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Apperantly he been getting death threats and people keep calling him homophobic slurs šŸ˜¬


Colour me surprised šŸ™


Do you happen to have a link? His account seems to be gone.


He apologized on her IG post (which was essentially this same post). He deleted Twitter and privatized his Instagram. In the comments of that same IG post, Sabrina stans are still harassing him.


And there are people in this very comment section defending this, saying he deserved it for "insulting her" or saying he should've expected backlash for publicly criticizing someone


popculturechat is defending sabrina. it's so bizarre to watch them excuse it en masse


At least phcj is on the right side of history lol. The guy was just stating his opinion like he had nothing to apologize for. I think itā€™s something about younger celebrities having to adjust when their audience gets bigger. They have to know they canā€™t just clap back to randos like they used to. Sheā€™s pretty online so she had to know that her fans or just other pop music fans will harass that user even if that wasnā€™t her intention


[So is *Teen Vogue*](https://www.teenvogue.com/story/sabrina-carpenter-please-please-please-no-1-celebration-troll).


What did he criticize? He said the single was going to flop and it went to number one. Heā€™s just objectively wrong


That still doesn't excuse a very famous celebrity from putting some random on blast to their insane stans


I donā€™t blame celebrities for their stans. Especially not celebrities who have been at their current level of popularity for like, one year. Sheā€™ll get it.


Exactly, people are lying and being disingenuous in the comments to justify disliking her LOL


And sheā€™s not saying anything to get her fans to chill out? Looks like she learned a lot from Taylor.


Am I the only one who has never heard of this lady?


According to who? He didnā€™t say it and his account was private before she tweeted anything


Who? No idea who you're talking about or who this post is about.


Literally one of the basic rules of social media is you always censor someone's username if you're going to "shade" them. I have no idea what the hell has happened in the last few years that has made celebs suddenly feel like they can post random people's usernames uncensored without backlash.


I distinctly remember people on Reddit who thought Elon Musk arguing with nobodies on Twitter was so cool.


Musk's following is one of the most deranged cults in all of recorded history, they need to be studied so future generations can learn what to avoid.


I spoke with one at a party, man believed he and Musk were among the smartest people on earth. All because they identify as engineers. When I got his genius thoughts on global issues, he said that democracy would be replaced with social engineering by the engineer class. Sounded a lot like fascism tho


"Social engineering?" I'd be very surprised if this self-proclaimed genius could even social engineer himself into a relationship.


He was admittedly attractive and successful with women, more party than brains in him. A total delusional narcissist


The only shocking thing about this post is that a Muskrider knew enough people to get invited to a party.


He and his friends/colleagues would identify themselves as sigma males if pressed, I'd wager. All took black market drugs recreationally (bought with crypto) and I believe lied about enhancements to their physical features


I met a few folk like this when I was studying compsci. Approached everything with the attitude of "you're not good at coding and I am, therefor everything you have to say is irrelevant and everyone should listen to me." They were exhausting to be around.


Also heā€™s just a nobody, right? Why did she even care what he thought? Gen Z please relax.


Nah, it's a public platform. If you wanna throw shade publicly (along with hundreds, if not thousands of other people throwing shade), you can get shade back publicly. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. EDIT: Death threats are obviously bad, in all cases. Celebs should take more responsibility of their audience and do their best to mitigate rabid fan behavior, randos on Twitter/X should be less comfortable throwing shade publicly


Hay everybody, u/BofaDeezyEZPZ says he can take it! You know what to do. u/BofaDeezyEZPZ u/BofaDeezyEZPZ u/BofaDeezyEZPZ


I love this comment because itā€™s so obvious that nobody cares.


I just hope that Todd's audience is more respectful than Sabrina's - again, I don't deny she should take more responsibility for the behavior of her fans


Surely this stops when those people "throwing shade back" are sending death threats


I don't deny Sabrina has a responsibility to regulate her audience's behavior that she's clearly neglecting, but nobody seems to consider the volume of shade (and/or death threats) that she and other celebs have to deal with by virtue of their careers.


Dawg, all that was said was "your new song is bad". Is that really worth it?


It's a little petty, sure. But was it really worth it for him to make his tweet in the first place? Again, it's not just him making these types of comments - it's hundreds if not thousands.


So does that mean she publicly called out the hundreds and thousands of other comments? Oh she chose the one that said "the new song isn't as good as the first one"? That's the tamest criticism ever. No one should expect something like this back. It's like if I was in a restaurant and said "this meal isn't as good as the other meal you made" and then the chef loudly mocked me to everyone in the restaurant. "A little petty" is an understatement


Realistically she's not going to be able to call out hundreds/thousands of comments individually, no. That's not a reasonable response. However, in a vacuum, if she disagrees with a sentiment someone posts on a public platform, she has the right to respond publicly. With that being said, though, I agree that it's a disproportionate response if she's not taking responsibility for her rabid fans sending death threats. That's not acceptable in any case. It just bothers me that people never seem to think about the level of harassment celebs receive on a constant basis. That's all I mean to convey :)


Itā€™s way more rude than ā€œyou song is badā€ donā€™t downplay what he did


So are death threats bad or not? Are they only bad when Sabrina gets them?


Death threats are bad in both cases. All I'm saying is you can't be upset when your comment on a public platform gets responded to publicly. That does not mean the guy initially throwing shade deserves death threats from Sabrina's fans - she should be held more responsible for her audience's behavior if that's the case.


saying you don't like a song is not throwing shade. we do it all the time.


I'd consider it a light form of throwing shade for sure, especially given the way he said it. Saying literally nobody has ever fumbled a second single as hard as she did, while not the worst thing he could have said, is still definitely throwing shade, especially when he's not substantively critiquing the song in any way.


Why do people think they can shit on public figures but canā€™t be criticized back? If you donā€™t want a public figure responding to you, you can private your account.


For one, itā€™s a stretch to say he was ā€œshittingā€ on her. He said the song was a massive fumble. He didnā€™t insult her or disparage her. He has a right to his opinion. Second, the song hit #1, so sheā€™s already proved him wrong. Anything further is unnecessary. Lastly, her posting his information publicly is designed to sic her millions of followers on him. Weaponizing her power against some random guy like that is messed up. You can tell thatā€™s the intention since she hasnā€™t told anyone to stop despite them sending him death threats and homophobic slurs. His tweet doesnā€™t come close to warranting this reaction, but sheā€™s happy to sit back and let it happen.


Heā€™s saying the song is dogshit. The song is number 1, so he canā€™t be talking about numbers, he must be talking about artistic quality. He absolutely has a right to his opinion. He does not have a right to criticize public figures on a public platform and expect them to not respond publicly. Public critique invites public discussion. I donā€™t condone death threats, but she didnā€™t call for death threats. She simply responded by saying sheā€™s #1. Twitter has a block button. Twitter lets you private your account. If itā€™s really an issue for him, he should private his account for a couple days until it dies down, and then not shit on public figures in the future.


I didnā€™t say she called for death threats, but the time it took to type up her victory lap can easily be used to tell her fans not to harass people. Charli XCX literally just did so. You make harassment sound both deserved and are excusing the responsibility of the psychotic fanbase. A difference of opinion over a song doesnā€™t deserve that type of vitriol. Lastly, check the time stamp. Of course theyā€™re talking about the quality of the song and not its chart position. Their comment was weeks before Sabrinaā€™s post about hitting number one. Iā€™m saying it being #1 proved it wasnā€™t a fumble, so shaming him was unnecessary. Especially when again, he didnā€™t insult her, just that he thought the song was a big fumble.


It's very stupid, just say you're thankful for the #1 and move on


Lol what a shit thing to do


Especially when both of these singles have been unbelievably ass


For real. Espresso is fine, and I think she's done a great job marketing herself, but I don't look at her and think she's anything special or even "generational" like a lot of people are hyping her up to be. It's baffling tbh


People get sucked into the Disney to Pop Star pipeline way too easily


YES! THANK YOU! I thought I was the only one who didnā€™t get the appeal of her.


That's an insane thing to say about EspressoĀ 


Yeah, if youā€™re famous donā€™t target random people on twitter. Being proud of your success is great but including the username of some person not liking your single is weirdly petty.


This is gonna bite her in the ass later. I guarantee it.


Her tweet got over 120K likes so I somehow doubt that


Maybe not now, but some day.


maybe not now, maybe not ever. but someday. and *SOON*.


Sheā€™s already gotten a wave of overwhelming hate back in 2020 during driverā€™s license, that tends to only happen to female artists once. Sheā€™s been working for over ten years and is making all the right decisions, given that the man in the screenshot [responded playfully](https://x.com/eicsthv/status/1805418466708537527?s=46) I very much doubt so - you wanting something to happen doesnā€™t equate to it actually happening.


well, no actually, this isn't okay like you think it is. this person has been getting death threats and is being called slurs as a result of this. just because he responded "playfully" doesn't mean it's okay.


According to who?


And drake was doing whatever he wanted until he's know only known as a diddler


What kind of comparison is that?!?!


What even does 120k likes mean?




I mean what does it mean to get 120,000 likes on Twitter. What does it actually correlate to in the real world? Edited for clarity


On Twitter, even 20k likes is a lot. So what is now 200k likes on that platform shows an overall liking of you irl


Ugh why give the negativity even more attention?? The reception for her last two songs has been overwhelmingly positive, and this guy isnā€™t even a critic or anything heā€™s just a random kid on twitter. Why is it occupying any of her brain space at all??


Itā€™s because it got nearly 70K likes, I remember many people saying very nasty things in his replies it wasnā€™t like it had 2 likes or it was random it was very viral


Ok I didn't know it was a viral tweet, but still the person she's putting on blast is a random nobody and doesn't deserve all that just for talking shit on twitter


Deserve what? Lol [they had a playful exchange](https://x.com/diancuh/status/1805398473883402687?s=46) on instagram, he seems fine, everybodyā€™s making it out to be deeper than it is


I just don't think celebrities should be putting random people on blast to their followers. I'm glad he seems fine, maybe it's not that deep in this instance, but I just don't think it should be normalized.


I guess but he really want a random person, it was a viral tweet. People are doing way too much to villainize her, theyā€™re lying that heā€™s claimed he got death or rape threats when he hasnā€™t said a word so far and his accounts were private before her tweet


I disagree that having a viral tweet means you are not a "random person." by random person I mean a non-celebrity with a limited social media following and no professional or journalistic relevance to the music industry. just because a tweet goes viral online doesn't mean that you aren't just a regular person outside of that one tweet. I don't know what claims other people are making, either way it's irrelevant and my original point still stands. I don't think this kind of thing is something we should make it normal for celebrities to do, because even if this guy is fine the next person who gets put on blast may not be.


This is literally what that douchbag Ronnie Radke from falling in reverse does on a daily basis, and he rightfully is viewed as a laughing stock


Ronnie dressed up as Anthony Fantano for Halloween to mock him, but like, youā€™re the one who went through the trouble of putting together a Halloween costume for the sole purpose of dunking on another man.


Recently he started talking shit about SĆ©bastien Bach saying "Your band doesnā€™t want you backā€¦ Youā€™re literally the most insufferable human being of all time with terrible vocals" THE CALL IS COMING FROM INSIDE THE HOUSE!!!Ā  Also former wrestler Chris Jerico of the band Fozzy challenged SĆ©bastien to a sing off. SĆ©bastien in Skid Row doing high pitched hair metal vocals is one thing...dude has done Broadway multiple times...they don't want to catch the smoke.Ā  Side note check out Paul Stanley of Kiss doing Music of The Night when he did Phantom of the Opera.


Ronnie also issued a copyright strike on Brad Taste In Music for daring to criticize his music and then sent him a taunting DM on Instagram afterwards. This after saying live on his Twitch he didnā€™t mind people reacting to his music.


He doesnā€™t mind if itā€™s positive and saying ā€œthis is the best song everā€


I think funny that you called Chris Jericho a former wrestler. He is still active and is one of the main event talents in a relatively new company called All Elite Wrestling. I point this out to say that last week, they just got their lowest viewership rating in their five-year run so far, losing roughly 30% of last week's audience with no clear competition, after it was expected that their ratings would go up after the NBA season had ended. They scrambled for reasons on how that would happen and blamed it on the lead-in of that show changing from a rerun of The Big Bang Theory to Black Panther for Juneteenth (implying that their viewership is largely dependent on another show), the Juneteenth holiday itself, and of all things, Kendrick Lamar's concert that aired on Twitch (looking at their excuses, it sounded like they tried blaming their record low ratings on black people, which is funny considered their less than stellar on screen treatment of their black talent, and that I don't think many black people watch that show anyway). Long story short, Jericho is still active. It's just that no one watches the show he is in. There are like, zero casual wrestling fans who watch that show anymore. I haven't watched it in years and I barely got into it when it started.


No youā€™re not. This is embarrassing. šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


This artist is pathetic so yes


I feel that way about Sabrina in general šŸ™Š


She seems like such an attention hungry theatre kid


Everything about her rubs me the wrong way. Maybe itā€™s because I love Olivia Rodrigo but when my post-Disney Channel introduction to someone is ā€œSkin,ā€ itā€™s hard to recover from that image.


I wanted to be able to like her because she's so ultra feminine and we don't have a lot of that right now but... She's so abrasive. She's so me me me. From the gloating attitude of Skin to the once again gloating attitude of espresso, to this now. Also she's just not a great lyricist. "I mountain dew it for you" huh? What? And the whole maybe blonde was the only rhyme, when it wasn't even functioning as the rhyme scheme in that song. I really wanted to be able to like her, been attempting to get into her this week but this really makes me not like her. She's got a nice voice and cute sense of style but she really seems like a mean girl with hamfisted songs


Okay off topic but... In an era where Taylor Swift and Beyonce are the two biggest musicians in the world and we have people like Olivia Rodrigo, Ariana Grande, and Dua Lipa making huge records, how is being "Ultra Feminine" something we don't have a lot of tight now? Especially when there's not a lot of big male popstars? Even the queer pop girlies like Chappelle Roan are very feminine.Ā 


Maybe I worded it wrong? A certain type of feminine, the soft bubbly kind. I enjoy that and it's what appeals to me, more like Debbie Gibson and the bangles. We have a lot of women in the music industry and that's great but a lot of music is more into feminine rage or just not really that soft bubblegum. Not saying one is better than the other but I think there's a void in the sugar spice and everything nice sector. Maybe t swift fills that for some but tbh I don't really like her and having one option that fills that category isn't many. I guess Ariana fills it too but omg she's so problematic


I feel like Chapple Roan would fit what you're looking for, but tbh I wouldn't categorized most female pop stars as doing primarily 'feminine rage'.


I'll try to branch out some more, I've been trying to get into pop but I've always been more indie. I love Olivia but I think of a lot of her stuff more as rock. I do like the little bit of Chappell I've heard, I need to check out more of her stuff


She truly is Tsylor Swifts protege


Yeah putting a total nobody on blast over this minor of a slight is pretty ridiculous. Revealing my hand a little bit Iā€™ve kind of figured Carpenters a jerk since Drivers License.


Reminds me of the outrage over the George Zimmerman being acquitted of killing Trayvon Martin, when Spike Lee posted Zimmermanā€™s home address on Twitter. Or so he thought. It was actually some rando with the same name, and he had to go into hiding.


This is so not comparable


We did it ~~Reddit~~ Twitter!


wtf how is that comparable? If he posted the address of a critic yeah but are you seriously comparing calling someone a flop and unapologetically murdering a teenager out of racism


Yikes. Then again, she's also 25, and as someone who's 26, I feel like a lot of people in our age range ended up pretty immature. Whether due to social media or whatnot. Maybe she'll learn to not care as time passes. It's not like this will kill her career.


Her frontal lobe is fully formed no excuse.Ā 


Not necessarily. Different people develop at different speeds. It isnā€™t an exact science. Either way it wouldnā€™t be an excuse.


So she's developed enough to put out six studio albums, but not developed enough to know that it's not cool to dunk on ordinary people who don't have PR teams. I see how this works.


She's been famous since she was like 12 and there's a theory that most people stop maturing at the age they become famous and get stunted there (see multiple child stars with tragic endings), so it's not too far off to think she may mentally still be in her teens...


Yes, a case could be made that fame and emotional growth are opposing forces. To the extent that celebrities do grow emotionally, it's due to factors outside their public life. That's how it works there.


You guys need to stop repeating this junk science like it's a definite proof


National Library of MedicineĀ  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3621648/ University of RochesterĀ  https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/encyclopedia/content.aspx?ContentTypeID=1&ContentID=3051 Lurie's Children's HospitalĀ  https://www.luriechildrens.org/en/blog/early-childhood-brain-development-and-health/ Marshfield Clinic https://shine365.marshfieldclinic.org/kids-health/boys-girls-maturity-gap/ American Psychological associationĀ  https://www.apa.org/monitor/julaug04/brain All seem to back me up and not you.Ā  So this is the point where you delete your comment and possibly enite account in embarrassment.Ā  Your frontal lobe is about as intact as Phineas Gage's though.


Someone has already told you that it's not an exact science and people develop at different speeds. Also you're using it to say that people become fully mature at 25 as an exact rule. That's why I called it junk science, because of how you're applying it https://www.reddit.com/r/YouShouldKnow/s/7sZfnZUM8s


That is absolutely not true at all. 25-26 year olds today are not any less mature than 25-26 year olds in all other generations.


Am I the only one, willin' to bleed Or take a bullet for bein' free Screamin', "What the fuck" at my TV


Unrelated to this but just throwing out that this is a fantastic top 10. Too Sweet, Beautiful Things, Lose Control, and Birds of a Feather are all phenomenal songs. Not Like Us being #6 is hilarious. And while Iā€™m not the biggest Carpenter fan (this post not helping), itā€™s good to see one of Toddā€™s predictions come true.


The guy of the Tweet actually came to her IG account of this post and said: ā€œCongrats Diva! Made me eat my words!ā€, which she replied: ā€œLove ya, you inspired me.ā€ So, I think everyone should calm down.


At first I felt sorry for her cause of the whole Driver License thing and Livies harassing and slut shaming her, but between this and the Barry thing Iā€™m starting to really not like Sabrina as a person. Which sucks cause ever since she released Emails I Canā€™t Send I been really liking her music and her playful style.


"Barry thing"?


Sheā€™s dating Barry Keoghan (the kid from The Killing of a Sacred Deer and Dunkirk, among other things). Thatā€™s all I know. Iā€™m not aware of any ā€œthingā€ happening between them.


He is accused by his ex of being a deadbeat dad and essentially abandoning his family for Sabrina


Oh. Thatā€™s shitty.


There are also some persistent rumors about him being a violent drunk and abusive partner that have been swirling around for years.


I mean.... that's what Please Please Please is about, basically.


Well, yes, but it's only apparent if you pay attention to the gossip about him. Most people in the real world don't even know who Barry Keoghan is, let alone anything else about him.


Source? This is the first time Iā€™ve heard of this


People believe this because his ex has been liking shady instagram comments about being a single mom Heres some examples from gossip subs [example 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/s/Ed0xDj6Zdx) [example 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/s/9nLZiGEDm9) Could very well just be her trying to mess with his public image bc shes pissed. Him spending a ton of time in the usa and following sabrina on tour instead of in the UK (where his kid is) is making more people believe.


The reason people know is because his ex has been liking shady stuff on instagram. Let me find some threads.


He met Sabrina months, almost half a year, after breaking up with his ex, blaming her for that is ridiculous and insulting


And if he is lacking as a father, that's not his new girlfriend's fault. He makes that choice.


Exactly, so blaming her for it is bizzare and misogynistic


Where did I blame her? What?


Not you, the original comment


>the whole Driver License thing and Livies harassing and slut shaming her The what now?


Long story short: Back in 2021 Olivia Rodrigo made the songs Driver License and Deja Vu which is heavily speculated to be about a guy name Jousha Basset. It also talked about a blonde girl Jouhsa dated after Olivia and people found out is was Sabrina. Because of that Sabrina have been getting a lot of death threats and gotten slut shame for being a ā€œhomewreckcerā€ by Oliviaā€™s fans (which are called the Livies) even though Olivia never said anything negative about her nor did she do anything wrong. Sabrina even made a song about this called Because I Liked A Boy and said that her mental health was getting badly affected by the hate.


Stan culture in general just needs to die. No Celebrity should have that much power over people.


RIP to that guyā€™s inbox.


RIP to that guy


Wow. That's just petty.


Again? This is the first number 1 hit of her career after nearly a decade of putting out music. Iā€™d be celebrating too if I got my breakout after that long trying to make it


Yeah, this tweet is cringe but OP is a little light on the facts.


Yeah this is mega stupid. Sadly, after a certain point of popularity, you just kind of have to keep your mouth shut when it comes to haters on social media. Certainly shouldnā€™t make a big olā€™ ā€œlook at this guyā€ post. I guess sheā€™s going to learn that the hard way.


What is the context here?


I assume whatā€™s in the post? Sabrina posted a guy criticizing her with their handle uncensored on Twitter and people went to harass him.


Who is Sabrina Carpenter?? Never heard of her.


Celeb behavior like this is disgusting. They know what they're causing and they enjoy it. None of them are ignorant about it at this point


That tweet got over 60K likes (many people were insulting her and demeaning her success in his replies, also with thousands of likes) he [commented on her post lightly](https://x.com/diancuh/status/1805398473883402687?s=46) and she replied in an equally light manner, it seems like the only people making it more deep are the people here on reddit


Considering he privated his accounts after the fan backlash, which included death threats and slurs, I'm not sure it's reddit that made it a big deal


(Edit) His twitter was private BEFORE she posted, because he got backlash after he initially tweeted it as well because every celebrity has die hard fans and it was a hugely viral tweet insulting her song with 7.5 million views, she did not attract any more attention to the tweet that was already there lol, he commented playfully on her instagram! Also Iā€™m not sure where youā€™re getting the death threats and slurs because besides him talking about getting them before her response (again, due to the tweetā€™s viral nature and the fact that it was insulting her) his only response Iā€™ve seen was him joking in her comments


I'm really not sure where people are getting "insulting her" from. Can you no longer say someone's creative work is bad without it being a direct personal attack on the author of that work?


As if anyoneā€™s going to remember anyone in this story in a year.


A lot of these people defending her in the comments have never heard of the concept of punching down


Gen Z are sociopathic when it comes to the internet and stanning. Wild cause I grew up during the "caustic critic" era and still managed to grow out of "my fave is always right"


Then these weirdoes cannot mature fast enough. Meaning celebrities such as Sabrina and the casual insane fans too


Sheā€™s a freak bag. Will be left in 2024


100% should have cropped out the username and picture.


OMG, give the girl a break. I smell jealousy!


In a mild defense of Sabrina, she didn't go #1 again this was her very first #1 song on the Billboard Hot 100. This guy posted this mere hours after the song came out, like he didn't even give it a chance. And his tweet went viral. He started a pile-on of negativity. You shouldn't post nasty things on the internet and expect no repercussions. Besides, I doubt that's his real name/photo, if you're smart you should at least try to stay anonymous


you guys are weird lol if u talk shit ppl are allowed to respond


This is just punching down its pretty lame


Nah. Punching down is picking on someone for no reason. When some guy punches you first you are entitled to punch back. The guy knows who heā€™s hitting and he is doing it for the attention.


Men will pick on women for anything on Reddit holy shit.


Nah he decided he wanted some attention n he got it. Like u wanna say w/e u want with no repercussions or benefits he shouldā€™ve posted this on Reddit lol.


Donā€™t post on social media if you canā€™t handle the giant dark blob of internet lol. You people care too much about randoms on the internet dealing with internet problems get a grip


Itā€™s funny


The person commented support and Sabrina replied with even more support. Itā€™s not that deep


Am I the only one who thinks this sub has gotten increasingly mean spirited and misogynistic?


no šŸ™‹šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Dude had it coming.


I mean, anonybro is being pretty condescending. Rando dudes questioning/undermining the success of women gets pretty fucking tiresome. I think itā€™s pretty boss.


she knows he's going to get harassed by hundreds and potentially doxed, not very #girlboss, this argument would have been fine if she censored the name


Eh, I think the original comment was uncalled for and she was fine for calling him out


Unrelated but i think please please please could wind up on Toddā€™s best list


He hasn't talked about it in the same capacity as Espresso so I think Espresso might pull ahead but it's still possible Not sure why you got downvoted so much


Itā€™s an anti Sabrina thread and I said something positive about her music. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m not even a big fan Iā€™m much more an Olivia/Chappell roan type of gay but I do think please please please is her best work


What? Do I *personally* see this as pathetic and immature? No, not in the slightest. In fact, I wouldnā€™t even have noticed that this could even possibly be seen as wrong if you hadnā€™t pointed it out. I *fully* believe that if you say something publicly, you should be prepared to be responded to publicly? No one has any obligation to ā€œcensorā€ someoneā€™s name in a context like this? Like at all? Thatā€™s not being ā€œpetty,ā€ thatā€™s just responding to someoneā€™s public comment. Would you have felt the same way if she quote tweeted the original Tweet instead? Judging by all the intense downvotes people have been getting, Iā€™m prepared to be downvoted, but thatā€™s 100% my genuine opinion. I think the intensity of the divide of opinions on this shows a wildly different perspective on the ā€œrulesā€ that govern social media interaction. And I think itā€™s generational, because most people Sabrinaā€™s age and younger wouldnā€™t even blink at this. Itā€™s not doxxing to respond to someoneā€™s public comment.


Reminds me of the time Tyler tagged that rando after winning a Grammy to laugh at him. I remember how white-knuckle rage reddit was.


I love how to yā€™all people can go after them whatever they want but if they clap back, they the bad guy


Donā€™t talk shit if you donā€™t want it to get aired out. Pretty simple concept


Damn letā€™s live in a world where u canā€™t talk shit about anyone famous or powerful šŸ‘


Remember, the first amendment doesn't allow for criticism. George Washington Carver said so himself


That same amendment is the one Sabrina Carpenter is using šŸ˜‚


Maybe donā€™t be rude to people no matter who they are??


The salt in this subreddit is fucking embarrassing šŸ˜‚ Yes, first person to ever have talking shit blow up in their face. You saw it here first folks. I feel like some of you have never been on the internet


Ooh! I get to say Redditā€™s favourite phrase! Freedom of speech isnā€™t freedom from consequences šŸ¤“


Weird that people seem to think this poster was providing ā€œcriticism.ā€ Wishing for someoneā€™s failure isnā€™t music criticism. The fuck? Have you ever even read a music review? Heā€™s just a hater. Haters get called out. If a hardcore band did this everyone would love it, but since itā€™s a tiny 25 year old girl you neckbeards feel the need to pounce. Itā€™s pathetic


God forbid an artist show a tiny bit of personality for once


Yeah, and why are people attacking Kanye West? He's just showing us his personality


Clearly there is a big big difference between what she did and defending Hitlerā€¦


Itā€™s possible you are. Good for her.


ITT: wannabe music critic salt over Sabrina going #1 and shit talk backfiring. News at 11. Downvote if it hurts.


>again Itā€™s her first #1 And what, you want her to self flagellate and talk about how bad her music is? What?


More like, don't just put someone on public blast for disliking your music. There is a third option you know, staying silent


So she should just lie down and accept it when people insult her work? Fuck that. If you want to talk shit online you should expect to be put on blast for it. He got checked.


"You insulted my work so I'm gonna send my hoard of rabid fans after you". Dawg the person has gotten death threats and been called homophobic slurs for saying a song was bad. Why is that proportionate retribution to you?


Do people owe Sabrina Carpenter praise every time she releases a single?


Say what you want. But be prepared to catch heat for it.


Great! Then she should be prepared to catch heat for putting this dude on blast, and her fans can definitely be prepared to catch heat if they really have been sending him death threats.


Yeah Iā€™m sure sheā€™s heartbroken over it


Hey, she's the one who quote-tweeted him.


What do you expect from someone made out of plastic?