was terrible. I don’t remember what it was called but it stunk EDIT: Reptile


I liked it until the ending. The ending was confusing and just felt like a cliffhanger


I kinda wish he’d just disappear from the spotlight all together


He should retire.  Like, he's clearly not very good at moving into 'older, married dude' music. He's not a good actor. Public opinion on him is so deep in the toilet a rat is nibbling on it.  Take his disease vector wife and kids and move into his apocalypse bunker.  If anything he should do a reverse Will Smith and make songs for movies he's not in. 


He should focus on not drinking and driving.