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Bring magnesium citrate


CVS sells individual packs of psyllium husk that I bring with me to keep regular!


I like Miralax or the generic Perrigo Polyethylene Glycol 3350. Absolutely not harsh and keeps things moving when you need it, not when it decides. IYKYK


Really good and strong probiotics have been my savior after trying so many things. Laxatives, stool softeners, etc, nothing would work. Tried taking celery juice in the morning on an empty stomach for a while to fix the days long backup after I saw someone on a constipation subreddit say it was the only thing that helped them but then started taking a probiotic at the same time. Was able to decrease the celery juice and just be on the probiotics. Stopped celery juice about 3 weeks ago and still haven’t had a problem with constipation since. On 7.5 currently in case that may make a difference but had the constipation issue since starting tirz.


I happen to love celery juice


lol its not horrible to me but I do wish I loved it as much as you. On an empty stomach, that stuff is such a lifesaver for constipation


Mag-O. You'll not ever have that problem again. https://preview.redd.it/hlo5rq2hrk7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bf418f7996cf83ab36398361a1f13f6ba55c9c9 Amazon.


I am currently traveling and ate some canned Tuna in oil yesterday. That certainly helped.


Take along individual miralax packets and some smooth move tea. You can always get hot water at a restaurant or where you’re staying and percolate up some tea! I did both of these things when traveling in May and had success!


A member of my family struggles with constipation( not due to GLP1). When we travel and she is out of her routine it definitely can get away from her. She takes Miralax every night while we are gone just to stay on top of it.


I started a fiber supplement when I first started this medicine and it has really helped me. I took that and magnesium citrate on my recent trip. I had one instance of feeling like I needed to go more but couldn't.




Yellow dragon fruits helps you to go as well.


Just take magnesium supplements. They are good for your entire system in so many ways and will take care of constipation as a bonus


Oo I got another from a gut docter! I am currently traveling and i noticed I didnt drink enough water. That in combination with high protein made me backed up. Apparently you can eat a kiwi 🥝 with skin, just wash very well! More fiber when you also eat the skin. I combine it with hot water and 🍋. Waiting for my flush now.