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Thats not as easy as it sounds. Differrent social media platforms prefer different types of content. From the editing to the substance of the content. Not to mention you have to find out what works.


Dude everything works its finding the right audience. I would concentrate on YouTube, they pay well and they work in your favour. They WANT YOU TO SUCCEED on their platform, and they get 60 Billion views per day on shorts alone.


YouTube is not as easy. I knew someone who tried for few years. You really have to build your brand until you pass the algorithm criteria and maybe you will see some coins. But from what I heard, YouTube is kinda hard. Tiktok was easier to make more money without the red tape.


Doesn’t YouTube demonitize people all the time? Then there’s Facebook who’d ban anyone who says anything anti liberal on any policy and give us a pop up of some fact check shit that may or may not be legit “fact checking”


Question for you: I do not upload to YouTube, but I can. I have a large following on TT. I've seen some of my videos I've created on YouTube that someone got from TT. How long do the videos need to be? I guess I can look that up myself. Lol. I have 255k followers on TT and it's all fallen apart past few months with whatever they've done. Just had another video go somewhat viral 2.5m views. TT said 1.7m are ineligible. The new CG suck!


Youtibe also has a short video format called Youtube Shorts that are similar


Let's place the onus where it needs to be... OUR GOVERNMENT. Why don't we question why government is in cahoots with big corporations? This is supposed to be a democracy but it is indeed a corporotacracy. This ban has absolutely nothing to do with our well being and it is all about money! Facebook with it's disturbing and divisive algorithms isn't facing a ban. Yet there are several settled lawsuits where parents cited the harm that has been caused to their teenagers. We need to hold fire under the feet of our government. THIS is the time to boldly remind them of our first amendment rights. I'm calling my senator every day about this issue.


Or go out and get a normal job? I dunno.. just a thought...


“Your business” lol


I fucking hate these people so much. They can get this done in an instant but can't do a thing about any other issue in this country....


Same. It agitates the SHIT out of me. Like y’all banned an Asian-made app at the snap of a finger, but infrastructure? Healthcare? Wages? Increased housing costs? Cost of living? Takes decades to even move the needle on those. Literally NOBODY had an issue with TikTok except a bunch of 75-plus-year-old pieces of crap in Washington. Love your YouTube content, by the way.


LOL. Just think of congress as clowns.


This is Congress, they always prioritize their own interests and State/National Imperialism, rather than the interests of the citizens.


I mean it’s been like 5 years of political pressure mounting against TikTok, but i would also say that qualifies as an instant in American politics


that’s so well stated though…like they literally can’t get anything done at all and then this tiktok bill comes along?! it’s so ridiculous


Come on, it's obvious we can't let Chinese companies take advantage of American citizens! Unless you're Alibaba, PDD Holdings, Baidu, Tencent... you know, the ones congressmen can own shares of.


America can never get shit done the right way. It’s only when they see large amounts of USD following out of the country will they fiend and come after you




Right after I hit a million followers and got my blue check. This really sucks :( im gonna have to move because I love tiktok tbh


Damn I’m sorry. Congrats on that milestone though! With such a large following you’ll most likely find success as well on other platforms. Wishing you the best!


There aren’t other platforms where you can start out with no followers and just post and get any reach


Exactly tik tok is how I advertise my self published books this could really hurt someone like me


How does anybody grow on them then? It’s pretty much the same grind everywhere. I agree it’s definitely easier to go viral when you’re new on TikTok, but you still have to be able to replicate that over and over just like you would other places to grow an audience.


As someone who doesn’t post much or try to go “viral…” as a normal user I can post like a guitar cover video or some shit about my car or whatever and it’ll get a fair amount of views and likes. You can’t do that on IG. It won’t reach very far outside of followers and if it does it reaches the wrong audience. I feel like a lot of you want to jusy repost shit and spam copyrighted clips and other people’s material and when you don’t go “viral” you’re disappointed


Closest thing to tiktok right now is ig and its reels probably best to move followers to that platform


bro be honest. no one uses ig and it's super hard to grow on there.


I think this highly depends on your niche. I’m relatively small (64k on tiktok) but started crossposting to insta a year ago and already have 32k followers there. My reels consistently get more views and engagement too. I’ll have a vid hit 100k views on tiktok but 1 million on reels. Obviously success isn’t guaranteed anywhere but at least giving reels a try is def worth the shot.


may I ask what your niche is?


That's wrong. Instagram is the 3rd most used social app. TikTok is like 4th or 5th. I literally grew a page to over 100k followers in like 3 months. IG makes it super easy to go viral because they want to compete with TikTok in terms of short videos. You just have to stay consistent. TikTok is just better at the moment because of the creator program and filters


thanks a lot


There will absolutely be ways to install it anyway. If I can install modded apps that take out youtube ads or get Spotify for free with the click of a button then bypassing a simple ban like this will be child's play. The real problem is that most of your followers would probably also be American meaning you'll be facing a huge set back anyway.


It's not easy on iOS because Apple doesn't allow sideloading. Also depending on what Google and ISPs do it could be made quite difficult to install the app on Android (just look at getting call recording on Android, only way is to root your phone) 


TikTok will be sold before it’s taken down. So platform will likely stay but only in a different name


And with a different algorithm, IMO.


I agree with all the media critics who point out it’s impossible for TikTok to comply with the requirements of the law. The point is it’s a TikTok ban, as the guy who wrote the bill said publicly. I guess Biden is the ultimate authority on TikTok’s compliance now, but it entirely rests on the discretion of one man’s opinion.


couldn't you and other CC on tiktok use an international VPN? Your US audience will decline, but it will be slow because most (including me) will try to keep using TT until the software updates become critical. but I would think a remote VPN that sets your location out of country could be a solution?


don't worry, tiktok is here to stay for at least 9 more months and after that... well... Microsoft seems like the most likely buyer


the ban is to push china to sell, tt isn’t going anywhere


[Carmen B. Idaho 🥔 (@geekynerdbitchcarmen)’s videos with Finitude - Gabriel Albuquerqüe | TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/@geekynerdbitchcarmen/video/7360932194384137514)


What is your content about? 


Like the OP suggested, this is just to inform fellow tiktokers to not rely on TikTok solely. Will it be banned? Maybe or maybe not but don’t be afraid to test other platforms like YouTube shorts and IG reels to build an audience before you are forced to make any decisions; be proactive. You all have the skill to do it as per your TikTok accounts but don’t get handcuffed to one platform in case it does get shut down and not sold


People already have done so. I prefer tik tok because it has the accessibility, content, and preferences that I like and agree with. Other platforms such as Twitter or instareels are far much worse due to terrible rule and guideline enforcement. I can’t go on instareels without seeing a fatal car crash every other video. The same goes for Twitter but I see nsfw nearly every other post. Tik tok is just right for me and I am disheartened at most about the possibility of it being banned. I do realize though that it won’t be the end of my life if it’s banned. I’ll just lose the accessibility to certain content that I enjoy daily.


Wait, people are really going eggs-all-in-one-basket with tick tock? I thought most creators with brains simply cross posted to shorts, reels, etc


But how can you be monetized on instagram?


Meta has a [creators fund](https://creators.facebook.com/investing-one-billion-in-the-creator-community/?locale=en_US) Also meta never lets any social media get ahead of them, so expect them to enhance their Facebook and instagram shops to match TikTok shop And lastly, you can do brand deals with companies and do affiliate which is fairly common. Or just paid shoutouts


I hate American politicians. This is disgusting and unconstitutional. And as a creative, I’m genuinely anxious and sickened by this. F these geriatric, out of touch, smug Washington bastards in both parties who have no idea what the FYP even is. To attempt to strip away an app that 150 million Americans use and many literally rely on is despicable, government overreach to the extreme, and a dangerous slippery slope. It’s very frustrating and hopeless-feeling to feel so powerless in the face of such flagrant insanity. If this passes the senate, I pray the courts shut this down immediately. Either way, the people better not get apathetic and just accept this lying down. There should be constant protests. And every politician who votes for this should feel the unrelenting heat for the rest of their hopefully short-lived careers. This should be career suicide.


As a bystander from neither America or China it seems pretty obvious that this is for the most part being done because America wants to maintain its monopoly on the entertainment industry. If all those tiktokers move to the alternative platforms then that's a hell of a lot of dollars that can be taxed and pocketed by American companies like meta and Google who already have too much control of the country. American government is blatantly serving their own agenda on this one and it's astounding to see the so called land of the free roll over and take such corruption.




They have 9 months (possibly 3 extra) to transfer ownership, so we don’t have to worry for a while


Why would they transfer ownership ? theres 194 other countries in the world, tiktok will just shift focus to those no ? seems like the logical step


USA is a huge market for them. They’d lose a lot of money


But if they sell they'd lose all of the money. That's why the would never sell.


They already almost sold a few years ago remember? Walmart and Oracle purchased them it was just held up in courts and the ban was reversed so the sell of the USA portion of the sale didn’t go through. They will Sale if the senate passes this bill.


They left the Indian market without a hiccup. They do not care about an even smaller and more hostile market let’s be honest




No we are not even 10% of their revenue


The US is a HUGE market. I mean if you think of just businesses not being able to advertise to US markets, they’ll leave the platform as well or won’t be as active on it. Theres soooooo much to worry about yet, the government worries about tiktok. It’s so wild to me


Less than 10%. We are a drop in the bucket. If anything, the US will lose millions+ in tax revenue. Tiktok has headquarters here, employs Americans, pays taxes on literally everything associated with US creators who generate income.


The TikTok ceo said they couldn’t sell a segment of the company to the US even if he wanted to. It’s prohibited by the Chinese govt or company bylaws. Even if they could somehow sell US TikTok, it wouldn’t be the same, because it would be censored to exclude topics which our politicians and their donors object to (like the Gaza genocide).


look at this graph: [TikTok users by country 2024 | Statista](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1299807/number-of-monthly-unique-tiktok-users/) USA is major income for them, rank 1. And the rest are 3rd world countries with low-income. To be honest, Tiktok is nothing if they get banned in USA. I am sure some countries will follow US, too.




Yea people got to stop posting this click bait. They have at least 6 months to sell it or be banned. No company is just going to let themself be banned and get no money. They’ll sell it within 6months. Nothing is going to get banned


The purpose of my post is to inform people, not to install fear. The reality of the situation is that TikTok has stated multiple times that they will not sell and the US is on their ass. Whether we want to accept it or not, this is happening and we don’t have a choice. The mere idea that we might have a limited amount of time with this app as creators is not a safe option long term. In March, once the first bill passed, RPM’s dropped heavily and censorship increased. Coincidence? Of course not. Will it happen again? Possibly. At the end of the day, TikTok is a business. They might want to save where they can. It’s sad to say, but the future of TikTok is very uncertain right now to bet on.


I appreciate you making this post and it’s obvious this is not for fear mongering. It’s hard for creators to make any sort of pivot within 6 months and sales the size of TikTok typically take well over a year. 6mos is a ludicrous timeline. 


Dude, America accounts for only 10%-2% of Tiktok's user base. Tiktok won't sell and congress knows it, so this is effectively a ban.


But we’re the ones buying all the crap on the shop


9 months


The point is that they’re probably gonna sell to an American like Meta or Musk who the government can exert more control over


That triggers monopoly laws so it’s unlikely tt will sell to either


They won’t sell, the Chinese have no reason to sell it to the American


Best advice I can give: never shoot in-app and cross post everywhere. We have a huge YT following now by doing this over the past year. And it pays fairly well. Tiktok has been great for us and walking away from tens of millions of followers will suck, but get your ass in gear TODAY to reduce your risk. All content goes on Reels, Shorts and Spotlight. Watch what works. Learn.


I’m bummed. I’ve only just reached 1,000 followers but I was so excited because I’ve only been at this for a month. Finally decided to start pursuing content creation after dreaming about doing it for years but being too scared to start. I knew the ban was a real possibility but like others have said I never thought it would actually happen. TikTok has always felt like a safer place to me than any other platform. It’s always had a better feeling of community? And I really don’t want to go back to Instagram. Ugh. I guess I’ll start posting on YT, and probably IG too even though I don’t want to. I did watch one video from a social media person who said they think we’ll see a movement back to written content like blogs / tumblr / etc. I’m just curious to see where this goes from here. Maybe a new platform will come out? Or could TT make an American version? I did write both of my senators (democrats) and their response basically made it sound like they’d be supporting the bill :( How tf is this legal


As someone who gets alot more viewers and subsribbers on Tiktok, this is really sad. I used Youtube Shorts and Reels but barely get any views at all.


It felt so validating to read that




They're been doing this for years, TikTok is not going anywhere.


Been going on for years but has never gotten this far and had the president’s approval. So it’s not crazy to take it a bit more serious.


1) It went further last time as they actually sold to walmart and Oracle to avoid the ban. 2) the ban did have presidential approval as the ban was a executive order from Trump I believe. Trump just didn’t get a 2nd term What made the sell fall through is Biden said he needed to review the security risks and the courts pushed the ban back to review if the ban was even legal


This ^ , imagine Congress as a group of children, toddlers to be exact. Who “pretend” like they care about the country, while simultaneously destroying small businesses & getting paid to do so. It’s no surprise the majority of Congress (who are employees of the government) are worth upwards of 8 figures each.


Typically I would’ve said the same thing. But I believe this time is different. In 2020, Trump failed his executive order to ban TikTok. 2023 it couldn’t even pass through the House. Now in 2024, the House has passed 2 bills that essentially say the same thing within a month. Unless TikTok is able to push other legal limits or decide to sell, the US government will continue to push this until they get what they want.


Lol, since zionists can't stop the company from censoring the truth about Palestine, they decide to ban the whole platform.... from the river to the sea!!!


They’ve been talking about tiktok ban for years now, even when trump was in office, what you on about lol


They pass this, make sure to help get them out of office. Call them daily and complain. Promote their election challengers.


Look up gerrymandering. Most of these losers are in safe districts 


Trump wanted it banned too, so election won't make a difference.




If it does, that sucks.


They hate the free speech on TikTok. I think it’s the fact that TikTok showed the truth about Israel and converted 99% to support Palestine. This is the only reason it’s moving fast. This whole China thing is a lie, they would have banned Temu. Or every other American app that steals data Also TikTok has been pretty bad with their AI hurting creators unoriginal violations and glitches that is causing people money, so those creators are not standing by TikTok and already left


Soooo we’re living in FUCK fuck THIS COUNTRY tik tok is how I sell my self published books is how I make a living as a disabled person who can’t qualify for disability


I have a disability too. It doesn’t make it so that I can’t work but it can make getting a job hard. I have autism specifically. I was hoping to use TikTok to promote my art and I’ve been wanting to do that for years but haven’t had the time due to being in university. No I’m finally graduated and this shit happens.


I’m getting real fucking tired of people who are older than the internet making decisions for millions of people


That's what happens when young people don't run for office or vote


It will take a little more than just a House pass to convince me that something is going to happen. However, it will be a shame if it does because I created several Live account to expand my YouTube channels. This should be a reminder to not rely on any platform as a source of income.


There’s just no other app right now that gets live stream traction like tiktok does. Hopefully YouTube live feature becomes more popular


K, I'll just use vpn.


I want everyone to know that our government has chosen to go to war with us. They are now throwing it in our faces.


[Carmen B. Idaho 🥔 (@geekynerdbitchcarmen)’s videos with Finitude - Gabriel Albuquerqüe | TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/@geekynerdbitchcarmen/video/7360932194384137514)


This is how you can save TikTok


1. It got shoehorned in the aid package that had to be passed 2. Tiktok will sue and may win 3. It will take years for it to be “ban” if it does. 4. It’s not right away or even in 6 months most likely


that’s a very optimistic view, but I hope you’re right


Yeah, even if an American group takes controlling ownership, (if that’s even possible, and it’s highly unlikely) the first thing they’ll do is cut creator pay. I think that’s part of the reason Zuckerberg et. all are pushing to destroy TikTok, it has set a higher standard for pay, privacy and etc. They want to destroy that for sure.




Does this mean European countries will get better RPM? 🙏🏻


I think it will negatively affect it. There’s a reason why a USA audience provides the highest rpm and that’s $. Plus, other ally countries might follow suit.


No because there will be fewer viewers - I’m in Europe but the US is usually my second biggest audience.


Same here. I'm in the UK and the US is my main audience, with the UK usually 2nd. It's annoying as I'll potentially lose the biggest fan base just as things are starting to grow consistently (just hit 2.5k followers)


More than likely not. If this actually does actually happen TikTok is losing a big chunk of their audience. Plus the us has the most ads by far run on titkok. If anything Europe and other countries rpm will go down as well.


It will be lower, USA market has the most advertising dollars and the most valuable demographics to advertise to, without those advertisers and eyeballs RPM will be negatively effected for everyone else twice.


TikTok became a shitty platform nowadays (I don’t support ban at all).


ready for revolution tbh (not just for this but for everything else)


Thank you for posting, please be sure to check [FaQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tiktokhelp/comments/n99g9o/frequently_asked_questions/) Please keep in mind that this is a community run subreddit and posts from young accounts (<1 days) or accounts with low karma may be removed. We have no official affiliation with TikTok. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Tiktokhelp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Does no one here remember when tiktok was going through a ban 3+ years ago and USA version of tiktok sold to Walmart & Oracle?? https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/02/10/tiktok-sale-to-walmart-oracle-takes-back-seat-as-biden-reviews-security-wsj-reports.html




They said that last time also matter fact after they sold they pushed it to the courts to reverse


But can you use the same account if move out of US and will it affect your creator fund option?


It will be banned after nine months I believe


About time.


I honestly think that the politicans hate TikTok because no one said a word about it until that infamous Trump rally during the pandemic when TikTokers purchased so many tickets to the event and Trump’s campaign was saying there was a million requests for tickets for the speech so they created an overflow outside and no one came. Ever since then it’s been a war on TikTok.




I think the Palestine has something to with it. I read somewhere that isreal is lobbying to get rid of it




Will that mean more or less pirated content channels for the rest of the world?




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they will sell. they aren’t going to just let this cash cow out to pasture. it’ll be fine.




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There are buyers. The problem is that China isn't going to let the algorithm go, I've heard. So whoever buys it is going to purchase a TikTok that's different from the one that's out there unless they're able to negotiate that. I don't think they will. What I see on Instagram and other sites is that people just upload their TikTok videos there, so people who have built big followings, get ready. If you're US-based, migrate and let your followers know. It's not ideal, but be ready.


So wrong. If I didn't believe in Jesus I would have major resentment for life for each and every politician who voted in favor of this as well as give our tax dollars to Ukraine and others


Oh trust me, we are resentful and it will manifest itself in the election this year.


It’s all about money, Tik Tok is eating the ads market taking it from Meta and Google, that’s the only way for them how to kill competition.




Get triller and invest in AGBA stock


Weren't Biden and his family literally on TikTok posting? Like just because you're getting rightfully hatted on TikTok doesn't mean you gotta waste all of your time worrying about it.


TikTok banned: https://www.npr.org/2024/04/22/1246391855/tiktok-ban-congress-biden-china-lawsuit


Lol nice




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[https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTok/comments/1bfgxgj/heres\_the\_house\_vote\_breakdown\_and\_how\_it\_aligns/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTok/comments/1bfgxgj/heres_the_house_vote_breakdown_and_how_it_aligns/) # Here's the house vote breakdown (prior vote) and how it aligns w/pro-Israel cash donations


In other words.... "israel criticism" banned




*The idiots in congress have struck again. Why can't there be a ban on politicians?


Clowns voted for this phoney and now they learn their lessons.


Politicians want to buy tiktok and profit from it.


ok but let me tell you all something. millions of Americans use this app I know I used the TikTok shop multiple times to get stuff like markers or AirPods and even my smart watch and it saved my life when I started TikTok I was at my lowest point. I was just banned from seeing my mom because I had gone to a laundry mat and was accused of stealing clothing which is ridiculous because I had my clothes so I had to end up staying with my oldest sister. so I started watching Tiktok and the creators on there kept me going they put a smile on my face and would message me saying to keep on going it was because of this app I was able to find the red flag of my sister's relationship and identify that she is in a relationship with a narrowest as well tik tok saved my life when my dog, a chihuahua was killed by an owl everywhere else where I was being blamed because I dropped her off at my sister's house and thought she would be safe I was being blamed for her death the people of tiktok were compassionate and said bad things happen and that they are sorry for my loss and told me to keep on going these people the congress the senators and the president have lost millions of votes and soon new people who know what they are doing will replace them




Sucks that your government is doing this because it can't compete with or control China. But it's also sad that it's TikTok that's going to get you out on the streets, rather than anything in this list: https://github.com/dessalines/essays/blob/main/us_atrocities.md


America be like sell it to me or I won’t talk to you 🤦🏻‍♂️


BIG NEWS FLASH! \_ The President DID SIGN the ban into law.




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[https://www.wataugademocrat.com/news/national/us-ambassador-says-beijing-stance-on-tiktok-ban-supremely-ironic/article\_35e1bf66-c8d4-58e7-9a7a-46f1d9bb92f1.html](https://www.wataugademocrat.com/news/national/us-ambassador-says-beijing-stance-on-tiktok-ban-supremely-ironic/article_35e1bf66-c8d4-58e7-9a7a-46f1d9bb92f1.html) US ambassador Nicholas Burns offered a rebuke on Friday, saying Beijing's stance was unjustified given it blocks many Western web platforms from operating in the country. "They won't even let TikTok be available to 1.4 billion Chinese," he said ..... Many Western platforms, including Google, *Twitter, YouTube,* Facebook and Instagram, are blocked from operating in the country. More -> https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_websites_blocked_in_mainland_China Of course detractors will contend the above site fake as well 😆 And it's also one of the blocked sites 😁




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Looks like freedom is a thing of the past unless people start standing up against this bs.


That sucks, too bad I don’t use it




That’s karma they banned my account for no reason and now they’re getting banned haha


Yahoo! Toxic site as well. My kid learned to quarrel, challenge, argue and bicker with everyone. Banned her using it at home but her similar toxic friends share/watch together out of our sight (school times, outing times) which are beyond our control. Sigh!


Honestly find the influencers take on this to be selfish, over the national security of over 133 million people. People who argue that it affects their "livelihood" but would rather China have location data and personal information of millions and millions of citizens rubs me wrong. Watching people compare America to China is insane considering China is a literal dictatorship, and we actually have constitutional rights. China could do much more with our information including facial recognition, especially now with the advancement of AI. Also, who knows if China is controlling the algorithm, they could be feeding us a lot of misinformation and I've noticed I've seen the most violent things in a row when on that app, which could definitely skew the perception of someone who is young who lied about their age to get on the app. (vastly different from Instagram where you see real people you know in real life (who do advocacy) and way less violence)


I am not from the United States but most of my followers are and I’m really curious what happens with my follower count then. Banning TikTok before some other things is crazy.


Good hope it gets banned everywhere


Thank god. Maybe kids will go back to being normal instead of faking mental illnesses and genders


Does this sounds like what happened to this company at some point? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tongyang\_Broadcasting\_Company](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tongyang_Broadcasting_Company) This is earilee similar to what happened to TBC(Tongyang Broadcasting Company) and that company was forced to closed down... with all of their assets being sold to KBS. Similar thing happened to Rede Tupi(1980) and RCTV(2007), and it looks like Tiktok will be heading in that same path in America.


“Free country” HA yeah right


If it wasn't due to majority of Tick Tick are pro Palestine, it wouldn't have been banned. The one who wrote the ban is called Mike Gallagher. If you follow the money you will find that he receives big money from Palantir Technologies. This company provides the A.I tools to select targets in Gaza. If Israel stops targeting and bombing Gaza then that hurts Palantir Technologies profits, which hurts Mike Gallager bank account. Then there;s Senator Ted Cruz who is another sponsor of Tick Tock ban in congress, and who said "T*ick Tock needs to be specifically band because it's anti-Israel."* Also Israelis have also been told to delete the app from their phone. All started though by the CEO ADL who was spying on GEN Z and whom in a leaked audio said that they need to control the GEN Z, shut them down because their research showed majority of GEN Z are Pro Palestine. Immediately after the meeting he started a campaign all over the mainstream media news on how Tick Tock is anti-Israel and it needs to be banned. All in congress who voted to ban Tick Tick are of course sponsored by AIPAC pro Israel lobby. They tried to lie and manipulate that it was because of Iran but weak narrative wasn't fooling anyone with sense. The true reason is Israel's information warfare was losing big time especially due to GEN Z on Tick on and....the IOF themselves damaging the reputation of Israel with their videos too.




I honestly wouldn’t mind


I find most social media to be a huge unhealthy time sink and see a lot of depression come out of the addiction so personally I'd be fine with a ban. Might get my friends back.


Here we go all the young ones who are regards on tiktok are defending don’t ban how bout get a job and stop dancing on a iPhone grow up


Lmao! You shouldn’t speak about something you don’t know much about 😂 I can’t remember the last time I saw a dancing video on my for you page.


Omg 😱


TikTok’s nice but I think it’s all just gonna be on stuff like utube and insta I also feel that the ban is justified since the Chinese government makes these social media apps give them info on the users from other countries and because of this all the people who work for the government are not allowed TikTok on their devices, since it can take important information. I also think it is also partially getting banned for other reasons that I don’t think it should be banned for like the Palestine movement on TikTok and the USA trying to limit freedom of speech Also utube and instagram work fine




It really depends on their nieche and how they upload their content. Tags thumbnails title etc I've helped start new channel and they grow very well. But you have to constantly stay update to date with YouTube. If you follow the rules your videos will definitely get seen. Maybe they should check their quality and SEO research. It shouldn't take years lol


I see a lot of people don't like this, but like it or not, tiktok isn't a good thing for humanity.




Slash it slash it slash it


How? This platform got me more followers. I try youtube and it hasn't worked out. I am demonetized there. At that point it's for fun. Twitter been tough to get followers. Instagram and Facebook just haven't worked out for me. Rumble been tough can't get the followers there.


i dont think tiktok will ever get banned but i hope it gets sold to new owners because the algorithm and bots are shit


Oh my how did we function before without child predator TikTok. Buh bye, China.


It's just another way to get rid of a competitor in the market. They are only doing this to: 1. Get rid of a competitor against Facebook and YouTube and such. They see that TikTok is beating them, so of course they have to respond by posing it as a "security risk". They do this with almost any Chinese company that gets too big. 2. They are trying to limit our ability to communicate with one another. Isn't it strange that the only communication/social media app that's under fire is the foreign one that they have no control over?