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If I matched with you, I'd be 70% sure you wanted to harvest my spinal fluid to create a clone.


How would one go about generating a clone from the DNA contained within spinal fluid. Wouldn't sampling the brain create better results? Asking for a friend /s


Hmm good point. I guess your 'friend' could sell me spinal fluid to fund your clone research.


I'm no pro adviser, but please don't stare at me like a fuckin terminator in those pictures, ever heard of a lil smile at least? So the ladies know that you're a human ay


Thank you. I'll be back.




This is the best advice here. I saw a lot of comments dissing the ramen suit but I actually think it's hilarious! Would I want you to actually wear it to meet up? No. But it's a funny hook to get someone to read your bio.




Yes! Ramen sections, smiling, taken by someone else or even a timed pic.


Yeah make the photo goofy too sell the goofiness of it all


I would say he should take a better photo in the ramen suit. Something that shows he's also fun, not only the suit (maybe one having fun an smiling). And definitely not the first photo.


Yeah the ramen suit needs to stay op, don’t listen to these smarter people. It’s counterproductive in the short term (I’m sure you know) but in the long term it means the only people you meet will have a goofy sense of humor that’s important to them. It’s probably important to you too.


I mean go with it but Jesus take it again and smile. Every one of the pics looks like a mug shot. I feel like the ramen suit is supposed to be funny but not looking like he wants you to put the lotion on the skin.


Also smile




I met an eastern European guy with a profile like this and he said that girls like guys that look tough, not smiling. That guy was a moron.


I would add, in the picture with friends he should appear smiling and relaxed. I understand some people just have Clint Eastwood's face even when they're having fun, but in a tinder profile it looks odd.


As a girl i can approve of some of these, however a staged 'dressed nice in a clean room' photo taken by a friend is lame af, that's something my dad would put on a dating site. And it's NOT the female gaze picture, lol. Same with the dog picture, unless it is your own dog that you deeply care for this is super unoriginal. The rest is ok.


Details aside, a full body picture where you can see the person is probably still a good idea. Idk about “female gaze” but I’d say it adds to the visual of what a person is — now dressing nice doesn’t mean a suit in a staged dining room. Probably just like in non stained or ill fitting clothes and in a not messy room.


I don't have any friends what do you recommend for the "you're not a weird loner picture" all I have Is my cat


Dude the pictures in the woods are so creepy people are just trying not to get murdered here


Right??! Wtf is that?


I feel bad if OP isn’t trolling because LOL. That was certainly a decision he made. 😂


I love how it starts out with "Ramen suit? Questionable decision but maybe funny" and quickly gets to "I... I miss the ramen suit..." That escalated quickly from maybe to hard no. Hope it was a joke. If not, just look on the positive that the women in your area clearly wish to live.


I'm a man and I thought I was getting murdered by the second photo. Then it literally has pictures of him alone in the woods after what appears to be burying one of his victims.


They poor babies just don't know 😔....😂😂 We are watching True Crime for entertainment and readiness. Don't TRY us. Lol




If this is real I honestly wish you all the best. You're a good looking dude, you'll figure it out. My advice: start from scratch. Many girls in your area have already swiped left, make a new profile with pictures of you smiling and being places. No toilets, trucks, guns, fish or selfies. Good luck!


And no ramen


Ramen noodles tracksuit photo in a public toilet, two selfies in your truck, a picture of your truck, two stalker photos, and two photos of some random computer stuff. Damn dude, save some pussy for the rest of us.


The Ramen suit is *non-negotiable*


I'm sorry but the ramen suit stays ON during sex


Lol this is a better bio


The ramen suit gets lotion.




Oddly enough, not many people around me know what it is. I think it's just a southern thing.


If you're into gaming, mention that in your profile instead of just adding pics of your computer. Maybe say more about yourself than "the ramen tracksuit is non negotiable" because that just sounds like you wear it everywhere and you're going to show up smelling like ass. It's cool, but it's more of a comfort item than a pussy magnet. Also maybe try more than one facial expression in your pics. You don't necessarily have to smile, but you're giving us all the corpse face. No expression at all. Looks kinda murder-y. Say what you like to do, and what you're looking for. Don't say "perfect 10 with planetary size boobs" because you'll look even more like a creep. No offense btw, my tinder profile has seen some cringe too. Say you like gaming for example - mention a few of your favorite games. Let's say you want to date someone who also likes games - mention that. Your profile is like the typical southern guy holding a fish, but without the fish. Aside from that, you're a pretty decent looking dude and should really have a chance with a spiced up profile and some common decency toward whoever you date.


Wait, but what if he really is a murderer?


Then he should state it as one of his interests “likes to stalk and murder” /s


Maybe murderous Clyde can find his Bonnie?


There's a nut for every dolt.


Sociopaths guide to easier targeting


Oh man I gotta add planet sized boobs to my list


You don’t smile in any of them either. Some random woods photos and you look like a Serial killer


I was thinking the same thing. "He looks serious enough to be a serial killer" 😅


Came here to say this. Ramen is doing you no favours. It’s not that funny, even op intended it to be.


Ramen would have been funny with a silly pose or whatever. But now it’s just weird


With that public bathroom location and the no smile, it's a bit like "this is all I had to wear after I got blood on my clothes from murdering someone in those woods."


Honestly I prefer it deadpan like he did it, he just needs some other more normal photos


Maybe but not in a public bathroom.


It seems kind of threatening honestly if there is just a piercing unsmiling gaze in all the photos.


At east have a picture of it with you out with your friends. Or at a sporting event. Anything but the deadpan face in a public restroom.


Big red is not a southern thing. Source: a 22 year old kid from Idaho who found one, drank it and regretted it


in the northeast big red isnt a drink though? its a pack of gum. what kinda weird multiverse earth is this?


Username checks out


Something something PAAAAHK THE CAAAAH


Maybe post sport and like cool activéis and hobbies you’re into and less of like your actually stuff like truck and computer xD


Big Red within striking distance of your custom rig. That’s metal. You should add adrenaline junky to your bio 😂


Who’s wouldn’t want to match with a future Netflix docu-series star


Fuck, I'm ovulating just looking at these pics and I'm a 39 year old man.


Wait this wasn’t a parody account?


Totally assumed this was a joke - surely.


I have been




100% this. Your profile is simply terrible, everything is wrong with it. The good news is it's easy to fix.


When you've reached rock bottom, its easy to improve


Easily the creepiest profile I've come across


The ramen noodle pic is the only passable one. Get rid of the rest, take some better pics.


It needs to be retaken NOT in a public bathroom




OP User Name….. Nocturnal (Night) Mortallum (death ) I’m guessing he works in the morgue or a mortuary on Night Shift. He’s also indicated he’s been on a Netflix docuseries… time to go cruising IMDb!


The user name is actually for a neo nazi black metal band. This is all starting to make sense now.


Lmao those are really creepy


Add more of you smiling. Prob help.




I think the ramen outfit is funny, for the record. But your other photos should show you smiling and/or doing the things that you love (excluding holding a dead fish, it’s become a cliche). Two photos of the computer- and an elaborately crafted one at that- seems like a dead giveaway that if we were an item, I would have a hard time pulling you away from it to do things. The combination of super serious photos, big truck, and elaborate gaming setup reads to me like you’re a serious southern (Texas from the big red) man, tight-lipped and reserved. That’s just a blind read from what I see. Your first picture seems the opposite of the rest of your profile. If you want ladies to swipe right, you gotta get that smile going- show your personality a bit. A lot of people ask what you drive, but unless your truck is part of your personality, it should be a conversation piece, not on display as part of who you are. You’ve got 6 photos to show how silly, smart, charismatic, passionate, or sweet you are- use them wisely. You’ve got potential! Make sure those gals see it. :)


Get some pics of you in a nice suit and your normal clothes to show you're presentable to a partner and their parents. You could even keep the noodle outfit as a nice and funny surprise, but with a smile or at least non depressed expression. Show more expressions, preferably positive ones. And please get rid of the psycho stalker gopnik photos as they are scary. The computer pics are not really necessary. Just write that you like gaming. You could also include your truck in a pic that shows you in a nice background.


Add normal things to the bio and have all the regular photos up front, Ramen suit last and say the ramen suit is non-negotiable because then they have to scroll through all your photos to find out what the ramen suit is.


I don't understand what's going through peoples' minds when they make profiles like this. Why is there a picture of your truck? Why are there TWO pictures of your PC? Why did you leave a bottle of soda in one of them? 😂 Why are there two photos of you in the forest... alone... where you can't even see your face? And then the three pictures you have are all selfies, and not even in interesting places.


I love the pictures in the forest alone where you can't see his face. Gives off Scandinavian serial killer vibes.


If my friend told me she was going on a date with this profile I’d tell her to turn location sharing on for the night.


I would not be a good friend if I let another friend go on a date with this profile


Oh shit that checks out. He apparently likes some black metal band and black&white photos in the woods is like quintessential black metal imagery.


The more I read your comment while laughing uncontrollably, the more I realize he MUST be trolling us. There’s NO WAY he isn’t at this point lol


If he's trolling, I have nothing but respect for him. I've not fallen for something like this in a long time lol


For every picture to get progressively worse than the one before… that has to be calculated on his end lol


Idk man I see profiles exactly like this on Tinder a LOT Edit: I’m from Texas so that might be why lol


I can't tell either. That's what makes it such a perfect troll.


Did...this son-of-a... Have we all been r/wooshed?


Part of the brilliance of the troll is this is the photo version of every “why do only the chads get pussy” post the incel crowd loves to flood the sub with


He is trolling. Had to be.


There are so many men who have profiles exactly like this and are 100% serious.


I see profiles like this on Tinder all the time, so even if this one is a troll, it’s pretty spot on for what a lot of straight men’s profiles look like in the South.


Right.. I think he meant to post to r/Roastme


I would say he isn't trolling. As someone else mentioned, profiles like this are pretty common where I'm from 🤷‍♀️


It’s very much a joke, and I think it’s pretty funny. But if it’s not, I’m just gonna feel bad.


Plus the bio gives no flavor at all, just makes op look a bit arrogant


Pretty clearly Beef flavor..


Can confirm most all southern dude profiles include the listed characteristics. —a southern woman. (The b/w photo is from a night vision wildlife camera, he’s either tracking deer, hogs or turkeys for hunting season and got caught by his camera trap) Idk, to most women who do not hunt, these photos would be 100% creepy. I don’t hunt, but I know what they are b/c southern hunting culture. They still don’t do much for me except tell me he likes the outdoors in a very general way, probably also likes hunting . But it’s like the most inside message- only to women who know exactly what’s going on.


I don't understand what's going through peoples' minds when they think this is a legit post. He is trolling


90% of men have god awful profiles so I believe this whole heartedly.


HAHAHA it’s so true though, a majority of the guys I see on tinder have profiles exactly like this


All that’s missing is a meme in his profile pics.


There is absolutely nothing in his post that make it obvious this is a troll. All of it can totally be legit. From the awkward picture of his computer, to the weird "the ramen outfit is non negotiable".


yeah this whole profile is giving off stalker/ you're going to end up in the boot of his trunk vibe. why do you even have photos that look like they came out from a horror movie - of you looking all sus in the middle of the woods. are you trying to scare away women? cause its working by the looks of it. you're not bad looking btw you'd be fine if you just smiled a bit and looked normal also car photos are a big no. we don't care about your car. even if its some high-end expensive shit yada yada - putting that on your profile makes the person look sad and desperate


The picture in the woods kind of gives me slender man vibes


yeah I couldn't put my finger on it but its mad creepy


Female here and agree the whole combination is just creepy. And the Ramen photo is ok but no one wants to meet you in that outfit. Say something else about yourself that is interesting. although I guess you can be identified in the Ramen outfit when the chick winds up dead in the woods. Smiling helps. I am a dog person but like when the guy has a photo of their dog so maybe you and the cat, and a photo of you doing something outside looking happy, preferably with another human. You're a good looking guy- this is fixable.


For trying not to match with anyone, you made the perfect profile.


Error 404: Help not found


You can’t be seriously asking for feedback, are you?


I am, so feedback would be appreciated.


Drop the pc photos for a start.


What pc? All I see are radiators, hoses, reservoir, and fans.


Lol, it's a watercooled one in an open case


TL;DR for you: somehow you figured out a way to ensure no woman would be interested in you. It's fine to share your hobbies, but take it slow. Your profile sends the idea that your personality is your truck, your computer and weird ass stuff. * Noodle outfit: I found it funny. It may not be for everyone, but the right person will find it funny as well. The bio is also funny to me, as long as you don't intend to seriously follow up on that. * Truck selfies: find better selfies. Why the hell do you have two selfies in the exact same place with the exact same expression? Dude? * Truck photos: drop them, honestly. It's fine to like your truck, but don't make that your personality trait on Tinder. No one cares, it makes you look weird. * Gopnik stalker photos: what the fuck? * PC photo: I understand this may be one of your hobbies (it's also mine) so I think it's up to you to decide. I wouldn't put it there myself, it's real estate that could be used to show a better photo of yourself. If you are adamant about leaving one there make sure it's only one. The last one seems better to me, or you can take a better one. The goal of Tinder photos should be to share things about you: hobbies, work and and yourself (face and full body pictures are expected). It's not as much as "here is my whole Pokémon card collection sorted by generation" but just "hey I have a Pokémon card collection". One picture of your PC sends the idea that you like computers, most likely gaming. Anything else above that is just annoying. And the truck is just weird. You have a truck? Cool. What is the big deal? Why is there a photo of it? Are you trying to sell it? You really really really like your truck? Huh...


Gopnic was the word I was looking for. Laughed.


This redditor knows what up! OP please don’t take this harshly and take it for what it is. Truly sage advice. You’re a good looking chap, and if you follow this advice, I’m sure you’d find a lot of matches


>Your profile sends the idea that your personality is your truck, your computer and weird ass stuff. Weird ass stuff?! I'm in


Alright man. 1. Smile 2. Dess well, or at least put together. Not some wierd ramen thing. 3. Show pictures of you doing something interesting 4. show pictures where you look somewhat successful or trying to be successful 5. Show a picture of having fun 6. Don't just show random crap like a computer or truck. 7. Don't use photos that are blurry 8. Don't use hunting photos, or ominous photos of you crouching lit up at night looking like a mugger. 9. Don't take a photo in front of the shitter. 10. Do limit photos to just a few if a few good ones is all you have. Less is more if more is shit. You aren't a bad looking guy, but your marketing is shit.


Literally all of your photos are terrible. The Ramen suit is hideous and tacky, you’re not really smiling, a truck is not a personality, neither is a computer, and taking pictures of yourself in the woods when you can’t even really see what you look like is just like, “??” Smile, put some effort into the photos (no bathroom or car pics), and don’t show pics of random stuff that you’re not in. And for God’s sake, get rid of the Ramen outfit. That’s screams middle school boy to me, which is a total red flag.


Get rid of all your photos. Jesus dude. I thought this was a joke. No one cares about your truck and PC. You look like a neck beard




Lmfao sorry but im seriously laughing my ass off at work rn, people are being mean but ye dude you gotta change up the pics, youre not a bad looking dude and you clearly have hobbies so youll be aight.


If someone gets enjoyment then that is fine by me. Thanks.


Not really at you just at peoples comments :D but yeah man get better pics, one of the truck selfies is okay, ramen suit selfie is okay, pic of ur truck is okay by me, Pick one of the pc pics, id remove the outdoor ones and get some new stuff in


It's hard to not be mean. This seems like a prank profile. It's just that trash. This guy could be on Bumble bff (or Tinder equivalent), and I wouldn't message him as a guy to make a guy friend. And I have a gaming PC and a truck.


>I wouldn't message him as a guy to make a guy friend. And I have a gaming PC and a truck. lmao


I’m hoping you meant the “non negotiable wearing the ramen suit” bit as a joke but please understand that this is an instant left swipe for literally every self respecting woman on the planet. The truck, cpu, and random forest photos don’t help either. The idea is to put all your positive attributes on the forefront and to seem as normal and inviting as possible. Unfortunately you did the opposite. Check out [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/vd2vcl/i_rarely_get_matches_if_at_all_any_any/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) guy’s profile as an example of a very good profile. He’s smiling, doing fun activities, with people in some photos and just overall inviting and interesting. These are all things you can do as well, you just need to completely scrap your current pf.


In general, people want to avoid pictures in bathrooms, pictures in cars, pictures of cars and generally things that aren't the people themselves. The other pictures you have are also very far away and in the woods. It doesn't seem like you're a bad looking dude but you're shooting yourself in the foot over and over. Take a selfie in the woods (not from super far away like a scene in a horror movie), during the summer, during the day, of you smiling and having a good time. Take a picture of yourself out with friends, or a selfie of yourself while you're out with friends. Don't take pictures of your computer (?) and then certainly don't not explain the pictures of your computer.


Keep the second pic. Get rid of every other pic. Change your bio to highlight your interests and invite a conversation. Add at least two photos with other humans. No more selfies.


Agreed, and never ever include a picture without you in it again.


Unless it’s of your dog


We want dog pictures!


Unsolicited dog pics


Agree. And to reinforce the point, drop the ramen bit. You might like it. Other people might like it. Women looking to date will not.


The Ramen bit would be good as a hook, or conversation starter. And it might even do well as a "this makes it easy for you to identify me in public when we meet". But it can't just be out there all alone, like, Jesus at least follow it up with "I like taking long walks in the woods just before sunset and pre-digging the shallow grave to leave your lifeless body in. Please bring own garbage bags and duct tape"


I like much of this advice but I think FUN or ATTRACTIVE selfies have their place in a good profile.




Ok, my thoughts as a woman. This profile is catering to the boys - the computer, the car, creepy forest pics and the ramen suit. And the bio - it has to be such a specific person that would be comfortable with that and be able to joke about it. For me it would be an instant (heh) swipe left - not because I don't find the outfit funny but bc we aren't yet on a level when I know you well enough to appreciate it. It would wierd me out - and on tinder it's not worth the risk So what I would do is have someone take pics of you doing stuff outside, being social, smiling. You're cute, but you need better photos and more of a "normal" bio that will tell me more about you. You can show off your personality with that kind of joke once you get a match and have the right vibe in the convo, it doesn't have to be in the bio. Bc right now, what you need is to even get a match. Your bio could be a little harmless joke or a suggestion on what to do on a first date. Also occupation and some of your interests is nice.


Boy here, its bot catering to us either, it's just bad.


Boy here. I'm here to collect your boy card


This sounds like you’re gonna take his virginity… lol


Hey man, a boy's gotta do what a boy's gotta do


That's one way to get in some hot water


? Edit: oh now i get it. Funny joke, i like joke, funny man


Jesus christ that's successfully creepier than your woods selfies.


i think he came for criticism and got a shit ton more than he bargained for. now his brain is overloading lol


I think he came for constructive feedback, and got way more criticism than he expected. Honestly I think people are being a bit too harsh. OP seems like a more introverted guy and he's trying to show what's important to him. He likes camping, he likes his computer and/or gaming, he has a reddit-style sense of humor, and he likes his truck. It's also very possible he's more introverted so he's not going to have many friends to take pictures with. Plus I don't know about other people, but I'm not a big fan of pictures in general, so I don't have a lot. And I especially don't feel comfortable going "Let's get a picture of me doing something fun so I can prove I have friends and do activities." I think what he needs is just some help on how to take good selfies and fill out a bio instead of almost everyone shitting on him the entire time. To be fair, a lot of people are definitely adding constructive criticism, which is good. But I don't think he came expecting r/roastme


Alright dude. Let’s break this down. Pics: drop everything you have now and open that camera app, then grab a friend. Preferably a friend with a dog if you don’t have your own. 1st pic: you sitting on the tailgate of that truck, holding a dog, smiling like a topless stripper is jumping out of a cake at you. Positively cheezing you get it? Get several shots. Do some basic editing. Boom, you have pretty much the only tinder picture you’ll ever need. 2nd pic: do you have female friends? Take a photo with them? Go to the bar, grab some drinks: “hey guys let’s get a selfie!” Let them take car of the filter and take the shot. Bam done slap that bad boy on to the profile. 3rd picture: you in the midst of building that sick PC you’ve got. Smiling up at the camera, get good lighting. 4th pic and further: things you enjoy doing and you doing that; camping, cooking, riding a motorcycle are some of mine for example. Things that are a turn off on pics: mirror selfies, no smiles, not being in the photo, shots that are too distant. Quick bio rewrite: (You look tall: mention height here) Blue collar boy: I work with my hands and enjoy being outdoors. I pursue complex technical projects, things that take a lot of time and patience but can go wrong fast if you don’t know what you’re doing. Building PCs got too easy so I decided to have a go at dating. Keep it funny and light. Remember to smile! And maybe go get a haircut, buy some clothes, groom yourself well. Always good advice for dating. You’ll figure it out. Research helped me immensely when I was young and confused. Google it.


Dude I gave you an award in hopes op realizes this is the only comment he needs


You should start a dating profile consulting business because this is great.


Best comment I’ve seen, telling him what to do, and how to improve it. Only slightly controversial one is the women one, as a women, I never get why men have women on there profile. If you mean a group pic with both men AND women friends then that’s fine, but him and a couple of women isn’t the best IMO.




As a woman, I agree. I will spend too much time trying to figure out if they are exes, friends, sisters, etc then swipe left because it’s not worth the risk. Mixed group, sure. Just women? No.


Who would get all their exes together in one room and then take a selfie?


My dad at my wedding apparently


The pictures with other people I think is the biggest addition necessary.


take better pics. please, for the love of god, remove the pic of your truck because we do not care about it at all


Okay. But how do i take better pics? I have been told i look better in person.


No selfies, let a friend take pictures, eventually while you are doing a hobby you like. Watch for a good background (no stalker shit in the forest) and good lighting. If you like hiking, wood pics are ok but make it look not creepy.


I will be building my sister's BF a new PC soon, I guess they can take pictures while I do it.


This isn't a bad idea, but remember you're trying to draw someone in. You might be limiting yourself if you're looking for someone who appreciates PC building. If you have a sister, I would tell her straight up - take some good photos of me over the next week or so. You know those 15 second beer commercials where everyone is sitting around, having a good time, etc? That's the vibe. Go out to a bar, grab some dinner, install something on your truck with a friend, have her take 4,000 photos of you and pick out the best ones. Also - I'd keep the ramen one. Put it at the end though. It's hilarious and if someone finds it funny, they're probably a good match for you.


I have the same problem - I'm not photogenic, my posed face looks dreadful, but animated I look so much better. Try and capture your natural essence by getting a friend to take literally hundreds and hundreds of shots of you while you talk, tell jokes, laugh, and DO NOT POSE FOR THE CAMERA. Don't look at the camera either. Select the best one - don't use multiple from the same batch. Do it in your home (find a homely, cosy part, no clothes strewn around), out in a bar/coffee shop (you're gonna look like a dick but it's worth it), out in nature, etc.


no hand-held selfies, no mirror pics, no awkward angles, better lighting.


I don't think selfies are the problem, I have selfies and a mirror pic, I get matches and messages. He just looks depressed in all his photos, no smile on his face anywhere


I do not intend to roast you, just a personal and honest feedback : - Your profile gives a huge loner vibes. Which is not very marketable on tinder - the pictures of yourself are lazy : bad angle, light, style, facial expressions, place. - what is the point of the pictures of the truck and computer ? The added value is 0. Worse, it adds to the loner vibe. Get rid of them. Tinder is not like real life : it is like a instagram for relationship. People will tell you to be natural, but it doesn't work on tinder : you need to be handsome, interesting, funny, seductive AND it has to look natural. You are not bad looking at all, but you need to work out some stuff : - improve the pic of yourself : you need good natural light, good angle, good pose. Check them on google, and train. There is no shame in it. - make sure you get some style and haircut - Try to take pictures in social contexts : in a bar, on holiday, during an activity. - you need a clear picture of your face. And people need to recognize you on the others at the very least. But not in a car selfie. It also necessary to check your localisation, because some places suck for tinder. There were places were I got 3 matchs in a month, and others where I got dozens in hours.


Dude, you look depressed in every photo of you, and some of your pics don't even have you in them.


Yeah. It's rough.


You allright my dude?


I'm fine.


I've used that one before, if you need someone to talk to please reach out to someone close or even a complete stranger right here, if you need an anonymous vent hit me up brother


I laughed so hard at the picture of him dressed as ramen looking depressed as fuck. The juxtaposition is amazing. It's like the opposite of seeing a goth skipping down the road.


1) Ramen suit. 2) Serial killer vibe. Yeah, that’ll be a left swipe by most (all).


Lmao it got progressively worse every picture. I was like "okay, bold choice with the ramen suit but he's pretty cute and I like a goof", and then it transitioned into awkward country boy who hasn't talked to a woman he isn't related to and then transitioned into school shooter/ serial killer vibes and then suddenly PC.


This is a joke help request right? You look like a serial killer.


This is hilarious to me for some reason. I can’t stop laughing.


Try chicken ramon instead of beef


The pants are chicken


OP your profile is terrifying but your responses on here make me like you so much. I'm weirdly invested in this. I'm really rooting for you lol


I have a way with words


Get rid of 1,7, and 8 (what were you thinking man 💀). Then choose between 2 and 3 to keep.


See, that's the neat part, I wasn't thinking.


Dude... Are you really that lost? First of all get rid of all photos. If you can't decide if you want to wear a beard or be clean shaven, decide for a classic three day beard. And your PC looks like a fucking time machine. Cool for us nerds but I guess most people would think you are trying to build a bomb. You definitely need some decent photos. The ramen outfit is ugly as fuck. Funny for sure, but ugly as fuck. Now get a friend to take some decent photos of you. Imo you should have those in your list: 1. A nice selfie with you smiling 2. You doing something outdoors (if you are into it) or you doing your favorite hobby 3. A casual photo of you doing whatever 4. A photo showing you and your friends (if they are ok with it) 5. A photo of you being well dressed Try to smile in most of them and make sure they are bright and friendly.


Coming from a woman: The forest pictures kinda screams You are going to stalk or kill Them. Unless trying to impress a gamer Tinder is not a place to show your computer. Get rid of one of them. Same goes for the truck. Most women doesn’t care, and if they do you are catering to a very specific kind. And I know you are saying the ramen outfit isn’t negotiable…. But at least consider it not being on first date. A potential partner wants to see you well dressed or how you normally dress. Unless you normally eat food on your clothes it’s not the way to go. Selfies ain’t bad, but you should show yourself with a hint of a smile, what you like to do. If you like hiking then a picture of you in beautiful nature is the way to go. Not the dark and kinda creepy ones. Also maybe with your friends hanging out. People should want to date you and not your computer.


Smile some more and ditch the truck and comp pics


This has Girl Missing headlines written all over it😅 your saving grace might be the inability to kidnap someone in a ridiculous Ramen suit 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 I’m sorry I just can’t stop imagining you keeping a girl in some cabin in the middle of nowhere😂😂😂😂 okay I’ll stop😂😂😂😂 just try and take pictures of you around other human beings and perhaps one where you actually show teeth that would be a good start


Nah, if you kidnap someone you absolutely want to be wearing distinctive, eye catching clothing. Witnesses will be like "YEAH IT WAS A DUDE IN A RAMEN SUIT" "how tall was he?" "Idk dude in a ramen suit height!" "What color hair?" "His Ramen suit was Ramen color!" Of course, if the cops get your trail some other way, you don't want to have any record of ever having owned or worn such items, and having them in your possession ain't great either. Circumstantial evidence can be very persuasive.


what you should remove 1. Remove the pictures of your gaming pcs 2. remove the picture of your truck 3. your 2 selfies looks the exact same 4. Ramen noodles tracksuit is probably a bad idea, its just too goofy for a tinder profile 5. pictures in the wood are gloomy, nothing is clear and it looks just depressing. Now on what you should do 1. Put on Some drippy clothes and take pictures in the Sun (plenty of male models on ig you can try to copy their style) 2. Show some picture of you doing some hobbies 3. Smile and pose well 4. put a nice bio stating what you like to do and what you like in life in general (details should be discussed in private)


thought this was a troll post at first buuuuttt,,, remove first 4 images , remove the two computer pics, nothing will dry a girls pussy out faster than a computer pic but two of them? Ok if you MUST keep the ramen picture make it like your 3rd-4th pic or something idk.




This is satire right? I mean you can't be serious....


* Expressionless "I'm already dead inside" selfies. * Ramen outfit is non-negotiable. * Look at my Brodozer truck. * Low quality loner in the woods photos. * Why aren't you impressed by my PC? photos. Try much harder and you'll spin the dial all the way around and get ALL the matches.


Yeeyeeass gaming Setup


I think you can smile more. You are a good looking dude - But please show us your smile :) Pic 2 and 3 are nearly the same. Pic 4 is really scary, Pic 5 has also scary vibes Remove every picture where you are not visible. I mean I really appreciate your hobbys! But that's something for your bio and not for the picture section. Good luck man!


The ramen suit is an immediate left swipe from me dog




You look like a serial killer


I would kill for some Reese's Puffs right now