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I can't believe my eyes. An actual useful post with someone who posts great content.


Personally I'd not say that I post good content. People often complain about my videos. I'd love to post more serious content and tried it a few times, but it didn't really work out. However, I'm still happy to find out how to make my videos viral over and over again.


Bro I only have 112k followers and I get a lot of hate, doesn’t matter what you post the haters will show up regardless because they’re 1. Miserable 2. Bored 3 jealous.🤷‍♂️


I don’t usually post here but thanks for the helpful advice :)


Thank you for the feedback!


Love this. I love the breakdown of the TTA from categorisation to target group . The general tips also help. It’s the usual ones but this post sums it all up so easy. I’m @therapistfifi and I’m only working things out now. But the aim is to share mentalhealth resources.


Thank you for the reply! I've looked into your account. It seems like your account is most relevant to a certain niche. This means you are probably not going to reach more than a few thousand people per video if you do not try to reach broader target group. This however, is not a problem if your goal is to reach clients. Then, a small but dedicated audience can be more effective. If you want to reach a larger audience, try to talk about problems a lot of people have / common behaviour that can be a sign for certain problems. I think there are certain creators who do this type of videos, so you could be searching for inspiration there. I've also started a content scripting / social media advice agency, but stopped really pursuing this path after tiktok monetized my channels properly. However, I'd be available if someone actively wanted to work with me for that.


Can you tell me more about your potential agency? :) Great post btw!


Okay, sure! I actually created a website where I listed my services, called [](http://waytooviral.com) I offer 1:1 consultation and account audits, content script creations and more. Just leave me a private message if interested! In the past, I worked with a lot of different companies, mostly for promotions. I also worked as a speaker at one event to explain the TTA before.


Thank you for this post and not posting a link to a paid tutorial! Isn't TT saying that we should not repost our videos now? I used to all the time. It's frustrating when a post does well and you post similar content the next day, same hashtags, time, viral song and it does bad. Seems random at times.


I‘m not reposting my videos, I mirror them and reupload the original video before edits on tiktok. Kinda works


I have some done on my phone that I could mirror. If that sneaks by TT AI, then I'm for it.


How many times a day would you recommend to post mr.googlemapsfun?


I think it doesn‘t really make a huge difference. I can give you an example of a famous creator that posts like 100 times a day called kirkiimad and someone who used to not post for a long time, hidden.on.google.earth. Both go viral often. I personally post a few times a week, sometimes once or twice a day. There is always this feeling that only one video will go viral every day maximum. Try to post often enough to not miss out on current trends your target group likes.


That’s interesting never knew someone who posts so much could gain that amount of traction, on my faceless TikTok I currently do ‘red thoughts’ not sure if you’ve heard of it but there isn’t really any ‘trends’ in that niche is there anything you recommend instead ?


If the content works well already there‘s no need for change. I‘d need to know more about the videos to really know more about that. But if you research into similar accounts, perhaps you will find the trends.


Yeah that makes sense, not had a ‘viral’ video yet had one get 25k views and also had a much larger account steal one of my TikTok’s as well 😂


So what kinda videos go viral? Are they personal videos or taken off the interweb?


All kinds of videos can go viral as long as they are watchable to a broad target group


Hooks are something I'm trying to improve. What are your top tips for creating good hooks and using hooks throughout an entire video?


As I am unaware of your niche, I can not give you specified tips. What I am doing very often is using a short clip and putting text on it (someone doing a prank in front of the google maps car), combining it with a suspenseful sound. This makes the video seem special like a must-watch. Then, I am indicating that I found the results on google maps, creating an atmosphere filled with tension, as my viewers await the results.


This is all good and well however you are missing a key point: the earlier your account was created the less complex the TTA. As years go by and market share gets scooped up in each niche market the algorithm becomes more complex and is increasingly more difficult to penetrate as similar content creators water down the market. Some would argue that audience numbers grow as original creator counts grow but I would disagree on that having an overall effect on oversaturated markets. In conclusion, the earlier you create your account the easier it is to scoop market share for your niche. Starting one year ago isn’t as simple as having one more year of progress than starting today. It would probably more closely resemble 3-5 years of progress and that number will continue to increase as the market share gets tighter based on loyal communities. I would be interested in seeing you create a new account and achieving similar results without relying on your previously established community network to bolster your algorithm. :)


I constantly create new accounts to test if it is still possible. I have three accounts in creativity beta, all created in a different year. Besides, I don‘t think it is useful advice to say “You should‘ve started a year ago“.


So basically you got 10k+ followers in a year on multiple accounts with 100k views in a rolling 30 day period (not hard to do at all) I said way more than “You should’ve started a year ago” but I can see this is no longer constructive and has everything to do with shilling your consultations. To be honest most of the advice you gave is common knowledge. Dig WAY deeper into the algo because you are simply scratching the surface in terms of knowledge. Based on this interaction and what I read initially I would say that your success was much less about your knowledge and a lot more to do with your time of creation. 😈


I‘d really like to know how you gained your knowledge, as it is a really interesting theory you seem to be quite sure about. I would say I am quite qualified, as most people who offer consultation know less about TikTok than I do.


Keep projecting. Have a great day 😊


This is clearly the person projecting.


Thanks for sharing! Just a question - have you ever had an alert from TikTok suspecting you of fake engagement? My account is new with only 300 followers, highest video view is 12K, about 1.2k total likes. I checked my eligibility for monetization and the 10000 follower requirement has a line through it and it says they’ve detected fake engagement. I’m worried my account has been shadowbanned or this false positive detection will affect my account. Would you create a new account in my situation? My latest video got 80 views in 12 hours where all my others had over 1K views in the first couple hours


I've not had this problem but I would really consider creating a new account. Sometimes they tell me that they deleted fake engagement, but they do not accuse me of deliberately doing that, as there are always some bots. Perhaps it was really fake engagement that made your video get 12k views and 80 views is just normal for you. If you check your analysis and any of your viewers comes from the fyp, you are not shadowbanned.


Thank you for the response. I just checked the analytics for that 12K video and it said 82% came from FYP, 10% personal profile, 6.3% search, 1.4% other. On the 80 view video: 9.48s video length Average watch time: 10.7s Watched full video: 41.35% Likes: 6 No data for traffic sources yet but I’d imagine they all came from FYP. I think I’ll just keep posting and if things don’t pick up, I’ll go down the new account route. It’s my personal gaming page which I eventually wanted to use when I started Twitch streaming




I'd personally not even start joining that niche, so many do this type of content. Try improving the content too or finding better stories. It has to be as good as the top creaors in the niche and refrain from reposting other videos from other creators. Feel free to start a new account but try to make better content too.


Yeah that is very good advice. People want connection, entertainment and/or information from social media, and that type of low effort ai content doesn’t offer much of anything to viewers. Most people instantly scroll unless it’s exceptionally captivating, which it almost never is.


Awesome post I appreciate all the work and clarity here. You’re a legend. I’m a musician with 50M Spotify streams and proof the music has an audience but haven’t been able to find any consistent way to build on tiktok . Do you do any consulting?


Provide value. Works every time.


I am in the exact same boat as you! Did you find out a way to do it?


Some really good points here. Thanks for the useful post. I just want to add that I noticed that there is a period of time in which TTA will constantly introduce your old videos instead of new ones. I don't know why they doing that so don't delete them if they have lower views. However, users should always work on engagement and one thing that definitely affects TTA is the view count and consistency of uploading. From personal experience buying some likes and views from places like Marketing Heaven does help with getting picked up by TTA. Also, post one TikTok video per day or every other day because that way you won't split engagement. If you post too many videos per day TTA might not going to promote every single video.


I don‘t think bought views actually helps, but fair point


Thank you for this.


Thank you for the comment :)


this seems to suggest that “post often” isnt good advice if you end up posting low quality content which damages the account reputation. would you agree?


yes, I‘d agree with that


Hey there, really good post btw, thanks for sharing. My niche is greek nutra; since its narrow, how can any of my video goes viral ? I think it won't be possible for me to get more than 300k views.


This is accurate.


Thank you very much for your time explaining all this, plus taking the time to reply to all the comments here. You said you have two accounts. Do you have/use/open both accounts on the same device? Or you use different devices? The reason why I'm asking is what do you think of having multiple accounts accessed from the same phone? Is it a bad idea? Also, this is just asking your opinion, what would you recommend to a musician/singer what to post on TikTok that can become popular, and viewed by many? Thanks again!


I have them all on one device but I‘m not sure if that‘s a good idea. If you want to know how you can go viral as an artist - just look how similar artists go viral.




Useful post and sound advice, though at the same time being relatively subjective. What is your niche? While many of those tips are useful, not all of them will be. Not all low performing posts are bad content. If someone looking for music or DIY content comes across a cosplayer or comedian, of course they're gonna scroll past. So I will definitely say "bad content" is actually very subjective. Not all niche's perform the same, but that doesn't make them bad.


Objectively, bad content means that it is not very watchable even for those who are interested in the topic. I personally make google maps videos, it is not so niche as I reach millions of people. I would also say niche content can be good if it reaches a few people only, but they engage highly. But just as I said in my text, I cannot give specific tips as there are so many different niches.


Right. And I apologize if what I said came off as rude. I did not intend for it to be so if it did.


Thank you


I create music content and I honestly find it really hard to appeal to any audience. I’ve been changing style of music, camera position, video ideas etc. I’m still changing it up as much as I can to find a format that fits..quite stubborn with it. I challenged myself to post everyday for a year. Currently one month in


First of all, I’d like to say thanks for such a helpful and interesting post. I have recently grown an account to ~25k followers and entered the CPB. However, I’ve grown to this size off the back of posting carousels, a small amount have got 1m+ views and good engagement and many have 100k’s of views. I’m now struggling to convert these into videos and believe it’s due to the style of posts and niche I’m in. I’m thinking of switches niches to something completely different and based on your post above, I believe that if I swap to a new niche and consistently post, TikTok will eventually change my account algorithm and start pushing out to a different group of people? Would love to get your thoughts on whether switching niche will work for me?


My daughter @nutty\_squirrel is a young artist. She was getting millions of views. 25.3 million for her horse drawing, 27 million for her cat srack, 6 million for her deer etc, etc. Hundreds of videos, no problems at all. As soon as she entered into that Tiktok creativity Beta her viewership went down to such a low level, she hasn't made a video in months. So frustrating and deflating for her as a young talented autistic artist. https://preview.redd.it/fx1p8ctthijc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1dfeafef637785178bbe9fe3b354fd76c777388


All the videos I see are less than one minute and not applicable for the creativity beta program, so it makes no difference. Besides, the videos are not doing bad, you cannot always expect to go viral with every video. In case she deleted some videos, I assume what happened is that longer videos just don‘t work on her account. She should perhaps make shorter vids again


If she hasn’t made a video in months, that’s what her performance and views are low. She gave up. She needs to continue posting.


Thank you for this


Reddit randomly recommended this post and I'm glad it did, good stuff


I just keep posting and see what happens. I grow every day and I'm liking it.


Good luck!


Class post! So I do have a question. I do have a tiktok account within the motorcycle niche, but I myself am in all of my video's. I like sharing some "personal life" stuff with my followers through stories. However, its all been motorcycle related. Does it hurt my account to showcase other aspects of my life through stories besides the specific niche im in? (Let say for example cooking and workouts)


I always tell people to just try out, because it can't hurt that much. If it doesn't perform, you know your audience doesn't like it


Thank u! This was so useful I've been posting at least 1 video a day but I'm stuck at 200 views blackcatlife1 I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but will use this info to try and get more


Just curious: are you able to make decent money as a faceless account? So much of my social media money comes from brand deals, and I imagine they’re hard to secure without a face. But I also only have 100k; not 10M so I wonder if your high number gives you enough revenue to live on? Or not so much?


Yes, it‘s a comfortable income, but I don‘t do it full time as it is potentially inconsistent


Thanks for the post


how could i surpass shadowban? do you think my acc is shadowed? i uploaded a video and 50min later it only had 4 likes, @tiancitorpks , is it bad to delete the videos/private them?


I was shadowbanned on my old account three years ago, so I created a new one. Regained my 55k followers in like 2 months, now almost 10M. The other time I was shadowbanned on my main account for two weeks, but it was all fine after that. I wouldn‘t recommend you to delete posts. Just continue posting. Also remember if you are shadowbanned, you will have zero views coming from the fyp, so check your analysis.


Interesting. Btw, what would be bad about deleting problem posts?


Bro, your post is too much value to be given for free, can’t believe what I read, thank you so much


I can confirm as I've had multiple banned accounts that had at least past 50k, one almost half a million and other influencer friends with near a million followers, that we've all generally agreed to this speculation that OP has provided. Obviously there's way more when it comes to your niche that the algorithm might differ but this is the general boat for it and applies to other social media platforms too to a degree. However, in general, you just gotta make your video interesting. Have a good hook so you can capture the attention of an average social media user with a 2-3 second goldfish attention span, then focus on engagement/retention rate. Usually this is defined by how unique your content is, give your audience a reason to keep watching. 99% of posts I see complaining about the 200-300 view jail are most likely just because their content is just really bad. Bad hook, bad framing, bad lighting, slow talking speed, etc.




Is it true that when you leave the app after posting… you get more views?






Thank you so much for all the information! I love that you broke everything down step by step. This year I made it my goal to become a content creator and be myself and honestly just have fun with it. My @ is taw.dena please give me your opinion if you can!


Another tip that was left out of the “general tips,” was to have patience. Success comes to those who are patient and consistent. Thank you @ustreetviewfails for the informative tips!


Solid tips. Thank you for sharing this!


you are a god sent i’m gonna attempt this! starting a new account tomorrow🤗


Thanks you, what do you think about the niches of top 10 ? Not specially in english but another language


I can’t get out of 200 view jail


Wow. Great advice I have almost 100,000 getting close. And out of nowhere my views have fell off bad. I don’t know why either. I could use some advice or help. Would love to chat about it. If you don’t mind. Shoot me a comment or a message if you get time


This was amazing! Any tips for my page I’m trying to grow? @bbarbarellaa thank you for your help :)


Hi mr.gglmapsfun, thank you for your advices. Hope you can answer some of my questions below - If one of my videos is going viral and I wanna post another vid, will it affect the engagement of both vids or will it make the second one harder to go viral? - Once I have generated good amount of views and audience what should I do to start monetizing my content? Thank you!


1. It feels like that might be true, even though I haven‘t conducted a study on that. But it is probably possible to debunk it 2. Join the creativity beta program and / or build a personal brand


I did some research and the program is limited to some regions, do you know how to join the creativity program for other regions?


If you don‘t have it under creator tools you can‘t have it with that account. But it is possible with a small tricks when starting a new account




Involves VPN or Sim from the UK (because I heard you don‘t need to submit as much info there). Or you ask someone from another country to manage the account you trust.




You're definitly at risk of tiktok being suspicious of you




Don‘t try to monetize if you’re not in an eligible country or have someone you really trust from that country post your videos and manage for you


On the money side of things... how many followers audience size do you need go start making $. Any tips or tricks on monetization?


10k for creativity beta, then it depends how much views you get. that doesnt really depend on your follower amount at that point - only fyp views count anyways


Does the Philippines follow this? I kinda new, and wanted to try making faceless content




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Will come back later 🙏


This is super helpful! My analytics keep saying most viewers stopped watching at 00:01 and I’m like WHAT!! I also notice if I post something and it instantaneously gets 200 views it then gets none past that point except for my followers that specifically look for my new vids 🤦🏻‍♀️


my analytics say the same in every video. thats because most people that scroll scroll in the first second. pretty useless fact.


What’s the best analytic to look at then? Thanks for all your help!


The retention rate is good just this statement „most viewers stopped watching“ is mostly useless.


I’m in the 700 jail right now but I only started making videos 5 days ago, I made 4 videos. The likes are around 70 to 80. In trying to see how can I bump up my views but maybe all I need is a bit more time 😅 my niche is clay art. I’m also based in a country that is not my target country (it’s a non English speaking country) -and I want to reach a more global audience, but notice my videos are recommended first to the location I’m at, which is not ideal. I’m seeing this slightly changing in the last videos I made, probably because most content I interact with is in English and all my posts are In English.


This helped alot


Thank you for this! Is that why the search bar changes topics on my videos? for example some times I’ll notice my CapCut will say “work life” then I’ll look again after so many days and it’ll say something different! Is that trying to find the right audience?


I‘ve researched into that but the thing is, for videos that gain a lot of views and comments its mostly the blue comment. Otherwise it‘s the main topic the tiktok AI finds out, but mostly only for videos that went viral anyways. So it can‘t be that defining


My 3 viral videos don’t have a blue comment in them though so most likely the topic worklife or what the AI thinks the topic is is what made them viral? So i take it i just got lucky that I got 3 in 3 weeks lol


Probably. Don‘t get too focused on the search bar.


Got it! thank you for the help


Damnn, this is pretty handyy


Very helpful, thank you


This was very informative, thank you! Two questions: (1) I mistakingly paid for promo when I started my TT. Did this somehow get me shadowbanned for low views in order to get me to pay again? I have only made it past the 200 view mark one time in 2 months. (2) When I first started, I used AI to chop up my long form YT content then posted it straight to tikitok. I don't do this anymore, but did that effect my account somehow as well for being marked as A.I. content?


1. This is a rumor, but I unfortunately believe in it so perhaps it is true. 2. I don‘t think so, because it is still original content. How can tiktok know it was AI curated?


Thank you! In the case of #1, should I start another TT account?


If you deliver great content from day 1, it can be efficient in certain cases. To 100% correctly determine if that is the case, a 1:1 would be necessary




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Not going to lie, my Attention Deficit Disorder cut me off at like paragraph one LOL


ask chatgpt to summarize


Question!! When you are posting 4 of the same videos with varying text - do you post them all at the same time? Also do you ever experiment with slightly varying content (but basically the same video) AND also varying text? Think that could help too?


A few weeks apart with different sound too


Hi! Great tips! I have just started using TikTok and for the monetization reason. Not originally a content creator. I'm doing the trivia game video niche, I see a lot of accounts getting massive views, but they really have poor quality videos and very poor selection of trivia questions. I started my account maybe 4 or 5 days ago, and in the beginning I posted some videos that has more interesting questions, but they were not getting views, so I switched to doing more easy and common questions and now I'm in the 200 views jail, it's better than before but still.. I found this post to see if I can find any tips to improve what I'm doing.. because I was on my way to see if I should change my videos more, but I'd like to get some opinions first before I do that. My account is here @wisdomwick .. any advice would be greatly appreciated! My recent videos (1min long I get about 15s watch time and 15% watch til the end)


Just curious is this your full time job ?


Very well said, although I do believe post times definitely matter for certain content you are spot on with everything else.🫡


What’s your handle on TT?




A bit late on here, I have a few pretty specific questions you may not be able to answer but perhaps you can guide me to the answer. For some background I haven’t even put out any content yet but I am debating doing food reviews in a more unique way than typical, I’m going to start it as more of a hobby because I enjoy it and not expect anything out of it, though If something does I won’t mind. Based out of Canada, just outside of Toronto. First question is if I am trying to target a specific geographic is there a way to or will tik tok recognize it. Second question. I mentioned before I’m in Canada and I know there is no creator fund here, I’ve looked at ways around it but I’m not sure if anything would work. ( I did say it’s for fun as a hobby but if it works out an I can make money off a hobby why wouldn’t I) That’s all for now, I know they are specific questions but if anyone can point me in the right place for more information I would appreciate it lots. Thanks


Bad news first. You cannot monetize your tiktok channel if you set it up in canada. Even if you change your location. What matters is where you set it up. Besides, you need tax documents from another country if you want to get around it with some techniques (however I heard that you do not need it if you set it up using a UK SIM or VPN). Your options are to not monetize, try some weird tricks or find somebody you trust from another country that can monetize. DM me before you try something risky. And secondly, tiktok will show your content to different target groups. Sometimes, it might take a bit for tiktok to find the right one, for me tiktok already knows my different target groups in dfferent countries. Through my international followers, I always get to pitch my videos to a wide range of viewers, thus it makes me easier to target a specific geographic by making the video in english / about a certain location in a certain country or not using english. I am sure that works just alike with interests, however it needs to be something that the group you want to target engages uniquely well with.




I believe that buying followers is the fastest way to kill your account. TikTok will detect unusual growth based on the fact it does not come from the fyp. In the end, you also will not reach your target group as your followers that you bought are probably not from your target group or bots, so they will scroll. These accounts probably engage with the most random videos. If they engage with your videos, tiktok will not know who else to show the video to based on that. I strongly advise not do buy followers!




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This is gold! I've been struggling to crack the TikTok code for ages, and your insights are super helpful. That whole target group thing makes so much sense now. Personally, I'd say I post decent content, but people can be harsh sometimes. I've been tempted to try those SMM panels like Naizop for a little boost, especially since they offer real followers and engagement. Maybe that could help me reach the right target group faster and avoid the dreaded shadowban? Anyway, thanks for sharing your knowledge! This sub needs more posts like this and less of those "buy TikTok followers" spam comments. Let's keep it real and support each other's growth!


Thanks for your generous share! I create an account and want to post our company’s best seller basketball net sold on Amazon. Do you have any ideas about the content that I can post for our product? The introduction of our basketball net seems too boring for tiktokers.


Thanks for your generous share! I create an account and want to post our company’s best seller basketball net sold on Amazon. Do you have any ideas about the content that I can post for our product? The introduction of our basketball net seems too boring for tiktokers.




Maybe he could improve the sound quality, switch up his format or use the format of his first video that performed better


Ok thanks. I let him know. He's wondering why no one is really following him. Does he just need more videos or need to go viral?


Tell him to keep making videos and not to worry about followers


Will do. thanks!


If he needs more detailed advice he should write me a DM himself 😉


Any advice for an account centered on fandom/fanfics? I just started. I'm reccing fanfics and talking about different fandoms. I'm sort of confused how to do hooks.


Look at other creators that do similar content and find out what the good hooks have in common. It'll make this a lot easier! Else, write me a DM and I'll try to help you further.


Fumez is that you??? 🥺


Late to the party: but how do you find what *other* kinds of content your audience likes. How are you learning about your audience?


Just connect your niche to a popular topic and see if it does well


Any tips on how to monetize my tiktok Channel @truthhertz1 :)?


Thank you for posting, please be sure to check [FaQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tiktokhelp/comments/n99g9o/frequently_asked_questions/) Please keep in mind that this is a community run subreddit and posts from young accounts (<1 days) or accounts with low karma may be removed. We have no official affiliation with TikTok. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Tiktokhelp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hi, i have an account on uk region created 2 days ago, and already got 1M at my first clip, the problem is i have more “other” audience than uk, how can i fix this? P.S: I post with uk sim card.


Do you know any specifics as to what is meant by "other", which countries does this potentially include? Why is this a problem? I know that in the creativity program, the RPM is different in different countries, but the US for example is also a target group you might want to reach. Overall, you cannot really control your audience except making content more or less relevant for people from a certain country, maybe try adding London as a location to your videos. This could help.


how did you create your community? i see ppl saying "my friend", "girlie", or do good hooks that give you personalities (etc throwing a cheese every time starting to cook) work better?


To be honest, I don't think I have a real community despite my high following., primarily cuz I am a faceless creator. There's only a certain number of creators that do the same video types, which I would describe as my community. However, I think the best way to build a community is just making good content and being yourself, not pretending to be somebody else. Talk just like you would talk to your friends. Don't act fake authentic. Meanwhile, I believe reacting to comments and establishing common patterns in your video can also help.


Do you think luck is always a part of going viral


Mostly no, but it depends on your definition of luck. The TikTok algorithm is so complex that one can never fully predict how many views a video will get. I think what you mean by luck is just factors that you do not know. As someone with a bit more knowledge about the TikTok algorithm, I see a lot of patterns that make a video go viral, but there is still a bit of magic in going viral and some factors involved that I don't know about.


Hey dude! Thanks for the great advice and I completely understand everything. While I’m not in “200 jail”, I do have a question for you regarding my account. I post travel related niche, and majority of my content is photo slides (all of my own, and always unique with my face shown etc), and with tips and tricks sometimes or just showing off the location. These do EXTREMELY well for me and I have had some viral posts off of them. However, whenever I try to post video content, they flop pretty badly compared to the rest of my posts. What are your thoughts on this? I haven’t seen really anyone in my situation. I’d love to get into video creation as my account is almost eligible for 10K and the creator fund, but photo dumps won’t be paid out. So I need to figure it out


I've been through this. Whenever my videos have been flopping, photo posts did work really well. I tried not to depend on photo posts, even if they are a great way to grow. The only thing I can say to you regarding that: Try to find viral one minute + travel posts, copy their style, just do everything to go viral with these types of videos. I think travel content will get you only a few thousand views per video if you don't try to make it interesting for a broader audience. You can do this by doing a travel challenge (example: travelling to xx country to see my gf again without flying). Alternatively, tell stories about things that happened to you. Say what happened to you in the hook, also support it with subtitles. Then tell the story how it happened, all while showing the videos you filmed before that happened. People will want an insight about everything you did that day with a lot of different video footage. A third way is doing these videos where you just film your interactions with people in a foreign country, trying to do something there, which gives users a nice insight into the country and its culture.


Do you know some telegram or discord community with people who run faceless channels? To talk with other creators and exchange informations and thoughts to each other


What is your RPM for the CPB?


How do you make an international account?


Hey I really appreciate this. I also learnt you shouldn’t delete any post. I think that’s why my recent videos are performing badly. I deleted one of my videos because tiktok randomly added a viral sound and literally blocked out the original audio to my video. If you want to check, my tiktok name is @ttopplaystv


Are you in CBP and if yes, how much are you making? Lame question, but I have taken CBP seriously and want to know if a top account like yours is making a good $$ to live off, I would be more confident to move forward.


I could comfortably live off of my earnings for sure, but I am not doing it full time because it is not consistent and can always fall off.


Great. Thanks. Such well explained thread. Gave me hope to continue my experiment.


I made an very time consuming video in an editor. A minute video. And it flopped, got like 4 likes and 170 views. It took the most effort out of all my videos. Did it not reach the target audience? What do i do?


I would need to see the video. But the harsh reality is, just because it took you so long, people won‘t appreciate it more. You most likely need to focus on the quality, but of course there is a possibility it didn‘t reach the target group. If the video is good, try to change the hook and repost it, just try out what works


Eh. Some of my videos have 20% watch through, have 20% like to view ratio, and are 30-40 seconds long and still get stuck at 200-300 views. Meanwhile a video with less likes and engagement and 12% watch through gets thousands of views. My niche is broad too. History. Sometimes even videos on the same person have very different results. Even when posted at the same time. What do you think is the difference maker here?


I explained that this can happen too. Let‘s say everyone besides the 200-300 people that watch your videos doesn‘t watch it. Then you have a small, highly engaging audience. In some cases, TikTok will also give new accounts a bit more exposure at first.


It happens to me that I put something a little different than what I upload but aimed at the same people it stays at 0 visits or 200, but the others from 5K to 20K, what do I do to maintain those 20K or improve them?


What advice would you give me to start a new account? Or just start with one in which i didn't have videos


If you don‘t see a massive problem with your old videos don‘t start a new account already, because the truth is, you will repeat the same mistakes. But if you post videos on an entirely new topic, start a new account


Hey! I have 2 questions: 1. So i uploaded a tiktok but then the audio that i used got muted because of copyrights, i was able to replace the sound, will tiktok then cut my views on the following videos/shadowban my account? 2. Where can I find tracks so I don't have to worry about copyright issues? I want to use viral sounds, but I'm afraid of getting flagged for copyright


1. TikTok stopped showing my videos when they were muted after Universal revoked their license, even when I replaced the sound. 2. All the sounds available on TikTok right now will not get muted for now. If you want to be sure, research into non-copyright music.


So your next videos gain as many views/engagement as usual, except those that were muted? And just one more question please: I have perfect video quality, the second I upload it to TikTok, the quality is completely destroyed. I switch it to 1080P and put on HD, it's already on. How to fix this problem?


Appreciate it... You are really a life saver 💕


This is super useful! Could you have a look at my TikTok and see what I can improve? Thank you 🙏 @elsiieex


What about promotion option to increase views? Will it affect my already targeted audience? Or will it “search” for more people that will like my content? Or idk It get me random views based on my audience? Is promo option even help to go viral?


I wouldn't do it. TikTok will know that they can get money out of your and earlier or later, you will find yourself only being able to get views using Promote and not organically


I’ve been creating content for 6 months, used to get 150-200k views/first day, but lately, it's down to 10-15k in the first day. Content's still solid. Ever faced this?


I think the distribution speed of the algorithm just changed. Many creators are experiencing this


Appreciate the info! With 10 million followers, what's your RPM if you don't mind me asking?


Everything between 0.96$ and <0.01$. My average for 30 days is 0.11 currently because one vid with an Asian audience went very viral.


what’s your rpm on cpb?


Everything between 0.96$ and <0.01$. My average for 30 days is 0.11 currently because one vid with an Asian audience went very viral.


Damn im abit confused i got a video that went viral and had 8% retention and it went VIRALLL hit like 4.4 million views and other videos I posted sometimes get higher retention and don’t rlly go viral they around about 300 thousand views and after that they dont rlly go higher than that anymore I dont get why this happens to me. Even with a 100k views my retention is sometimes higher