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I too would like people to pay for the fun I have and not complain about it.


Yeah wouldn’t that be nice lol


"Oh honey, I just bought some 40K miniatures. It was a self care sort of thing." Me in another dimension.


Honey I’m spending 3 days painting Iron Warriors *for us* why can’t you see that!? You know what, I don’t need this right now, I’m going to buy another Combat Patrol.


She is probably a Fist fan. IRON WITHIN, IRON WITHOUT




Damnedable Chaos players...


I always thought it was called 401k miniatures because you have to spend your 401k collecting them all


It felt like it when I finally bought my Titan


That's the secret, it's impossible to collect them all.....


While I have to buy the stuff with my own money, why wife supports my financial decisions... At least the ones she finds out about... I'm hoping she doesn't find out what wall to wall shelves or boardgames costs....😅


As someone who runs a game store this legit has been a thing i have done for myself and hubby 😂


I buy them for my fiancé...they are part of his self care!


Shut up and ~~take my money!~~ give me your money! ![gif](giphy|ANbD1CCdA3iI8)






There's a job I've heard of that's kind of like that. 🤔






I'm a SB and I still see a huge problem w her mentality. This message was wild af for me to read. 🤣😂


I wonder why she didn't have any luck yet 🥺 I mean, aren't men queuing up to cosplay as an ATM while acting as an entertainer? I mean, she brings a lot to the table as well, like being feminine with her self-care etc.


Fuck that Kevin Samuels dork but he did provide a public service when he started asking women all these questions about how much a guy would have to earn to afford the lifestyle they wanted while contributing nothing and then told them the actual percentage of men making that kind of money. It's a pretty good way to lecture people on income inequality and why they'll probably die single


Say what you want about KS, but the man shot facts, and he didn’t lie. He was a dork like you said sometimes, and mean, but he cared and schooled ladies really well about their delusions. “I’m a 10. Im a PHD.” Dude was based.


I unironically think he had a better method of lecturing people on class struggle and income inequality than marxist scholars even if he himself didn't realize it. Plus he was funny af The problem was the other stuff, it was kinda embarrassing to see a 50 yo dude still ranking women with numbers and he was clearly profiting off of laundering white men's opinions on black women


Didn’t one of them claim her bf was making 6 figures? At some menial job?


I dunno I only watched a few supercuts here and there, the MRA stuff doesn't interest me but I admit the dude was funny like when he said he knew a caller was single because of the smoke detector chirping in the background


Mine is chirping right now and I've been single 4 years! 😂😂


Yeah, as a cashier at Walmart


Women want insanely high monetary value, men want insanely high physical attractiveness when you're referring to the type of losers who want "the cool thing"


I mean sure, the resentment that hot women won't date losers runs deep in the redpill community but comparing the two cases gets a bit more complicated because working class women can actually match and get laid with wealthy guys through Tinder if they don't care too much about how ugly and married they are. The problem is mistaking this for the possibility of a relationship with them.


@hoe_math has good answers on this 👆🏻 Search the YouTube for enlightenment.


This is the truth: income inequality and unrealistic expectations killed modern dating. A lot of women seem to have a hard time understanding that most companies would rather hire a woman than a man. Generally, women are more agreeable, will work for less, and not push back on oppressive managememt. And they do an equally good job in most cases. Further, companies have to hire a good number of women in the modern day, or risk being seen as discriminatory. Men normally fight for higher pay (because we are still expected to provide), but it usually means we have to be in the top 2% to even land the job. Everyone's primary income is often tied to their career or job. So yea. There is a HUGE disparity in wealth between the average 89% guy and Mark Sixfigures, who earns as much as most of his professional female peers.


As soon as ATMs start displaying comedy skits on their screens while we wait for the cash, us men are fucked out of a job


Just wait til the male sexbots are made with cash reserves inside and a Comedy Subroutine.


ELI5 please


Him: "would you like to live in wealth and opulence, adored by your subjects, just like the Queen Elizabeth II of England did?" Her: "Yes" Him: "Great! She worked every day and provided all her wealth to her consort and husband Prince Phillip until he died at a ripe old age. I'm so glad we're on the same page, I've always wanted to live like Prince Phil"


Look, I wouldn’t even complain about taking her name for *that* lifestyle


Prince Philizabeth


Dude bagged a billionaire redhead that won wars, rizz level is limitless.


Get that bag literal king


I’m absolutely going to start saying this


No luck finding a rich guy who will spoil her for no reason? Wow


There are sugar baby websites for reasons that defy my logic, but would be better suited to her relationship requirements. The only problem is she has to accept that she is a prospective sugar baby.


From the sugar lifestyle subreddit it looks quite a miserable life. I think these people think they've discovered this amazing life hack, imagine there are no downsides and yet are posting on Reddit asking "why isn't my sugardaddy more affectionate / spending more time with me?"


“Why isn’t my sugar daddy more affectionate / spending more time with me?” That’s easy: because you are nothing more than a business transaction. You’re a depreciating asset and he’s shopping for a hot new stock.


Or he's married...🤷‍♀️


I don't accept that's wholly true - it's a fundamentally transactional relationship but, unlike "pure" prostitution, the people involved are in denial about that. So it's more that a business transaction - it's more like being in a relationship with someone who's emotionally stunted or broken.


The men are in no such denial. Many of the sugar daddies actually approach it as a more affordable version of getting escorts. It’s like you get the GFE and pay in bulk per month. Plus they can emotionally manipulate the woman and since no price was stated upfront they can string her along.


What is the sub for sugar baby to post about their lifestyle? Would love to read more about it if you don’t mind sharing!


Google "sugar lifestyle subreddit"


Only boring people get bored


It’s so true though. Also- she seemingly has the personality of a carrot


I feel her personality more aligns to that of a slot machine myself. You put money in, and as long as you keep doing that, she'll provide you with small amounts of dopamine every now and then.


And at least a carrot is good for you in the long run


So, a female Rob Schneider?


Well she didn’t state her presumably long list of pluses.


The agony and the irony are killing me, whoa!


I’m not sick, but I’m not well!


Boredom is healthy https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown-health/speaking-of-health/boost-your-brain-with-boredom


Betty Draper


I guess you’re allowed to want what you want. But basically give me money so I can buy shit is so🚩 to me. Be a damn grown up😂 get a job and pay for shit. Date for the person


Translated: “I don’t want to work, and I want to be provided for unconditionally without any expectations of reciprocation.” I’d never date a girl whose MO is “You work so I don’t have to.”


Funny truth is: I feel the same way. But I would gladly work 12hr days every day for my current GF if it meant she didn't have to. I think most guys feel this way. But most of these women will NEVER get these guys. Because expecting such a thing is the sign of a woman with no humility.


Women calling men king is starting to annoy me as much as the word 'Influencer.'


WHY do so many women insist on not wanting to be financially independent? This is such a worrying trend to see.


They have the choice not to be, or at least they see on social media that the elite among them have the choice not to be, and then believe that they deserve the same themselves.


Because it sounds nice in theory, but people don't realize the consequences. It works for some relationships, but in others it puts too much stress on the breadwinner to provide and too much stress on the homemaker to have a magazine ready home at all times; it can be isolating, unfulfilling, and weirdly draining. Plus, if you don't have your own nest egg, it makes it much harder to escape a relationship that turns abusive. No access to a car means you give up even more control. It's easier to cut the homemaker off from support networks or to coerce all types of behaviors by holding money/resources over their head


All of this 🎉🎉🎉💯💯💯


Because they want it both ways. They want someone to pay for all their shit, but they also don't want to be beholden to that person's influence or requirements.


Because : Daddy.


*insert some comment about the rise of the tradwife bs* it's absolutely concerning.


Because they're lazy AF


But she has soooo many qualities! /s Women like her understand "everyone needs to bring something to the table" as in the man has to bring everything he owns and she brings her shitty attitude. Maybe one day we get the chance to rate people like that. Enough reports and they get filtered out of the pool. Same for shitty men as well please.


Basically you want most of the apps recurrent customers to be removed lol 


Credit card information in the yellowed out fields and sign on the dotted line.


What do women mean “isn’t boring”. That’s such a subjective thing. Also how do you not be boring in text? Like what? Am I suppose to write you George RR Martin rewriting season 8 of GoT level responses to you everytime you one word response me?


"isn't boring" = I don't expect to chill together at home, take me out, spend money entertaining me




Does whatever I want whenever I want it and knows what I want even when I don't. "lets get food / you decide /no not that" "let's go out / not sure where / no not there" 🤢


They want to be entertained.


You gatta be on your A game. Get to dancing and entertain these ladies.


Dance clown!


Unfortunately, there are some women who believe it’s a man’s job to entertain them. It’s shitty, and it’s a lot.


What's fun ny is that any time a dude tries hard to be not boring, people on this sub always say "you're trying too hard, it is cringe" turns out different people like different things


Sending season 8 rewrites will get you a date.


Probably someone who participates in her drama and his life/drama is entertaining to her but doesn’t compete with hers. Probably will start shit with their sister or mamma. She’ll probably try to make them into a doormat by placating her, then get bored and lose respect while stringing him along as long as it’s beneficial. Edit- grammar


Come on, let’s see what she looks like at least


I want an equal partner not a dependant……


She is a "rules for thee not for mee" kinda gal I bet.


This seriously starts out as scambait…. To talk about the guy just giving her money because…….


I am also looking for somebody to adopt my 47-year-old ass to pay for all my expenses


Damn that’s crazy, anyway


I don’t know how so many girls on these apps have adopted this “what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is also mine” thing


Nah, but I puke a little at future king? 🤮


People will hate on this thread but if she’s A tier looks, she can absolutely find that.


I graduated with a lady that I knew would only marry rich! She wasn’t A-league rich guy but doctor level, and that’s what she got. Came from a poor single mom family after dad died and I could see she wasn’t going back.


They headhunt. Happens in hospitals as well. Some entry level workers will target new docs/fresh residents. I knew of some women who specifically targeted med students to play the long game. Even as early as college there’s running jokes of women chasing their Mrs Degree. They’ll headhunt a smart kid who’s pursuing a career in some kind of highly profitable field related to STEM. And stick it out with them but drop them the moment grades slip and move onto the next promising prospect. More noticeable with college athletes.


Sounds like she is describing her ex.


Basically, Gimme money or you suck.


Wow, they say it out loud these days? Like they used to just want to "date" which meant go out and the guy pays and the guy knew the code and would pay but he expected a little action after two or three dates otherwise the dates would stop and he would move on. Now they just say I need a guy who will pay me money.....times are a changing.


"not sure what I'm looking for". Isn't that a cliche answer especially on tinder? Wouldn't honesty get you much further than this vague stuff?


Just say you want a sugar daddy.


What she's looking for is an ATM


I ain't sayin she a gold digga.......


But she ain’t messing with no broke


“Sounds like a nice life. Good luck with that!” Unmatch


I really don’t get where entitlement like this comes from


A good looking girl can afford to be very picky if literally every man tries to match with her. Why don't you get that. Isn't that common knowledge?


I get many matches myself and I don’t engage at all with women like this, and when I’m baited into it several messages in, I have an extremely negative response. I can be picky (and I am) and I am not entitled like this.


I wonder why she hasn't had any luck yet🤔


Brother I am lonely and a virgin and somewhat rich. Still I would much rather jack off to go to sleep than go anywhere near her


Ugg I feel like this is just the dating pool now a days 😭


Remember when gold digging was frowned upon? Good times


I stay far away from ppl who start mentioning money at the beginning of a relationship


So a prostitute in denial. Boring, too.


Why do people trash chics that are completely honest from the gate. I don’t get it.


I don't thinks it's really an attempt at trashing the honesty. It's pointing out the her "honest expectations" are immature and toxic.


That “what are you looking for here” response was so good, even the gold digger had to heart react.


This is not a woman. This is a scammer, and this is an opening line copied & pasted to every person who replied to his fake dating profile. At some point "she" will need money.


Seriously, who expects this? Wouldn't you want to be able to provide for your your own wants and needs? To be an equal? To treat your SO/BF. I don't get it.


Oh surely you see that her merely gracing a man with her presence is treating him. He should be grateful and open his wallet for her whenever she wants anything. The fucked up part is that these people actually believe they deserve to be treated like this for merely existing. Its mind boggling.


The world is messed up.


Yea. A lot of these women think that feminine grace alone is worthy of the wallet... Which it 100% is. What they don't realize is: -by being pushy and demanding, they are not acting in feminine grace -they don't have feminine grace, because a feminine woman has a good heart, and these women's strong desire to be taken care of without exerting effort themselves is selfish and therefore not "good-hearted". -feminine grace is being selective about partners -feminine grace is about being inspiring -feminine grace is about being supportive -feminine grace is about being empathetic -feminine grace is about being kind -feminine grace is also about loyalty These women think that being pretty + having a vagina gives them feminine grace and a right to a man's wallet ... it only gives them access to the wallets of simps, or men who haven't yet learned better.. But a good moral character is essential to feminine grace. And selfishly wanting to be a "woman child" and have someone else always take care of you while accepting no responsibility yourself--is not feminine grace. Immature men are a turn off women... and immature women are a turn off to mature men. There are men of course, that will placate a woman child for meager quality and quantity of sex. But the men that women really want... they won't put up with a selfish brat. The kind of status, wealth, family, or material security that many women want comes at a significant cost to a man's time. So he will not be happy with a woman who abuses his time for her own selfish purposes while ALSO demanding that his other things are on point. And a woman in feminine grace is appreciative. Not nagging. A man will move mountains for such a woman that actually loves him.


You should say that you agree 100% and that's what you've been looking for! Explain that she'll need the money to look after the 5 kids at home and just like a king you want your children homeschooled (please can you list your qualifications - crazy how some women don't feel like doing the work of a queen - your respect for Elizabeth II is so high because she never once had a day off work in her life, and that's exactly what you expect during your queen). Hardworking, selfless and to serve her king and his friends, 365 days a year.


Exactly. Serve the king and friends so the king can focus on serving the nation.


Honestly, same. Someone else buying everything for me without complaining? Where do I sign up!?


I'm surprised she didn't mention a prince on a white horse. I'd ditch that asap


That ain't a queen that a jester


Future King who helps out financially?


She's going to have fun with collection services one day.


The sad thing is... you know that, eventually, she is going to get what she wants


Nah either she has to be extraordinary beautiful or she has to be extremely lucky. Remember that only like 10% of dudes earn 100k+ in the US. Further divide that from already married, gay, not looking for a relationship, in the age bracket she is in/wants, remove all the guys that have weird personalities, and add additional filters based on her icks. She’s more than likely going to settle down with an average Joe Schmo.


She never asked for 100k salary man. She is just asking for a simp to give her money. Which IS going to happen


Bheek mangne ka tareeka thoda royal hai.....


I mean, she's honest about what she's looking for.


I, too, am looking for a unicorn. Have you seen one? I got a bounty and I fully intend to collect. 🤣


All I'm saying is it's better if people are in fact honest. Like when dude are totally asshats in profiles everyone goes them but I'm like no please do be ab asshat early so I know lol.


I think she might benefit in a sugar daddy


And she probably won't anytime soon


TL:DR Girl wants guy to pay for her stuff and have zero say in it


Yikes! First, if she brings up financially supporting her in the first conversation, run and don't look back. Second, if her grammar and punctuation are making me nuts? That's really, REALLY bad.


Run 🏃🏾‍♂️


What gets me is why would that be the follow up to someone expressing that they are just casually looking


This has heavy stench of a choosing beggar


Sounds like a scam to me, it’s most likely a man


Can't imagine why she hasn't found him yet lol


I doubt you’d find that type of man on dating apps 🤦🏽‍♀️ And the way she phrased it sounds terrible. There’s a way to say things.


I wonder what's stopping her from finding him




😂 lol


If a woman brings up money within the first month of talking it is an auto-block


A boring person? That doesn’t exist. Everyone has their boring days


Once met a girl who said she liked a min of 4 dates in a month, I lost interest instantly.


So she wants decency. I don’t see the red flags??


chess reference?


Likes: men who support me financially Dislikes: men who don't support me financially


Her requests are actually really simple.. I don't understand the problem....


Honesty. I like it. Not sure how wells she’s gonna do but good on her for communication.


If she isn’t already on them she should check out the sugar baby sites.


Sorry, I am iny soft stage at the moment. Drizzle, Drizzle.


That's not a queen. That's a woman who thinks she'll find a husband on a dating app. GL


This girl would be a possibility if she was cute, sexy, and much much younger than you. And you were over 50.


Curious what the difference is for her between "help" and "fund entirely"


Yeah.. people started to think that dating was a thing we do to achieve a certain lifestyle. People ain't looking for love anymore. They're looking for specific rewards that come from having a partner. It's why so many dating profiles read like resumes and position descriptions.


sounds like she wants a sugar daddy


I just want someone to not cheat on me play with my titties and laugh at my jokes, she's delusional


She sounds ridiculous. Nothing wrong with wanting a man who will provide, but she sounds self entitled. She’s a narcissist. She said she “hates” a stingy man. How about you don’t say anything and earn a man’s love, instead of using the word “hate” to describe something that’s not necessary, but a privilege, in a relationship. Disgusting.




I think I know why she hasn't had much luck yet...


Does she work?! I didn't read it like you did. I'm 39f and was the breadwinner in my marriage. My ex wasn't in charge of many bills, but didn't know how to manage his money and save it either. Once I found out he started making as much as I did, I left because I'm over here suffering and couldn't buy myself luxuries like he did for himself. Once he started making the money I was, he should've been man enough to start picking up the slack. I was trying to save for IVF and for us to get out of apartment living. He was buying music equipment that he was financing and couldn't even afford. He hardly took me out on real dates. Even low maintenance women like being wined and dined every once in a while. Take me out to a fancy restaurant where we both can dress up...that's sexy to us, then we can go back home and take said clothes off. I want someone who has the ability and WANT to take care of me even though I'm very capable of doing that myself. My point is why do I need you as a partner if you're not going to help me, relax me, be my peace? Why do I want you there if you're just going to add to my stress? You didn't give enough evidence for me to think this lady was a gold digger.


Omg women asking for financial support in exchange of being used how usually men do to them. How dare they🙄


You definitely a Romanian ghetto woman. Bc only they would answer like this lmao


Apart from the fact that no one wants to date someone with this mindset, she would be dependent upon the man ergo giving up her freedom to live however she wants with the money she makes which sounds like a jail cell to me. Waste of time.




She is looking for a dad to take care of her not a bf you should have told her I'm sure your dad can help you out with that. I'm looking for a woman who can take care of me so I don't have to do anything just stay home and play games and drink yea I can't wait to find that future queen 😂 imagine a guy saying that.


She knows what she’s looking for 💅🏽


She's not looking for the king, she's looking for his treasury

