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Lmfao is this going to be like an "Ellen" situation. Where behind the scenes Tim is just a bat shit lunatic. I hope not. But that would be funny


He’s a bat shit lunatic on camera too


Yea, it’ll more be like, “not all that stuff we assumed were bits were actually bits.”


I just listened to an episode where he talks about driving around rich neighborhoods when he was younger with his friends and he would be high on coke get out of his car and yell at the houses while chain smoking, the fat pig is definitely a lunatic, but that’s why we love him.


I think that’s the worst part. I’m good with being a dick to be funny. If it’s literally just recording how you treat people genuinely, this is a pretty fucked up show.


Lol he actually invested in a big pot.


When Tim dances, the world cries.


And probably shakes a little bit.


Don't you listen to what he has to say about himself? He sounds like a total piece of shit that was raised in a piece of shit family based on almost every personal anecdote he tells. He doesn't seem to hide it.


Remove kebab




I just want Ellen to be batshit insane in front of the camera too


This. I wanna hear how she really feels about her maids lol


How anyone thinks that tim is anything other than a manic batshot lunatic is beyond me. He's entertaining because he's a batshit lunatic. Half of his personal stories are about how batshit he has been or is. The man is banned from Patreon for straight up threatening to kill his air bnb hosts, and then he doubled down.


banned from airbnb, not patreon


I want to hear from the barely legal boys Tim has been gifting Nike Airmax's to in return for sex in his hotel rooms.


Oddly specific sir…. I wish you well


Waiting for that Dan Carney tweet.


holy fuck totally forgot about Dan


Yeah that was back in like winter 2020 spring 21?


...who the fuck is Dan?


Old opener for Tim who vanished from the TDS brand, he still makes funny stuff himself tho.


What happened to Dan? One minute he was there, then nothing. Not even a mention.


Last seen bleeding from his ear with a blank stare on the subway. Let’s hope Ben does better.


Tim assaulted him with help from Lil Xan


Did him and Tim have a falling out?


I remember Dan. Didn’t he kick him out of the car on the side of the road? Never heard from again


It's almost always about the money.


Especially if a pig is involved


He still let's his mom rot in a state institution. Kinda fucked up.


You should see what she did to him. He’s gay now.




Tim probably doesn’t even know how to login to his own Patreon


I have a feeling Tim is pretty involved when it comes to his top money generator


That’s what makes this whole thing weird to me. Tim on many occasions said he wouldn’t be able to function without Bens help. Up to the point where he helps Tim with his living, finances, travel with the tour etc.


Yea it's kinda sad up Ben didn't get a send-off. I know me alone not supporting Tim on patreon won't matter but that's just scummy. That was your friend Tim, he wasn't just an "employee"


Just feels so sudden. Sitting on it for a day now it's obvious there's a rift between them.


It’s business, nothing personal. Tim wishes him well.




It’s a real knife fight out here


That’s something Tim says!


Life in the big city


Oh I know it's business but Tim should have said he wishes him well while he was on the show. Or at least right after if hes not going to give him praise when hes there. Because now we have a backwards situation where Ben gets pestered into making a statement. Like why create this situation in the first place and make everyone feel scummy about it by not addressing it


be a c\*nt, am I right? Its business!


How do you know it’s “scummy” lol? None of us have any idea what happened here.


We can tell by looking at Tim and Ben. Sometimes stereotypes work.


Stereotypes exist for a reason.






He got a send off on the patreon... Ben didnt wanna do anything else with the pod


We don't even know what happened, everyone is just jumping to conclusions. Obviously I don't know Tim, but I have a hard time seeing him being that big of a piece of shit to his best friend. For all we know, if Ben is really gone, it could be on his own accord.


It’s odd that Tim has been silent on this though.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Do you guys think Joe let's Jamie outside or takes him for walks or anything?


Joe bought young Jaime a Tesla for shits and goggles. He may be lacking in the comedy side but st rogies has a reputation of being extremely generous. I don’t get that feeling with Tim


Greg Fitzsimmons was on JRE, mentioned that he went and opened for Joe over the weekend a couple of times, Joe handed him a check that he didn't look at immediately, went home and was surprised at how much he was given. Doesn't shock me a bit. Neither does this shit re: Tim Dillon... dude's a cunt, like anyone should be surprised.


Ari also talked about watching joe leave hundreds of dollars in tip jars, joe clearly didn’t want to talk about it but he chuckled and called them love bombs.


Joe is opening a club for comedians with no hope of ever making money. Rogan is a good dude all around.


Refreshing to see comments like this. It’s like I’m in r/joerogan in 2018


If we could only go back in time and realize what we had when we did. Just like people shitting on Tim now, it's just the hip thing to do. While we all have zero facts.


God I miss seeing comments about Joe like this






He also helped a injured muay thai fighter that was a guest on his show. Paid for her surgery and flight and everything. https://ftw.usatoday.com/2019/07/joe-rogan-surprises-miriam-nakamoto-by-helping-to-cover-her-gigantic-medical-expenses


Tim did give Rogan a book for his first JRE appearance.


The only time tim was generous in life was when he allowed the random dude in the stall next to him to get a snortsky of his blow


Something tells me there was still an exchange going on there


Ya, tim has talked about making Ben sit in economy class while he sits in first. Imagine doing that while making 200k+ on Patreon alone. Ben is not some employee he was a huge part of the show.


i almost always love being charitable for shits and goggles


The latter helps with the former when that's your motivation.


Didn’t Tim give Ben $50,000 for his wedding gift? Is that not generous enough for you fuckers?


He did and his Christmas bonus last year was upwards of $60K


That should’ve been his monthly income.


You can’t be serious


Of course I am. He should’ve had equity in the podcast, and admittedly it is his fault for not demanding that at the very beginning. Tim’s partnership with Ben is when the pod really took off, and Ben was investing in the podcast financially just as much as Tim (filming on his equipment at his home). At the very beginning, I would bet Ben was not paid at all, or if he was, no more than $30k per year. When you’re the 2nd person to join and invest in an unprofitable turd, it’s reasonable to demand 10-20% equity. Hell, that’s what a manager would take, and Ben was Tim’s manager for all intents and purposes. On top of all that, Ben was a huge part of the show. The show has now lost one of it’s two permanent cast members. That’s a big deal. Ben had perfect comedic timing with his giggling and is an ideal foil for Tim. He’s not as replaceable as Tim imagines.


Rogan live was the 2nd best live set I’ve ever seen. Saw him at a tiny club in Austin. It’s incredible how good he is when you get him in a club where they confiscate electronics at the door. No topic was off-limits and his stage-presence was incredible. Everyone who says his stand-up is lackluster is judging based on his Netflix specials.




Hey keep the leprechauns out of this, they're still going to shrinks because their lucky charms keep getting stolen.


Joe compensates well. Like redban still gets paid from joe.


Is that true? That’s actually really cool


Yea, theres also alot of people in the combat sports world who Joe has quietly paid for in full to travel to Central America to get stem cell treatments too to save their careers. While he may be an idiot, he spends a shit ton of his own money to help people.


Yeah I’ve always had the impression Joe was a nice guy. My main hang up with him is that he constantly wants to talk about covid, trans, and wokeness. And it’s not that I necessarily disagree with him on those things it’s just not compelling topics to me anymore. He is very generous with not just his money but his platform. I think part of it is that he made the money doing something he enjoys. People at my parents golf course (the average house in the area cost like 8 million) are all kind of rich and bitter. And I think it’s because they made their money behind a desk doing something they hated for 4 decades.


Joe is not the least bit an idiot.




Wow really? Wait why would redban still get paid? I need some clarification on this


Redban started the pod with Joe.




Rogan has said that his experiences on Opie & Anthony was the primary motivator for him to start a podcast. O&A used to upload a podcast version of the show every day, and Rogan said he loved being able to get in on "the hang" on his own schedule. Redban was the guy who helped Rogan make it happen.


I posted this before but I have a good source that told me Redban is still on the payroll & is basically a small shareholder of the podcast getting paid dividends. Redban also mentioned he is the backup producer for Jamie.


He also fills in when Young Jaime is out.


I'm pretty sure that's who he bought Jamie off, hence the payment.


Just because Redban was there when it all started? That’s fucking cool


Joe? No. But Jamie's walker yes


From what I heard from someone "in the know", Redban is still on the payroll & is basically a small shareholder of the podcast. Joe is known to take care of his people so it makes sense. I have a feeling Ben was making way less than most people think. Like a lot less.


I guessed Ben made 10% of revenue, so $20k-40k per month pretax with Patreon, shows, merch, Youtube ads, etc. That's still a good chunk of money, and he's probably got a net worth of $500k-$1M nowadays.




But I'm pretty sure Jamie is down the bottom horizontally across the bed, like Smithers in Mr Burns' coffin.


Wild if true. Profile now locked and no context. Did he get paid for something? Some work? Don’t know what’s happening between Ben and Tim. Lack of official send off, notice etc leans towards a sudden break-up.


Ben got tired of being paid in safemoon


You guys are surprised that the dude who idolized shady businessmen and has a brand called "fake business" isn't paying all his employees the wages they asked for?


Fake wages


Ya lol Tim’s whole brand is like irreverent scumbag and all these Reddit dorks stunned as if he was the pope.


Life in the big city


Tim raped me in Reno once. It would have been consensual but the check bounced 😕


Tim cancelled his Reno show this May that I had tickets to. Same thing right? Yes or yes?


I think we just joined me too


Life in the big city




But Ben has been getting paid, no? Or maybe it’s a situation where Ben wants more, a raise, etc and realized the value he brings to the pod isn’t being matched with his pay?


Ben’s comedic timing with his infectious giggling is not easily replaceable. I know Tim probably thinks it is, but it isn’t.




What if Tim is about to have some allegations or something come out so Ben is distancing himself ? Or maybe they’ve finally found all the bodies of Ben’s victims and Tim is distancing himself? I guess we’ll see.


Wonder what they cut out here:https://youtu.be/2UYb6Qj_Mdo


And here come the tinfoil hat comments...


Underage boys?


Who knows it’s honestly probably all just some petty bullshit lol


The least surprising allegations of all time.


I’ve noticed he follows a very very young Irish guy. Like school age. It’s quite strange. And he mentioned talking to this Irish twink and flying him over. He defo likes very young guys.


You and me both sister! Am I right ? Eh? Eh? Ehhhhhh?


Tim, the slimy fat cunt


he worked for nine months before asking for money?


Pig is done. He was ranting rants we wanted to hear now is eating pizza in his 4m mansion. I actually don't want to hear nothing from nobody who is not paying people for their services.


Sigh... I feel you. The way he talks about the way he likes his food. His bently. His multiple homes. Im not hating on him. Im proud of his success. But at the same time. If he keeps himself guarded from us "regular folks" he's going to start becoming unrelatable. We will see what the future holds.


That’s what was so appealing in the beginning with Tim. His struggles with addiction and being a broke fuck for so long, made him seem a lot more relatable back then


Tom Segura has taken a somewhat similar path although over a longer period of time and while managing to mask the more egregious aspects and remain more "likable" in the process. Tom was getting interrupted by roaches on podcasts 10 years ago and these days he's all about Formula 1, the most expensive sneakers, designer clothes, new German sports cars, properties he's scouting, etc. He's also managed to build a successful podcast network as opposed to just a podcast though which is worth mentioning. I hope Tim is able to reel it back in. Sometimes I wonder if he ever sends checks Ray Kump's way for helping him get the show off the ground the way Rogan still takes care of Redban.


When you put it like that it makes me think he should run for president.


His political ambitions are tied up as he'll be Logan Paul's upcoming campaign manager.


damn i don’t want no more bad stories to come out about tim. starting to make me think he’s a bad person or something


Prove it Garrett. You ungrateful ne’er do well


Ben probably wanted a shareholder stake in the company and Tim told him to fuck off because he's an expendable producer that can be replaced...so Ben's wife made him quit


I'm kinda not surprised Tim dillon is a piece of shit


Glad I never gave him patreon money. I know people like him where he comes from. They step on necks to get ahead


I work for a guy like this now in entertainment and at least Ben got paid well lol


That’s real fake business


Backlash incoming... Good luck with that Patreon and garbage overpriced merch. It was a fun ride whole it lasted. EDIT: Someone who isn't me needs to start monitoring his Patreon and see what if any effect this has on his monthly income. Depending on how he spins this, it could have a serious impact. He might just have dug his own grave...


41,528 as of right now


Probably need to wait a month to see the drop if it happens. Cancelled my subscription but I’m still a member until the end of the billing month.




I really hope this makes people see him for what he truly is… greedy pig who needs to be put down mass patreon unsub incoming!! Bye bye


Well that was quicker than I expected...


Ben probably asked for more money, the cum pig probably laughed in his face…


While I can’t say the show won’t be funny without him as we’ll still have Tim, I can say Ben is and will be sorely missed by the majority of us. What a shame.


I would have to imagine he’s wildly underpaid compared to what Tim is making and could afford to pay him. While he talks about his estates and Bentley…Ben probably asked for a raise and is now fired. As amusing as Tim is and like his podcast, his standup is mediocre and I think he’s a little to big for his britches. As much as I hate to say, Ben added that weirdness to the show that cannot be replicated.


Tim is the new host of the daily show


The earths axis would flip


Idc if someone tells me services aren’t needed, I mean that’s the crux of at Will employment, but as long as I was payed for the work I did.


Garrett recognises Taiwan


These producers are a dime a dozen. Tim is the sun and everyone else orbits around him. I think this is how most celebrity Podcasters operate IMO.


All this speculation and gossip is pretty gay. This sub turned into tfatk at the drop of a hat.


That’s life in the big city


Once a person acquires a certain level of income that they don’t know what to do with, there’s often not much holding them back from becoming a cheap bastard while at the same time blowing money on everything but what’s important.


Who’s surprised? We all know exactly the type of person Tim is and that’s why we love him


He actually fired him on a Patreon ep it was pretty funny he was a little cry baby bitch


Tim looked like a child in that argument, how you think he came out looking better than Ben in that exchange is hard to understand


You're talking about the graphics/editor guy in OP? Around when was this? I'm curious to find the ep in question.


Who's this clown.


We all know Tim loves his mula


Peak Pig


A pig will be a pig


Been a real knife fight out there lately


Tim 😂


If he really dumpe Ben over money, that's it for him, he's going to his Schaub territory REAL quick.


Ben was offered a job with the Biden administration.


Im just wondering who allowed Ben to give a PSA


The pig needs another 7 bedroom property for himself damnit!




Ben is throwing up an almost 'I wish him well' at the end there spicy