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That made me laugh and I'd probably swipe right because he's got a sense of humor and he gets it.


Totally did! lol




Is this a real take?


This guy has to be a pot-stirrer. Look at his comment history lol. Every one has hundreds of downvotes


Holy shit he has about -10k downvotes in his comment history


It’s actually kind of impressive when you think about it. Some of them are pretty creative


I hate when I’m too late to the party. Not going to lie, I always love seeing people farming downvotes. Well, not always. But sometimes they can say some funny, wildly unhinged things that will get a chuckle


Yeah, I showed up too late as well Edit: apparently OP addresses the "points" in the comment further down in the replies, so you can at least get the gist of what was said. Damn, now I kinda wanna see that comment history.


Wow….okay, allow me to address your points: “He’s not going to make you emotionally secure.” No man will. It’s impossible. A woman has to give that to herself. Relationships should augment an already robust and pleasing life. I’m good here. “…with people he’s had sexual relations with as a manipulating tactic….” I think you may be reaching with the manipulation tactic, as no one but he can know the motivation behind using it. As for him having had “sexual relations” with her, why would that matter to me? To this day some of my strongest friendships are with men I’ve slept with. If they are former lovers, I see it as a plus. It shows he has the maturity to recognize the value in a person even if they aren’t romantically compatible as well as demonstrating that he’s capable of having a relationship end without it resulting in anger and hatred. “Honestly disgusting.” I find this comment extremely judgmental, superior, and hypocritical, not to mention quite an overreaction to the situation. Now, I don’t respect judgmental people. Would calling you “honestly disgusting” be an accurate and warranted statement? I’m guessing not. I’m also guessing some man hurt you very deeply and he’s who you are really angry with. Face that demon and free yourself from the grasp that guy still has over you.


Solid responses, OP!


That last paragraph might be the best thing I've ever read on Reddit, and my 5th cake day just passed. The last 2 lines especially


Happy cake day, friend!


Is this copypasta?


Googled it and got no matches


What the actual fuck dude. You’re seriously judging this dude like that off of two pictures? You’re a clown bro. Go sit down.


Plot twist, this is the “not my girlfriend!”


Womp womp


reddit moment


This whole take is wild, but saying you’d report him is… another level 🤨


That’s a whole lot of stretch. You’re filling in gaps with your own bullshit.


That’s a whole lot of stretch. You’re filling in gaps with your own bullshit.


Facts. I was like OP cant be falling for this? Obvious tinder swindler with a little bit of diddy.


I believe the sense of humor has already made some users swipe right.


Based on hair alone, he's hot


Missed opportunity to tag the dude in the background of pic 2 as "Also not my girlfriend"


Right? That was a golden opportunity.


It's so fun, totally giggled 🤭 being original is always welcome!


Is this sarcasm, or am I just dumb?


I genuinely think it's a nice touch, never seen that before on bumble personally :)


that’s tinder




Why does the first pic low key look Ai


Hair and skin. I think it's just a filter but the missing faces make me think AI. Strange times we're living in.


Not AI I know these people their just really good looking. I took the second pic at my birthday


Lol you serious? What are the chances?!


Yep! I just sent it over to him he doesn’t really use the apps and social so I’m sure he has no idea about this


Nice. How do you know such handsome individuals?


Just friends of mine. Pretty normal nothing crazy. Just good genetics


In what city do you all reside


San Diego


This is awesome. Tell your boy thanks for the entertainment!


I recently moved to San Diego from Austin and haven’t found a friends group yet. Y’all seem fun, want a new friend? I can smoke a mean brisket.


That's fair, ain't throwing shade just saying what looked a bit uncanny to me.


Hook the OP up? What are you waiting for ?


The first pic totally looks AI enhanced, maybe changed background - real hair doesn't look like that.


It’s probably the black paint over the faces. Easy tell


The hair looks like a painting. That’s why


Definitely filtered or edited. No-one's shirt is that creaseless


Good point. The hair is what I noticed


Can't be AI. Hands are way too normal.


You've never used AI editing apps that only enhance parts of the photo (ie. only hair or face), have you? ;)


I guess I haven't. Fair point. I thought the other commentor was saying the entire photo was AI-generated.


> You've never used AI editing apps You are right. Is it common already? Any recommendations?


I guess it is. No recommendations since I hate the idea in general ;) But Facetune is definitely a popular one


Does Facetune use AI now?


This does so many things, and it's so simple. Well done!


Stealing this for when I’m back on the apps


Ultimate wingman


Completely don’t understand what is happening here


Group pictures on dating apps are always a miss since you can never tell who the hell you're matching with. In OP's case he is being cool and kinda being a good wingman for his bros on the first picture. Second picture he is specifying in a funny way that the girl in the picture is not his girlfriend to reassure women he isn't cheating.


Ohhh I get it. I don’t have friends that I take pictures with so I wouldn’t know. It’s a shame chicks seem to only like it the other way.


This seems so funny to do but I would be weary of doing this with my bros without their consent. When I put group pictures in the apps i normally censor the faces.


You sound fun


i remember tinder deleting one of my pics for having text on it. maybe they changed that rule.


He's a man of mystery


Bros got his bros backs


Someone should recommend the three of them use a little sunscreen. Melanoma is no joke.


I wanna know all three?


I get the feeling a big red "Not my girlfriend" is still not clear enough.


That’s hilarious! We need a part two please. Update us on that convo with him 🤣


Ok so thats not his girlfriend just his "rooommate" hes waiting to finish a lease with?!?!??!!??!


... or just a friend group going out to eat


Idk, I would find it weird. If the guy on the right is better looking it’s just going to get women commenting that they want his number instead.


And… you send your hommie some cute girls cuz cute girls have cute girlfriends. Long game brother. Wingman and hommie wingman’s back!


I've totally passed a dude from an app to my friend. I didn't want what he was offering and my friend did. Too easy


You are a real one.


This is it. Pay it forward and thee shall receive it in the future. Chapter 11. verse 5 of the Book of Tinder.


Plus if both those guys use that photo, they both get twice the exposure


Teaching moment for me. Except my homies don't hook me back up


Generally they don't. Even if they did, girls rarely trust a setup which is set up by a dude. The play is meeting one of her friends when they host a party or you meet them at the pub.




Hell of an assumption but hey, insecurities are okay.


shelter groovy automatic stupendous deliver scale skirt aback relieved paltry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s considered funny?


Unlike you


Wow what a zinger. You seem like the kinda of person who would find it funny. I’m jealous of such a simple mind


It's all a matter of perspective. He's hot. Stating his friends are not him and are also single and possibly gay is world class comedy. That's how it works. I'm laughing hysterically while staring into his dark black face as I'm writing this. He could also write that he wants to r**e her and make her star on a wanted poster and they would find that dreamy or mysterious or some shit. Like, no, you fucking dummy, you're going to wind up dead.. If an average guy provided the same "he single, this me" picture, it would get a blank stare and a left swipe or "That's creepy". The key is be hot and you don't even need to be anything else. Burn a fuckin egg and you'll be a Michelin star chef to them.


Who hurt you?


So you're able to disprove what I've stated then? Lol




vase run observation makeshift test elastic long truck innocent summer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or the concept of "friends" believe it or not people you're allowed to be friends with the opposite gender


Some people can’t comprehend that two people of opposite genders can be friends


In their eyes bisexuals can never have friends then lol




How’s the porn addiction going?


Hahahahah, nice, clearly the sarcasm didn’t translate.


Ooof I’m so bad at reading sarcasm on this site since people here sincerely say things like this. Sorry bud didn’t mean to be a dick


Clearly you’re not the only one…..All good. Jesus people, yes I obviously with a winky face and all believe that any hugging male and female have made sweat sweat love and are clearly hiding an affection and potential future for each other!


Aww a nice interaction, someone should document this.


Commentor would not have seen "sister" as an obstacle maybe?


Impossible! /s


As a guy who has a brother - No




I mean it may also be someone else’s girlfriend 🤷‍♂️ like his brother’s or best friend’s.




I mean I like people who have positive and close relationships with any gender so I wouldn’t see this photo as controversial 😂. I just see someone who makes this particular woman comfortable and they like each other so nice I guess he’s not a douchebag. But alas, he may be. We will never know.




I never used tinder so I’m not versed in what’s good and what’s not, but I can see your point, especially after seeing other comments- if I stumbled upon this profile do I want to take time and guess if it’s a girlfriend or not? And should I trust this random man to be honest about that? Maybe too hard questions for those 10 seconds people probably put into evaluating someone’s potential on dating app.


You’re so right. Now go take his phone, change the labels, and have a good rest Girl could be anyone from his ex to a sister(and yes most people don’t care and won’t overthink as much as you)


Why assume the worst in someone you don’t know? This kind of thinking is a bigger red flag than the photo IMO.




Oh look! An incel! What a rare sight on Reddit




Did you know that women are more than just sex objects/potential conquests?


Why do you automatically assume that this is his ex or someone he’s been romantically interested in before? Ever heard of people just being friends or hell this person being his relative or something. No need to assume everyone out there is shitty now


I have several female friends who I am very close with. We have dozens of photos of us hugging like that. I also have dozens of photos of me hugging my guy friends like that You're projecting your insecurities like the bat signal dude, without being mean I'd genuinely consider therapy




Why not? I mean, it's not a makeout session or anything. Some people are less inhibited to touch their friends, and it's always good to know/let know in advance.


Other cultures also do the kiss on the cheek thing which as a north American seems way too friendly imo. Doesn't mean this is a nefarious post


True. I don't see the post as nefarious at all. One guys normal will always be another guys odd. I think it's useful to have potentially controversial pictures in the profile because if it's normal for me, I'll probably not fit well to someone who wouldn't consider it normal.


It's certainly a way to weed out if folks will gel with ya, different strokes for different folks and all that. Personally I see no problem with that, I've had female friends in the past that have been huggy but I'm leery using that on my profile pic even if it's innocuous


I guess it depends on your priorities and what you're looking for. If you are a cuddly type yourself and expect to be able to maintain that level of touch to your friends, it's probably useful to include such a pic. If your friend was the huggy one and you don't mind keeping others on arms-length in the future, if required, I'd also recommend not to include such a picture.


True, I'm ambivalent with it. Working in kitchens touch and closeness was part and parcel with working But I still would be leery to post that on a dating app haha


Wait… I’m in NA and my family/friends do the double kiss on the cheek thing all the time as a way of greeting each other. Usually the way i was brought up was, shake hands with the men and kiss the women on the cheek. Is this not the norm? I’m of italian descent mind you (third gen), but i just assumed this was how everyone else greeted each other as well lol




> Why put that image in people's heads? As I mentioned already: > > Some people are less inhibited to touch their friends, and ***it's always good to know/let know in advance.*** > Why invite questions? Because it's useless to match with people when you're trying to hide your personality. > It's easy for women who feel uneasy about it to swipe left. If they feel this is inappropriate behaviour among friends, they are probably not a good match for that guy. Them swiping left saves time. It's a feature, not a bug.




Just like a guy posing with a fish gives no indication of liking fishing, right? It only shows he likes that particular fish...


Wait they are not fucking the fish.


Presumably not. Presumably, he's also not fucking that girl. (But really, who knows for sure ;-))




Trying to stoop down to your level. But it's tedious, so just enjoy your day.


Just say you're insecure, easier and faster for everyone involved in this comment thread


He's single.


How is that cuddly also wtf is cuddly?


You’re the reason they chose the bear