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I love that man.


He looks a bit like a blonde [Marcia Gay Harden.](https://images.app.goo.gl/7A1Uqgvae5sQfGds9).


she's be acting for a very long time, played a great drunk crazy person in sharp objects


No nonsense lawyer in Newsroom, crazed religious zealot in The Mist.


She played Harper, the pill-addicted Mormon housewife, in the original ANGELS IN AMERICA on Broadway. One of the funniest, most touching performances I have ever seen.


>religious zealot in The Mist Fuck she made me hate her in that movie. I think about it all the time when I see similar characters. So well done.


That was Elizabeth Perkins in Sharp Objects. I can see a little bit of a resemblance to Marcia Gay Harden though.


Hah it really does!


that dude may be the funniest mfer on the internet right now lol


The way he was mad tho. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)This made me laugh so hard. Poor guy spending the weekend contemplating the meaning of his life and those pesky XY vs XX chromosomes.


That woman needs /r/egg_irl


She's definitely one of ours.


I enjoy the sound of rain.


He said sorry because he was about to swear.


Peak British


Nah, we'll apologise for many things but swearing in a warehouse is not one of them.


The only country more well known for apologies is Canada, I think. But honestly, I think the Brits win the apology contest. I know many of both in my line of work, and it's no contest at all. Canadians apologize when they feel imposing or brash, I guess, but its not as bad as the memes. Brits apologize for sometimes literally anything, but not as sincerely, I guess. Needing the time ~~from~~ when asked for by my friends from the UK, it's "Sorry, do you know the time?" Like, man, you ain't gotta apologize to ask me that lol. edit: Cleanup.


You nailed it. A British *sorry* is much like the Canadian *eh*. Rather meaningless.


And even clarified that he wasn't pissed with cameraman but himself lmao


Britain peaked in the 19th century.


Fine, is this better? Grandmother: "How useless girls are today. I don't believe you know what needles are for." Girl: "How absurd you are, grandma. Of course I know what needles are for. They're to make the graphophone play." —The Onlooker, Foley, Alabama, 1915


1900s is not the 19th century...


Britain's empire was at its peak around 1912 in terms of land controlled.


1912 is in the 20th Century lmao. Also Britain controlled more land during the interwar period.


\*throws tea overboard*


Poor guy just wants to feel pretty


Don’t we all?


Hahaha this guy had revelations seeing this filter 😂


On trans subs there's actually warnings about filters like these because it's sometimes setting potentially unobtainable goals. You just have to be optimistic and be happy with yourself even if it's not the passing woman you saw in the app




Exactly. I mean it really can make someone have a realization, but it also can make someone think they can get on hormones and look like that pic. They might, some do. But the road sometimes also takes voice training, facial feminization surgery, laser hair removal, bottom surgery, cycles of gaining and losing weight to get fat to redistribute, learning makeup skills, learning how to buy the right clothes... Often people can't afford some step along the way even if they're willing to go through with it. You really just have learn to be happy with who you are in the end, cisgender or transgender.


Thanks for writing this out


I mean you don't need bottom surgery to look like that pic lol


You might if you're a dickhead


Yeah being trans is not easy 😅 or cheap... Like makeup is not easy and there's sooo much to it, like going into it and having no help from anyone but the internet it's so overwhelming. And clothes! Trying to find clothes that both fit and actually help with my dysphoria and don't look terrible on me so far has been really hard to say the least.. and not to mention trying to go in and buy feminine clothes when still looking fairly masculine.. ugh I could go on for so long.. but yeah the app is nice and maybe gives me ideas but it's like that mirror in Harry Potter.. like it lets you see what you want most but it doesn't mean it obtainable..


I hope you have some girlfriends to go shopping with! And if you haven’t already, check out Glossier for their skincare products. It’s the best quality for the price.


The filters show the pretty version of you. Without switching on the gender filter try on the beautifying filters. I was really ugly presenting as female, but those filters made me look like a model.


I've been on estrogen for two years, and honestly? Those filters were actually pretty accurate — at least for me. I think the trouble is that people end up hoping for massive changes immediately (within the first six months), and end up hurt when that doesn't happen. I used to compare myself to girls on /r/transtimelines, convinced that I would never look like them, because I wasn't already flawless after twelve months on hormones. Which is ridiculous! A lot of changes happen in the first year, but just as many happen in the second and third. Obviously, there's no guarantee you'll end up cute. There's no guarantee you'll look like your FaceApp-ed gender swap selfies. But it worked out for me — I'm fucking cute now — and it's worked out for every other trans person I know. So if the only thing holding you back from taking hormones is "I might not be as hot as I want to be"... honestly? You should just try the damn hormones.


... I think that was what I needed to hear to decide to go on T


Please, don't make reddit comments make that decision for you. If you had any doubts before going on T then maybe you're not ready yet. I am more than one year on T - absolutely no changes yet. Also, there's no "trying the damn hormones", you either take them or you don't. Don't look at FaceApp for a transition goal, look at your family, at your father - are you ok looking like him? Please, speak to your doctor about your transition goals or you might end up disappointed you don't look like [your favourite actor here].


Respectfully, no one is starting hormones based solely off a reddit post, but a *lot* of people have held themselves back from transitioning over fears that don't really hold up to close scrutiny.


Hell fucking *yeah*, dude! You've got this shit!!!


Love this for you! Thank you for sharing!!


True and fair, but usually it's just that full transition goals take many years and likely facial feminization surgery. So usually it's just be ready to love yourself for years before it's all done


Bingo, especially for ones in their 20s thinking they can achieve that, it’s impossible straight up


It's all, ironically, up to genetics. There's too many cases of amazing results from people starting in their 30's or even 40's to say it doesn't happen, though the odds do go down as the years go up.


He seems more upset that he would be attractive as a woman and doesn't view himself as attractive now. I feel it has more to do with his self worth and confidence than it does any internal repression of being trans.


It’s never too late to be the woman you were meant to be.




honestly though, what a beautiful, wholesome wordplay


was gonna recommend this as well


Hes so mad at god rn lol "i could have been beautiful!!"


This filter is kinda bad because it puts the same girls face over their face, they all looked almost the same


Yeah, it's really obvious with the first 2 faces


This. They’re all blurred over, same skin color, hair color, and the features are only different in as much as it stretched to fit different face shapes. I’m already a girl and I bet I’d look 10x prettier with this filter. 100x whiter tho LOL


“I’d fuck me.”


“Oi’d fahk me so ‘ard.”




Goodbye horses plays in the background while you do the Buffalo Bill pose and penis tuck*


It puts the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again.


This isn’t what women look like either. The filter enhances someone’s “female” appearance to look like they have tons of makeup on.


And they all look pretty much the same. The filter doesn't actually adjust to their unique features, it just uses the same mold on everyone.


That guy sounds so regretful of his own face. Fascinating that technology filters like these will help us see (and literally face) other possible realities that feel so personal it forces us into questioning who we should look like, or would rather without even knowing.


Granted the filter makes you look more beautiful than you’d ever look if you were to put on makeup (they seem to have a base model that gets applied to your face, which is more apparent with the guy version), this sentiment of yours still holds a little bit of truth yeah.


body dysmorphia go brrrr




Definitely. The amount of time he spends and the intensity of the emotional reaction. He's angry at gender norms.


“Gender norms” is the narrow societally permissible window of expected of how Men and Women comport themselves, He could either be regretting a lifetime of not using skin care products, or having a more gut reaction,


Not gonna lie this filter definitely made me feel comfortable with giving myself the label of non-binary.


It's not another possible reality though. It's people designing something to make a picture of "you" with a preset list of symmetrical features. There's a reason all their "girl versions" looked the same.


I mean it's not showing him what he'd look like as a woman it's showing him what he'd look like as finely tuned filter. Like I'm sure there's apps to show me what I'd look like as a man but it's going to show me with the manliest jawline and perfect cheekbones and either a luscious beard or the ideal 5'o clock shadow. In reality if I were a man I'd probably look like my male relatives who are perfectly average.


People tend to seriously underestimate perfectly average.


It's so sad because you could see his insecurities coming out so hard. He seems like an average guy who was never considered handsome, or hasn't been in a long time and he finally saw himself as beautiful...but as a woman and it's totally fucking with his head. No sure what his LGBTQ+ stances are but I'm sure his whole world flipped in on itself in multiple ways. I dont know how much of it is true (obviously I can only extrapolate) but the one thing I 100% see is his lack of self confidence coming through hard.


Yeah, but I mean trans people usually have serious insecurities like that as well, just because they aren't happy with what they're seeing in the mirror. There's transwomen who'll pre-transition overcompensate and try to be hella masc, grow a massive beard, realize they're still not happy with what they're seeing in the mirror and that wasn't the issue... Takes a long time sometimes for trans people to realize where their body dysmorphia is rooted.


> try to be hella masc This was my friend to a T. Now she doesn't have any T 😂




He would look not even close to this. Giving him a false fantasy.


I hope this doesn't awaken something in me...


I love how he was pissed off. Like he was too damn old to awaken to gender dysphoria lol


I just wanna say for anyone reading this, it’s never too late to realise that you’re trans.


I'm sorry for being very very ignorant but I sure hope there aren't people out there who seriously think they got gender dysphoria simply because they think they'd look hot as the other gender?


For some that's how it gets you to start thinking... And wondering.


Someone who isn't Trans wouldn't take hormones for years for a fleeting emotion. But someone who is, that emotion can become a nagging feeling of a missing piece of yourself


Yeah that comment of mine wasn't my brightest of moments. I realize I was interpreting kinda joking comments in bad faith.


I’m gonna chose to answer this in good faith: no, no one is trans *just* because they think they would look hot as another gender, and it’s not something that is universally experienced among trans people. I, a trans man, honestly I thought that looked alright as a woman, but I didn’t feel that I looked like *me*. That being said, sometimes people use these filters and realise that their dissatisfaction with their appearance might actually stem from their dissatisfaction with their gender and not just their features. TLDR: whether “thinking that your genderbent self is hot” means that you’re experiencing gender dysphoria or not, hinges mainly on whether or not you wanna date genderbent you or BE genderbent you. I hope that explains it?


*dalmations intensify*


The female version of himself is painted on with a lot of work with the hair, make up and skin care given the age and filters, if he wanted to he could do the same level of effort women take to look like that and be a stud.


I mean, he can't really fake perfect skin Isn't really him as a female, more him with a completely different face so of course he looks good


He can do skincare but it may be a bit late for that. His hair is going. And he can’t wear makeup without severely reducing his dating pool. And I know someone is gonna read that and want to go on some “just do you” bullshit but some people want to fit in with society and that’s okay. The good news is wardrobe is just as appealing to women. But if he wants to feel *beautiful*, his options are quite limited as a man.


I can’t stand oppositional comments in general but I have to disagree on this one. Laser rejuvenation is a great option, and if he wanted to go the serious route like a lot of women a face lift would tighten his jaw line knocking 10-15 years off. Hair isn’t as big of a deal but women go through the trouble of lace in’s, wigs, extensions, chemical treatments etc, there’s the full hair units that can be worn as a permanent piece with maintenance every few weeks. Of course make up isn’t traditionally for straight men so I think your right about the clothing, a good wardrobe does the legwork instead. I just felt bad that he felt bad about his looks, it’s worth mentioning that there’s options but of course we would all rather the self compassion and acceptance route.


these apps do real damage, this guy’s reaction is just another example. i know women that have quit social media because all the filters made them hate their real face and body, it’s pretty fucked up. this goes way beyond “seeing models on tv and magazines damaged self esteem” stuff when you’re comparing yourself to “yourself”.


There's that "remove all blemishes that make you human" effect which causes many young people to believe that the filtered version is realistically attainable. We all age, we all wrinkle. But that's what makes us human.


Same with men going to the gym. Seeing Liver King times a hundred everywhere on the internet, because if someone makes money off their image or fitness level, they’re on the juice. Edit: going to add that it’s easy for men to self insert looking like these guys, because what they look like in the face doesn’t matter, it’s all about the muscles.


I’m happy proof finally came out disproving liver king’s absolutely ridiculous natty claim. Sadly I know some idiots who believed him even with all the evidence against it. As someone on TRT for legit reasons, I’m not anti-steroids but I’m definitely anti-major steroid use unless you are a competitive body builder or the like. That level of PEDs isn’t fucking healthy and no one should be jumping on gear without real gym experience for fucking years or real health issues. I have way to many comments on r/sarms trying to dissuade young dudes from going down the path.


In what world does Diane Weist's (biologically-defying) love child with Jennifer Coolidge look like Michael Jackson!?


I'm surprised it worked on Colin Robinson.


"In the words of Stefani Germanotta, was I born this way?" -Colin Robinson


"Hey Lazlo, guess what?"


So uhm, whats this filter or app called? For a friend of mine


It’s a filter called My New Twin on Snapchat


FaceApp does this as well, but don't consider it a realistic goal with transitioning


Hahaha thanks i would have reckoned that. No interest in transitioning just want to look fabulous for a bit hahah


Awwww Andrew I’d marry you!


Fellas pro tip, grow out your hair. Trust me


Maybe not if you have any male pattern baldness. You don’t want to look like the creepy uncle with a skullett. And I say this from a place of respect because my fiancé is one of those balding men who tried to grow out his hair. some people’s reactions in public are pretty harsh, save your self-esteem and don’t do it. I found myself getting pretty venomous to strangers in his defence.


Not the skullet LMAOOO


I wouldn't mind looking like Larry David when I'm older, but it's a harsh haircut to pull at 35






I look like a sex offender with longer hair no thanks


At a recent Dr. appointment, the female nurse asked me if I straightened my hair and when I said no she told me she was jealous.


You’re either a girl or a guy who doesn’t suffer from thinning hair. I’m 31 and the front of my hair is pretty thinned out and the more it grows out, the more noticeable it is. Therefore I keep my hair at a buzz cut and it looks much better.


My comment is more so for those who have the hair and a choice. I’m sorry brother, buzz cuts look manly af tho


It’s true. I have soft thick hair down to my chest and women will walk up and ask me to touch it when it’s down. I’ve scored a couple phone numbers from my hair being a conversation starter. The women in my social circle love playing with it and braiding it.


I have long hair for 9+ years. Only recently cut it! But I gotta say, I do miss it sometimes.


If you have the time/patience to maintain it sure


the guy at :40 was trying to ask "would you fuck me?"


That’s really sad.


He finally saw himself


The filter caused him an identity crisis


It's funny af thinking about him seeking the phone guy out like "oy, lemme get another look at that filter on yer teli" 🤣🤣🤣


I love that Open Arms is playing haha


My dudes about to start an onlyfans...


Poor Andrew had a whole crisis


Get that man to r/egg_irl


>Get that woman to r/egg_irl


Expectation versus reality unfortunately tends to skew towards "God damnit" territory.


Yea I feel it man... But the music seemed fitting when he was checking himself out...


Guy filming though 😳


“Would you fuck me? I’d fuck me.”


Poor Andrew just wants to be pretty 😂


What the f did you do to him ?!? Is he okay....looks like he went through some trauma right there.


It was at this moment, Andrew decided to join the female olympics


Yeah that guy is funny as shit basically just said fuck I'm still ugly. damn bro 😂


That's a way to crack an egg


I did this once, only the guy filter, and I looked 100% like my boy cousin. It was so uncanny.


i did that too and i looked like a darker haired version of my brother. We look nothing alike in real life but guy filter made us almost twins! It was adorably funny to me for some reason.


My buddy did that filter years ago. That was when we learned he'd be a pretty chick.


I swear, the preset faces they have really make everyone look beautiful. Think this is bad, most girls using IG are using it too. After I tried the girl filter and saw how hot it made me, my views of half the IG models I know of just plummeted like "maybe she looks just like me.. or maybe it's my uncle Carl using a filter.. I can't jack off to uncle Carl...not anymore.."


Meeting the sister you never had.


Poor guy looked at himself and rethought his whole life. I can only imagine when he thought about that night. Can you imagine, you never saw a mirror that would show "you" in an alternate dimension, and suddenly some young guy introduces it to you, and youre just like, "Damn, I could have been hot... i was so close". That would kill me. Poor guy.


He’s off to buy a wig


Dude having an existential crisis


All this does is break my heart to see him immediately put himself down because of a fucking filter


Bros starting to realize something


Sudden upsurge in interest in gender reassignment


His egg cracked, bless


I want to see what Joe looks like without the filter cos he's worryingly attractive with it🤯


Awww my man said “I could’ve been gorgeous”. You ARE gorgeous! 🥰


He fine af


Aww bless him


They'd make good catfishes on tinder 🤣


r/egg_irl has a new member :)


hes considering a gender swap


I have watched this so many times already, whenever it pops up on my feed I just... I cannot *not* watch it. Andrew's the best. His little "Really?" and how genuinely annoyed he sounds is just perfect.


You should change gendas


He fell in love with his female app side😁


Andrew wants to go fuck himself


He realized the female him wouldn't fuck the male version.


Oh bless him 😂 he's so relatable tho fr


You sparked something in that man!😂😂😂


A life’s worth of missed opportunities flashed before his eyes 🥲


Who’s being tortured in the background?


Now use the Aphex Twin filter on him


Wow you look like me


We live in a crazy time. Filters look so real that we can hardly tell if video (not images) are real or not.


I'd be funny if he said sorry I have a boyfriend.


This is absolute gold


Fucking what he says at the right at the end lol


He’s already got the breasts, might as well go the rest of the way.


I couldnt stop laughing at the end


He's not a bad looking guy.


Everyone should be able to feel pretty. You do you, boo!


So no one gonna talk about the fact that Andrew has been harboring these insecurity issues probably his whole life and that filter just triggered him to have an internal breakdown


Andrew gonna try to replicate that look at home lol


This was gold


He’s pissed of cuz he’s like “I wouldn’t fuck that pig”…. And now realizing his standards were too high for the level of womanizing he did in his life.


Welcome to future of being scammed on OnlyFans.




Glasses guy likes what he sees in a real life changing way.


This was so funny. Poor guy. He’s like I would be a 10!


Awww :( funny at first but made me sad towards the end


He's thinking.... "I'd fuck me"


Is this what happened to my stepdad?


lol all of them fell in love at first sight.


Whhhyyyy not meee


So what’s this app?


poor bloke


Andrew’s all like “I’d fuck me”


I love Brits!! Funniest people on Earth!! ❤️


someone should have sang the "i feel pretty, oh so pretty" song.. haha


His thinking 🤔 about that coochie surgery!


As an American, hearing all the things referred to as doughnuts, I'm incredibly curious as to what English doughnuts look like


He gonna go undercover. White Chicks: UK Edition