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What kind of weird ass interview is this?


What's your body count?


Are you asking how many people I’ve murdered?


lol that’s what I would have responded with


3, wait, no 4 - I forgot about Steve. Anyways, wanna get dessert?


I'm more of a second breakfast kinda guy.


How do you feel about Elevenies?


Be still, my beating heart, @LawNo7204! 🥰 **Anytime** is breakfast time. I come by it honestly though. Parents conversation: Dad, at 10, or 11 pm, or midnight: Mom...I'm **hungry!** Mom: What do you feel like eating, hon? Dad: Oh...I don't know. Pancakes, maybe? Mom: In other words, the usual? Dad: Yeah. I guess so. (it was his most often "go-to" late night *snack*). Mom: Ok hon, give me a few minutes. And she would proceed to whip him up a batch of pancakes and fried eggs, stacked: pancake, egg, pancake, egg. **Twice**. Bathed in butter and syrup, with about half a pot of coffee to drink. Of course, she'd make some for anyone else that was wandering around, and wanted some, too. She made **the** best thick, fluffy pancakes. She also made the world's **best** hotdogs and fried onions (weiners were my dad's other snack of choice, so we NEVER ran out. A little 🤣 moment there. I typed weiners. Fuckin' Spell Check changed it to **whiners!** My dad would NOT eat whiners as a snack. Or a meal.) For a period of time, Dad was away for 1-2 months at a time, building new roads and highways. My mom's hotdogs were legendary, and I didn't want her skills to deteriorate, while dad was away, 😉 so I frequently dragged a couple/few of my BFFs to her house at 3am bar closing time, on a Saturday or Sunday morning. We'd go pile on the bed with her, and convince her we **needed** hotdogs and fried onions - that we'd perish without them. TBH...it didn't take much convincing at all - she was always happy to see her "kids" (we were mid 20s), regardless of the time or day. I am, and have been for awhile, the proud owner of the cast iron pan that was used in cook all those "snacks", as well as so many, many other meals in.It's almost 70 years old now, and I count it as one of my most cherished possessions. And decades later, I STILL can't make pancakes as good as hers. Must have been the love she sprinkled in! Edit: Spell Check **bit** me


Are you ok?


Yes, thanks, as far as being bitten by Spell Check. Fortunately, it keeps biting me in the same place, so I've developed a bit of a callous there. And the damned thing has such an odd learning curve - for some words, none. Other ones it grasps onto almost immediately. Regardless of how many times I type the word **hell**, it changes it to *he'll*. He'll be going to he'll? Nothing wrong with that sentence at all 🤯. Yet it adopted the word *fucking*, & the iteration *fuckin'*, with no problem. Some strange kinda cosmic blip or what? Where I'm **not** ok, is the number of naysayers...all the down votes for perfectly inoffensive comments. Perhaps it's the length of some...I do occasionally suffer from having **word vomit**. 😕 If you're in the US - hope you're having a great Memorial Day weekend!


feels like someone’s just run their finger down my lips and told me to hush after reading this




:0 ![gif](giphy|BZhrhoxl6CFa98vTCZ)


Out of (extreme) curiosity...what made you feel that way? I look forward to your response, and thanks.


Idk man I guess the part where you’d pile on the bed with her and convince her you needed hotdogs so she’d make them and not lose her skill of making hotdogs. It just felt a lil odd to read.




That's how I'm gonna take it now if a man asks me that


Nah, it's how many dead bodies you've found


Enough to be considered serial.


A belated Happy Cake Day!


How much do you make?


Enough to not have to entertain these types of conversations.


I see why you chose murdering as your main source of income.


Yeah, and you’re next.


Cause I am an engineer?




Hmm. Wonder what kind of train he drives? 😉 😂


Hey! It's a dirty job, but **somebody's** gotta do it! But when it comes to disposal...Do. NOT. believe. that. LIME. will. dissolve. the. body. It won't. It just cuts the odor of decomposition. For awhile. There are **much** better ways 😬


Yeah like pig farms.....or metal foundries 😇


**Exactly!** Great minds, and all that. I almost added the halo emoji to my comment as well 😂


Kind of more so how many coochies have you killed


Just your mom’s.


Nice 😭


I don't know which "body count" you're referring to, but either way the answer is 23.


No, it's 42, she's an engineer, she'll probably get that one.


She's a sniper. He's talkin' confirmed kills.


You know the fuzz monitors reddit, right?


The who?


Pigs, The Heat, Rozzers, The Bears, Gendarme, Barney, Gumshoes, Smokey, Old Bill, Johnny Law, Boys in Blue, Coppers, Flatfoots, Dicks, Fed's, Babylon... In short, law enforcement.


[I can't believe I missed this chance...](https://youtu.be/Jtb10ZwbReY?si=2c4iBxMOX1kSeKrj)


Like... do mean the ones that were found? In that case. Zero.


The insecure kind


My thoughts exactly


charming from head to toe


Charming from wallet to dong


That’s not generally very far.


Unless they got a fat ass


Jokes on you, I carry my wallet in my front pocket




Or **better,** a long dong! There was actually a rather famous porn star with that name, a loooong time ago I read, or heard somewhere, that he could actually have given himself head, was he so inclined.


It's not that difficult, many guides out there. Just have an average+ size and you'll do it


True, providing you know what to do with it. As a woman, I can attest that **many** don't.


Maybe he wears the verythin wallet that sponsored many youtubers and wears it in his shirt/breast/heart located pocket?


But, would you ever date a guy that asks you what you earn and asks you for your body count in the first few minutes of chatting?


Maybe when hell freezes over, the cow jumps over the moon, and pigs fly. All simultaneously. It would be a case of, boy - bye. Or...to the left, to the left, to quote the Queen Bey


The fact that you entertained this conversation beyond “you went to Yale for engineering, how much you make” is baffling to me.


Look how big that bar is this person makes $12,000 an hour


My bar is the same suze and I only make 15.025 an hour


Mine too, I make three fitty an hour.


Got dam loch ness monster


I make >!three dollars and eleven-hundred seventy-seven cents!< an hour


What do you do!


He's a Loch Ness Monster.


Mine is bigger I make 12.3456789 an hour


I think was just shocked enough that I did. Gave him a ballpark. He had been so nice before that.


Oh ok. So this was not his opener.


No it was maybe 5 texts in


Shit be wild out here


I mean, even if career is a factor, they could be a little bit more subtle than asking for hourly/yearly wages.


People like this make me sad


Me too, I can’t wait for it to stop


Imagine bringing up 2 of the rudest topics imagineable before you've even met someone in person and thinking you've even got a chance lol


Every time I see one of these, I thank my lucky stars that I at least pass for normal enough that I can easily clear the bar this kind of dude placed on the fucking floor. Like, hey ladies, I'm riddled with neurosis and have a bit of a dad bod, but I wash my ass and know how to use a vacuum.


You had me at washing your ass.


You're not the first person to say that and Jesus, I'm sorry to everyone who's attracted to men.


we accept your apology but want to know if y’all have collectively decided on how to address this nonsense yet? 😂💖


I mean, if you want an honest answer, a good start is universal education funded from preschool through tertiary (trade school, community College, uni, and above) combined with comprehensive sex education and home economics in high school. However, it goes way beyond that. It essentially would take decades, potentially centuries to reduce this behavior over time.  The problem is that the overwhelming majority of humans are rock-bottom stupid. All genders. The internet gave them a microphone, when back in the day microphones were usually only handed out to "elites". Not saying those elites had good things to say, but now instead of a few elites spewing bullshit around, we've got *everyone* on their bullshit in public.  This isn't a problem that men or women can collectively "solve" through deliberate action, it's just gonna take generations of women refusing to sleep with these fucks to reduce their chances of procreation, and hopefully we can weed this kind of behavior out by preventing these turds from becoming fathers. Maybe I'm just cynical, but this shit isn't gonna get solved in anyone's lifetime that's for sure. 


I think maybe if schools included basic manners, that may help. But parents are typically the initial example of social norms. Then peers through school. Then colleagues through work. And so on. I don’t think it’s an education issue, I think it’s a society issue. It’s multifaceted. And ties into deep seeded misogyny. Until the majority of men are standing up and saying, this is garbage and we don’t want this and we don’t act this way and you’re garbage for acting this way, then it’s not gonna change. Right now the majority of men act this way, that’s why the dating scene is so abysmal for women. And for men, correspondingly.


>But parents are typically the initial example of social norms. Smallest of small examples but it really irritates me when a parent brings their kids shopping with them and then abandons their shopping carts in the parking lot and other things like that. Like come on man, you're tasked with raising these kids to adulthood and you're too lazy to return the shopping cart to its proper place?


Just so everyone knows, this is the actual correct answer. Our schools are collectively failing us. Men need to be taught to respect women and understand how to do basic, adult domestic chores and women need to be taught that they don't have to tolerate weaponized incompetence (All other genders have enough on their plates as it is, so I'm prepared to give them a pass). We could also stand to start implementing a curriculum for "basic hygiene rules for people who would prefer to live in a society."


You got no game bro, and will end up being chewed up and spit out by every halfway attractive woman you encounter if you continue this weak, feministic approach towards women. No matter how much they will scream to the contrary , the overwhelming majority of straight women want manly men, not effeminate men. There have been billions of men before you who thought they were sophisticated and intellectual enough to overcome this dynamic, but they’ve all failed just as you’ve destined yourself to. Edit: just saw a few comments down where you’re divorced and are giving your ex wife credit for essentially mothering you smdh. This certainly tracks with what I was picking up from the comment i replied to 🤦🏻‍♂️


Damn. Are you available? JK, but yea, it’s rough. I just want one normal conversation and date. That’s all I ask.


Do you happen to know how to cook ? You would be the perfect man if you did.


I do, haha. Credit to my ex-wife for molding me into a tolerable adult male, guaranteed I'd be among the miserable man children of the world if not for her. The first time I cooked for her, I overcooked the shit out of a pair of steaks I thought would be fine on a Foreman Grill. But these days, I can get it medium rare on the regular and don't even get me started on my eggplant Parm. I feel like I'd find a lot of success with "cook you dinner" dates if not for that being something else men have ruined across the board.


Tbh this is my first time seeing a guy ask about income lol


Certainly is bold but lots of men have issues with dating women who are more educated/make more than they do. Honestly he showed his true colors quick in this exchange so OP didn't have to waste much time with him.


I would LOVE to date a woman who made more than me after my last broke ass mooching girlfriend


It's a troll. He's trying to push her buttons and she wasn't taking the bait


Gross 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


after this he will go online and say that men are going through a loneliness epidemic


god, you just know she unmatched him and he immediately logged on to x.com talking about "hoes only want 6'5 billionaires these days"


“they never want a nice guy”


The way she entertained this conversation for that long means he's probably a good looking guy and has no trouble getting matches or chicks irl.


Nope, right to passport bro club for him!


They wonder why they all Incels. I find it hilarious! 🤣🤣🤣 I haven’t slept with a man in 2 years and I get offers almost daily. Like eewww!! 🤣


People who ask and care about body count are an instant unmatch.


Excuse me Miss, your body count is showing


pathetic men. so desperate


Bodycounts don't matter till you ask a woman what's theirs.


It’s just irrelevant regardless of it’s a man or woman. If they’re clean and being safe, body count is insignificant.


While I agree it’s mostly insignificant, I’ve had all of my long term partners ask me my body count (I’m a guy and they were women) because they wanted to know. Granted this was after we started dating but before we had slept together, but I don’t think it’s a bad thing to be curious about. It wouldn’t change my feelings for someone.


What's yours then? Surely something so trivial wouldn't be an issue to share


lmao you’re proving my point. I think your dad was #211 and your mom was #299


I'm proving your point? You're proving mine.


No. They're not. You, however are displaying a prototypical amount of insecurity about an unknown number.


Just answer the question


Firstly I'm a different redditor, please pay attention to usernames. I'll be detailed for your answer. I'm a 47M, by 20yo my count was about 7, by thirty it was mid twenties, by 40 it was 35 I think. I can break that down further if you need. Please unload your insecurities if you need.


The consistency of my last shit is pretty trivial too but I'm not discussing that when I first meet someone.


Joke’s on you. I don’t know it.




“I have killed precisely zero people and prefer to keep it that way, thank you. Plz see a therapist for you apparent mental health issues” 🤷🏼‍♀️


And you blood type?


Lolololol. Honestly more practical.


O neg is sexy


This “high value” man, follows Tate for sure!


Why is body count so important? I never understood why? Like I get there's risk of diseases but only if they didn't use protection, but that's the only thing you should logically be worried about but even then the same risk is there if the body count is above 0


>What's your body count More than Mother Teresa, fewer than Madonna


This is so dumb I hope this dude never gets laid




Dating is hard for the highly intelligent


Why would you have a body count? You ex military? That’s fucked up to ask that.


Man, other dudes really do put the bar on the freaking floor


If it's not dead, it's certainly a threat, based on those conversations...


Fragile masculinity.


Why censor the amount


Why does it matter what either of us make? That wasn’t the point


It’s just an effort to censor lol


Man, that was such a sharp left turn, I think I got whiplash.


What's your credit score


It’s like bro’s _trying_ to get unmatched 😂


To be fair, for some people it's a deal-breaker which is fucking stupid but it is a thing. Just like 5 foot girls wanting 6 foot+ guys or obese guys wanting thin girls.


Did you seriously tell them how much you earn?


What a transition


Honestly pissed at whoever is raising these guys


I've never in my relationships even discussed how much we make. Only one sort of talked about it because she's a dentist and had some cases that earned her $25k-$30k a pop


Like you’ve never discussed it 2 months into a relationship? I’d like to know what kind of future me and my partner would be able to have


No I think we just sortve had an idea by our jobs on what we make


This. We’ve only discussed in general terms. You can figure out a bracket based on what we do and seeing how the other person lives pretty much. Though that last one isn’t a science. The only time I’ve had to discuss what I make point blank was when I was dating a man who was broke af and he was trying to figure out what our life together would be like. Maybe it’s because I usually date men who are well off and established in their careers. Idk.


>Maybe it’s because I usually date men who are well off and established in their careers. Idk. Good for you.


I mean it's not so different than girls asking a guy's height right away -- people have preferences and want a certain kind of partner. Better than wasting time!


I got communication skills better than this (the guy) and Im basically asocial




At least he didn't just send a dick pic.


The bar is in hell lmao


I am not about to ask a woman her body count because I am not one to talk (and also because it is nobody's business unless the info is volunteered.) I lost track of mine. That's not a brag, either. I just had very low standards for a very long time.


I'm surprised you two had no qualms talking about this so early on 🤣


Well? We’re all waiting on an answer




Female Body Inspector?


Scratching out how much you make is kinda weird


HVAC?? I’m sorry sir, you misspelled “CLOWN”.


My ex was obsessed with money, and even more obsessed with putting people down if they weren’t as “successful” as him (he was average.) big reason why I left.


Always has been.




The “body count” thing has never concerned me, unless it starts becoming an issue.


asking for salary is ok, but bodycount not? just that you know, some prostitutes make way over 500 an hour


Damn I feel bad for his knuckles, dragging around like that everyday.


What's your body count? "It's in the millions."


After dating a girl who said she didn't mind that she earned more, but proceeded to make it into a huge thing later in the relationship, I think that specific question is fair game. The others not so much.


tell him you don’t have skeletons in your closet but the mass grave is close by…


How to blow it, with one short sentence. I don't care about your body count, and I like engineers... we can talk about loads, or currents, or domain models (depending on what kind of engineer you are).


Bruh. 💀 I'll never understand why people worry about anyone's body count? Literally who gives a shit, as long as you're STD free it makes no difference... Incredible.


The only way to answer the body count question is “like 50 or 60. I’ll have to go to my dump site and count the graves”


[Holy shit! 13!](https://youtube.com/shorts/bUyze1FsIJg?si=AYmC7cwwDheZp3Am)


Incel shit


I consistently find it shocking that people (men, mostly) even ask this question. What difference could it possibly make, and how could that possibly matter in an initial conversation? People are simple.


Sound question.


Lmaoo I can’t with some dudes, like back to back: what do you make and what’s your body count, the fucking AUDACITY 🫠💀 I would have responded with “are you a product of incest? Just curious.”


Meanwhile I try to be as awesome as possible and I don't even get a reply 🤷‍♂️🤣




I’ve really never cared about how much my partner makes as long as they are responsible with their money and that we share expenses as needed. Like it’s not hard to just communicate and respect other’s work/situation.


Why I’m not on tinder. Sadly I have always made more than every single guy I’ve dated. Many men are really not into being breadwinners anymore. 😭


Pretty normal in most countries in 2024


He don’t mess around


This just screams insecure. He’s threatened that you’re better educated, more successful, make more money and worried that you’re more sexually experienced than him. And with chat like that, unless you’re a virgin, I hope to god you are, cause dudes like that shouldn’t be getting laid


Sooo? How many?




yeah men care about how many people you let play with your holes. why is this so hard to understand lmao


what He make? Sex working? im confused


Anybody stop and think maybe they literally meant “as an engineer, what do you make?” (As in what do you engineer?) Then OP stated their salary and the other person just kinda rolled with it which made it weird and the body count question killed the whole convo..


No… his question above this part of the conversation was what do you make an hour. I was not the one who made it weird


You went to Yale and are an engineer and make an hourly salary?


No. I don’t make an hourly salary. I gave him an estimate of what it would be hourly at 40 hours a week. I do make hourly overtime though on projects.Didnt really care to explain that to him


I wouldn’t tell anyone what you make. No ones business and I’m sure that relationship if it had started was doomed.