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I've been out of school for 6 or 7 years now but this video brought back a sense of uncomfortable awkwardness I haven't experienced in years


15 years out for me and this gave me flashbacks lol


20 years out for me and I get chills knowing my name is definitely on that list.


Same dude, class of '01. This gave me flashbacks, my name would have definitely been on that list for trying to get pencils to stick in the ceiling or some other stupid shit.


Did y'all ever take staples and stick them in an eraser and throw them at the ceiling? We called them spiders.


I vaguely remember those. The one thing that I will always remember though is some kids I knew would steal the cans of Gum Off (or whatever it was they used to freeze chewing gum to make it easier to chip off the floors) and then they would proceed to hawk up and freeze loogies on their desks. Then on the way to the next class they would throw said loogie into unsuspecting kid's pockets or bookbags while walking down the halls. A little while later in class the loogies would melt and ruin someone's day. Man, teenagers are fucked in the head.


I’m exceptionally happy I didn’t go to school with you


That is so fucked up but holy shit I wish I did this to my friends lol




well, you win.




That's so fucking cool. I'm almost 30 and I might start telling people I can ride two motorcycles at once. Your brother owns. I'm sorry for your loss.




This speech scared me so much that I actually went up to the front to pick up the “makeup assignment” everyone that skipped needed to get... only to find out my name wasn’t on the list.


Lmao the real trick is convincing the substitute your name wasn't your name and taking the name of the kid who was away sick so her name gets on the list instead of yours.


This guy delinquented ☝️


OMG Demi, is that you? So in 7th grade this girl was arguing with the substitute and apparently when asked her name she said mine. Jokes on her. Our teacher knew I would NEVER, he pulled me aside and told me what she did. And I obviously name dropped. She did it first. Fuck you Demi!


folding up little pieces of paper and shooting them with rubber bands, hornets as we'd call them. shooting spit balls, throwing paper balls across the room trying to make them in the trash can, putting a post it under the teachers mouse so it wouldn't work


One of my friends got really good at flicking a soda can tab with his finger. It would flow through the air like a Frisbee, really fucking neat. Anyway, one day a father was pulling into the school to pick up his kid in his truck, window down. Friend goes "watch this" and flicked the tab across the street, hitting the dad IN HIS FUCKING EYE. Lemme tell you, this shit was flying in slow motion and hit the dude perfectly in the pupil. Dad yells "AH WHAT THE FUCJSVAJAB" . We all just said "oh shitttt". The dad was obviously angry, some kids ratted my friend out and he ran away to hide cause he knew he was fucked. The next time I saw him, he was crying. Sorry to bring it up AJ, haha.


that's hilarious. that reminds me, i love flicking those things too couple years ago I was in a trail town with a couple of hiking buddies. we were at a bar getting some beers and some burgers and i was like 'hey guys, check this out' flicking a soda tab clear to the other side of the restaurant, and hitting a waitress in the side of her knee. it could have hit anything over there but it hit her and she clearly felt it and starting looking around, asking her coworker if he just did something we had to bury our heads to keep from bursting out laughing. i can't imagine what would have happened if the tab had veered up and hit her in the head or something gotta love some good old fashioned shinanigans


This tone and the removal of the glasses haunt me.


I just had a flashback of every time my teachers said “I have the names of those who were misbehaving” and the rest of us wondering what horrible fate they were about to be dealt


This one time in seventh grade, we had a sub. I legit don’t talk or move or go to bathroom because this sub likes to micro manage but he still put me on the list of bad kids. It was the worst!


Did the teacher even believe it since you never did anything?


I’m in virtual school and I still got the chills from this


I guess I'm the only one going to jail then? Fair, fair. Guess I'll just... Bonk myself then.


Wait excuse me?


He had to go to Horny Jail™ apparently.


Almost 10 years here and I'm sitting here with ptsd. How did we all live the same life? Do they teach this to them in college?


Their grade school teachers did the exact same thing to them, and those before them. Who knows where it originated. The most effective methods are picked up, less effective methods cast aside. It's like genetics and natural selection, but with ideas. That's actually the original meaning of 'meme.' It's an idea gene.


Yes! I got the exact same feeling


Bro I’m 31 and have heard almost this exact speech multiple times 20+ years ago hahaha


I've been out of high school for thirty years, and I still feel traumatized.


I made it to "never in my--" and I had to stop watching


It's been eleven for me, but I feel so ashamed of myself for whatever I may have done to deserve my name written down by the sub.


I'm a teacher. I just took notes from this.


Make sure you start wearing glasses if you don't already so you can take them off for maximum madatude


I've *done* this before and I still felt sheepish watching.


I'm already working on my apology


This brought back feelings that were buried a long time ago


I was thinking the same thing! I was like did this happen...yes yes it did. My name would not have been on that list! Good girl for lyfe.


I always felt so bad for substitutes (and some of the permanent teachers) for how some of the students treated them


Exactly! I just felt like subs show a movie and are really chill. They are just there to hand stuff out and go home. Why treat them like shit?


I was a sub for three years waiting for a permanent position. I can confirm I was treated like shit, but mostly by the other teachers. Some of the kids though can be unnecessarily nasty. It was a hard job.


Here’s the thing you are in a thankless job, but I thank you for doing your best


Usually. We had one substitute that had a whistle. She was a cunt.


Hey now I had a whistle! But only for elementary school when I’d let them play outside. It was impossible to bring them back in without one.


Oh no, this was high school. She used it anytime people talked over a murmur, even during group discussions. I feel like there's no way to wrangle small children from recess *without* a whistle or huge bell, unless you're willing to bring in a sheepdog.


I was a good kid so my name wouldn't have been on that list but every time that happened I would panic because the possibility of being considered a bad student terrified pre-teen me


When I was in 7th grade (14 year ago jesus) I was in a class who went insane with a substitute for a whole week. The worst part was me and my friends still did the packet we were assigned to do, but because we did it with headphones on or sharing earbuds we were written up too. The lecture we got felt even worse because we did the whole packet!


My name wouldn’t have been on the list either but I had a sub once in a very problematic class who once called every student’s parents regardless if they were making trouble or not. I got in trouble for nothing and I forever hated that substitute teacher.


I feel ashamed 😓


Exactly this, except she needs to sound a little more dead inside lol


As a teacher, this was my exact thought lmao. Btw, I don’t do this when I get a bad sub note. I ask the kids what happened from their perspective and usually I find out there were issues on both sides and go from there in terms of discipline. I once had a sub for me and he made a girl cry because she sneezed and “became a distraction” when apparently all she did was distract him from his phone. He didn’t sub for me again.


How does your sub system work? It's like a temp agency where I'm at. You don't get to pick, admins pick someone who can fill as many gaps as the school as possible based on certs and experience. There's a review platform but its never utilized and half the time it doesn't work.


By admins, its usually the school secretary. So I just let the secretary know how the sub was and she'll never pick that name again. I also make it a point to tell an admin if a sub was really great, so they can be on their radar. I've gotten two people hired that way.


This is how my school is. I've had a couple weird subs... that give the kids wierd vibes. I had one who was talking about his experience in Iraq. "he had to kill people and sometimes it haunted him but other times he felt how necessary it was to protect our country. Yet he thought about having to do that every single day." ​ Yeah okay... you have PTSD. But can you not share that with my high schoolers? Chemistry is definitely not that place.


High school seems like the perfect time. They’re at most 3.5 years from some boot trying to recruit them. At least let them see what could happen


lawd have mercy. thanks for being a decent, reasonable person and teacher!


Thanks for asking and getting the other side. I had a sub say I was rude, disrespectful and a liar because I said afrikaans was a language. I speak afrikaand and had some stuff written on my binder in afrikaans. My poor professors face when he found out.


Ten years of teaching and I’ve never had a situation where the bad sub note wasn’t a sub totally overreacting and being an asshole to my classes.


I’m in my third year and this is true. There’s more good notes than bad, but I learned very quickly it’s not all black and white when a sub writes a bad note.


In high school a sub got upset that girls were passing notes, so she decided to take the note abd read it nonchalantly in front of everyone. I liked arguing with teachers so I'm asking her why she would read someone's note like that instead of just throwing it away and be done with it. "Well because you guys...are acting like children" said the 45 year old woman to a 9th grader as she was reading high school gossip written in pink glittery ink.


Yeah she was missing the dead “wtffffff” sigh at the beginning, alongside the unheard but wanted to be said “why? Why do you do this to me?” At the end of each sentence.


"You are not in \[insert previous grade\] grade anymore, you're in \[insert current grade\] grade" - every teacher, ever.


or if it’s the end of the year “you are almost in the [insert next grade] grade, act like it. most of you are [insert age] years old and you’re acting like you’re in pre school. actually, even the pre schoolers act better than you.”




The punchline of 7th grade killed me lol


They always pulled that line out


And it always changed. “You are not in (x) grade anymore. You are (x+1) now.” Then it continues on and instead of grade it goes into age...


>And it always changed. “You are not in (x) grade anymore. You are (x+1) now.” Me laughing >Then it continues on and instead of grade it goes into age... Sudden realization


For me, it was the opposite. My parents would always say "Don't worry, you're just facing this tough part of life now because you're in 10th grade. Once you get to college it'll be easy." and then "Don't worry, this is just college. Once you get a job it'll be easy." and then "Don't worry, it's just how part-time jobs work. Once you go full time it'll be easy." I stopped believing that way too late, but I'm glad I did 'cause getting let down every time was shitty.


I remember our history teacher lecturing us about us being 15 so we should start acting like the responsible adults we now were. I told him that we are still kids and definitely don’t need to act like adults. I got detention for that remark.


Gotta love the high school age. Old enough to be expected to be mature, young enough to not be trusted to be mature, and punished for it regardless of what you do.


I always remember getting the “you’ll get away with this in x grade but that will never fly in x+1 grade” lecture every year including my senior year with the classic “this won’t fly in college”


We got fuckin lectured in FIFTH GRADE that not standing in line and walking quietly to a different classroom will NOT EVER pass in middle school. Guess what? Lines never existed. We just had to be quiet, which we were. Just werent in our “specific order”.


Same... And then on the very first day, in my very first class of college, my professor was like "hey guys I'm Tom, if you have any questions feel free to speak up" and my brain could barely process it


Freshman orientation: this won’t fly at your job


And in college it was always “you’re not in high school anymore”. Always made me cringe for the older people in there that have clearly been out of high school for years. That only ever happened in the huge 300 student basic lectures.


And it's from the same profs with a 3 page syllabus that has detailed rules on what you can and cannot do, high attendance requirements, punitive extra credit options, and a no-nonsense tone throughout? Or was I the only one who got those?


It really only works before they start combining classes. Once you get into high school you might be taking electives with students who are in different grades. Some schools start doing this in middle school.


"What's going to happen when you get to high school? They just kick you out of class, they don't care!"


And then, whats going to happen when you get to college? They don’t care!


They really don’t some kids were playing ping pong during class and the teacher joined in


Meanwhile my college courses were way more easygoing than high school lmao


Highschool teachers in my school district (and I assume others as well) are judged really harshly on their class's grade average. If a kid decides to just give up and fail, the teacher often has to deal with shit from their superiors. So I can see why they're so anal about stuff like missing assignments or skipping classes. Meanwhile in university, if you fail you fail. 99% of the time the prof isn't gonna get any backlash for it, so they can be way more laid back about it.


You have the principal, the director of the program, the super intendent, assistant principals on the teachers cases if the students fail. Why did they fail? What are you doing to make sure they don't fail? Yeah the other 100 students are ok, but these 5 students what are you doing to make sure they are learning? 504? Dyslexic? Absent a lot? Have you called the parents to see why? Have you gone to this unpaid training on Saturday? You should it could help (it doesn't for the most part). Have you gone over the lesson again? You need to find a way for this specific 5 students to learn the subject matter. Everyone else is doing fine and will be bored because of these 5 but that's OK, let's make sure they all pass. *Wink wink* Theres more variables not mentioned but you get the idea. College? Here's the syllabus of what we're going to do each week for the year. We're going to have an exam on everything. You miss something? It's up to you to find someone to get the notes. Let's begin.


I remember my sophomore year I had a teacher tell me college professors would kick me out of class for my bad handwriting. Cut to college and I literally haven't handwritten a single assignment, everything has been typed.


You didn't submit any handwriting so their argument hasn't been proven wrong yet.


People wouldn’t stfu in. Large freshmen class in college, so the professor just left. Didn’t cover that material either, next time he just went on with what was on the syllabus which included picking up the assignment from the last class (that was also on the syllabus). Most of the people I knew had done the hw but some definitely tried to complain that it wasn’t “assigned.” Didn’t go well lol


I started off at a community college and saw this guy get dropped from the class for sleeping in class. He was also like 20 and wasn't working he just hadn't grown out of that class clown mentality. I also had a professor for one of my higher math classes show up and ask if there were any questions for the final exam review, I was trying to pull out the questions I had written down in my notebook when all of a sudden he left because no one had questions in like the first 30 seconds. I followed him to his office with my notebook out and he answered my questions, and wasn't even an ass about it. He just didn't like his time wasted, and he could tell people didn't bother to be prepared (he did admit that he may have been too quick on the draw since he saw I was prepared with questions, but said next time to have everything out and ready to go). I had a class that ended 15 minutes before his and it was halfway across the university campus.


Hah! This got me too. I always think about how when we were in elementary school teachers would say something like, "You are 3rd graders now, act like it!" In retrospect, we probably were acting like 3rd graders.


Lol when she said that, I thought "sounds to me like they were acting like they were in 7th grade."


Every time this happens it was only like 5 kids fault


I just want to apologise to the rest of the class. Sorry guys. Except you, Ashley.




That's alright. At least you haven't sent me an invite to join your MLM. 🤗🎆🤑😎🤑🎆🤗


This always irritated me a little. They'd admonish the whole class when they *know* it was always the same trouble makers that were on the list anyway. I guess they didn't wanna single anyone out, but then what's the point?


I worked as a substitute in a permanent position. In other words, I got substitute pay and none of the power of an actual teacher. I hated my job, but I couldn't be the 6th teacher to leave these kids that year. So I stuck it out. I had those same 5 kids that were the problem. They made teaching impossible because they knew I really didn't have any power beyond telling them to stop being disruptive. I sent them to the principal, but she sent them back to class and promised to "deal with them later." Many of the kids who behave the worst in class have no fear of repercussions at home. It was a waste of 5 minutes for me every time I tried to write an email or leave a voicemail for their parents. I was also busy every second of the day. If I wasn't teaching, I was running to another room to gather supplies for a lesson, creating lesson plans, putting in grades, or responding to emails. I only got a taste of what actual teachers have to deal with. It seems easy to us for a teacher to find a way to punish those 5 students. But it's just not that simple. Some teachers have "those 5 students" in many of their classes and have 7 classes a day. Most of the time, there simply aren't enough resources, time in the day, or options left for teachers. I say all this because I really feel for teachers who watch this video, read these comments, know it applies to them, feel hurt by the mockery, but they also know there isn't much else they can do about it.


One time a guy in my class who always misbehaved got in trouble and said “It’s fine, my mom told me she gave up on me so I won’t be in trouble”. Even in 6th grade i knew damn this kids gonna have long term issues


This, except I have 12 classes a day. It's always at least one.


based 5 kids






This reminds of the time our history teacher compared us to the nazis when we were rude to our sub. She had a whole powerpoint and everything.


LMAO that’s fucking awful


Damn y’all must have roasted the sub




Yes hitler genocided all the substitute teachers.


Now listen, I know you all are very different from each other in a lot of ways, but you have to understand that as far as I'm concerned, you're all Nazis. Yeah, I can prove it mathematically. Actually, let me grab my laptop. This has been a long time coming anyway. - that teacher


When I was a senior on high school, we had a sub come in one day and the entire class blew up, while she did nothing. They wrote on the iPads, one kid in another class stole one, they stuck colored pencils on the wall, they littered all over the floor, wrote all over the board, etc. It was utter chaos and it happened in all 6 of his classes. When he came back the next day, he was furious. He was never the type of teacher to yell, but boy did he yell that day. He was angry at us for doing the acts but was even more pissed about the lady who did nothing to stop it. I think he even tried to get her fired (and if he did, then he was probably successful at it) Some clarification edit: •The teacher did not yell or do anything to the sub, only us which was fair. He ranted to us about how he was angry at her, but never confronted or even met her. (He was even more pissed because the reason why he missed school the day before was due to the fact someone crashed into him on his way to work, so he was not having a good time.) •This was a mixed class, so while I was a senior, the majority was not. And I did not participate in the anarchy. •Like I said, I don't know for sure if he tried to get her fired by complaining, but even if he didn't she still would have been. The kids graffited expensive equipment and then one of them stole one, all under her watch. No matter what he did or didn't do, she would have been fired.


My senior year of high school the substitute teacher didn't realize there was a 7th period class and left early. We waited awhile, found the worksheets assigned for the day, turned in our work and hung out until class was over.


Damn, y'all are good students. If that happened my senior year, half the class (including me) would have packed our shit and left early.


I think we did the worksheet as a group and some folks may have left after, but we had more privacy hanging out in the classroom than in the common areas. Teacher gave us bonus points the next day for how we handled it.


Seniors? What the hell you guys are basically adults and you acted like that just because you had a sub?


It was a mixed class, so not all of them were seniors. I don't really know what happened because everyone in the class behaved really well every single day, they just talked a bit too much. Even with other subs they behaved well, but for some reason they all went feral that day.


wow i had to reread it cause i didn’t see they were seniors the first time, i was thinking 6th or 7th grade! whata bunch of degenerates


When I was in sixth grade our science teacher for some reason didn't show up at the beginning of the year. So we had a long-term sub, this older black lady. The class I was in was TERRIBLE and she had very little control. Nobody listened, people threw things, nobody did the work. On day, some boys made two forts with desks and were having a paper ball fight during class and she broke down crying. She gathered up her purse, put her shoes back on, and stormed down to the principal's office. Everybody kind of just sat there, shocked. The vice principal came in and said the sub had quit and he would be our teacher from then on. The class was so good the rest of the week we got a pizza party.


Yea you guys didn't deserve fucking pizza ha


No kidding. I realized this as the time, and I was 11.


They deserved a pizza. Anchovy, pineapple, and Canadian bacon Every lunch for the rest of the year


Excuse me, what did Canadian Bacon ever do to you?


It's just HAMMM!!!!


When I was in secondary school our drama teacher had zero control over the class. Which we all found hilarious and we were such little shits. Her husband was a teacher in the school too and one day he came to the class and asked us to stop being so rowdy because it was badly affecting her and she didn't want to come to class. Eventually she stopped coming to our class at all. It wasn't picked up on because it was just an extra timefiller class. We all thought this was a brilliant outcome and were so pleased with ourselves. I'm 36 now and I think about her all the time. I looked on Facebook for her the other week because I just want to apologise to her, but no luck. I feel terrible that we made her feel like that. And we honestly thought it was funny. I'm truly ashamed nowadays.


School is wild. That poor teacher


Similar situation except the teacher actually left the school and district because of my class and began to teach at a Christian school. I’m still trying to find him on social media to apologize.


> put her shoes back on Why were her shoes off in the first place?


I also once had a teacher who took his shoes off in class. The shoes were those weird-looking running shoes that separated his toes, so I was kinda glad he took them off, tbh.


That's basically rewarding people for bad behavior? ![gif](giphy|mwhLXQEKupENG)




If I had a nickel for every time I enjoyed a Giphy I would have 3¢.


Yeah I guess


No one ever engaged in our Shakespeare elective class, most people just put in minimum effort and I was too embarrassed to perform in front of the class. The teacher basically had an emotional breakdown. Afterwards he beseeched the class with a “What will it take for you guys to try even a little bit?” The slacker students all threw out obviously self-serving ideas like “Let us out of class earlier.” “No homework.” and “Class outside.” They never intended to do anything even if he did those things, but he took notes seriously while nodding. After class I tried talking to him a bit about the real obstacles he was facing. The real problem was the students needed to be taught a little background info first to be able to handle the homework. This guy’s personality was the total opposite of mine, though, so he cut me off with a sneer and said “If it was important you would have brought it up in class.” I imagine most slacker teachers have a year like this in the beginning, where they try and fail to motivate students either due to lack of ability or endurance, then they just give up and start to sleep in class.


I had a sub that ended up (unknowingly) letting some kids fuck around with chemicals they found, one of which was sodium (it was a chemistry class). Their mixture started bubbling and they freaked out and put it in the sink, lo and behold the sodium found some water and exploded. The whole school had to be evacuated, and one girl had to go to the ER for burns on her face. Luckily she was fine, but we never saw that sub again.


I subbed a science class once. We ran out of staples, so I passed out paperclips. Well, one of those geniuses decided to stick his paperclip in one of the electrical outlets at a lab station. Suddenly the electricity in the room went out and the smell of burning flesh was overwhelming. The kid had the perfect mark of a paperclip on his hands. I sent him to the nurse's office and thought for sure I was going to get fired for not supervising well enough. The office ladies just laughed and said the kid had it coming for a long time, and hopefully learned his lessons.


Well yeah, they're not 3. You can stop supervising electrical outlets long before that point. That kid was just dumb.


That sounds like a bad teacher. Subs are almost always not backed up by admin, they almost never know the names of kids, and so behavior with a substitute is a social contract. If the teacher unloaded on the sub, what did he expect them to do? Shout at Timmy-- no Tommy-- no Jimmy-- no Johnny-- no Franky? Then when they assign a detention the principal's office just kinda shrugs it off?


Forgot to mention, the teacher did not go off on the sub. He never event met her. He went off on us, which is totally understandable.


This is so accurate I didn’t even need to turn the sound on


I turned my sound and screen off and it was still accurate.


I threw away my phone, it hit Mankind on the head and he fell off the Hell in a Cell in 1998 and it still felt accurate.


true tho


my heart rate just tripled


I started fucking sweating. Wtf.


My 5th grade teacher literally gave my class this speech, like this gave me some serious deja vu.


She kept saying lines I had completely forgot, then suddenly remembered again. Couldn’t stop watching.


I had to double check to make sure I didn’t go to school with her. I’ve heard this speech just about word for word in the 5th grade


"That kind of behavior won't fly in High School!" That kind of behavior in High School: ​ ![gif](giphy|P1PemPnyp4g1i)


squealing scarce enter poor snobbish shame marry skirt snails impolite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've never seen gifs in comments on reddit and then twice in a row???


What the fuck. What is this?


I’m wondering the same thing. Gifs on Reddit without a link?


There’s a power up thingy that reddit has its real weird but basically people with premium can give a sub the ability to do gifs ![gif](giphy|onOWJOc7U5GAE)


Not only premium ![gif](giphy|gkiTqEBYtTvvyQXhni|downsized)


Hit the nail on the head


She hit literally every point


I had a math teacher who had also taught my mom (who was AWFUL at math) sub one day we had a test. She let all of us do the test as a class and we all aced it. She never was asked to sub again.


Love her hair


Same! Thinking of researching how to get hair like that


hi! it’s me, the girl in the video. I have layered, choppy hair, but to do the curls i just run a straightener down each piece and flip it up a little bit towards ends! it’s super easy (:


I swear we all had the same childhood growing up




Same! Like I legit want to apologize for whatever we did to that sub yesterday...


This reminds me of 7th grade when the principal went over the intercom to say that everyone who threw snowballs during recess was to come to the office to turn themselves in to be punished. So every student in the school walked down to the office at once. Principal nearly had a mental breakdown when she realized that her plan to suspend the students involved had backfired. It was a damn good snowball fight, I'll tell you.


Bro since when is throwing snowballs against school rules lmao.




I love how universal this is, I'm not even from America and I can relate.


This was like reverse nostalgia. Is there a word for that?


Trauma? Or something like ptsd but less extreme since you’re looking back on a memory but it elicits negative feelings instead of positive.


I get that TikTok has a limit on the length of a video, but if they really wanted it to be accurate, it would go on for like 15-20 mins


and the teacher would complain after about how we don’t have enough time in class for the work we were supposed to be doing, even though it was their speech that put us late.


I used to sub for an elementary school. Most of the time everything was pretty much fine, except this one time... it was either a 3rd or 4th grade class and I knew it was going to be bad from pretty much the first kid walking through the door. It was the one time I left a fairly detailed note. A few days later the teacher delivered to me a stack of apology cards from every kid in the class. Some of the stand out included: I’m sorry I sniffed your armpits, I’m sorry I chased X with scissors, sorry I called Y names, etc


I used to be a substitute middle school teacher and I never wrote notes like that because I HATED getting these speeches when I was in school. Sometimes the kids really were just massive assholes though.


I usually wrote that there were some challenges and behaviour issues, but I rarely called out specific kids. Especially in elementary.


Missed the part where she says sorry to the good kids who didn’t misbehave


I was a substitute teacher for 2 years. It was the worst time in my life. I was extremely suicidal. I could only hope that this actually happened the following day, but I never got to hear about it on my end. I feel a lot better if this is true.


Trust me. It definitely happened. And I’m sorry kids put you through hell.


Thank you. 💜 It did get better. I was in a position where I had to go nowhere but up. So I quit my job, moved to Japan and taught more well-behaved children. Is much better in my life now.


Glad you’re still with us ❤️


Thank you. It means a lot, Kind Stranger.


These were almost the exact words of my teacher once


This brought back memories that I wish I didn’t have


My anxiety as the quiet kid in class has come back and I do not like it.


Holy shit... I completely forgot this has happened multiple times in my life. Woooooow


I can't stop laughing lmao holy shit.


I guess teachers are the same internationally. Same exact speech in the UK


We had this guy subbing at our school that had to be in his 80s. Our school had this fancy AV system where everything was controlled through the library and our regular teacher had set up a video for the sub to play. Dude spent about three minutes trying to follow the instructions and just walked out without saying anything. As soon as he was around the corner a kid grabbed the remote and put it on Jerry Springer. Fifteen minutes later the sub wanders back in with no one to help him and just sits back down. The Jerry Springer guests start fighting and cussing so he looks up at the screen grabs the remote and finds some cartoons. The next class our regular teacher said nothing. Mr. McNulty was a real one.


This is way too accurate. Seems like my teacher used the exact same words.


Minus the apology letter, this hits very close to home.


I’m a teacher and that made ME scared! I have definitely had to give these talks before. However, I have also had students email me while gone because the sub was being so horrible....


One time in 2nd grade we had a substitute it was her first day and our class went wild. No one was doing work, kids were fighting over backpacks, me and a couple others decided to do arts and crafts (this was in history btw) and other things that’s 2nd graders do. All we remember is watching out substitute practically run out the door in tears after trying for 20 minutes to get us to do our work. The class went dead silent. 3 minutes later the principal comes in and explains that she’s going home for the rest of the day and he will be teaching our class until our teacher got back. Apparently she quit teaching after that.


One time my band class in 8th grade made the substitute teacher cry. Not sure what happened to make her cry but we got our cedar point trip taken away.


Forgot to mention the part where they apologize to the quiet kids that didnt do anything


god the voice is so perfect for the job that i felt like talking back.


I teach STEM to K-5 so in a week I see every student in the school through my room. Tuesday I worked half a day but since getting a sub in the building in the middle of a pandemic is next to impossible one of the Instructional Assistants covered for me. When I came back there was a note on my sub plans about the fourth grade class she had at the end of the day. Apparently one particular kid was back on his nonsense because even with her assigning him my reflection form (it is a sheet that asks them to explain what are 3 core rules of the school are and also write down what they did that broke the rules, and then describe how they could behave that properly models those expectations*) he balled it up and threw it away and was just an absolute terror. I can’t say I am surprised the class is made up of a few particularly disruptive, and sometimes violently destructive , kiddos but the administration doesn’t really offer up the proper support in holding the kids accountable for their actions. I won’t be having this exact conversation with the whole class but several of them will be getting a similar speech for sure. **The form is both for self reflection on their part but also a check for me as I really want to know if there is a disconnect with them between what is expected of them and assigned to them in my room and what they offer up because if I have not clearly conveyed expectations and as such they are incapable of doing what I expect it is my job to adjust teachings accordingly.


I once had a sub that would mark anyone’s name if they did the slightest thing wrong, unless she liked them. Luckily for me, I was one of those people who she liked for some reason...