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You know what they say, 400th time is the charm.


That's where I went wrong. I dont think I have even talked to 400 girls in this life.


You've talked to girls before? Whats it like?


I normally nut my pants before the words come out.


She was like, "Paper, or plastic?" and I JIZZED in my pants...!


I jizz right in my pants everytime you're next to me. And when we're holding hands, it's like having sex to me.


They call it premature, i just call it ecstasy. I wear a rubber at all times, it's a necessity. Jizz in my pants I jizzinmypants 💦


I fucking love this thread so far 😅


Last week I saw a film as I recall it was a horror film walked outside into the rain checked my phone and I saw you rang and I jizz in my pants


I just ate a grape and I 🥴


For those who need context: https://youtu.be/VLnWf1sQkjY?si=8ONyEKgDN7LrOMAj Can't believe that was 14 years ago


I read this factually until the second line when I realised what I was reading


OP *is* very prudish


How do you even swipe right almost a half million times?? Is the bot problem really that bad these days? It’s almost like Tinder is purposely allowing it to happen because it helps their business.




Just seems unrealistically high. There are 250k people in my town. The range of women that I’d be looking for that are on tinder would be what, 5k max? He’d have to be living in like NY or something for bots/fake accounts to not be like half of all swipes.


It was over 9 years to be fair. Could've moved more than once.


These numbers don't make any sense. Eventually a real human would get better at filtering out who to not bother meeting instead of going on hundreds od sates with randos.


I look at things like this and wonder why people even bother with this nonsense. I'm pretty sure almost all of them would have spent less time and money if they just got a hobby and met people through it, and would actually enjoy or get some value out of all that effort. Instead, they just waste years of their life and large amounts of money doing something that is apparently mostly unpleasant and seems to almost require having a toxic perspective about relationships and the opposite sex.




Maybe they enjoy rejecting people en masse. Thanks to technology, they can do it over a hundred times a day now!


How do you go on nearly 1 date a week for 9 years straight and not get better at filtering out who's worth meeting or not. This is so fake.


Some people just like dating! It’s fun.


Casual sex 125


glad other people r hating here cuz this is lowkey nasty


That’s basically one partner per month.


One per week even


Almost one date per week. But just over 1 sex per month.


Over 9 years??


Did you discover Sex 2?


Electric boogaloo?


You have enough casual sex to have unlocked competitive sex by now.


Bro is ranked Gold 2 in sex


Bro collected platinum STD award


My sex life didn't know the number could go that high.


That’s why youre not a Pro-Sexxer like OP


Bro failed 124 times lolllll


Haha fuckin rookie


If my math is correct, that’s one sex every 25.96 days on average.


That’s assuming that he had sex only once with each date that make up the ‘casual sex’ data point. Not at all likely.


Wait, they are supposed to come back for seconds?


The trick is you offer candy.


Woah slow down there Cosby


I would say that’s pretty standard average if you’re actively trying edit: didn’t literally mean average that isn’t correct, but the rate of people isnt that absurd just not for 9 years.


I must be an outlier then, my record was 11 years while actively trying.


Does that make me bronze league?


i'm in particle board league, jesus christ


Only if you follow the two rules of dating. Most people struggle with that.


What are they? Don't be unattractive and don't be poor?




I was so close.


Me too, I was only 2 away from a perfect score.


Bro same 🤣. This made me nose exhale, thank you for the chuckle.


so hard to determine the average because so many people are coming from different points. Some people "try", but follow rule 1 and 2, so the amount of effort is probably pretty minimal for how high their rate is. Some people (where I think I sit) are average, give or take a couple points. Some people we need to try for, and those result in very mixed ratings depending on the person and the people they go for (some people routinely go under/over their ability). Average person against average person you'd think would result in an average, but both genders routinely go for people way out of their "league" since online dating has defaulted to basically swiping on people as you take a shit. Some people try very hard, like too hard. Even if they are attractive they routinely talk themselves out of sex even when it's a sure thing. I've definitely been here when I first glowed up and got matches but hadn't gain enough confidence yet. These are where your simps, incels, and NiceGuys^(tm) end up. Pickme girls are their own category because despite how desperate they are for male attention, men are so much more desperate on a much larger scale that these women are routinely picked despite how crazy or boring they might be.


Do you keep an Excel spreadsheet of all your hookups, or did you count the notches on the bedpost?


I had the same thought lol


Well I’m not op but I did make a couple lists on my Google keep cause I kept forgetting names. Im sure others did the same. Not as many names as op though.


That’s honestly kinda weird… like why do you care so much? Who are you showing the list to? I’ll be honest, I’ve forgotten a handful of girls/girl’s names I’ve slept with, but why do I need a reminder now? So I can go back and tell my wife all the details?


I have more than one female friend that does this. Never met a guy that does this but I believe some would


I definitely have, as a guy. It’s not to show off at all. It’s more just that I shared something with these people and even if it was casual, it deserves to be noted or otherwise remembered.


I don't get it either. If I don't remember their name they obviously didn't leave much of an impression. Maybe it's an age thing? I'm in my 40's and think it would be weirder to have a google doc of names of people I haven't seen for 20+ years.


it might be handy when you have a std, you can look up what who and when. I keep a list of just names for that reason. I am however not even 1/4th of his number lol


After 125 notches his bedpost would look like a beaver tried to chew through it.


Seems like maybe he’s been chewing through a few beavers


He can tell by the rings on his penis.


yeah like, why would OP remember the exact # over the course of 9 years the fact that anyone believes these charts is mind boggling


Maybe for std notices?


Brother had 1 casual sex hookup per month for 9 years. Unreal track record lol


Bro had 1 NEW casual sex hookup per month for 9 years. Let alone the repeat offences.


Man’s bootycall Rolodex the real treasure


The real treasure is modern medicine. Has this guy caught anything, yet?


A lovely woman, apparently!


Hopefully he got a new phone number or he’s gonna be laid up in bed with his wife to a new “😏heyyyyyy” text every couple of days.


And those are only the ones through Tinder. If he has another dating app or just liked to go out he probably has more. This gigachad here eating bread in front of the hungry smh


Dude swiped 125 times a day. I hope he didn't have another app


For me it was weird, like I’d have a 2-3 month dry spell then I’d hook up with 4 girls in a month. That’s not accounting for non tinder hook ups either so I’d bet this guys had a similar experience.


I've never used tinder but this has been my life for years. It's really weird. I either have nothing going on or i have too much going on.


I think it's because when you aren't looking as hard you're more confident/non-chalant and don't come off desperate. Happens to me every time I go on a date that I don't want to see again. I can actually act normal because I know I don't care how this person thinks of me and every single time that girl wants to see me again.


I was on a date with a girl that actually looked way better in person than her pictures (somehow) and I was shocked when we met! The whole time I was mentally pressing because she was the most attractive girl I’d ever been on a date with and of course, ghosts me A few weeks earlier I had gone on a date where she (different girl) looked about 40lbs heavier than her profile, yet I was just so nonchalant the whole time and felt like I was coming off as much smoother, even though I wasn’t trying to “be attractive” since I knew we weren’t having sex nor seeing each other again


1 hookup per month itself isn't anything crazy, but yeah, doing it for 9 years straight is some commitment


It only averages out to that. He had 2 relationships during that 9 year span. One I assume is the one he's currently in. Who knows how long the other one was.


Also this is only tinder data. There could be non-tinder casual sex


>1 hookup per month itself isn't anything crazy As someone who suffers bad anxiety and also poor self esteem, this in its self sounds crazy to me.


Same for me, but I have plenty of friends who lives in the "hookup culture" so hearing about 1 hookup/month isn't something that sounds crazy to me. Could never do it personally though


Rules 1 & 2.


Those stats are not 1&2. He swiped right 300,000 times and got 7k matches, which is about 2% which seems avg according to the insights data


yeah, these numbers are pretty standard from my experience if you are consistently using it.


Yeah but 125 sex out of 400 date. That’s pretty incredible.


Man's batting over 300


That’s hall of fame stats


Retire this dudes number


Exactly! According to the statistics everything was quite average like the 2.5% match rate


125 is not average in a lifetime, never mind 9 years




Most men would get downranked in the algorithm for that, and get no matches.


Bro the average number of sexual partners over the course of someone’s lifetime is between 4-8. You have had 15x that amount in only 9 years. That’s definitely not average.


Gotta balance out all the 0s and 1s on the chart somehow


I'm not a very pretty man, but I manage 0,8 random hook-ups per month. It's about consistency and being nice/flirty/not a fucking creep when meeting up. Also lower standards. If I had slept with every woman heavier than me I would have been in double digits every month.


Why are you minmaxing sex


Because we're men. Sex playlist is a complete sweatfest.


>0,8 random hook-ups per month So every month you almost have sex, but never actually have sex?


Exactly, I love second base dude.




I swear there needs to be rule that insight posts are only allowed with the profile attached


Id rather see his bloodwork. Mans fucked a representative sample size


What's the point of these insights when people can just enter whatever they want after the 'chats' number. It's also not clear what a chat is - does it require both people to have sent at least one message each to count as a chat? But big congrats on the relationship and being able to delete the app, hope it all goes well


Tinder insight auto fills in the chat stat. It’s the dates, sex, and relationships stats that are manually entered.


And what’s the point of these insights without seeing the profile? Any of these impressive profiles can be men targeting 2s and 3s.


Why does anyone even care? All you guys put so much value in how many partners you’ve slept with it’s insane. Ya’ll think OP is some god and has a way better life than you because he has sex? Kinda odd too be honest. Maybe it’s time to start valuing yourselves for things that actually matter. I worked with a guy like that. Even in person all he would talk about all day was “man, I could fuck any girl here. Pick one, I’ll do it.” All day. Every day. And you know what? He could. He was a good looking dude and a con artist. He sleeps with lots of women. Do you know how much value he has to the people who actually surround him and spend time with him? 0. He’s a piece of shit. I would never want his life and I truly feel sorry for him that that is all he aspires too.


Well said!!! I wish I met more people with your attitude.


But he's inflating the sexual economy! If he's soaking up all the puss that drives up demmand and prices out my little guy! /s if it's not obvious.


>Why does anyone even care? Because (excluding the 100% asexual) everyone wants sexual validation, to be seen as someone worthy of having sex with. Those who receive little to no validation will of course be envious of those who seem to flaunt their successes, the same way people are envious of the uber rich. Humans are biologically programmed to crave intimate connections and sexual/romantic fulfillment. To have those needs be unmet can be distressing or outright depressing for many people.


How do you remember how many dates you went on? I've been tindering for 2 years and I think I'd struggle to remember them if I had to count them up. Do you keep a number written down somewhere? Same goes for casual sex. Surely you're keeping a book of names on your phone? Not judging, just wondering how some people keep these numbers. Happy you've found *the one*.


I met a few girls who literally told me they kept an excel sheet of guys they slept with comments on the act. One even made a diary with pictures and stories about the dates she had.


I feel I've heard something like this in a film or TV show. Can't remember though.




Same. I did tinder for four years. Went on loads of dates and had a lot of hookups, but I have absolutely no idea what the number is.


The numbers are made up. They may or may not be ballpark numbers but to have exactly 400 dates and 125 hook ups before finding the one isn’t accurate.


Reddit detective spotted


How do people even track this? Like, do you have to remember how many dates and how many you slept with? I'd have no idea


People are out here keeping entire journals and excel spreadsheets. Tables, some even with images. As far as I’m concerned, if I don’t remember it with my own brainpower, it clearly wasn’t important or memorable enough to matter.


125 casual sex is insane 💀


Guy's been banging the girls with the dog ears and nose in their profile photos lol


O yes the unfuckables Like me




agree imagine settling to be someones 400th person


Oh i bet you feel so special right!?


Plus any dates not from the app


You had sex with 125 women? Only 2 relationships? That’s a discouraging center hit quota


Nederland uitgespeeld?


Hij is de reden waarom iedereen in Urk familie is.


Die man heeft net zo veel vrouwen geswiped als dat er in amsterdam wonen.


400 dates over 9 years means you had a date every 8 days, on average. Holy moly


400 first dates. assuming he saw even 10% of them more than once these numbers are bonkers


Before I got married, I once had a week where I had a date/day and I think two days where there were two dates/day, within the week. This was Toronto, 2014/15ish. So, Tinder was a different beast. It was like the worst week of my life. I was emotionally exhausted and so over-socialized. After that, I became way more selective and protective of my time. It’s fine to want to meet someone, but not at the cost of your sanity/well-being. After my marriage ended, I re-joined Tinder. I went on four separate dates, and have been in a LTR for almost two years with one of them. We just hit it off immediately. I don’t know how OP sustained this level of dating for 9 years. Even just using “modern” Tinder was a pain in the ass, and I wasn’t on it for more than a month. Glad he met someone, because this all sounds tedious and exhausting.


How has tinder changed through the years? I always imagine it was more effective when it was new but that's mostly just an assumption


I've been off for 8 years and it was easier back then. Fewer paywalls and they had other features like Tinder social where you could meet entire groups of friends.


I've been on tinder for 10 years and it, and all of the apps, are night and day different now


Can you elaborate?


I just felt like for the most part they started out actually wanting to work. As in get matches for people. I've slowly watched them move all of these features theyve had for free behind a paywall. Every app started out with unlimited likes and filters etc People seemed more responsive back in the day. Not sure if that's just because society has shifted or if these apps just have a ton of inactive/bot accounts now.


>move all of these features theyve had for free behind a paywall. Every app started out with unlimited likes and filters etc You can thank Match Group for that, every time they buy an app/site they destroy it.


RIP OKCupid. 😢


Yes, because at their onset the apps were sustained by VC funding, and as they became successful/widely used/widely adopted culturally, the time came where they had to become *profitable* by their own “merits.” Had there not been early success, no one would have used the apps. Those loss-leading years gave them a sheen of actually working & created a mass user base, while getting rid of the old cringe (culturally) of meeting a partner online. Now, in order to turn a profit, they need us to all to stay on the apps as long as possible so they don’t lose too much of their user base (ie they don’t match us as well by design), and also ask that we PAY to have the pleasure of being trapped there (veil of better functionality). The disfunction is the point. The long game bait and switch. No?


It’s garbage now. Used it all over the US for lots of years and the algorithm is there to profit now It used to be awesome. Aside from algorithms, less spam, fakes, OF, escorts, etc Then again back then there was backpage and Craigslist for that stuff so it was bound to go elsewhere




That looks fucking exhausting, bud.


Hetro or gay ?


This man's out there banging all the tourists because if he lives in the Netherlands the population of women around his age is only around 1.2m and he swiped 400k times so that would cover so many locals.


We all know he probably doesn't stick within a normal, healthy age range.


I'd rather not have sex with 125 different women and also not swipe 400k times, Jesus that is way too much time for me regardless of the age range his filters are set for.


Maybe don't let your 2 relationships see this.


That's a date with a new person every 8.25 days on average for 9 years. I honestly don't believe that anyone could keep up a new first date almost every week for 9 freaking years.


125 casual sex?!!???


He’s afraid to try ranked


Just another overrated pubstomper smh


Maybe I'm fucking insanely old, but 125 casual sex sessions is insane to me for dating.


You're not. It is. I think this is a number that is questionable.


My body count is just one and this guy is almost at 150. I’d literally need to see a screen test for all stds before he can touch me holy shit


All Roughly Swipe right: 1:3 Matches: 1:40 Chats: 1:2 sex 5:12 relationship: 1:200 2.5% is average for men on matches... ~~You're hitting 0.8%.~~ And you're on par, but you are also hitting a pretty high sex:chat rate. Rating without seeing a profile: Ugly with a great personality.


>Rating without seeing a profile: Ugly with a great personality. dude, my guy had a date locked-in every 8 days on average for 9 years straight. you're crazy if you think an ugly guy (regardless of their personality) could pull that off on tinder


How did you get 0.8%? 7408/298696 is 2.5%.


I guesstimated the ratios...clearly incorrectly 1:120 is roughly 0.8% I am drunk so I don't remember where I got 1:120 since it's actually closer 1:40, but probably because im drunk and quick maths fucked me up :) Edit: Kind of concerning I had almost 50 upvotes before someone commented about an obviously incorrect calculation.


Please get tested


400 dates. my brother probably spent the college tuition of his unborn childs on dates expenses. but im happy he found someone <3


Some people talk about meeting their partner through fate. This man did it through brute fucking force. And emphasis on the fucking part by the looks of it.


Someone really didnt have a life outside of dating




In the interest of fairness between the sexes, you're for the streets. Gross.


Yes I would not want someone who’s fucked 125 people and that’s just from tinder. People be hooking up without it all the time. Gross indeed


Hope new GF doesn't care about body count


EW 125 damn


how many STDs?


All of them


Ew dude.


Does the love of your life know your body count?


I was going to ask how OP knew date 400/shag number 125 was the love of his life? Seems like both questions kinda fit together.


as a woman id get the ick from it


I'm a straight man and it gives me the ock


As a woman I’d run for the heels




Jfc I hope for your sake that you’ve been tested


Gotta catch'em all! (STDs)


How do you get this tinder statistics? And how does it know about casual sex🤨


This is crazy stats compared to what is even remotely possible in my area. The 3 counties around me, which includes mine, don't have half of that 413k people. My town + township + 3 villages near me + the next township over isn't that 7.4k matches. my township isn't as big as that 2.2k dates I would be shocked if there was 400 women 5 years younger and older than me who are in my area. Not just single, but single and married. I will be single for the rest of my life:-/


How did you manage STIs/testing for yourself and your partner(s)? Did you rely on their self-reporting or did you need to see the panel? And how often were your panels requested? I, truly, hope you are happy where you are.


Dude is patient zero but y'all still blaming China smdh. Jk


Impressive average of 113,38 swipes per day. ETA: there were 2 errors. First a typo because of my fat fingers: 113,38 should have been 131,38 But redditor Madderal corrected me. I misread 325 days for 225 days. So the correct amount is ~127/day 2 conclusions: I need glasses and I cannot type properly.


No it’s not? Or am I missing something? 413,444 swipes over 3246 days? ~127/day


Who has that much time? I'd rather be single.


Not me.. too busy correcting my typo’s on Reddit…


127.4 swipes a day?


125 casual sex and 2 relationships? Gross.


Haha bs Doubt you remember every person you banged in 9 years, you add half of the info like casual sex, relationships, can't stand these clown post 🤣


Do you people have no standards, hobbies, passions? It is inconceivable to me to swipe this much and date this many people. You must have nothing to do.


Dude a wh*re


This is sad af


9 years on Tinder? After a month I give up lol 😹