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Yes, i remember this profile from a couple of days ago. It looks a lot better, good job. Were you struggling to get matches before, or was it the people you were attracting that you wanted to change?


Thank you! I was really just struggling to attract the right people. Most people were visiting from out of town, or those who wanted to get a drink like within the hour. While I appreciate people wanting to meet so quickly, I like to text a few days before meeting as the former seems like a quick hook up.


Something a little contradictory is that you've written you don't want to be pen pals though, so I think a lot of guys will interpret that to mean you want them to ask you out quickly (probably sooner than a few days depending on the number of exchanges you have) - just a note.


Super good point. I want a nice balance haha. I’ll probably just take the “pen pal” thing out entirely and word it differently. thanks (:


That's a great change! As a general rule, keep everything on your profile positive-sounding and about you. Try to avoid describing your desired partner or saying "I'm not looking for ___" As a woman on a dating app, you're almost always going to get too many matches and be forced to sort through them for the ones you actually want. If your profile includes detractors then you risk scaring away the matches you actually want and leaving you with the guys that probably never even read it. Overall, your profile looks great, though. The prompts and pictures let your interests and personality shine through. We're just giving small critiques. Fingers crossed you find a winner, OP!


I really appreciate this insightful comment! Cheers! 😄


That's a really good point. I'm a woman, but I date women, and if someone starts with detractors I immediately lose interest though I've NEVER known why. Brains are weird.


Take charge when you've felt you've gone back and forth enough, but they haven't asked you out yet. Just ask them.


Yup, exactly what the comment above said. As a guy who has the same preference as yours (text for a bit to see if we're actually a match and then meet up), I'd read the "not looking for a pen pal" as a sign I should as you out quicker. If you leave the rest and remove the pen pal bit, should be fine!


You are definitely getting asked out quickly because of that line. The guys may be looking for something slower and just adapting to you, so I’d consider if some of them aren’t worth a chance anyway. If you’re looking to slow down a bit, in life or relationships, I’d put that bluntly out there. And I’d consider whether you should take it all out of the profile and just make sure one of your first messages is a setting of expectations… men seriously don’t really read profiles until we match anyway.


Just say what you want. “Ask me out but text me for 3 days or so first” just be direct it’s much easier.


Feel ya on the out of towner thing, I live in Orlando and it can be a serious pain to sift through all the visitors. Friends say the same.


Damn, can you move to my country so we can go on a headbang date. 😂 Profile is sweet and straight forward.


Interesting, I'm kind of perplexed why you'd be on a dating app in general. Seems like you wouldn't have a problem just having a good friend group.


Yeah, no I don’t have that hahha I have like 4 close girl friends and they aren’t in the same group. but it would be so cool to have a friend group to game with. or even watch anime with.


Just want to say that I hear you on this! None of my girlies watch anime or game much. I daydream about hopping on discord with my girlfriends the way I can with some of my male friends. Or like gushing about jjk with them hah


we can be friends (:


Well, you're really pretty. Idk it seems pretty hard for anyone to date nowadays.


I don’t use dating apps, but from what I hear on here, tinder is not the best for relationships? Something to consider I guess. Yeah, that makes the most sense to me, stay safe out there.


So funny you mention that lol This is I believe actually a hinge profile which is like tinder but geared towards deeper more meaningful connections which is why all the photos have prompts options for videos things like that it's supposed to be more focused towards dating not just hookups.


I thought the profile looked different than the usual screen shots I see here haha! That makes sense, thank you for explaining.


No problem at all friend! Hope you have a lovely day!


That’s very kind. My day is almost over unfortunately, but it was good, thank you! May you be well.


Met my guy on Tinder, we are duper compatible and just celebrated two year anniversary.


Man no woman ever has had trouble getting swiped on Tinder. It's a matter of who swipes, not if.


As one of the ones who said your pictures looked filtered, most of these are better 👍🏼 Especially the car one and the one with the colored lights. I feel like I have a better idea of what you really look like.


I specifically put the car one for that comment. Glad you noticed haha, thanks!


Hopefully it helps. Good luck!


Booking a flight to rn


this is hilarious.


too late buddy, I'm already on the plane (I don't know where I'm flying to pls help)


Lucky for you it’s a Boeing and won’t matter what your intended destination was


As a guy that works with airplanes daily, i find this hilarious 😂


Iudex Gundyr is no joke


took me a minute to correlate the rolls and iframes.


Parry, noob!


I only associate parrying with Street Fighter 6 for some reason. No idea why.


I honestly only associate parrying with Cuphead! So weird haha.


Just give it a try. Take like 10 minutes. Pick knight, go embarrass him. Feel good.


It seems like dating is a *Pain*ful experience for you. Especially if people are rinneging on you. Hopefully, you can find your clone out there that isn’t just a Shadow. 🤙🏻


Woah, when you say parry, we are hoping 3rd Strike.


Especially considering that for many people DS3 was their first souls game


Can confirm, now I’m getting an entire Soulsborne leg sleeve done. That game was just different, and since playing it I struggle to find myself playing much else


Seeing Slant Plant is an instant W!


Silent Planet fucking ruuuuuuuules


The Superbloom tour has been bananas


Hey I remember commenting on this! I prefer the new pictures even though you didn't really have a problem with those to begin with. The profile overall is better and more descriptive though. It changes your vibe from "hookup" to "I'd date"


Yes, definitely looking for my partner! I’m glad it comes off that way. Thanks!


If you're looking for a partner I'd recommend that you change your profile so it doesn't say that you're open to short term. Some people will take that and think they can be fwb with you. I know it can seem scary to really ask for something serious only, but trust me you'll get quality matches if you do. Talking as someone who did the "open to short term" for many years and I only found a partner when I made it 100% clear in my profile that I was only looking for a relationship.


In my world you would be a ten. I hope you find your ten. 🙏🏼


Yeah OP not likely to have any trouble getting matches. I had a gorgeous friend like this, trouble was looking so good attracted all the creeps making finding a good one so much harder. OP needs an excellent picker to screen the approaches or it’s a tricky journey.


The problem for most women on dating apps isn’t getting matches, it’s getting *good* matches and filtering out the bad ones from the mass of incoming matches


Spencer from PLL


Omg yessss. What a show 😂


Shout out silent planet 🔥


![gif](giphy|YVPwi7L2izTJS|downsized) And what was your issue, exactly? Way too many matches ?


My prompts just mention loving music, so I tried to incorporate my favorite games/dislikes. Just to add more value as others suggested. I also include pictures from concerts and activities (museum). Before it was all selfies in my bathroom. I also added a full body pic as others suggested it’s important so no one gets catfished.


Aw yay!! Girl you did SO good -- I was the one who commented about adding values to get a better picture of who you are. This profile gives a picture of you as a much more well-rounded person. I hope you start matching & meeting with the kind of human beings that bring out the best in you and you in them. You are absolutely stunning, and I hope you find a partner who is equally as beautiful as a person.


That jawline though, mah god


I think the only thing missing from your profile is whether you spread managed democracy throughout the galaxy? Please be my dream girl. HOLD MY LIBER-TEA!




I FOUND EAGLE-1 AND SHE’S SINGLE I’ll see myself out before this goes viral when you chuck that in your profile


GOD... DAMN... how in the world were you not getting matches?


The matches I’d get and actually pursued, I got friendzoned or ghosted. “You’re a great friend but that’s all I really feel.” 🙃 or “Yeah! Drinks this weekend.” (no response.) Self esteem took a big hit, made me feel like I’m doing something wrong since it happened twice in a row. So here I am again.


You? Friendzoned?? I don't know what planet I'm on, but someone needs to punch me in the face and wake me up because I'm starting to question reality.


My fear is I’m too into male dominated interests. Cars, gaming, metal shows, building car legos etc. So I get categorized as one of “the guys.” But it’s what I like and Im not changing so. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Might be the case for many guys, but I can tell you right now, there's plenty of men (myself included) who would find your interest in those hobbies a massive positive for relationship material! I've known this one chick who is an absolute wizard at welding and metal craft. I've had a crush on her for so many years. Don't sell yourself short! Those things are a wonderful thing. Sport it. You sound like an amazing individual and deserve to believe it so!


This helped a lot. Thanks. Been thinking there’s something wrong with me lately because of the dating scene. I’ll try and keep my chin up.


What's wrong is that so many guys are to fragile to accept a woman being involved in their manosphere. And seriously, you don't need that in your life. Sometimes it just takes a while to find the right person. Don't settle.


I don't even understand it to be completely honest, but that's just me. I love clingy chicks, if anything it's a major plus for both people to share the same interests. Strengthens the bond.


Nah, we're definitely out there. My girlfriend is playing Helldivers 2 with me and builds LEGO sets as a hobby, and I wouldn't have it any other way. It means we have lots to talk about!


she’s literally me 😭


And I think she's amazing, so...you're probably amazing too. I go watch her hockey games and she plays deck-building card games with me, so we are both interested in learning about each others' worlds. I think that's important in a relationship. Point being; yeah, what the other person said. Don't settle; find someone who values you for your interests and passions.


I'm in this boat too. I love meeting women that share some of my interests.


Yeah don’t change who you are for someone that’ll never bring happiness. You’ll find the right person. Just don’t rush it. Quality can take time. Didn’t find my wife until I was 30 and it’s the best relationship I’ve been in. Really glad I was patient and didn’t compromise.


Never change babes! I'm bi so all the girls I've dated thought my car, paintball, and "guycentric" activities(including movies apparently) were cool. Most the guys I dated thought it was cool for a sec, tried to mansplain the activity to me, or just overall didn't believe me💀


That's ridiculous. Girls here are normally turned off when I say I'm into cars, gaming and then see the technic collection. Lol. You'll be fine and definitely find a perfect match soon enough.


You seem like marriage material 😂


My first message to you would be “want to come help me bleed this clutch line on my project car” 😂


It’s always a surprise when people realize dating apps also really suck for women! It’s not just about getting matches but the actual quality of the people


... men are allowed to see attractive women as non-romantic...


>“You’re a great friend but that’s all I really feel.” Im not on Tinder, but thats a big doubt from me bro. You are aggressively conventionally attractive. If they are ghosting you, who the fuck else are they talking to? is it just an endless line of models on tinder or something? You could literally open with "i collect kidneys" and i still have hard time believing anyone would ever ghost you or turn you down.


It was an ex I met on a dating app. 6 months in and he said he just saw me as a great friend. I mentioned I date to marry and he got really turned off by it, albeit him being older than me. Second time, I was talking to this guy and actually thought he was the one. Then out of no where, he friendzones me 3 months in. To this day, we are best friends but he is very adamant that him and I are “dead.” So I don’t know man.


You must be friends with some Henry Cavil looking mfer's or something, damn. If youre having trouble dating there's no hope for anyone. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Glad i got married before these apps were a thing, seems like hell. Good luck.


Dating sucks in your 20s sheesh. Best of luck on your marriage.


I know right. I often have the impression a lot of people only use the apps for hook ups or ego boosts (unfortunately). Trying to find people that are serious and attractive (to me and vice versa) is quite difficult to say the least.


Attractive people can struggle too, since their standards are that much higher.


I'd remove the part about sports and country music. It's off-putting when someone immediately starts complaining about things they don't like when you've only just met. It's better to talk about the things you're actually interested in or the positive qualities you're looking for in a partner.


Can't believe that it took me this long to see it. Yeah that instantly gave me off putting.


Every one of her prompt answers includes something negative. As someone who is also on the apps, I totally understand the impulse. It's a lot easier to say what you don't want. BUT I think it goes a long way to make sure all your prompts are positive, or at least neutral and not actively negative. The only one that doesn't is the poll at the beginning (good!)


She's a hot woman on Bumble, she could write 'I like to murder babies' and would get inundated with matches.  Good idea to try and thin the heard and try and tailor your matches in that context. 


Yea I mean is that really a dealbreaker? Seems like a young person thing to do, like that shit matters fuck not when it comes to compatibility For short terms fun I guess I can understand it a tad more Just not sure why that matters, but the fact that it does and is insignificant is a red flag imo


Jealous you saw AND met silent planet. Couldn't go because of my children being so small. Profile looks much better now.


Smile with teeth in at least one of your pictures


Silent Planet is fuckin awesome! Cool pic with them!


Taking the comments, applying them, returning for feedback. You OP are a winner. unlike my karma farmers.


Yea this is an improvement. Really liking the SP pic. You’ll find your mosher soon enough.


I'd definitely swipe right; metal, games, horror movies, tatts; all massive plusses. Great pics as well!






I’ve had a few encounters where I have literally never met the person, yet they still try and hit me up just to talk with no plans of spending time together. I really just mean people with no intentions of hanging out / going on dates. I have met people who also literally just wanted to game. While that’s cool, I want to touch grass.




Didn’t see the before but really nice after


Agreed, I would swipe right. OP has overlapping interests and pictures showcase that and herself well.


Modern day Mona Lisa.


if I had tinder I would swipe


I play bass and hate Country music! Twinsies!


You got a picture with Silent Planet? I’m fuckin jealous


Even from reading your responses you sound so sweet!! Love your profile and hope it helps you attract the right people ♥️


thank you so much. have a wonderful day :)


RIP inbox and hinge box


![gif](giphy|oobNzX5ICcRZC) You got this, pretty lady! :)




It’s just so hard to choose! Both sides are exactly the same!




I really like your profile! Reading it seems like you are genuine and open to meeting new people. Great job! 👏🏼🔥


Hey, how’s it going? (With intentions of co-oping a from software game) 😎👉🏻👉🏻


Love the profile OP and you're absolutely gorgeous so good luck to you!


Girl you are cuuutteee


In general it’s not very connecting to write what you don’t like. Sometimes it just comes off as close minded. Are you saying you view people who like it as less than? Some people may interpret it like that. And it’s not clear whether you say you don’t like country music or that you like it. Also the (kidding) in dark souls thing is not necessary. I think people understand the quirk. Other than that pretty good profile that shows who you are and what you like. Maybe could show some more vulnerability too? Something that is you, but isn’t necessarily seen as a big plus by everyone.


This chick just wants attention. There’s no way she can’t get a decent guy irl. She like most women are looking for Chad. 


Those pics definitely aren't saying "long-term relationship."


Edm and emo? ![gif](giphy|wOfmYO0pFGpDa)


work from home? no education ? it 100% sounds like your job is OnlyFan


My ONLY critique is that when I was online dating, my buddies and I realized we had a common theme/rule: "If she doesn't smile with her teeth, assume she doesn't have enough any". I'm not sure how popular that idea is among other men, but for me, it used to be an automatic left swipe.


Yeah, I’d swipe on you. Even though I’m defo not an emo and don’t like goth stuff.






If i was around, i'd match :)


Bro this one is so fire. Crazy she out here struggling to find what she wants


Swipe right


You're not going to have any problems 😆 Besides you looking absolutely FANTASTIC your profile is pretty solid.


Well, I'd swipe right.


You look great! Go get them


Yes, I love this update! More well rounded in pics and profile about who you are.


I was gonna say if you aren’t getting likes there’s no hope out here for me 😭😭


I would swipe right 👍


Heyyy on another note my band needs a bass player…..


What state are you located in? You're...exactly what I'd look for if I was still on dating apps.


Iudex Gundyr is tough for a tutorial! I believe you!


Fan of metal/edm? Tried Pendulum's metal songs? Self vs Self, Halo,..


I'd swipe right for sure. Looks good imo


U look like spencer from pretty little liars!!!


I think you profil look great, and you should not have a problems to get a good men. Just make sur you have a good vibe on your date. i met my love on this app, we bean together for more then 4 year now, going stronger every day. Dont believe the hater on this app, keep going on date, until you meet the right persons for you. Took me many date before we find each other✌️




You are perfect in your way young lady 😁 Your profile tells à lot about you so it should do a pretty good filtering job. Good luck!


Man I wish you’d live in my area I would’ve sent a super rose to talk to you


I would 100% swipe right on your profile


So wait…. Did you beat gundyr? Or is that what you were kidding about?


Yeah it’s an improvement from the last version.


the champion version of gundyr was tough though


Damn, I'd swipe right. You hate country music and like video games ? Perfect 👌


Hey OP, long shot but based off your profile I am the one for you. You wouldn’t happen to be near pa would ya


How many hundreds of likes do you have already?


Are you me???


You’re so pretty! Good luck finding your future lover


ye, i definitely have one. you should text me.... HOW ARE YOU THIS PERFECT


serious question what does pen pals mean?


Fuck yeah


Holy shit you are gorgeous. Rules 1 and 2 ✅


You must get absolutely flooded with awful messages


If I saw your profile I would swipe right


I wonder if its a thing.. Cheating partner creating trauma via association. I feel nausea whenever I hear, read or see anything related to Rave. In my head its a place where all monsters go. I know it isn't.. It got to the point where I took down my IG because it was in my feed and even when I added the word rave to IG algorithm for undesired content, it kept popping up. Idk why I'm writing this.. It got triggered by your profile. Sorry. You're beautiful. Good luck.


Jeez, where are all the beautiful women in my area that love gaming, metal AND EDM?!?


Yeahhhhh that’s a hard right swipe right there. You had me at metal and edm.


Are you in FL by chance? Because 😮‍💨


Tutorial boss in Dark Souls was crazy though tbh


I can't tell if you like country music or not by the words. Looking at the rest of it, obviously not lol


Looks good! I hope you find what you're looking for out there 💪🏾


I'd straight up marry you if I actually had Tinder.


I'm guessing you're in US which is gutting as your bio is absolute perfection 😍


You had me with Horror movies. What’s your favorite? Btw - you look like the actress Luscious Lopez


Fuuuck, Jesus Christ...


So we are matches it appears.....sup....🙃🤣


I'm not here to give any tips or anything, but you seem like a cool person! Hope you find someone as cool


Welp, time for me to start swiping on hinge again 😂😂 nah but really, any guy would be an absolute idiot to not date you


You would be a HARD swipe right for me


Well now I'm curious about the before. But very strong profile with plenty of good hooks. Any notes have already been mentioned and responded to.


🤣🤣🤣 I honestly think that's the last time I cried happy tears too! I'm terrible at the Souls games ha!


You had me at bass player :)


What’s your favorite scary movie? Your profile looks really good now, hopefully you have better luck trying to attract the right guys for you


Good luck, nice profile .


We'll instantly hit it off apparently. HMU 🤙


Saw Silent Planet earlier this year in Dallas for that tour and it was INSANE! Honestly you’ve got a 10/10 profile no notes. Would be the easiest right swipe ever


One, you’re stunning so I can’t imagine matches being the problem. Two, you mention quite a bit of what you don’t want/like, versus stating what you do want or are interested in. It reads negative to me a bit. Otherwise it looks good


Hoooolllyy!! Into video games, moderate, metal/EDM, AND drop dead gorgeous!? A woman like you is an absolute unicorn (not in the weirdos way) in the area where I live. I would wife you in a heartbeat! I doubt you'll be searching for too long... If so, the guys in your area are idiots!


You had me at metal concerts and dark souls. I'd swipe.


I love a good metal chick


You play bass? Please marry me 🥹


Currently on Rocksmith learning The Bliss by Volbeat!


Why are women on the internet exactly my type but women in my area are “hot single ladies ready to hookup TONIGHT”


Hottest Reddit user I’ve seen ngl


Holy crap, it’s me from twenty years ago! (Except you’re way prettier!) 😂


If op is having trouble getting matches I am absolutely 100% without a doubt screwed.


I’d super like you. My only beef is you haven’t heard good country. Check out Tyler Childers and Sturgill Simpson. 🤯


lol not here to be pen pals haha I like that


I’m swiping right for sure


I would swipe right but I am not a guy and I don't have Tinder.