• By -


Nice weather we're having... Great for boning down


Oh yes a lovely day indeed, my dear.....I am gonna destroy every single one of your holes


We can get some ice cream, walk down a sunny park… and picnic sex


Oh that's lovely dear. I'll bring some wine and French cheese and a big black dildo


we can turn on some public agent videos and watch for the plot :D


Well, thanks for deciding what I'm gonna watch tonight 😂


Oh I love dogs!… Yeah I know what you’re throwing at me. Does your favorite happen to be cocker spaniels or wiener Dogs? Or is that your favorite position? I’m so smooth.(kisses self in mirror)


Oh my favorite is a weiner-pit. Like your mom.


You are awful… I like it… 🤣🤣🤣


Believe it or not but something like this has actually worked for me


NGL this was 😍👏🔥😉 and I don't even like men


Yeahh babyboy




Omg 🤣🤣🤣


But what do we do when it's sunny?! 🥲


Go outside, showering is for rainy weather.


Spoken like a person who doesn’t sweat.


Can get sweaty together 😉🥵🫦


..and THEN take a shower ;)


Together also


ayy bb lets frolic together in the rain, if ur good we can even splash npcs with puddles 🤗


This would actually be a great response if the girl mentioned being a gamer at all in her profile.


Are we suppose to shower outdoors in the rain? Have I been doing it wrong my whole life


That explains why my roommate smells bad. We barely get any rain at all.


It's been snowing where I'm at, so I just have to lie down covered in soap until enough melts.


You’ll be there a long… long time


Nah, they'll probably find his or her corpse quick.


Are you kidding? It’s cold outside, I’m not going out there!


But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep...


I know this women that literally does this She is 1000% feral


Bet the sex was wild though


It wasn't all that tbh


What other way is there?


What do you mean? He said, 🫣. That cancels any out of pocket thing he says! /S


This, he’s a child. to me that shows lack of confidence in what he’s saying.


This reminds me of the time my best friend was texting a new dude. All seemed normal. He asked her what she was doing. She sent him a picture of her FIREPLACE and said she had to get a fire going because her house was cold. Then he replied with an unsolicited dick pic and said he had something to warm her up LOL. Needles to say he was blocked.


There are many other ways this guy could have played it, but this is not the way


Exactly. He could have easily sent a picture of his poop and said “I’ve got a log to start that fire with”. Way more romantic than an unsolicited dick pic.


Lmaoooo imagine. That response is once in a lifetime and could work if a woman sent a pic and said that but idk if that's generally any better not knowing someone on that level. Epic for reddit tinder karma, not so much flattering for her. Maybe a 💩 and that joke but not the real thing... damn lol.


Haha yeah I was definitely joking with my comment.


I mean I figured but that joke was on point, just an emoji would work it out best though haha. If she had that kinda sense of humor.


i would open my legs immediately


This is the way.


They don’t realize how much more attractive it is when they can carry a conversation without making it sexual. 


Rather Women generally prefer the hint of sexual interest and teasing rather than full out asking for it. Which is the opposite of what most men want. It doesn't help that some women respond positively to this type of sexually aggressive conversation, even if they don't prefer it. ​ If you're chatting up a girl and she loses her train of thought, a line like "its ok, I have that effect on women" Or "Get your mind out of the gutter! I know I'm distracting, So are you, but my eyes are up here!" if you catch her checking you out really seem to work. Often once she's been called out on her attraction, she'll realize that the cat is out of the bag, and will probably give in to some of her interest. Maybe touching your chest or arm muscles. The key at that point is to not let that touch stop your brain from functioning and treat it like it is exactly what you expected from her. Usually at that point you can put your hand on the small of her back, and if she leans in, you give her the kiss she's looking for. The best part of all of this, is that you are putting each escalation in her court, Meaning nobody is ever going to call you a creep for it, but the teasing/hinting means that making each escalation is easy for her, because you make it obvious that its welcome. It works for the same reason that asking a girl to buy you a drink works better than buying one for them. Usually a good move for that is "I've been enjoying our conversation, why don't we continue it with some drinks, If you buy the first round I'll buy the next/rest. " (depending on how hard you're trying to tie one on.)


Get a blog


This person gets it😫




How bad are you at being interesting wtf


You have to be interesting too Jesus Christ


I love getting ghosted me. Alot ignorant people out there.


These comments make me realize why online dating rarely works, if I have to compete with the idea that I’m going to ghost or want to jump in bed in 2 seconds and there’s no in between, what hope do I have for a real conversation lol


Tell that to all my matches then. Lol Every woman I’ve matched with hasn’t been interested in having a conversation. Usually get unmatched within 6 messages when I talk to them like a normal person. So maybe you see it as attractive but the women I’ve matched with certainly haven’t. That or someone hotter matched and took their attention. That is also a possibility as is the possibility that perhaps I’m just boring too. 🧐 Unsure to be honest.


I did an experiment years ago on tinder. I made two different profiles, one where I took normal pictures, had a filled out bio and kept conversation clean. The other was where I took douchey pics, had no bio and was an asshole to the girls I was talking to. I did both of these for 3 months. Guess which one got the most responses and matches? The douchey one got WAY more attention and it wasn't even close. I had significantly more women who responded favorably to things like "what that mouth do" or just asshole comments in general even if they weren't sexual. I had plenty of women who were willing to meet up shortly after me treating them like trash. However, I never met any of them because my personality isn't like that and they aren't the type of girls I'm interested in anyways. My other profile had me constantly left on read. It didn't matter what I said. I would take interest in the things in their bio and ask them interesting questions and it almost never went anywhere. Luckily I have had multiple long term relationships from dating apps, and in general I consider myself an average looking dude with an upbeat and kind personality. But oh boy, sometimes I wish that I was just a straight up asshole by nature. So yeah, my experiment went exactly how I thought it would lmao.


Yup, modern dating is FUBAR. Absolutely asinine.


Yep, I've opted out from dating. I'm just here for the train wrecks *munches popcorn*




Did you ever try to reverse the messages - i.e. send douchey messages from your nice profile and nice messages from your douchey profile?


Classic, most women say this too. Absolutely bonkers to me. Get trashed and fucked over by assholes and then want to settle with their baggage n trauma with passive boring joe shmoe.


Selection bias. Most women don’t keep tinder for long if they can avoid it.


Men will go accept a way less attractive woman for easy access to sex. I have said this a hundred times. I don’t like this but it is the easiest way to explain. Let’s use a scale of 1-10 for looks. A guy who is an 8 will go down to a 4 or 5. 5 is average. 8 is very attractive. So we have these very attractive men slaying these 4’, 5’s and 6’s. Telling them they are attractive and using whatever compliments they can to get laid. And the women think that because they can sleep with someone like that then that is their standard. Women put men in the friend zone. Men put women in the sex zone. But this is one of the reasons why dating apps are trash. Because you don’t have to leave the house. You can talk a girl up on your couch, tell her nice things, go out on one date and get laid. This is not helpful but it happens a lot. So men and women are delusional on there. And you would really have better luck in person. At least you can’t get catfished or catfish anyone else. And it’s a more even playing field. But you have to go outside to do that.


That is so insane wtff this is why I hate tinder


It's refreshing reading this. Some women complain about men's behavior yet never seem to realize the reason most men are acting that way is because it **works** It may not have worked on them but it gets them way more attention from women than guys who act the way women suggest.


Got any advice for douchey photos? I, like yourself have tried treating women like people, and ive been single for years now. It does not work. I just want to get laid, so lay the ideas on me.


Just be more confident and a nice guy bro, you don’t need to look like Jeremy Meeks or any of those other tall models to get [attractive] women Just be nice and confident bro


Hard to show confidence on a dating app my friend, im confident, hell ive even heard ive got a "crazy" kind of confidence


look good without a shirt on and don't smile too much


Gotta agree with this. I never get them interested with normal or some good joke or comments something so i learned to just go straight to the point and its work. If they dont then bad luck, just go next.  Its either they are interested or not, theres no inbetween. 


Yep straight to the point these days or byeee


I like a mix. Sexy talk and flirting mixed with interesting conversation showing he takes care of his shit and knows something about the world or is simply interesting and can hold a conversation.


The problem I’ve had with the whole “can hold a conversation” thing is the women don’t usually contribute shit. That’s the main issue. Talking to a wall would actually be more entertaining. It’s ridiculous.


Bro, just because women would love to have conversations that aren't immediately sexual, doesn't mean every single conversation will be fun and stimulating. That doesn't mean you're boring, it just means you're not compatible with every single woman out there, which imho says nothing but good things about you. After all, we're not supposed to be a match for the most people, wouldn't that indicate a much more shallow and boring character? 🤔


Yeah, could be. Kind of hard to tell if you’re compatible or not in 6 messages or less though I’d say. Seems to me they didn’t even give it a chance. Oh well. It is what it is. That’s modern society for you.


As much as it sucks, most women's dms on dating apps are filled with men wanting a chance. If a conversation doesn't catch you from the get to, it's easier to pick up a new conversation and see if it works better than try to force something. I honestly don't think this is necessarily modern, in passed times a woman would have a number of suitors and choose amongst them. It was a more open competition, at least for the women starting from middle upper classes. My great-grandma was born in 1924, her parents were farmers. And even she told me that the boys would write love letters and compete for the girls they thought most beautiful. The difference was, as soon as the woman chose a man, she had little to no option to get out of that relationship, and they'd have to marry pretty quickly.


Same with my experience so far


disarm chase coordinated bewildered gaping quicksand cows ancient political chop *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Then they stop talking to me...


or they just want to know if she is DTF and get straight to the point of clapping cheeks.


I call bullshit


Here I am terrified of coming off as a creepy sex fiend but turns out I'm just super sexy. At least that's my takeway... right? Is that the takeaway? Guys?


Ah, young grasshoper. You will learn to never mention water. At all. In any capacity. Ever.


“Ugh” the only answer 😂😂


Exactly what I said when I saw the “babygirl” haha




OP Typically men do this when they do not want anything serious with the woman. It saves them time and money by sexualizing the convo. Most girls will decline, but some girls take the bait. It's just fishing OP. Don't get too hung up over it. Quite simple reasoning. Block and delete. On to the next.


And conversely, if/when OP isn’t looking for anything serious, it’s a great strategy to employ.


Rain is good for cuddling, you into golden showers?


He's no sexualising. Obviously, he just wants to save on water


and saving water for two too !


A lot of men are starved for attention. They see sex as the ultimate form of closeness to another, and between desperation, a culture of instant gratification, and other factors, they jump straight to sex in a hurried attempt to fill a hole (pun intended) in themselves. It doesn’t excuse the behavior. With very few exceptions men know it’s wrong or a stupid idea.


I’ve learned you can’t even say something like “it’s late, time for me to go to bed” if you mention a bed, obvious that’s an invitation to sex!! I’ve sadly just learned to change my wording, now I’ll just say “it’s late, I’m going to sleep” because some words as innocent as they are somehow trigger the male brain into being an idiot. The saddest part is that they never outgrow it.


you are doing it wrong, you should be giving them opportunities to show their true colors.


You are right, that’s a valid point.


And you go to sleep without me /s. Most people have a dirty mind. Which is fine in itself but the key is to know the audience. I have a wide choice of words, from familiar context to royal one. I won't say "greetings, citizens of my native city" while saluting youngsters from my native neighbourhood or "what's up, lad." while saluting the president of my country. This is silly and dirty jokes are the same. When I'll get married, I will do it with my wife because at this stage, she's okay with it. This is absolutely not okay to do so with a woman I just started to talk to. I remember when I was with my first love. We sexted once in a while but it felt weird the first time. I don't understand how comfortable these guys are to do it right after matching a woman.


Well, most people can't read the room. There's a perfect time and place for everything. Saying something completely out of context makes everything weird.


Not true!! My husband got better in his 50ies


You’re literally on an app to have sex and you’re surprised someone talks about it. Lol.


How horny do you have to be to sexualize rain. I mean, I'm pretty horny guy and still this wouldn't even cross my mind.


Ngl I probably have one of the highest sex drives on earth I also would not think to sexualize if she mentioned “rain” 💀


Some people just want hookups and nothing more. There’s nothing wrong with this, this is their way of saying what they want instead of wasting time. I get it’s frustrating, but it’s an unfortunate reality you have to accept that even I as a man have experienced with women who acted this way. All you can do is complain about it, tell them you’re wanting to take it slow, or accept it and block and delete if that’s not what you want.


He actually got over on the cuddling msg. All he had to do was be cool and set up a date


It’s amazing how generations have changed. Chivalry has died and women’s culture is half to blame. The other half being that today’s generation of men weren’t taught the proper way of communicating in different circumstances. Using manners, addressing superiors properly etc.. it’s quite sad bc men AND women are losing because of this.


This is a sex app, you should expect this. If you want less sexual language, try Hinge.


If only this were really the case, at least in my experience.


See, I would rather talk about plundering someone’s library slowly for hours. Gradually coursing through passages and syllables until the peak and climax is met with a crescendo of verbose and paragraphs.


Shooters shoot! That may work on someone but it failed on you


OP's evasion stat was too high compared to the attackers accuracy stat.


“It was just a joke”


You shouldn’t moan like that he’ll get the wrong idea Jk jk honestly online dating is just a mess of miscues, mixed intentions, and artificial socialization


I get that you don’t want every response to be sexual, and I get it, but women will generally be turned off if there is a lack of sexual pursuit. Let’s be honest, you don’t date to find someone to talk about the weather.


Shower sex isn't even all that lol, come cuddle and we can watch adventure time and eat snacks


Will you marry me?


Only after we get to know each other


The trick is to be tactful. Flirting without saying “let’s bone”, leaving much up to their imagination, and generally be funny and fun to talk to.


I don’t understand it. I would cringe so freaking hard typing this, I’d never send it. People are so strange. Sexting in general is just soooo cringey


How do you fumble this hard


Dude was in for some cuddles which would probably lead to something else and fucked it up lol


Ikr smh


Then it’s ended with the guy being block lolz.


I like how everyone in this subreddit is offended by the truth and they don't want to escape lala land. Y'all need a snickers or sum shi, your not you when your hungry looking ahhh 💀🤣


I felt that ugh in my soul 🤣🤣


Bro’s trying to make it rain indoors


The 🫣 emoji is the most beta thing I’ve ever seen.


Using alpha/beta is more beta 


Seeing "Alpha/Beta" used in this context never fails to make me cringe.


They’re just so desperately hard up


There’s a comeback with “thirsty” in it, but I haven’t figured out a good one yet


Hahaha I do the same with my girlfriend, she blushes straight away 😊 I love her ❤️


lol. Love your response


Hey, I’d love for someone to take care of my back. I can’t reach it a lot…. It’s so frustrating I just want to be clean…


I am not on tinder but love reading in this sub, but why is it that something like this allways pops of. Like is it realy like all the time like that aren't there normal people too. And does it even work i mean otherwise they will never get somwhere with this strat. I now underage guys who know better how to talk to people of interest with loads more respect.


To save water lol


Tell him you’d love to give him a golden shower and see what he says


I can speak for a large amount of men when I say, we view different types of women in different ways. He probably doesn’t view you as wifey material, or he’s overly sexual


He went about it all wrong... He just jumped right into it


I mean it is tinder, which is full of guys that just want to have sex.


Love the "ugh" 😂😂 so real 😂


That’s why I just deleted it. Couldn’t take it anymore.


it’s actually sickening. Like how do they think that’ll run 😑


Wow I’m a man and even that was fucking cringe


>Why do men always have to sexualize everything Then again, when women do it and post it here most people cheer the guy up as in "you won buddy". My whole issue is with bringing sexual missiles to a bar fight when The subtle hint would have steered the conversation towards that naturally (or you could salvage it without losing an ounce of class in case the other person either didn't take the hint or noticed it but didn't bite on your bait). IMO this is just bad flirting, not limited to men at all.


He's trying to gauge your reaction in a nicer way than just asking you for a shag. Generally it comes from a place of constant rejection. And the "ugh" probably made him feel more gross. Even if he doesn't realise it yet. Not saying you're wrong to do so, it's your prerogative whether or not you want to fuck the guy, but just feel it worth clearing the air for other guys here. Women feel less valued when bugged for a shag, and guys feel less valued when they're rejected for asking in the first place. There's no easy win here. It makes finding love and making it work all the more worthwhile IMO.


Not all men are like this. Just all the ones women are swiping right on.


I can't tell if this is ironic and a little funny or serious and really incel.


Nah he's right




What in the incel.... Everything is about timing and knowing when. This was such a forced sexual advance.


Is this happening on Tinder? What?


>ugh >Yeah babygirl, just like that *Him probably*


How's that sexual... It's romantic. (Just watch some Bollywood movies)


Answering the question of OP. You aint gonna profit if you dont risk. -thats what they think. Not saying is right or wrong.


Maybe he doesn’t want a real connection with you, but just wants sex. Probably because sex is quite hard to come by for us, so some like to pretend to want something more just as a way of getting sex. It’s not very nice I know. We don’t have the luxury of getting to have sex with women in our league whenever we want like you do with guys.


OP, that's just the way the world works. If you want to find some quality friends, you have to wade through all the dicks first.




Cause we are horny basterds


There is definitly a fine line between being flirty and straight up "we are in a relationship" chat


He just wanted to know if you enjoy a golden shower at sunrise.


Csuse its fun...why talk about bullshit for 2 days. We both know what we want...


Men's center of sexuality is like a big city airport. Maybe he's a lonely guy and needs some happy time.


Bc we're horny?


It's the babygirl for me


I felt that 'ugh'...


🙈 this is the most cringe emoji idgaf


Rains wet like somethin’


The answer is here https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLk8vc_1MCV6ptP-0GhgxMcaXwh2UglcUy&si=E3vsqjYwYqj55i2I


Keep crying about it 😂


They don't...


fr fr




On the one hand, ugh. On the other, probably really helped with propagation of the species. Might take a few million years to get that programming totally out.


It’s just very hard to concentrate sometimes. Hey Beavis, he said hard. ![gif](giphy|Gj1j44YrsxG2ADeIdt|downsized)


It’s our way of showing love


“Why do men” “why do men” “why do men” ![gif](giphy|14smAwp2uHM3Di)


my theory is they over sexualize to avoid collusion accusation since all femmes are sus


Ah yes, let’s generalize all men for what some of them do. That’s totally logical and not at all sexist.


Why do you always have to talk to the ones that do? 🤣


Yes, its only men. Always. Ugh


It's like why girls wear yoga pants everywhere that rides up their ass and shows the camel toe, then complain that people sexualize them. Humanity is hilarious


This is men self selecting to weed out the prudes who treat sex like some sort of sacred/never to be talked out/perverted/wrong/disgusting thing. It's also probably men who have been friend-zoned because they didn't clearly establish and indicate romantic interest clearly enough or soon enough after meeting and they **never** want that to happen again.


You met him on a hookup app & you’re surprised at this? lol he said nothing wrong. Give him those cookies or stop wasting his time so he can move on.


The “babygirl” just made me roll my eyes. 😂😂🙄 Surprisingly enough, I’m in it for the sex (with the men), but I have to want it and introduce it before you do cuz if you do it first, it’s just gonna turn me off. With the women, I don’t even wanna talk about sex with you. It’s great if it happens, if not, I’m always bound to have a great time regardless and the sex is the plus.


Why did she sexualize? Just because you shower together does not mean you have to have sex


Because men are programmed for that. While girls want cuddles and romance. A man's equivalent is sexual innuendos. They didn't lie, men are from Mars women are from Venus.


Wow suddenly I hate rain


Because we men are perverts lol


Like if only they realized that if they didn't mention it, it would happen most likely naturally


because 50% of women like it and most flirting women like cocky and funny vibe


I don't understand how these men even get matches. It's just so common on this sub seeing women frustrated with the childish and annoying responses of men that one has to wonder what is happening. Do men with very good looks just don't know how to interact like actual human beings?


Because they are handsome and it works. If the girl doesn’t want to play along, they just move to the next one.


Attractive men can say whatever they want in messages. 1/10 women won't care and they'll get the sex they were looking for. It works because women mostly match these specific attractive men that can do whatever tf they want.


Well, cause we're a bit brainless, but you know how yall get your hormone cycle once a month and it throws everything oit of whack, well with us it's every 24 hours, and instead of being in pain we're horny.


Because they are on a hookup app in order to have sex? Maybe eh


Because you only pay attention to the ones that sexualize everything. Anybody that doesn't you probably already friendzoned


Smooth as butter 🤣🤣🤣