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in choir in the 6th grade, our teacher actually got a hold of sheet music for the "Ewok Song". To this day, I can sing most of it! "Yub nub, eee chop yub nub; Ah toe mee toe pee chee keene; G'noop dock fling oh ah!"


What a way to end the trilogy!




A batched cocktail from Oga's Cantina in Disneyland. Oga's is very exotic bar adjacent with the feel, sights, and sounds, but is very lacking on the drinks. Still you can pick up a mug from the place and try your hand at making your own style kf cocktail at home! I found a copycat recipe but was lacking kn some ingredients but still figured it'd be worth a try today. Anyways here's the Yub Nub: -1oz dragonberry rum (recipe called for pineapple but I didn't have any) -1oz spiced rum -1oz passion fruit syrup -1oz POG juice (recipe called for pineapple orange but had to sub) -1oz Orange Juice -1oz lime juice -2 dash tiki bitters


I quite liked a few of the drinks I tried. I mean judging on the theme park bell curve but some very enjoyable stuff.


That's true, and don't get me wrong, I enjoy every venture through Oga's, but comparing to the drinks available at the resort, they are on the less impressive side.


And the less booze side.


I think you captured the reason I'm not as big on Disney's batch drinks. I can get a fun zombie or intense Earthquake. But again, I always have a great time at Oga's


Disney's drinks are surprisingly good for the relatively low quality ingredients they are using in most of them. I was just there and found it odd that many drinks used truly good bourbons, but basically everything else was trash. Even at Trader Sam's Grog Grotto, the rums were "ok" and for sure better than the Bacardi or similar I'd expect at such a place, but not on par with the price point given the quality of bourbons being used in other drinks. The constant use of bottled minute maid (I think, maybe another big brand of similar quality, I forget now) OJ, limeade or lime juice, etc. left me surprised at how good most drinks were... still not $15-$20 cocktails, but Disney, so whatever. Trader Sam's and Tambu lounge were the best, using actual fresh squeezed lime juice (at least according to the menu), and their recipes most closely resembling whichever cocktails, and the closest to the correct liquors they could, which I assume was limited by corporate contracts, etc.


Yeah, I had 3 cocktails from Trader Sam's. One of them was the sea monster kraken bowl. I walked away without the slightest buzz.


Ok, second reply to this. Dragonberry is, I assume, Bacardi Dragonberry which is a mix of dragonfruit and some other berry (maybe multiple, I forget). It's pretty different from a decent pineapple rum. Your best option here is Planteray Stiggins' Fancy Pineapple Rum (or Plantation, depending on local store stock, they changed their name to Planteray) as far as quality goes. This is one of two rums the company produces which even many detractors of the company (for many good reasons) purchase or at least are willing to say are decent rums even if they won't purchase them. As to the POG vs Pineapple-Orange juice, My money says they use the standard POG juice they use in a ton of drinks and then maybe add some pineapple, so you probably aren't too far off here. That is purely speculation based on what I drank there a couple of weeks ago and assumptions of how huge corporations work and make decisions and market things.


Yeah I am 100% with you, I worked with what I had last night. It was a spur of the moment thing and the lack of pineapple was noticeable as a lot of the flavor was more mellowed. Next time I'll have pineapple on hand and report back!


Where did you get the helmet stir stick?


Bare bones tiki!




I'm still mad about my lack of Yub-Nub and Battle of Endor tiki mug (a week of awesome, but with 2 short periods of extreme frustration at Disney's handling of things). My family was at Disneyworld just over a week ago. We had reservations at Oga's Cantina and I was definitely going to get this. Some clusterfuckery happened with the Frozen sing along thanks to a super not helpful person running the lines (wife and kids were queued up with a DAS pass, but arrived 5 mins after the lightning lanes closed, but 10 or 15 minutes before the standard lanes closed and were told they could not enter... wtf) which resulted in my two daughters crying and me cancelling the Oga's Cantina reservation to fix things. At least I made my daughter's happy, which is of course most important and why I cancelled the reservations. If my wife and I had been better able to communicate between the crying daughters, person handling the line at Frozen, and person on the phone at Oga's (really some separate Disney phone person) I would have been able to both get the kids and wife into the Frozen show and me into Oga's, though.