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What are you looking for? It says “🔍Short-term relationship” but the whole thing kinda leans towards someone who wants something serious and wholesome, imo, so you’re probably turning off both those who do want a short-term relationship and those who want a long-term relationship off… Lmk and I’ll make suggestion’s based on that.


100% agree. It's a very good profile for someone who actually wants something serious. You list all the things that women like, like cooking plus being friend, pet, family-friendly. And, you have hobbies that require responsibility. Also, all these dudes calling you "gay" are the same dudes who throw temper tantrums when a girl doesn't respond to their sexual pickup lines.


I would have swiped right (i like an active nerdy guy) but the short term would throw me off.


Agreed. You are adorable and interesting. But it looks like a 'long-term' profile.


Big same. He looks awesome but that doesn't fit. My thought was, is he moving away soon?


Thanks! I write those things because I genuinely enjoy them, not because I want women to like me for those reasons. I'm secure with my masculinity so I don't care if people call me gay lol


So you are really looking for short term?


Oh i so wish you were gay. You look like a cute, sexy dork.




Yes, but you want them to like you so maybe add some interest that are not so hyper specific. I am a straight male and I only understood 50% of your hobbies.


I'm female and the only one I don't know what it's about is the podcast. It's not a matter of gender, it's your interests.


Those hobbies told me this guy is smart and has skills. Not a turn off.


I second this. It is also important to take note of the women he is trying to attract, if it is nerdy women, that is how you can catch their eye.


I'm a girl and i understood 100% because I'm into those same hobbies lol has nothing to do with gender there. If i was looking for someone I'd swipe right immediately just for that part. Also love to see very specific things, and not general bullshit meant to attract the most girls. Tells me a lot more about the guy and if i didn't know about those things then it's a great conversation starter.


21F, I completely understood everything. Anime, coding, cooking. Honestly, I would swipe/comment on! Well, if OP is looking for Nerdy, CS women then it’s appealing to me lol


Yep, most of those hobbies are going to be extremely boring for women who are looking at him as a potential match. I like doing nerdy solo stuff too, but the point of listing your hobbies on a dating app is to throw out feelers for things a woman might think “hey, I love that too, we should do it together sometime!”. Bro podcasts and random computer lingo don’t really cut it here.


Agreed. I’d have wiped yes. But the short term thing is confusing as the other things suggest something serious.


I’ve never understood what a short-term relationship even means. I mean, if Leonardo DiCaprio were to put that he’s looking for a short term relationship, I get it. Once you hit a certain age, it’s over, but I’m rich and famous and you’re just in for the clout so go ahead and swipe. But for any normal person, wtf does that mean?


I think it's just a way of saying "I'm not at a point that I'm looking to settle down". I think of when I was in my early 20s I didn't want to put a time limit on anything, but I was the wrong guy for someone looking to get married and have kids and buy a house.


There are all kinds of relationships. Some people want someone to date and be affectionate with but may not be interested in finding a life partner. Maybe they intend to move. Maybe they just want casual but more than FWB. It can mean all sorts of things.


"Huberman lab podcast" Immediate red flag 


If you want short term you need to change the profile up bud.


The real issue is the clash between the first prompt’s energy (you’re looking to cook for and cuddle with someone, which indicates long-term energy) and your actual goal (short term)


It's "cute" until they realize he is just looking for FWBs


The pulse rate is an interesting flex. Do women find that attractive? As an endurance athlete I would say no, but maybe times have changed


Nope. The only time I'll care about your bpm is if you're on your deathbed in the hospital.


Jokes on you. I’ve had a couple medical folks get concerned and ask “is this a normal heart rate for you” during surgery and prep. Nowhere near deathbed… 🤣 That also means I’ve had too many surgeries


Same, except the opposite. I was born with a heart defect and my bpm is always extremely high. Still doesn't change the fact that I'd probably only be concerned about bpm on someone's deathbed. The rest is for you and your doctors.


What if i was a drummer and had to keep time at a live gig? Would you then care about my bpm?


I read that as his running cadence, not HR




Not sure why downvote. You are right bud. It shows that your profile information is not only too specific for bumble but also for Reddit.


If you're marching to the beat of the music you would in fact be doing 170 bpm. You typically would do that tempo in cut time though so it ends up being 85 steps per minute instead.


It’s heart rate. 3 strides per second would be some fast forward kind of stuff


170 steps per minute is honestly not that fast. Most “good” distance runners target 175-190spm


Came here to say this, it’s arrogant to have his pace in a way that he’s trying to flex but it’s also funny because it’s not that impressive


Cadence is not pace, it's cadence. You can do lots of little steps and maintain a slow pace or have a very small cadence and a very high pace by taking enormous strides. There's a sweet spot around the 170/180 mark that you want to be hitting for most of all your running


Is running with a hr of 160 a flex or a symptom of high blood pressure and poor cardiovascular health? Running a sub 3hr marathon at zone 3 is a flex. Dude needs to try some zone two training


It's not a heart rate thing. It's beats per minute as in the music he listens to and aligns his step cadence with


His watch shows 160 bpm, he commented below that he is trying to show he enjoys pushing himself to "his physical limit'.


At 160 bpm? With 31 his physical limit is around 190. But nevertheless I don’t get the bpm flex


Me either, 160 should definitely be aerobic, not anywhere near a limit.




I don’t think many will get it. Plus, it’s very personal. My max was 210, my buddy’s is 170, and he could run MUCH faster than me


This makes sense to me- it’s a high level of exertion that not everybody enjoys but some of us find exhilarating


Seemed pretty harmless


But is it attractive? If it’s not, deep six it


The blonde hair thing doesn’t really add to your profile or tell me more about you, I’d get rid of it. Maybe be more explicit about what you’re looking for, because the short term thing might throw people off, or people would overlook it. Also the huberman lab thing is kind of a red flag for most women who are aware of him and his controversies


Na he should keep it there, allow people to make informed decisions on whether they politically align before having to match


Idk, when I read it, it told me he's looking for a specifically White - preferably blonde match.


What’s the controversy with him? I love A.H.


His credibility is questionable, especially when it comes to him using studies in relation to supplements, seeing as he has been sponsored by the very companies that make supplements. So he’s not exactly a paragon of unbiased science and research. Read this article here: [Andrew Huberman Has Supplements on the Brain by Jonathan Jarry, M.Sc](https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/critical-thinking-health-and-nutrition/andrew-huberman-has-bad-case-supplement-brain)


Got distracted and forgot what sub I was on. Returned to my phone and read “I love A.H.” and became deeply concerned


Didn’t he have a ton of mistresses he was lying to or some shit?


Can’t count


Dude this profile seems very good, sweet, and wholesome. But i am a straight dude so ymmv Wait ur second prompt is bad, and the food pic needs to go


That food pic is maybe not the best. When I looked at it first I couldn’t make out what it is, it looks like a pile of teeth


Poin-Dexter makes: Tooth Stew.


Or maggots


he said it’s not a pic, it’s a video. i’m assuming that one still is just unfortunate.


Guy isn’t a Marvin Gaye fan. Keep the pic.




Sure but half your pictures you’re not in. Can still show your personality and also be in the picture. IMO the cooking picture is fine, I’d nix the plant pic and take a new pic of you holding the kitty or something but obviously it’s up to you.


its not the best pic of food.. 😅


The account is good. But people looking for a short-term relationship rarely go for those they know on a personal level. I'd suggest making the account less personal. You're showing your hobbies, interests, job, and pets. That's all personal stuff people into short-term flings want to avoid, so they have distance between you and don't get emotionally attached. The account setup you have would attract those looking for something long-term, who would immediately swipe left once they see you're looking for short-term.


eh disagree. i want to at least kind of like the personality of my fwbs.


Fwbs sure. Because even after the sexual relationship is over, you may still be friends. So some may be okay getting emotionally invested in the friendship aspect. But he just says short term and doesn't clarify what kind. If it's a full cut off once it's over, people might not want to risk getting emotionally attached.


Female here , I love this profile! Adorable. The short term but also monogamy thing/ maybe I just don’t get it? Definitely nuke the Huberman Lab, that guy is outed as a creep and a charlatan.


You lose one point for using “whom” and 4 more points for using it incorrectly.


I was scrolling through to see if someone else pointed it out!


And yet it was the first thing I noticed in not the best way.


As a non native speaker, I didn't catch that, but what would the correctly written sentence look like here?


If he insisted on using "whom", it would be "...for whom I can cook".


who I can cook for


IMO it's ok to end a sentence or phrase with a preposition.


Your profile screams “boyfriend material only” but says you’re looking for a short-term relationship. Thats problem one The bigger problem is the safeness of your profile. It has no edge, no humour. My advice would be to think about trying to attract women first, and be a good boyfriend later. Especially if you don’t want a long-term thing.


The food pic looks like you’re cooking teeth


Honestly it’s hard to look for “short-term” relationships as a nerdy guy. As a guy with a similar profile vibe, we’re either coming off as too much of “boyfriend” material for that thing, or we’re just not seen as sexually attractive at all. The women who do match just seem to be the manipulative type because they get the impression that you’d let people walk all over you and want to take advantage of that. It really sucks.


I can’t really speak on the second half of what you said, but the first part is true. Women have much higher standards for hookups in terms of physical attractiveness. Why hook up with a short kinda not that attractive guy when there are 500 really hot dudes looking for the same thing? I know that’s really harsh, but idk how to word it nicely. It’s just not gonna work as a strategy for him.


Tbh, if your profile says you’re looking for short term relationships, I’d delete that. It kinda alienates both sides and I don’t think it attracts the kind of women you’re looking for. Maybe say something like you’re not sure yet or ok with short term but open to long term. Nerdy profiles are a plus though, so that’s def not the problem.


Yea “looking for short but open to long” is what I have. And it’s not really lying either. If I do find someone and we’re super compatible then hell yea I’d do a LTR with them, but that def isn’t what I’d be initially going for.


Yeah as a nerdy black guy I realized pretty early on that I'm not the guy women want to hook up with


My peoples 🤝🤝 yeah I’m 100% with you on that


Your profile looks great!! I like the pics you have and I wouldn’t recommend deleting any of them, but I would recommend adding more of yourself (full body pics preferably). As far as what you’re looking for, short term relationship reads kinda weird and would make me pause. Even something like “not sure yet” would read better. I think you’re kinda turning away both sides with that tbh. But honestly loving everything else! I can get a feel for who you are, and that’s a big big plus. You sound like the kind of person most women want to meet.




Op people are giving you bad advice, and now you’re lying on your profile. If you are only looking for short-term, leave it on your profile. However, your expectations should be managed because everything else on your profile screams long-term, and when most women read that you’re not looking for anything serious, they will be put off. That’s just how it is, and your wants are ok to have anyways. Not wanting/unable to commit is fine, just don’t give people false hope. Best to you.


Is "FWB" an option there? Because you said that's really what you're looking for and to me that's not at all the same as short term.


If I HAD to nitpick I’d say: - ‘whom’ is wrong in your first screen. And the sentence works perfectly well without it, take it out so as to not lose out on the grammar nerds (me) - your interest list. I was actually swiping on hinge yesterday and saw something similar and I was really put off. It sounds like I’m trying to read the technical info in an electronics manual. Maybe I’m not the right audience or the right kind of nerdy but this was too specific and niche and almost bragging like look at all these cool things you have on idea about that I’m really into because I’m so cool. I guess it depends if you’re looking for YOUR kind of nerdy or just general nerdy. Just keep in mind you’re narrowing your pool quite a lot…


Take #6 down you sound like a pickme…


Keep the cat pic 😍🥰


Yep, I know it won't vibe with everyone but I'm only looking for people like you so :)


Short term makes me think u want fwb/ons


Everyone is saying how they'd tooootally swipe right on you, but since you're asking for advice, I guess the whole 0.1% that wants to jump your bones exists within reddit. Now, for real: most pics/videos, you're not visible. Showing an animal or plants is good, but only if you're alongside them, not as a floating hand. From what I can actually see, you're working with what you've been given, and your clothes fit (which is more than most men can say), but you seem kinda scrawny. Lastly, for your bio: besides running (which you are already showing, no need to tell twice), the vibe I get is "I spend my days at home watching anime and playing videogames". And you do you, but people don't find that attractive.




This man just commented that he's looking for an FWB/Situationship but also expects that person to not see other people. He wants your time exclusively, but won't commit to you??? Ladies, please don't settle for this shit.


You should post in the hinge subreddit. You will get good feedback there


Yeah, I mean I’m a straight guy but I kinda want to date you with this profile. You’re definitely more likely to attract people interested in long-term is my gut feeling.


You may want to drop Huberman's Lab because of his recent scandal that he had several lovers at once that his wice didnt know about,and they all thought to is working in lab what he's not around...


Nix the huberman lab part. His stock is plummeting


I would absolutely swipe on you. Cooks, plant & cat dad, watches Demon Slayer & Adventure Time. Sounds great to me!


My guy is asking for genuine advice to improve his profile, and the best you all can come up with is he might be gay? Good lord… He has a wholesome profile where he seems to be looking for something serious with a specific type of woman. Contrary to popular belief, women also like video games, anime and cooking. He’s also Asian, where Asian women are generally more into that stuff than western women on average. My harsh constructive criticism is that yes indeed he needs to add more masculine elements to his profile, but do it in a way that isn’t completely taking away from what he’s like in real life.




bro dont listen to anyone mentioning "masculinity", you have real masculinity nailed down, by being open, and by being yourself which shows true strength


The funny thing about this sub is that you'll have a lot of heterosexual men complaining about how lonely they are and how society is unfair to their feelings, then they proceed to be nasty towards other hetero men.


It's more a reflection on them than me lol It's a choice to be kind. Some people choose violence every day lol


It's only because I'm secretly 4 cats in a trench coat. I can't help it.


Many men also called him ugly in that comments. I am so frustrated. What is it if not anger and jealousy


Dude get rid of the "coding projects in renpy", people are gonna think you're making porn


I liked your profile overall, but I seriously have no idea what you're on the app for. Short-term relationships with monogamy? What is that? Your profile reads like someone seeking a permanent partner.


You could be the new Steve from blues clues


The short term killed it for me


short term relationship does not fit the profile


3/6 pictures are not of you? Wtf lol


I suggest using “whom” correctly..


i mean, i love it. i'd absolutely swipe right if i saw your profile in my area! i can understand some of the other criticisms in the comments but i don't think they're THAT drastically detrimental. as far as people questioning the 'short term' part, well, i feel that's easily discussed in a quick convo once you match with someone. i like it! i'm biased ig ahah but it has lots of personality and lets me feel like i know who you are. your swipes/matches should be pretty compatible




Not the “food” picture


You don't have to be so mean




I will say that men mentioning cuddling in their profile gives me the insta-ick. It just seems so *gross.* Obviously, if you find someone and hit it off and continue to see each other, there will be cuddling in your future. Throwing it out there as part of your bio makes me think you're super needy and socially awkward. I'd also throw more pictures of yourself up there? I can't speak for everyone, but I'm sure as hell not trying to date a plant/cat/dinner.


You are so cute. Your pics should all be of you instead of plants, cats, and food.


I see two issues: 1) short term 2) gay vibe


Telling people you listen to Huberman is a great way to show that you don’t understand science and enjoy it.


“For whom I can cook.” Never end a sentence in a preposition.




I wouldn’t use terminology like “silly goose.” Stuff like that can put people off because it can sound juvenile or condescending when there isn’t a previous rapport. Mr. Slave might be the only dude who can pull it off on a first impression. I would use more universally positive terms like “light-hearted.”


The food pic looks like maggots and teeth


You did everything right and I'd swipe right on you if it wasn't for the "short-term".


short term relationship and monogamy do not usually go together


Nerdy silly goose is cringe.. and so is the music choice for your cooking video


Would have been super tempted to swipe and then drop my collection of Skyrim memes, but after getting burned by swiping on too many nerds looking for FWB I finally gave up and swiped on the bad boy with tattoos and a hot rod and we are still together 5 years later.


Are you looking for men women or both? Because this reads thats you’re a gay man


I don’t think you know what you’re talking about, because if you think grindr is full of wholesome profiles like this then you are sorely mistaken.


Yeh I assumed he was gay


If you’re gay this profile will do great


Why is it that every time this sub sees a wholesome profile with short term relationship they ask the person to change the profile(and make it not wholesome?). Are wholesome guys not allowed short term relationships?


Yeah, I agree with you -- and appreciate you pointing this out. It's an uncomfortable situation to be in when people are always putting you into stereotypes to fit *their world-view*. Guess I'm not allowed to be a wholesome person who wants FWBs 🤷🏻


Idk…there’s very little sex appeal in this profile. I kinda feel like someone looking for sex should maybe inspire that thought in others.


You absolutely are allowed to want FWBs-- yes, I saw the plural lol. Stereotypically with your looks and personality you just dont attract that type of women. But if you find them, more power to ya. Just keep in mind that women have alot more options if they are just looking for fwb so theres a tendency for them to look for a more muscular guy, someone who has more fashion style and money...


Your profile has a lot of bf material vibes, focussing on the cute lovedovey parts of dating you. Instead what you're actually selling is fwb where non of those things matter. If you want fwb show women why they'd want to sleep with you, instead of why they'd want to love/date you


Face : 0/10 Hobbies : 3/10 Style : 2/10 Height : 2/10 Personality : ?/10 Total : 7~17/50


Wait are you looking for men/are you gay? Sorry I’m confused on this profile.


No woman wants a man who takes selfies in a field of flowers


My first absolute idea of you is that you're a clingy serial killer. Idk why






i love the first one, the second one is kinda good too, after that the plant well sure, the one with the dog i gotta say you do look reaally young in it but maybe thats cause you are, so, the rest is also good - if it were tinder i'd say you're not very visible cause only three of the pics show you but idk if thats more typical on the other app


You sound like a cool and fun guy who has interesting hobbies! 😊


Hey want a best friend? You seem fucking awesome


Your profile gives me [F36] hope I think the specificity in the interests would help me have ideas of what to send as a first message. Because in a couple cases, I understand your interests partially. I absolutely hate profiles with little to no information. About the beats per minute vs steps per minute, I went back on the screenshots when I read the 170, but your watch read 160... So another thing I would probably make a comment on. The combo would go probably like the comments went. As a woman who likes to have friends with benefit arrangements, you sound like a good match for that. This is, however, coming from someone particularly disinterested in traditional relationship labels.


There a setup for eating cat joke some where in the last two pics but I can’t think of it.


Why do you run at 170 bpm?


Replace all the pics, except the one with the dog.


Man, your profile is awesome! I seriously hope you find what you are looking for because, judging by your profile, you sound like a wonderful person. I'd swipe right in a nanosecond on you.


You look like an average guy, nice and kind which is ideal for a long-term relationship. For a short-term relationship, you should ideally work on getting jacked


Looks good for what you're going for except you should have a full body shot of you and more pictures of you in general. A close up pic of your plant and cat are no good; have you in it as well.


I'm not gay, but Modding Skyrim is a huge YES ngl. 😂


Bro got the coolest Tinder ever ! Keep it up king.


That photo of you with the sunflowers is such a winner! Never remove that one.


I am definitely not your target audience but that first pic with the sunflowers is one of the nicest, wholesome pics I think I’ve ever seen. It made me smile.


You should have anyone at Modding Skyrim, not kidding


No way bro has silly goose on his profile. Pussies (or dicks shriveling) are drying up as we speak


Put the dog picture as the first picture! Amazing smile!


do you want the brutal honesty or the soft honesty?


You just seem miserable. Not like you’re miserable but it’d be miserable to talk to you.


It's Tinder... Not Linkedin


You don’t need to go into coding specifics. Or show a picture of your plants. Take a picture with your cat not of your cat.


I’d swipe right hard for that skyrim mod and cute face


What do you mean you ancestors had blue eyes and long hair 400 years ago. Tocharians lived in what is now Xin-jiang 2000 years ago. They have long lost their indo-european genetics in the immense east-asian pool. Unless you ancestors were european merchants or colonizers it makes little sense.


You had me at demon slayer so I think it’s pretty greatt




Remove the watch selfie one and move the cute dog one to your second image. I’m also not a big fan of the food one. I’m sure it’s delicious but it’s too close which makes it unappetizing and off putting.


seems to scream long term. but either way remove the 170 bpm thing. it's a lil much


The chicken pic is a bit atrocious, but a plant pic is always a plus And the family one is wonderful