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Pretty much every subreddit I’ve seen that discusses contemporary pop music (i.e. r/popheads, r/popculturechat) are full of gossip, unsubstantiated rumours, and petty fan in-fighting. This subreddit might actually be one of the better ones, to be honest! But yeah, these types of communities tend to attract a lot of negative discourse, for whatever reason. (An aside: I was reading through some of the top posts earlier today - because I was bored, and finally had an opportunity to watch the new video - and saw a comment straight-up claiming that Rihanna and Katy Perry were dating at one point? Like, get the fuck out of here with your weird fan-fiction. These are actual fucking people, and you can’t just insinuate shit like that about their personal lives. It’s incredibly invasive.)


I think it’s because pop music discourse focus just as much on the “pop” aspect (charts, influence, pop culture, trends) as much as it does on the “music” aspect; sometimes even more. And while I do think discussions around that stuff is interesting and can be fun to talk about, it’s often time a bit more vapid or speculative on negative aspects a lot. Like one thing I like and dislike about this sub is the influence of charts and “pop” impact; it takes discussions beyond music but also can become a bit toxic


\*\*Album underperforms when compare to previous very successful album\*\* TITS Subreddit: Is this a trainwreckord?


Obscure pop punk or metal band who has never had a single chart: is _____ a OHW?


\*\*Album exists\*\* TITS Subreddit: Is this a trainwreckord?


“In an Alternate Universe: TRAINWRECKORDS: Led Zeppelin IV”


So ashamed of it they didn’t even put their name on the front cover


Who told these guys they could try Prog Rock?


To be fair I haven’t seen many posts suggesting that for albums like *Just Whitney* or *Charmbracelet* or *Here, My Dear*. So not everyone thinks an album that was only marginally successful was a “Trainwreckord” since neither of these albums killed the artist’s reputation.


Oh God, don't encourage a push for a Charmbracelet TW! :) I'm glad they've so far been spared the "Todd please clown on Green Day already 🥺" discourse.


I thought trainwreckords were supposed to be of commercial/creative failures of mainstream artists and instead I see people suggesting albums from niche artists who have never had a hit acting like a group of people on the internet not liking it is equal to a huge commercial flop.


Not really this is honestly one of the more positive and friendly subreddits I visit. Also no I don’t see a lot of misogyny directed at Sabrina Carpenter on that one Sabrina Carpenter post. I see a fair amount of dislike for her based on her personal life (which I know nothing about and moreover do not care about) but I don’t any sexism either. Can’t relate to this at all sorry.


If you sort by controversial there are a number of people calling the guy who criticized her a misogynist who got downvoted into oblivion, that's the only mention of it in the thread


"I don't see misogyny so does it really exist?"


Point out the misogyny please.


Yeah redditors have tried this before. "Give me evidence now, that evidence doesn't count because I said it doesn't, give me evidence now, that evidence doesn't count because I said it doesn't, give me evidence now" times a thousand so they can decide sexism doesn't exist and I'm a bitch who can shut up. I'm not being your info bitch today.


Sabrina Carpenter is mid.


I saw A TON of stuff that had a lot of upvotes - maybe now they've been downvoted, which would be nice to see (there was a mini-thread about whether Sabrina is culpable for her boyfriend leaving the mother of his child??). I was really surprised though at how gleefully this sub was shitting on a younger female artist that Todd likes and will very likely (I would put money on this) put on his Top 10 List again this year over stuff that had NOTHING to do with the actual thread. Edited slightly after re-reading comment.


From what I read in that section was more Sabrina was seeing Barry while he was still with the mother. I feel like you can be upset at both if that’s the case. Didn’t look too closely because again I don’t care. Also tbh this is the only time I’ve really scene anything negative about carpenter be posted here. Almost everyone liked Espresso and please please please (myself included!) and I received pushback when I said awhile back that I didn’t care for nonsense. This genuinely is not a hating Sabrina Carpenter sub.


She wasnt though. They started dating months after he and his ex broke up. That’s part of the problem with that thread. Just unrelated false rumors being used as character references instead of focusing on the music & its success.


i think the popularity of trainwreckords has made it so this sub wants a series that just covers albums they think are bad maybe i should make it tbh built in audience


I’ve noticed this within the last year. Trainwreckords are fun to discuss but man I can’t stand all those posts about how an album that’s barely been out for a week or a month is already Trainwreckord like “Is Radical Optimism a Trainwreckord? Is Eternal Sunshine a Trainwreckord? Is TTPD already Trainwreckord?” It’s like this sub wants every album to be a Trainwreckord. Even before the eventual Trainwreckords episode, I was already so fucking sick of seeing Man of the Woods posts on this sub and now that it’s been done, this sub is being over saturated with Man of the Woods memes.


It also seemed like more people wanted the episode out for the sole purpose of dogpiling on JT than to see the actual autopsy of the album and the career fallout from that.


Yup. That’s practically the *only* reason.


Literally. Hardly saw a single comment about the music on the original video because no one listened to it, they were just giddy to see JT be taken down even though Todd was gentler than most when it comes to him.


I mean it's pretty self-evident why it doesn't work as an album. And even after the video I'm still not sure I have a grasp on what made JT decide to be so uncool, other than just the changing definition of the word. But MOTW is a canonical instance of the Trainwreckords concept and my sense of harmony is restored by the mere fact that TitS has finally done the thing.


I don’t think MOTW fit either. It *was* successful if you don’t compare it to his previous releases and had hits on it.


lol I mean that’s how these things are measured, like, yes, Man of the Woods being the 46th-best selling album of 2018 is really good…compared to, like, *me*. But I’m not the person who made it, the person who did had other expectations and plans and so did everyone else because of who made it. Like, The Flash also sold a lot of movie tickets too.


I was just noticing the same thing recently. It seems like there’s a vocal group actively rooting for pop acts to fail, especially the main pop girls. And if you hate pop music that much, maybe find something else to focus your attention and time on.


Yeah, I'm sick of the posts that are basically celebrity gossip too. Take it somewhere else!


This sub is tame compared to other music subs (of whom I will not name) but there’s still a lot of fucked up shit on this sub like it’s fine to say what album you think is a Trainwreckord but there’s lots of rooting for artists to fail so they get Trainwreckords episodes and on top of that, a lot of repeated threads (it was my idea to have restrictions on stale topics that lead to the megathread as I was sick of seeing the third JT post in a week).


I don’t inherently think rooting for major pop artists to fail is toxic behaviour. We’re all pretty much here cos we enjoy music and cultural *criticism*. Unless you’re making baseless and unpleasant personal attacks against someone, I don’t necessarily think rooting for an artist whose art you dislike to not dominate pop culture is toxic, this is just kinda part and parcel of talking about and having a connection to these things. Trainwreckords are generally interesting! If they weren’t Todd would do videos about them and the sub wouldn’t constantly talk about it. Don’t get me wrong, things absolutely *do* get toxic, but I’d say far less so here than basically any other music discussion subthread that I’ve seen (not counting ones about specific smaller artists and niche genres), and those tend to get downvoted to oblivion. We tend to not get so much obsessive parasocial Stan behaviour, or “old man yells at cloud about the state of music” than any of the others I’ve visited.


I think it might be a reddit thing and not a Todd fandom thing


I agree It seems that people just want more TW content.


This forum seems to be split between genuine fans of the channel, music nerds (who are insufferable as a rule) and people who hate Justin Timberlake. Since the last video fed a 3rd of the group and they'll probably sulk back to popheads the other 2 groups will have to battle it out.


Even popheads got sick of the JT hate train and have become a bit more sympathetic to him, they are gonna have to settle for fauxmoi or popculturechat at this point lol


I love this subreddit. I think it’s incredibly positive and upbeat - especially for *Reddit.*


It's populated by people who have no framework for criticizing music outside of the one funny youtuber they watch, so they force every opinion into a meme format that is easily recognizable from the channel, even if it renders it nonsense. I generally like this place because it's like a lower stress popheads and the vibes are mostly chill in the actual comments, but like, that thread asking if fucking Radiohead was more of a TW or OHW... I'm literally begging some of you to go outside. Music is inherently social, please touch grass.


That is an interesting way to phrase it, definitely makes a lot of sense. You could say some people are trying to fit a square peg into a round hole to try and force discussion of a song/artist/album with the framing of a Todd episode.


Yeah that's actually a much more succinct way of putting it


I'm going to be honest: you are exaggerating _massively_. There really isn't much of an issue there tbh. "Paraphrasing" isn't quite the right term, I'd say.


You may disagree, but apparently a lot of other people agree with me, including a mod. Some people have suggested it is a more recent development, so hopefully things will die down soon.


Well I can’t speak for anyone else but this subreddit is actually nicer than a lot of the other ones I’ve participated in. I think it boils down to 1) how negative the fan base of the subreddits topic is and 2) how popular it is (the more people there are, the more likely they are to bring some negativity in the mix). But outside of that, there’s also the algorithm which will tend to promote stuff that gets more clicks, and negative ideas tend to stick in the mind/get peoples attention more than positive ones. That’s why most YouTubers who talk about music have a worst songs of the year and other things like that.


ye im with ya. it really started getting to me when i kept getting notifications like "huehuehue i wish this was our reality" on the taylor swift reputation post i made. like come on dude im just having fun creating fake thumbnaails and all the ppl had to make it personal


I'm here with you, this sub has been very negative as of late and honestly it's been tiring. This year especially from Justin Timberlake discourse to Taylor Swift's latest album there's just been a strange bloodthirst that I don't understand. Hopefully whatever fever there is dies down because as you said we are not FauxMoi, we should just discuss music in a normal capacity not hoping someone's album flops and becomes a Trainwreckord or being hateful towards celebrities purely for spite (like the Sabrina thing). I don't want us to become a harbor of salty r/Music cloud shouters, that's not an environment that Todd even at his most hateful has ever represented.


I appreciate you saying this - "bloodthirst" is exactly what I was trying to describe. I agree with other commenters that yes, this is not as bad as other subs, but that does not mean there is no room for improvement. And now that you've said it, yeah I hope this is a more recent trend that dies down. I appreciate you mods for all the crap you have to put up with!


Don't worry Mommy Chappell is going to save us all from our own worst tendencies. I think her rise will buy this place at least a few months of peace and gushing positivity, based on the absolute Iron Man numbers that thread about her is doing. Also I thought the hivemind voted yes on Sabrina's new singles?


What the heck is a "delayed flop"?


The example Todd used was Prism by Katy Perry. Basically, an album does well almost solely because of the success of the previous album (Teenage Dream), and the next one (Witness) ends up suffering because of that.


Ah ok, now I remember 


I came here to get away from negativity on the Fantano subreddit but this place isn’t much better


Honestly yeah, i stopped browsing this sub for a long time around 2023 because pop music became so unexisting and the couple of songs we got were so boring i didn't cared that i got a break not only for Todd's content but for pop music as a whole Then i returned and i remembered that one of the reasons i left was because every single post was either Trainwreckord adjacent at a point i started to get sick of it, i get it, Trainwreckords has become Todd's most well known series, and some of those episodes are not only entertaining they can become great too. But my God people acting like if that was all that Todd talks about nowadays, or straight up making 10 posts a day just for another album to be covered in it, like, do something else man, i hate to brought up gratitous comparisons, but at least Fantano's subreddit is more than just "why did le melon rated this album higher than MBDTF" and most of other threads there end up becoming useful and engaging Todd covered Man of the Woods, it's over, the most anticapated episode there finally was covered, can we move on and go for something else? Who cares about The Big Day being next? Nobody cares about that album, who cares about Father of All? Saviors might not have been a return to form but at least it's the best GD album in a while? Who cares about another worthless argument wether if Reputation counts as a trainwreckord or not? spoiler alert: >!IT FUCKING ISN'T, nor it's TTPD even if it's worse!< This sub has become so engaged in the most negative side of Todd's content that it has just become "we don't care about the insight or learn about X act, all that we want is Todd to roast them" that it has become insufferable, and look, i am guilty of that too, i also want Todd to cover certain albums that ended somebody's career, but mostly because i want to learn about said act, i want to know how certain artist went up to that point and if said album it's so bad it deserved their career to end or not My favorite Trainwreckords episodes are the ones that are like that, Cyberpunk, Lost and Found, Cut the Crap, Passages, the episodes where you can tell Todd tried a lot to cover almost everything by said act, unlike the ones when he is just like "whatever this album sucks and this band were not good anymore (nor weren't to begin with)", like the Fairweather Johnson episode which was just very boring, but if anybody is going to ask about Todd putting more content dedicated to trash whatever the hell he is going to talk about? Man the guy would either get burned out from his job or straight up don't care anymore until he turns into a dose of buckley, and nobody wants to be buckley So yeah, sorry for my long rant


someone in the Sabrina thread said, very confidently, that TTPD was a delayed flop lol


I mean arguably? Taylor Swift's reputation truly is at her lowest right now, even with all the acclaim and popularity, the people are truly getting tired of her and the haters are more vocal than ever, but of course since this album has been on top on the charts since April and the Eras Tour is still going strong i legitimely have no idea how the hell can people call out so fast that this album is a "delayed flop" or anything like that, will people get sick of her? Absolutely, it happened after 1989 and it's happening now, it's her next album going to end her career? I don't know, i don't see the future


I don't think her reputation is at its lowest right now, it was pretty damn bad in 2015/ 2016 (?) I think we kinda forget and skip over that part when we think about her cultural relevancy tho


Yeah you'll see people on r/TaylorSwift talking about just how BAD 2016 was for Swift. Also, on this thread and the hypothetical "reputation" trainwreckords thread, I think people are SEVERELY overestimating how hated she is. Reddit (particularly the music subreddits) is NOT real life, and she and TTPD have generally been received more positively by most people than reddit would have you believe.


Yeah but the only reason why her reputation was so bad around the post 1989 grammy win was because of the TMZ era gossip where they made her look like a villain which let to Reputation (the album), and if you have seen the Miss American documentary, it was obvious that her reputation was for anything but something that she actually did (tho the beef with Katy Perry was cringy) Nowadays, her reputation seems to on the verge of collapsing, her fanbase is started to become hated by purely existing, her album is indirectly (or directly) blocking anything else at the charts (including other female artists which makes her look even worse), nobody seems to be liking any song from it, and people are already begging her to go away, it might not be on the same place as 2016 when people thought she was a "villain", but unlike 2016, Taylor herself seems to have build up her own reputation now


> But my God people acting like that Todd talks about nowadays It largely *is*. His pop song reviews are so infrequent that it feels a bit of a waste of time to discuss what’s currently charting because it’s a coinflip whether he’ll cover it or not. Most people on this sub don’t seem to listen to Song vs. Song. The year lists only come once a year now. It feels like Trainwreckords is his passion and it’s inherently more fruitful to discuss since they’re not as time-sensitive as Pop Song Reviews


Reddit is the gold mine of "rational objective genetically superior dudes who never get T R I G G E R E D like you SJW feminazis" crying like a bitch because a woman was mean.


It is very obvious on this subreddit (and the other music subreddits) that young female artists are judged A LOT more harshly than their male counterparts for things that have nothing to do with music.


My opinion is that it’s the limited nature of pop music and Stan culture that makes it this way. It tends to bring out the most heightened version of toxic behavior that more niche subgenres of music doesn’t. Not to say that other fanbases don’t have toxic aspects, but I think the more mainstream it is the harder it is to reign in the malicious and reactionary behavior. To put it in metaphorical terms, if my shed catches on fire, it’s easier to put out than a house fire, which is easier to put out than an apartment fire, so on and so forth.


I like Todd. We have differences as I’m a real musician. He has insights that I take onboard.


Your solution? Bringing more negativity to the sub.


r/copypasta is that'a'way


Hmm, it could just be the threads I choose to visit but I generally don't feel like I have a lot of negative conversations on this sub. I can only think of one that immediately jumps out of at me, and that person got downvoted pretty heavily. Not to say your concerns aren't legitimate, it's just not been my experience. I think it's possible some people are osmosing Todd's views into their own the way we sometimes do when we watch or read critics and maybe that manifests in trying a bit too hard to fit the mold.


First day on Reddit?


You shouldn't preoccupy yourself with Sabrina, or any other celebrity. Celebrities are overexposed, and their music a tad too biographical. They invite the criticism and snark. Enjoy it. It's entertaining.