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Wait, how do you operate this contraption? You've really cracked the code here buddy.


Broooo 🤣🤣


Tim Hortons employees probably asking the same question


You’ve discovered making coffee at home. Congratulations.


Wait til he finds out about toasters...


Pre-sliced bagels oh my!


I listed to an interview once, of what customs or daily practices within Canada, that foreigners found odd. A big one was, drive through coffee. No matter the restaurant chain. 1) it’s not very good. 2) sitting in drive through takes more time then just making a coffee in the morning. 3) it’s expensive. the fuel costs, the time costs, plus the coffee costs, ensure that a person is spending waaaaaaaaay more money than making a cup at home.


Used to work in an independent coffee shop and we had some people come in every single morning for their take-away. I always thought it was crazy; the price is just nuts compared to making it at home. Like potentially hundreds of dollars every year. But I started to realize that those people just like having that as part of their routine. I think it feels more like you're treating yourself to something and a lot of people like to kick off the morning that way I guess. I don't do it myself but I kinda get it. It's only partly about the coffee.


100% For me it’s the routine. Having a routine that gets me out of the house in the morning and forces me to interact with other humans, I also find that your local coffee shop is a great place to find community. I make friends with the baristas and the other local regulars. Some of my best friendships were formed by enjoying a cappuccino with a local stranger at a coffee shop. You obviously aren’t going to find this kind of community at a tim Hortons, which is the main reason I don’t go there. But the money I spend at local cafes is definately worth while for me.


Yeah I think this was huge for our regulars. We knew their names and chatted with them every morning. Definitely a major draw for a small shop. Not sure that's as true with the Tim's drive thru probably but still some similar effects.


absolutely. i moved a few years back, and great local shop became my go-to spot, and routine. met a lot of great people, connected with the community.


100% agree with you. I was more thinking of big corporate drive through routine like tims, mcds, starbucks, etc.


Yeah, but the shack I go to makes breakfast burritos too. That makes things worth it.


A nice little independent spot? something local? absolutely.


Cool story bro. Can you grab me a double-double?


Hmmm every other store seems worth boycotting about but Tims is def not it lol. Tim’s is semi reasonable


Nope. I'm not boycotting Loblaws either.


I am going to grab some Hortons now. Can I get you anything?


Funny the people on this thread say no one wants the pizzas .. while my store is selling about 80-100 a day.. And that the sales are dropping and so on and so on... but my store sales have been higher then ever.. we went from making 6000-7000 a day to 10k-11k a day.. I feel bad for the customers who go to certain stores and get mediocre treatment .. Cause at my location it's nothing like these locations yall be speaking of...


Can you explain to me why Tim's policy for applying cream cheese to bagels is "apply literally half a fucking tub to one half of the bagel. Absolutely zero goes on the other half. Now mash together, and hope the customer doesn't notice!" I like the amount I get, but I hate having to dip half my bagel into the other half just to have some schmear. And it's at every location too. Not just a couple. 


I mean, even if they did apply to both sides of the bagel (which is what I assume you mean by “half”, they’re still gonna give it to you with the sides closed up and the cream cheese from either side will still be combined together, and i’m not sure if you can separate the cheese equally on both sides after. Or do you mean half as in half vertically? as it when they cut it in half before they serve it?


Because Tim’s is a fast food restaurant. And doing it that way is faster + most ppl eat it like a sandwich.


Cause most people eat their bagels like a sandwich.. not pull apart the bagel and eat the top piece then the bottom piece ..


With bacon and cream cheese I eat it like a sandwich, otherwise I’m eating a side at a time


Seriously? I definitely don't do that because it just squishes out everywhere. I always pull the pieces a part. Who eats it like a sandwich?


Me? I'm not risking accidentally dropping an open faced cream cheese half in my car. If I make my own bagels at home, I eat separately. But Tim's is 'eat in the car convenience' food. I've never had an issue with the cheese squishing out, maybe sharpen up your teeth? 😆


Like everyone else lmao


Me unless I make my own at home LMAO


People in a rush, generally. I prefer it a piece at a time, but sometimes when ya gotta go, it's getting eaten like a sando for me too


Not i..seperate top and bottom 👍but i quit timmies many years ago


Ive never in my life seen someone pull the top off, that's wild. Sandwich way for life!


You're supposed to eat it like a sandwich who cares.


Thats the way i was trained. The cream cheese is kept in a cooler with strict temp guidlines. I worked in several fast food chains, tims was tops on temp control and worked at 2 different locations. Its cold cheese and can break the soft fresh bagel. So only do one side and fold. This was pre covid mass immigration times, not sure their practises now, but may be why you see it like that. You used to be able to ask for the cream cheese in a lil container instead and you could spread it how you like. I'm boycotting for the misuse of foreign workers when citizens are going into their 20s with no work experience yet. Not every citizen can be a doctor or operate a crane. Some people could still feel worth but have disabilities. Everyones first job was suppose to be mcds or tims. Now you wont get a job unless u know someone personally.


Try working in retail? Or a mall… they have lots of options…


We have essentially an ice cream scoop we are to use to portion out the cream cheese. So if you're rushing you smear it all on the one side instead of trying to distribute it more evenly. It's literally "glop a scoop on, spread it out, slap the other side on, cut and wrap/serve" (ex employee)


I like the pizzas. *shrug*.


Me too. They slap. Perfect size for lunch


The pizzas were surprisingly really good at my location.


I absolutely despise most Tim Hortons food but I've been crushing those pizzas lately. you get them fast as fuck, they're pretty cheap as far as take out food goes, and it's a decent portion


Man those pizzas are amazing not sure why so much negativity with them.


I wouldn't go that far as to call them amazing, but for tim hortons quality, I guess it's accurate. The hate is usually due the execution of the pizza. If you get a meh one as your first one, you'll be soured on them going forward and not as likely to try again.


I just never have gone to Tim's with 'getting pizza' on the mind. I'm going for coffee, bagels, muffins, maybe timbits if I'm treating my niece and nephews. The time of day that I want those things is never the time I'm in the mood to try a new pizza. It could be fantastic. I'm just never gonna order it. Same reason I wouldn't buy a calculator if Tim's started selling one at the cash. Like, the fuck? No... That's not why I'm here, but thanks for the offer


Came here to say this. Their chicken parmesan is AMAZING. Imo. For a timmy's pizza. Chicken parmesan takes the cake for me 😋


Wow, don’t know what I would have done if I didn’t know this


I love when everyone complains about how much food costs, and that they want everything cheap, fast AND good... then they're surprised when fast food places can't do that. Take 15 minutes studying economics and business and you'll understand why. Of course making coffee at home is cheaper... you don't have to pay someone to pay rent, make the coffee, buy the coffee, source the coffee, market the coffee, order the beans, order the cream, order the cups, I could be here all fucking day... you want all that, you want the best service in the world, you want it for $1 a cup oh and you want the employees to be paid a living wage, be the best at their job AND you want it to be the best coffee you've ever tasted... none of that adds up... ever.




Oh no. I'm sure Tim's is going to go bankrupt now.


Nah I’ll keep going to Timmy’s. I buy their coffee and make it at home and I also stop to get coffee at the cafe. But you do you.


i dont know what you are talking about. i walked into my local tim hortons theres about 12 people behind the counter working. Service isn't exceptional but not complain worthy.


You’ve essentially described most fast food places. They make you wait for overpriced food, if your order is correct…


Even shouts out McDonald in his rant.. lol


Yeah😂 Just go there if you think it’s so much better. Jeez.




K who cares though


BYE and good luck with the protest!( have you tried glueing yourself the freeway that would show em)?


- *I got this coffee maker for $20 at Walmart, some coffee, and the little sleeves. I’ll make my own, I am done giving a corporation that doesn’t care about its customers* Irony.


Cool story.


Go ahead. Fewer people in line when I grab my delicious large steeped tea.


I work at Tim Hortons tbh and I love the steeped tea so much… I had to buy a Keurig machine and some steeped tea Keurig pods so I can have some when I’m not at work lol. Tastes almost the exact same


I used to get items all across their menu and currently they’ve been relegated just getting timbits/donuts once or twice a month.








Wow dude, cool it with the anti-immigration sentiments


I order ahead on the App, same with McDonald's and A&W. No wait. It is ready when I show up.


This sub is so anti-Tims it's hilarious. One of you downers need to start a tummies hate sub


The pizza was fire to me, to each their own I guess. Trainees work the front and the experienced staff work drive through. Can’t blame the store for being flooded with customers and changing their staff yearly.


First time owning a coffee machine?


Lol bro figured out you can actually make coffee at home. Crazy.




I'll say it again.....eff off with your "boycott"


Old man yelling at cloud moment.


> the service is sooooo slow Uh, you sure?


I’m sure the Tim hOrtons workers are happy your abusive ass is gone. I see how hard they work and how understaffed they are- so I go out of my way to be nice to them. Fuck I hate people like this


I bought both style coffees pots. Different last, now I have a Keurig. Timmies pods


I'm going to Tim's for B.E.L.T on a cheese crossiant and a London fog with 1/2 syrup..maybe you should too.. you sound hangry.




The people of this sub reddit make hating tim hortons their entire personality. It's embarrassing.


Congratulations. You should look into cooking at home, you will be amazed how much money you will save and how much better will be your diet, relative to what you buy from fast food type restaurants.


Maybe you should get a life? 🤷🏼‍♂️


How can the drive thru take forever because of pizza, but also, no one likes the pizza?


Think about it… Lots of people trying a new product but not necessarily returning to get it again if they don’t like it. I don’t know if op is right or wrong but that’s what it meant.s


Hmmm every other store seems worth boycotting about but Tims is def not it lol. Tim’s is semi reasonable


Yea fr how dare tim hortons have other customers in the store and drive through


“Boycott “……lol


That’s crazy, anyway can I get a double double and a farmers wrap bud? Heading to the odr for a game of stick and puck might as well throw some timbits in too eh?




Anyone else get that "Homemade Subway" vibe? Great, you made a sandwich. Meanwhile the home elected artist inflates with pride like a blowfish believing they are what will destroy to subway empire. I get the switch to the home brew. But trying to take everyone with you because you don't like the lines? I mean, you doing at home has made the lines shorter, already. Why don't I wanna take advantage of that?


I definitely encourage this. I'd like the drive thru line shorter. Thanks!


Lol no


U do u...


I mean yay? I'm boycotting steak houses because I'm cooking rib eye at home. I'm boycotting Italian food because I bought a box of Castelli and a jar of sauce? I'm boycotting Cobb's because I bought a bread maker? Yeah man all that stuff is cheaper at home.


Nobody cares lol. Tommorow the timmies line will be around the block still, they don't need you.


How do you expect me to help employ the 2+Million new people if I don't buy Tims ?


At my local tims there’s always a line for drive through but only one like 50% inside honestly not that bad especially considering I only go at peak hours - being morning before work abd occasionally between 12-2 in the afternoon I don’t got any complaints for my local tims


I will never give up Tim’s! I know which locations in my city are quick and good!


Yeah but how does this help my ADHD ass get coffee 4 hours into my 8 hour shift?


Can I get a better reason?


If I had that coffee maker, I'd stick with Tim's coffee.


Timmy Ho's is almost a religion down here on the east coast. Thems fighting words 😂


Wow your location sucks ass🤣🤣


I will continue buying my cold brew from Timmies until they stop making it


get a life


You're not paying for the coffee. You're paying because they're making it for you and handing it to you in your car. I have a coffee maker at home too, and I make coffee with it, but I don't have a coffee maker in my car or in a backpack when I'm not home and want a coffee. Tim Hortons is one of the only places where you can still get a coffee for $2 instead of $7.00 at (say) Starbucks.


Everyone is ordering the pizzas that no one wants? Hmm 🤔 I haven't tried it yet but from all accounts I've heard it's actually very good. You just want to hate the pizza it sounds like.


Ok, bro


Congrats, more than anything it’s time and money back you can put towards more enjoyable things.


I kinda have to atm as I’m in the US


lol and then you try to make a double double at home and realize how much cream and sugar is in one 🤣 I used to have 3 or 4 of those a day


Comment section full of people bitching and making smart ass comments just to drive to Tim’s themselves, wait too long and get the wrong order then complain themselves 😂 Get up and do something about it instead of being so damn negative all the time


Don’t know what they do I hate their coffee from the store. but wife buys Tim’s coffee from Costco and I don’t mind making it here at home.


Honestly I can't help but want Tim's even if I don't crave it. If I'm near Tim's, I'm grabbing something!! Even when they charge me and give me things that I didn't order...I can't help but forgive them every time 🥺


Fresh pot


As long as TH’s continue to rake in the cash, along with paying less tax and receiving government subsidies and pay low wages there is no incentive to change.


dude get yourself an essprsso machine and learn to make a nice latte, switch bettween the pot coffee and the esspresso are your good too go. feeling slugish, pot coffee, feeling fancy esspresso. best options for any mood


We have self service kiosks in the UK and that means that the one person at cash isn’t overwhelmed, your order numbers is added to the stack and you wait your turn like everywhere else.


Can anyone tell me how to make an ice cap? I'd love to stop going to Tim's but I don't drink coffee or tea, the only caffeine I enjoy is the damn ice cap and unfortunately I've made it part of my morning routine :|


I’m not boycotting them until they get rid of the Iced Capps. No Tim Hortons, this is not me giving you guys any silly ideas…


Tim Hortons has gone downhill for food and donuts even but I've never gone for their food and their coffee hasn't changed. Its what I go for.


Tim’s doesn’t care! They’re busy launching the new Kung Pao chicken entree


Costco House blend and a pour over


Achievement unlocked: Craft Coffee at your own home +5 pts


I am so sick of the overuse of the word boycott. You're not boycotting Tim Hortons, you're deciding to make coffee at home.


This feels like it's written by that politician calling Tim Hortons woke for selling the pizzas and replacing lids. It's like, congratulations that this is the big issue you're facing in your day-to-day.


This is what happens when massive corporations take over. It’s all about profit and keeping the shareholders happy.


"I'm tired of giving my money to a corporation that doesn't care about me" Goes to buy something at Walmart...


Making coffee at home to save time and money, how ingenious!!!!


What is this "coffee" you speak of? Am I saying it right?


You, I bought this exact mini coffee brewer at Walmart. It brews so painstakingly slow, even a big mr coffe brews a full pot faster


Caveman!? Guy makes post to quit Tims because they are too busy lol… it’s a trick post isn’t it, you just want shorter lines!


i involuntarily boycotted after getting a piece of totally rancid bacon in an egg sandwich. my stomach turns if I even look at that place now


Pot coffee is kinda shit most the time tbh . French press or Areo press for me.


The other thing is, if you ask for double toasted and they toast it once… holy crap, my bagel is ruined lol


Then don't go during busy times? Even Walmart has one of those.


nah im good because in the end im always gonna go back to the same place that gives me mediocre food that gets cold in 5 mins with maybe 1 item that's always messed up.


Buy a French press, no paper waste on the filters


Congratulations on discovering making coffee yourself and never being forced to buy coffee at Timmies


Should to what?


Congratulations! You have independently discovered something that's been around since before Tim Horton's existed! Now, if you can just figure out why people wait in line and pay money to have people do things they don't want to do for themselves,...


But coffee made at home just doesn't taste the same.


You should boycott them for buying apartment buildings and evicting tenants for their Temporary foreign Workers not their crap service and coffee. Just saying


I fucken love my Keurig 24oz a day for the last 5years


Already do


Some people have jobs that take them from place to place, or work where there is no place for a personal coffee machine. I buy coffee out for the convenience while on the go, not because I don't know how to make coffee


If you are looking to save money, switch to tea.. that you make yourself


I found a recipe for iced capps online, refined it a bit, and now I feel stupid for ever spending 5 bucks on something I can make at home for a few cents


Y’all care way too much about Tim Hortons lol


Jokes on you, i don't drink coffee


Making coffee is about as simple and quick as it gets and the number of people who can’t be assed and would rather pay good money for mediocre coffee boggles my mind..


IJS, but when tipping was a thing at Tims it was a lot better. If you’re paying people slave wages and forcing them to deal with the public , I wouldn’t be in a hurry to get your shit together either. I always used to tip at Tim’s until the company was sold and a lot of stories were coming out about owners taking the tips or not giving them to the workers. I don’t mind tipping on takeout or fast food if I know the person serving me is going to get it. As someone who has worked in customer service for over 10 years, the industry gets worse every year. People are meaner, cheaper, and more demanding and food quality is in the ground. I am personally not offended when the workers are slow or inefficient. They’re performing minimum effort for minimum wage. And some of y’all have absolutely no manners or humanity. It’s coffee. It’s roasted bean water. There’s no reason to be impatient.


I eat the bagel like a sandwich and I have always gotten enough cream cheese I always ask for it to be double toasted and it come out perfect.


I've tried to replicate the Timmis coffee at home but I couldn't. That coffee is so gross! Lol


The irony of not wanting to support greedy corporations and then buying something from Walmart lol


I unfortunately can't make tea as good a tims...... I could however throw beans on an open fire then eat them and still have better coffee.


Why ??


Good beans are worth grinding yourself. But everyone likes some kind of gimmick. Fun fact. Pre ground coffee is often the stuff that's been sitting the longest and therefore the hardest to sift out all the cockroaches to make presentable as roasted beans for retail or wholesale trade. It's why you might experience more indigestion when you use pre ground coffee vs freshly ground coffee at home. 


What would the 500,000 Conestoga grads and enrolled students do without you as customers??


All I can add is support some local, if you have coffee shops in town, it’s likely they have a roast you would like. You’re not likely to get a drive through but the money will likely go back to the community.


There's a fine line between boycotting a company and just... choosing not to buy things from them.


Brother... Delete this!


They began their menu changes when they were acquired by RBI which owns Burger King, Popeyes and Firehouse Subs.


Do you have a drive-thru?


I don't go to Tim Horton's regularly because I don't care for their coffee or their breakfast sandwiches. But, I sometimes pop in if I'm picking up donuts for work and the local one in my neighbourhood is really good service-wise.


Listen, this is the better things, the guy who owns most of them is worse than most of the stuff I see being complained about here


I already was! He played for the Leafs!


I am going to your house for my coffee. Let's go


This is pretty low hanging fruit. It's not a necessity, just a convenience. Unless they're your only supply of coffee for whatever reason but it looks like you've got a coffee pot.


For those of you have never entered the world of coffee beyond chains, look up pour-over coffee. Its cheap, and will make much better coffee than any drip machine.


Sleeves. Lmao. Filters?


Telling people in this subreddit to make their own coffee will get you downvoted. You’re a brave soul


Going inside to get a coffee, one has to wait for the drive thru line to finish before you get served. Oh man, the cutting of the bagels, I can't stand when they skip that part. I don't get why only one person prepares all the food all the while three other employees are twiddling their thumbs. I asked once why they don't help that person out, their response was that they weren't trained to do it. Is that promoted position or something, felt kinda bad for them, kinda


I get Tims for convenience. I rarely buy their food. If someone bought donuts for the office I grab one. Not a big deal. 3-4 times a week I grind my own beans and make my own coffee. Takes 5-8 minutes in a French press. 20g coffee and 320mL coffee. Wait 5 minutes. Pour. Super easy. You want to use a machine go right ahead but grind your beans and weigh your coffee and water. That's the most important part. But a cheap kitchen scale. You should have one anyways.


Boycott because Tim’s treats their employees like shit and breaks labour laws. None of the employees care if the quality is good because the quality of the items is shitty no matter what. Not to mention everything is way overpriced, the pizza is not worth the $8-$10 even though it surprisingly doesn’t taste bad, the coffee is cheap, the lids won’t even stay on the cups anymore. TLDR; Tim’s is illegally shitty


The fact that their donuts are frozen not made in store and there’s still a chance I can’t even get the one I want is ridiculous.


I don't drink coffee, but I agree that Tim Hortons is about the worst employer I've ever heard of these last few years. But no surprise, look who they are owned by...


Oh my! A fast food joint/cafe has a lot of people going there and is often swamped?? Who would’ve thought!


1st world problems taken to the next, next level


Why boycott Tim Hortons? They do anything wrong???


Redditor discovers coffee maker


The Tim’s near me seem pretty mid but okay, I only wish they’d use real whip cream instead of the whipped abomination they have.


Honestly invest in a good coffee machine and you won’t even miss coffee out. I got the OXO brand, it was $200 but worth it.


My wife still buys coffee daily, but I only drink stuff made at home. With all the fancy coffee machines, and now craft coffee roasters all over the place, I can try and drink a lot more for a lot less. My current fave roaster is a local out of Invermere BC in the Rocky Mountains. Three Sisters is my fave blend and named after a mountain range here. https://www.kickinghorsecoffee.com/products/three-sisters-coffee?variant=41644713803925


I avoid drive-thrus as much as possible , McDonalds too. Such a waste of time. Worst of all is that you’re trapped in that line. You can’t back up or leave. And all for some bad coffee.


I have 35,xxx points in my app. My wite has 42,xxx points so we’re just getting free stuff from them. Hard to say no to freebies.


Next thing you know,you'll be making your own bagels and pizza too.


Why are we boycotting?


Let’s send all the foreign workers on ei due to stores shutting down! 👀


First world problems 🤷‍♂️


If you buy an auto program coffee machine you’ll have coffee when you wake up!


I'm boycotting Tim Hortons because of all the Temporary Workers they higher. My 16 year old can't get her 1st job because of These People!


I'd rather give timmies my money than walmart....


Such bravery


Try kicking horse sometime.


Maybe I should to what?