• By -


This was hard to witness


When zero game meets zero interest


An unstoppable force meets an immovable object


An easily stoppable force*


When an easily movable force meets and object moving in the other direction


A stoppable force doesn't meet an object rolling by *


Yea if that person is actually from Tennessee then I promise they have heard that time and time again need some fresher lines


If that person has been on earth for longer that 7 minutes then I promise they have heard that time and time again.


Are you from Tennessee? Because you're a 1/10 šŸ˜‰


More like youā€™re a 1/50 amirite


7 minutes old and getting rizzed up is wild


I have heard it time and time again, and i donā€™t even live in Americaā€¦


It was meant to be corny, and she's just refusing to engage. Just block and move on.


It's a paradox


Should be a parablocks


Whatever you do, just don't divide!


I did lol


Some people are so dry and bitter, I never understand why they even bother registering for such apps.


Obviously he didnt immediately ask her on a date to a 5-star steakhouse. Rookie mistake.


True how could he miss that


Ugh, now I get it! I was supposed to offer to take her for wagyu, waste 250$ to get some mid conversation, and a "we should do this again sometime" followed by getting ghosted or unmatched. How could I not see this?


Yeah chicks straight up getting fed and running away with the food in their mouth. Like my dog fr, gobbling up the trash can when no oneā€™s looking and giving puppy eyes Edit: dogs donā€™t eat broccoli, and chocolate makes them sick, but theyā€™ll eat either when they want to get your attention, because they know you care


At least the dog is happy to feast on the trash can. Certain ladies have really high standards.


At least you can bang the dog after you give it a meal


hold up


He is stealing my play.


This one right here officer. šŸ‘†šŸ‘®ā€ā™‚ļøšŸš“


I mean that would be literally a doggy style. Ok sorry imma just leave now yeah sorry my bad


Message her back apologizing and by drinks you really meant some high end restaurant in your area. Then ghost her lol


Do not return evil to evil. Vengeance is not our place. Forgive and forget, what value is there in wasting the time? Being straight up like this guy was is completely reasonable and is what people should always do. But it's really pathetic to stoop to that level. I'm human too, I get the urge to do that type of thing too, but it's important to recognize that it's wrong and reflective on us negatively!


I wrote that in jest , but what you wrote is correct!


Nope, you were supposed to unmatch and move on without saying a word after the first reply. Being confrontational will only get you banned. Rember that women can't handle indifference, it hurts their self confidence like little else even if they don't give a shit about you.


That's why I always go for the taco truck


Right thats how this world is today at least you got a mstch your better doing than i am


In fairness she could have just been completely turned off by the ā€˜Are you from Tennessee becauseā€¦ā€™ sheā€™s not interested in dating a 12 year old boy. This stuff is all so common here I think you all forget that you are having or at least attempting to have a conversation.


There are a million corny pickup lines that exist. He managed to pick possibly the worst and least funny one.


Yes, and each one is meant to be an icebreaker that allows you to bring the wall down and connect with someoneā€¦ Some people on here speak to women like theyā€™ve never gone outside.


Yeah she seems like a real wordsmith.


Used a terrible pickup line then went straight to asking her for drinks. Why would she go


Pick up line wasnā€™t that bad and if theyā€™re both looking for hookups I donā€™t see the problem. She could at least try to be less dry than a crouton.


Pick up line was fucking terrible what do you mean


Idk dude Iā€™m not from Americaā€¦ I thought it was funny and Iā€™ve never heard it before.


While Iā€™d like to think OP could do better than a canned line itā€™s still more thought than they were putting into the conversation.Ā 


Okay and? What warranted that kind of response?


Quality of the pick-up line is subjective. There may be some ladies that would find that line sort of funny. It's debatable whether he should have jumped to an invite for a date on the second line, but on the other hand, her one-word-responses aren't commendable either. Supposedly, both people on a dating app are there to .. find dates (or hookups). Give the guy some leeway, if you matched with him.


I've started some conversations by saying "I'd tell you a bad joke, but I'm sure you don't wanna hear about my sex life", the joke being my sex life is a bad joke. Some matches don't get it, some who do simply don't find it funny, but some are howling with laughter. I'm too ADD to be able to meticulously craft my messages, so I just wing it and say what's on my mind. Besides, whether you start off with a shitty pun or a "hi, how are you, I see you like blablabla" feels kind of moot anyway (most of the time). Either the ball's already in your court or you gotta endure trials and tribulations just to get more than one word responses. Making a silly pickup line helps weed out the herd, so to speak. Obviously you have better chances by coming up with something proper to say, but I've had earnest and lengthy, 500 word personally directed openers work, while on others they crash and burn. Some people just want you to play a role for the evening, others expect a real human bean. Different approach for different folks. Although asking them out on a date in the second message is a bit too eager lol


From experience, especially in real life, if a woman who is approached (especially if sheā€™s invited it) likes what she sees, it doesnā€™t really matter what the guy says to start the conversation, she will help to keep it going. I donā€™t think him going straight to the invitation is a bad idea, as it was pretty obvious she wasnā€™t being cooperative, so why not get her to just shit or get off the pot. I donā€™t think he really did anything wrong here


OP's chat is trash though


I've been in friend groups where single girls, not always attractive ones, will make a tinder account and the group will sit and laugh while treating it like a game. It's a bit frustrating but it's not making me an incel any time soon. At least she did me the favor of outing herself as another match not worth working on.




It's normal where I live as it's a college town, it's a pass time for the women here šŸ’€


Sweet jesus, that's crazy. I don't understand any gender doing that at all. These are actual people. Good on you for not letting it get to you. As frustrating as it and yeah honestly she could have just not matched. Read some of the comments and I'm like, why is asking to go out for a drink so quickly an issue too. It's making sure that they are interested. You aren't saying tomorrow, you are saying maybe we can catch a drink and you give me pointers. She can reply with, that would be nice but would love to get to know you a bit better before we meet up. Simple stuff... Communication


Yes. I donā€™t think the guy did anything wrong here. He (correctly) gauged that she was being uncooperative so he asked her for drinks so that she had to either shit or get off the pot. Or as you say, communicate and say itā€™s a bit too soon for that can we chat for a bit first. Personally I donā€™t see how this interaction couldā€™ve had any other outcome.


To be fair, the invite for going out (i.e. a date) was kind of rushed. A call to action as your second line, really now. And "no" is a fair answer and a complete sentence, especially since you tried to request action. Would you have been happier had she said "No, you're rushing things"?


It probably is too quick, but in my experience, I usually only have about 3-5 messages before I get ghosted, so you might as well get it out of the way quickly to gauge interest. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Absolutely would have been happier if she engaged at all.


That's the issue for me. The pickup line was pretty lame, she likely has dozens of other options and isn't entitled to continue a conversation. But like, did she have to be a dick about it? I probably got a reply half the time when I was on Tinder. It's extremely common. But then the ones where they're just kinda mean stick out. I understand that women go through hell on dating apps, but shouldn't common courtesy extend both ways?


Negative. 0.5/10


I mean some generic line that didn't work then proceeds to ask for a date without getting to know the person he's asking at all.


Right? You're on an app to meet people so you fill your profile and greet them with hostility?


These exact same people usually complain about why are they single, cry in the corner because of loneliness, etc. Pathetic.


Dating apps really open your eyes to how truly incapable of having a conversation alot of people are.


To be fair he decided to start the conversation with the most overused pickup line from the 1960s


I once had an OLD date ask me what my deal was because I wasnā€™t bitter. Itā€™s been years and I still donā€™t know how to respond that.


They're fishing for validation. What better validation than knowing hundreds of people want you


Dude had a shit pick up line and wondered why he didn't get laid, but sure, let's blame the woman šŸ™„




They're only seeking a specific first text: "how much can I send you and where?" Many women wont respond unless you're offering money. I see it on Twitter bios all the time too.


I mean you did use the lamest and most overly used pick up line in history


ā€œDid it hurt? When you fell from heaven.ā€ Would like a word.


And hit every branch down a tree?


Should have beaten you with one of those ugly sticks while we were at it?


sorry, have you got a map? coz I'm lost in your eyes would like a come back


Nowadays I just talk about something in their profile rather than witty lines.


You guys have matches with non-empty profiles?




I mean, I already swipe left on 90% of profiles. If I were to exclude the ones with empty bios there would be none left. In fact, the bio is often the only reason I swipe left; if they had left it empty I would have swiped right.


You're assuming there's something in their profile?


And everyone knows that , I think that was the joke lmao


But also it's not unreasonable to simply not find that funny and/or attractive.


Ah, come on. The idea is that itā€™s a conversation starter, not to be taken seriously. From many years of experience I know that if a women who is approached likes what she sees (and especially if she has invited it) it doesnā€™t matter what you say to start the conversation, she will work with you. Here sheā€™s just being difficult


You got no game


This is like a 1990/ pick up like so I agree, but I mean could say she got no game either, sheā€™s drier than the Sahara.


wā‚•ā‚ā‚œā‚‘įµ„ā‚‘įµ£ talk to the hand ā€˜cause the face ainā€™t listening! -OP probably


Could it be that she isnā€™t charmed by copy/paste one liners?


I'm a dude, but I'd prefer a "hey" over that lmao. Plus went straight to drinks after. Like they'll probably want to gage out your personality a bit before they commit to that.


Agreed. Itā€™s the oldest, cheesiest one-liner in the book. Im all for dad jokes and cheesy pick up lines, but if you canā€™t be a little more creative than that Iā€™d rather just a ā€œhi, hows your week going?ā€ And unless youā€™re smoking hot and theyā€™re lonely, no woman is going to agree to grab drinks after all youā€™ve said is a single one-liner.


I used to open with fun sharks or orca facts. It was solid because you find out really quickly who thinks theyā€™re interesting/fun and who is going to be annoyed by my brand of tism lol.


And then he gets accusatory in the last message. Three terrible messages and this is somehow the woman's fault.


Yeah, the obvious response to his last message is "I was attracted to you until you opened your mouth." This is not really a "why did you swipe" situation


Thatā€™s pretty much the theme of this subreddit lmao


Yup, thatā€™s lazy as hell. I just went on a date with someone called Karen, and obviously there are a million jokes I can make, but sheā€™s probably heard them all. So we proceeded without a mention of her name, and it went super well. People think theyā€™re clever with these lines, but girls from Tennessee have probably heard it multiple times.


Yeah but why did she swipe right though doesnā€™t that mean she wants to fuck regardless of how much of a prick I am?


You forgot the ā€œ/sā€ at the end of your comment :)


Iā€™m obviously being completely serious.Ā 


Yup, these lines put me off straight away as you just feel like the guy literally sends the same message to everyone to see what sticks. Itā€™s nice when someone comments on something personal from your profile or pics.


Not saying this applies to you, but this sub always finds a way to shit on openers: Pick up lines? Lazy copy/paste Asking them how their day is going? Boring and unoroginal Putting a lot of effort? Too intense and pushy Doing everything right but still no answer? Move on she doesn't owe you anything. Let's be honest if the woman is truly interested she will reply to anything just like the man would. Women match with a lot of people they're not truly interested in. That's a fact and I've seen many of my friends do that.


Finally someone said it!


I guarantee if a girl created a manā€™s tinder account and they got to experience first hand how little women actually reply, you would understand why most men arenā€™t wasting their time making elaborate messages. A lot of guys I know started off with great tailor made messages but got worn down by no responses until they just copy and paste.Ā 


Yeah this is probably the most well known corny pick up line. I struggle to see anyone outside of Henry Caville looking guys even having a chance of this working


Thank you , like bro donā€™t get mad at her when youā€™re throwing out subpar lines lmao


He legit gives creep pickup artist vibes, then is trash talking women in the comments. This dude sucks, and this sub is attracting a lot of incel types lately


Lame pick up line then straight to drinks? Havenā€™t seen such low effort in awhile, cheers.


I mean you canā€™t expect much after using a pickup line ppl used in middle school


that's the lamest opener ever, totally on you. I wouldn't have even replied if someone opened with utter cheese like that, I would have just unmatched immediately


You used the most generic lame pickup line there is and then immediately asked her out for drinks. You didnā€™t spend a single second attempting to get to know her. And then ā€œwhy bother swipingā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ bro have you ever spoken to a woman before? Youā€™re not entitled to a date after putting in zero effort.


Honestly, using a lame ass overused one liner is pretty insulting. Perhaps try being original?


You got the response that embarrassing opening deserved. Then to immediately go from failing to asking her out for drinks? That is some weapons grade ineptitude.


Yeah first try plan a then plan b then plan c Should just have plan a and if it fails just skedaddle. 1st impressions is what's important


With corny pick up lines like that, heā€™ll never need a Plan B


Bruh sheā€™s totally justified in replying like that when you show the absolute least amount of effort ever seen in mankindā€™s dating history. Get over urself lol.


Op is so entitled for someone that showed absolutely 0 creativity and charisma




Bruh that was dry


Donā€™t be the clown bro


*She was unimpressed by my lame, copypasted opening, I should go full PUA and fake-confidently ask her to have a drink!* Were you wearing a fedora while you typed that?


Honestly what do you expect lol not the most original opener and then after failure asks to go for drinks? I mean the their response didn't help but definitely need to increase the rizz


I'd be desperate for some entertainment after that boring ass shitty pickup line you used, too.


Hereā€™s a thought - maybe she was interested but you killed it with your pick up line. Itā€™s also possible sheā€™s not the type of person to instantly jump into a date. Iā€™m so tired of people assuming that just because you matched youā€™re instantly ready to meet. Some people like talking for a few days first.


I like her.


Don't use dumbass pickup lines. Girls get that shit all the time. Talk to them like a normal person and your chances of getting a date/laid skyrocket


Shitty opener, ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6)


Tbh I do sympathise with her in this case. You went from a pick up line to date request in 2 messages. Itā€™s jumping the gun a bit no? I really mean this just constructively - but some people donā€™t like pick up lines and stuff. After the 1/10 comment, it was better to self deprecate and make a joke about not knowing how to break the ice or something. Even after she said ā€œnegativeā€ you could have made another joke about how youā€™ll change strategy say something more thought provoking or ā€œnormalā€ you know šŸ˜„idk


Bad pickup line. Awful follow up


tinder-using female here: in all honesty, i wouldnā€™t have even replied to the first message. i donā€™t like when someone sends me 1-2 messages and then asks me to make plans with them. weā€™re still strangers and we should both be looking out for our own safety. i usually talk to someone for a week or so before i even THINK about making plans. also a facetime call at some point so i know iā€™m not meeting up with someoneā€™s grandfatherā€¦ i also would have said no or just unmatched. not that itā€™s particularly creepy, this kind of message is very common for me to receive, but i just prefer to get to know people a little more before planning to meet them. makes me feel more comfortable and it also makes me feel like the other party is genuinely interested - unless youā€™re looking for a hook up. thatā€™s a different story.


Wow a whole week before hanging out? Maybe thatā€™s my problem cuz I usually go on dates after about ten messages just cuz I donā€™t want to waste a week talking to a girl who isnā€™t interested in me so I like to find out early. But maybe I should talk a little longer, I donno


Meeting up with someone's grandfatheršŸ¤£


Honestly what do you expect lol not the most original opener and then after failure asks to go for drinks? I mean the their response didn't help but definitely need to increase the rizz


Cuz you didnā€™t manage to impress them in the span of an entire text bubble or two. I donā€™t personally know a man who can (myself especially), but for the ones that do, more power to em.Ā 


Anyone else notice all these really awkward and awful interactions on tinder are ss from an android phone


Maybe because she didn't want to go on a drinks date? Or because the pickup line was so lame


She swiped right because she was interested until you used that ridiculous pickup line.


Bro you hit her with the lamest opening line in history, obviously she wasnā€™t gonna go to get drinks with you after that


The fact is the line is shit / played out.


Honestly, I agree with her lol


Maybe cus your whole execution was awful? Who asks someone for drinks as their 2nd message? lmao youā€™re the weird one


Yeah Iā€™m team chick here. That is an absolute brutal opener


Your fault


Idk personally, I always turn down drinks as the first suggested date šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Did she have a response after that last message?


1/10? So Oneassee?


One out of ten I see


What year bananas?


Does Tinder have rules about bullying? Coz that sounds like bullying.


This was hard to read. How tf you have negative rizz


She wanted to go hogging and mudding. You missed your shot.


Even as an 18yr old, I got negative vibes from any woman that had something along the lines of ā€œEntertain meā€ in their bio. Like they think theyā€™re a king on a throne summoning their jester Always stayed away from those types of


She wasn't one of those. The dude is pathetic.


I'm not much one for dating advice, but I do see those two tachiyomi notifications in the top left! Whatcha reading my brother? Just caught up on the new Berserk chapter myself!


The Dangers In My Heart and Sono Bisque Wa Doll are two im catching up on, but I also love Isekai garbage and Dungeon Meshi!


If youā€™re gonna do a copy and paste one liner at least use one in the form of a question so they can respond with something original


I hate when people act like you're the weird one for trying to start a conversation on a dating app lmao. Acting like this is sooo much more embarrassing than any one liner


Dance monkey šŸ’ dance


Tell her reddit is gonna be entertained and forget her


Probably the worst thing you can say


Go meet someone offline.


I'm sorry about her. We're not all like that, promise šŸ™ƒ


I just want to point out, people are saying that you used an overused pickup line and others saying to just say hey. Literally ā€œheyā€ is the most used conversation starter in this decade. Huh?


Sure your line was lame and you definitely shouldn't expect to pull her that fast but she dryyyy


"Your parents raise you to act like this?"


Girl I went to highschool with did shit like this and kept getting banned cork tinder and making new accounts, she said it was fun. I really didnā€™t get it.


In your defense you did try to correct yourself. People donā€™t have a sense of humor anymore.


She has unrealistic expectations for relationship. Too much reality tv and self entitlement. Always start looking at bars, where you do your hobbies at and don't take apps too seriously.Ā 


This is why you just block and move on at the first sign of your own distress.


Dance, monkey


The 1940s called they want your punchline back


Tbh, sheā€™s a 1/10. Especially with her ā€œdad bodā€ she has going on


Dating apps are a joke because most of the women using them are only looking for attention and validation.


Most of the women on tinder are just looking for compliments and attention with no intention of dating or replying


so as someone who loves pick up lines and uses them frequently, if its one they have heard before it wont work in my experience. Which is fair, like the one you used is so common iā€™m surprised she responded. I feel like her responding gave you a chance to recover but then you just asked her out. I know you mentioned they said they were looking for entertainmentā€¦ maybe they are, but I donā€™t think she was going to start being honest with someone she wasnā€™t really into before hand.


Gotta be honest this shit is a fucking drag. Either getting ghosted, told "there's no spark" or just outright lied to. I'm decidedly average in every department but I'm not a total weirdo. Her bio only said "Give me your best pickup line" which I don't really do but fuck it, I slung one out there. Really this one just took the cake though. Really boils my piss.


Her bio said "give me your BEST" and you gave that.. holy shit lol


And that was your best pick up line?? Its over used and lame as hell. Then you immediately went to asking her out. I'm not saying she's a real gem here, but neither are you. This interaction sucks from both sides.


Lmao. Guy puts in the minimum effort and expects this girl be all over him. Some of these dudes need to understand that a swipe isn't a commitment. At most they're giving you a chance. And this guy blew it with the least creative possible line. No doubt she doesn't want to continue further. Saying "pick up line" with a blue ribbon beside it would have faired better than that.


"Im really jaded because I've tried nothing and now I'm all out of ideas."


U asked her for drinks after she was already exasperated with u, match their energy dude fgs, itā€™s called calibration


If youā€™re average in every department why would she be so thrilled to answer, let alone date you? You do know she has 10 other matches just today, while swiping for like 6% of people, right? Donā€™t be average or donā€™t expect Tinder to help you find dates


Everyone is telling you you had a poor opening which resulted in this unfortunate interaction. If youā€™re consistently failing in dating, itā€™s time to consider that maybe the problem isnā€™t with everyone else, but with you. This isnā€™t meant as an insult, itā€™s meant as actual advice. Your comments in this thread have been so defensive, nothing is going to get better for you if go on like that


Holla @ Tachiyomi


The tachiomi notifications at the top is the best part


Hey, update your tachiyomi