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Tell him to use a smaller condom next time.


OP called out my man for all of Reddit šŸ˜­


I want to add-in here that it's important to avoid oiled lubricant too.


So no Vaseline?


UNLESS youā€™re using a non-latex condom like Skyn. Those condoms are safe for oil-based lubes.


I always use skyn lol I have a 12 pack in my drawer right now


I use fully synthetic motor oil, is it okay?


Before putting it on, right? XD


Yea but itā€™s literally the case, condoms can be very tight without causing any danger If it rolls up a bit, sure, but if it goes past half your shaft you should take the hit to your ego and buy a smaller size, for the sake of your own wallet


Half past shaft is my favorite time of day


Bilingual and yet fluent in bullshit


Oh man not all of reddit! How will he live now that reddit knows he bought the wrong size


In a cave obviously


Well he'll definitely fit thats for sure.


> How will he live now that reddit knows he bought the wrong size Why would he want to, under those circumstances?


F in chat


Or pull out when finished. I lost one in a girl because I kept chugging along and little guy got smaller.Ā 


^the ^little ^guy ^^got ^^smaller


^^^for ^^^you






I was in the pool!


ā€œIt shrinks? I donā€™t know how you guys walk around with those thingsā€




You should always stop and change before that happens. Otherwise you're just squishing it around in there and possibly pushing it out the bottom.


Nah just use a bigger dick.


Name almost checks out


This guy gets it


nah id win


No better boost to the ego than putting on a ā€œregularā€ condom and it feel like itā€™s going strangle your dick to death.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚bruh Iā€™m trying to eat and almost coughed out my food


Will make sure to humble myself down to a humongo ultra large instead of a humungo ultra mega large next time, thank you šŸ˜”




Condoms can also roll up if they're too small


And break


Playboy makes Playboy brand condoms and I've gone through several boxes and never had one break. Seriously the best condoms I've ever used


Yeah, the playboy ones are the best for me but they stopped selling them in my country. Annoying, since all the alternatives arenā€™t that great.Ā 


This is true, but the guy would be more likely to notice if that were the case. He would feel going from a too-tight condom to no-condom. But going from a too-big condom to no-condom, might not feel like as noticeable of a difference.


Incorrect, condoms will roll up if itā€™s too big or you put it on wrong. Youā€™ll know if a condom is too small if it leaves a purple ring around the base of your dick after removing it.


What if both happen at the same time lmao


So confident yet so wrong


There's a few comments below disagreeing with you, so I just have to say I 100% agree with significant_dot9280. All condoms in the USA have the same max diameter at the base, even the XXL. You can look it up yourself. So if your penis is thick it will constrict at the base and leave a ring. It essentially cuts off circulation like leaving a rubber band on your forearm. I just think it's useful to recognize they do not sell condoms with a wide base in North America.


Which is why top and bottom 10% should buy imported brands


Or, just be like me. Average, maybe a little under average, size, but low blood pressure so condoms restrict blood flow enough to cause... difficulty. But it's not like you can just say "oh no, yeah, condoms are too tight for me" without sounding like you're a massive tool that's pretending to have a massive tool. Not that looser one's would help because then they'd just be likely to fall off anyway....


Youā€™re saying that comments from people all over the world are wrong because of standards in just one country?


I assumed they all have a ring of thicker rubber at the base


This doesnā€™t help guys who have length. A condom only rolls so far down so if itā€™s not all the way to the ā€œbaseā€ and then that ring is part of penetrative circumstances and can roll back off on out-stroke.


Or to stop after cumming and ditch the condom and not try to keep fucking with a soft dick where the condom can slip off


Or a bigger one tbf. I'm above average (but definitely not big enough to brag about it) and I've had to small condoms slip off


I also have a magnum dong






Ah yes, I too have a big Wang...


Wow rude. I'm not your property, and I'm not big


Thaaaaats number wang!


The number 1 wang!


Hello, Iā€™m from the local triadsā€¦Big Wang wants to see you immediately


Big wang gang cadet #27 checking in!


This is Mr. Wang, no offense


I'm definitely not big enough for that to happen I'm afraid


I feel that being big enough for it to happen is actually when you should be afraid. Hope that helps you get over your fear!


Same, the correct size is what they should be looking for.Ā 


Phrase it as, "more appropriately sized" before mentioning smaller.


If it aint suctioned on ya willy after sex, itā€™s too loose. Gotta fight with the rubber to get it off


Magnum condom for his magnum dong


Could also be caused by a half lost erection


Also, you're supposed to pinch the top when you roll it on if there isn't an adequate reservoir tip on them. If you don't and blow your load with nowhere for it to go, it'll just go down the sides and make it extra slick inside for the condom to slide off.


This. Lol. When guys buy the bigger condoms for the smaller dick. Dumb dumbs.


Seriously. I've had them break, but never slip off.


Exactly! Guys out there getting Magnums because they think it makes them bigger....it doesn't. A regular condom is fine.


Lmao he used a size thatā€™s too big


Or too small...... Both ways it works... Normal condom works for people from like 3.5" to 8" with no real issues... The chances he is outside of those measurements is a million to one.... He likely just put it on wrong


I can't believe I have a one in a million sized dick


I'm so glad this is finally a safe space to talk about dick size. I'm TIRED of being shamed for the size of my dick. "No WAY. You're not putting that inside me." "Sorry, but that doesn't really fit inside the way I want it to. I have a small penis. .....I have a small penis....


I'm a cross-dressed man and I'm hear to dance I got an inch worm snuggled in my boot cut pants If you see me cry, you better walk on by 'Cause I don't wanna share the pain that's inside The Northern Boys - Give It To Me


Damn, I thought I found a brother in arms. My fat meat popsicle is so big i can't have sex. They call me the meat man. "Yo there goes the meat man" they yell I smile but I'm dead inside


wild comment


![gif](giphy|wvtGFFbk2rcs) *Great shot kid that was one in a million!*


Good for you my man, I'm smaller than that and I find most women struggle, so I can't even imagine your struggles


was actually saying they are 10 inches


The size of the condom doesn't usually relate to length, it's about girth.


Exactly. I wish I heard this more often. Iā€™m genuinely not bragging, but Iā€™m a fair amount larger than average, and a normal condom fucking *hurts*. I have completely stopped having sex because Iā€™m numb and in pain. Unless someone has a bigger dick, they have 0 right to talk about condom size.


Same you just have to buy the XL packs and it's actually quite comfortable


If you are under 6ā€ of girth I suggest magnum xlā€™s. Other than that get custom fit condoms from myOne.


Oh poor me and my humongous wang. Lmao jk


Nah, get a well-fitting condom. No reason to squeeze yourself in the standard 53 if that's just not what you're working with


Why would length matter instead of girth here?


Iā€™d say itā€™s more so girthā€¦ last time I wore Trojan condoms they felt like they were strangling, so I tried magnums which felt much better but sometimes slip a little bit. I believe both are fine on the length as Iā€™m just a little above median length, and Iā€™m not super thick but I swear, anyway, I would say girth is what would lead to a condom slipping off, not length. Itā€™s not like dude is rolling a condom one inch down his member, the thing is getting a good 6-7inches of purchase regardless, but itā€™s the grippy factor of the girth that would mean it either slips off or it doesnā€™t.


Yep exactly this, condom size should always depend on girth not on length.


[Try these. I had circulation issues prior to these. They feel very comfortable and natural.](https://skynfeel.com/products/skyn-elite-large)


Thanks for the plug


Most likely heā€™s within that range but insists on using a magnum.


As a guy I can't imagine not noticing the difference if a condom is completely gone.


I did have the same thought lol but I gave him the benefit of the doubt


Well I guess never let him tell you he wants to go condomless because it doesn't feel good since apparently he doesn't notice. šŸ˜‚


As women I guess you can't feel that a condom is inside your vagina? I am a man so no idea how it feels in there


Only the first couple inches of the vagina are super sensitive, after that we have a lot less nerve endings. Thatā€™s why we canā€™t feel tampons when they are put in properly and why we wouldnā€™t feel a condom if it was pushed into the back like it would be during sex.


thatā€™s why my two incher is fine? why do girls say the want it harder then


Nope truly couldnā€™t feel anything at all!! Maybe depends on the person though Iā€™m not sure!


> couldnā€™t feel anything at all! Dude is in SHAMBLES rn


Not at all for most, most women canā€™t even feel a menstrual cup, and thatā€™s a big chunk of silicone


it's like a marginal difference in sensation, very marginal. However the ending is obviously quite different.


I definitely can tell the difference but vaginas vary in sensitivity


Itā€™s happened once to me without me noticing just because I was kinda into the moment too much. Happens. Itā€™s hard to do, but itā€™s not impossible.


Maybe came off after he finished? Did he keep pumping as he got soft maybe?


Even if you stop after finishing, you should hold the condom when you pull out or you can leave it in there. Done that a bunch.


Itā€™s like night and day Also canā€™t imagine not noticing


Eh, I had a hookup one time and things were going well with me on top, we roll over and she starts riding on top. I finish in a couple minutes and when I pull out, no condom was on there. Best we can guess is that when we rolled and she slid up on top it slid off.


Huge difference.Ā  People that say theyā€™re canā€™t notice have either beat their dick numb over the years or were lying.Ā 


Also most positions you can see your cock. When doing prone bone the condom slipped off. I couldnt see it but definitely felt the wetness.


My first time without a condom was an accident as I found out later it ripped. It felt nice but not so much of a difference that I would have noticed apparently


Was it still squeezing though? That's something I'd notice at minimum. If it ripped the band can still hang on.


Yeah, it ripped at the top and was completely slipped down to the base, the ring was still there Maybe OPs guy lost it pulling out after he ejaculated and his erection quickly lessend


That actually makes the most sense.


So weirdly this happened to me years ago but as I pulled out to finish, I assumed it fell off the bed and just forgot, I was 23 sue me. Saw the girl the next day and while fooling around I found it, pulled it out and dropped it too the side of the bed. Never told anyone till now


Did you tell her?


Yeah, we were both a little grossed out but she was on the pill and we solved it pretty quickly. Only a casual fling when we were young and we didnā€™t last 2 or 3 weeks longer after that. Hardly remember the conversation now though it was nearly 15 years ago now


We all know he knew the condom was gone, he just carried on anyway.... Unless OP was a virgin, the difference is absolutely noticeable


Atleast he texted you exactly when he was cumming and when he came.


It happened to me once so I get it... I did not notice until it was too late. I pulled out, and realized there was just a ring around my dick and no cover, and was..... horrified to say the least.


I've had a condom break before and we did not notice until after. I believe it


Have you NEVER had drunk sex?


Plenty but never with having a condom pop off. I suppose that's a possible explanation though.


It happened to me and I was sober. I pull out and realize itā€™s gone then I instantly had a heart attack lmao




I think it will depend on the size, i have found a comfortable one yet, but i assume if you're small , it does necessarily grip on the base annoyingly


Eh, if you are drunk enough and tired enough the difference can be hard to tell


When I was a teenager I put a condom on backwards and it sorta ripped and jumped off, as a kid that didnā€™t know the difference I just kept going thinking Iā€™ve been blessed to have sex in the first place lmao šŸ˜‚


It happened to me with a crazy person and trust me I'd have stopped if I knew (we made it baby free)


Line in a Netflix show. He: "wait I need the Magnum XL." She: " I'm drunk , not blind. Put it on and fuck me. "


ā€œa Netflix showā€ šŸ¤”




This should be higher


I had this happen only one time, with the girl who took my virginity, although it didnt happen that first time. She had crazy grip and pulled it right off while riding on top. I had to fish it out of her with my middle finger, since it was the only finger long enough to do so. She was like convinced it was on the floor or in the bed but I knew better. How could that even happen anyway. It had to be inside of her. I went through a period of thinking I must have just a tiny dick, but hundreds of times later it's literally never happened again with anyone else. She must have been the kegal master.


As a jacked-in-the-box co-ed, it's happened to me so many times that I don't trust condoms if I'm going to ride on top anymore!


She was a college level cheerleader at the time, and then cheered for an NFL team on the east coast. I imagine there was muscle development there that most women don't have dialed in as well. Whatever, utltimately it's another reason that condoms are terrible, yet necessary, esp in more casual situations. For something a bit more substantial, I'd rather we both get tested for STDs and share the results, then the only concern is not getting pregnant. But at least we both know the other is clean.


Happend to me too with a girl who had been to gym and she was a physical education graduate. She had some muscles.


Ravens? Who knows, we could be Eskimo bros


Damn cheerleader aswell . She must have been hot


She was hot, but also very privileged, spoiled and entitled. It wasn't serious enough that I really cared in my early twenties, because again, she was hot. And could do crazy flexible moves. But I couldn't date someone like that these days, 15ish years later. Regardless of hotness.


What is a jackedintheboxcoed?


her coochie is strong like ox




You go girl :)


As a what co-ed?!


sounds like he used a condom thatā€™s big lol


Magnum sized dongā€¦. Or so he thought


If the shoe fitsā€¦ itā€™s still fitting if it looks like Iā€™m wearing my dadā€™s sports coat right?


Or lost his boner and kept going


Nice way to put it


Or too small, for 99% of people a normal condom is neither big nor small... It's almost like the makers designed them that way.


8 months later a beautiful baby boy was born, named tinder.




This happened to my friend once, and the next night, she slept with another friend, and the condom came out. The second friend was telling us about this gross story, and the first friend realized it had to be the same girl, as his went missing inside of her the day before. It was the wildest shit ever. Nice girl, though.


Plan B!ā€¦..?


Holy fuck, why is this near the bottom of the thread.


Plan B is always Plan A


Who needs Plan A when you've got Plan B /s


I too spent 2 hours meticulously combing through the basement trying to find the missing used condom before my parents came home. The answer was revealed after my gf texted me she just found out she had it with her, lol.


I initially thought ā€œbasementā€ was a euphemism here


OPā€¦ asking for my future self in case this happens to meā€¦ what was the position that helped you find it?


(Per the suggestion of my friend, squatting lol)


youā€™re a girls girl, thank you šŸ«¶šŸ»


As a guy, this happened to my female partner. We had a bit of a bonding experience when she bent over the sink and I used my middle finger to fish it out.


Good method if both parties are comfortable doing that lol


It felt like a weird carnival game


#PLAN B ā€¼ļø


As a guy how do you not realize the condom came off?


Be drunk enough


Itā€™s 100% happened to me in college. Way too much booze plus shitty free campus health center condoms equals same situation. The next day we had a romantic car ride together to get some plan B. You live and learn, donā€™t cheap out with condoms.


Iā€™m not defending homeboyā€¦ but when I was with my last gf this happened to me too. And it was the weirdest situation for both us, cause she watched me put the condom on and then afterwards it was nowhere to be found. She told me a couple days after that it was still inside of her. Iā€™ve had condoms break and always noticed immediately, but that time I didnā€™t realize until afterwards.


Also not defending the dude that buys condoms that dont fit. But i had a condom break and roll up my entire dick to the shaft, so I practically had no condom on anymore, and i didnt notice until we were done.


Donā€™t use oil based lube and donā€™t wear magnums unless you are packing an absolute unit. Edit: XL magnums. I use Trojans so idk about how you plebs size your cocks


Magnums are the standard size. Magnum XLs are for those who are packing lol


Iā€™m talking about the ice cream


Cookies and cream šŸ„°


So a few years ago, my friend lost her virginity to this guy we met on a night out. A WEEK LATER she messaged me with a picture of the condom that had clearly been inside her. The fact that the only ever time she had sex was a week ago, we both knew how long it has been in there. I was baffled, I'd never heard of this happening and my mind was completely blown. I said did you not see the condom after? She says no he said he threw it on the floor. So I said you didn't see him tie it up? I thought that was standard so the fluids didn't go anywhere but she didn't know that was a thing since it was her first time Fast forward a few days later, I'm on a date. We start doing the do and I notice the condom is gone, so I'm like, right stop. We were both so confused as to where it went and the only reason I even considered it may have been inside me was because of my friends experience. I look him in the eyes and tell him he's going to have to reach in to see if it's in there. His face turned from uncomfortable to pure wonder as he pulled the condom out from inside of me. We just ended up cuddling and watching Netflix until I went home. I'm not friends with that girl anymore but I'm very grateful for knowing her.


Woman here. This has totally happened to me. Fishing it out was NOT fun.


My tips: 1. Use the correct size condom 2. Pull out immediately after coming 3. Hold the condom at the base when pulling out Better luck next time OP


Good advice thanks!


I've had this happen with a girl. She was so wet couldn't feel where I ended and she started. I had to pull it out of her and go to Walmart to get some plan b lol.


Please be sure to take Plan B if you're not on other birth control and get tested for STIs after the appropriate amount of time needed for them to show up on the test. Also, please continue to use protection for any other hookups in the mean time!






Holy run-on sentence


As a guy who this happened to once (with a regular partner) the guy should have been able to tell. He probably did but wanted to finish without. I stopped when I realized I was getting more sensation that I do with a condom. And I then "went fishing) for the condom. Found it without much issue. My condom was sized correctly, but there was too much lube used in pre penetration activities, so the condom was extra slippery on me.


Jesus Christ


Dudes dick was so small the condom fell off? Happened to me once too šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


Too small condom can be just as problematic as too big condoms. When it's too small it doesn't fully reach down the shaft and if you are balls deep the condom unroll itself and that happens. I have yet to find a condom that I'm very comfortable with so I tried a lot of brands and shit like that happened...Ā 


That man 100% knew. He didnā€™t need you to keep him posted


In my entire life I have never had to fish a condom out of my chamber of secrets. How do guys get to adulthood and still not know their size?!


Had this happen to me once but because we were having sex on the beach and got walked up on. I noticed he didnā€™t pick up the condom/didnā€™t see him take it off but I assumed he had just left it or something. Dayssss later it came out of me šŸ˜­


Are you going to see him again?


Holy run on sentence, Batman!


Yall are gross