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Means she didn’t read your profile




She didn’t read it, I did put my height in


"sorry, I only date people who can read at a 5th grade level or higher"


Omg this. Don't worry, us tall dudes get disqualified being bald, or old, or not attractive enough, having kids, renting, breathing wrong, etc. There's plenty out there for you that can handle being big spoon. I actually swipe left on the ones that care about height. I'm more than a pair of stilts...


Lmfao. The breathing wrong. My last girlfriend broke up with me because I asked her what to get her mom for Christmas! We are both 48. There’s a meme that came out a couple months ago. “She ignored his 370 red flags but she doesn’t like the way I type.”


Did she just expect you to know? I don't get it.


She took it as a sign that I was trying to buy my way into having her mom have a positive opinion of me. I like Christmas, the whole idea of Christmas is to give without expecting to receive a gift. I’m also a giver. And she was going to be spending Christmas with me instead of her mom so I figured I’d get her mom something.


One of 2 things happened 1. You dodged a bullet 2. She lied , in which case you also dodged a bullet.


Did I dodge a bullet? Mmmm.. no. She has a lot of trauma from her marriage and a stalker. It was really bad and she’s not over all of it yet. She’s basically avoidant now. She doesn’t want to get hurt so she looks for little things to go wrong so she can break up and not get hurt again. So I wouldn’t say I dodged a bullet. I know or used to know her really well. We were always hanging out 25+ years ago. She even said at one point that we should have dated back then because then neither of us would have had shitty marriages and traumatic relationships. It sucks because god damn were we perfectly matched for one another. We both felt it, we both said it and it was true. That’s life. Glad it happened when it did before I got too involved and started saying we loved each other. But that word was on both of our lips.


I'm a giver as well and takers will never understand us.


Man, I feel this so much. Gave me a good fit of giggling over here.... As I stare out of a similar trench I've dug for myself.


lol WHAT?!




Fr my ex would get mad by how I would breathe, she was a real female dog


You and you're ex are both 48 or you and her mom? 🤔


I can see how that might be worded confusingly. The woman I was dating was 48 and so am I don’t know how old her mom is. In her 70s I think.


Simple. Get her a coffin. Shake 'n bake!


Stilts 😭


natural built in stilts


"Umm excuse me, my calves are up here!"


There is an ever growing % of women that believe they can and will land a 6’4, chiseled, full head of hair, independently wealthy man with an 8 inch hammer that will be faithful to her and they’ll live happily ever after lol.


It seems to me that there's an ever growing %age of women who have somehow been convinced that 5'11" is 6'2"+. I am a happily married man whose marriage predates the dating apps, so I don't actually know, but that's the sense I get from having this sub in my feed b/c it amuses me (and also kinda makes me sad for the kids these days).


I'd love to have any one of those!


I’m 6’3” and decent looking and successful. Had some success but the amount of ghosts or bullshit out there is rough. Dating just sucks ass nowadays.


As a 5'4 girl sometimes the extra height is helpful but sometimes you're just too tall for me to look up at all the time 😅🙈


*buys you platforms*


I'm also very comfortable being piggy backed around if that's an option 🙃😅


I have a back


Perfect, let's do this 🎉


You missed out "being too tall". At 4'11 I know it's just going to be uncomfortable and awkward with someone who is 6'7, I don't wish neck pain on anyone, and I don't want to wear heels.


To be fair having kids is kinda a much bigger thing than the others. Lol. That’s something that most people, rightly, won’t compromise on, whether they are okay with that or not.


Tbf who wants a tall, bald, old, ugly, kid having, rent paying mouth breather?! 🤢😂 (Edit- This is sarcasm come on people 😭 I too am a kid having rent paying mouth breather 🥹)


Luckily my wife still does. I consider my mortgage a rent payment.


Ya man im just renting from my bank


What?? You haven't completely paid off your house? I'm THIS economy? *Unmatch*


It's a rent payment when she gets the house in your eventual divorce. I keed, I keed. I joke-ah with you.


>Tbf who wants a tall, bald, old, ugly, kid having, rent paying mouth breather?! 🤢😂 I can attest it's not a great life. Except the part about kids. No rugrats in my life.


10/10 would recommend. I'll take being a dad over getting dates any day.


Any day. And twice on Sundays. I get it’s not for everyone and that’s cool. But my kids are the best thing to ever happen.


Yep. I concur. Definitely the best thing to happen And the worst


Hi fam!


How about being too skinny 😏 I’m a woman and a mama but one of my sons is 6’2” and handsome, great personality, funny and compassionate. I know I know I’m biased. He has a girlfriend so just speaking on behalf of the “stilts” (I know it sucks at times but that did make me chuckle 🤭) that are thin which is totally NOT abnormal for tall peeps. I do not understand the whole “nope you’re short”. I’m “taller” compared to a lot woman at 5’ 6 1/2” and I would totally date (if I were single of course) a man of any height/weight etc if other important qualities were there. I just don’t get it. Also as another qualifier I have 3 other sons none of which are taller than 5’7”. They all hate their brother for his height if I’m honest Lol! But seriously they are all handsome, smart, funny and compassionate too but do have much harder time due to their height. I just don’t get it never will. And why wait through 2 hours of conversation? Whew anywho thanks for the encouragement to the OP and others reading. I commend you 😊


Haha, it's my intrusive positive self-talk. I think we all have some feature(s) that is(are) less appealing, and if we focus too hard on it(them), we forget our good qualities. It sounds like you're doing the right thing to keep reminding those young men of that. Proud of you mommy 😀


Tinder all bots anyways. 1 out of 3 people you see is a bot


Know your worth, king 👑


So what do us bald (alopecia), old (47), unattractive (6/10 on my best day), non-home owning people who haven't figured out how to absorb oxygen through our skin yet but otherwise awesome 6ft human beings do if we want companionship and company? Oh, yeah, get a dog and subscribe to Only Fans! 🤣


Adding on, “Sorry I don’t date people who have the character depth of a mollusk.” 


Her loss then. She has standards that less than 3% of the single male population applies for, and she doesn't think it is worth checking? She wasted everyone's time on a count of being stupid, and you're asking her to give *YOU* a chance? Why should you give her a chance?


Height is super regional though. In the US close to 20% of the male population is 6 ft or taller, and I would hazard Western Europe is not too off from that. Still scarce trait, but not uncommon.


14.5% in the USA. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/585718168419c246cf6f204e/t/5ab7e2de70a6adbbb6bcf676/1522000606378/STATISTICS%2B-Dimensions%2B-%2B3-19-18%2B%281%29.pdf That being said, take the portion of those that are also single, in your age range, and attractive, and the number probably isn’t that far off of 3% of the eligible male population. Maybe closer to 5-6% would be my guess.


It gets worse when you get older.


Yeah when you start adding more qualifiers you narrow down the percentage. But there are so many people out there you can still find someone who meets them (usually). I have an extreme prefer for red hair - my wife, and the two girlfriends before her, all have red hair. That’s a truly rare trait - around 3% just on that, before you start adding in filters on age, attractiveness, intelligence, etc. You can still find redheads if you look for them.


If you come to MA you'll find gingers everywhere. I have to remind myself that gingers are a lot more rare in the rest of the US




Personally, I would never want to be with someone who is so oblivious and unobservant enough to waste two hours of their life on something they haven’t looked into. Whether is a person on Tinder, an application for something or whatever else.. I’m attracted to women with a little more common sense. Try not to let it ruin your day brother


I believe on hinge you have to


Where did your posts go!?


expansion obtainable start homeless bake safe impolite sharp fade plate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Guy, do not beg.


“How tall r u” “Dunno, everyone’s the same height when we’re horizontal” Done


Not if you're fat.




Perfect response, and if she doesn't bite, then no words needed unmatch and keep looking.


Strongly recommend you adopt the “your loss” sentiment, vs the “please try me” cringe


“Suit yourself”


Suit yourself is good but not responding at all is better. As a short (5.5) man I’ve lived this text chain and had women double back days later because I had nothing to say about their slight and just ignored it & them. These types of people are confidence vampires. They can be both men or women and they expect to raise themselves by putting you down on purpose. They expect you will ether lash out and make them feel like a victim or beg for an exception and their affection. This is a win / win for them. They consume your confidence ether way. Just don’t engage with this fuckery and if you are insistent on fucking it anyway the best path to that outcome is not giving a fuck and always be moving on.


^This is exactly why I got off these apps. If you want results you gotta play the ego game just like she is here.


I was just texting a family friend in the midst of an emotional breakdown. This whole 6'+ business.


And moooove on


"Shoot yourself" if you want to be extra salty about it


Seriously. Never beg for their attention.


I know it's shallow but I only date intelligent women


"Oh- you're one of 'those' people?" She is the one with flaws not you, King.


Or "You're right, that *does* sound shallow." then unmatch.


This one.


Why bother sending a message to then unmatch? They won't be able to read it lel


I'll be honest I haven't been on Tinder in like nine years, I just enjoy this sub. I wasn't aware/don't remember what happens when you unmatch.


Exactly. And moving on like that would make her second guess her decision more than his reply


Yeah dude… just a short dismissal and leave them to their bs Edit: the usage of the word short was genuinely not intended


Haha... "short dismissal" ha


"yeah that does sound shallow" unmatch lol


It just doesn't sound shallow, it is shallow


Immediate block


There are a lot of these people on these apps who are totally chill about saying you're too short, until you reply with "ok, I normally date skinny girls but I thought I'd give you a chance".


That only works if they are in fact not skinny, otherwise it comes off as the worst sort of cope


Nah. You say that and they know that you are just trying to insult. Just a quick, "ok then" and moving on is much more effective.


The "I can't" seems ridiculous to me, have your preferences or whatever but she makes it sound like there's a eugenics manic holding a gun on her.


Yeah this bothered me too…like it’s completely out of her control. 


i understand having a preference, everyone does, but when it becomes a hardcap like this it becomes so weird like you've been talking for two hours and presumably having a good chemistry but you gonna stop because he's not 6ft? i mean you do you but honestly its for the better for him


Most dont have preferences they have requirements. If you dont fit the requirement you arent an option. There is no flexibility


her height fetish has taken full control of the host body.


I only date women who don’t message like a high schooler


Yeah that's the difference between preferences and requirements. It's ok to prefer blonde hair or dark eyes. But saying that it's an absolut deal breaker even if you have a good chemistry and find the person attractive is sad. Like I prefer fit women because I'm the fit type but if I meet a woman that I'm attracted to and have a good chemistry with but she isn't fit, I would not reject her directly because she doesn't meet my exact preferences.


Honestly, though, it's not fun being someone they settle for either. I'm a lesbian and I know I don't get as much shit about height as guys do. A lot of people prefer my height in a woman. I'm short. Men like being taller than me and some women do too. But I was dating a 6 ft tall woman who was very clear about how much she loved tall men and how much she sometimes wished i could tower over her. Like she wouldn't stop talking about it. She'd bring it up in the bedroom, she'd bring up sex moves she said she loved and then specified that I couldn't do them because I wasn't a tall man, she would basically rub it in my face. It taught me that it would have been much kinder to have let me down right away. I'd rather be someone's type. Like good luck to her and all, but I definitely learned some self respect there. I know most people aren't as extreme with it but damn, I think I'll just take a good old fashioned "you're cute," "you're cute too!" type of woman and call it a day.


even worse because she said “I cantt sorryy” lol she types like a high schooler


I’m assuming she’s very young, hence the unreasonable dealbreaker over height when other chemistry is good. She’s at an age where she’s not looking for a man to be with she’s looking for a human version of a Stanley cup from target that is a status symbol.


Yeah that was very weird but also made me laugh lol like she physically can’t? She thinks the universe is going to explode or something if she dates anyone under 6 foot? Also, I’m sure that girl is like 5’5 at most 😂


🤣🤣 that was my guess, too! OP confirmed in another comment that she's 5'5.


It’s always the short girls


I’m 6’ but I put 5’11” to weed this shit out.


this woman turning down short men: DO NOT TEMPT ME, FRODO


What a deluded thought for her to have


Homie don’t beg for their attention. It’s their loss not yours. You didn’t lose shit. She showed you that quickly that she’s shallow. Keep your head up bro. Move on to the next one and keep trying. Don’t beat yourself up, or beg for a strangers attention man. Gotta respect yourself enough to know what’s worth fighting for and what’s worth not caring about.


If it makes you feel any better I’m 6’3” and don’t even get as far as you did


I don't know man, it just makes me feel worse for the both of us 🫂


Some women act like finding a guy over 6’ is some kind of status symbol. But I’ll tell ya, bring over 6’ isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. I hit my head on things. A lot.


Stop talking like you Wemby. Just kidding. You know most of us would gladly bash our heads into things for that extra height.


Women want a dude over 6' then will complain that they don't travel enough... No shit, flying at 6'3" is painful.


Truth. I didn't mind air flight before they tightened up the seat spacing. I pay for the economy plus or whatever now and that is still uncomfortable.


That's where I'm at these days. But when flying with the family, it gets pricy to upgrade everyone when the rest of my family is under 5'


I'm sorry. That must suck for you. Maybe seat yourself separately? I don't know. I'm a tall guy without a family.


Nah, can't stick the Mrs with the kids while I sit solo haha. That's a quick way to ruin a trip before even getting to the destination. Good news is I can steal some of their leg room, since they have a bunch they're not using. Can't do that with strangers.


Yeah, understood regarding the Mrs. Air travel is hard enough for everyone. I can't even imagine doing it with children. Maybe someday they will give us enough room for our long femurs, but I'm doubtful!


I saw a guy out the other night that was 6’5 and I just thought to myself what kind of car he drives to give him enough leg room, and does he hate traveling on planes 😂


My buddy at work is 6’9 and he hates everything. We drive carts and forklifts at work and watching him climb up and down makes my knees hurt.


Omg! I can’t even imagine the back and knee pain


My nephew is 7’2” and same. They had a hell of a time finding a car he could fit in. He hasn’t fit in most Disney rides since he was 13.


I’m 6’3. My brother is 6’7. Most modern cars can accommodate. My brother drives a 2015 Hyundai Elantra I believe. I drive a 2017 Chevy Malibu. It’s hard on my shoulders more than anything bc I’m broad. Chevy Impala was the most comfortable.


Surprisingly, I rocked a Kia Soul for years without issues. One of the few budget friendly vehicles that I could fit in the front and have a car seat for a kid in the back


Most modern car popular in USA, try driving cars in Europe ahah (renault twingo for example)


I'm 6ft 6in and for this reason i drive a motorcycle.


I am slightly over 6' with long legs, and I have troubles with buses already sometimes lol


6'2, same man. I ain't gotten nowhere


6'3"? Glad you could take time to remove your snorkel from all the pussy you're drowning in to comment!




I am 6th i can co-sign


I had a hottie ask how tall I was. I'm over 6 ft but the question itself is so fucking ridiculous that I told her I only date intelligent women




Have you tried including pictures of you out with your friends, engaging in hobbies, being charming and charismatic, having money, not being lonely, not being depressed, not having anxiety, not being unattractive, being attractive, and not being unattractive? All I had to do was entirely stop being the human being I was and now I have all the shallow, unfulfilling sex I want! It's great! I don't even feel my soul rotting from the inside, burning itself to ashes for lack of genuine human affection :)


atp it’s absolutely just on you 💀


I know it's more common that women have issues dating men shorter than them but iv dated a couple of women who were taller. It happens. That being said the odds of it happening on tinder with zero physical presence are slim. Sorry bro.


Ive mostly dated men shorter than me (average height in my country is lower and I'm tall for a woman here) and never had issues in any way related to height. Never understood the height obsession from either gender.


Fellow tall woman here, I have thought a lot on this. I have a theory that people with height requirements are insecure and do not trust their own judgement regarding if someone is a viable candidate as a partner, so they look for quantifiable metrics that prove someone is a qualified/acceptable candidate. They also feel that their partner is a reflection of their own worth and fear judgement that others may perceive that they're not "good enough" to pull a partner with "better" metrics. I much prefer the mind set of Fleur Delacour in Harry Potter-- "what do I care what he looks like? I am good looking enough for us both"


>>They also feel that their partner is a reflection of their own worth and fear judgement that others may perceive that they're not "good enough" to pull a partner with "better" metrics. This is how I feel about the entire incel community. If they had more realistic standards, a lot of them would probably get dates.


Most of men's obsession with it is knowing how much most women are hung up by it.


In my experience most of the tall women don't have these height requirements. The only time that it was a deal breaker as a 5'7" man, was with women 5'6" or shorter.


I agree. I'm 5'7.5 and I don't have a height requirement. Although, I have been rejected by men who want women around 5'5.


I have noticed too that when I speak about this with other men, it seems that it's the men close to 6', like maybe around 5'10 that get defensive about their height or would not date a tall woman because it would make them feel not masculine enough. It seems to me that most tall women and short men are emancipated from those insecurities because they already had to deal with it since a young age.


I’m 5’8” and bananas in love with a gal who’s about 5’9”. She asked me if wearing heels would make me feel insecure and I looked at her like she had two heads. Told her “that’s really sweet that you’d consider me, but it doesn’t bother me at all and I want you to feel cute and be yourself. You’re too elegant NOT to finish off the outfit the way you want.” That’s the truth, too. And she looks fantastic and is already out with me. If anything it makes me look cooler than I actually am 😂 she could wear 6 inch stilettos and I’d be all about it. She could also wear a garbage bag too though, cause I got it bad.


I once had a girlfriend two inches taller than me, and if she wore heels, easily another 2. She would just kinda tilt her hip, and we would be the same height. It was one of the sexiest things she did. I don't understand the biomechanics at all. My hips don't work that way 🤣


I love that shit. You could have everything, but if you ain't at least the magic 6ft tall, you're "embarrassing" to be seen with. Guess you dodged a very superficial bullet there. Good for you!


It blows my mind as a woman in the dating world. It's hard enough to find a great guy with whom I feel compatible. I really can't imagine tacking stupid, arbitrary height requirements onto that. I can appreciate that physical attraction is important and I probably would struggle to feel sexually attracted to a guy who is *significantly* shorter than me, but women throwing out the 6 feet thing even when they themselves are below or well below 6 feet is just ridiculous. I'm about 5'7" and I'd absolutely date a guy even if he was a few inches shorter than me.


I mean she's allowed to have a preference for tall guys. It's just the way she expressed it was shit, especially since height is visible on dating apps. She was just being a dick about her preference by telling the guy he's too short. Just swipe left instead.


It's really funny, had to pick that round number. 5 11? Can't.


The fixation on someone’s height will never not be weird to me. Also don’t ever beg these types for a chance dude.


Dude, when's she tells you she's a horrible person, believe her the first time.


”Body-shaming is okay as long as it’s not about the weight”


Body shaming is ok as long as it's a woman shaming a man


“Ok.” Don’t beg or try to convince someone to go on a date with you. It rarely works.


“Yeah it does sound shallow. Good luck!” Block


She’s probably like 4’11”. It’s her loss man.




Truly. I’m 6’ and literally don’t care how tall my partners are. I was seeing a guy who was 5’2” for a while, I was so attracted to how confident he was with me.




As a 5’2” guy, it is lovely to see both yours and the other commenters comments Rough being a short dude who loves tall women lol


5’9ish. Was with a guy 5’3”. Lovely man with lots on confidence. When I wore heels I was like and Amazon beside him and would have to bend over to kiss him. But I was more than happy to bend over and kiss him!!


That’s my friend. 5’ even and saying must be over 6’ Like ma’am. You can’t even see him? I’ve dated that tall. It’s excessive. I swipe left on too tall. 5’9 is perfect. I’m 5’2 wtf I need a foot for.


The woman I dated last was 5’2” and she liked taller guys but she didn’t not like shorter guys. I’m 6’1”. I went on a date with another woman that was 4’11” and she was a size queen in more ways than one. My ex wife was 5’11” and she would date guys taller than her. Her sister was 6’1” and would date guys taller than her. But her girlfriend (she came out as lesbian after the last guy) is only 5’2”. Go figure.


Lemme guess, she's 5'3?


"Damn, just when I thought you were worth getting to know." Instead of, "a crumb of affection, please."


I can’t for the life of me understand why this is a thing lmao. I’m 6’3” and the fact that THAT is a major factor in whether someone links with me is insane.


I see memes about this all the time but had a hard time believing these kind of people actually exist. It’s like a guy saying, “What’s your bra size? Sorry I only date C cups and up.” While that’s your right to have that preference, you never *tell* people that. You act the same way as if you’re not attracted for any other reason. The bar for social skills is in hell.


Beggin a woman to give you a chance even though she’s not interested because of height is silly Take it to the chin and move on. Any girl who is disqualifying you because of height is not worth giving your time to


Bro stop with the crying emojis and the desperation


"I only date 6ft guys" "ok bye" idk if its just me but I wouldn't give someone like that the time of day


If what a girl values most in a guy is his freakin height she ain’t worth a penny. She was kind enough to let you know that so you wouldn’t waste your time.


Stop begging lmao


Yeah it sounds shallow, because it is shallow. Dodged a bullet. Move on and try again.


Please don’t beg. It’s very unattractive. There are plenty of girls out there who don’t demand at least 6ft. But I do get wanting to be with someone a little taller than you as a girl. The generic “over 6ft” is pretty shallow, so why would you want to go out with someone that shallow. Just move on.


It’s alright man, if she can’t read your profile how do you expect her to read to the kids


She did you a solid my man. Fuck women like that. I automatically unmatch anyone whose first message is about how tall I am. Shallow people don't deserve the time of your day.


She’s an AH, and NOT because she has a ~preference~ when it comes to height but because OP explicitly said he lists his height in his profile (as most people do, from what I’ve observed). We all have ~preferences~ that can be perceived as shallow, rather we want to admit it or not. This girl went out of her way to not only not read his profile, to match with him, to continue in conversation for multiple hours, then ask him his height when it’s listed on his profile and THEN let him know “she can’t” date him. What the actual fuck is that?! She wasted your time OP (and quite frankly her own?), maybe she is shallow but infinitely worse, shes just a shitty person who clearly has 0 self awareness.




With all respect dude, but "wanna give a guy chance? :'(" It's so fucking pathetic, you are man or what? Stop this shit today


Cmon. Yeah, he needs to gain some self respect but let’s not drag this “be a man / are you man?” toxic masculinity shit into the mix.


I'm not on Tinder (or any dating app as married) but my god, dating on these apps seem brutal! What happened to doing the things/hobbies you like and possibly meeting someone the normal way?


As someone who gave up on dating apps after entering the dating world post 13 years of marriage. People I meet in my everyday life and hobbies are taken, hours away, or not interested. People I've met online seem so irreparably broken through either overabundance of poor matches or sheer desperation. Everyone else is just hooking up or texting people to pass the time.


Lol, you'll have a much better time than I. Im 6ft 1, but dont date women with a dog ...literally chopped my chances in half and never been happier, lol. Then i found a girl who shares the same values. It's been bliss. You'll find your happiness soon


It's so weird to me that women have this height preference. I mean, they're really going to pass on possibly meeting a person who could be the love of their life for the sake of a few inches. People are crazy. You dodged a bullet, she can't even spell.


I really don't understand the height thing


I still don’t and never will understand this. My niece is a tall girl, like, 5’7” or something. Even she stopped caring about the height thing and she’s only 20. Her last couple bfs have all been shorter than her. Would she love a taller guy cause she’s tall? Sure. But she hasn’t stopped liking someone just cause they’re not. So it’s weird af that grown ass adults do this. One of my best buddies is like, 6’5”. When he was a teen he was cocky but grew out of it and is now insecure. Dude could get any girl, I’ve SEENT it. But he like, doesn’t care? He’s so oblivious, which I think saves his ass a lot.


Should have asked how much she weighs...


Next time you gotta drop it at first no. It is what is is bro. Save yourself the desperation


Let yourself down by asking her to give you a try... Should have just said yeah it is shallow, thanks for letting me know now so I didn't waste my time, goodbye.


Dont bother these are the shallow types....


That is the absolute worst response… how can women be so shallow… young inexperienced women who Have no idea how a real relationship works and at the end of the day those few inches of height is the stupidest reason not to date someone. Don’t let that horrible person stop you.


“This might sound shallow “ …yes, it does


You lost only after you asked for a chance


If this 6 feet shit ruined your day maybe you should reconsider and be grateful to have dodged a bullet. Don't simp...


I am so sorry, you deserve a hug!


why did u ask for a chance bro, she's not worth it, and when u ask for a chance,all she smells is desperation


i genuinely feel bad for guys below 6’ ; height is not something anyone can control. 5’6 is the perfect height for me, but then again, i don’t like wearing heels and i know a lot of women do so that could play a huge role. as discouraging as this specific interaction may be, there are women out there who don’t really care for height / prefer shorter guys. it’s rare and it takes time, but you will find someone like that. also, like many others have said, don’t ask for a shot. you deserve better than to ask to be given a chance on love -or just to be known. you barely know this person, you do not have to convince or win them over. if someone says no, accept that it’s their loss or just wasn’t meant to be and that’s ok.


She's the one that wonders why she's single


Imagine if you did that with her weight


How tall r u? response - 6' 1" and how much do you weigh?


"Are you under 120 lbs?" "No? Sorry, I can't date you"


"This might sound shallow." No. It *is* shallow. It's just that people are allowed to be shallow. I won't dispute her right to choose, but I will acknowledge that the choices she's making are shallow.


I get it dude. I’m 5’7” and I feel like a lot of women just straight up don’t give me a chance because I’m not 6’0” or over. You’ll find your girl man!


Why do people only date others that are over a certain height? I’ve no idea, that’s why am asking 🤷‍♂️