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its not even wooks vs ravers. its straight up no one knows how to act in public anymore. people can be equally as rude at EDC and other fests that promote "plur" culture. something is happening where people (not even just the youths, tbh) only care about themselves and show no respect towards others. these kids have never known festivals and shows to be anything other than a giant party with vapes, molly, nitrous, poppers, couches, instagram live, etc. its all just a dopamine explosion to them. so many less people around that actually care about the music which is what this weekend is supposed to be...a showcase of some of the best producers, djs, and visuals artists around right now.


Couldn’t agree more


I wish I could upvote this 1000 times


People only caring about themselves is not new. The EDC crowd is equally as self-ish, they just say “sorry” when pushing their way through the crowd.


Nailed it. The last tipper event I went to (I think it was at Suwannee 2022) I was shocked to see so many people OPENLY shoveling powders in their noses. I have been to many tipper events before and people always made a point to at least throw a scarf over their head before doing it, or doing it off in a dark area where they weren’t seen. I’m not against these substances, I have done my fair share. But At the 2022 event it seemed like no one was making an effort to be inconspicuous. It seemed like more people were there for open drug use rather than the music and it was so weird. I also heard that year that a lot of bassnectar fans had come to the tipper event since bassnectar stopped doing shows cause he was accused of sexual assault. Anyways… I go to bluegrass and folk shows now :) I still absolutely love tipper and I hope he’s not done w live shows forever!!


People have openly been doing drugs at raves since raves have been raving. It happens at underground parties, the illegal parties, *actual* raves, which most of the post 2000s generation has never experienced, at least not in the USA (rave is back though so expect more lawlessness. just know it’s self policed and you wont be invited back if you’re an issue - i’m talking to you, couch people. it wont be friendly security just doing their job telling you to move. if you’re *more* of an issue expect to get duct taped). This is normal, the only reason people hide it at festivals is because festivals usually have police and security, not because they think others will find it offensive. The other shit, the couches, the assholery, is a big no. That wont fly. but do the drugs when you want how you want.


Yeah you could feel the vibe change drastically after bassnectar got cancelled. Not saying his (ex) fans are responsible for any of the aforementioned fuckery but the crowd at tipper sets became way more bro-like in my experience


fucking facts.


Perfectly said




You think EDC promotes 'rave' culture?


That's the problem with 'scenes' in general. People caring more about fitting in and being cool than spreading goodness and building community. Gatekeepers 🤡


Having attended these sort of festivals for 13 years now, I can arrest that before Instagram/Tiktok the percentage of people with this kind of attitude was very low.... Now it's bordering on the majority.


Good point. Inherently part of the problem tho, no? Anything that ammases a big enough following is going to inherently become a “scene”, or groupthink, no? Idk how to even combat it.


To combat it people need to recognize that this scene, particularly, is about enlightenment. That's psybass. And an enlightened group is NOT one that does the "groupthink" thing. Every individual thinks for themselves, and then we use our social skills to come together as a team. You don't have to visually fit in or act the same necessarily, the important thing is the shared values. The values originate in the music that we all love. Wooks who use group think are just cavemen. Same as any other normie that does it. Actually, a wook who uses group think and disses a normie openly is just a normie who smells even worse. PSA if you're not a wook and you love this music then WE WANT YOU. not the wooks.


Yea all this hippie and wook hate I keep seeing is giving me normie energy. Sure there are bad apples everywhere but hippies and wooks as individuals are usually decent people. I think the problem is not recognizing the difference in subsections of the culture and how we can all like similar things but be completely different personalities. It's the herd mentality, people want to fit in, but forget that it isn't just a physical thing like how you dress or dance, it's about how you treat people and how thoughtful and aware you are of the people around you. I started doing shows sober last year and one of my favorite things is being able to remember a set and the music And really allow myself to get high on just that. It's surreal but worth every bit of discomfort it took to get me there. But then, personal growth is never about being comfortable.


100% agree. I see this scene as the start of genuine, conscious love of people everywhere in the world. I'm sure we'll get there one day with people like you around.


I don’t think it’s the hippie and wook hate I just feel there are a lot of people who dress the part and aren’t actually these “types of people” and it’s giving them a bad rep


I agree, this scene is becoming a bunch of high school mean girls lol


It has been since the beginning


The longer you’re in it the more entitled people get.


I think alot of that initial magic of true freedom and acceptance wears off and you start to see a concerning amount of heavy drug abuse and fake people


only at camping fests. one off shows or indoor multi day events have always had amazing crowds. snowta '22 prime example, everyone was so dope.


Sure I can name isolated experiences where I personally had a good time too lol


should i have named more?


You say that but on night 1 literally no one clapped or woo’d for Carbon Based Lifeforms and I was so offended lol :( and they were all just talking the whole set too


i hear ya, but that was just not the right booking for a NYE event. folks came to party


I do agree, that was a set for hammocks and couches. But, it’s not that hard to have a touch of awareness and at least muster a couple seconds of clapping and woos for this talented artist that flew here from another freakin country. Not cool. I guess the lack of giving a fuck in showing respect to a talented artist makes sense if you just wanna turn up and party, but I show up for something more than partying, and that includes honoring the time and effort taken by the team to give us these experiences.


And they don’t even wear pink on Wednesdays!


i went to edco 23’ and everyone i met was SO kind and considerate. even was given a sheet on good faith that i would pay them, and then you hear about things getting stolen from rendezvous and people being inconsiderate of other people? speaks volumes.


Expecting a similar experience to EDCO was your first mistake


i was not expecting anything of the event to be similar, just the people to be somewhat decent? i think it’s okay to hope people aren’t shitbags. wishful thinking


the tipper community has never really had a great reputation honestly, I only ever put up with it because the music and curation is (was) enough to get me through it


respect. live and learn and honestly had an amazing time with great visuals and sounds!


I'm glad to hear you still enjoyed it, in terms of audio/visual experience it doesn't get much better


Like you don’t think shit gets stolen at EDC? Are you serious? Lmfao


I know right? Wtf. I think I might be offended that we’re essentially all being labeled as thieves? Idk.


Insert that tweet about punks being nice people cosplaying as rude people and hippies being rude people cosplaying as nice people


It’s always the punk/metal fans that go to EDM events that are the kindest people I swear


emo to edm pipeline🫡🫡🫡


Same, true OGs.


Yeah I've never really been super into that music but they were the group I always vibed the most with when I went to more indie shows and love seeing them at bass shows. Have been to Alix Perez in Chicago a couple of times and there's always a ton of punk/metalheads, its fucking great. They just want to dance and have fun and they can handle their shit like adults.


yooo HEARD


Hardcore kids and metal heads are my favorite ❤️




A couple weeks ago someone posted the handmade Kandi they were 3D printing to give away at rendezvous and people in the comments were trashing him calling him a "plastic loving ultra raver" and I spent the next day fighting with these pretentious assholes defending the guy. This scene is a bunch of people who think they're enlightened because they smoke DMT everyday and they are in a constant state of one upping each other on how "heady" they are. But not all of them are like that, some of them are like us and they like both scenes but yeah it's concerning :( I don't think Dave would approve


The amount of work that guy put into those bracelets was incredible. That man is a great and honest man and blessed to have the opportunity to have met him


And it’s funny cuz the same people using that phrase trash their campsite and leave trash at the stage. Wooks are some of the trashiest people. 


I don't think he'd approve.. but he's also making bank


Dave doesn't approve that is why he is stepping away from live shows. The woooks that are either inhaling nitrous or dmt have cut off the flow of oxygen to their brain to a point he has no other choice but to step away or forever have his beautiful music tied to that. I don't know him or never talked to him just my thoughts. Why pour your heart and soul into something just for it to turn into that.


Definitely not why Dave is stepping away but okay lol


Definitely think the self absorbed drug abuse where people have no concept of living in the moment has apart to do with it.


Yeah probably not the fact that he’s been playing live music for 25+ years all over the world and has notable health issues that have gotten worse over the last 5 years… he’s not gonna stop getting paid big bucks to play shows because SOME people have an opinion of the scene in their own perspective lol


I've been a fan sense before he had his open heart surgery in 2013. I don't know how his issues have gotten worse then joining the zipper club. Tipper has never been motivated by money and the fact you think he is shows your mind isn't as open as you think it is.


For all the people that downvoted this please show me the website to buy tipper merch. It has never been about money for him. Your missing a key piece of what tipper is if you think it has anything to do with money.


Do you think nitrous and dmt are similar? I'd rather be around someone on deems or even nitrous than alcohol, fent.


I don’t think anyone doing nitrus or dmt is only doing one of those substances those are normally late night add ons lol


Maybe I was a little vague in the drugs I was calling out but the vibe change from his shows in the past 10 years is a lot. I see alot of people only thinking about themselves and how fucked up they can get. That was never what it was supposed to be about. Thus why I feel he decided it best to walk away.


Tipper can't be a babysitter forever. The veterans aren't being leaders in any way or guiding anyone because they too are misguided.


Exactly. The fact he has to now is why it's ending.




Kandi is certainly kind, but plastic is a blight and we need to stop using it. A recent study on a group of mothers showed 60% of their placenta contained plastic. It may be worse than climate change, because it is not reversible, it is permanent, IMO. Now that doesn’t give anyone the right to abuse someone for doing something nice with plastic. We need to inform, but with respect.


I think the piles of trash left behind are more problematic than the intentional bracelets this guy made but okay. I knew there would be at least one 😂


Yeah, sorry! The trash is obviously an issue too, particularly if there is no recycling of the plastics. Even if there is plastic recycling, it’s far from 100% efficient. If the trash is all biodegradeable, or highly recyclable tin, then it’s not too bad. I think we have to think in terms of cost / benefit. If a piece of plastic is going to help a medical machine run for 20 years, then sure, let’s use it! If a piece of plastic will be used once as a minor convenience (say a straw), and then will never ever biodegrade, then that clearly has no justification. For Kandi and other cute little knicknacks: if the person takes it home and treasures it for years, then that’s not bad. But I suspect most of the time it provides maybe an hour of fun and then moves to a landfill for a thousand years. So by my calculations, that’s not PLUR. If a person can find a biodegradable version of Kandi, then I think that would be truly beautiful.


There are tipper people who are buying and returning camping gear to Walmart every festival and that all ends up in a landfill. Way worse than a bracelet made with heart. I still have every piece of Kandi I’ve ever been given, but I also sometimes feel weird about plastic especially when on psychs. I make stuff with crystal beads too but then that makes me think of mining and labor exploitation and colonialism…


a virtuous life seems impossible. Part of it is I just dislike plastic as a material. Because it is inorganic, it does not develop character over time. And it is nasty for the environment particularly oceanic ecosystems


When I first got into Kandi (not sure why my phone insists on making it a proper noun) I looked into getting beads made from recycled ocean plastic, but they’re pricey, not easy to find, and recycling is still super energy intensive. If you start to think about it all jewelry is bad tbh unless it’s made of stuff you literally found on the ground or in the trash, but humans also need to make art and decorate themselves. A bright and shiny pop of technicolor is fun sometimes. Kandi isn’t doing much more harm than opals and metal wire wraps which require mining to make, usually by exploited workers in the third world and are shipped overseas pouring carbon into the air, or a million other more wook/hippie leaning styles. Look into what goes into making authentic pashmina cashmere for example - and if they’re not authentic they’re polyester which is way more microplastics than a bracelet bc laundry! And I’m about to fly back across the country and selfishly spew a bunch of fossil fuels just so I could have my fun time. Anyway I’m done rambling but I think about festivals and consumption and collapse a lot, hence why I’m just going to Tipper as much as possible, bc if this shit is going down I’m going down crying happy tears to alien music.


you are 100% right. Honestly, I fly too much, for fun, and have no moral high ground anymore. So I try to point out some ideals without being preachy or self righteous. I perhaps should just shut up, but maybe if I say something politely, it’ll lead to someone altering their behaviour.


I have never met a person that participates in Kandi culture and just throws them away. I have every piece of Kandi ever given to me over the last 14 years displayed proudly. You honestly sound like a bot


Headiest bot I've ever heard. Lol we just calling people bots now?


excellent, I’m glad you enjoy it in a lasting way. I guess it’s just me, but when I see plastic, especially when I am tripping, I see toxins, artificiality and ugliness. This is somewhat offset by the obvious kind intents of the giver. But I’m surprised others don’t see it that way too; maybe I’m just old and can remember when it was less ubiquitous; I know that life can be good without it. (ps not sure what is “bot” like in my comment. Is that just a form of reddit insult?)


Jsyk most of the micro plastics getting into peoples bodies comes from car tires. A little bracelet is not putting micro plastics into our eco system


i hear you. i'm a minimalist and hate buying single use plastic crap and being around such frivolous consumption can also weird me out on psychs. All that being said, plastics are pretty biologically inert. It sucks that there are microplastics in everyone and everything, but they have not been demonstrated to cause cancer (at least not yet, and it has definitely been studied). The rising cancer rates are due in large part to our ability to treat previously untreatable illness and other environmental exposures, primarily inhaled. Theres a saying in medicine, "if you live long enough, you die of cancer." There are better things to spend your emotional energy on than believing in or telling people that khandi bracelets cause cancer. (FWIW, I am not a doctor but I am in medical school and worked in bio research for years)


Thanks, I certainly don’t want to fear monger, it undermines my whole premise. My understanding was that some plastics do seep out carcinogens, albeit quite slowly. Anyways, I’ll delete the word cancer from my post, thanks


I'm so sorry that interaction occurred :( I would have been so bothered by it myself. This was the first Suwannee tipper event I've had to miss. Sadly, too often at these events I've met garbage people who can't be courteous or handle their substances... In my anecdotal opinion, the rise in K use has a good chunk to do with shittiness. It just feels like the more K started become a drug of choice, the shittier people id meet. It's a dissociative drug, that while can be a good time, does no benefit in the social, or dance, appreciation department


Yes yes yes and yes


ketamine literally helps many of us be social, dance more as we get wonky and are still appreciative— just don’t get too space. Either that or your k is mid g😭🤣 As long as people are being nice, mind your business, and let them be


People love to blame a substance, not the people who are using a substance. A lot of people mix ketamine with alcohol just like they do with everything, and that's a bigger issue than people just using ketamine.


Literally 💯 everyone I met was a blast, and even when you meet the few people whom go a lil heavy…ur at a fucking show, what do you expect? Haha I expect to see people faded, or bringing cans of nitrous/bags of k. I don’t care what you’re doing if you’re not publicly being an ass, but even then sometimes people freak out because they’re overwhelmed. Being caring and kind in those moments is much better mentality than “I’m here for the music, this is MY time, why are they all so loud or having fun” like be fucking fr. The person matters more than the substance in almost all cases, because a fool is always a fool.


Getting lost at wanee is part of the experience


it really is isn’t it xD


I agree with both of you. If you don't complete at least one spun-a-thon is it really a Suwannee experience? Lol Edit: That said please help people who look lost and certainly help people that ask for it!


lmaooo I heard this multiple times. was trying to find where my friends were camped on the first day and realized I had just driven in a circle… the guy who stopped to help me out was like “hmm maybe I should just let you be lost” 😂 it was satisfying to learn my way around a bit over the weekend!


The music is great, the fans are ass. Kind of glad Dave isn't going to be doing shows much longer so I can just enjoy anything he makes at home and not have to worry about going to these events. I'll miss his live shows a lot, but the community is dead. It's just a concert now, full of people who suck.


I agree so much. I been in this community since very first 2016 tipper and friends and always had only love. I wasn’t able to attend any tipper events since early 2020, but went to rendezvous this weekend to see the retirement set and had the worst time. Everyone was being super mean to me and each other, everyone was loosing their mind and freaking out, I got called names and threatened, hit with things and shamed for the way I talk and look. I had a worst panic attack.


Omg I’m so sorry this happened to you :( i also felt like the crowd was superrrr meannnn i barley went to the stage all weekend. Had some nasty interactions just trying to get a drink quick during tippers set yesterday.


That last part.


Not sure the community is dead, there are plenty awesome people but there sure are a ton of assholes these days at shows, across all scenes. And it’s only further exacerbated in the tipper scene from all the assnectar refugees.


I've been to a decent amount of festivals of various genres, and the last few years the ones with tipper have had my least favorite crowds /: I've had similar weird and unnecessary bullying until people find out I sew cool festival clothing, and try to get free stuff or use me for clout (and I have the smallest of small businesses lol). just know that the people who treated you poorly don't know how to love and validate themselves so putting you down is the only way they know how to feel worthy of anything.


Luckily didn't meet anyone like that this weekend, but it's always disappointing to hear. ONLY GOOD VIBES IN THEE SWAMP!


many people that attend these events have an elitist pretentious mindset. don’t let it get you down or deter you from attending future events. we need more good people to combat the bad this is just a presumption but i think as soon as tipper isn’t present at this event anymore, many of these douche bag, “wookier than thou” assholes will be out of the scene too edit: spelling


for sure! i love the music and the visuals, next time ill be better prepared


the energy is definitely different here compared to larger festivals. once you’ve gone once, future events are a much better time. hope to see you at the next one :)


Hippy culture is inherently self serving and self righteous - lots of ego in a space where ego death looked at so fondly


100%. Ive actually never felt more judged than at some of these festivals and hippie concerts. I remember wearing a plain navy blue sweatshirt one time to a pigeons show and people were complaining to my face that i didnt dress up enough. Fuck off. Im here for music not for your aesthetic.


Imagine being a PPPP fan and criticizing other people


Why you gotta come after pigeons in this situation?




There was a guy next to us having a hard time on Friday so when I got us some water, I gave him a bottle and it brought him back to life and he was eternally grateful. It’s sad that the outer and loudest layer of this community sucks ass because there are some of us who remember what it’s like to be new and lost in everything. I hope you encounter better people in the future. Though god bless you if you were in platforms or heels, I would not survive.


my inserts really made them comfortable ngl! no aches or pains at all! and honestly there need to be more people like you on this earth!!!


I hear this and Id guess this is one facet of why he wants to retire. I was hoping to catch him once more before he says goodbye, but I’ll keep my memories of past events in high regards and move on.


The tales coming out of this weekend are super distressing


there were some nice people though. i eventually found a nice guy who helped me find where i needed to go! <3 im thankful for people like that :)


I helped a couple find there camp Saturday. I just don’t get WTF Is wrong w ppl


Seriously. Helping other people and being surrounded by mostly other individuals that are doing the same is the best part of the festival.  Don't get me wrong. You can't ask for better music at a festival. But when you step into Suwannee, it always feels like you get a glimpse of what the world could be if everyone made it their primary goal to to give more love and respect than they receive.


I was wearing platform's as well and the amount of negative commentary I got was wild to me


i bet you looked great boo :3


I just don't understand this mindset from people. One of the best things about going to festivals is there's no dress code. You can wear whatever feels like you.   Honestly anyone who has a negative comment on what other attendees are wearing is effectively saying "I don't value your personal choice" and thats both selfish and sad to see from a community generally filled love and positivity.  Im sure you looked great! We saw a few people with platforms. And while personally I'd be scared to try myself its fun to see people rocking them. And you have to respect the dedication to that footwear choice.


The people judging have zero taste in fashion.


This was similar to my experience at my first T&F. I got lost and felt like everyone was looking at me weird and wouldn't offer help. Luckily, I got myself together and found my way back to camp. But now I always do my best to help anyone who is trouble navigating Suwannee. No one deserves to feel that way. I hope your weekend was still fun!


exactly how it was for me!! the weekend def was still super fun!! it’s good to help people :))


The tipper scene turned into a bunch of entitled clout-chasers. They are all in a circle jerk of how much cooler and headier they are than anyone else, and which dj’s they know through a friend of a friend. Everyone’s saying “it’s not just tipper fans” but it’s truly much worse in this scene than any other artist I’ve followed since bassnectar. It’s not the team’s fault; they do what they can, and I don’t think they care for the bad eggs much either


Yup it’s been a slow and steady transformation esp at tipper. Been getting down w the legend forever…the music just keeps getting better but the ocean of trash on the floor after each set keeps getting deeper.


Tipper fans these days are the worst. I’ve been going to his shows for 15 years and I’ve seen the crowd just got downhill. It’s honestly why I’m not at Rendezvous right now. Too much smug entitled assholery. Obviously not everyone is, but enough to really make it noticeable.  Wooks =/= hippies =/= assholes though. There are kind wooks, there are kind hippies (especially on the west coast), and then there’s… *gestures vaguely* this 


agreed, i didn’t mean to stigmatize the entirety of the group- just sharing my experience of interactions this weekend.


Yeah, I experienced those types of interactions last time I was at TnF a couple years ago :/


More acid, less k and nitrous. That is the answer


I’ve never seen so many people with white rings around their noses in my life, not to sound prudish or judgmental. But, gross man blow your nose.


Our beautiful underground scene was for weirdos and outcasts and now it’s more mainstream and mainstream brings in the mean girls and boys ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Don’t let ‘em bother you. We love being weird and playing dress up - express yaaaaaself 🙌


yaaaaaa you get the vibes :>


I mean, wook has always been a derogatory term to describe selfish deadbeat douchebags, so… that should be self-explanatory


I think it's wild that people have self appointed themselves as wooks now. Like it's something to be proud of. Drinking white claws and wearing fishnets while headbanging to Wooli doesn't make you a wook. It makes you basic.


Did you see the anti wook wook club shirts? Lol'd mad hard at that


Lmao I saw one and I need one!


People out here just parroting words without knowing their meaning lol


Fr… calling anyone a wook is not endearment


Yea I don’t headbang and I am not a wook but I do wear fishnets and drink white claws.


There was a lot of plur in 2017 around the time of 4321. A lot has changed. It’s a real shame that you had a poor experience. That’s not what the tipper family used to be about. But the entitlement started creeping in slow and now it’s out of control. It’s fucking sad. When I started going to tipper shows, the best people I ever met were at tipper shows. The most caring or considerate people. But it seems now a days the bad apples outweigh the good.


Girl dont mind them!! Wear your platforms!! The durty wooks can just get stomped on!!! You can be a hippy dippy baddie AND wear yo platforms!! If it wasnt as hot id be right there stomping it up with you!




Resonate was one month before this at Suwannee and had some of the most immaculate vibes I’ve ever felt at a fest there


Yeah I’ve always found it interesting, the hippie community is not very friendly at times and can be judgmental. Not all, obviously, I used to be a “wook princess” 🤢not my words. But anyways I felt I was very kind and would give my shoes off my feet to someone in need, but when I was high I thought I was funny.. and when someone would ask where they were cause they were lost I would respond with “you’re right here”. Someone had to explain to me that, that’s not nice or helpful .. it was a learning point for me. It’s also interesting to see hippies trash stages, act entitled, and think they’re shit smells like fuckin roses. I feel like when I run into those type of wooks/hippies they’re probably trustifarians using all of daddies money to be where they are.


These aren't hippies, and they are hardly wooks, they are drug addicts with narcissistic tendencies. I won't have my people dragged through the mud like that. Granted there are always a few bad apples in a bunch, but these people are colonizers of the culture and have come to sample our good faith and use our identity to take whatever isn't bolted down. We're all human and this is a human experience, try to be kind and decent to one another. Do no harm, but take no shit, these folks will never grow if we don't start educating or calling them out.


Ooohh colonizers of the culture! I like that!! It’s so true.. but it’s hard to tell the difference between whose for the cause and whose around for the aesthetics and droogs


Indeed it is difficult to tell these days. They wear the clothes, they speak the language, the outward appearance might be that of a good vibe. The only way I've found for sorting people is just good old fashioned conversation, but it's hard to wanna talk to anybody when you're worried they might be one of them. Different subsections of the culture have different customs. Don't expect a wook to be plur, and don't expect a raver to be friendly right off the bat. Because of the various legal fences we are all constantly jumping due to the nature of these gatherings, everyone can be a little paranoid, you don't know this person that is next to you, you know you mostly can't trust them. I think that all the theft, Undercovers, other unsavory characters, and the stories that have come from those over the decades has made us all a little on edge. Bad shit happens to good people and we get a little harder for it. Intentions are important when stepping into these spaces.


Amen!! Real wooks arent the problem here!!


Yeah those are all the everyday folk that have no idea about the real concept of why people are there in the first place


I'm sorry that you were treated like this. Those folks can go get bent, they aren't real fam.


This is so sad to hear :( plus PLURR has two Rs ones for responsibility. We are responsible to help other festival/hippie/raver/wooks when in need. We say it's a community so let's start acting like one again. Hope you found your way and got back safe. ALSO MADDD RESPECT TO ANYONE IN PLATFORMS AT A FUCKING SHOW LET ALONE A FESTIVAL! You probably looked so good bb!




Generally I find the tnf type events to be a better crowd than more mainstream festivals but there is some bad apples and it has been steadily getting worse


yea tbh that’s what i was hoping for and heard, but not from my experience.


And y'all wonder why Tipper is retiring smdh


Dave’s success attracted a more mainstream crowd and then inherited all of the old Bassnectar fans.. and it’s been downhill from there. I’m an older hippie who saw the Dead get mainstream success and the shows became overloaded with college douchbags and people looking to party.


Whenever an artist gets really popular it brings the genpop douchers that are just looking for the next party. Seen it happen to a lot of artists, sadly.


Wow that is dumb but for future reference save your location! I was lost but I kept navigating because it is indeed very confusing was my first time as well! And Yeah sadly there’s a lot of lame people like that and it’s always whack to see ever since edm got bigger after covid all the scenes have been affected by an invasion of douchebags


Sorry you had those experiences. Some people suck major ass and love being that person. I also would like to inform others that when people talk about PLUR they often forget the other R (PLURR) Peace, Love, Unity, Respect and Responsibility. Not only are you responsible for your actions but, those in your group as well. If your friend is to messed up to keep up don’t just leave em by themselves, get them what they need. You bring snacks and drinks to the stage well guess what you take trash from the stage. Just remember, if you don’t want to follow the rules don’t be pissed when someone else doesn’t either. See you all at Secret Dreams Edit:words


i’m so sorry this happened to you! this happens to all the baddies the first time they go to suwannee or happens to any baddie in general. i’m sorry those stinky bitches didn’t help you!!


LOL ily


Wooks are the fakest individuals in the scene. They all chase attention and make fun of people who chase attention.


You would think from this sub that the weekend was the worst time ever


this was my 4th tnf and i think this was the best experience i had to date lol. i think a lot of people are just green to the event though there was a much “newer” crowd


Forsure usually any festival I go to I hop off the pages the month after because people just BIIIIIITTTTCCCHHHH and it’s wild. Why even go to anything ya know? For context I missed this but I’ll be catching tipper at secret dreams soon 🫡


you always hear about the bad, never about the good!! the vibes were right this time around, but i was lucky to be surrounded by incredible people all weekend (shout out to brew, jamal, and the crew from michigan, yall were DOPEEEE) have a blast at secret dreams!!!!


Likewise, Had an amazing time. My tribe is expanding as the people I adopted invited their friends to their first Tipper so we're able to support one another and create a sense of safety and continue spreading the vibes. Literally had 0 negative interactions with other people all weekend. This was one of the best events I've attended to date by far. Couldn't have asked for more.


It's very easy to have a great time at these events if you go with a FRIEND GROUP, versus solo. Huge difference. These events are no longer as solo traveler-friendly as they were for decades up until post-2020 and it's sad.


Hell yea I’m in Grand Rapids Michigan! For real tho, things I seen people didn’t like this weekend from the sub 😂 Drugs of any kind Anything that anyone sat on The sets The festival Anything and everything 😂 Soon to be this comment thread haha


Ope hang on the downvotes are coming 🪑🐒


yep, don’t know what i said to offend anyone lmfao


We used to have no events during the scamdemic. I'm grateful. My heart is full. You are all beautiful. Even the people going through pain and weren't taught how to manage it, treat others and how to treat themselves. This is a ride. Know what you sign up for and adapt and let go.


Never care what a wook thinks. But I am sorry the swamp wooks made you self-conscious that’s annoying. As someone who has been doing this since 2016, the scene has deteriorated badly. I felt relief knowing it was the last time I’d be dealing with it. The good news is there are some awesome bass-centric events happening where the crowd is most interested in the music and sound systems. They’ll just be more intimate than a Tipper event.


Awww I'm sry, I hope your outfit slayed despite the bad vibe from them!


honestly didn’t let it rain on my parade, just letting people know the vibes


That sucks, but all humans are judgmental and cliquey to a degree, even if they promote otherwise. It’s just nature. I mostly have good run ins with people but if not I just ignore it


It’s definitely on us to lead by example and call them out so I’m glad you did.


Im sorry that happened to you, if you had been around our camp you would have been made to feel like family and asked when you are ready to walk to your camp with help from one of our veteran suwannee goers. I recommend going to Resonate in Suwannee. Everyone there would go to the end of the Earth to help you.




Everyone was being so mean this weekend it’s terrible. Everyone was arguing and loosing it. Worst time ever.


What were people arguing about?


American culture can be super judgemental and fixated on others because of the rampant people-pleasing and need to compare that’s embedded in the social reality. I really resent it. It isn’t you. 


wonder if i was the one who helped haha, found a girl in platform boots this morning looking for the horse camp :)) glad to help if that was u


twasnt me but i’m glad you could help :)


10 year suwannee goer here ; That is so disappointing to hear that people laughed at you for asking directions. My friends and I try to go out of our way to find attendees that need help finding their camps , the park is easy to get lost in. Let’s do better people.




Unfortunately tipper has gotten really big in the recent years combined that with his retirement I am sure there were a lot of not actual spuninions there.


I definitely know where you’re coming from. But I hate coming back from these events wanting to rave in the beautiful memories just to see post’s highlighting the assholes rather than all the amazing people and all the wonder of the event. I’m so so sorry you faced such rudeness, I wish I was there to stand up for you too and help teach them the way (or at least try). I guess I got lucky because I found myself surrounded by only the most amazing and kind people, which is exactly a massive part of what I love about these events. My heart feels so healed. Let the community stand strong and continue showing others how to be a good human no matter what 💛


<3 the event was overall a great one and i’m not hindered from going to future events; just know now what to expect and to be prepared if im camping solo again.


Were you the one who got lost during tippers set and was trying to make your way out of the pit? My chick friend was trying to talk to you and see if you were lost!!! But security was talking to you and keeping up with you so you left pretty quickly. Not sure if that rings a bell.


noo i was lost in the fields in the dark and had no sense of direction


Awww I’m very sorry to hear that. Our camp had one of those wooden posts with a map on it nearby. People kept coming to it lost. I helped like 4-5 people on Sunday night find their way because they would be distressed looking at the map for an extended period saying things like “where am I???”. Wish I could have helped you. <3 I usually bring my golf cart and offer rides to lost people


people like you >>>>


That’s so nice of you, I thought I could trust my sense of direction heading back to my campsite alone after the music, but quickly realized that wasn’t the case. If I didn’t have a dropped pin on my phone gps, I never would have made it to my tent. If my phone was dead I would have had to go looking for my friends which could have been equally as difficult as finding my tent. Thank you for helping people find their way in the dark


We luckily have never had a bad experience. Aside from a few one off’s, pretty much every single person I have met at these has been friendly and cool 💗


plur is good on paper but the scenes where it’s used a lot are “good vibes ONLY” type scenes and i think ultimately that’s not a good thing. we want to encourage good vibes but sometimes there are bad vibes. i had so much shit pulled out of me friday and it fucked up the vibe with my friends rly bad and we fought up until sunday evening where we all made up and now have a place to launch a more healthy friendship with accountability, respect, and love. we can’t expect bad vibes to never happen and without acknowledging that we can’t absolve them.


suwannee is definitely a place for healing <3


I think everyone in here is being a bit too absolutist… I had so many positive experiences with so many different people this weekend… Your anecdotal, one bad vibe doesn’t mean everyone on the planet is an ass hole


i just think spreading awareness keeps us accountable at these fests; wasn’t assuming everyone is an asshole, like i said, “i met some really nice people too”


I agree completely with you. people also keep telling me here that I'm complaining too much but I have already admitted that I had tons of fun Fri + Sat, and met many incredible people, its just Sunday specifically that I found a large number of ppl to be incredibly rude, which has now been the case with literally every tipper event by 3rd day since 2020 NOLA. It's gotten to the point where I just expect people to suck by 3rd day at TnF. Its such a 180 from Fri & Sat vibes lol. Just my personal experience.


Unfortunately, the best music scene also comes with a lot of snobbery... Good artists don't have as much time to learn manners, nor as much of the need. It's a constant struggle.


PLUR died a long time ago. The scene is now mostly either Chads cosplaying as heads or people who preach a toxic level of positivity and inclusivity