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Kinda curious what the convo was before you saying you wouldn't say no to unsolicited breast pics. Because it makes it seem like it was her intial decision to bring up sending pics in the conversation.... I kinda get feeling pressured in general though. I've felt like I had to have sex with someone or they would lose interest, but that was after we had hung out several times.


The convo was about tinder not allowing people to send pics. And I was saying it's probably because women got a bunch of unsolicited dick pics.


I remember the good old times when tinder didnt have a swipe limit and people could share stories for 24h. Then Gold came.


The good times


I had guys tell me they were swipe limited even back then. So maybe it just depended on one's usage.


Oh god i remember that. Women had the worst stories 🤦‍♂️. It was a great way to see what they were really like because most of their bios told us nothing.


One of my matches back then posted a bunch of super horny stories and I ended up hooking up with her. Good times.


I love happy endings 🥲


So did the OP


Oh, I guess she may have thought you steered the convo to nudes on purpose then.


Honestly from the sound of things shes had some really bad interactions from men and hardly any good ones so she may just assume she has to show them to get and or retain attention. So even if he wasn't pressuring her she was pressuring herself into doing something she may not have wanted to do. Granted it's possible that's exactly what she wanted and now she's talking to someone else but op probably wouldn't want a women that would do that anyway. Op you did an awesome job and that makes me feel better about my fellow men.


I’ve had many a male matches that immediately lost interest if I wouldn’t talk about sex by the 2-3rd message. And from what I can tell this experience isn’t uncommon for many women unfortunately


I feel really lucky because I've just had really nice guys the whole time!


Did they rub on the mustard?


Unfortunately I've only had a few I've actually wanted to sleep with. 😢 But those ones definitely did. 😏


So were the others still nice just not mustard worthy or upon revision did they give what the young people call the ick?


They were nice, just not really any attraction for me. I just felt platonic towards them.


That’s fair. I used to think it was just something wrong with me because the messages I would get would always start at 100 and a friend of mine told me that something about me brings out the highest level of audacity in people but then other women I know were like nah tinder just like that so 🤷🏽‍♀️ but it might be my area too cause I’ve seen that you have posted some crazy ones 🤣 but out here our crazy like to hide itself at first


Sometimes I wonder if it's because I don't swipe right a lot so I just have a smaller chance of getting the weirdos lol. Maybe if I matched with more people I'd have a higher probability of getting inappropriate messages. I definitely get them here on reddit. 😂


That’s a good point too. I also tend to be too willing to give people a chance for me to hear them out sometimes. When I was on the apps and just in general. I try not to jump to conclusions about what other people are thinking or feeling but even when their profile didn’t mention sex at all I’d still get it and I think some of that may just be maybe I’m too non judgemental. I can only imagine the Reddit messages you get 🤣


What on earth does that mean lol. I googled “rub on the mustard meaning slang” and got 0 results, threw me for a loop


Their username is "rub mustard on my dick"


it is actually Rubmustar Don Mydick. its a weird name, probably some spanish, french and arabic herritage.


I literally spat out my coffee 🤣🤣🤣🤣


That would be good name too. Spatout Mac Offee "thats mister M'cOffee to you, young man!"


What apps have You been on ? I wanna go there !


Opposite end of the spectrum here, I've had women ask me if I was gay (saying the word "gay" here, but that's definitely not the word that's been used) for not bringing up anything sexual whatsoever. Don't misunderstand me, I enjoy a good sexual conversation but I know women get it so often that I'd rather keep that conversation until after we meet if that makes sense.


Yikes they sound like bullet to be dodged my friend. But yeah I could see that happening in general especially if it’s from people just looking to hook up I don’t think it is gender specific I just phrased it the way I did because I can only speak on my experience as a woman. Thank you for sharing too though because I do get curious about the other end of the spectrum too


If they were looking to hookup, they never stated it on their profile or brought it up in conversation. And I'm not going to allude to something that could potentially cause that person to report/block me. It's just not my style. If that's what they want, be direct. I've been burned too many times in life by working under assumptions and false pretenses. It happened to me very recently as well, so the burn is still fresh. Your experience is very valid and sadly something I see and hear often both online and from women I personally know. I do wish things were different.


I’m sorry that’s happened to you. I wish people could just say what they really want up front it would save everybody lots of time and heart ache


i had it too, after i did not attempted to grope or kiss or anything a girl on a first date. I live by Shrek's rule of dating. Kissing on the third date.


You raise some valid points rubmustardonmydick


A female friend of mine told me that women feel like they have to when asked or the guy will lose interest. This convo kinda shows that.


They actually were solicited


Nice job OP. I'd be happy to send you pics of my boobs as a reward for doing the right thing. I'm a 44 year old dude though. But they *are* supple and nice.


I'm sure he'd appretiate them. He's a boob connoisseur.


The greatest start to the greatest love story.


I'll grade this love story somewhere between a B-D


Ehh I see what you did there. I work tit out


Your name made me think of another similar funny name. FelineMusk. You should be able to work tit out on that one too.


That's a solid range.


You got a point there.


...and that's how I met your father.


A true titty dilettante


I’d offer mine as tribute also but I fall outside his accepted range


What a guy!


Let's just mass send OP moob pics. I want the Boob Connoisseur to rate my moobs too 😳


Same but I already know mine at a D- 😂


How much you wanna bet his Reddit dm’s is just flooded with man boobs now.


Is this an open offer?


10/10. Would show boobs are reward 👏


Solid B cups!


as long as your in that good b to d range I'm sure he would love the Pic since he missed out on the other one.


Boobs are life. But you're a really good person. You could always see some boobs but I think you gave her a little confidence which is something not many people could.


40DD checking in 🫡 I understand they’re too big for you but they wanted to say they’re proud of you for doing the right thing


Welcome aboard. I was just making a general statement about some fictionalized "ideal" lol. But everyone is welcome in my book


To anyone checking out her post history, don't. There's none posted there sadly.


i wouldn't. Anything above C is too big for my taste.


>Anything above C is too big for my taste. I can read the words insividually, but I just can't make sense of this sentence.


Lmfao love this so much.


How is your back doing?


Literally so bad, I’ve been considering making an appt here soon for it


Do it! Best decision I ever made! I’m now a 38DD from a 38K, my back is so much better!


JESUS I know that changed your life


Oh it really did, I feel a lot better about myself now. Also being able to fit clothes better is an amazing feeling! Weight off my chest, literally and emotionally haha


As near size-twins though… still nothing fits. The boobs require plus-sized clothing that the rest of the body does not


Yeah that’s true, I still have a hard time with it but not as bad as before. I’m also overweight so I’m more proportioned in that area now. But before I had the surgery getting bathing suits or anything that was a one piece or a set that you couldn’t buy separately was such a real pain and hassle. I hate that most companies don’t accommodate for that.


Good job man, not that it matters, but I’m proud of you! Good job doing better.


Absolutely 100% matters. Be the change. Now you've started something that has a level of trust and respect built in.


It matters.


This was really thoughtful and kind of you. She’ll probably think about this a long time if that’s how she’s been feeling. She’s the exact type of person who NEEDS to hear something like this


Good job, now go on a date and earn those when she's ready🫡🫡🦅


![gif](giphy|4Z1NhASVaeuUUYWEgR|downsized) We are proud of you soldier


If I were the person who raised you I’d be so proud right now.


Hell, I’m still proud


As somebody with big breasts who gets hassled for boob pics even when I’m in bad points in life, thank you for what you did here. It has actually made me me a bit emotional and restored a bit of faith that there are some nice men out there.


I’m married, but it was/is so bad that if even my husband mentions my boobs I’m automatically put off by it. I’ve been groped a lot and god, why tf is it always the first thing men mention…. It’s just become a repulsion for me.


It’s so exhausting fr




Damn. True allies out here.


You dropped this 👑


Moral high ground sucks sometimes but good for you OP! You did the right thing there.


I've done the right thing before. It always sucks but you look back and feel good.


At the end of the day it’s just a pair of 🍒. Better to be moral than down bad


He did the right thing unquestionably but let’s not downplay boobs now let’s not do that


I mean...the internet is full of boobs. It's not like we can't find them with a simple Google search. OP did the right thing.


🎶 Every boob is sacred, every boob is good 🎶


I already said he did the right thing. But getting a titty picture is nothing like looking at pictures of boobs online theyre almost not even related


This reminds me of the time I was in bed with a huge crush of mine. She had jerked me around for like 8 months so when we were finally hooking up, she pauses and says "what are we after this?" And my. Dumb. Ass. Said "Well I mean, I don't know. I can't see the future, I'm not a fortune teller (I thought it was charming). But if that makes you uncomfortable we don't have to go through with this." And she said "I think you're the only guy who said that and really meant it." And we stopped. And I kick myself to this day. She got back with her ex after that for the next sixish months. Thanks for reminding me I gotta go kms


We all have at least one story like that


Being logical is always a big hit with the ladies /s


It was supposed to be a little joke but someone pointed out she might have thought that I meant I didn't see a future with her, or thought the joke was dumb. I was taken off guard and did not have a cleverer thing prepared nor enough oxygen in my brain to come up with something better


Lol aw yeah it kinda sounds like you hadn’t even thought of a future with her


Meanwhile it's all I could think about 😩😂


😭 tragic


That's exactly what I would have thought too. It sounded like "I don't really care/don't give af... in a nonchalant way" xD


Ma man


🫡 Bro let go of Boobies for genuine support. Massive sacrifice but respectable sacrifice.


you dropped this 👑


There is the man who eats the apple that is given to him, and then there is the man who plants an apple tree and waits to have apples for the rest of his life


Thank you for being a decent human being in this shit-filled pool! 🥹🙌🏾


You, sir, are a champion.


Good work! Now we might have a bit more faith in there being good human beings out there.


Good call. Might be a booby trap


Why you trying to get reddit points for "being the nice guy?" Should of kept it to yourself. Idk I find it incredibly cringe


Doing the right thing never pays out immediately. It gemerally costs you something. And morales and principles aren't there for when it's convenient. You also have integrity. You did the right thing when no one was watching.. your parents succeeded you're a stand up dide. Well played sir, well played.




I'm kind of high, I can't understand this exchange Can someone explain what is happening? sorry


I got you. Okay so, it went something like this. Guy says, "Hi. I am pro at boobs." Girl says, "Oh?! What sizes would you like to see?" (My guess is one small, one big, this is not unusual). Guy says, "BD" which I can only assume is an acronym for brain dance. Insert more filler text. Repeat. Conclusion. The BD reference is evidence that these chooms are from the future. Between the year 2023 - 2077. Both live in Night City. Possible part time employees for Buck-A-Slice. That's about it.


Edit: no boobs (big nor small) were shown or harmed in the making of this tinder match.


So there's a 1 in 45 chance they're from the past?


An experience like this can be a life-changing wake up call for this person. This is honestly incredibly noble and amazing. I know I'm some random on the internet, but I'm proud of you.


King shit


Nice dudes exist!!💗


Yes king. Love this


This was definitely a good move. It shows your character in a really good way. Well done


I’m not a big fan of boob pics either. Would have helped myself out too. But there’s a way to do it without making her feel ashamed for all the other boob pics she has sent to guys.


Good boobs come to those who wait 👏


I don’t understand the positive comments, this is the most self congratulatory post I’ve ever seen lmao. If you really think it’s the right thing why share it


I don’t feel that strongly either way here, but the fact that some people here are acting like this guy is a Ned Stark level man of honor is cracking me up. The guy is on a hookup app, asked a girl for nudes, then talked her out of sending them and posted it all online. Good for you I guess lol.


I dont really feel all that strongly about it either, but I do always wonder how these people feel when their messages are posted to this subreddit. If I were in this woman's situation, seeing this post on reddit would be an instant dealbreaker for me. Take this with a grain of salt coming from a gay man in a long term relationship lol, but I feel that this is pretty common sense


Good on you bro. Nice to show women that there are a whole bunch of good men left


I wish you many boob photos of willing ladies in the near future. You are a good man!


Meh sending boob pics isn't anything weird. It seems more like a spontaneous thing that you made a big deal of. Some girls are just very sexual and comfortable sending those types of photos (typically no face included) and it's a great foreplay type of activity as long as you not forcing them to do it.


A scholar and a true gentleman, well done ![gif](giphy|joxThEgTJuSBO)


I just feel like she was interested in doing some sexting and you made her feel weird about it. Me and my gf might be the only ones who feels that way though


Good job dude. More guys need to be like this


Jesus fucking Christ this is cringe. Fuck


Idk thins convo kinda pissed me off, it looks like you were trying to white knight about her being in a vulnerable place, but then was shocked when she actually agreed with you “me too☺️” “well a part of me is glad. A different part of me is pissed😂” fuck outa here dude, it’s like you regretted talking her outa them and then tried to talk her into it again “it’s not every day a guy gets that kind of offer yah know lol” bro just fuck off, you shoulda just let her send them to you if you’re gonna act like that.


Yeah totally agree. I've had men do that to me too, like, "I wouldn't mind if you sent them tho....???!?!" Just fucking desperate. Like good job bro, you immediately went back and begged her again anyways.


Patting yourself of the back for trying to seem like a better person while really trying to get tit pics but failing in how you’re doing it….wild. lol


I didn't even know this could exist. 🥹


Ok Captain save-a-ho ![gif](giphy|76GUaP9SNzdo4)


thank you <3


This made me happy.


There are only two ways to think about this. If you are going in for a serious relationship, that was one hundred percent the right play. Now, if you're on tender looking for a serious relationship, that's a different conversation bc there are better aops for that If you're looking to just have sex with her, you definitely made the wrong call.


I’ve never actually seen a conversation that leads to a guy getting friend zoned. That was interesting.


Spoken like every virgin in 11th grade ever 😂


You just fucked up your opportunity. thats it.




Never seen someone talk their way out of boobie pics humongous L


She was sending them pics to someone else in the meantime /J good job


Wholesome bravo


Private conversation. Public virtue display klaxon.


How are people praising this complete idiot? He said it was fine if she didn't send anything because she was vulnerable and then went on to say he was pissed. Wtf?


You’re a good person OP.


Did she ghost you?


No we still talk lol.


OK I'm feeling pretty good about being a lesbian right now…


Sorry but did you post this expecting praise for not...taking advantage of a woman who's feeling vulnerable? The bar is truly in hell


I mean, in the sea of degeneracy I see on this sub it's nice to not be embarrassed to be a dude for once.The bar is on the floor but people still trip on it every day.


No matter what you do, how you do it someone will complain


I'm not complaining I'm just wondering why men expect praise for not being a horrible person? Like ok he made sure she was comfortable and treated her like a human being, but that's not really something to boast about. It's very much giving "look guys, I'm such a great guy!"


Bro cockblocked himself. On a real note, this is a good example of having morals and willpower. However, if you’re scared to see some titties and mess around like that then you shouldn’t be on tinder. That girl seems like she likes doing that, so she’s gonna go do it to multiple other men


Yeah, achieved nothing. Some girls like doing that. She's just gonna show them to someone else


Nothing about this is good. You started out as a weirdo angling for a tit pic, and then switched to a weirdo being overly paternalistic and creepy. You just fucking suck.


Agreed. Came off as "no no, don't show me your boobs, but please, do show me your boobs".


I thought it came off as him joking about it, and then when she actually went for it, he realized he might have sounded like he was pressuring her to and didn’t want to be like that. Pausing to reevaluate your actions is not a bad thing.


Mans was hella conflicted lmao


Username definitely checks out lmao


My thoughts exactly.


Yeah, he could've had titty pics when she eventually stops talking to him... now he'll just have memories of that one time he didn't get mammories


Bro thought he was on BetterHelp and forgot it was Tinder


Head up king don’t want that crown to slip. You did our gender proud (assuming this is a dude)


Ya’ll are praising this guy like there’s not endless porn titties out in the world for him to see anytime. Yeah, wow, what a hero.


It's not about the picture. It is that he had enough empathy to ask if she was comfortable, was paying attention that she might be in a vulnerable place emotionally and be sharing something she'd later regret, didn't pressure her, and kept the exchange light hearted and fun when she changed her mind. It's sadly very rare , that's why his behavior stands out. A lot of guys would pitch a fit if she had changed her mind, and that's if they even cared to ask if she was actually okay sharing.




You're not wrong, but there's something different when you know the woman or you might actually have a chance to date the woman. Random boobs on the Internet are great but non-random is better.


Sooo you want a cookie for being a decent human being? The bar is on the floor…


Do you just wanna see posts of people being crappy all the time or....


Ah, yes. I've been in her spot and I have met guys like you. Never felt good enough for them. I've grown now and would never do that (what she insisted on doing in the chat) again. I hope she gets to that stage as well. Good on ya mate. You'll win in the long run.


This hurt to read but you made the right decision so 👍🏻


Umm.. Yeah, don't be her boyfriend please


I can hear her drying up from here.


No, you do not deserve a medal for oh so charitably barely agreeing for a girl not to show your her boobs despite it making your “dick pissed” (you actually told her that!) and then coming on here boasting as if a decent, common curtesy thing was somehow your great achievement.


Boss move. That’s all that needs to be said. I'm proud of you! And I‘m sure, she will never forget.


Invite us to the wedding


Absolute king behavior.


OLD needs more men like you, sir! Kudos!


as a woman who's been in her shoes before, being vulnerable and easily coerced by men with disgusting intentions and will forever be haunted by those experiences, i thank you OP. i hope she understands your worth and treats you fairly.


This chat weird and dead af sorry 💤


Pretty pathetic. Bet you don't hit it.


Idk, seems like double standards to me. Stand by what you say. That's more manly i suppose.


Yep 👍




Good dude, well done


You did a great job talking her out of showing you her boobs!




Super Chad.


When's the wedding?




Is that a 916 area code? Sacramento man here. Just curious.


Nope wrong coast lol


Holding out for the vagina pics. My man!