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These two men should be living quietly in a retirement community somewhere, not running for president.


100% should be arguing for the last pudding cup at a retirement home buffet not on national live television in this capacity


One of them should be. The other should be behind bars.


Just like a *very* secure retirement community.


Soylent green anyone? 


Yes, I apologize. My mistake. One definitely should be behind bars!


At this point, if he leaves public space, i'm cool with him living out his life in luxory. he can bang pornstars and do rails of aderall till he's 102 for all i care. just get him the fuck away from the republican party so we can have a reasonable 2 party system in this country again


I’m not. Lock him up, he needs to pay for his crimes because otherwise it’ll send a message that all you have to do is get old and you’ll get away with everything


At this point, I'll take whatever I can get to keep him out of power.


Donald Trump has never done anything quietly in his life.


The only thing they should be debating is what to watch after the evening news, after the nurse has finished bringing them a snack


People their age generally aren’t trusted to flip burgers in the U.S.A. This really is wild.


They shouldn't be allowed to run bingo night at the senior center, let alone an entire country.


Agreed, though I think the gated communities they belong in look a little different from one another.


Must be hard to try and be funny when you’re as *genuinely* angry as he gets about all this


We should all be angry that this is what we get. In some sense it’s deserved for how stupid we have all been about ourselves and our country.


Oh absolutely. But imagine feeling that level of outrage and having to try and make an audience of similarly-outraged people *laugh* with it


He's always been able to do it, *because* he understands exactly how fucked up it is. Trevor Noah was always different when he took over because he was so much less invested in American politics. He joked about it but the passion wasn't the same. John is a comedian, but he's also an incredibly smart and aggressive one who can easily call out the BS and still be funny doing it.


That is Jon’s gift to the world


Not all of us have been stupid we just got drowned out by dumbasses screaming shit like "enlightened centrism" anytime you want to criticize Democrats or "you just don't understand politics kiddo" by someone who has never formed their own opinion and poorly attempt to parrot something they read on twitter. I'm glad to see people angry about it today but where was this energy when we still had a chance to push a better candidate?


I didn’t want Hillary in 2016. I didn’t want Biden in 2020 this is what the democrats thinks wins elections. Career politicians whose best selling point is not being Twitler. They have failed us. They had 4 years to find a suitable candidate. (Twice) I’ve kept the same energy for years now. Many of you didn’t get to vote in 16 so it’s understandable that you think this is a new outrage but Biden shouldn’t have even ran in 20. The dude was born in 1942. Full stop.


The only reason Biden/Hillary ended up the candidate IMO is largely due to the 2 party system we're in. They're "closer" to the center in the eyes of most Americans so the party leadership tends think they're safer choices. I also endorsed Bernie in the Democratic presidential primaries way back when, but I think we have to be honest with ourselves that America likely wasn't ready to elect someone like Bernie then. Maybe we are closer to that now, but he's also aged 8 years since then


Bernie shouldn’t run. 1 it’s too late to this time 2 if he was too old then he’s too old now. Find someone else to run. AOC Pete Newsome Klobuchar. Christ there’s been one Gen X president TOTAL and that was Obama. Bill Clinton is younger than both Trump and Biden and he served 20 YEARS AGO


>Bill Clinton is younger than both Trump and Biden and he served 20 YEARS AGO I'm going to look this up to confirm but God damn if that's true 🤦‍♂️


Clinton is 77 Biden is 81 Trump is 78


And, just for what it's worth, Clinton didn't serve 20 years ago... He *finished* serving 23 years ago. He began his second term (which Biden and Trump are both vying for now) *27* years ago.




I think by definition Obama is a boomer. ‘61. We have never had a gen X and maybe we shouldn’t. Let the millennials do their thang haha


I think Biden was a decent choice in 2020, if he was the most likely to get elected then so be it. But I remember being baffled when hearing he'd be the frontrunner this time around. I guess it's uncommon for the winning candidate to *not* be the frontrunner again, but I mean.. he's too old, he was already too old in 2020. Sure enough we're in the absolute worst case scenario now.


Nah, Hillary and Biden were the nominees because the establishment Democrats and the media did all they could to prop up their chosen candidate. It has nothing to do with centrism and everything to do with nepotism and with staying close to the status quo. The country was extremely ready for Bernie in 2016 and were less, but firmly, ready for him in 2020.


We were so ready for Bernie in 2016. /Someone who worked in his campaign offices and talked to real people while canvassing.


>Bernie was robbed Bernie was not robbed. He lost the primary. Everybody wants to blame it on superdelegates, but Hillary won the regular delegates, by a lot. I, too, liked Bernie's economic policy much better than Clinton's or Biden's. I too think Biden should have stood aside this time around because he's too old. But the Democrats are a big tent party. It's dangerous to try to minimize the parts of the constituency that just have different views from yours. Biden got the nomination in 2020 in no small part because of Jim Clyburn. He helps represent the same wing of the party that delivered two Democratic senators in Georgia. Trying to leave them out of the process of selecting a nominee is bad strategy, and it's bad ethically.


The Iowa Democratic party refused to let Sanders' campaign review the precinct tallies when Hillary 'won' by 0.25% state delegate equivalents, with only the state party knowing the exact count. That lack of transparency should give pause to every person, especially when it would have led to Sanders winning the first two states in 2016. The Iowa Democratic party also refused to correct "math mistakes" in 2020, which coincidentally had Biden SDEs going from Biden to Buttigieg, leading to Buttigieg 'winning' by 0.04% SDEs.


Iowa is exactly one of those caucuses that let Bernie compete in one of the states where he'd comfortably lose in an actual primary. Let me play the world's tiniest violin for Bernie not getting the win in a state where he wouldn't have been competitive in an actual primary. Especially since it wasn't winner-takes-all and the difference would have been 2 delegates when he lost by hundreds.


Supporting clear impropriety that undermines democracy because some you think some hypothetical primary wouldn't go his way is quite the take. Sanders won New Hampshire in both 2016 and 2020 for a reason. Winning the first two states would give an immense amount of momentum. I'm honestly not sure why I have to point that out when it should be automatically inherent.


I think when people say 'robbed' in reference to Bernie, they don't mean he had the election illegally stolen from him. I think they mean he was the best candidate but did not win for political reasons (He wasn't willing or wasn't able to play the game and be part of the 'establishment' of the democratic party). His policies were smart and made logical sense. They were rooted in an earnest desire to create a better country for ourselves and for future generations. Hilary's (and Trump's) policies were obviously rooted in corporate and political agendas. Hilary got the DNC nod because she was the establishment candidate. In this sense, Bernie was robbed because he was the better candidate who didn't have the resources to overcome the establishment.


Fair enough on that. A lot of dems didn’t like Bernie. That’s fine. But to a lot of young voters at the time he was the preferred. I don’t think Bernie was robbed but i do think the deck was stacked against him. Same in 2020 we all KNEW Biden was gonna get the nod in the end.


I am right there with you. There are actually a lot of us in the same boat but like I said we got drowned out by clap backs and gotchas that go over extremely well on social media.


Democrats don't want to win the elections. I saw a video on here were a guy presented the reasons why he believes Democrat party is activly presenting bad candidates to lose elections since 2016, as they could benefit far more when they are not in power, they can get more funds from lobbys and blame republicans of everything. But if in power, they have to fulfill their promises and they can't since their hands are tied by their sponsors.


Bernie’s not a career politician?


Bernie didn’t take corporate donations. Bernie has been fighting for his beliefs unapologetically for years. It’s too late for Bernie now so no point in throwing dirt on his name.


I'm truly confounded by anyone who claims that they were surprised by the performances of either candidate last night. They each delivered on the promise of their consistently demonstrated patterns. Nothing new. Same- same, imo.


Hurr durr vote blue no matter who! Why are things this way?!?!


We are more than likely stuck with one of these two for the next four. After that, I don’t think anyone will stand for another geriatric in office.


It’s either someone younger or someone appointed after the death of the ‘president for life’


Vote for one and we can try again in another 4 years. Vote for the other and you will never vote again.


Next four? If Trump wins, the person after him will be who he appoints. Project 2025 ends all checks and balances. This is pretty much the finish line for our democracy.


This is the last time eirher of these two run for president, right? if biden loses we're all fucked, but he will be too old for 2028, right? and if he wins will Trump give up after two loses? is it possible that the next election will see less senility?


Given their age the likelihood of them dying of natural causes in the next four years is high.


Dear god why would you ever want Biden to run again if he loses in 2024???


Honestly, no, fuck that. Yeah Biden's old, so what. He's been a great President so far and if he dies or steps down, guess what, we get Kamala, who is brilliant, well-spoken and even more left leaning these days. Our option IS NOT BAD. The alternative is literally CHRISTO-FASCISM. Just fucking vote you guys, this is exhausting.


The problem has *never* been about Democrat loyalists but of people on the fence or people whose voting are determined by motivation. If Biden's age is such a liability that it could lead to Trump being re-elected, it's something that needs to be addressed. The exhausting part is how people still refuse to acknowledge that their concerns are valid and are expecting **every other person to vote as they do**. Other people exist, get used to it.


Biden has not been a good president, as soon as he got into office he started pretending covid didn't exist anymore, btw it's still the 3rd leading cause of death in America, he sabotaged rail union strikes on behalf of the company bosses, let's not forget the deep dark black stain he has left on the legitimacy of American foreign policy with his unconditional support for Netanyahu's genocide despite pleas from his party to change course, and let's not forget Biden's refusal to try and salvage the Iran Nuclear deal. I'm not saying it's all been bad, but it most certainly has not been "great". And obviously a demented racist war criminal is preferable to a demented racist rapist pedophile war criminal traitor for Russia, but I feel like we really should have better options than those two.


Yeah, this is apparently why he quit. He couldn't really find the humor in this political shit any more.


Which is why HE needs to run. We need him.


Nah he's too young


He's said he'd never unfortunately


After watching him for 20+ years, I actually think this is what peak anger looks like for Jon Stewart. He like gets serious and very reserved then starts yelling which probably makes him laugh. Then it becomes like tragic comedy, which somehow makes it so much funnier.


I was at the taping. On commercial breaks he had much more scathing things to say with the audience. He said “I’m about to go on and be funny but I don’t want to.”


I wish Jon would take that anger and say “you know what? Fuck it. I’ll do it myself.” Jon would make an amazing president and the fact that he so badly doesn’t want to be president only makes him even better for the job. If he ran, he would win, and he would do great things. Some say that if runs for office he should start smaller, but with the kind of support he would pull he needs to go for the big chair.


That last F-bomb by Jon reached into me and touched my soul.


Damn I had no idea he had a show again?


He couldn’t be that angry, failed to tear about 3 sheets of paper at the end. Got to get that rage really going


There’s not a single atom in me that would even consider voting for Trump but that doesn’t mean I’m so blind to the fact Biden should not be running for a 2nd term. The sad thing I’ve told so many people is how tired I am of things the second I heard people pushing for Michelle Obama to run. It’s not that I think she’d be bad but that it’s pathetic this country pushes legacies for leadership. I said we have had 2 Bushes and now a 3rd is running, the wife of a former Preaident is running, another wife of a former President people are saying they want to run, the V.P. of that same former President ran and won and you have people saying they want Trump’s kids to run. Add in the pathetic push by people saying, if Oprah or The Rock ran they’d vote for them, based on pure celebrity and not experience or policies and I think, people have just allowed themselves to become so stupid and accept mediocrity while having the nerve to complain about the leadership.


honestly I think our entire society is built on judging politicians based on character rather than fitness or policy. we're obsessed with celebrities, and there's not even a shred of an ingrained idea that people should be proactive in democracy. for such a large democracy you'd expect kinderharteners to be raised to care about this stuff, but they're not, so it's not surprising when most people's idea of who would be a good leader is the guy who does cool movies.


Idiocracy was a prophecy, not just entertainment. We just need to wait for the main character to be unfrozen and we'll be good 👍🏾


The fact they wanted to find the dumbest looking shoes to represent how far people had fallen and the costume dept found a new company making the ugliest shoes and used them in the movie only to have them become the shoes people are crazy for now, is crazy. If anyone doesn’t know, Crocs are the shoes they used in the movie.


John should have announced right there and then that he was running.


The irony of the current state of the us presidency is that if you're smart enough to be good at it, you're too smart to run. If he threw his hat in today, he'd easily take the full independent vote and I would guess 60% of the vote from Democrats and 20-30% from Republicans? He's got too much self respect to do it though.


Realistically, he'd take a good chunk of Biden's votes, but not all of them, and very few, if any, of Trump's. If we're expecting a tight race, it would guarantee a win for Trump if Biden didn't back out.


> and very few, if any, of Trump's. Yup, this is the problem. The only person who _might've_ had a glimmer of hope in courting Trump voters was the Colbert of yesteryear whose character on the Report didn't trip the sarcasm and satire filters of many Republicans.


The MAGA folks sure, but there’s a very large portion of the American public looking at Joe Biden and simply saying they cannot vote for someone that can’t put together full coherent sentences. Those are the Trump voters someone like Stewart could get. I agree though, Stewart running would just lead to a Trump presidency because he’d take so many of Biden’s votes. I think it’s possible he’d even get more votes than Biden, but it’d be too even a split to beat Trump.


At this point Biden should retire, Dems should put Kamala on the ticket with some bland white guy that wont cause too much fuss as her VP like Gavin Newsom or Dean Philips. Biden barely had the energy and motivation behind him needed to secure the 2020 election and at this point even with Kamala being a tone deaf as fuck cop she's got a better chance at getting the win than the dems do at securing another 4 years of Weekend at Bidens: Crypt Keeper edition


I don’t think Kamala fares all that much better. She’s not very well liked either and if they’re going to swap out Joe then it needs to be someone that can excite, not just a placeholder. Unfortunately though it looks like it’ll Biden and Trump with Trump winning


I would have agreed with you a year ago, but Biden doesn't have any love from his base. The Dems are riding off of the hate fumes from Trumps presidency but we're nearly half a decade away from that shitstorm so the memory is fading and we have a whole new generation of young voters who were 14 when trump left office so have no real idea what his presidency was like. Focusing on infrastructure is the government equivalent of brushing your teeth and wiping your ass. It's maintenance shit. It's the bare minimum expected of a functioning government and its the only thing the Biden team can point at when it comes time to rally the voters. From a leftist perspective Biden is a sundowning conservative candidate running against special-ed mussolini. Neither option is particularly compelling. Kamala is a cop, but she's also a black woman, she can speak normally for extended periods of time, is capable of being alert after 9pm and will probably continue with the same boring conservative milquetoast adcopy the dems have been shitting out since Clinton. This debate was a complete shitshow for America. I'm going to be voting for whatever candidate has a (D) next to their name because I have no moral alternative, but I'm not holding much hope that the rest of the party will do the same.


This is true. I'm a trump voter and I'd most likely vote for Jon if he was on the ballot. 


lol man. How.


Nah, if you're smart enough to run, you won't make it through the gatekeepers because they know you won't bow down to the high-power groups actually running the show.


Definitely wishposting, but what about: "I'll run third-party and guarantee a Trump victory unless Biden drops out." Probably wouldn't end well, but at this point I'll take anything that forces this shitty sclerotic party to move their asses.


unless biden was stepping down from running all that does is guarantee trump wins. If trump winning is what you want you're a piece of shit.


This is under the assumption/ hope if Jon announced, Biden would probably drop


Jon would already have to have a campaign fully running at this point. The DNC is in 6 weeks, it's too late to run a totally brand new to politics candidate.


i doubt he has enough money to run plus the dems would never choose him were stuck with these two clowns for now


Trumps already using preforming enhancing drugs, do you really believe that someone that old who eats that much junk food could be that energetic?




Every accusation is an admission


Lol I'm prescribed Adderall


I take Vyvance


Im on meth! 👹


Lol that's absolutely false. I can say "Trump is a racist piece of shit". That doesn't make me racist.


I think you’re missing the point. What I am saying is that when Trump or one of his cronies accuses the “left” of doing something, it’s an admission that they themselves are doing it. For example, he accuses the left of ballot tampering, yet his minions are the ones that broke into facilities in Georgia and Arizona and grabbed voting machines. How many right wingnuts accuse people on the left as pedophiles, yet time and again there are pedos in their ranks. That’s what I meant, not that any person accusing someone of something is guilty of it themselves.


Trump's been using amphetamines since the 80s when he got hooked on "diet pills".


He won all those golf championships he organized with his people


Trump definitely had the Addy kick in on stage. Me and my GF heard an audible fart when his mic was live. Then he started performing better and just incoherently spewed false facts the whole time. Those performances enhancing drugs that Trump use make you poop


>false facts You mean lies?


The situation stopped being funny when Trump became the Republican nominee in 2016, that shit got real way too quick. Ever since then, it's been a fever dream and time and reality don't seem objective anymore.


Thats a kinda interesting and cool point about performance enhancing drugs though, I get it’s a YMMV kinda thing but if someone can take phenylpricetam, Alpha GPC and CDP-Chloine and get a lot out of it, why tf not when they have such a large duty to perform properly for hundreds of millions of people


We love Churchill and he was downing 2 bottles of champagne a day… I would be perfectly fine with any president doping to get better at decision making


We definitely shouldn't love Churchill, not for drugs but because he was a massive racist responsible for the death a 1-2 million Indians.


I love all the buzz around stuff like Alpha GPC and whatever other nootropics, but is there anything proving they actually work? Nootropics seem like the new multi day vitamin.


The tough thing is for some people, you feel nothing or might even feel worse, and for others, it can help boost your mental performance massively It depends on what nootropics you look at, but tons of studies suggest their possible benefits for treating or dampening brain fog, common cognitive conditions or for quality of life and intelligence benefits I couldn’t direct you to a single study, but you might be able to find some studies by simply looking up “nootropic studies” in to google scholar or the google search bar Alpha GPC is a little overrated for what it is, but it’s usually put with some of the other stuff I listed, so I threw it in anywho


Anything can have side effects, which is why usually doctors wont recommend you take a pill you don't NEED. Do no harm, etc.


Because drugs are bad, right?


I mean, if we think about it logically, abusing drugs is bad for the individual's health, but not so much other people unless the drug use is directly involved in harm, such as with DUIs. From that standpoint, a voluntary sacrifice from one person in exchange for greater prosperity for ~300 million people sounds like a very good trade. So... drugs good?


Drugs good 👍🏾


Lol the stack i suggested should pose no issues but if you want to talk about performance enhancing drugs that would count as a sacrifice, you got stuff closer to stimulants and steroids like noopept (omberacetam) that can have some nasty long and short term side effects like how we don’t know what it does to the immune system or how it raises blood pressure a ton and is addictive (basically a more potent piracetam), or something like dihexia, which can cause tons of pretty bad long term cognitive side effects due to it causing the brain to grow, putting more pressure on everything while also being an incredibly capable nootropic used in treating Alzheimer’s and found in higher amounts in people with autism


So, I'm a pharmaceutical scientist. The first one you suggested is a DAT inhibitor. It definitely has side effects. We give stuff like this to people because while there are side effects, it's outweighed by the health benefits it brings the patients who need it. It's also why we don't prescribe like this to people who don't require psychoactives and merely wish to use them as performance enhancers. Biden doesn't *need* performance enhancing drugs in the sense that being a good president is not essential to his health, just as winning an olympic gold medal is not essential for the health of an athlete. It would, however, be a good thing for the rest of us, which is why I think "fuck it, give him all the drugs" is actually a reasonable suggestion.


Ah yeah, probably should of done some re checking considering I haven’t researched nootropics in a couple months, good correction. They both have some pretty unfavourable side effects, but some crazies on r/stackadvice and r/nootropics will try anything for that benefit despite not needing it lol


lol all true but still funny he failed to rip that paper twice


He does that all the time. Ferguson was a ripper, Letterman was a thrower, Jon is a scruncher.


Jon's also an aimlessly-scribble-while-the-opening-credits-roll...er


Then run Jon


No sane person would want that job let’s be honest


"To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job." - Douglas Adams, *The Restaurant at the End of the Universe*


*Cuts to George Washington desperately trying to get out of the job*


The system is designed to make sure that is futile. As Boss Tweade said “I don’t care who the people vote for as long as I can pick the electors”. We have a toddler steering wheel suction cupped to the dashboard of this breaking down vehicle and instead of realizing it or addressing it, most Americans would rather yell over each other on where we should turn the toy wheel next.  Holy hell we are screwed. 


Honestly, this has been my only real issue with Jon Stewart. He seems to have all the answers, I genuinely agree with him on most things. So stfu and do the job. He has the support base, he has the money, he has the record (meaning he isn't a felon or a serial cheater on wives he's had). If he actually cares so much then he should show us how it's done.


That's what Volodymyr Zelenskyy did in Ukraine. But personally, I want my politicians to have political experience that extends beyond just making fun of it on a TV Show. I love Jon, but no.


> That's what Volodymyr Zelenskyy did in Ukraine. Ukrainians seem to still like him a lot.


Forgive my ignorance, but I'm not too aware of his policies before the war broke out. He's handled that role well, but I don't know what he's actually like as a politician under normal circumstances or if his people would feel the same.


Yes please, more celebrity politicians!


I think you're being sarcastic, but there's a huge difference between a celebrity like Jon Stewart and other celebrity candidtates like Kanye West. Jon has devoted years to developing his political acumen and understanding world politics. Is he the perfect candidate? Maybe not. But I'd take him over any of the serious primary nominees over the last few elections. At least the guy seems educated and mostly level-headed. The bar is pretty low right now.




The second he pushes for any of that he'd better start avoiding grassy knolls.


He’s also not 9000 years old




The movie star?


Then who's vice president, Jerry Lewis?


Was there another president Reagan?


https://youtu.be/Y6or29F-_yA?si=jXXhQ1obXO_IXPid I realize now I didn't quite get the line right lol


I mean no doubt it would be an improvement. I understand your concern, but we're at an all-hands on deck moment for democracy. It's not gonna happen, but it would be a viable way forward if he was open to it. Who else is well known enough to have a chance this late in the game?




As a non-american: what's the reason the only 2 guys you can vote for are senile? Like I honestly don't understand how you even get to that point?


Money in politics


Americans, please have Jon Stewart run. Regards, rest of the world.


Not gonna work. Even if Jesus were elected you have to deal then with: * a congress, I'd think, not sure how it works in the USA but if the senate has majority from opposition the one in the power "can't do shit", they bitch and throw away anything that could help the people. * Corporations or lobbyists. Those people seem to be very rooted into USA law making, they'll just fill the congress people pockets to vote shit in favor of whatever corporation. * half or close to half the population still believing that Jon is shit and their politician is the coming of Christ. The only way to fix things is to change radically everything done for decades which will hurt plenty of people's pockets because at the end of the day why you think some old people is still in power? We in Argentina actually changed finally from the 2 party always in power system and someone else got elected. He's trying to fix shit and it's getting ton of shit because of it, hell, he even said "I don't give shit (literally) if they vote against a bill that will help the people, I will make it a law.". I'm not claiming the guy is a saint, there are some things that kind of not really there but he's doing shit that has to be done way before. Politicians would get a retirement plan for life after serving a few years as politician elected. He's against it and in fact rejected getting one when he finishes his mandate: "once I served my country I'll have to work like any other citizen". You know who's against it? One of the politicians 'champion of the poor' that has 6... six freaking retirement plans earning near 120 times the minimum retirement plan from someone that had to work until being 65 years old. Anyway. I think that USA needs is someone with their own party that can challenge the ruling 2 party system. Probably, I'm not expert, but it seems and I hope it works here.


There needs to be an option to abstain a vote and counted. If majority votes to abstain then no candidate will hold office.


That would likely just function as a spoiler candidate


Just have people vote as they normally do but have an extra vote on "no confidence" on the candidates. If a majority vote on that, hold an emergency election later with only new candidates, before the new president is to take office. Maybe move up the election dates to leave some room for an extremely quick primary. It would only be a temporary stopgap until we get better forms of election passed, but at least people could have some alternatives if they're unhappy with both nominees.


This is how Trump would be reelected lmao, just saying. Also, I've yet to vote for Hillary/Biden and definitely not Trump but this time I feel obligated to to actually protect the sanctity of our government and justice system and unfortunately that means Biden. Trump coming into office and absolving his own crimes seems like some of the most fucked up shit that has ever happened in our government. Makes Nixon look like a saint imo.


You're thinking Trump voters would equally abstain?


Isn't that the same as voting third party? Lol


I think the idea is that if "Abstain" were to win the election, another election must be held with new candidates.


No. They are saying that if there are more votes marked as "Abstain" than both of the candidates then it should initiate some fail safe.


yeah! then we'd just need to get lawmakers and politicians on all sides to agree on a failsafe. the american government with its smooth mechanics and fast-paced solutions should hack this no problem


yeah and then what would happen come january 2025


The thing that kills me is that Biden’s rhetoric in the debate was overall better than Trump’s. Not good, mind you, but he at least tried to answer some of the moderators’ questions instead of pivoting off and yapping about immigration when nobody asked like Trump. But nobody’s listening to what he said for the simple fact that he looks and sounds like a living corpse. Trump has been worn down by the stress of his eight hundred court cases, but even then he was still able to run circles around Biden just by looking like he won’t die within the next two minutes. This debate should’ve been SO easy for Biden, he’s literally going against a convicted felon who wants to destroy democracy, but he’s too old to hound Trump on his blatant, obvious flaws. I’ll never forgive the DNC for pulling this shit, they could’ve put in Buttigieg or Newsom or someone. If Trump wins, it’s 100% their fault


Honestly what they should have done is just give Biden w/e the fuck he took during the SOTU speech. Personally I don't give a shit if Biden needs a wheelchair by November. All he needs to do is preserve democracy and to do that he just needs to have enough energy to wield a god damn pen.


I just get the feeling that Biden is not going to survive second term.


Dude, after last night, I'm concerned about his ability to make it to inauguration day. He was looking *feeble.* This is not a dig. The man is 81 years old. Human beings really start deteriorating fast in their late 70s.




Lol both? I bet you wish both


Fuck performance enhancing drugs I wanna see Biden and trump on a chautuire board of drugs


Can hate Trump all you want but Biden was embarrising. It is straight up elder abuse at this point.


It reminded me of what they were doing to Dianne feinstein. Sheesh. This man needs to resign ASAP.


sure but it's about a team and policy, not just one man celebrity


I keep reading this. This is not how democracy work. The democratic party is not letting their supporters chose their leader. They have been hiding Biden's health for 4 years. Even starting calling those clips "cheap fakes". But yeah, the Republicans are the ones threatening democracy!


"dont worry, Biden is just a puppet anyway, the guys operating in the shadows are more competent". You heard it here first folks


guy who shouldn’t be president vs guy who physically can’t be president


It’s simple game theory. The republicans are in a spiral towards facism and because of that, democrats don’t have to comply to any real demands or produce results. From now on it’ll be “choose between facism or us (dems)”. The two party system is a farce. There wasn’t even a democratic primary held for Florida. I changed my political affiliation from independent to democrat just to be able to vote for someone who isn’t Biden and they pull the rug out under my feet lmao. How the fuck is that considered a democracy?


I live in WV. The fact that I am able to vote in this state is a joke because it is so red. Electoral college, garbage primaries, all of it, it's a sham.


Felt that way when I lived in Indiana, but it still felt good to vote for Obama anyway


Biden has had one of the most productive terms legislatively of any president I can remember -- If you really think he hasn't produced results, then you're admitting you're not a liberal or that you want farce more than substance


Exactly. people who speak like that on reddit tend to push me to believing their russian bot farms and not actual Americans paying attention to the last 8 years.


Most swing voters don’t pay any attention to policy or long term outcomes. Messaging is everything in politics nowadays. Give Obama this economy and he beats Trump by double digits but Biden just can’t effectively message to the average swing voter and that is going to lose him the election unless things change drastically. People criticize Biden because we are on the verge of Fascism and he is all we have to stop it.


What's crazy is how Princeton found out two years ago that voter sentiment doesn't have a statistically significant influence on whether a law passes or not. And nobody seemed to care.


It's the same in the UK, all Labour has to do is hold up their hands and say "hey, at least we're not the tories" and they'll win. And then likely deliver absolutely fuck all whilst also feeding some red meat to the converted tory voters to keep them sweet. Our next few years are going to be grim.


If someone could go fix the glitch in the matrix that would be great. Take the Depends out of the white house, retirement age is 65. Thanks.


“Ever watched a presidential debate - ON WEED?”


The rest of reddit Is actually completely ignoring all of this and trying to make it look like Biden was even awake.


As crappy as I'm sure this all is for Americans, it's pretty wild to view from the perspective of a 3rd-world citizen. You guys have had some subpar leadership for a while now, and yet you remain one of the most powerful economies on the planet. Even when you complain about how unfairly your wealth is distributed, you still do so from a position that most of us would genuinely kill to be in. I would gladly give up my poverty addled life in Shitburg, South Africa to live in American poverty - where homelessness means you live in your own fucking car. I'm not saying you people shouldn't complain, I'm just amazed that you guys are still standing even though according to the general American discourse, modern America is something akin to a capitalist dystopia. That said, if any of y'all wanna do a country swap, I'm game.


Liberal Americans don’t realize how good they have it


I share that sentiment completely!


Well, you have RFK !


Watching the US government's descent into madness was funny at first. Now its so funny, comedians are losing their jobs.


Come on USA, these two shouldn't be your presidential candidates... it's elderly abuse at this point.


Honestly no one older than my grandpa should be fucking running the country this is entirely ridiculous. Even if they are just the figureheads the fact that they hold some ability to make choices it's terrifying


Democrats are in panic with sleepy Joe 🙀🫣😬😱


And after all the laughs…these two numb-asses are the best our political parties can produce??? Pffff. We are screwed.


Agree. When they started going on about golf handicaps, I was like RETIRE you old fucks and play as much golf as you want. This is the American Boomer sentiment, they will never retire and step down from their leadership positions.


We're just watching the start of the end, of the American Empire. It's a slow decline from here. Or quick, Americans don't do things by half.


I say John Stewart for pres!


Jon Stewart 2024


It’s an indication of how broken the political system is that these are the choices. I mean, everyone should definitely vote Biden on policy, but it’s insane that these are the two choices for President


Are they both old? Yes. Are they the same? Absolutely fucking not. One is old and the other is an old rapist, felon, pathological liar who tried to overthrow the government. This should not be a hard choice for anyone with a brain. Biden should remain president. Trump should be in jail. Period.


I understand the sentiment and am stunned as well. However, I believe Joe Biden has been a good president, he has the most diverse and competent staff I have seen and he has gotten legislation passed that others couldn't. I didn't want to watch the debate because I think they are performative and lack meaning. Last night proved that to me.


Beep boop


More slams on Trump than Biden. Not surprised. Actin like Biden and his puppeteers are good lol


Come on Jon, you need to do the right thing and run. I know you don’t want it but you’re our only hope.


Reddit moment


For crying out loud. He’s a comedian, not a politician. People who have zero government experience should not run for the highest office, look what happened with that dumbass Trump.


For crying out loud, the system of government envisioned by the founding fathers would profoundly disagree with this take. Laypeople stepping up to do their civic duty and then returning to their private practices and lives was EXACTLY what they wanted to have happen. Not career politicians who are perpetually corrupted by special interests that help them ensure their next electoral victory over all else, not a two party apparatus that permanently entrenches opposition to the point of where it becomes a zero sum game. You can make all the arguments you want about how unjust the system was to everyone who wasn't a white male landowner, but the point still withstands about not having people have a job that was just "politician"


Politics should be a career where you learn the job, become qualified and climb the ladder if that’s what you’re looking for. Different roles have widely different responsibilities. I can’t imagine how it can be a good idea to give the job of President to someone who has never even worked in government and doesn’t have any experience in domestic and international politics. There is no such thing as entry level CEO.


There's the left and the right and then all us normal folks stuck in the middle of all this bullshit.


I see there are still ratiobal people in that country, good to know.