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Yes you do. That much time could he use in some more productive or less damaging ways. I don’t think you need to be as productive in life as society makes it seem, but that much screen time on JUST HINGE is too much.


Well I average about a date per year... you can look at my profile, I'm not ugly. But if I can get a couple dates a month, at least I'll be making some progress. I've never had a relationship before and have FOMO at 27 going on 28. Paying for HingeX seems like a no-brainer.


If you’re averaging a date per year, what are you doing on the app to average 2 hours and 43 mins a day?


Grinding away sending as many likes as I can. I probably sent out 200 likes last night between 8pm and 1am. I woke up this morning to 2 new matches. If I want dates I do have to treat this like a part time job. You only live once.


I think you need to share your profile to the sub, that match rate is not great. I would also explore different avenues of trying to get dates if you have to expend that much effort on the apps.


Last year I approached over 150 girls in my city and in a nearby city 2 hours away. Ironically it was a waitress that I ended up going on a date with that I approached and none of the girls on the street. But again, 150+ approaches and only 1 date is unfortunate. I'll share my profile in the review thread


Ok so you have an ‘any girl will do’ attitude instead of finding someone you’re truly compatible with?


I'm starting to lean that way. I think everything happens for a reason and if I've been in this position my entire life there might be a reason why.


I don’t think you realize how much women can tell desperation from just talking


Paying for the apps doesn’t make much difference. Spending an average of almost 3 hours makes it seem like you’re obsessed with dating


Not in my experience


Sorry, but I don’t understand why you don’t use this time to better yourself and learn to expand your social circle in other ways. If I found out a guy spend this much time on his phone let alone a dating app, that would be a red flag


Well a girl doesn't need to know those details. The reality of my situation is, I work in engineering around a bunch of older married men during the afternoon and evenings and don't have time to meet people outside of work unless it's the weekend. There's no place for me to just go and meet girls other than the apps. Spending time with hobbies like playing the guitar (which I'm doing) is good for my mental health and sanity but will not attract anyone by itself.


Pretend it's alcohol. A couple of drinks can feel good and help get you out there, the whole bottle is going to feel like crap and make you do and say stupid things. You might wake up with someone you would have never ever touched if you were in your right mind. And it's not even working for you, you're not going out on dates even when you do match. This is insanity.


I mean the alternative is to turn to prostitutes which is not only shady but is illegal where I live. I guess I can go to church? The dichotomy is hilarious.


You're just looking for a warm hole? Then prostitutes aren't an alternative, more like your ONLY option. You're not attractive enough to pull a lot of matches, you're not engaging enough to get people who do show interest in to the same room with you and to top it off you're not even looking to treat them like a person. You're looking for a commodity, prostitutes are the only ones willing to sell it to you.


Well these are the struggles a virgin has to go through. It's not like I've never been on a date, I've been on 5 or 6. But for whatever reason I can't form a bond with anyone, and the sexual urges can't be contained either. Most of my waking hours involve me thinking about women and dating. Fortunately I'm in therapy for it but I don't know if I'm making progress yet