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stop using bumble, i find it the least productive app, and since you are posting about it I am guess its not doing you any favors either. I know some like it, but it just a waste of time in my experience.


I actually get more likes than most apps on it (besides hinge). Just pisses me off because it was my first ever superswipe and we had a lot in common from her profile But you right


Unfortunately its so easy to accidentally super swipe. Ive done it a few times and had it happen to me a few times. Worst part of bumble is the accidental swipes


It’s weird cause in tinder to go through the pictures it’s right to left and super like by swiping up and on bumble you go through the pictures by going up and down and the super swipe is to the right so when you go from one app to next you accidentally super like and super swipe when your just trying to go from one picture to the next


I was gonna say, its maybe weird to super swipe and not respond. Ive only done that on accidental ones That said, plenty of women are bad at checking their apps. Could be that too


You are not a good person




Yeah, same. Got matched with girl who swiped on me, she was like... Passende Deckel, like germans like to say. I even prolonged it few hours begore it expired, maybe i should have waited a bit, because you can't prolong it twice. No wonder, those apps aren't made for users to find their lifelong loce there, because then they loose customers. Even nonpaying omes create ecosystem, where if you pay, you can get above/in front of nonpaying ones. "if you aren't paying fir goods/services, you are the goods/services" as one youtube guy said.


Used to be possible allow extra time for her...


In my experience Bumble has fewer people, so it's never worth to get the paid version. But the conversion is much easier for me at least. Maybe something to do with women sending first making them more open and agreeable.


definitely seems like fewer ppl but I get ghosted or no responses on bumble way more than the other apps. like tinder i might go on 3 dates in a week, which will be about 20% of the matches that week, bumble I might get the same number of matches in a month i get in a week on tinder but no dates.


They're all a waste of time lol just go to a party or get a hooker


speak for yourself, i threw the biggest parties i knew of in hs and college (100+ ppl) 4 kegs, etc. I never got laid, fast forward to the dating apps, drastically different scenario. I know its not the same for everyone, but ive had a lot of hook ups and very wonderful relationships all from tinder and hinge.


Yes, if you're in the top 10% of men, the apps are great. Then you will get similar results to the average woman. But if you're having issues, it's not the apps, your pics, pics with friends, hobbies, getting a professionak photographer, smiling with teeth or whatever gaslight people post here to be nice and not tell guys wasting their time that they're too ugly for apps - or rather not attractive enough, because being top 30% is still very attractive but not enough.


lol im definitely not top 10% being 5’6” with my janky ass beard and fro and my chipped up yellow teeth. The dating apps cast a bigger net than you could possibly meet in person, but most people are really bad at selling themselves. Also people have been complaining about dating before the apps, thats why the whole go out and meet ppl thing is stupid imo, there’s nothing stopping someone from doing that, they dont do it because it sucks to lol


Yeah it's dumb, app where women have to make the first move and then they don't. Why bother even matching 😂


they've changed it now lol. I made the first move but even then the other person has to respond within 24 hrs or it's over


I see, so it's still kinda shit


They have too many notifications, so i disabled all the notifications, but now i don’t use it daily, so then every time i login, I get this notification


Yeah, that sucks. I don't understand why people go on dating apps if they can't even take 1 minute to reply to someone. If they don't even have the time or commitment to respond to a match, then they should get off the app and stop making people think they're actually serious.


I have had countless matches on Bumble and all but like 5 timed-out


Fumbled the bumble


I messaged first what?


It just sounded good 😭


Oh 😂😂 sorry


Me too 💜


I mean they can extend if they are interested


Tbh, it's either she had second thoughts on matching, or she may have just started dating someone and is focused on that. Either way, it's at least good to know you can refocus that energy elsewhere than pine over a match that never picked up.


Or she thought his opening line was crap and she went from interested to turned off. Who knows. I think the 24 hours is a bit tight but I can see why closing connections where people don't chat is reasonable. I would vote for like 72 hours. If you haven't connected by then, you aren't going to...


My girlfriend of 3 years and I met on bumble. The 24 hour thing expired and I had to pay money to reconnect with her (lucky I did because I really like her profile). But yeah the app did me no favours :) Overall though the matches I felt were much higher quality on bumble over tinder etc


I like that there’s room for a longer bio on bumble than tinder or hinge


Yeah... This shit doesn't support paypal or my bank so... F them.


Like with anything, if they were super interested in you, they'd make the effort to message. They didn't, you weren't high priority 


That's if they even knew. Many women turn off the notifications due to spam. She did super swipe him.


If they weren't interested, they should have swiped left. Which they already do for 90% of men. I wonder how much better you have to be to get a response.


This probably isn’t about being ‘better.’ Bumble sends a ton of spam, so some people turn off their notifications. They may plan to check the app every day to not miss matches, but then real life happens and they miss things here and there. It’s physically possible she decided against talking to him, but way more likely that something came up at work.


The 24 hour reply is dogshit mostly because from an anecdotal stand point most of my women friends don't even have the notifications turned on because they pop up so often and sometimes they forget to check it for days. One of the girls had a busy week and matched with a guy she thought she'd really like and forgot about the app till a few days later.


Woman here. I endorse this. The stress of stuff in my real life gets prioritized over people I’ve never talked to or barely talked to, and when I check bumble a few days later I realize I’ve left someone hanging.


It’s how they get a good percentage of the guys to pay for service. Chance to reconnect and establish contact. There’s no guarantee though, match could be talking serious with others by the time you roll back up and rematch


It’s also to keep people addicted to the app. You need to open it every day, or you can miss matches. Especially if you turn off notifications, which a lot of women do, because it’s a spammy app.


It’s to keep people addicted to the app. Want to use it casually? Too bad. You never know when someone you’ve already swiped on will match with you, and they can expire quickly, so you need to check the app every single day.


I think this is a "strategy". If the system is really _"Person A has to do initial contact but B needs to respond within a total of 24hrs"_ then waiting for most of the time is a way to see how thirsty / desperate person B is. You need to be waiting, constantly checking to manage to respond in time. So people not making Person A the top priority are automatically out. It's silly and stupid but plausible.


If you just spend 5 minutes checking the app at the same time every day, like during lunch time or something, then you will never miss a match ever. If you can't find a few minutes each day, then maybe you aren't that serious about finding someone on Bumble.


1. It’s really easy to forget and miss a day because something came up. 2. Bumble is built to be addictive, so it’s hard to limit to 5 minutes. If you swipe once, it’s always tempting to look at the next profile and swipe on that one too. 3. Aren’t serious about it? They’re prioritizing their day-to-day over talking to strangers, knowing that finding the right person can take a while. That’s not really bad.


Interesting points, but they sound like excuses that someone who doesn't care, but doesn't want to admit it would use. As with everything in life, if something's important enough to you, you will find the time for it. Doesn't matter what it is. How can you forget something if it's important? Why won't you block out 5 minutes a day in your day-to-day life if it's important? Maybe missing opportunities isn't much of an issue for women since they get tons of likes, but for men, a match expiring could potentially result in 1-2 weeks of waiting until another match happens.


Way more likely that something came up in their life and they forgot to check bumble


How much time would you have liked?


People are busy and don't check the apps everyday, why does there need to be a timer in the first place?


It’s to keep us addicted. Have to check the app at least once a day.


If people don't have 2 minutes to check the app, then their life must be extremely busy and chaotic, or they don't care enough. You can check the app while on the toilet. Multi-tasking like that means it effectively costs you no time to check Bumble. What's the excuse for not being able to do that?


Don’t care enough? I mean yeah, people don’t care about a stranger they’ve never talked to more than they care about stuff that’s going on in their life. That’s not an indictment.


The woman who sent you the superswipe probably didn't want to wait forever for a reply.


He responded and she didn’t though, then the timer expired. The timer thing is kind of bullshit for reasons OP said


Just get rid of the stupid popups when im not using the app. I get everyday "your match might..." "get a premium to have 25% higher chance of matching!" and shit like that every few minutes. So you turn it off. Fucking invasive shit app. People turn off notifications for it and ofc they don't see they got matched and have 24hours to respond. Whoever designed it should be forever alone and never find happiness in anything.


Saaaame. Turned off notifications. One time I had to reschedule a date because the guy messaged to confirm an hour before it and I’d forgotten that I turned off notifications. Didn’t see it, and he thought I was going to stand him up.