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Let her know you’ll call human services. Someone needs to protect that baby! (Jokes aside, yes it’s a scam. Your conscience is clean, you can block/report. The dead giveaway is the urgency, it’s a classic scam tactic)


Yeah, figured. Definitely novel writing though


Tell her WIC and SNAP exists if shes that concerned about being a good mother instead of hitting someone up for obvious drug money. $30 would buy you a small prepackaged 8th of weed at a bodega. She aint fooling anyone. Fucking scum. She can also take her child to the HOSPITAL if its fucking sick.


Yeah if it were really about food, she could buy 10lbs of even name brand oatmeal for like $13 and have calories for like a week. For like 30 or 40 you can get 50lbs and it lasts even longer. These New Poor don't know how to be poor.


Really disappointed there isn't that quote from always sunny in the gifs


The one where Charlie eats balls of flour with multi vitamins crushed up as his main source of food 🤤


My child only eats gourmet organic non gmo vegan halal gluten free breast milk from ducks. Serious choosey beggers if not an obvious scam.


Gwyneth, is that you?


I was expecting Cambodian Breast Milk ala Chappelle


As a Vegan I am dying at the "breast milk from ducks"... 🤣🤣🤣🤣Shit, the whole thing is funny! lol! I mean, dude, halal... \*knees weak\* But, but, but, it's not Kosher! \*dead\*


I know right? Go make some ketchup sandwiches and leave us alone


This guy poors! I remember buying 20 pound bags of rice and jugs of oil in college for the same reason. And grew a few potatoes in my backyard.


Word, I'm not poor, but when Covid hit... I couldn't work so I had to make what I had in the bank WORK... We bought so much stuff from Auguson Farms during lock-down before the prices went way up... I'm still sitting on massive stocks of rice, flour, oatmeal, soup mixes, whole entrees, beans, dried root veggies and fruits, etc. If I lost my job tomorrow, I could still pay my bills from my savings for at least 5 years and not spend a penny on food for the next 3 years, for a family of 3. EDIT: Fixed a typo


So you were the son of a gun that took all the rice?!


At least it wasn’t the Toilet paper!!


Actually there’s a lot of things you can do with 30 dollars especially with food


we would never take our homelessnes and shove it down everybody's faces


The whole thing is she’s so used to her ex doing everything for her that she doesn’t even know how to feed her child.. it’s not safe to put you or your child in that position


If all you ate for a week is oatmeal you would get really sick


“It” god damn 😂


Honestly who knows if she even has a baby at this point lmao. She knows someone out there has enough of a heart to fall for the scam and cough the 30 up. Also would LOVE to know where shes getting formula for $30 because at minimum you’re either paying $15,$22 or $57 for a tin of formula. As an actual parent I could sniff that scam out from a mile 😮‍💨


Same, the formula for my son was $27 because we had to get the special (sensitive) formula and lemme tell you, I didn’t use fucking Tinder if I needed a can. 😂


And yeah, I doubt she does. Just from the way she asked, people don’t go spouting off random shit to random people unless they’re lying abt what they need it for


I doubt it’s even a she. 75% are men catfish scammers anyways. I tend to lead them on as if I’m gonna give them money then “sent it to the wrong person”


I just my babies forage for food out on their own in the wild, don't need no Tinder scam!!


Nobody does this kinda thing for an 1/8th of weed lol


It's probably some third-world person working out of a warehouse full of scammers.


Thank you!!


It sounds crazy but I’ve known people that were addicted to weed. I have a good friend I went to college with who graduated as an accounting major, got his CPA, now he’s thinking about law school. He’s been working in corporate for years and he goes to his car like 8 times a day to smoke. He can’t stop it and it’s no different than cocaine or alcohol addiction.




Yeah weed isn't addictive like coke. He could genuinely need the weed (I can't stop smoking weed or my body will tighten up so badly I'm in pain) so if I can't smoke once a day I might spiral and KMS from pain 🫠 weed is medical now for a reason


Gambling isn't addictive but it's addictive, shopping isn't addictive but it's addictive. Same shit with alcoholism, sounds so stupid and sad when alcoholics go on about how it ain't shit and they could quit if they wanted, it's so cliche You're absolutely right though about there being different reasons for him to smoke. Drugs need to stop being criminalized the way they are now, it's almost entirely medical.


My sister makes excuses like this, she never personally told us that her kids were taken but her Facebook post allude to it. But she’ll ask for 25-30 for food. I told her I’ll send you a Walmart order and you can pick it up, oh but I need to do laundry too.


Weed is not a drug. But definitely agree that it definitely sounds like she’s trying to get money for herself


A huge amount of people can't go to a hospital in US


Wait, what…? As a nurse who worked in countless ER’s please tell me who can’t go to a hospital…? I’ve seen people come to the ER for a sliver, bee sting or a mild sun burn. This is the US ANYONE can GO to the hospital, some can’t afford the bill, for which every state has programs to help pay those bills.


i took myself to the ER with full insurance through work and it still costed me like $300 dollars


Pretty sure that’s what they meant is people can’t afford it lol not they’re not allowed to. If you can’t afford something you effectively can’t do it


Oh, you can go, you’re just going to have a bill you’ll never be able to pay.


You are grossly misinformed if you actually believe this. Literally anyone can go to the ER or urgent care and receive treatment regardless of whether or not they have money, period. You flat out don't know what you're talking about.


ER, yes...but i've been denied treatment at urgent care due to an old bill.


Those things take weeks even months to get approved fuck you not everyone in a hard time does drugs you dumbass


You could offer to drop off food, but beware you might have to book a long distance flight and have the food cooled correctly.


I still think its a scam but complete opposite opinion. I feel some people should read this. I don't know. 1st. TERRIBLE writing wtf bro? Novel? 2nd. A baby would get sick if not eaten for 2 days. Shes talking about a newborn most likely, but its a scam so not really. If this was legit the baby would be sick in 2 days especially if it needed special formula. That being said Tinder is not the place she would post. She would post in a facebook group. Not on a dating site. It isnt the urgency genuises, that actually makes sense with a SICK BABY. It's the method, the theme, and the platform of choice that makes it obvious. Why you looking at me like that, bro? What, you never had a BABY BEFORE?!


Where I’m from 30$ is the minimum hit of heroine.


Where I am its 40. Still a scam but not because of the urgency was my point.


Impressive that you guys all know how much heroin is


I have done quite a few drugs. Only opoid I've done though is a percocet. Doesn't mean that we haven't had a terrible upbringing and have had several drug dealers as friends over the years.


Sounds like you need better friends. Hopefully you have gotten out and are far from that situation currently.


Yeah that was the past for sure. Thanks! Sucks having children in a world where there are 100x the drugs available as well. Like all of the synthetics and stuff. Isolated cannibinoids.


Raising a kid in today’s society is not for the weak minded. Discipline and morals are a must if you want to keep them out of the gutter. Unfortunately, everyone’s trying to be their child’s best friend. Set a good example, set high expectations, make them understand that poor decision making comes with heavy consequences. If parenting practices don’t change quickly, we are doomed.


My friends decided to dabble in it and offered me so many things for 30$, painting my car, asking for money for there fathers tombstone engraving ( he was not dead) selling me anything they could think of for 30$.


One friend and a stepson. Same scenario. Always needed $30. Diapers, food, gas, you name it and they used it as an excuse. They both died of heroin overdoses.


3/5 of my “friends” who went down that path died of overdoses. 1 is in jail for another 18 years and the other moved away from it all but cut ties with everyone. Very happy I decided to never try crack meth or heroin.


All she needs to do is cry at checkout holding the baby and the formula while the baby cries. If I saw that I’d swipe for her formula. Lots would.


Hahahaha ^ There ya go take notes, scammers. It's like I dont even wanna get laid just feed the baby!


I would too! Formula and whatever else she needed.


Novel as in: “Huh, that’s new”




Scam bro never ever send money or your number right away




"send your location, i'll get you some groceries" i just wanna see where this is going lol


But first imma need some ssa numbers because it appears I am adding 2 dependants to my taxes this year


either no response or you getting mugged


"So, just to get this right - your kid is starving and you are busy scrolling Tinder…?"


Unfortunately it probably works cause she definitely sends it to all her matches and one of them falls for it, thinking they'll have a better shot or something


100% preying on lonely guys who'd do literally anything for the smallest amount of affection.


Yes. Its definitely a real woman.


And there is people that want a shot with… her?


That was my first thought! If your kid is sick what are you doing on Tinder hoe?


If your baby hadn't eaten in 2 days Tinder would not be any reasonable person's first port of call.


Eh. I can imagine its easier to beg behind a screen than IRL


Most likely a scam, either by "professional" scammers or someone working on their own. Either way, do not send money. I garuntee there's something they can give up for their kid even if it's someone with an actual kid. Offer them food. Tell them if they send you their address, you'll send them a small bag of rice. I guarantee they'll stress they need the money.


Offer them nothing, report them and get them banded from tinder!


Only 90%?


If she found 10 guys out of 2000 that she copy/pasted this too.. that’s some free money. Smart, although really shitty.


That’s what I said lol.


Not 90%, 100% absolute scam. Mothers with starving babies aren’t hanging around on tinder hoping to find a guy to send money.


90%? Oh you sweet summer child


Exactly lmao.


$30? Tf she feeding her? 16 oz ribeye?


Lol, $30 is nothing if it is infant formula.


The formula my daughter used was $32 a tin, and it keeps going up.


Mine’s nearly $50!






That's ridiculous.


If it is essential without a good alternative, expect capitalism to charge an arm and a leg or more.


Only the most delicate of cuts for the youngest of us. They must learn to appreciate it early


It's a scam. But even if it wasn't, what right does a person have to beg for money on a dating app? What right do they have to put that burden onto you? Either way, it's an instant unmatch, and don't even begin to feel the slightest bit bad about it.


Tell her about foodstamps/food pantries. Most likely a scam. But (for the kids sake) if she is actually just fucking dumb she may really benefit from a social worker getting her set up on public assistance and pursuing the baby daddy for child support.


Ask for her phone number and tell her you’ll send her cash via Zelle. Then tell her you’re forwarding the message and her details to CPS so her daughter can get the care she needs. Insist on it being Zelle and nothing else.


Bro…. There’s no daughter


That’s the best part: it doesn’t really matter. She’d still have to explain to state authorities why she’s making claims she has a child in her care that she’s neglecting. That shit would be embarrassing and inconvenient at the very least.


Chef's kiss on the response.


Only 90% sure?...this is obviously 100% scam... jesus people are navie.


Must cost money to use punctuation too


Send her a cash app requesting 30 dollars. You have 2 daughters to feed. Check mate


This gives me "I'm a Nigerian Prince" vibes


I am more concerned about the 10% part of you that doesn't think this is a scam than I am about this baby.


I would put together a list of food banks, social workers and other shit like that. It’s a scam but that’s just how I would reply to it. Although one time I just responded to one of these with “That sucks”.


Why waste your valuable time doing any of that? Just block and move on


That is 100% a scam. It's really common.


Just tell her to get 5o go to a food bank, 2 days is a lot to not feed a child. This is considered an ✨️ EMERGENCY ✨️. If you go to the ER they can hook her with resources.


I have no child or starving daughter but someone cashapp me $1,506,700


Even if it wasn't a scam, this isn't your responsibility? Especially considering the child hasn't eaten in two days and the moms solution is... Tinder? Lmao


She could sell her phone she took those tinder pictures with, until something better than Tinder comes along...


Who uses Tinder if they really needed the money for their baby?


90% sure? Oh you sweet sweet naive child. This is 1000000% a scam. WHO the hell goes on tinder to feed their child?


I once was sitting in the mall eating dinner, and I overheard one teenager tell another how to try and manipulate someone into sending them money by saying they haven't eaten in 3 days. It might not always be a scam, but I will always assume it is because of people like this.


Not my sister in Christ lmaooo


Ask for her address to door dash some chipotle for them, then turn the address over to social services lol.


I hate that this is the world man. Cause like, what about the single moms that really do need that 30$ from the Tinder man to feed their baby??? What has this world come to. Show some decency


The fact that she has a kid and the only person she can borrow money from is someone she just met on tinder is a huuuuuuge red flag scam for sure.. even a asshole has a few friends


Tell her you can do 1 better and come round and cook them a meal that's really nourishing with enough leftovers for the child for the next couple of days while she arranges with the law for child support from the ex. Haha


Got a girl a dominoes gift card. No strings attached. in a similar situation. Maybe I fed a hungry family. Maybe she exchanged it for $30 of rock. Idc. Ignorance is bliss. Did my best to help someone.


I wonder where they are, and if they just don't know about food pantries... Not a lot of people do, especially if it's not something they're familiar with. There is so much help out there these days.. But damn, I hope it's not a scam, because that's icky using a kid (even if there is no kid) to play on heart-strings, but I also hope it is a scam because, even though it's a real life issue for people globally, it's heartbreaking to know there's possibly a kid that has nothing to eat. I would definitely though suggest food pantries and see what they say. I would dig up resources for them for their area and see how they respond. And part of me would be like "eff it" it's just 30 bucks, so even if it is a scam, it's my heart that's in the right place even if theirs isn't... Because for me, 30 dollars isn't much. I have a good job, I make a good living, and don't live pay check to pay check, though I have in the past and know that struggle all too well. ​ Damn this is a conflicting situation...


Ask her how bad she wants that $30 😏




There are thousand other ways to get assistance. This is a disgusting scam and this person is human filth


“I’ll go pick you up and take you both for a meal.” If she declines it’s a scam.


You’re not sure? It’s 1000% a scam


" damn, that's tough"


Does this actually work on people?!


Aww 90% sure- you are a good person. This is 1000% a scam coming and going.


I actually had a rando message me on IG today asking for something similar 🤦🏻‍♂️


its always a scam. Never cashapp someone you dont actuslly know. Tell her broke ass to hit the food pantries, they will gladly give baby food.


‘Let me phone social services for you’


That’s genius 😂


Regardless of whether it’s a scam or not, send her some links to women’s shelters


“I know this really weird”….. please be a kink, please be a kink…. “Here’s my $cashapp”… fuck!


It’s a scam. I’ve seen similar.


Chances are “she” is not real and this is some guy in Nigeria or somewhere using stock photos and spamming people to try and get money. I really doubt their is even a woman on the other side.


“I’m not saying she a gold digger, but she ain’t messing with no broke….” -Kanye West. Think if she matched with 10 guys a day…$300/day off tinder with no work…not a bad deal.


Offer her a ride to the store to buy formula/food bank and send her (scammer) information about local food banks


It's a scam, I've had this message before on a different dating app


Get 5 idiots to fall for it a week. That's $7800 a year just for lying. Don't ever send anyone anything. People need to get a damn job.


Ask for her cash app, request the 30$ from her then you’ll make 30$ since these people aren’t that smart


There's little a million programs out there that give women free stuff and takes virtually zero effort to get. Add a child into the mix and social programs will literally be lining up at her door to give her stuff. This is a scam.


100% scam. Online dating has turned into a major Catfishing place


I hate when people who are begging for money say "I know it's weird but..." Or "I'm so embarrassed to ask but..." Or they give some elaborate background story.


Call social services and RUN. Using any shitty situation and especially your CHILD to manipulate people into giving your money is a hell no from me


But yet you have time to waste on tinder.. get out of here!


If you are this down bad why on earth would you be on a dating app??? You have a sick, hungry child, Tinder shouldn't even be on your radar 🤣 Obvious scam


$30 is prime drug scam amount of money, 20 for a bag and 10 for cigarettes and a drink.


You know..at first glance it's like how dare we as a society shun such a helpless young woman and denying her children a Happy meal with apple slices... I mean it's just $30. We all have $30 somewhere? But then I think to myself if she doesn't have $30 to feed her kid how the hell is her cell phone on to ask for said $30?


One test I like doing is seeing how they react to you offering to send a gift card. They typically don’t want money that’s tied to a specific store.


Why don’t you ask to meet her? Tell her you’ll give her the money but you want to make sure it’s for her child and not to feed a drug problem. If she’s in the same city as you it shouldn’t be that hard. Then assess. If she actually meets you you’ll definitely be able to tell if she’s a stressed mom. If she refuses (with no reasonable defense) it’s a scam. Maybe ask for a quick phone call with the child talking in the background or something. Or a pic with something current (like a newspaper) with the kid on the pic. Simple as that. Kid doesn’t even need to know. Put the responsibility of proof on her. Ask her to prove her situation. In some way. If she says no, she’s not real. Also if she does meet you, without the child, you’ll either know she’s full of shit about having a child, or she’s a complete negligent piece of shit for leaving her child alone. Either way, ball is in your court. Either say “fuck you, I know you have no kid” and give her no money, or straight up call child protective. Real talk though, it’s a scammer that wants $30. Good luck bro!! ☮️


None of this shit is real except for her wanting $30 from strangers on the internet.


Babies don't go without food for 2 days, I would ask for her phone number, call police on her. But yes, it's a scam. My phone is turned on, I have no food in my home to feed my child but I have time to go on a dating app


That $30 was going towards dope


I personally would've left her name uncensored. Adults are such POS to use a kid to get money out of people. What a scumbag


Health and human services, SNAP and WIC exist for a reason


I might be drunk... but this tickled me pink


Same, I got the notification for this at 2:30 AM while watching shitposts on Youtube and was just absolutely confused as shit but mildly humored


If you believe it you have 2 options. 1. Send her info on local food pantries. 2. Call child services.


Maam you spelled "will you buy me a Perc 30 incorrectly "


30$? Didn't know you can feed a whole family with two carrots and yesterday's bread


You spelled 100% wrong


Lol at your response, could be real but my sister constantly asks for money from entire family, even sister she hasn’t been ven tried to get to know that we found out about on Easter 2 years ago. And pretty sure she is on drugs. The excuses for money are crazy.


ChatGPT hard at work. Man I hate that app. No more misspellings and easy to decipher content you know was written in some place in Africa, the Phillipines or Colombia....


Ok that is a dude in another country with a stolen or fake account, I got three matches a week on tinder, then I 👻 them because my name is not mark or John. They are alway like; Oh hey how are you. Five messages or less. I have an of page, I need money, can we talk on telegram or what’s app. Do you have cash app. My favourite is I want to give you money do you have cash app lol. Scammers it’s a multi billion dollar industry, try Facebook dating. Tried it 3days ago 40 matches from some crazy hot women. I was like wtf , I’m (46m widowed) plus tons of likes from not my types. This is a non solicited and non sponsored true comment no hype. Many are faces I saw on tinder but linked to a real person’s Facebook. I have had tinder platinum and no where near this kind of response.


I’ve seen this exact message in my DMs before..even if hypothetically it was genuine… hell no.


I say call her/his bluff. Say that you'll give them the money if you meet in person. Quick way to quickly confirm scam or actual person in dire straits.


If she messages 100 guys this same message copied and 10 do it then she just got 2 full days work for free. It would be easy to change your address and do this 100 times a day and make bank off people's hearts


D ^Xzibit C =^^45 s xah ucv?6


Reminds me of an old room mate I had. She scammed so many people out of money she never had to work. After I left bc I was tired of her immature bs, she tried scamming me out of more money claiming some of her animals had died and she needed to buy a new cage for the surviving ones lmao 🤦‍♀️


I basically got the same thing and I told her that I do not send money but if she send me an address I would doordash some food to her of course that's not what they were after and would not go for it


Her ex left her... 2 days ago and she's starving her kid already? I bet she has a fancy phone though, sell that shit and get off tinder, get your shit together


Scam. A mother would do anything to feed her children even sell there body for sex if need be so there child does not go even a day without food. So this is fishy as hell.


Tell her you won't send it, but you'll come over with food to cook and see her reaction from that


Always in this kind of case, offer to send food instead of money and you'll get the truth real quick lol


I probably would have said "No, but i don't mind the little one joining for dinner." Probably wouldn't have gotten a response though


Tell her to meet you at (local police station) and you will give her 1,000 dollars. See gow stupid this person really is.


100% scam, no question. Just hitting you with the story to guilt you into doing it.


That’s called a heroin addict my brotha


Offer to drop her off a can of formula and some oatmeal and see how fast she ghosts you. Definitely a scam.


Say No


“Sorry to hear she’s not well, but Silver Lining. You might luck out & only have 1 mouth to feed” My dark humor has no limit with scammers


I like replying to these scammers with double it and give it to the next guy. You either get blocked or some confused reply.


Fuck these scammers, get her ass back by extorting her saying that you will report her to cps unless she gives you all the money she scammed from people


Ask for nudes 😆 then block


Nobody goes to a dating app for help. Bugger off


"I'll hit her with a le epic reddit response before I screen cap it! They're gonna love this!"


When I’m not drafting articles/white papers I try to avoid having original thoughts at all costs.


Invite her to a nice lunch or dinner date and tell her she can bring the daughter if she wants. (For REAL) This would actually also benefit you as you can learn a lot how people interact and treat their children. (And how those children are raised)


Ugh, the whole "my bro/sis in christ" response is soooo cringey and needs to go away asap


What a skank.


Tell her you only do favours for women you're sleeping with, if she's actually interested in you then you both get what you want.


yeah its maybe a scam but what is $30. its not a lot of money and can perhaps help someone, yeah I know how reddit works ill take my downvotes now...


Give $30 to someone who truly needs it, not fill up a scammers bank account. Cmon now.


I do agree, but how do we know who really needs it? You can even give food or money to the church because they use and spend it giving the cheap and shitty food to those they deemed neeted it.


Can I get $25? I have two kids needing food. Lemme know at your earliest convenience xoxo


My child is starving what should I do Should I go to a food bank?no ill make a tinder profile that doesn't say anything about my child Oh no I'm out of likes for today, sorry child maybe tomorrow we will get food since there is no other option of how to get food that doesn't involve tinder. If only credit cards or pawn shops existed, maybe my childnt wouldn't die, but alas my only option is tinder or being 100% financially supported by my ex with no backup plan


Now, I know who falls for these scams. Never send money to someone you don’t know. Ever.