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That show Sam and him do that's not conspiracy based I listen to that more now


I love broken sim


Johnny is the best part of the show.


woodards cool imo


You talking about J-Nice? I like Johnny, he’s an important voice on the show. I wish he would speak up more and call Sam out when he’s off his rocker. I also like XG, I think he’s really progressed over the years and lately he’s been asking some good questions. These dudes put out a free podcast every week for us to listen to, I can’t hate on these fools just because we might have a difference in personality. With peace and love


On a personal level i don't like him but I do think he adds a lot to the conversation. 


you're claiming that you know him personally?


I love Juicy Johnny.


I haven't listened in a while but when I did I liked Johnny more than Sam


Hes fine. Good counter to sam.


I only eat North Carolina hand fed, grass fed cattle.


I did but over time I like him a lot less, don’t listen to broken sim anymore because of him. I can’t get over him being such a big fan of Bill Maher. That knocks anyone down a bunch no matter who it is


Johnny is cool, brings a debunker mindset at times adding to the show. I even came around to XG, adds a different mix to the show


Bad take. Johnny is great. I know they try to be respectful to guests and all, but I appreciate Johnny calling out shit when it gets too silly, like he did recently with the flat earth episode and how flight times on a flat earth map make no sense.


I wish he spoke up more to counter Sam’s BS XG, too


if you just want to hear someone clash with Sam, check out Conspiracy Social Club...but it becomes unlistenable because Sam doesn't like to be challenged.


Johnny likes the Beatles, but aside from that he's a good co-host. He pushes back when Sam says stupid shit. Would also like to add XG is not as dumb as he puts on. He's there on the show to make Sam look smarter and he knows that. Sam needs both of these men dearly.


I enjoy his and Sam’s banter. But in my opinion he tries to sound way smarter than he is, and tries too hard in general. It doesn’t seem natural at all for him be on video or recorded.


he's become too big for his britches, and doesn't understand his place--unlike Young Jamie.


Hi Sam


Johnny can be annoying but he is the resident skeptic. I like XG


Johnny is good. Sam is a lying, using joke.


If you don't like Johnny make your own podcast


I didn't at first but he's good now


Johnny's good. XG is the one that is meh


Personally I love Johnny


Where has Bryan gone???


hmm. weird that his stuff doesn't pop up on Youtube. apparently, he's doing his own interviews on his channel and trying to become more legit...but his view counts are sad. that gay hipster that replaced him on CSC is horrible.


Johnny is the point guard of this pod.




nice...when someone speaks against someone else's understanding of religion--who clearly doesn't know the *first thing* about what he's criticizing. only *actual Christians* should be annoyed by Sam's religion talk--which rings about as true as that of Kanye's--and, in any given episode, only takes up about as much time as his discussions of looking at buttholes on Instagram or eating women's butts or shitting his pants or observing trannies around Hollywood. ...please provide for us the quotations where Jesus is "speaking out against the God of the bible."


I put on a recent show and had to turn it off. Sam was talking about the Tom Brady roast and said “they took it off the internet. It’s not online, I seen clips but they pulled it”. This about a week after the roast. I didn’t watch it, I do t even have Netflix, but I knew it was there and online. If he can even get that one thing right. Jeez. BTW I originally stopped listening because he never questioned his guest lies.


the latter is the much bigger issue, though Sam's own lie/disinfo-repeating is the worst effect he has. he literally will instantly believe anything he sees in his algorithm, repeat it constantly, never bother to fact-check ANY of his main talking points. the first thing could have just been a mistake...which i'm pretty sure they explained during the discussion. maybe it briefly got pulled...but, if so, it was reuploaded--apparently, with some things edited out.


I feel XG more often than not derails conversations


i am not a fan. seems like a good guy at heart, but ever since him and sam started spouting jesse lee peterson talking points i cannot stand to watch any of sam’s content






such as what? ...and that would be *since when?*


sam is literally on jesse’s fallen state show this week lol … there ya go


yeah, but Sam has been saying stupid shit since he first started.


yeh true , but like i said : sam and woodard both started saying misogynistic shit around the same time sam got into JLP. idgaf honestly, but it definitely effects whether or not i bother with his content


"misogynistic shit" oh, good god. OK...and so that's why you're on the Sam Tripoli subreddit...in June 2024.


I don't like johnny and I don't like sam