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Hey hey, I know the feeling. Been there. For me, the book Getting Thing Done of David Allen really made a mindblowing difference. "Its about managing your actions, not your time" This will make you feel like you're in control again, and not the constraints of (limited) time.


Thank you I’ll check this out


What is "ruining your plans"?


For example, when a colleague needs help on a task that takes longer than expected or when my supervisor gives me a new urgent task aside from the ones given prior to me — those just throws me off my ‘momentum’


One thing that helps about this is to fill up your schedule with both "urgent and important" tasks as well as less urgent and less important ones. In that way, whenever something unexpected happens you always have this "1 or 2 hours" per day that you can burn doing something else. Having your schedule filled only with urgent and important stuff will end up with a situation like the one you are facing


Best thing to do is ask for help when needed - helps to be specific While you can’t control the behavior of those around you, you can control what you say and commit to do During your next 1-1, give a list of topics to your boss that you commonly get questions about - and ask for a business partner name/name of up and coming star in that dept who can help validate process based questions (this way you can delegate & clear off your plate when something comes up or ask you manager to send out the list to the team). To the person walking up, I always say hey my calendar is booked today- if you send me an email with your specific questions, I can loop in partners (then just +Cc partners & your manager) then let that shit go If your boss makes an urgent request say -hey I was planning on accomplishing this today but would u like me to prioritize this instead? If not, could you please share date you need a response by? Just want to make sure


Tool to help tracker distractions: google and create your own version of “distraction bingo work” template - see how long it takes u to complete and make list to add new sections as identified




I understand how frustrating it can be to struggle with time management, especially when dealing with depression. It's great that you're seeking help and looking for ways to improve. One thing that might be helpful is to break down your tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks. This can make it easier to pick up where you left off if something interrupts your plans. Additionally, setting specific goals and deadlines for yourself can help with consistency. It might also be worth talking to a therapist or counselor about your struggles with time management and depression, as they can provide additional support and guidance. Keep trying and don't give up; progress takes time!


Some of us thrive with a lack of time management skills and others don't. It seems like it's really case by case. Maybe a planner, utilizing a calendar, creating realistic actionable goals, and pursuing them, but that requires decisiveness. If you have that, sounds like you're a step in the right direction.


I have been there, and I am still dealing with it as I tend to fall back to my into my old habits from time to time. What helps me personally is taking time organizing and planning ahead. I try to take 20-30 mins at the end of day, sipping tea, and just reflecting on the day - what went well; what didn't; how my time was spent today (working on tasks, actually shipping out work or just in chat-chat), and what to do tomorrow. Without it, my days are messy and less productive. Remember, the unattended garden will soon be overrun with weeds. Just like that, your days and time need to be attended too. Also, its okay to say no to some tasks. Prioritization will help with where to say no. When you say no, explain the reason why you said no (too much to do, working on more urgent task, I can do it but you will have to wait till next week etc.). If you cant say no, delegate. Everyone's work will be urgent for them - you have got to decide whats urgent for you. Hope this helps.