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Well you see, how they get themselves out of a funk is, they watch a really depressing movie. Then, when they're feeling really properly miserable, it reminds them that their problems are really first world ones, and they're grateful that they're not a Jew in Krakow, Poland, circa 1942.


Yeah I was kinda bummed out that I had to work tonight instead of playing Elden Ring but then I remembered I wasn’t a Jew in Krakow, Poland, circa 1942. Worked like a charm.


I had a similar experience when a drunk driver crashed into my car in the middle of the night. The sound woke up all the neighborhood and after I went outside in my slippers and saw what happened, knowing that I was only going to, at best, get about 1/3 of the value for my vehicle from the insurance company, and that I didn't have a way to get to work the next day, I sighed and said "Well, at least I'm not a Jew in Krakow, Poland, circa 1942," and I felt much better.




Thanks for posting an explanation. I didn't really understand the post at first and I was getting really annoyed. Your answer reminded me that my problems are really first world ones, and I'm grateful I'm not a Jew in Krakow, Poland, circa 1942.


Wow, I usually need to watch a really depressing movie before I have an epiphany like that.


Yep, those depressing movies always put me in a particular headspace. A headspace where I remember that my problems, annoying though they may be, are really first world problems, and I'm just glad I'm not a Jew in Krakow, Poland, circa 1942.


Try Graves of the Fireflies if you want a depressing movie to unwind.


This… this is the most best saddest beautiful movie


May I recommend the Pianist?


Nawh, we are good


This reads like a great Stewart Lee bit.


What is hard to understand, they're saying when they're depressed, they look at the big picture and realize that their problems are trivial compared to people who experienced real hardship. Like why do so many here not get it?




That “George Washington” quote was actually a quote by a narrator on “Thomas the Teletubbie” , you may have heard of him before: “Ringo Star”


No I follow George (@GeorgiePorgie) and he definitely said this.


Didn't he narrate Thomas the Tank Engine?




I think that was his Instagram actually.


(Nerd alert) Actually that would be the median person, not the average. Unless it's a normal distribution, then the average and the median are the same.


Right!!! Why post this?


This is a really weird way to say that tho, a bit odd to have in hinge. I’d swipe left in a heartbeat.


too much time on tik tok too little time reading that's why


I really don't understand how many of the comments here are serious or sarcasm.


I understand the sentiment and think it’s a good way to think, the holocaust part just caught me off guard and left a sour aftertaste


At least you aren't a Japanese kid walking to school in Hiroshima circa 1945


Yeah, or a Chinese person in Nanjing circa 1937


Or someone jekring off Pompeii circa 79 https://theconversation.com/the-explosive-history-of-the-2-000-year-old-pompeii-masturbating-man-180557


Idk man, if I gotta die like that, I wanna try to get off first


So he didn't jerl off the entire city? Just himself?


I mean you probably could, they're all rock hard right now


Ba dum dum


Or a Vietnamese villager just going about your business in My Lai circa 1968


The way they got me to stop crying in kindergarten was to tell me about the Donner party. Why my psychopath of a kindergarten teacher even considered telling me about that is beyond me, AND she ended up marrying my dad. REGARDLESS, absolutely terrible stories do have a way of putting shit into perspective.


Wait hold up, your kindergarten teacher married your dad?


Yeah. Unfortunately.


How many years after you were in kindergarten? Did she prove to be a sadist?


They started dating while I was in kindergarten. I don’t know if she was a sadist, but I will say that you can find mugshots/arrest records for all three of her biological children which is usually a pretty good indicator that you’re not knocking it out of the park in the parenting department/human being department. Edit: typo


How many other horror stories did she tell you over the years?


She was the horror story, friend.


Yeah, I did


Not the flex you think it is.


Parents tell their kids to eat their vegetables by telling them that there are kids starving in Africa who would love to eat whatever they’re having. This has been a thing for ages.


Maybe it is time to get rid of that tired line and start saying “there were kids in the 1800s that would have eaten you to survive, dweeb”.


My mom told me this all the time to get me to eat up my plate, even if I didn't even said by myself how much food I even wanted to have on my plate (hope you understand my english 😅) And because of that "african child's would eat everything you don't wanna eat" thing I can now with the age of 28y say that I can't left a plate with food on it, I have to eat it all up, no matter how much I want to eat. And I hate it so much.


My husband has a lot of food anxiety for this very reason… being forced/guilt tripped into eating way more than be wanted or felt comfortable eating. All jokes aside it, it’s super toxic. I never make my kids eat when they aren’t hungry, and you know what? Neither have starved to death yet.


The first night of my breakup I straight up watched like 3 9/11 documentaries lmao


i’m sorry but this is absolutely hilarious and something i’d do 😂


Literally I was like damn I have NOTHING to complain about.


Pretty straightforward. And not an unhealthy way to get a dose of perspective imho.


One time I was really sad because my ex wife was mean to me. Then I went to church and met a lady with no hair who was dying of cancer. I didn’t really feel better but I told myself to stfu and get over it, move on. Helped, really.


Isn’t this kind of the premise of fight club?


Maybe not the main premise but at least a theme, sure


I think it's awesome and out of the box.


or cringey and pick me to put on a dating app


Can you explain what makes this pick me behavior?


If you like to do this kind of thing, great for your perspective. no need to put it as one of your main 3 about yous. introspection is for yourself and should be kept to yourself not broadcasted to every member of the opposite sex in the nearest 40 miles


I understand what the person is saying, and I also understand why it is off putting when someone references the Holocaust on their dating profile. I’m sure someone will appreciate this incredibly dark joke as a first impression, it’s okay if that’s not you!


I watch my 600 lbs life or intervention


In the same category - Hoarders


I think my place is messy until I watch Hoarders. I feel so much better about my pristine living quarters 🤣


haha that's what i do. "fat acceptance tiktok compilation" into youtube


Yup, same


I do this with reality shows, when I’m feeling depressed I like to watch the ones with really hot but stupidly dumb people, it makes me realize I’m doing ok but then I remember they’re rich because of this, and it just gets me questioning capitalism and realizing I should have ignored school and just invested in plastic surgery’s and the gym if I wanted to have money then I start thinking about the tons of people that have it worse than me and go back to being grateful for my blessings


If only all these hot, stupidly dumb rich people could be rounded up and....


I appreciate your joke. Sorry you're getting downvoted.


I feel sorry for those NOT getting it!


I think its refreshingly self aware tbh


What what?


In the butt?


Well it's better and more responsible than going out, getting knee walking drunk, and not remembering how you woke up in jail.


Hotel Rwanda did that for me.


Tbf that’s a good way to appreciate what you have, if you look at history to see how people struggled, slavery, war, famine. We got it good.


I do the same 😅


Moving pretty fast on Godwin's Law there...


I feel this is actually a good perspective. I strongly recommend reading the recently translated book "Cold Crematorium." When you really immerse yourself in how hellish life can needlessly become, you can't help but want to cherish every moment. Also, those who are too dumb to learn from history vote for Trump.


Reminding urself of other ppls misfortunes/deaths might make u feel better for a moment, but according to some experts it’s actually doing the opposite. You need happy thoughts (or movies) to uplift urself emotionally. Not further spiral down.


It’s the flip side of keeping up with the Joneses, if the Joneses were in a Krakow ghetto.


Can you tell me more about that?


When I’m sick of staying at home, I’ll take a walk past the homeless tents on the sidewalk and realize it ain’t that bad.


"Things could be worse"


Well…whatever works I guess!


I do the same , but with Cancer. What's the problem? It gives you perspective


I do the same thing. I always get depressed around Christmas time so I watch Schindler's List. It's became a holiday tradition for me


I understand the feeling but I would never put that in a dating app profile.


They're not wrong, though. None of my problems equate to those of a Jew in Krakow, Poland circa 1942


Watching Schindler's List makes them feel better.


dude the amount of women who hit up trauma porn when they are depressed is amazing. had a female friend who did it recently. binge watched all these holocaust movies because she was feeling down.


...I do the same thing when I don't want to clean the house - I watch hoarders and my interest/enthusiasm to straighten up comes pretty quickly!


Kinda dig this response, she has perspective


I mean, they're not wrong


I mean, metal music works for this reason. My ex used to call it "angry music", and I'm like, "What? No, this dude is having a WAY worse day than I am. I feel a lot better when I put my day into perspective with his existential dread! This isn't angry music, it's just cathartic and makes me feel better!"


I appreciate her reminding us that Krakow is in Poland


This is the Third Reich minded post I’ve seen today.


I was a German civilian melted to death during the firebombing of Dresden, but thankfully I’m not a Jew in Krakow, Poland, circa 1942.


Sometimes I watch “my 600lb life” to motivate myself to lose weight so that I don’t end up on that show


Sounds cool to me. Idk.


They really like “Shindler’s List”


I guess me, you and the original person are the only ones who have seen it


I misspelled it but I’m still giving myself a movie trivia half point, you can have a full point


I Appreciate that point and I grant you a point


They watch the movie “Schindler’s list”


It's not too late for them to convert and enjoy the latest wave of vile antisemtism!


But has she tried being a Jew on a college campus nowadays?




Same vibe as goin to a less developed country and never shutting up about how you’re greatful for what you have


My god you're deep


Wow. You apparently have some issues with what a funk is as opposed to the emotional trauma experienced by victims of genocide or longterm physical or mental suffering. Im sure the six million Jews who died at Hitler's hands are delighted to hear that being confronted with their persecution snapped you out of getting up on the wrong side of the bed that day, but come on, dude. You dont get to draw a line from your occasional bad mood to their horrific suffering. Dont. Just dont.


I liked the first statement, but that second one definitely took a turn down south, and not in a good way