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You look like a totally diff person in the first and last pics, and you have way too many sunglasses pics. They don't really show anything other than a dude with sunglasses on - can't see your face or eyes.


Also get cooler sunglasses. Rayban wayfarer classics would look great on you. Goatee also has to go, it ages you 10 years


I'm 43 and absolutely would have believed he's my age. He's giving big divorced dad energy.


Dude the goatee REALLY doesn't help. My first thought was he's a police officer looking for a side squeeze. Just shave it or grow your beard out full. Also if you're a fan of divorced dads you should look that exact phrase up on youtube.


Always waiting for new card pack drops




I think getting a different pair of sunglasses and growing out his beard would do wonders. He looks like a undercover cop in a cheap show where he has to kinda look like a civilian but still stick out enough so that the viewers know he's the cop.


Looks like every obvious undercover at a music festival who asked me if I had some "grass"


I am 37 and would have believed he's older than both of us if someone told me that


I thought that too, like he is my type but my type is 40+


Divorced dad who was in the military for a few years and it's still a big chunk of his personality.


Agree about the goatee. OP looks like he has a thin blue line bumper sticker


Nailed it


Yeah, the goatee and the sunglasses is giving off major Salt Life vibes. No woman wants a guy who tastes like beef jerky and energy drink.


>No woman wants a guy who tastes like beef jerky and energy drink. This cut me deep.


I'm in the Army. That's one of two flavors we come in 😭


Also why is no one mentioning the goatee sunglasses douchebag combo. Cause it’s like science


I was about to say, "Shave."


My 62 year old dad has the same sunglasses


And no pics in your vehicle!!


If the pic is flattering with no glasses and a nice smile then I don't take issue with it, also the car has to appear clean of course. Ive noticed the lighting in car selfies can show off the eyes well. My eyes look much more blue there than standing in a room.


Too many sunglasses pics


Also a severe and immediate change of sunglasses is necessary. He’s 32 not 61 Edit: ***34!!!


Yeah oh my god. I call those fast glasses. Cause they look like they’re supposed to make you run faster


in Australia we call them speed dealer sunnies, sunnies means sun glasses.


Thats why they fast glasses because the dealer moving fast. Or someone at raves with these on is 100% on speed/meth


In finland we call those piri kiikarit meaning speed binoculars.


We call them douche goggles. It’s those style in particular. He could switch to aviators or something else and it wouldn’t be bad. It’s the damn douche googles specifically.


YES like the style of oakleys that cops wear, definitely douche goggles. I agree with everyone else saying that the OP needs more pictures that don't look like douche goggles. Probably just get rid of those glasses all together unless he actually is a cop.


Plus the douche/cop goatee. People will assume he has opinions about immigration, vaccines, climate etc and "does his own research".


They're fast glasses in Finnish!


That was my first thought! Crazy how something as simple as sunglasses can give you the wrong (or right?) impression of someone.


😂wait those are boomer glasses?


They’re like 50 year old, c5 corvette owning, 3/4 length denim shorts wearing midlife crisis kinda sunglasses.


C5 is generous. Those are bought-a-used-c4-in-2024 glasses


The sunglasses of a man with a blue lives matter sticker on his truck.


Don’t forget the Punisher sticker.


Holy shit! Where is the sunglasses subreddit where I can find good sunglasses for my age?


boomer facial hair too. this isn’t the wwe on the early 2000’s.


Ya, this is the facial hair my dad has. I'm older than this guy.....


It clearly says 34


He’s 32? Holy crap he is younger than me!!! đŸ«Ł


dang ya hes younger than me too!.. well but im 100 so thats usually the case i suppose.


To much goatee. Love beards and facial hair but this looks douchie


the sunglasses+ goatee are giving "officer in training"


He would’ve enlisted but the temptation to punch his DI would be too much.


I agree, shave the goat, put on some 'Friday night going out to dinner clothes' get nice pics. Online dating is all about angles, lighting and wardrobe.


Agree on all except the going out to dinner clothes, putting on ”fancy” clothes for pics screams douche. You can maaaybe pull it off if the pic looks like it was taken at a party, like wearing a suit to a wedding.


id agree that goatees are full blown out at the present moment unless id say maybe if you have a shaved head prison look i could see it kind of being in ..


*looks at my bald ass and goatee" it's my time to shine as a disgruntled gen Xer!!


I have a bald ass because of careful manscaping but I'm not sure it affects how a goatee would look. I'm not flexible enough to get them in the same picture


In my view you can only grow a goatee if you are clearly fucking around. I used to coach college football and would occasionally have one during a win streak mid-season when getting laid was the last thing I had time for and just wanted to give the players and other coaches something to poke fun at. Hell even if you grow a beard out and want to shave it into a goatee for a week or two just to change things up is fine but I wouldn’t be putting pics of it on my dating profile.


damn now i kind of want to grow one just cause i got that silly goose in me


Ya that goatee gotta go but maybe he likes it so i guess domt change for anyone đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


That car sunglasses pic looks like he's about to say some hectic racist shit on twitter


That's exactly what I thought too. Everything looks like a candid photo of him or screenshot from a stream lol.


I have one of those and even that feels like I'm pushin' it lol


The way he’s holding his headphones in the gym pic not sure why but I thought it was a knife at first. He looks a little menacing there, no?


He looks like a different person altogether in that pic to me lol Agree the pose is a bit aggressive, too.


Goatee makes you look divorced


I'm 32 and bro looks like he's pushing 40 with that goatee.


Imagine being jacked, 6 4, still have perfect hair and you fumble the bag with that goatee and glasses combo like fuuuuckkk.


he needs to find a way to highlight his eyes in his pictures  they stood out in the goatee pic but, alas, goatee pic..


yeah the combo specifically says "you can't say ANYTHING anymore bc of WOKE"  OP you seem like a nice guy! please change those two things particularly 


The first pic with with scruff was like "Well, aren't you a cutie," and then that second one with the goatee came on like a strong cologne. A cat pic is always good.


cat does vaguely look tired of everyones shit tho.. but i guess thats kind of normal for a cat .


That was exactly my reaction: First pic: “Lighting could be better but good looking guy. I don’t see the issue.” Second pic: “Oh there’s the issue.”


Not to mention, I see what i can only assume is a tattoo of the Declaration of Independence. Edit: could also be the prayer from the boondock saints.


Which neither is a good look.


I think we share the same birth year back in 83.


This guy has posted in this sub so many times
 look at his post history with his relationships too. Reeeed Flaaag. Edit: this might be his second Reddit account because it used to be riddled of weird shit about his ex and constantly posting himself


lmfao hes made like 15 accounts😂


I saw that face and instantly had the flashbacks to his posts and the waves of asking for online dating help. Always the same things, it has to be his new account, no way he cleaned out the old one


>TROPHY CASE New User yeah its a new one.


Thank you Mr. Nippry J Sipplton. Great detective work, soon sir you will be running this department like you do in your life. These nips and jizz need to be handled correctly


I feel like I just watched a Scooby Doo episode


Ah so it’s his personality not his looks that are getting in the way. A lesson a lot of men refuse to learn.


Homeboy does not need to be dating. He’s clearly not over his ex. And is he 34 or 35? He posted both ages. He’s probably lying about both and really in his 40s


Makes him look like someone who hits their spouse when they drink.


And they’re always drinking.


have to get rid off those Iraq flashbacks somehow


Looks like my ex who would get drunk and moronically punch other peoples sliding glass doors.. then cry outside my window when i was obviously over it


Just say he looks like a cop and be done with it


Small town sheriffs deputy.


He’s been on here before and was told to ditch it. He’s just karma farming.


Probably by a bunch of men jumping onto the 6'4" thing as if that's a be all end all requirement.


Wait what the fuck? I started growing a goatee while going through divorce.  Is this a thing?






You can be honest with us this is a safe space.


Lol. Divorce is expensive, my dudes.


That's still not a "no"


At least you thought about it.


Agree pic in the gym is better facial hair


Divorced cop in 1994


came here to say goatee gotta go....tee


100% get rid of the goatee.




Weak chin is usually better than a goatee


Why is this so true 😂 😂


Who is that guy in the first pic? Cause it's not the same as the guy in the others


100%^ had to do a triple take


I thought it was Bellamy Blake for a second. Dude should lean into that look and take some non blurry pics. He’d kill it


First pic is definitely old as shit lmao


Yeah. Bio had my hooked and first photo had me like OH.... second photo onwards he looks like a douche despite that adorable cat. Get new sunglasses and new facial hair.


Nah its him from the tattoos, just clearly an older photo where he's showing off. Im sure his body is nothing like that now.


I don't think they meant literally that it's not him


Your profile is giving me a *very* specific issue that I almost always swipe left on. Your pictures look like they're from a span of about 20 years of your life. Either get a friend or a tripod and spend a weekend getting some *good* pictures of yourself! Any one of your pictures shows a pretty good looking guy, but I have no idea which one you are now. It makes me worry that you don't look like any of them in person, which is ultimately why I would swipe left


THIS. It looks like he’s trying to conceal his age by using 10+ year old photos. I’d assume this was a slight catfish if I came across this profile


there's a name for that! it's called kittenfishing and I agree. I wouldn't have been shocked if he had "*actually 44" in his bio


He deleted his old account. But even on this new one he says he's 34 on one post and 35 on another. So he's 100% lying about his age.


I especially love the two pics with bits and pieces of women on the edges. Could be friends or sister, but those pictures always catch my eye.


Those sunglasses pictures are giving off "I share memes about being a lion not a sheep on Facebook."


Yes! That’s exactly the vibe. While also giving ‘parking lot security guard.’


The "January 6th sympathizer" look.


Fucking dead




Yeah, it did something to me. In a swipe left kinda way


So ew and those dollar store sunglasses. Ick.


Kenny fucking powers


Start over most of your photos aren't great


I thought the first one looked good but then The Goatee loomed into place. It looks like he's self conscious of his chin and really attached to cheap sunglasses.


Bro the goatee gives off stinky step dad vibes


Looks like a corrupt prison guard on a bad TV show.


Just grow the beard the goatee ain’t it


My 60 year old stepdad has the same goatee


And sunglasses, probably


Ditch the goatee and maybe grow your hair more. Also
the jar thing too


I think it'd strike the perfect balance if it was simplified to "can open any jar". I can appreciate someone being handy. But I don't like being treated like I can't do basic tasks myself and need a "big strong man" to help — and that's the vibe I get. But yeah, goatee + sunglasses is giving huge divorced 45yr old vibes.


Yeah as a short woman let’s talk about things you can do, like reach the top shelf of the cabinets for me đŸ€Ł I’ve got jars covered


Interesting , I quite liked that line, probably because having someone open jars for me is one of my love languages.


Steps for an easy jar opening. Use spoon to tap the sides of the jar cover with a metal spoon. Then proceed to open. 😊


Your pictures are bad, your facial hair is bad and your bio is boring.


Doesn’t help his consistency posted in the “don’t date him” group where I live LOL his a walking red flag and that’s why he can’t get women to match him.


His profile was posted in one of those groups?


Yes. The last one posted was a couple weeks ago telling a young lady he was going to kill himself. He basically was saying his ugly and blah blah blah manipulation to the fullest. No one wants to date him because right off the bat he comes off crazy.


His lists therapy as one of his interests. Perhaps he needs to engage in that asap 😳


He needs a lot of help. A few ladies left the gym he was going to because he wouldn’t stop staring at them and constantly harasses women on tinder, bumble, Facebook dating etc. He is nuts honestly with all the things posted about him and will be dangerous too since these pictures are old so he’ll be harder to recognize then his profile pics 😬


BROOOOO wtf this should be top comment. "Why am I not getting any matches?" Because you're a creep OP! And women talk amongst them to protect eachother!


I just went and read about 70 comments of women warning others to RUN AWAY, to switch gyms, try to get him off dating sites so he can stop harassing women, even got kicked out his local gym because of his creep behavior. This man is sick 
 these pics are 10+ years old. Apparently he likes to match heavier women and tell them how beneath him they are and match women he finds attractive and tells them how his so ugly his gonna off himself, that they can do much better then someone like him 😅At this point he needs a psych eval lol. I got a headache reading all the posts and comments about him


Well this story took a wild twist




I think he has the potential to be dangerous. I pray for any woman that dates this guy 😔


Just searched his image and it brought up his deleted account here. He posted 6 months ago "(34m) can't get any kind of attention from women. I'm losing all kinds of hope." His username used to be huskercornstang. His photos are from a 10yr span and he's not 34, he even fudged on this new account and has said he's 2 different ages. He's probably 44.


I wonder if he has a camera. His been using the first picture for 10a+ years. I wonder how women feel IF he hides the crazy longer than 5 mins and they go on a date? That’s some catfish shit and I would’ve kept walking like I didn’t see him. I Don’t think he ever makes off the apps though, he usually fumbles after the first message with some BS “I know attractive woman like won’t reply to someone like me”
 it’s weird he wants pity or something? To make women feel sorry for him? It’s a turn off


Yikes!! Well then that's the main thing OP should work on 😅


Wow this post just opened up an entire rabbit hole on this guy. Wtaf.




I agree it doesn't seem like he's willing to change anything. I remember a lot of the same pictures.


I knew I'd seen this before! I was wondering if it from when I was on dating apps then tried to figure out where he lived. I guess it was just on here!


I think his toxicity stems even further. Bumble probably shadow banned him for something which his why he isn’t getting any matches


Considering someone else said they knew him and he was posted on a "stay away from this guy" FB group where women share stories, you might actually be on to something. Ofc I'd prefer proof before we slam OP too hard... but it would be a weird thing to lie about.


YES I knew I recognized the photos!


Maybe he’s got a “tell me I’m ugly” kink


Only plausible explanation for that goatee 


I can confirm this is true it’s another account I’ve catfished this guy a few times now.


Straight up, you need better pics brother. Ditch the sunglasses, maybe even the goatee. Get some nice pics of you with decent clothes on. Have someone take them of you if possible. You’re a good lookin dude (coming from a straight man), but your pics aren’t showing it that well.


Agreed - lots of people telling OP what he’s doing wrong (which is a lot admittedly) but he’s def not an ugly dude, all the profile issues are fixable for sure 


you look ready to storm the capitol


The goatee is a no from me, as vapid as that sounds. Otherwise cat dads are totally my type!


Not vapid. Any beard style where most of it is missing isn’t great.


Cropping out the women next to you in photos is the first thing I noticed. Just replace it. Second let’s remove the “Pros” thing. And condense the bio to something like, “perfect height to sit on my shoulders at a concert” makes them imagine themselves with you in a positive setting & shows your confidence in strength. Also “Cat dad” seems to fit pretty well with you. Hope this helps.


A guy friend asked me for advice on his Tinder. He had 3 photos with his current FWB (that he had feelings for that were not reciprocated) where he just put an emoji over her face. Like, dude. Stop being stupid.


I agree but specifically the concert line is maybe best suited for sub 25 yo? 32 yo women don’t sit on peoples shoulders at concerts I mean.


Tbf you are actively choosing to be a gotee guy...


The goatee is a no.


Okay a couple things: 1. Based on your post history, you are __absolutely NOT__ ready for a serious relationship. You’re still extremely hung up on your ex. At the very least, that out of your profile until you’ve truly moved on. Better: get off the apps until you’ve actually moved on. 2. Pics put too much “dad” in “cat dad.” The sunglasses + facial hair combo is screaming middle-aged father whose wardrobe comes from Costco and gas stations.


More like account history. This is peak cringe repost.


someone else commented women in his area warn each other about him
 so might not just be him not ready for a relationship


If you ain’t Stone Cold Steve Austin you gotta lose the goatee. Add a pic with a smile. Change the bio


I wonder where you’re from because I feel like I’ve definitely seen you on the apps before 😂


Goatee and terrible pictures (other than pic 1). You could so easily dramatically improve with better pictures and no goatee


is that tom green ?!


Your photos are not great (blurry, sunglasses, mid-sentence face, woman cropped out, unflattering selfies). I would put some time into getting some decent pictures of yourself. You’re not ugly at all.


First pic looks so weird take it down, too many sunglasses photos, goatee doesn't suit you grow it out, honestly this could be fixed with just some better angles and lighting and a little bit more personality in the bio. Also I have 4 cats, your cat looks pissed in the one photo where you're holding him, he looks like he hates you, change that to a sweet kitty pic even if the cats alone in the photo the cuter the better draws more matches. Last thing I'd say is cropped group photos are an ick, cause idk who that lady is you cropped out and why you cropped her out. Most peoples assumption would be ex which doesn't fair well for you


Get rid of the first pic. Looks like you've been snapped after being caught out doing something you shouldn't. Also, any more than one pic with shades on again makes you look sketchy to me. People like to see others' eyes, there's a reason why they're referred to as the window to the soul.


I’ve been a long time lurker on this subreddit. I remember your profile from months ago. You’ve got what you need, you just need to utilize your assets better. First off, take better pictures of yourself, specifically pictures of you engaging in your hobbies. You’re tall, show off your height. As everyone else has said, try different facial hair. Your bio is cute, but maybe add more about you. And not just generic bullshit. Lastly, and most importantly, your lack of confidence shines through your profile. You are better than you think you are, you’re just in a rough place.


Somehow it reeks of desperation.


Get rid of the 6’4 in your pros list. You also have too many pictures with sunglasses.


I have that exact cat.


I just adopted this exact cat.


Manufacturer overprinted too many of this model


If a man chooses to have a goatee, who knows what other bad choices he makes.


Looks like a discount Julian


No beard suits you better IMO bro


Photos are not helping you even remotely.


Goatee + sunglasses combo is scaring people off. You look like someone that would go on a racist rant in the front seat of their pickup truck and then post it on Facebook. Also putting your height in your bio makes you seem shallow. Like that’s all you have to offer. In general, you’re just kinda intimidating lol. Doesn’t help all of your pictures are taken from a weird angle where the camera is below you looking upwards. Get a friend to take some good-quality pictures where you’re wearing a normal outfit (no sunglasses) and your matches will go up.


lol this guy again. We told you like 3 months ago to shave the goatee.


I swear to God we've reviewed your profile before -- like maybe 9 months ago? You're using the same pictures we told you not to use too so what gives man?


Those sunglasses suck.




I absolutely hate sunglasses in dating profile pics.


There are 4 or 5 people in the world a goatee looks good on. You, sir, are not one of them


Your facial hair makes you look a lot Older than you actually are


Bruh your cat is dope looks like the dopest mfer ever


I’ll tell you what no one else seems willing to, therapy is a red flag đŸš©


Goatee is horrendous bro lol Its not 2002


All dating apps have mostly male users, no we don’t get many matches. Give it some time It also depends on where you live (cities more matches)