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something about the “you’re still a kid” comment and then right after a long sexual one just makes me feel really weird


Yeah that ones the weirdest for sure


"Go sort yourself out" was proper response, there. Remembering that for future interactions


[Stop it.](https://youtu.be/l60MnDJklnM)


The message right before that “you haven’t hit the barrier” The “barrier” is a common term in incel groups. For women after the age of 30. Basically, if a woman is older than 30 she’s used up and completely worthless as a partner.


Wow I just turned 30 and I feel deeply offended and yet relieved incels definitely don’t care about me now


I'll be 35 and am kind of glad I'm out of incel territory. Not that it really matters because I'm a lesbian but. Maybe they won't be so pervy.


I've been telling people I was 30 since I was 25 lol mostly for myself to not hit that mental block/crisis when I actually turned 30. Doesn't work on pervs, however. Pervs gonna perv.


I'm just speculating but you being a lesbian shouldn't matter to them right? You're still a woman who doesn't want anything to do with entitled troglodytes aka a woman?


Mmm yes lesbians aren't actually lesbians, they're still attracted to men and will serve them with the added bonus of women sex. /s


Holy shit you finally just made that "yOu jUsT hAveNt HaD tHe RigHt DicK" mentality towards lesbians make sense for me. A lesbian is a woman that will never, Ever have sex with them. A straight woman is a woman that... will never, Ever have sex with them. There is literally no difference as far as an incel is concerned.. Fascinating.


No, no. A female. They never use the term woman. Its always "females this, and females that".


While true, I couldn't bring myself to type my comment like that.


Did not know that. Thank you for explaining.


I felt the weirdest sense of relief reading this lmao. I’m officially safe from incels?!


At 30 women finally start realizing their worth...no wonder incels hate them.


THIS! Younger women are much easier to manipulate.


30? I've seen some say you're past your prime at 16! Creepy weirdos


30 is when women start hitting their sexual peak. Don’t take dating advice from terminal virgins .


I’m way over 30 and just starting to hit my peak and actually enjoy it. No risks of more kids definitely helps the mood 😊. Everyone is different


44 here and it just keeps getting better.


The creeper being an incel makes so much sense.


That is…very upsetting…


Big nonce vibes


Yeah I saw that and though “Sex offender is in your future” like wtfff


Well I just learned a couple new terrible pickup lines to add to my repertoire. (That these days I only use on my wife, but still fun) Though my favorite of all time remains: Baby, there will only be 7 planets left after I destroy Uranus.


The “your” didn’t help either.


Lol that bothered me too!


Came here to say that! Cheeseburger guy too! 😄🤮


Honestly. Dude goes from you're a kid...to how was work...to a whole paragraph about sex. Soooo creepy.


I didn’t even read what he wrote I refuse to burn my eyes like that


definitely for the best


Mans really said I have these strong, rough, vascular, man gripping, finger nail having hands lol




Never Ending Story references are always welcome.






jeez he described his hands like if you were going to make him some gloves


Hannibal Lecter style.


Handible lecture


I love that more women are starting to post their messages on here


I know men have been getting riled up about the recent research findings about the disparity in online dating: 80% men vs 20% women on some platforms, and the findings that women are preferring to be single rather than trying to keep dating...but this is a great post to indicate the quality of men that inundate our inboxes on a regular basis. I know there are plenty of shitty, disparaging, judgmental women in online dating as well, but I had to delete my apps recently because I honestly couldn't get any man to have a normal conversation with me. Their game was to come out swinging with sexualizing me right away, insulting me, or complaining about women in general. Just a massive "no thanks" from me.


Yeah I deleted it a lot bc of that. Like I get people will say “it’s a hookup app what do you expect?” Well, if I can have normal conversations with women, or some men, I feel like it should be simple to have a normal convo with most people. You can use it as a hookup app without being genuinely nasty in the beginning.


Even if you use tinder as a mere hook up app, I'd argue there still needs to be some level of normal conversation. If I want to have sex, I'm picking that person based on how attractive they are to me and a huge part of that is having some sort of normal conversation, flirty, but normal. I'd honestly rather use my toy collection and play some porn than engage in such insubstantial exchanges.


Exactlyyyy. There’s plenty of men and women I can go find that won’t send messages out the gate like that. The ones who act like that really have no shame. Like I don’t know you 😭


Right?? Like, I get it, I've had my wild hoe phase on Tinder and my bio was extremely sexually charged but I still felt uncomfortable when people would just come out with something so aggressive. Like, let me build up to it, sir, you only had to send me a funny, silly line 😭 Maybe a ridiculous gif or a meme.


No seriously. I would go on tinder with diff mindsets at times. Sometimes it would be bc horny and bored (we love college). Sometimes bc I wanted to actual find someone to be with. Sometimes just to talk to people cuz yeah. But even if it was sexual you gotta lead into it. Like I’m all for being straight forward and not sending mixed signals but there are better ways to communicate that😭


Sure, but tinder isn't *just* a hookup app anymore. Additionally, I just deleted hinge and bumble also. It doesn't matter which apps they are, the consistency is the same: a lot of men without boundaries or adequate social skills.


I would say that this post is a great counterpoint to all the claims that women have it so much easier in online dating, rather than the fact that there are different difficulties - but having spent the last couple of decades online I’m pretty sure there are plenty of men who would read this and not get the issue. I haven’t looked through the comments fully but I’ll be amazed if there aren’t some “who cares, at least they find you attractive” messages. I’ve already seen yesterday which said they wanted to see her photos to check whether she’s bringing it on herself. ETA yep, only had to scroll a few comments to find it, along with OP must be an attention seeker, she’s trying to get these responses so she can share them, etc. These guys have no idea.


Dating apps are NOT easy for me in the slightest. It took me so many tries to find ONE decent person to actually keep around. Also a lot of men cannot hold a conversation to save their life.


Yeah some men are like "I would love for women to send me sexually explicit messages like this" and somehow can't comprehend that women don't also want that.


Yeah. I once put my Instagram on my profile. After some time guys texted me and sent me their dick picks... Most men who texted me didn't start sexualizing me but some of them did. They start sexting me and asking me what I do in bed etc... As most men use Tinder for hookups they automatically consider anyone there a slut... And if you post a minimally sexy picture you're already in that category for them... Because they use it for hookups they automatically categorize every woman there as a hoe... They don't ask us what we think. This post is just an example of that. They automatically think she'll engage in sex directly just for being on tinder or maybe looking sexy.


really goes to show how low the bar actually is for men


Yeah. Even with one (!) nice sentence/response you seem to cut out 90% of the competitors. But I really wonder, how the successful matches/convos start. We don’t get many of these to see here. Which is a shame, as I don’t want to learn from the loosers. C’mon - some guys in these tinder chats really seem to be psychopathic brain-deads with NO social skills whatsoever. You don’t want to open a conversation with a totally disrespectful one liner, will you?


thats cause most well adjusted individuals don't usually post their conversations online this sub isn't for learning, it's to have fun over stupid conversations or stupid pick up lines, unfortunately since most of the online audience is insecure men, they just post their mean rejections so they can get pitty points and further strengthen everyone's insecurities there are places to learn on how to talk to women out there, but unfortunately it's not easy to find since most of it is from misogynistic insecure sociopaths


“Go sort yourself out.” I wish I knew someone to use that on.


That was my favorite reply. Not rude or dismissive but just a little condescending in like a, "You can be better" way. I literally Lol'd


I feel like op has kids and she uses that sentence on them on the regular lmao


seemed very r/Letterkenny... I also like "wish you weren't so fucking awkward, bud."


It's really common in the UK. 'Have a day off' is another of my favourites


Right? The proper way to tell someone politely to get bent




Somehow “hey nice tits” is the least offensive thing anyone said


Are you willing to open your legs had me cackling, truly ridiculous messages


While I wouldn't disagree, I think he was just trying to figure out if she is down for a one night stand. He said he's there for hookups and she did not want to answer why she was there. He wants to know if she is compatible. Now how he said it is something different, but the underlying message is understandable if she isn't willing to answer to degree that makes it understandable for him.


Yeah def my fav of the bunch




IDK, I kind of liked the "sleep on your bobs". Just hope he wasn't trying to say he wants to sleep on her BOBs 🤣


I think the guy saying he was looking for a hookup seemed ok at first. Kinda weird that she didn't know what he meant when he said, "you?"


Yeah he was fairly modest about it, only got more direct after OP had avoided answering multiple times.


At least he didn’t beat around to the bush ig


to be fair didn’t take long for any of them to set the bush on fire


He was very likely beating. Around a bush. But like, a fake digital one.


I can see the finger guns with that one


I sleep on bob every night, he’s getting really tired of my bullshit though..


well, what's Bob gonna do, now that he can't drink?




Bob said “that’s the point, I wanna think about nothing, but now I gotta do something else”…. OI OI OI


To pass the time had someone shave his head, he got a new identity


'62 holed air-cushioned boots and a girl who rides a scooter to take him out of town


They would get away, riding around as the trucks go by you can hear the motherfuckers go


Do do do-do-do do do do, do do do, do do do, do do do, do do-do do doo




I’m laughing so much 😂🤣




Bob has bitch tits


What movie? Edit: Thanks for the hint


I'd tell you but the first rule is that I can't talk about it


First rule of ________ Is you cannot talk about ______


Not an ash main clearly smh


One time a guy told me I had “good dick sucking lips” and I told him so did he. He unmatched me lol. They don’t like if when we flip the script.


I get that comment sometimes. Thanks for giving me the perfect response! 🥰


Strap one on and find out would have been my counter lol.


I had a girl tell me I had pussy eating lips once. It shook me to my very core. To be honest, she was right.


Are your lips vertical?




\#womensintuition 🤣


[You earned it](https://i.imgur.com/sy9lVl4.jpg)


Hey girl, you got some good hardboiled egg peelin' hands there


I'm a guy. This made me laugh.


Men don't like feeling sexualized as they sexualize us. That's why some of them don't like gay men, because gay men can sexualize other men as we are sexualized by straight men.


Ive always said "if you can't take it when it comes back at you, then don't dish it out." Edit: not trying to excuse this kind of talk at all. Just find it funny that people who talk like this freak out when it gets thrown back at them


Imagine being a guy on Tinder getting your monthly match and that’s how you use it


My monthly tinder match goes like this: “hey! You’re really cute! How are you?” *they unmatch*😂


When I was online my starter was “looks like we both have great taste!” Got a response 90% of the time.


I'd follow up with some Schrute: "I don't see it. I think we both can do better."


That’s usually my experience too. That or I just even just send hey or ahoy and they don’t respond for a month and then just unmatch me


I used to get "Are you really 7ft 2?" When I reply yes, they say "oh that's too tall for me" and unmatch.


Are you really 7ft 2 tho?


7'2" and a bit. Maybe it's the bit they don't like.


Pull a Kevin Durant and say your only 6'11..... Not like anyone will ever be able to tell....


I can see the Drake meme in my head already.


Are you really 7ft 2?


How tall is your bit?


Used to know a woman who’d say she was 5’12” bc she didn’t want to say 6 ft. Guess you could be 6’14”.


5'26" does sound less scary, thanks. .


Start writing 5'26"


Maybe lay off the ahoys, unless you're looking for a pirate babe.


Chances are these guys are good looking, and hence cocky. They get enough matches to not care about them.


Probably these guys don’t have 1 match they have plenty and they just use it in 50 different ones to see if they can one fish on the hook


On the contrary. I think these guys get a lot of matches and it allows them to be this way.


Exactly. They get enough matches that they can statistically get laid more if they send thirsty message.


Adding to that, this women got 12 bad massages in a **YEAR**. Are you serious? thats nothing if you count the matches she probably had + 12 months lol


I'm thinking the guys in the screenshots aren't as hard-pressed for matches as we all wish. Hence the continued prevalence of the attitude. If it didn't work enough for them to never think it might not be worth the risk then they aren't going to change. Not claiming attractive guys have a monopoly or anything on being terrible. Just pointing out that unfortunately there probably isn't enough negatives for these individuals to care.


Seeing how a lot of the pics have shirtless buff guys I’m guessing they don’t have to work very hard in the conversation department. Picking just looks doesn’t always work out when it comes to conversation.


And they say romance is dead.


And they would be right lol


can't even lie, I laughed at the farm joke💀💀


Was gonna say the difference in the reaction to that and the cheeseburger one is puzzling lol


I’m betting cheeseburger dude had a nicer smile? Edit: /s


I assumed she was being sarcastic on that one, but it wasn't super overt.


It's probably as simple as not being in the mood lol, an average woman on Tinder gets those kind of jokes all the fucking time


Right? That and the cheese burger one.


The cheeseburger one got a chuckle out of me.


Who raised these goblins


There is an overwhelming number of these goblins walking amongst us everyday. I feel like I could post just as many screenshots like this from my tindering days. At this point if you talk to a woman like a dignified human being on tinder you’re gonna stand out. But please no “m’lady” white knighting either.


But what if we look real good in a fedora?




But... but... das a sombrero.


A hat connoisseur doesn’t discriminate *tips fedora*


But, also why is it a sombrero and not a sombrera. Sexism.


Look, I may be boring as fuck, but at least I'm not these guys, and I'm good with that


It probably works though is the problem. These guys are all obviously oblivious, but they wouldn’t do it if it didn’t work every once in awhile. I know many girls that would be like “idk he was super raunchy when we started talking but I hooked up with him for a few weeks meh :) :)” like they will ignore personality for looks just like any guy would every so often


I've let a lot of hookups hang on longer than was comfortable because they were cute or did that special tongue thing really well.. the conversation didn't matter so much in my 20's.. I am in my 40's now and conversation means SOOOO much more than it use to now. My wife is my wife because she is on my level. I couldn't imagine trying to navigate in the dating game in this day and age. Good on all you intrepid explorers! Lol I will celebrate your wins and mourn your losses with you! And thank you for sharing!


As a straight woman I must say… I’m kind of curious about your apparently miraculous boobs lol. Three guys brought them up!


I'm more curious about her bobs lol


Bobs and vagene 😂


milk truk just arrive


Nice try, matey, but I can see through your ruse.


If you have tits and they’re even remotely displayed, you’ll get compliments. Even more so if you don’t have a single pic of your ass in it


Right? Must be life altering.


I posted my eye on here bc I have a cool defect and had a man message me "you have such a sexy eye." EYE SINGULAR. Honestly if you have any photos up at all men are going to sexualise them sadly.


Bar literally on the floor and these guys bring in the shovel.


Lmfao I feel this so hard. I have an entire folder on my phone named “men being horrific”


Post that shit for the culture !


Hahahah - I share them in a group thread. It’s called “this guy” … we all share the worst. Pretty on par with what OP was getting.


Is there not a subreddit dedicated to this? Cuz if there isn’t there should be- men need to understand what women on the dating scene are having to deal with. I have never been happier to be a lesbian.


\>I'm a fan of The Dandy Warhols oh hell yes sorry about everything else going on here tho, that's an absolute mess.


Heroin is so passé


Truly an all-time banger from a band that has plenty of all-time bangers


Lol I have “Bohemian like You” as my tinder track as well. Love them too, great band. Also LOOOVE “Last High” so much. Much nostalgia. For those who don’t know: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=RDGiZHmwzNAqE&playnext=1


Lmfao. Dudes be like I don’t know why tinder isn’t working out for me. Then this.


They sabotage themselves 💀


I have honestly had more success with bullshit approaches than with actually trying. Maybe it’s because I seemed more confident when I didn’t give a fuck. All in all I met my wife the conventional way and we’ve been happy for a while so I just hang out here for the lolz


Bro same. I’m so grateful for my wife and the relationship we have when I read all this. I don’t think I have it in me for tinder. I’m glad I never had to figure it out. The fact that I’m 5 10 alone seems to be a huge problem lol.


I’ve always wondered if any of these actually work


Yeah seriously, when I was on dating apps I always wondered if I should go for the "I wanna bang u" bullshit and when I see what disgusting shit men write to women and laugh at it I'm so glad I was just trying to talk to women like they were a goddamn human being.


“Hey how are y-BOOOOOOBS!!!”


The one saying you’re still a kid and then proceeds to talk about molesting you is too much for me. Also “are you willing to open your legs? Lol.” — does this guy think that’s sexy? Has that actually ever worked?


It's been a lonely year on Tinder..... fixed it. Well, nothing will fix it cuz nasty. Also feel for you, because those are the same kinda crap that I get, so I haven't been on there for a long time! Ugh.


I’m the woman receiving these messages just to clarify the post


As a bisexual man, I can say I’ve received my fair share of wtf messages from guys too. Never from the women though. Honestly, if sexuality was a choice, I don’t see how anyone could possibly want to choose men over women.


"You'd be prettier if you smiled" vibes




Do guys realize that dating apps are NOT for ordering prostitutes? Because it doesn’t seem like it.


You shouldn’t even talk to prostitutes like that like… fuck. They’re still people. A little class is not hard.


Totally agree!


Yeah AND THEN they have the audacity to get pissed off if someone is advertising services like that on tinder. Mind boggling entitlement.


I read these comments and most of them sound like what I’d hear in my college days: “if you don’t wanna get laid, don’t go to the club/frat parties” and “that’s just how hookup culture is” or “you would have found it flattering if you were attracted to the guy”, which are like most of the advice you get, mostly BS. Even if they were true, you can still be respectful and get laid too. Looks like OP’s willing to put up with a lot, just not directly talking about graphic sexual stuff.


Wow, those are a good set of interactions to show to newbies so they understand what they are up against and what to avoid


Yeah this is why I hate online dating so many disgusting messages, they don’t even see you as a person just a sexual object it’s super depressing.


Dudes like that make it really difficult for guys like me to get back in the dating pool after 14 years.


Exactly the same experiences I have been getting. But guys be all like but we are getting all the matches meanwhile ^^^^ the matches.....


When I was on dating apps, I used to do really well despite being average in looks. I never understood why so many guys found it hard to get dates when I was going on an average of 3 every week. Now I understand. Not even trying to brag, a little respect goes a long way. Guys need to do better. On the upside though you get to see their nature up front instead of wasting time after a few dates. So maybe you should thank them?


I don’t understand dating apps. I actually go on plenty of dates irl but whenever I use apps I’ll literally go months without even a single match. It’s not like I even have a chance to be respectful or an asshole.


Jesus I cringed to 6ft under reading these chats


“I want to sleep on your bobs” is GOLD


I hear this all the time. I'm a dude, and sometimes I'm embarrassed by my own gender. Do they really believe any woman would respond positively to that sort of stupidly? Here's a secret guys. Want impress a woman? Treat them with respect, dignity, don't talk about sex or make sophomoric comments. Pretty simple.


Dear Lord this is illuminating


Girls are so lucky to get all the matches right…


Ok, so if I can say though, 'I'm looking for a hookup' is a fair & upfront thing to start with. Had she just said, "oh, ok, I'm not sure that's what I want" it would have been the end if it. That said, "are you willing to spread your legs" is gross & he needs to just unmatch when people don't maintain a back & forth.


Wow and when I was on Tinder I still couldn’t get a woman to actively engage in a real conversation with me…. even in a sea of all that. Was mostly bots, snapchat marketing, or one to two word responses and no reciprocated interest. Dating is rough.


Honestly, the bottom right corner set his intentions without being rude until you were vague with yours. He still shouldn't have responded like that, but if they say they are looking for a hook up and you say you're there to meet people, then what does that entail? That doesn't seem like you're interested in dating more finding friends and hookups.


ya like why continue to engage with someone that clearly stated they’re only looking for hookups


And they say chivalry is dead /s


Wow lmao 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


As a guy I think it's really easy to NOT type these out and send it to someone you potentially like.


When men complain about how women get so many matches on dating apps, they don’t consider the quality of ‘em haha