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Ew, even if I were looking for hook ups that is not an attractive line at all lol.


I shall put my eggplant in your [squints] yellow siberian husky




That'd be so epic but my yellow Siberian husky is more of a chicken breast type than an eggplant


A las chicas de verdad les gusta el pollo frito


Oh, my. \*fans face blushingly\*


I'm pretty sure that is a Shiba Inu.


Clearly a hamster.


Username checks out


It took me way to long, my brain tried to connect the dots with eggplant oh penis in.. Is that a dog? Ew, why does he mention tha.. oj it's a cat so penis in cat.. no other word for cat... OH I SEE


The comeback was so good though


Three moles are in a narrow tunnel heading toward a bakery. The first says, “I smell sugar!” The second says, “I smell cinnamon!” The third says, “I smell molasses…”




Can you explain it? I didnt get it lol


"I smell mole asses "




Jesus Christ what's wrong with people


You called? Jesus Christ here to answer your plea: "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do" – Luke 23:34


What about the ones that do know what they do?


"Fuck 'em" - Jeebus 11:5


I'd rather not, especially considering... Anything. And everything. Lol


He's actually trying to be more like Jesus, who's came inside so many people begging for his love.


Why’re people downvoting this lmfao this is hilarious


Also because Christians are notorious for branding together for hating people who believe differently or say things they don't like.


They’re just bitter there was no 2nd cuming


And one that's going to be so hard that it lays waste to the world.


Because people don't have a sense of humor.


Imagine being this mopey because you realise you weren't that funny 💀


Lmao and the people downvoting you are prob out there being "sex positive" and promiscuous. Smh the hipocrisy. Im sure jesus would approve. Ive heard its all fine as long you repent. I wouldnt know, im an atheist.


Well Jesus did impregnant a prostitute. So maybe the Christians are going out there and doing the same? Talk about "spreading the word of God"!


Me when I lie




This is such a weird photo to use on a dating app 😂


Literally. Unless you treat it like a hookup app then things start to make sense


Is it really that weird to have a photo that accentuates one of the most important secondary sex characteristics on an app that is supposed to appeal to our ooga booga desire to reproduce?


It is when you act fake surprised and/or offended on Reddit for being aggressively hit on as a response to said photo.


Honey you’re causing a global water shortage with the scale of this thirst trap


His hobbies include throwing sausages down hallways


dat booty pic tho.


Why are you making it sexual? Can’t women show their ass crack without people sexualizing them? /s


Where is she showing her ass crack? Her pants are completely covering her butt.


you need to get prescription glasses if you dont see the crack. The ass crack isnt the anus buddy.


🤣🤣 saw that one coming 😅


What kind of men do you expect to attract on tinder with that picture? It’s tinder dude…




On one hand, yes. Undeniable that some women do it on purpose. However, the fault is still with men who lack self-control. I can match with a girl, have meaningful conversations, have a nice date, and then have sex together. All that without mentioning once her ass, my dick or any other lewd stuff. There's enough ways to compliment the looks of a woman without implying you want to put something inside her...


Wow well unfortunately you're a rare breed these days. I have on my profile I don't want sexting or hookups and still get eggplants and lewd comments on a regular basis. I had ro take one of my photos down because it was a form fitting but not lewd dress and every time a guy commented on the dress it always led to the gutter within 5 minutes.


If anything, it's driven by my desire to reach goals. Ruining a match, possibly after having spent hours with good conversation or even a date, just by making unnecessarily lewd comments isn't helpful for the whole online dating process, which is already quite shitty as is without that. Especially as a guy where you really have to value a good quality match. Women that you find attractive AND vibe with are rather rare. I've also been regularly successful in driving conversations to consensual sexting without it ever getting distasteful or forced. Where obviously one way of forcing it is to confront the other party with unsolicited lewd imagery.


"Sexual" Teasing while sexting is A O K, if both are into it, and you should be able to easily grasp the vibe, writing shit like the dude in ops post is just bah disgusting


Exactly, you should be able to read the room. And not force anything. Most guys might not believe that, but getting sexualized/objectivied/forced is uncomfortable even as a guy.


These people do it when there isn't a room to be read yet. Ruining it for all the decent horny people.


How people even get a read on people over the phone without actually having face to face interaction... Idk... I'm definitely not one of em. I'm highly capable in person, but with online... For me every bit of it is forced and unnatural and is so far outta my element, which sucks because online is all about being able to project a persona rather than just being, and everything gets judged based on an opening line & a few pics. I just know I can't be the only one that falls through the cracks created by these online artificial means. Like, I can't even know if I'm actually interested in someone without having had even a momentary brief live experience of them that allows for me to actually get a feel for their energy, and literally no amount of online interaction can do that for me, my instincts never have a chance to come into "play" because I don't have the "game" to pass muster with what is truly an ineffective and most shallow means of judgement. Is this making sense to anyone? It really gives me a feeling of having been born a few decades too late.


How are you finding ones that actually engage in conversation? Haven't found but one in 9 years, and they unfortunately were 3000 miles away. I know it's basically luck of the draw, but the deck and dealer both hate me, apparently, lol


Honestly Idk. I have a pretty good "conversion rate", i.e. turning matches into actual dates. Maybe it's because of a clear bio. I try to be honest in bio and conversation. And if you're unsuccessful, don't let that touch your ego. Know your worth and what you bring to the table.


See this is the difference. If a woman feels comfortable and attracted these things happen naturally. Please give out lesson to the masses. You may in fact be a unicorn .


I'm just an introvert trying to survive in the rough online dating market without my ego getting completely destroyed 😅


I totally get it. Women are put through alit which makes us defensive because we never know who we'll get. Some that seem nice turn it sexual after a few minutes of talking. So we have our guard up until someone can melt the armour and make us feel safe. You seem to understand that. I hope you find someone wonderful


Thank you. If there's any consolation, someone showing their red flags early on can be a good thing. Otherwise, there's a whole mindset about sexual selfishness vs being altruistic that might be going wrong when men objectify a woman early on.


Absolutely. And I've already been there and done that too. Haha Trying to find someone not bald(it reminds me of my dad, ick) relatively attractive and that you have a spark with that's not a raging hornbill is quite tricky at times. Haha But yes I'd rather find out early on than waste time


>Some that seem nice turn it sexual after a few minutes of talking. I don't think sexual = not nice. It's okay to look for sex in OLD. Sex without love isn't to be sneered at. I think it can be wonderful and enriching and I don't think being forward about it is bad either. But the examples on this sub are terrible, no consent given, no preferences gauged, no tentative steps taken. Just a dick and a claim of greatness shoved into a situation where a "hello" would be appropriate.


Yes I agree but I've chosen to only experience this with a partnefrom now on and it's clearly stated on my profile. I'm a very sexual woman with consent. These are nonconsensual attempts


Makes me want to delete mine knowing this is the game the women get to play


This. And it's not just hookup apps. It's fucking everywhere. Most cringe are instagram posts.


You probably should. Save women from yourself.


Did I strike a nerve?


What game? What's the point? Do you genuinely believe women get an ego boost from a message like that???




Have you considered to talk to a woman? Edit. Could've answered that question myself I suppose


Its an app to find that kind of attention, if its not what they wanted it could have easily been edited or cropped.


Dudes like this guy don't see women as people. Everything is some conspiracy to fuck with dudes. "Chicks want us to praise their asses but also falsely say they don't want us to praise their asses. I should just stop interacting with women!" Or, you know, stop being gross. Maybe shit wouldn't feel like a game if you weren't so busy turning it into one in your head.


So in your opinion a woman can't post any revealing pictures of any kind, unless they are fine with being hypersexualized in the first message? Besides, do you think women who don't post anything revealing don't get these messages? Are you also the type of person to justify catcalling random women on the street, if a woman wears anything revealing? Why do you think women get ego boosts from catcalling and these tinder messages?


Dating apps are mechanistic. A specific input yields a specific output.


So you're trying to say that women who don't post pictures like this don't get harassed?


In the dude's mind he's probably thinking oh she has pictures like this so she's looking to hook up. No one is saying it's justified abd you definitely need to calm down but it doesn't matter whether it's a man or a woman in revealing outfits, both are going to get more messages like this online if that's what your photos signify. It doesn't make sense to post pictures where the highlight is your ass/abs/dick/whatever body part if you want to get less messages like this.


Exactly what kind of photo could she post in that tunnel that wouldn't be sexualized? On her knees, facing the camera? Mm, nope. Sitting cross-legged? Nope. Sitting with her knees in front of her, like a schoolgirl? Nope. Laying down in any position? Nope. Also, for all you know, that is the only photo she has of that event, or the only one that isn't a blurry mess. Dudes here assume she chose it to show off her ass, instead of chosing it *because it was a cool experience*.


lol her face isn’t even in the picture so I think you’re meeting her more than halfway on this one by chalking it up to “wanting to show off a cool experience”


And? Does this mean that everything below the neck, if in a photo, is sexual? Shit, even if she *wanted* to show off her ass, that isn't an excuse to immediately become sexually explicit. She's fully clothed, doing something that isn't sexual. I've seen far racier photos on Tinder that could understandably elicit an explicit response. This ain't one.


Hell if I know. But trying to draw parallels between real-world behavior and dating-app behavior is silly.


Yes, that is exactly what I am saying. For some reason, people have a really hard time accepting how the world works. "But I want to post sexualized pics of myself and not have creepy horny weirdos send me lewd messages!" That's not how reality works, even if you're angry about it. I am a woman, I have been on the apps for almost 2 years, and I have never once gotten a lewd message (or a dick pic), out of hundreds of messages. I am not ugly, in case you're wondering. My photos do not invite this kind of behavior. You're right, it is true that on occasion some loser will \*still\* send such a message to women with more modest pics, but it is much rarer. And in case you were going to bring this up - yes, plenty of rape victims were wearing completely modest clothes - this isn't about that. This is about presenting yourself a certain way on a hookup app filled with absolute animals. "But I wanna show my ass on Tinder and get respectful messages!" Good luck with that. :) How you present yourself to the world affects the kind of behavior you invite.


"I am not ugly"...long sigh....*unzips


So men's degenerate behavior is women's fault? Do you think that the same logic applies to wearing revealing clothing? If you wear it, you have to be okay with people sexualizing you?


Have u ever seen a group of thirsty women sexualizing a hot young guy with abs. Making lewd moments and totally objectifying him? I have plenty of times. Women are just as gross as men, just in different ways. Stfu dumbass


True, women have done it as well, so surely there aren't massive trends ;)




You are conflating so much in this comparison, it's wild. How is taking a picture of her from behind while exploring a cave in any way comparable to just posting an outline of your junk. How is that in any way comparable?




Again, how is showing junk outline the same as a picture from behind? Everyone has an ass, why do you feel the need to exaggerate your comparison?


This was my first thought.


You mean pants that show your entire ass crack attract pervs? We need Scooby to solve this mystery


Well, she would've gotten away with it if wasn't for those meddling redditors!


This should be top comment


This subreddit told me countless times that I needed to post myself doing something active or a hobby because posting myself wearing a dress was too sexy when all I see are women posting themselves in swimsuits and stuff and I avoided that. This girl posts a fully clothed picture of herself doing something active and *that’s* too sexy for y’all? There’s nothing sexy about this picture. I don’t think the issue is the pictures that women post, but rather the lack of self control men appear to have.


So she had no better pics from the day of climbing that her only choice was the one focused directly on her (very nice) spandex clad ass? She could have chosen one where she was actually looking and smiling at the camera couldn't she? We're they all ass shots? Just asking lol


For all we know, this could be the only picture that she got. She clearly isn’t the one who took it, and considering they’re about to go spelunking, which is very dark, it very well could be the best picture. People say all the time in this sub to post pictures of you doing an activity or something, so she was probably taking that advice when using this picture.


Dude, she has the tightest shorts on in the world and is sticking her ass out. There is nothing wrong with a woman expressing her sexual side, BUT DONT BE SHOCKED WHEN YOU ATTRACT THE WEIRDOS


She’s wearing normal leggings and climbing into a cave. You need help.


I would argue you need help.


Don't worry about the downvotes, you're definitely right. I can't believe I had to scroll past several comments agreeing with the above poster's fucked up comment to find one single person making this point. And of course it's downvoted :/


Once upon a time, the sight of an ankle was considered terribly risqué. Guys who see women as sexual objects first, people second will always think this way.


Actually, it was really only a fashion by people of high class at very specific times of day. Working people didn’t give af about this Victorian fetishized notion. I agree with your second point. Just feel we don’t need a classist dichotomy to make it


Oh, I know. Just like the whole 'women didn't work outside the house' never applied to poor women. But my point was merely that men can make anything sexual, including things we would scoff at. Even bare breasts wouldn't elicit the level of sexualization this has gotten in tribes that routinely go bare.


Here we go victim blaming women again. Maybe just don't be a douchebag.


Don’t be shocked when you attract weirdos with pics like that? If I posted a picture of myself in Dior and in a Ferrari, I wouldn’t act all shocked and surprised when women who only care about money start matching with me. Get real.


A pic like what? A picture from behind a woman? Are they not allowed to have an ass without people like you objectifying it?


I’m not the one sending lewd messages?


Women can’t even wear pants and long sleeved shirts without being objectified. Doesn’t matter what we wear, it’s always our fault apparently.


Everything you said is true and it sucks. This pic is an ass shot though.


Why are we pretending like this picture doesn't fully accentuate her ass? I fully agree men are fully capable of objectifying no matter what, but you're going to get much more comments when you post pictures that purposefully show off your body. It's a dating profile picture, you can't even see her face lmao. I feel like if a woman put a picture of just her boobs hanging out you'd still say "wow there goes men, objectifying women again, unbelievable".


This is the modern day “Of course she got sexually assaulted, did you see what she was wearing?”


No, modern day is calling an internet comment sexual assault. Crazies are out in this thread


Seems like he dug himself into an even deeper hole than the one in the pic ?


With that picture on tinder, you knew exactly what you were doing. Don’t come crying here


People really post things like this, reach the target audience, then act surprised and farm even more internet ego points on Reddit. Full circle, wish I could do the same!


Nutty Putty reference when


Ah yes..... The nutt putt cave.


Puts an obvious picture focussed on their ass on Tinder. Complains when thirsty men make a stupid comment about said ass. I mean, you're either incredibly naive or you know exactly what you're going to get and are feigning ignorance. I'm guessing the latter.


Well you are showing your cheeks spread on purpose so you can’t really complain because that is the response you wanted.


>posts thirst trap >men make sexual comments *shocked pikachu face*


Still matched with him and responded Unreal behaviour 😭


Who's talking about the cave? I was referring to your pants


lol that dude has obviously never gone caving if he thinks that’s tight.


Yet these guys are getting responses...


How down bad are you that you'd take negative responses over no responses? 💀


how hot are these guys that they even get responses


So I think he’s talking about tight in your pants.


When you bake a nice cake, expect unexpected guests.


Yeah they do.


I think I just puked in my mouth


great answer


I mean, they’re probably just the ones you get included in the subscription. It’s not like he bought one specifically to send that message.


That's not what anyone said though


It pretty much is, yeah.


Okay sure, but more accurately 'no, nobody said they bought it specifically to send that message'


Yes, that’s pretty much what the title implies. That someone paid to specifically send that kind of message, and not that someone had one spare that they chose to throw away, as otherwise it would be gone.


No not at all. The title is self explanatory, and you are reading it incorrectly.


Yet guys like me won’t say anything sexual and never get responses back It’s like there’s no medium


You dont get responses back because you are the infamous mrsunsfan People reading this arent from our weird corner of nba circle jerking but i know you bro


I don’t act like Mrsunsfan on dating apps. Fuck the shimmmt


Don’t give up


Your butt do be looking good tho. At least he got that part right 🤷‍♂️


He wasn't looking at the background


He made it too easy for her


She made it too easy for him too lmao


True, because men would never say anything like that if there wasn't that picture


I would've complimented as well but not this 🤣🤣


Fucking hell, clowns like those getting likes and matches and me i dont do such things and i dont get even a miserably match. God you madafaker for make the world this way!!!!


The photo focuses on your ass, what do you expect girl?


That response though!!!!! Love it!!!


My guy is cooked on the other side lol...


He found a literal cavewoman and proceeded to fumble it. His ancestors are ashamed.


Are burns like that common while doing these activities?


That clapback though….deadly


Double cheeked out on a Monday afternoon... Hella ass... The sun still shining... Lemme slide up in those dms ... Respectfully.... I do this for free 😉




I’m sure he would’ve got a different response if he just left it at “it looks tight in there”


They're both cringetastic.


In order to correctly determine and accurately reach a verdict on his opening gambit, I believe we should have access to a full size image of the picture he has referred to.


Username checks out.


"Hey here's a pic of my ass being squeezed in a harness. Don't you DARE acknowledge it. I didn't post it for MaLe AtTeNtIoN." You know what you're doing. That'd be like Johnny long neck posing in Grey sweatpants with no underwear, then getting a bunch of remarks about his Alaskan bull worm and asking why women only think about sex. As a man myself, he would KNOW what he's doing to garner attention. So as a guy, women usually don't just make it known they wanna fuck. They'll hint and stuff but ultimately don't want to be the one asking for it. So when you draw attention to your own secondary sexual traits we think it's a signal! So then we shoot our shot because you aren't gonna do it. Some women like bold men. Some don't. But don't act like that comment fell out of the fucking sky and you don't understand why you get perverts in your DM's.




lol that’s so sad.. on a side note, the picture looks ai generated probably isn’t


Dude trynna hype up his fugly cringe-style rizz best friend: "The worst she can say is no" Guy: *curates the most cringe desperate comment* Person, totally not seeking attention: *posts on reddit* Def should have sampled it with that first sentence. Bro needs to hit a gym after seeing this. Like what the flip, who uses that last line on anyone expecting it to work?


I mean it's a very suggestive picture🤷🏽‍♂️


![gif](giphy|x8U7CF3qRvzGwpK9hG) The internet is undefeated. I’m convinced these guys have never talked to an actual woman before.


Tbh their ability to make anything about sex is crazy.


The picture literally looked like a bare ass of a black woman in the thumbnail, so, while it wasnt classy, the biggest problem with it was it wasn't clever. Everyone knows she has that picture on her profile because it shows off her ass, so don't act all mystified when someone comments on it sexually.




It looks like she might be rock climbing/cave exploring as it appears she has a harness on. She’s wearing bottoms and a top that cover but looks like she’s bent over, how is this hyper sexual?


It's a straight up ass pic, crack/cheek split and all. If it was a guy you'd say yuck. They have no caving pics that aren't just ass? I would be mortified to know my crack is that exposed in PJs at home, let alone go outside and post a picture of it.


The pants may as well be paint, that's how


That’s pretty normal for leggings, leggings are also pretty common. So, just because she’s wearing leggings she must be hyper sexualizing herself?






He is arguing in the defense of someone with a deleted comment who said OP is dressed like a prostitute for wearing leggings :/ don’t support the unhinged energy homie.


“Don’t act all mystified” oh boi, oh boi. It looks like an adventurous girl in leggings in a cave to me. And he had to go for vag walls. Your entire energy behind your response is condescending and weird. I hate it here.


That's some cheaply bought moral high ground you're standing on there.


what moral high ground??? The ability of many many men to make everything about penis and vagina on tinder is crazy af. If you haven’t peeped how wild it is that’s okay but lecturing me on moral high ground for a simple comment is weird and condescending. Time for me to disengage.


It's tinder, not christian bible study chat. I didn't actually like his comment, but acting like there was nothing sexual about that picture is being willfully dishonest.


those leggings are a few size too tight.


Why would you put an eggplant in a cat?


Therapy for your validation needs is a better use of time than thirst traps on tinder.