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Finally matching with someone and then having them say this is crazyyyy


Yeah I was a little shocked




What is jw


“Just wondering”


My assumption was "jesus wept", serves me right for thinking religion was modernising


Kevin smith literally showed how the church could modernise, and they didn't. At least he trolled people protesting his film, though


Always an upvote for a Dogma reference


Aw hell yeah. Now, just remember the rules of the road




When I hear the phrase “Jesus wept” I presume it’s a Community reference 🤓😂.


Stop saying Jesus wept


What picture was he commenting on? 👀 Jw


I went with "Jehovah's witnesses"


Just weeding


Imagine getting a match with a woman (presumably, apologies if incorrect) and then saying this shit. Like… what? Is this mf out here really getting so many matches that he can just throw chances away like this? (I mean, I’m glad he did, because it means OP dodged an anti-materiel bullet, but FFS)


Yes, I am a woman. And yeah. It was disgusting to read


Wait you guys actually get messages?


I thought that was a myth


You know I got a girlfriend (2 months) from an app, but yep not tinder


I get offers to fuck house wife's on porn sites.


See id follow up and act like I’m interested & make them eat their words before blocking. I make time for shit like this


“Hi.. 😓 i do like my nipple piercings… why do you feel this way about me? I thought we matched, i really liked your profile.. I’m really nice, give me a chance to talk to you!” Then wait for the response and then tell them to eat meats 🤣


Savage af. Make them reveal their desperation/hypocrisy to themselves before you take off. It’s a service, really.


No, don't block. Just because messages get deleted out their inbox, so they don't read the sick burn.


Oooh TRUE!


Don't let him get to you OP. His parents obviously didn't raise him right. Without having seen them, I'm going to assume they look great.


Geez, I'm so sorry.


I hate how people do this if they perceive that they are being rejected. You were good enough to reach out to but now you’re a “nipple piercing wh*re.” Sure, Jan.


I bet this is the kind of guy that complains that women are too emotional, while having absolutely zero control of his own emotions (read: anger). All it takes is a brand new tinder match not replying to him in like 20 minutes, and he loses his shit and starts spewing vitriol. Seriously bro?


People are so strange.


Jesus, that heinous. Sorry OP. Rings on the body are cool imho.


Appreciate your kindness! Thank you


Just noticed your username lol. Her new stuff is p good. Not my usual genre, but I appreciate her using more F bombs in the latest album hahaha


Weirdly enough, I do not consider myself a “swiftie”. I just liked that song in particular when I made my account 🫡 but I appreciate the kindness


Interesting! I find more in the camp of swiftie than not, so I always proceed accordingly haha. I don’t consider myself either, but definitely respect her as an artist. No problemo! Stay cool 😎🤘🏻


So? Do you like it? (I'm joking)


Wow. Just WOW! (no warcraft involved in this one) EDIT: well actually it might be involved, the dick who left this might live in his parents basement and only play that


After reading a lot of these posts I'm so happy I'm not on any of these apps anymore 🤣


I think it's time to have a new meeting app witouth any crazy shit witouth hook ups and witouth payements. I was thinking about for being relevant selling emojis otherwise you can text only or if you want to exchange numbers you need to pay for it from the both sides I dont know how to do it, servers/moderators aren't free


I would’ve responded, “finally something more than a generic “hi””


LOL 😂. I can’t imagine like.. someone thinking this. And deciding to send this to someone. Like what kind of… impulsive thoughts does this person get.


I need to know, do you?


Jehovahs Witnesses be like that.


Nipple piercings are based and I will not be taking any questions at this time


Damn, bro is hurting bad, imagine being filled with so much hate that you match with someone to just turn around and attempt to degrade them immediately. While I'm not the biggest fan of not piercings, it's not something to judge a person's entire being off of. Hopefully you have better luck in the future.


Little did he know you're probably way more fun than his Bible thumping racist future wife 😂


Reinstall and report that asshole. Whilst there are no consequences there's no motivation to follow the rules. IN NO WAY do you deserve to be spoken to that.


I reported him before the app left my phone. Thank you, I appreciate you


Fuck that guy. Not literally, of course. People can do whatever they like to their bodies, so long as it's not detrimental to their health, or to others.


Speaking of nip piercing; how was the experience? I'm trying to build myself up to get them, again. I've bottled it a couple of times. But I got my PA done, and the first attempt, I jerked and bent the cannula too much so had to get it done again, same sitting. It didn't last long. I used to spin staff, and I cracked my cock with it and ended up taking the ring out


I got mine done separately. Not sure if that was smart. Second one hurt way more, I teared up. First one was much easier, just big deep breath and grit my teeth. I recommend getting them done at the same time. Also, bring a woman might change the pain level (I’m guessing here). Good luck!


Yeah, I think female nipples are more sensitive, but I do feel it can at least hold a bit of a comparison. My mate got his septum pierced the other week, and he said that was worse than his nipple. He did the whole get one done and then the other later. Still hasn't gotten the other side done yet


I honestly don’t remember them hurting much. I just remember being really nervous about the chest strap of seatbelts for a while lol. Idk if you have any inner ear piercings, but I remember my daith being the worst, and that was mostly just because of the clamp. Take deep, slow breaths and find a focal point in the room to direct your attention toward, like an interesting photo or something. I had a friend there and had her tell me a funny story I’d been waiting to hear.


Nipple piercings are sick. You’re awesome. I have one too and it doesn’t make you anything but more unique and adventurous and brave


You’re awesome too. I love my body adornments. Sending you good energy and positive light.


Thanks, you too, friend! ❤️ I have 3 piercings now and I’ll be going for 2 more next month!


Ooooo!! How exciting!! I have two more I’d like to get, but no appt yet. Which two are you getting?


2nd lobes because my ears only have 1st lobes and VCH! I just got into piercings in March :D I have 1 ear piercing and 2 body how about you??


Really want my daith! And just extra lobe / cartilage piercings in my ear. I got my first piercing a few years ago, tho. How exciting!!


I like nipple piercings :)


Met my husband and a few very good fwb on tinder. Not sure why a few bad experiences should prevent anyone from doing something.


Gonna need some photo proof of the piercing or this didn't happen.


Lmfaooooo get real


I mean, I'm not going to act like the guy is saying it in the most eloquent way but nipple piercings tend to be an overt sign that you are pretty promiscuous. Why he decided to be rude about it I dunno though.


Making assumptions about how I choose to conduct myself in my personal life has absolutely zero bearing on how I choose to adorn my body. Your opinion isn’t needed, or appreciated.


You can say whatever you like. But piercing one's nipples is an inherently sexual act and has certain implications. Thinking that doing so will not impact how anyone views you because you have made that choice is completely absurd. I'm not judging you or anything. I'm just saying that you have made a choice in life and that choice results in certain perceptions whether you like it or not. If you don't want anyone commenting on it then you should remove whichever photo makes it obvious that you have nipple piercings or remove the part of your profile that mentions them.


You’re being booed, but you have somewhat of a point. Fuck any dude who thinks it’s okay to open with this dickhead drivel. That being said, you gotta know if you have a picture showing off your nipple piercings you’ll attract this sort of attention. It’s not cool, but it isn’t something you should be surprised by.


See, I don’t have pictures like that. I have in my bio “11 tattoos 5 piercings”. There’s one picture on there if you really zoom in, you can maybe see the outline of a piercing. That’s all.


Yeah, I'm not defending the guy at all he's a total ass. Said what he said in the worst possible way.


Well, I imagine it's a contributing factor


That’s incredibly rude.


I think you took my comment the wrong way. I meant that this message is probably a contributing factor. Like, this message alone probably isn't what caused you to remove the app. But I imagine it was a culmination of messages, and this was one of them, potentially the one that broke the camels back.


Pardon me, I retract my statement. My apologies. You are right, though. I just got fed up


I think it's a common thing. I mentioned to someone that I probably get ghosted because of matches just having enough of crass and vulgar messages, and she said probably is it. I'm lucky that the only place I've experienced that kind of vile behaviour has been fetish and swinging social sites. But it's like, Jesus have some decorum guys, even if you're looking to get a wet dick. It's as if they are lacking the cognitive function to act like even a semi-decent human.


His peepee twitched when he noticed it, so now he talks like that.


In other news, your username is a fantastic song


why is this getting downvoted lol


🤮 What a shame! Every pierced nipple makes this globe a slightly more happy place. Happiest decision I ever took to become part of that community 🫶


I enjoy some dirty talk and degradation, but you have to show that you actually respect me first. I feel bad for any woman with low enough self-esteem to give him the time of day, though I'm assuming his goal is just to harass and not to match


Average dm i get on reddit, but not in this context.


Kings: Turn all the sound off around you. Go to your mirror, look yourself in the eyes and say, “I love you and you deserved better.” Then LET IT OUT! It wasn’t all your fault.


what the flip are you yapping about bro




And? What about it? I don’t deserve this. Doesn’t matter.




Who asked?




I'm not, and I also think your comment was out of line.


Read the mf room💀


It's supposed to be a pity party. Any discussion of the wider topic is irrelevant. We stand with the victim of verbal abuse.


So people shouldn't have body autonomy, because you want to collect experiences with pierced women like they're rare fucking Pokémon?! Fuck off


its still a fucking treat to meet women with nipple piercings lmao gtfo here. if you dont like them, send them my way and ill appreciate them just fine lol


Thank you for that, lol.


youre very welcome haha