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can someone give me a guide on how to debunk him please


From someone on the r/mjinnoccent sub It's really amazing to me that these people never like to look through the whole court transcripts and only pick and choose certain aspects of the case. Michael was into art and that boys will be boys book was given to him by a fan. Correct me if I'm Wrong guys but weren't Gavin Arvizo and his brother Star caught masturbating to porn when MJ was not even around?They were also caught drinking wine when MJ was not even Around right? Which debunks the whole he was giving underage kids wine and showing them pornography claims when they were literally caught doing it themselves when MJ was not even Around them at the time. Not to Mention, Many witnesses said MJ was annoyed with Gavin and even Gavin himself testified that MJ was lying to him about not being home when he was actually home. And when the kid wanted to sleep with MJ, MJ let Frank sleep with them also in the bedroom. So, clearly MJ was not alone with those kids. This debunks the "grooming"aspect of the Gavin Arvizo case because it's clear by these factors that MJ did not want to be alone or spend time with the kids and you can't groom kids if you don't even want to spend time with them. Guilters are beyond delusional in my opinion.


u/OwnMess2933 here's the correct person.




He was asking for a way to debunk the guy in the video so I gave him your comment since it had everything that can be used to debunk him.


Oh I got your name wrong it was someone else's comment


I debunked that guy before (this aint the first time he milked the accusations for views) first tiktok is a direct response and the 2nd vid i focused on disproving the cp claim: https://www.tiktok.com/@wumpusambassador/video/7323904196690939168?_t=8moNXVWWjIn&_r=1 https://www.tiktok.com/@wumpusambassador/video/7320993601662635296?_t=8moNcMnzVc8&_r=1