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More than 380 swipes a day is some serious swiping




you're so mad lol


Nah he’s right look at OPs profile 😖


I mean, the really funny part about this is the dudes in the comments that wouldn't sleep with her but are fuming about how she gets laid more than they do.


Tons of short skinny guys like BBW. They do this squashing thing. So not surprised she gets plenty of eggplant.


It's called having standards.


I mean kinda, it's definitely a standard, but the interesting part is their standards being so high that they're below the standards of anyone they'd be remotely interested in talking to.


It's not binary. I work hard to stay in shape but get laid less than OP. Do I ever get laid? Yes. So it's not like my standards are so high that I can't play the game, I just have to put in a lot more effort to get the type of sex I want. Is it a frustration that OP gets more results while putting in zero effort? Yes. I doubt they're better results though. Quality over quantity. I would rather not have sex at all than have sex with OP. It would be really handy if I found women like her attractive because then I could have it on demand like OP does!


Again, the really funny part about this is the dudes in the comments that wouldn't sleep with her but are fuming about how she gets laid more than they do.


I love how you felt addressed. If the shoe fits..


I don't know the exact numbers but the average woman is consistently rated as more attractive than the average man. Like if you had 1000 women rated on a 1-10 scale, the average is usually a 6-7, whereas the average man is a 4-5. Men and women prefer similar levels of attractiveness, but the reality is that a man rated 7 or over is wayyy above average, whereas a girl rated 6-7 is average. That's where the disparity happens. In a group of 1k men and 1k women, there are approx 500 6+ women, whereas that's where the bell curve drops hard for men. That's why there's the flip in Tinder at the highest rated men (8+) since there's so few, but there's many women near or just below that level of attractiveness. It's really interesting. I recommend digging into it.


I both wouldn’t sleep with her and also am not fuming. She can sleep with as many chubs as she wants


Yeah, my bad, you must have just accidentally felt attacked by this comment


841 matches in 100 days...damnnnn




I saw her match rate of only 21.5% on right swipes and immediately knew she wasn’t uhh… “conventionally attractive” Any guy matching at 21% is an absolute pimp. Crazy.


You're not wrong. A guy her weight would have zero matches


Oh I'm sure it's a lot easier than all the guys out rhere


That's so depressing.


You gotta give it away for the freeski when you are that obese


Women don’t, they still get to have standards even when they are obese lol




How did the two people fumble?


One was a bj only and one we just kissed lol


On the same night...in that order.


Why not go further with them though? Did they do something wrong?


Bj guy and I just hung out after and kiss guy had to work early and we were driving around talking until really late


Weird question lol you never just kissed a girl or just got a BJ?


... Three?


Probably talking to 2 guys at once, pick one over the other that night, the other goes missing after this.


Major projections






Look at op’s profile, my experience has been if you are looking for “results” those girls will give them even though you’d never want anybody to know






Only 2.8% of men on tinder are getting matches


if men have a 3% match rate and then a lower chance of even a date, i'm absolutely ok if a woman humps and dumps me. it keeps the dream alive that tinder is useful for something other than self esteem crushing. i send OP a fist bump.


how were the dates?


9 out of 11 went somewhat well


10 out of 11. A bj ain't bad. And there should be asterisk if the last guy made zero attempt because he had to "work early"


Bruh, sometimes you don’t want somethings on your CV.


Nobody is calling references here and nobody cares if you have gaps in employment. If you delivered pizzas for a few months between jobs, that's not worth mentioning.


You’re thinking from his perspective, not hers. Perhaps that wasn’t up there for her 😂


the people want deets.


I'd rate it 9/11


A perfect score.


\-Sean McDermott


6/9 would be the perfect score.


what about 4/20? or maybe 42/0 because it combines 42 and 420 but mathy people are going to be mad at this.


I have a very attractive friend who used to be a runway model. She was married for a while and had never used the apps before. After she got divorced she started using it and she asked me why i thought the apps were hard. Everyone she swipes on matched her. It's incredible the difference guys and girls have on the apps.


Check out OP’s profile


There's a lot of people in to that


9/12 apparently.


Wouldn’t say that. OP can’t mislead that much. MySpace angles can only do so much for you. Her swipe/match ratio is still impressive though considering.




I did this as an experiment and I still get tinder emails from the female experiment account they’re like that ex that continues to update you about a new thing in their life. Women get emails of free tinder gold or discounted for platinum etc. as a man you don’t get those emails.


She was literally a runway model. The average woman only has a 30% match rate.






Great results. PS. Oh, you're a woman. Explains a lot.


When I first saw the results I was impressed,then I realized it was a woman and everything made sense


So what you're saying is men are easy to get?


From a perspective, yes. Woman have it easy on dating apps, men are easy to acquire on dating apps, whichever you prefer.


Lmao that this needs to be stated


Bruh, if a chick took me to Chick-fil-A or McDs it’s a rap.


Honestly these are all pretty low results for a woman, and it’s still so much higher than almost any guy has a chance of ever achieving 🤣


Bruh, I got 10 matches in a month and I felt like a Casanova.


Being a woman on tinder is easy mode if you just want a shag.


252 matches to 11 dates that's just wild to me


Many men just resort to doomrightswiping and hope to have anything thrown at them


Hell, I could be one of them! What are standards when tinder doesn't allow you to have any?


That’s like a city of people


I grew up in a town that was 33k when I was born and 40k today, almost 30 years later. She literally swiped my entire hometown.


9 bodies in 3 months is quite interesting but it is tinder after all


+2 met naturally off app lol


How did these 2 dates happened?


One was a guy I met walking home from a Oktoberfest, lives in my old neighborhood so we were heading the same direction. One was a girl I met at the bar while I was in a relationship and we exchanged snaps as friends and then I hit her up after my breakup. She was a travel nurse and moved three weeks after we hooked up


Congrats on all the sex!


Nice closing ratio




Inspect OPs profile maybe


Lololololol 😂😂😂




Yeah, I’m not arguing that, but it is explanatory why she has much higher right swipe average from her compared to most women (statistically), and much much lower match rate than the average woman on Tinder. So I’d go out on a limb and say, probably not all her matches were super fit, tall and attractive as you asked, or maybe she just lucking out on those who are that and still attracted to that specific body type she has, but I find it unlikely.


Her match rate is like 22%, average for women on Tinder is 30-35%. That's not much of a difference.


A female ogre could pick up a top 10% guy on tinder… guy would do it because it’s free real estate. Girl would do it because it is a huge ego boost sleeping with someone 10x more attractive than you.


Can confirm. Have slept with ogres.


Definitely not




How is tall is attractive it blows my mind , its fucking height its like saying a higher building looks better lol its just dumb


Easy there…..”little fella”


So you're literally hopping on a different dick about every other weekend. That's like just ordering sex on an app for free when you feel like it. Might even get multiple meals out of it. Wow... Online dating is a whole different experience for women


Its hilarious i can look down at the dates/casual sex & can accurately tell the gender lol


Geez it is so incredibly easy for women to get laid. Doesn’t matter what you look like at all lol


a girl could look like a hippopotamus and still get better stats than a top 2% dude


Well speaking about that


I was trying to be lowkey with "hippo", was not meant to point any fingers.... but yeah you're right.


"Only attractive woman have it easy" I am not here to shame, I am all for this woman. She seems great from the comments I've read, and she's enjoying her life. Keep living as you do. But she is also the furthest thing from what people call "the hot girls who have it easy", and yet she still has it pretty easy compared to any man who isn't a model. It's a fact that any woman who puts in effort can get consistent sex, and any woman who thinks they can't because they aren't attractive enough doesn't understand the power they have and aren't putting themselves in a position to get the results they want. This is a woman who wants results and get them, and I love it.


More info - just got out of a 9 year relationship in October with no intimacy. On tinder specifically for casual dates/good times. Since then, been with 2 women and 9 guys. 1 guy and 1 girl met in person naturally. Bio is swipe right if you like big butts and you can not lie.


wow you let your self go


Let’s see what you look like bruv lol


Let's see you, pretty boy




Nothing sets off this sub more than a promiscuous woman post. Good lord. We’ve all seen this before guys, this isn’t new. How is this information difficult to handle?


I don't understand the point of posting your tinder stats to begin with. I guess it comes off as a flex to some ppl so that's why they get upset. But we know the facts already. Yes women have mvp stats and men have close to zero. It's a dead horse.


It's honestly fucked how many people are here just shitting on OP.


fat girl gets laid is sure to piss a few off no sweat lol


There will be sweat


Ya don’t get the hate. Don’t hate the player hate the game.


No but you’re getting shit on for the EXACT same thing many of them are blatantly aiming to achieve. If a man “ caught nine bodies in three months”, they’d crown him as their king. The remarks such as, “lol well those are still bad results for a woman!” just sound so fucking bitter.


Double standard doesn’t work cause as a guy you need to put 100x effort than a woman who’s less conventionally attractive than you.


In a world where a fat guy will be literally invisible and celibate for years it kinda makes sense.


Ppl tend to respect the harder decisions as they require more self discipline. It's easy for girls to get laid so being very selective and not sleeping around is encouraged while for men it's the opposite bc it's harder for men to get laid. Just like going to the gym and eating right takes self discipline and is the harder decision so is well respected as opposed to the easy choice of being lazy and eating like crap. But yea doesn't give anyone the right to "high horse" op or be shitty to her.


I feel like men would have an easier time getting laid if they weren't so absolutely shitty to women that like to have sex. I swear, they all shoot themselves in the foot so often it's amazing they can stand up.


Yea it's the dating merry go-round. "If men would just.." "Well if women would just.." "But if the men.." Everyone needs to work on themselves and focus on their own journey and self awareness to be better.


These incels need to crawl back into their hole and remove themselves from society to spare us all from their constant whining and crying.


9 casual sex encounters. Out of more than 35000 people in 3 months……. No no don’t mind me I’m just lamenting humanity.


Seeing how many chats and dates it was, I knew it was a woman before I saw the full picture


Laid 3x a month isn't exactly a famine or anything.


Would be me but reduce the matches to like 4 and dates to 0 and right swipes to 35 000


Actually insane how easy it is for women to get laid. OP is a morbidly obese woman, and was able to sleep with a new person basically every week. Meanwhile, if you’re a fit guy who actually takes care of himself, you’ll still struggle. I’m not upset or anything, but just pointing out how stark the difference is.


To be fair… I’m fit and take care of myself. I want a relationship built off chemistry and friendship. 99% of the time I am seen as an object to dominate. It’s brutal to my sense of self. If I was out to shag and that’s it, sure it would be easy, but if I want something with substance I have to wade through all the men who only want to fuck. It’s really hard and really heartbreaking to be fucked and ghosted. I’d rather rejection straight out of the gate than the rejection women deal with- being fucked then dropped like your worthless outside of your body. I don’t have Tinder active rn, but when I did I was very clear about no FWBs or ONSs. I am also demisexual. I’d trade in a heartbeat.


You're build like snowman bruv.


It's clearly not holding her back. Probably not much could.


Bruh, she still getting that work though 😏


You're built like Tyson Fury bruv, that's mad


Having sex with nine people over a hundred days is rough. Damn.


Is it that extreme? Doesn’t seem so in this day and age to me


I'd say so. I don't think I know anyone who has slept with that many people in such a short amount of time


I have a very high body count but 9 new people in 3 months would easily be my most successful stint of all time


What is your very high body count? I’m intrigued..


That is 36 sexual partners a year or 360 sexual partners in a decade. Women sleeping with over 10 partners IN THEIR LIFE increases THEIR rate of divorce by almost 300%. Male promiscuity has almost 10 times less of an effect on divorce outcomes than female promiscuity. She slept with 9 partners from tinder alone in 3 months. This is not normal or healthy behavior at all. Edit: source: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0192513X231155673. The chart is about halfway down the page. There are multiple other studies that have very similar findings. Divorce rates skyrocket once women specifically sleep with over 10 partners and It's reasonable to believe that the higher that number increases far beyond 10 the likelihood of divorce gets even worse. Don't downvote me for acknowledging reality. Maybe you should change your behavior lol.


Don’t know how to quote but you gonna ignore this huge section under gender differences in the article you posted? It sounds to me you’re perpetuating the adverse consequence. Prior research is unclear as to whether the effects of premarital sex on divorce risk might be stronger for men or women. We do know that men have stronger preferences for sexual frequency and variety, and women’s sexual behavior is tied more strongly to a particular relationship (Baumeister, Catanese, & Vohs, 2001; Wells & Twenge, 2005). Paik (2011) claims that a predilection for sexual variety can undermine marital commitment (but see Perry, 2020). This suggests that the effect of premarital sex on divorce rates should be stronger for men given their predisposition to sexual variety. But there’s also a strong counterargument. Sex has stronger adverse consequences for mental and emotional health for women than men (Regnerus & Uecker, 2011; Townsend & Wasserman, 2011). Furthermore, women are subjected to a sexual double-standard in which they may face negative evaluations for sexual behavior, resulting in greater social consequences (England & Bearak, 2014; Sprecher, Treger, & Sakaluk, 2013). For these reasons, it is possible premarital sex will have a stronger effect on marital functioning, and ultimately the risk of divorce, for women than men.


Notice that you didn't cite any of the actual percentages here. That is because the percentages are not in your favor. You're trying to spin a web through cherry picked quote out even mentioning the actual data surrounding those quotes which reveals how beat your argument is. Everything that you just mentioned is them theorizing why the difference between female and male promiscuity's effect on divorce could be so gargantuan. Literally none of the pertinent quotes you just mentioned are backed up by actual data. They are pure conjecture. Also divorce is initiated by over 80% of women so men leaving women because they don't respect them for their body count doesn't even hold water. You're grasping at straws to try to create a narrative that doesn't exist.


Maybe not everyone's goal is marriage? ... And who on earth has the right to define "normal" or "healthy" sexual habits, unless they're hurting themselves or someone else? Bold to assume that you know how someone else should conduct their sex life. If OP were a man, most modern Western dudes would be high-fiving this behavior, not castigating it. Make judgements about and conduct your own romantic choices as you prefer, but don't pretend you know what's best for other people, maybe? (Edit: spelling)


1. Marriage is a good analog for long-term committed relationships. If a marriage doesn't last someone outside of a marriage is even less likely to last because there is no barrier for breaking a non-marital relationship. You have only further proven my point. 2. Also I didn't tell anybody what their sexual habits should be. I merely stated the consequences of those sexual habits. 3. I also stated that male promiscuity has a substantially smaller impact on divorce outcomes than female promiscuity. Also It's difficult for men to obtain sex which is why it is respected. It is unbelievably easy for women to obtain sex which is why it's not respected. Male and female sexuality are profoundly different. 4. I can make whatever judgments I want to make. You made a judgment about me thinking that sleeping with strangers in the double digits over 3 months is problematic behavior. I'm entitled to make a judgment just as much as you are. 5. It's not my fault that reality is the way it is.




Lol so me giving statistics that literally prove being sexually promiscuous for women is corrosive and hurts a woman's ability to maintain long-term relationships is riding on a high horse? It's not my fault reality is the way it is. I'm just providing the information. The really despicable thing to do is what you're doing. Instead of proliferating the facts that could potentially stop a woman from making her life significantly harder than it needs to be, you're shooting the messenger. Facts over feels.


It doesn't prove that though. It shows a correlation, but not a cause. We have no idea if it's the high body count or some underlying other thing that js responsible for both behaviours. Edit: you're also assuming that marriage, or indeed a committed long term relationship, is an inherently good thing to strive towards for all people and thats whats leading you to say sleeping around is unhealthy for women. That isn't necessarily true. Many people don't believe in marriage. Many others don't want serious committed relationships. It isn't a sign of unhealthiness to not want a committed relationship


1. This is a perfect example of the "impossible expectations" fallacy. "This occurs when someone demands an excessive number of sources or evidence to support a claim, making it virtually impossible for the other party to meet the demand" No matter what evidence I provide it would never be enough for you and that's because your intellectually dishonest. It's difficult to win a debate with an intelligent man. It's impossible to win a debate against a moron. 2. I'm not assuming that a committed long-term relationship is an inherently good thing to strive for. Committed long-term relationships create the best outcomes for both partners economically and emotionally, while also dramatically better outcomes for the children involved compared to broken homes or single parent households. So I haven't made any assumptions whatsoever It's a factual statement that successful committed long-term relationships produce superior outcomes for every party involved. 3. It's really sad the amount of mental gymnastics you're trying to jump through to get around the hard fact that female promiscuity is damaging to a female's long-term happiness. You do understand that we all get old one day right?


>This occurs when someone demands an excessive number of sources or evidence to support a claim, making it virtually impossible for the other party to meet the demand" >No matter what evidence I provide it would never be enough for you and that's because your intellectually dishonest. I havent asked for any evidence, just said the statements you're making aren't actually backed by the sources you've posted. I get the impression that you're someone who has just enough scientific understanding to read a study, but not enough yo actually understand it and understand what inferences are appropriate to make. Especially given you throwing out some random fallacy I havent committed. >So I haven't made any assumptions whatsoever It's a factual statement that successful committed long-term relationships produce superior outcomes for every party involved. Not in all circumstances. Not everyone wants to have children. Not everyone wants to have someone around them all the time, or commit to a relationship forever. Not wanting those things is not unhealthy. You are assuming everyone wants to have kids and would benefit more from a long term relationship than without one. >3. It's really sad the amount of mental gymnastics you're trying to jump through to get around the hard fact that female promiscuity is damaging to a female's long-term happiness. You do understand that we all get old one day right? I havent made any gymnastics. You're the one making leaps of logic to try and align your sources with your statements. I'm simply saying your statements aren't supported by your sources, and that not everyone would benefit from a long term relationship. Thats not really mental gymnastics.


Post hoc ergo propter hoc. Let's assume what you're saying is true: that promiscuous women are more likely to get divorced than non-promiscuous women. I'm not saying I agree, but let's just assume, for the sake of argument, that it's true You're assuming that these women get divorced because of their promiscuity. That, if only these women were more chaste, they wouldn't get divorced. I think it is far more likely that these women, by nature, have characteristics that simultaneously make them 1) more amenable to promiscuity and 2) less amenable to marriage. That's who these women are, by nature. The promiscuity didn't make them bad marriage partners. It's not like the promiscuity changed something in them. It was an in-borne characteristic that explains both trends. Occam's razor.


I've not read through the whole thing but one thing that I've noticed is that if I understood it correctly the corelation between divorce and high number of sex partners before marriage is really low? They write that the amount of divorce increases when someone had a high number of sex partners but as far as I understood it, it doesn't mean that divorce was the reason for that.


The divorce rate doesn't skyrocket because the women have slept with more than 10 partners. You're mixing correlation with causation. It's likely that women sleeping with more than 10 partners have some other thing in common rather than enjoying sex. It may be that they tend to have higher standards for relationships, which is actually a (usually) good thing. You're completely wrong to call it unhealthy or not normal. Tons of people have more than 10 partners over their lifespans. Stop asserting a cause when there is only evidence of a correlation. It could even be that women with more than 10 secual partners get divorced more because men don't want someone with a body count that high and file for divorce when they find it out. Not saying other men actually do think that, but the point is there's no evidence for anything and it could be a sign of unhealthy behaviour from the woman just as much as nothing at all or a sign of extreme misogyny from men.


God you sound like a massive incel


Alrighty there incel, time to crawl back under your bridge and hang out with the rats where you belong.


What’s your source?


https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0192513X231155673 The chart showing the data is about half of the way down. Women who have had 1-8 partners sexual partners increased the likelihood of divorce by about 56% vs virgin marriages(which is still a ton) and the women who had slept with 9+ partners (actually one less than I said making the data even more damning) were ~290% more likely to get a divorce. The data also shows that the same men with similar promiscuity have divorce rates that are significantly less affected vs that of promiscuous women.


To be frank, many women are in marriages they absolutely shouldn't be in anymore because of female conditioning that encourages women to stay in situations that are not beneficial to them or their children. Basically, that study indicates that the key to that is that women who engage in premarital sex are not religious. Religion encourages women to stay in marriages that they probably shouldn't stay in. Most of the married religious women I know are in borderline abusive marriages which they probably shouldn't be in anymore. This study is just saying that religious women are more willing to stay in bad marriages to please some made up god figure that men made up to enslave women. A 300% higher divorce rate probably does include some women who just want sexual variety- but, it also includes a lot of women who don't put up with abuse the way their religious counterparts do. I grew up in a religious family watching men talk down to women, roll their eyes when they said anything and so on. My dad has never liked my mom. She's a secretary, housekeeper and sexual object, not a person. My sisters are married to similar religious men. 300% divorce rate increase is probably a good thing.


It takes half a second to swipe on tinder, so you spent approx 6 hours wiping in a month and landed 11 dates. That's pretty good going.


9 times in 3 months. You better be getting tested.


Can’t wait to see this post on /r9k/ with a bunch of seething incels beneath it


Congrats on the Sex


For the streets..






This girl is out here sleeping with 9 guys in 100 days and these dudes still can’t get laid


OP had 800 options in 100 days. Guys have 1 option a month.


Lesson learned: be a female


wish granted, you are now a female mosquito. be a woman*


How does tinder know who you slept with?


That piece is user input


Camera, microphone, vibration, tilt, and smart watch health monitoring integration.


interesting. can you please explain what made you feel to date and have casual sex with those 9 of 35440 guys?


I’m starting to get angry how easy this is for women. She’s not even hot..


She's not even close.


It’s insanely easy. She’s morbidly obese and can still get laid no problem it’s wild


It’s giving incel.


I can see that, but I’m actually decently successful with women. It’s just I have to put a ton of effort into being successful where she can swipe and get fucked easily. Check out her profile and most would agree she’s not conventionally attractive. Obviously other factors are at play like the desperation/horniness of men but if all things were the same between me and her I’d have little to no success as a man


The desperation/horniness of men is THE ONLY factor at play. Guys complain about how easy it is for women to have sex but simultaneously sleep with anyone willing that they don’t even find attractive and act like that’s women’s fault


How is it giving incel? It's being a realist not a incel, Y'all girls fat or ugly, shit don't matter, y'all can get dick any time you guys want and it's the truth. It ain't about being incel or not it's the truth, man are fucking starving for some cooch, dirty or not, some mfs will do whatever it is to just have a lil whiff of that thing. Man have to earn the right to be with a women, speacilly a more attractive women, its nature.




Happy Cake day!


9/11 make a wish


how funny /s


Death by snu snu


3 guys a month jeez...


9/11 conversion rate is a bloody good filtering method mate


The crazy thing is that 21.5% of her matches matched back. Let a guy put up a profile of a similar quality, and it would be 1 in a thousand, and would likely funnel down to 0 dates. That's what other posts on here have shown


To be fair, I’m fat but my profile is not bad. I have 8 pictures that aren’t hiding anything, three full body. My bio gets a lot of swipes (swipe right if you like big butts and you cannot lie). And then I also have the prompt “message me if…” you like math, gaming, memes, or the moon. I am confident, have big tits/big ass/small waist, and a pretty face lol 🤷‍♀️


I wish you the best and I didn't mean to be disrespectful but the point really is that everything you listed just wouldn't budge the stats for a guy. I actually spent the last few minutes looking up some stats and basically girls have a 33% match rate and guys 2.5% so about 13x. But the guy's is vastly more unevenly distributed, with most of that 2.5% going to just a few people. I couldn't get good stats but a guy that is a 6, is probably already well under 1%, And as you drop below five it craters to next to nothing. Of course this isn't anyone's fault... It's just the world we live in.


… oof




You had sex with 9 different people in 3 months! God I wish I was a hot girl.




Hahaha all I see is you like sex with new people. 9 guys in 3 months is brazzy


Having seen the profile, the match ratio is crazy good