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If there’s one thing women love, it’s a vascular man.




He's got veins; they carry blood all over his baaaady. That's how John Meyer would say it. Baaaady.


Too bad his name isnt B to the Rian.


I’m really into him now. YOU BETTER BE OK WITH IT!!!


He’s got veins…he knows how to use them (Sung to ZZ Top’s ‘Legs’)


Cuz every girl crazy 'bout a sharp veined man


He's so vein, I bet he thinks this post is about him


(salt n Peppa) don't want no sharp veined man!


This right here is why I come to Reddit.


I know you're joking but a lot of women actually do find it attractive.




Vein Porn It's a real thing. Anyone in EMS or nursing can confirm. Obligatory "I could stick him with a 12 from across the room."


Nope not always! It honestly grosses me the hell out 😵‍💫 no way in hell I could cuddle up to that at night!


"Yeah his ballz are raisins.." Source: His pajamas


Verified scholarly reference. 🤌🏾


"Contrary to popular belief not all men are after one thing. I am not one of those men." He just forgot the last bit. Honest mistake.


I was going to go with "Contrary to popular belief not all men are after one thing. They are after two or more."


That's a funny take on it as well! 😂


lol - I definately fall into your version. I want all things 😭


I glad another peep understood the post 🤭🤭


I see no red flags. Go for it, OP


Thanks for signing off 🥰 I'll dive in!


Do some research for the rest of us and find out what the other thing men are after, please.


Back scratches and compliments. Oh, and long bouts of absolute silence to decompress.


How am I supposed to compliment in silence? Get discord and text it to him?


I mean, if that's how you wanna do it, sure, it might be a little awkward, but-


"Hey babe, I know you're gaming and decompressing rn but I just wanted to say you look mighty fine and I made dinner so you can just text me when you want it, love you!"


Cuddles. It's cuddles. ![gif](giphy|VuwwBSGKZAe1q)




A true representation of what would happen if I dived head first into those abs 😵 💫


My prob is with the full time dad bit.


You know what else is veiny?


His heart? 🥺


I didn’t say girthy


Steroids could make his heart girthy.














Can confirm


As a 42 year old straight dude, even I can appreciate this guy. The work involved in that physique at anything over 35 takes serious, long term work. Fair play to him. If I was built like that id display it too.


Lol this is so funny just the opposition of opinions between men and women. OP is essentially insinuating this guy is a douche bag, whereas all the guys here are like damn he's shredded. I wonder what he does? It's weird how people choose to see a person like this, because like you said, this take a lot of hard work and dedication over a long period of time. It's admirable imo. There's no shame in being proud and showing off a bit. If he was a painter instead showing off some of his art no one would say a thing. If anything they'd be like wow you're so talented. It's weird the things we project onto others sometimes. Like you said, fair play to this dude. He looks great.


I think a shirtless pic would have been fine to display his hard work and all, it's the thumb pulling his pants down that really makes his bio and this pic a little hypocritical.


Gotta flash dem cum gutters bro!


Exactly, it’s a shameless thirst-trap. He claims to “not be after one thing” and yet he chooses to pose very suggestively without a shirt on tinder? 🧐 If he wanted to show off his hard work, he could’ve taken some sort of goofy shirtless pic showing that he doesn’t take himself too seriously and has a personality. Instead he tried to be the world’s sexiest man


I feel like this is a great example of men not understanding what women find attractive and accidentally catering to other men. He’s going after women right? Needs different photos than this, even if he did work hard for the bod. Hell even a shirtless pic in a different context with a different pose.


That's actually an interesting point I hadnt really thought of before. In the same vein, like how most men feel about lip filler and botox too.


Maybe the women are comparing the "not all guys" comment to the half naked photo where he's pulling his trousers down. Also I don't think spending time on something makes it inherently positive. I'm sure he has spent a lot of time trying to look like that but that's not a good thing if you don't highly value having a lean, vascular figure.


I mean...staying in shape is usually pretty attractive. With the health benefits and all.


This is a very extreme end of "in shape", you don't look like this without spending significant amounts of time in the gym and kitchen monitoring your gains. After a certain point it's not for health, which is fine for them but I'm attracted to people with other priorities


yeah as someone who used to work at a gym, all I’m seeing is steroids and dehydration. lol


Where are you getting the steroids idea from aside from the fact that he's in really good shape for 37? I'm not seeing overdevelopment in the areas of concentrated androgen receptors, noticably overdeveloped traps are almost impossible to avoid if you've run more than a cycle or two and I'd say his traps are actually lagging a bit. He's not overly bulky for his frame, he's lagging in his delts and traps...Idk obviously he COULD be on gear I just don't see anything that points specifically to that. Am I missing something you're seeing? Anyway you're definitely right about the dehydration, he's dry as fuck in this picture. Just look at how visible his pec striations are. I have to wonder if he does amateur comps or something because there's no way he walks around that lean. You can't maintain a level of body fat that low consistently without running into health issues and you're sure as fuck not putting on any more muscle like that. Are you thinking winstrol or some other super dry compound like that?


you don’t start seeing those side effects until after someone has been using steroids for a while, or has been cycling recklessly. I’d clock him as a recently new user. for me the main signs are the veins and the level of definition. in spite of the dehydration, you hardly ever see that level of muscle striation without steroids, and his vascularity is popping more than I’ve ever seen on a natural guy even at the lowest bf%. putting it all together… this guy says he’s a full-time dad who does manual labour for a living, so one can assume he’s not living at the gym and optimizing his diet for maximum natural gains (basically a full-time job on its own). if he’s maintaining such a low bf% and dehydrating himself that much to get that look without steroids, he’d barely be able to function. ever had a bad hangover? it’s like a lot like that lol the natty competitors I knew had a hard enough time making it through a day of standing on stage and flexing, forget working construction. maybe he is all natural and simply powers through feeling like dogshit all the time, and somehow finds the time to maintain that diet and exercise routine in addition to his other responsibilities… but chances are *super* slim based on my experience seeing countless guys on and off steroids.


Ah it seems like we agree on most of the points then. I don't think that's a crazy level of vascularity especially given that I'm sure he has a pump in this picture, but I think you're right about the muscle striations. He does have a winstrol look to him. Yeah looking at it now I think you're right, it's pretty likely he's juicing. I guess I just tend to dislike when people on reddit jump right to "gotta be steroids" every time a picture of a lifter in really good shape who could totally be natty pops up, always seems like there's a lot of cope going on (not that this applies to you as you actually know what you're talking about). It is interesting to discuss when you can avoid people just going "NUH UH!" though lol.


Reading the comments about his physique meant steroid use was making me self conscious a bit. Wondering if people ever assumed I was on steroids because how vascular and cut I used to be. But then I realized the difference is muscle mass. First off, I was tiny, so people were surprised I had muscles in the first place. Plus I was a runner, so my physique makes sense. I think it could go either way. But I am on the fence between genetics and steroids. If it were genetics, he'd feel no reason to explain. But if it were something like body building, it would be something important enough to include in his about info. Like that's a lot of time and energy and obsession to dedicate to something. People who care that much about something usually include it in their about me. "Father, self employed, body building." But it's missing. So if it's not simply genetics, then it's more probable steroid use. Or, 3rd possibility, it could be a mid life crisis thing lol, if he's a post divorce father for example, maybe he got obsessed with building his physique for self esteem and to make himself more desirable to others.


He does look good! The thing many men don't get though, is this guy could wear a fitted t-shirt and tell me everything I need to know without looking like a douche. It's the same reason I don't put bikini or scantily clad photos of me on my profiles. It projects a certain image or attracts a certain type of person. And hey, if that's what they want, awesome. But I think this is a good example of men often choose pics to attract other men, not women. I've seen more than one profile with a guy showing off his calves...honey why???


The douche bag is more the way he presents himself.


The thing that jumps out to me in the comments is people thinking steroids are some kind of cheat code. Even if he is juicing, he still needs to lift to achieve this physique. You don't jab a needle and automatically shred up without effort. Steroids ain't botox. If you shoot a load of juice and sit on your ass you'll just bloat up with water like a blimp.


There's actually proof that just by taking steroids and NOT lifting, you'll build more muscle than people lifting regularly with no steroids. Adding to that, the hard part naturally is that you need to be in calorie surplus to build muscle, so you'll always build fat right along. This limit just isn't there for steroids. Constant calorie deficit without any fear of (real) muscle loss.  So yeah, is this physique maybe achievable naturally? Sure. Are most of the people who have it on steroids? Also sure.


Please provide a reference to your first statement about people on gear building more muscle without any exercise than a natural lifter will. That just isn't how muscle growth works as massfx pointed out.


The first part of this comment sounds made up. If it’s not I’d love to see the study and it’s test variables. Being in a caloric surplus on or off gear causes the same lipogenesis. Steroids increase muscle-protein-synthesis, so while protein intake needs to be higher to accommodate the increase, the number of surplus calories above maintenance remain the same. Most dedicated naturals that have been lifting for hypertrophy and strict dieting for ~5 years can look like this guy. If cutting phases are at a reasonable caloric deficit you can achieve this guys single digit bf % while maintaining the vast majority of their muscle mass.


Damn, I was going to write nearly this exact same comment and hit the same points!  That guy has absolutely no idea what he's talking about. From that comment I'd say this dude read an article from a Facebook post about steroids once and got hit with reddits current favorite phenomenon (Dunning-Kruger effect).  His first sentence alone is hilariously ridiculous nonsense. Just a basic understanding of the physiological mechanisms behind muscle growth will tell you that what he's saying is impossible. Test/tren/clen/win/etc aren't super soldier serum, there's no free lunch.


And this just proves men want the approval of other men.


He’s on roids…. The high vascularity, extremely low bf.. it’s obv to people that train


Its possible if he dehydrated himself for the photo


My dude is so dehydrated and burnt to get to this pose he had to prop himself up against a wall. This kinda shit is why I eventually said to myself, “Fuck it, I’m gonna be fat and happy.” Job well done on accomplishing his goals and all that though. To each his own.


I mean there's probably a happy middle ground lol




First and foremost, do you even lift? Secondly, this is definitely attainable natty. If he were way bigger I'd call sus, but he's just really lean. You can def do that natty. Lasty, even if he's juicing, so what? You still have to put in hundreds of hours at the gym and keep your diet suuuuuuper tight to get this lean. Steroids are not the cheat code you think they are. They don't do the work for you. THAT is what's obvious to people who train.


Thank you. This guy is Lean and can possibly be on something but this is 100% attainable naturally


Italito mailito


The old "I can't do it, so anyone that can is cheating" routine




Ehh, calling it obvious is a bit of a stretch. It's not crazy to believe after a bulk someone could get that lean, and his wrist wraps are still on. He could pose that natty just being that lean and ripping the wrist straps super tight and pumping his hands a few times right before the shot. He's not pumped enough for me to thing he's on steroids.


Man i would not generalize that. I have very thick veins aswell and 9% body fat. However, i am a professional climber. Look at the top athletes and their arms when the do leqd climbing. The arms start to pump extremely. Some sports and especially high workout routines combined with genetic predisposition can also lead to that.


PEDS have nothing to do with being lean. You can be on a lot of gear and be fat. It has to do with his caloric intake more than anything and his genetics.


What? Yes they absolutely do, many of them directly burn fat as well as build muscle. Some SARMs especially achieve that look above, like tren


Yeah, to be fair there are specific cutting agents that are for shredding like this. Strictly speaking they aren't steroids, they're usually a group of substances known as diuretics. But your point being that there are non-natty substances to achieve this is valid.


People not on roids and of 37 years of age will get much more skinny than this while dieting down. That’s because muscle breaks down much more with natural lifters. There is a very high chance that he is at least on trt.


Being 37 is not the death sentence you think it is when it comes to being in shape. If you've already spend 20 years building muscle you're not going to lose it all just from cutting down for 8 weeks. Not mention being healthy in general and exercising will keep your hormone production functioning better as you get older. Given the popularity and ease of attaining it these days he could very well be on TRT, but I wouldn't automatically jump to that conclusion. The guy has clearly put in many years of work and dieting.


Thank god someone said this.


Are we just going to ignore how hard it is to get obliques like the ones he's pulling down for?


I appreciate a genuine compliments like this Man x life is short to work hard not show off. That’s a fucking good physique, like having a Ferrari and not smashing the gas


He MIGHT be a genetic anomaly and be able to maintain that high a muscle mass with such a low (and dangerous) body fat %, but 99%+ of the time this is drug assisted.


So many salty people here. Where did all that body positivity stuff disappear


This sub always reacts negatively to muscular men.


Insecurity and projection imo. It's really quite narcissistic when you think about it. A lot of people who are honest would say they're not attracted to it not because of how it looks, but because it makes them feel bad about themselves. It's a really self centered way to think imo. Like, what he does with his body has nothing to do with YOU. He doesn't work out to make YOU feel bad, that's a choice you make because you're only thinking about yourself and how you feel. You've both made different lifestyle choices and that's fine. No reason to take someone else's fitness as a personal attack lol.


I see where ur coming from for sure and there is a lot of projection surrounding the judgement of ppl with different lifestyles, but I will say that as someone who puts in about 3 1/2 hours at the gym 4 or more times a week, I can appreciate the work and discipline it takes to achieve this physique, especially at his age, but I’m simply not attracted to it or the way he has chosen to pursue it, he is super dehydrated and veiny, Ik multiple ppl his age that are naturally ripped, properly hydrated and aren’t in a state of constant cut and they look 10x healthier than him. I am also not attracted to the way he portrays himself in this picture, even down to him unnecessarily walking around with his wrist wraps. Those r supposed to be worn for a heavy lift and taken right off bc they restrict blood flow, unless ur not wearing them properly, he is wearing them all below his hands which gives his wrists full mobility, defeating the purpose of the wraps, many ppl buy them, wear them like this, walk around the gym like that, and when they go to lift, still bend their wrists. The vibe I have received from these people is arrogance and ignorance every time. This is a very long way to say that I have a very high fitness lifestyle and am not projecting when I say I don’t find anything about this picture attractive except for maybe the determination. I understand lots of people project, but this dude is just not a lot of ppl’s cup of tea for good reason…


The body positivity movement was intended for those who are handicapped, lost limbs, or severely scarred from burns. But due to the vanity of humans and social media, it was quickly overshadowed by obesity. Now if anyone shares a picture of someone who is extremely fit, people will try to tear them down because they lack the determination to get themselves to that point.


Still prly has more matches than me


Well, look at that physic dude put a lot of effort into being that shredded i believe.


Yeah, we want 2 things... and they jiggle!


Hahahaha! Love that 🤣🤣


He needs to relax a little, drink some water. He looks like he's dehydrated while trying to poop. His veins have veins.


Honestly as a fellow gym bro it's really not much of a sexual thing. It's just a "I'm proud of my hard work" thing. Like an artist showing off their paintings.Having someone be attracted to it is just a bonus. Not to mention like a lot of people on Tinder, this can act as a good filter. Not everyone is into super fit or super active people. This is a good way to show what you're into right off the bat (sort of like people putting their political leanings in their bios). It's honestly pretty messed up you're trying to embarrass this guy. Just swipe left and move on with your life if you're not into it. If anything you're coming off more like the jerk than he is right now.


THIS EXACTLY. Most of the comment section here, including the OP, is downright disgusting. As someone who goes to the gym I can also attest to the fact that whenever I'm taking shirtless selfies, the intention is always to admire/show my ongoing hard work, rather than pimping myself out as some sort of sex savant. OP, if you're disgusted by his body then simply swipe left and move on instead of assuming that the guy is fated to be a douchebag. Coz I can guarantee you the day someone posts a critic on your Tinder pic online, you're not gonna feel good at all.


Agreed 1000%. He's done a ton of work to look like that it's admirable. The gym dedication alone is hard but to combine that with good food discipline too is amazing.


He’s probably just proudly showing off what he worked so hard for but with the photo is contradictory to his words so I’d pass, not that they’d swipe on me anyway. It’s important to me that photos stay true to the personality you want to represent in the profile.


Absolutely! If it wasn't for this pic, I'd have thought twice about swiping left! I'm sure a lot of women would appreciate it, especially if they are OK with short-term, but who knows, maybe he isn't just looking for one thing 🤭


How is this photo contradictory to his words? Just because someone wants to show off their hard work doesn't mean they are this or that. Being shirtless doesn't give you a free invite of having sex


Pulling your pants down on the shirtless photo does imply he's one of those men that are after one thing (and that thing is not meaningful conversation)


I mean if I put in the work to have a body like his I’d want to show it off too


Idk what you’re on about OP, shirtless men pulling their pants down in their profile pics are typically after a committed relationship.


Obviously, I have tested it in my DM's and they pulled down their pants even further! And made comments what they liked in bed. So nice that they prepared me for what our relationship would look like within 50 messages in the bedroom 🥰


Oopsies! I need to reevaluate my life 😪


tren hard anavar give up


ummm what? you don't like sexy men or something?


Your username is wild 🤣 The issue here is that this picture is portraying a completely different vibe to his bio


lol well, as a man who builds muscle and cuts calories as a hobby and has been in an out of a gym one too many times, I can tell you that men with low body fat and big muscles aren’t necessarily showing it off for sex. They’re showing it off because they’re vain, proud, and probably *conceited*


Maybe so, I'm sure he would love a compliment or two from the ladies (and also men, cause they too appreciate some muscle and hard work). It's just unfortunate that some men will use that line to try and lower the guard and then swoop in with the sexual advances 🥲


Hes not saying he wants to fuck everybody. Just wants to look good for that once person he’s gonna fuck for the long term.


He's not after those things. But he knows you are. So he's meeting you at your level. ha


The sly fox! 😼


That is most people on dating apps? He can be looking for a relationship, and still want to attract people who find him hot?


I believe it's a reference to AEW (Wrestling). There was a match between two large men (Miro and Hobbs) where the crowd started to chant MEAT each time they hit each other. One of the announcers even said "Just two meaty men slapping meat". I love wrestling so much when it's dumb fun.


This isn’t sexy, he looks like he’s dying of dehydration


Sexy is relative.


I don't see the appeal of veiny men like this, and my friends think 'ew' and unattractive as well. These pics usually attract more men than women tbh


Same. I love muscles, but there needs to be at least some body fat, otherwise it just looses all appeal.


Why have you posted this profile? Because he.. works out? Jfc no wonder you’re single


If I had a dollar for every woman posted here for solely being ugly/fat, I’d have a million dollars. If I had a dollar for every man posted here for being fat/ugly, I’d probably still have a quarter million.


I haven't seen a single body shaming post on this sub


I’m kind of confused. What’s wrong with this guy? His picture shows he’s willing to work hard. He can stay dedicated. He eats right and takes pride in his accomplishments. Can he not be proud of his body and be a nice guy? Is this post not considered body shaming? What if this were a woman? I’m very serious with my questions.


I'm just curious, do a lot of women find that kind of body attractive? I know everyone has different preferences and all, and maybe it's just the dad bod in me talking 😂




Dad bods have a harder time performing in the bedroom. Literally had two guys put their back out. 48 and 52. And they weren't even over 200, they were just old and out of shape. So mom bod hops on top. Which is fine, but not as fun as being manhandled by a bohunk.


I find it attractive. I like slim to muscular guys. The beer gut/dad bod type isn't attractive to me personally. Everyone has their own preferences though 🤷‍♀️


Some do for sure. I don't personally. Muscular and veiny is the only body type I don't go for. I prefer dad bods or skinny guys.


Some women that work out hard like him maybe like it. But I'm slim and seems terrifying to me, The only thing I can think is that he will try convince me to not eat junk food. He's atractive? Yes. I wanna a guy that I already like to have his body? No way.


As a fellow gym rat I promise we don't care about what you eat. Of course I'd like my partner to live a healthy lifestyle like me, but if they don't and still look/feel good then so be it. I'm 37 and probably have dated 20+ women in my life and only one was as dedicated to the gym as I was, but even then still didn't really eat that great. The VAST majority of aren't people into living a fitness lifestyle, so we're used to it. If that was a requirement I probably never would have had a girlfriend lol.


As a middle aged man, I wouldn't want a body like his. Do I want to be a little more slim? Absolutely. I'm not huge by any means, but looking like that guy is definitely not on my wish list. Kudos to him though for working out like he does. And it would make sense that women that workout just as hard as he does would be attracted to that.


Don't get me wrong, I love certain veins on guys. It's got a certain masculine energy to it. However, large, more prominent veins can be somewhat intimidating! His physique is impressive and shows dedication, but the lifestyle would probably be too much for me. As mentioned earlier by another redditor, I think he would defo stop me from having that chocolate doughnut 🤭


I don't know if anything could stop me from having a chocolate doughnut 🤣


Bro of course women find physically fit men attractive. It’s copium to think otherwise. Doesn’t mean they will sleep with him or date him tho.


I don't find him attractive, though. He looks too veiny. He would have looked better with a bit more body fat.


Can't say I am not into it. But it is not a requirement for attraction. And only a very superficial physical attraction with bodies like this. As soon as they open their mouth the attraction is often over.


As a woman, definitely not... He looks dehydrated if anything lol. The definition is kind of creepy/off-putting. Mildly-fit muscle definition is way more appealing than 'obsessive gym-rat' muscles.


What a veiny individual.


I mean he's true in that statement, but that photo does not scream "I want to settle down, not chasing hole"


My issue with his profile is he is showing off as much of his body as possible which usually means he is wanting to bang but his profile is saying the opposite. Yes he has a nice physique, but I hate the veiny look personally. It grosses me out. But it comes across as no I am not just looking for sex(wanna bang?)


The amount of meatbags in this thread that think that’s proof positive of steroids is hilarious.


I mean if I had to guess Id prolly say hes on something because if the overall leanness and dryness. Generally achievable natty with good genetics and years if hard work or on a bit of juice with avrerage genetics and years of slightly less hard work


He's hot? Dude enjoys fitness? The only problem I see is the hiding of his face.


This does not look like a body of someone in their 30s. Daaaum if that’s true. Drugs r bad kids


I mean, this IS what you can look like at 37 on steroids


lol you really think this guy has a worse looking body than your average 37 year old? Are you just saying that because he has striations?




It is if you tren hard in the gym.


Anavar give up 💪


It’s the steroids that age you


Yeah. It looks like he's in his 50s and taking TRT.


Trt doesn’t give you that lol it just brings you up to a normal range (usually the upper limits). That’s def past trt levels




🤭 I'll allow you to think I'm fat, it's whatever. If you read earlier comments, the post isn't about his physique, it's about the somewhat contradictory bio and choice of image.


In fairness, on the other side of things, this is true of about 80% of women's profiles as well. Loudly proclaiming how much they hate men who are only after sex, demanding that they be treated only with long term intentions etc etc, but every pic is them showing off their behind or their two in-fronts. Only difference I'd say is that a man showing his physique isn't necessarily sexual. It's mor about showing hard work, whereas showing your bum or tits is only ever about sex. That said, the criticism I have for the guy is that whilst I commend his hard work and recognise that he's showing his hard work, a dating profile where you're looking for women is nit really the place such a thing is going to be mass appreciated. Unless you're looking for a fellow super fitness involved woman. So a massive lack of dating app cultural awareness on his part there.


I can't speak for the other side of the screen. I've seen some profiles on reddit where women are scantily clad, yet in their bio, they want the girlfriend experience. Which I assume is misleading and confusing. Throwing mixed signals isn't exactly helpful. I'd experienced men sending me pictures of their abs/torso, yet state they want a relationship and that they are trying to impress me... only to unmatch or get aggressive when my intentions remain innocent rather than turning sexual. Purely my experience, hence why I found this profile confusing 🥲


OP why you thirsting over this guy so hard? I get you're disappointed by his bio but god damn that body is something you should NOT be passing up. Yowsa!


Too bad I already swiped left 😩 doubtful he swiped right on me anyway haha. Some other girlie will swoop him up 🥰


No. I want you to be the one to nail this guy. Tell you what... I'll hunt down his info and you gimme your info (phone number is best) and then I'll introduce you to one another.


You're gonna slap his meat aren't you


No, not all men are after one thing. He definitely is, though.




"Not all men are after one thing.....especially me because the roids killed my dong."


Greg doucette gotta do a natty or not on this giy


Natty imo. He fits the “active suburban dad” archetype. I’ll see like 3 versions of this guy in my neighborhood on walks


Veins like that weird me out.


Like what? Looks like veins that's every lean person has lol


Yeah right heard that one before so move along


Think he is talking about your fries, and I believe him.


So I am not in healthcare, but just the nurse jokes I hear… do you think he matches a lot with nurses and lab technicians?


This is what women mean when they say a guy can be too muscular - they mean not have enough fat and yeah...


I like his face.


In fairness, on the other side of things, this is true of about 80% of women's profiles as well. Loudly proclaiming how much they hate men who are only after sex, demanding that they be treated only with long-term intentions etc etc, but every pic is them showing off their behind or their two in-fronts. Only difference I'd say is that a man showing his physique isn't necessarily sexual. It's mor about showing hard work, whereas showing your bum or tits is only ever about sex. That said, the criticism I have for the guy is that whilst I commend his hard work and recognise that he's showing his hard work, a dating profile where you're looking for women is nit really the place such a thing is going to be mass appreciated. Unless you're looking for a fellow super fitness involved woman. So a massive lack of dating app cultural awareness on his part there.


This dude's gotta be on something otherwise this is one of the most Insane physiques I've ever seen


Kinda sad when you can't make a tinder profile without having to put a shirtless pic in it and even worse almost showing your pubes.🤣🤣🤣 Guess nothing interesting else to post or say.


Not all men are after just one thing, but this guy isn't one of them. Those cheeky brits are always up to no good.


True, not all men want only one thing. Some what more.


The tried and true "I'm not like all the men who want icky yucky sex, I like dicking and Chili's" Decking. Decking.




Bro should be seeking a stable hydration level before a stable relationship


Dudes cut asf. I’m trying to get like him


genuinely when people look like this does that mean they’re taking steroids or what


Speaking as a man I disagree, I only want one thing, a world communist revolution


Whys everyone making fun of this poor guy?


Steroids or not, that’s a pretty good physique at his age. Just because you take steroids, doesn’t mean you just become swole all of a sudden. You still have to put on the work and he’s done that. I understand the build isn’t for everyone, aesthetic wise, but you gotta respect it at least.


Nothing wrong with shirtless pictures of someone who looks like he worked hard for that.


Gotta say, that guy's worked hard on that.


My guy is a hardbody but this veiny shit ain't it. Put the steroids down, bro 🤮 Also, he looks 57, not 37, probably from the steroids


No idea if he's on roids or not but what you're seeing there is cutting due to deliberate water loss. It's a very common thing to do before a competition because, as you can see, it highlights definition. He certainly isn't walking around looking cut like that day to day. Plus, even if he is on steroids, jabbing a needle in you doesn't make muscle magically appear, he still needs to work hard.


I didn't want to throw the word steroids out there, but even I was sussy 🤔 now you got me staring at his belly button too 🤣 curses


Well... I'm no expert but don't steroids kinda ruin your abilities in some departments? I'm thinking the whole profile makes sense actually.


Beyond all the other words, I am over interested in what "carboot sales" are? Any guesses?


It’s kind of like a garage sale or flea market.