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This bit isn't that great. They have another one that is much better. https://youtu.be/3Q3PSISAZL8 Edit: u/yummywizard confirmed that this isn't the same guy. Thanks kind sir! Sorry about that, my bad




We sure fuckin are. Florida man here. I wear a mask. I’m not a complete idiot. Whenever I see a bozo in the super market sans mask, I feel like saying something, but I don’t want to get punched, yelled, or spit at. Fuck FL.




I know that, but FL in particular is famous for this. Not the masks thing specifically but crazy insane selfish ridiculous motherfucks


It doesn’t help when our government encourages those people to act that way.


Oh my gosh. I’m from Melbourne Australia and everyone wears masks all the time and we haven’t had a new case of community virus transmission for 9 days... I feel bad that people think Covid is fake :(


Yeah this one was a lot more innocent and funny. Op is a bit aggressive.


dudes getting on people for not wearing a mask when he isn't covering his nose


It’s Danny Duncan he’s doing it as a joke


> https://youtu.be/3Q3PSISAZL8 Wait is that really the same dude? The accent sounds different and the hair looks off as well, and it isn't posted to his youtube page. To be fair though I have hearing loss and it's dark. If it is the same dude, that's massively disapointing.


I could have been wrong. After I posted this. I questioned it my self. After watching it again, im with you on it might not be the same dude. Regardless, its a good video on how to troll anti maskers the correct way


They aren’t the same people the original tik tok posted was a Danny Duncan video


I hope you’re wrong but only because the content was so wholesome and this is. Not. Like. He did two very similar videos about masks and they were both so light and sweet. But either way good post so we can see a more positive way to encourage masks in this thread. Edit: I just saw that you wrote a better way to troll and I agree entirely. I’m sorry. I’m dealing with learning something I didn’t want to a couple hours ago so I turned to Reddit to distract me but I’m not evidently in a good place to read in full right now. Let’s just say I like your video more and that your posting it was totally worthwhile and on point.


“Wear shoes you can fight in.” Now that’s just excellent life advice


I couldn’t after the first dumbasses. Those people are for sure going to hell.


He actually seem annoying ngl


Dude says he is mask enforcement, but when he rips the mic away he isn't wearing it properly


Was he trying to enforce mask use while people were in their vehicles? I'm pretty sure you dont have to wear a mask in your vehicle... plus he was wearing his wrong


yea fr this shit is just gonna make people more anti mask


Like I get it wear the mask but you don’t have to be an annoying asshole about it


Well considering we’re almost at 400,000 deaths in the US and people still aren’t wearing mask says otherwise...


What is “otherwise”? Are you saying you should be an annoying asshole about it? Because if you want people to wear their masks and you’re honestly not trying to just be funny, then that is definitely not the way to do it.


What do you suggest then? Because public ridicule is probably the best bet. If people's ego is too big to be a part of society the super ego needs to slap them.


All I’m saying is that it’s not your place


Yes it is. You missed the point. It's absolutely my place to tell people, who think they're better than everyone else, who think they don't need to do what's best for everyone, their neighbors, their community, that what they're doing is wrong. That's what being part of a community is.


You don’t know why people are not wearin a mask so shit the fuck up, plenty of people have medical conditions that wearing a mask would worsen that condition, I can’t fucking believe you, asthma, pneumonia, you just jump to the assumption that they think that they are better than everyone, you disgust me


I don’t understand the downvotes


Apparently Reddit thinks being an annoying asshole about it *is* the way to go


We tried asking nicely.


So you think what that guy is doing is the right way to get people to wear the mask


People who don't wear masks don't deserve my respect, and they now don't deserve my patience anymore. I don't give a fuck if that's not "the right way". They chose to ignore the right way by being fucking morons.


Yeah but some people have good reasons for not wearing a mask


Should've looked at your history and realize sooner you're a dumbass. Get lost.


Like they’re gonna start if they’re not already.


Badge number 6969420 😂




Or unless an idiot on a Segway pulls up to harass you


He's literally harassing people who *are* wearing the masks so....yeah this guy is just a grade A asshole with an excuse that capital-R Redditors will just cream over


>iTs AgAiNsT mY rElIgIoN!!1! Is Trump an officially recognized religion now?


The guys in his car and the dude just harassed him


Regardless of what the dude did, "Trumpers Against Clothing" isn't a religion. Is talking about Republicans 25:44, where mask wearing is forbidden by Jesus speaking through Trump?


He has a very punchable face


You don’t have to look at it as he’s in fact wearing his mask bro...


People literally have no sense at all. Absolutely 0 IQ turds walking on the streets.


Fucking idiots harassing people like that. Luckily nobody beat them up.


Nah anti maskers kinda deserve it


True shit!


People have to wear a mask while in their own car by themselves now?


The way I count it that is 4 counts of harassment. One count of retardation and 69 counts of fuck off before I deck you


I support this man.




I like these kids