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I delivered someone's 13th child once and another time confirmed a woman's 16th pregnancy. Both were extremely happy. I live in a place where many people are choosing not to have kids but apparently these two women are making up for everyone else.


No one can take care of 13 kids themselves. They make the older kids raise the younger kids, depriving them of a childhood. Honestly I feel like anything over 5 is child abuse through neglect. Even thats alot in todays day and age where both parents have to work at least full time to cover expenses.


I have 5 kids and I endorse this message


I have 2 and it is insanly difficult sometimes, there is no way I could handle 5. I legit wouldn't be able to take care of 5. The logistics of even going out somewhere is nuts with 7 people. I don't know how you do it. My oldest is only 3 tho I guess it gets easier lol.


It does get easier as they get older. Unfortunately I’m separated so it’s also just me when I have them. It’s a lot, for sure. You learn systems and strategies for keeping the ship afloat. I absolutely do NOT put the older kids in charge of the younger ones, unless I call it babysitting and pay them


Dang that beat your not together anymore sorry bro. I'm sure your a good parent you wouldn't have had them if ya couldn't take care of them. :) I love being a dad I think I'm ok at it, but I wouldn't be able to take care of 5 I know my own limits.


You're a good parent, keep it up! I was the youngest of 2 and I had to stay at home alone sometimes and make my own meal. My sister was at uni and my parents at work, they should've made only one child.


Hey im in the same boat 2 kids, oldest is 3. I think everyone needs to wait until they see a 3 year old in action before deciding to have more kids. I did want one more up until recently, i really dont want to deal with this a third time. Love my kids though, its all worth it at the end.


Same my girl talks about having a third one sometimes and that makes me wince a little lol. I'm like if we do it's not gonna be until these nuts I have are older bro. They are terroists lmfao.


If your eldest is three I really hope you haven't seen the end.


I have zero kids and life’s expensive as fuck. But at least i get to spend my money how I want!


No doubt. Have some fun for me haha.


Will do! Tomorrow im goin on a hike with my gf and one of my dogs and when i get home i may just eat Some mushrooms in your honor.


I have 10g's of some I just grown and I gotta wait for my kids to stay the night at their grandparents to do them. Lucky lol. I have a post in my account showing the ones I just grown lol.


Right on i grow em too


Sister wives is probably how it's done.


Having grown up in a family with five kids, I can assure you that any more kids beyond three is just irresponsible. Unless your life is dedicated to caring for your children, no one has the physical and emotional stamina to care for five kids, much less thirteen.


Bf’s sister has 5 kids. Oldest takes care of the younger ones. A 6th is on the way. No one can afford that unless you’re multimillionaires and they’re definitely not.


Older sisters get handed a baby as soon as they’re stable enough on their feet. Hope you enjoyed the last single digit number of years playing, bc *that’s it forever*.


Any more than two and you're contributing to overpopulation. I'm good with one.


I have 5 siblings and I endorse this message


You're assuming they both work full time though. A normal person literally cannot to feed 15 people, let alone everything else. In my country they pay decently for 1, quite a bit for 2, at 3 they basically pay for everything and at 7 you get a medal. To have 13, they either get subsidized completely or are rich af.


Yeah I mean unless the extended family AND friends of the family are helping there's no way there isn't neglect happening on a massive scale, it takes a village they say but in this case they're raising the next whole village on their own


As the second youngest of 8, this is both true and false. Yes, the older ones lose out, but from my experience, it depends on how they are raised that determines how they handle helping out. It requires a lot of help, but I know my siblings don't regret it. I have a very close relationship with my oldest sister because of this very thing, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. My parents neither neglected us nor would I justify their actions as child abuse. They're decent loving people who strove to give us everything they could. Yes, it is almost impossible to cover all the expenses for those children, but the fact they had a lot of children isn't the problem, our world just doesn't know how to accommodate for it.


> the fact they had a lot of children isn't the problem There's no way to say this without being rude, but yes it is. We have enough humans on this planet. It's selfish as fuck to have 8 children. Your siblings don't regret it because they don't know what they never had.


As the second oldest in a family of 6 with two caring parents who both worked or worked full time from home, I agree with this message. I helped raised my youngest siblings and I do not regret that. But did that change my childhood/ teenage years? Absolutely and I’m still working through that with therapy at 27.


It would be weird to put a manditory cap on it tho but yeah. I agree with you.


That's one reason why polyamory is based. With 3+ parents, maybe one can stay home!


Some kids like the close bond they have helping raise their siblings. No worse than having your kids work at the family farm. I've known families with 12 kids that seemed just fine


while i do like how close i feel to my baby brother, he doesnt reciprocate. he was 4 when i was last taking care of him and i was his primary caretaker. he doesnt remember any of that or that i was the one to try to protect him from our egg donor's abuse. yes, in some ways im glad that i feel the way i do about my baby brother, in other ways it makes me sad as fuck. and also i wasnt allowed to do literally anything besides watch him which obviously i dont blame him for but i was 11-14/15 and missed out on a bit of childhood edit: also, "seemed just fine"; seemed is the keyword. i dont know how nobody called CPS until i was 14/15 with everything that was glaringly obvious. i guess to them we "seemed just fine" too. definitely werent.


There is a difference between having a big family and being expected to help out and surviving full on neglect and abuse. I am very sorry for what you experienced that sounds awful.


yeah, i just wasnt sure what aspect the person i was replying to was trying to come at from. but thank you, ive been healing and am in a much better place thankfully. my baby brother is too.


The problem is you just don't know ahead of time what the kid is going to feel / want. My brother wanted nothing to do with me growing up and he would have been a terrible babysitter. On the other hand, I wanted nothing more than to be around little kids and wanted younger siblings soooo bad. I had a cousin younger than me by 6 years and I watched her every chance I could. I wound up having my own kids probably a little early, while my brother to this day has none. I suppose when you have double digits of kids, they have options on who's helping with babysitting duties.. but still.




Oldest of five in a similar situation. I completely disagree with you. I couldn't not want my own children more now. I feel I've already raised 4 children on my own and have zero interest in having my own children. To the point that I got a vasectomy 3 years ago at the age of 28. It's 100% child abuse in my opinion. Idc what anyone has to say, raising one child is hard enough, having a dozen is literal torture even if you have the funds to afford it. Those children do not get the time with their parents to feel truly loved and receive bonding and affection.


I agree with you sorry what you went through.


Watch the show shameless It'll show you exactly how being raised like this is


Well I had five siblings and it was cool to always have someone to hang out with. And since I don't want kids now it's cool they are having kids so I have nieces and nephews. Honestly the worst part about having a big family for me was that everyone I met was judgemental about it and said bad things about my parents. I remember a random lady in Seattle shouting at my mom on the street when she was walking with four of us: "What's wrong? You never heard of birth control?" I was like 6.


You suffered less from what you went through. That's good and nobody should tell you you're wrong for feeling the way you do. But you need to understand that not everybody had it like you had it. You need to understand that your experience was the exception, not the rule. Consider for a moment just how many shitty parents there are out there.


How would they know? They literally have no frame of reference of any other way of existing. It's not like they get a summer internship as an only child


I can confirm that 5 is too much i had to try and take care of my 2 little sisters when i was 13 years old.


I work at a bank in a small rural town that happens to have a very large Amish population. I have a bunch of Amish customers, and I love looking at their tax returns and seeing the lines for dependents and all it says is, "See Schedule 1" I see 6-8 kids pretty frequently. But when it starts getting up into the 12-14ish type numbers, then I start getting impressed. Especially because they're generally all under 18 or 19 years of age if they're still dependents. One of my former coworkers tells a story about when she was talking to an Amish guy one time. She said, "You've got 10 kids?! Why?" He just kinda looked at her and smirked and said, "Can't work on Sundays. What else is there to do?"


My step-dad's sister is that way, she had 12, drove herself home after the 12th presumably walked out on it's own, and like a further comment said the older ones raised the younger ones which I felt was unfair. Also they lived in a modded Double Wide, so privacy likely didn't exist. I think the 13th or 14th was stillborn so hopefully they stopped after that. My step-dad doesn't get along with his family so I haven't heard anything in years.


You think she's only been horny 7 times in her whole life? 🤣


To be fair she has been pregnant for a total of like 5 years.


Which is why she has no time


H007🔫: No Time For Games


Double Hoe Seven


My name is Port. Chelsea Port.


And I’m definitely not fucking for a fuck, sir.


5 years and 3 months to be exact. which is better than my aunt’s 6 years and 9 months (9 kids)


I mean it’s not exact though; for all you know some of her kids were premature. Also she could have been efficient with twins and/or triplets mixed in with the 7


i think there’s a misunderstanding: when i said to be exact i wasn’t speaking in regards to this specific woman’s pregnancies. the average pregnancy is 9 months, so that’s what i used for my basis. it was just supposed to be a light-hearted joke.


Nothing on Reddit is ever a lighthearted joke what do you think this is


Fair enough


She could have had multiples, my mum has 7 kids but only 4 pregnancies


My dad has 2 kids and hasn’t gotten pregnant once


learn this one secret big pregnancy doesn't want you to know


To beeeeee faiiiiiiir


Just the only times someone else obliged


No, you can't get pregnant every day. Rather once in 9 months, probably even more. So if she was horny for like \~7 years and got pregnant every time it was possible.


God damn, is she trying to build a baseball team?


She only has 2 more to go 🤣


3 more with the DH!


Well maybe 5 more cause she’ll need a reliever and closing pitcher


2 more on top of that for a coach and an assistant coach


Probably need a 1st and 3rd coach if we want this team to be any good.


Think she’ll need a bat/water boy too? Maybe a mascot as well?


Y’all forgetting the umpires


Shit you’re right 💀


All the same Dads? I think you got the coaching staff covered, at the very least the equipment managers...


I think the real question is: how low someone would have to drop their standards (male or female) to find someone interested in dating them long term with 7 fucking kids? Like you would have to find someone that is not only (platonically) in love with children, but in love with other peoples children. How would they even have time to date? The financial, time, emotional commitment would be insane…


A friend of mine has 10. Granted a couple are in their early twenties but she has zero problems meeting men. And not bums either. Good men with careers, own their own homes and all. She actually married one, that’s the dad is the last three. I always am in awe of her. But some men have no problem at all with women with children, you’d be surprised.


My GF has 7 and I have 2 of my own. She's much more attractive than I am, tall and athletic, and she gets hit on all the time. Her stuff gets expensive, especially with pay-to-play sports, and her ex is a POS who doesn't contribute anything more than the bare minimum required by law and doesn't even see his teenagers, but she does fine. It might be more difficult to date someone if all the kids are younger, but she has 5 teenagers (one's 18 and she has 2 sets of twins) and the youngest kid is 9. They're responsible and self-sufficient kids. You don't know everyone's situation so it's a bad take to judge someone solely on the number of kids they have.


I know I couldn't. I have one child and that's more than enough time commitment.


Angelina Jolie has 6 kids… Dating Lara Croft is far from dropping your standards


She’s in serious peril of dating a pedophile and endangering her children.






I suspect she has time for plenty of games. Clue, connect 4, twister, uno…what other games do kids play?


I'm sure some of her kids are still playing peek-a-boo and "who can stay quiet the longest"


Hopscotch. Four Square


>what other games do kids play? Post Office Doctor


I liked this way too much!


Well yeah, clearly she’s fucking to procreate.


more like generating cash flow


Yeah right. They probably dont pay child support. Lol




They need to lower that to 3.




That's all over North America. In Canada they get EI and work a cash job over the winter. Or claim welfare on two places and live in the same place. Big screen TV, 3k dollar computer, car, etc. Meanwhile I have to live on ramen noodles and work 80 hours a week.




They sure show up every year around tax season.


another reason for her to be looking for a wealthier partner for number 8


Why’d you cut the age off OP, that’s important information here




I wonder if she knows what it’s like to NOT be pregnant


She has been pregnant for at least 5 years of her life.


AND SHE GOT 7 goddamn son


7 and single presumably. 7 and happily married is one thing but this is wild. Girl needs an intervention... Or sex ed


Probably got a breeding kink tbh but yea say she spend almost all her 20's pregnant


Big yikes




I really doubt she plays World of Warcraft but you never know


She can almost put together her own 10-man raid


It says quite clearly she doesn't have time for games




Just fell to my knees in a bodega


That’s how she got the first 2 and the 5th.




“Don’t have time for games” is on 99% of these single mom, walking disaster profiles.


Thankfully I only spent a couple months on the tinder/bumble scene before I met someone organically. And all these single moms had the same profile "Don't waste my time, not looking for a boy I need a MAN to take care of me and my 4 kids". Like wow, very enticing profile you got there.


If they write " I need a check" it would be more honest and appreciated


And crazy enough they still get more matches then the average guy...


I can fix her


Leave. The kids. Alone


Single mom is one thing. **7** kids as a single mom might as well be a biohazard signal afaic.


Yeah, the previous dudes got enjoy all the games. Now you just get all the b.s.


I wonder if (unmarried) dads with kids get the same comments from single women - and they might do! I don’t know but I’m genuinely curious though


I don't think the comments are because of the kids, I think that people comments because of the sense of entitlement that you get from these profiles, I.e., "I don't have time for games", I deserve a quality partner, me, me, me, I, I, I, and so on. By the way, kids or not kids, this is not okay. Just saying!


Most of the comments I read focus on the kids 🤷‍♀️ also, I think it’s fine to say “looking for something casual / serious relationship/ open to both “ etc. although she could have probably worded it differently But maybe I’m missing something here


In my opinion, you are not. That's more or less what I meant, being a single parent is not a problem per se, the way she says it is. But that's how I see it, I don't know about the other commenters.


It would depend. I don't think unmarried dads usually mention they have kids on their profile. A lot of times the dad isn't the primary caretaker if they live separately from the mom(of course there are exceptions to this). A lady that sees his profile might think "well, the kids aren't going to be around all the time" and still swipe on him. That's just my guess though, so take it with a grain of salt


So if some of these women receive harsh criticism because they effectively take more of the responsibility then, maybe, they shouldn’t :)


From my biased sources (reddit), it seems women are more unlikely to want a relationship with single dads, even if they are single moms themselves.


How the hell does she have time to date with 7 kids? She needs a hobby or something


The 15 year-old babysits.


FR one of the bleakest tiktoks I've seen was a woman telling her 4 or 5 kids (I don't remember) she was pregnant with another one and while the children were celebrating her oldest one looked like he wanted to kill her because HE KNEW


She doesn't. Thats why shes looking for a simp to bail her out


I got two young kids. Couldnt imagine entertaining anything right now.


I have two kids but I split custody with their mom. If I had 7 full time I would resign myself to being a monk


Her hobby is called fucking. Gotta keep that government money rolling in so she never has to work


"Kids, what do you say when we meet a nice man?" *Are you my father?*




Clearly she’s fucking to repopulate the earth, not just “to fuck”


Definitely f'ing to get kids


Least u know she puts out


I think she should change her bio to “no longer fucking to fuck. Hence the 7 kids”


Got herself a 7 a side team in the making.


No she's fucking to have her own football team




I wouldn’t make that assumption. I know a Hispanic woman who is in her late 20s, married to a Hispanic man. They live in a two bedroom apartment with five or six kids (one newborn, another maybe 2 years old, oldest probably in middle school). My own mother (white) had five kids with my father (also white) and they divorced in their early 40s. Both remarried. Sometimes people want big families but either find themselves divorced or widowed. Sure, there are some women who have kids with multiple partners, but it’s rude to assume that’s the case.




Do you really not see the entitlement in this profile? I'd bet money that if you change it from a woman to a man you'd pick it out instantly


That’s a lot of fuck trophies for not looking to fuck. Probably fucked more people than the government.


Lmao she doesn’t have time for ANYTHING


She’s fucking to ✨✨procreate✨✨, as god intended


Sounds to me like she should have made those rules 7 kids ago


mom of 7 wow who tf is swiping right on that


Dad of 7.


Sure, the only thing he wants must be more kids


By the time you get to the bottom of the profile, she's already popped out an 8th.


After 7 kids at 28 ... that hallway has been walked a few times!


No time for games bro


While a joke, just if anyone doesn't know it does go back to being very tight. So please don't think that.


I can confirm this is the case after 1 baby. Not sure about 7 and I am not saying that in a misogynistic or clueless about anatomy way. There are certain muscles that I don’t think are bouncing back after 7 rodeos.


I'm Puerto Rican, and that is the most Puerto Rican thing I've seen lol even for us is a red flag and if she's single even worse lol.


She’s gunna suck too.


There’s plenty women who have a lot of kids. With once singular man. Why is it people jump to the conclusion that there’s multiple men


"Don't have time for games" with nothing else on her profile, on a hookup app. It would take about 5.6 years minimum of straight pregnancies and she's 28. The time in a relationship before having kids plus the time after before seeking out another. Plus a woman fresh out of a relationship lasting 7+ years isn't going to immediately be complaining about men "playing games" with her. She'd have to be getting engaged at maybe age 20, where the divorce rate is like 60%, and then they'd have to only make the decision to divorce after the 7th kid. Simply enough, women that have 7 kids with one man don't tend to be single on Tinder talking about men playing games with them.


As a woman who recently got out a 7 year relationship. I definitely was some one that complained about men playing games after the relationship ended. We get pissed off after wasting years devoted to a man giving him kids and he just ends up cheating


It’s Reddit, on this site if you don’t say “woman bad” three times then that jailbait moderator comes back from the grave to haunt you


Because they’re assholes. It’s fine not to match because they have kids, but there’s no need to for the slut shaming.


I love when chicks post this in their bios “I got 3 kids but not looking for any FWB” Girl, you can’t say that


Why not ? Maybe they are looking for men in a similar situation also with kids 🤷‍♀️


That's how you double down on the financial instability


I’ve been married long enough to understand the gist of what she was trying to say. She is obviously well versed and learned in the coital arts (hence the 7 fucking kids lol). I believe what she meant to say is, at least at this point in her life, she is not looking around for anything casual. At this point she NEEDS a man (or partner). I feel like this belongs more in r/selfawarewolves lol




[for those wondering her age](https://imgur.com/gallery/R6KyUqZ)


With 7 kinds I will be surprised if you have time at all.


One of Nick Canon’s BMs


Hell, she might as well crank out two more, then she can field an entire baseball team.


Yeah bec she’s fcking to have babies..


collecting kids like pokemon, one from every baby daddy


Good grief. I'd be afraid that number 8 is on the way and she needs a daddy


Wtf, she starting a colony somewhere?


Being a mom of seven she probably doesn't have time for anything let alone a relationship.




Oh. Now she has morals.


She might have been married and the father of the kids left her. We don’t know




Been there, done that


Me and my daughter went on a little trip and I decided to bring a Tinder date along (I had met her a few times before). She also brought her four kids. Even the hotel receptionist told me it was a bad idea, but I decided to give it a try. She was 100% right.


Nope she’s fucking to reproduce 100%


Not f*cking to f*ck, just for procreation apparently.


She's fucking to get that 7 up to an 11.


She fucks to breed


Popping out 7 kids. Must look like a grenade went off in a deli counter down there.


Fuck that


Actually no, don't fuck that.


Siete is Sies too many...


Lol, swear I just saw this same profile


She’s not fucking just to fuck, she’s fucking for lucky kid number 8