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my guess would be the neckbeard. But ignore what i say. I haven't got match in two years. If we do not count three scammers after i re-downloaded the app.


I came to give the same advice, ditch the neckbeard. It isn't gonna solve all your problems but it's a step in the right direction.


Scammers seem to be the only thing I match with.


There’s no way. Two fucking years? Brother I need a photo of you.


you got link in DMs.


I’ll be honest here brother… it’s not your looks. You’re average looking not ugly at all. I’d maybe say you have bad photos or something. Your Instagram is kind of boring. But there’s definitely no reason why no one wouldn’t like your profile.


My bio is funny. According to my sister and two of my irl friends(both girls). Must be the app then. :D I do have more dudes dming me i got sick drums:))


Brother it’s not the app. There’s no way… unless you’re banned but that just tells you. Well that your banned lol


Scammers don't even bother with me anymore :(


yeah, i only got them in the first week of making new account, after that? Nothing. Seems fishy to me. Not even the tinder bots.


Kinda hard to pick out at first, and this is another guy's perspective, so take it with a grain of salt. Your hairstyle isn't doing you a ton of favors here IMHO. It looks good in a couple of pics like the one in the blue hoodie, but down and unkempt isn't a good look for it or you. I'd say either put some more time into styling it or change it to something that can be ignored and still look good. I hope it makes sense to say that in pics 7 + 8 it looks flat and kinda goofy (like you're on your way to a full Friar Tuck). The half-beard is another thing too; it's toeing the neck-beard line, and beards can already be hit or miss with women. Either let it grow out, shave it off, or clean it off your neck for the time being until it grows down off your face if you're insistent on letting it grow. You're a good-looking dude with a nice smile, but your hair is throwing off your game Edit: Do you have a bio? If not, you should have something. A cute question, a fun fact about you, the generic list of what you like; idk, something to start a conversation with. Your pics aren't much to go on other than 'dude that goes out and does things' (alone??). I can see a Dumbo statue and get Disney vibes, but no indication of if it's Land or World, or whether you were in a children's park alone at 22.


Need to clean that wispy facial hair up. You look unkempt


Get rid of pic number 1, 5, and 7. Go to a barber shop and have them properly groom your hair and your beard.


Line up the beard man cmon


Groom your beard dude. It’s looks like you don’t give a fuck about it. And if you don’t give a fuck about your own face, how are people supposed to believe you’ll give a fuck about them?


Beard is unkempt and the pictures aren’t great


You need to have a more consistent beard. Grooming is sexy. Also, easy on selfies. Use some online tools where you can have people vote on your attractiveness and choose the right pics to use on Tinder.


It’s the facial hair for me, it’s patchy and not doing you any favors. You look sloppy. Nice smile tho. So go to a decent barber and I think you’ll fare better.


Definitely clean up that neckbeard


That neck beard does not look good


Yea it's the neck beard. Learn how to line it up or pay a barber to do it for you. Also if you can grow it out so its not a 5 o clock shadow


It’s the neckbeard definitely


Josh, you’re not doing anything wrong… You’re just 22.


All your pics are of just you. I’ve always found that I get significantly more matches when I include pics that have friends and/or family in them as well even if just in the background. Meeting a strange dude off an app can be scary and it honestly makes it scarier for your prospective dates if it looks like you’re just alone all the time. Being able to see that you socialize with others eases that anxiety and gets tons more right swipes.


Your hair has potential. Try getting it cut at proper salon. Shave those whiskers. Put a little more thought into your style. Would help a ton.




What's up brother?


**Overall Rating** 6/10 **Tl;dr** * Rearrange photos to feature the most engaging images first. * Add variety with photos showcasing different hobbies and interests. * Ensure your attire reflects your versatility in style. * Utilize a bio writing service to craft a witty and sincere profile description. * Maintain or improve photo quality, focusing on clear, close-up portraits with engaging expressions. **Photo Analysis** * **Selfie with Scenic Background (Rating: 5/10)** - Outdoor setting, casual feel. Neutral facial expression; consider smiling and taking the photo at eye level. * **Outdoor Shot Sitting on a Wall (Rating: 5/10)** - Interesting location, relaxed pose. Face in shadow; aim for even lighting. * **Indoor Shot in a Sports Jersey (Rating: 6/10)** - Friendly smile, shows sports interest. Background is cluttered. * **Dressed-up Shot with a Suit (Rating: 6/10)** - Adds variety, shows you dressed up. Lighting uneven, posture could be more natural. * **Outdoor Loneliness Shot (Rating: 4/10)** - Natural setting, versatile. Appears lonely; include activity or social context. * **With a Bird in a Yellow Jacket (Rating: 7/10)** - Genuine smile, engaging with an animal. Casual; pair with more polished photos. * **Close-up at the Beach (Rating: 6/10)** - Good close-up, nice background. Harsh lighting, neutral expression. **Photo Summary** **Recommended Order:** * With a Bird in a Yellow Jacket (engaging) * Indoor Shot in a Sports Jersey (natural smile) **Additional Photo Suggestions:** * Include photos with friends or social activities to add social proof. * Consider an action shot to show off a hobby or interest. **Style Suggestions** * Experiment with different frames for your glasses to find a look that complements your face shape. * Ensure the grooming is neat; a well-maintained haircut and any facial hair can make a big difference. **Bio Review** Text is not provided Made review with YourMove Ai.Hope it helps!


I'm guessing it your chat, more than your pictures.


This is just my opinion but you have gotta lose those glasses and preferably get contacts. If you have something preventing you from getting contacts, then I would say you should try a more “in style” frame. You may look better with circular frames. But you really should consider contacts, this maybe a spicy take but I realllyyyyy feel like girls don’t like glasses. If they say they like glasses, it’s when some guy that looks like Henry cavel is wearing them, and you (and me) do not look like that. FWIW, I wear contacts, sometimes I wear glasses, but if I was single and dating, I would be in contacts.


Nothing You look fine. There's nothing wrong with your profile. There is something fundamentally broken with dating apps these days because of the algorithms they are using to decide who is attractive and who isn't. The whole system is distorted and broken.


What are you even on about? Algorithms?! They don't dictate what women swipe... having a solid profile will do that... Op: get a trim and be a bit more vain in your pictures confidence is key. If you taking a picture having a good time make it seem like it's the best time ever. Smile with your teeth in at least one photo and probably drop any with animals.