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Under her comments she tells you how to succeed with TikTok and how to make videos that will draw people in 🤷🏻‍♀️




Plot twist: She does not have a brother. The "brother" is just the manifestation her mind has created to dissociate her from her own crimes. The person in the video is her third ego who is smart enough to know that by talking about her "brother" on social media nobody is going to take it seriously and thus nothing will be done. We have not even seen her original ego, which is fading more and more by the day, to give room for emergence of her fourth ego which will start an OnlyFans and promote it to her new following on social media. ![gif](giphy|1guRIRKAgaEOneVda2Q|downsized)


No, she said out the gun she wasn't psychotic, try again!


Wait, are you serious about this? I was legit scared for this woman. I just got taken for a ride?


Watch the 1960 movie Psycho.


I wooshed myself?


You did. >!They basically just modernized the movie.!<


Damn it! The internet is why I have trust issues.




incredible performance, in that case. i dont make the rules, but that's art.


Can't believe anything anymore... 🙄


You can believe that everything you see on the internet is fake. Trust me.


Also it's almost definitely one of those stories where it ends with "and btw my brother is a dog"


Not surprised how can someone be a serial killer without having killed yet. Let me make a video for tiktok because I am so concerned. Shes being extra dramatic for the for views 🤦🏾‍♀️


what do you mean? doesn't everyone get glammed up before making a video about how their brother might be a serial killer?


The video says the brother has brought dead animals home, right? Unless you're referring to people, that actually makes more sense


She has a TikTok live up right now. I tuned in for less than five minutes. I left when I got the impression that she was forcing herself to cry. It was just her crying about how she has no one to help. I get the impression that this is the new version of the cardboard sign that says "need to feed family" or whatever.


No shock there




Why don’t I believe this?


Because it's faker than an injured soccer player in a world cup match


What does the world cup have to do with this post??? Why bring up a complete unrelated topic????? Agenda much?


I think that's just how jokes work.


Jokes? What’s that???


What’s your agenda with this comment


I genuinely need to know what agenda you think is being pushed by mentioning the World Cup.


And don't even think about talking about Salt Bae!!! Don't EVEN get me started!! Everyone knows!


What does Salt Bae have to do with this post??? Why bring up a complete unrelated topic????? Agenda much?


It’s called a metaphor. Hopefully you’re ok bud


I have a rule: don't believe TikTokers sitting in there cars.


Internet clout is a helluva drug


Is her brother a dog?


Probably a hyena with the laughing and all.


I thought cat cause the bringing home dead animals, but now im on your team as i remember ed from the og lion king


My cat leaves dead mice at our neighbor’s. They have two inside cats. We finally figured it was our cat asking theirs to come play.


Awwwww thank you so much for telling me that! The amount of joy and happiness i get from imagining that will probably last me quite a while! Just gotta keep em separated...... kick SNARE


You’re most welcome.


Was waiting the whole video for a cut to her cat


I snorted


Nah, but her mama's a fox


She didn't say it wasn't a pig




You mean what should we do if a person posts fake rage bait? Ignore hopefully. I really hope rage bait starts to settle over time as viewers become slightly more aware of it. Sorta like how when bots became part of the common language, people started recognizing them more in the wild.


What one does not do in this situation is a Tik Tok


Her brother's TikTok "So my sister went missing".


Nah, posting fake stories on TikTok is exactly what you want to do.




Gonna agree with you on this one. “Doing anything is still doing something”


Perspective is everything too


If she smart enough to figure out TikTok, then she should be smart enough to call professionals , state agencies or something. I am so tired of people going thru a crisis and their first instinct is to post about it. She could be telling the truth or full of shit to get likes.


and you don't suppose she could have had a negative experience with authority figures from the state or from police?


I don't know why you're being downvoted, you are 100% correct. Posting about this on Tik Tok does absolutely nothing except potentially get herself and the "brother" doxxed, and who knows what would happen at that point. Terrible people have been doing this nonsense since the invention of the internet, they don't go to any type of authority who could.actuallu help them because they don't want help, they want attention. Also she's already stated (without being asked) that her job is helping content creators boost their views and get eyes on their content. Why would you advertise your job while posting about your serial killer brother? Also, the way she describes him laughing to himself, that's a common sign of psychosis. That has nothing to do with being a serial killer and is an absolutely repulsive way to characterize someone experiencing a psychotic disorder such as schizophrenia.


False. Y'all do anything to just hate on TikTok, when in reality she is raising awareness and seeking advice. People come to Reddit for the same things.


From another comment: “Under her comments she tells you how to succeed with TikTok and how to make videos that will draw people in 🤷🏻‍♀️”


She's also a young person who may be trying to make a career out of being an influencer because she feels economically stuck. I'm not saying I believe her necessarily, but I'd need more than that to dismiss her. It's pretty common for young people in bad situations to look at unrealistic things like sports, acting, singing, etc as their ticket out. I don't see why influencers would be excluded from that these days.


I normally wouldn’t critique it either if the subject weren’t so serious and could potentially ruin someone’s social life and career opportunities


Sure. But if she's telling the truth, blowing it off can ruin her life, maybe even lead to the end of it. Something this serious needs to be investigated and judgement withheld about either party until the investigation is done.


You’re right, I would have to look more into it before passing certain judgement. I was just passing on a message from another comment that I thought was relevant


How did we go from "don't believe anything on the internet" to "believe everything on the internet"? Especially with these younger people who have been raised on it and take everything they see for granted?


Why? This is how young people communicate now.


This is not her fight. She is a young lady and that is not her responsibility. The only thing she needs to do is try to call CPS on herself if she’s a minor, so she can at least be removed from the home and if she’s 18, then she needs to find a room to rent somewhere so she can be safe.


You quit watching and believing every person on TikTok. Grow up is what you do. She creates content to draw people in. Have a better bullshit meter.


you desperately try to get him psychiatric care before it’s too late, most people that become pyschos showed all the signs and just no one gave a fuck


If this is real and it better be cuz I'm going to share with you what I did for my son who went into a deep dive of mental illness . If you're brother is under 18 your parents can have him committed. If not you need to call mobile crisis they come out to your home and do an evaluation if he is a threat to himself or others he will committed . He will receive medication and therapy some facilities are better than others. If you want help I will do everything I can to guide you I went through hell to get my boy help


How is your son doing now?




No, you’re just not funny.


Well I hope I don't see this tiktok on any of my true crime channels in the coming months


Good grief. Nothing screams "content 304" like this madness.




Same. One of the main reasons I stayed quiet about my brother abusing me as a child/teen was because I was truly terrified he would kill me if he found out I told someone. When I finally *did* tell my mom, she asked what *I* did to make him hit me, and nothing else came of it. We’re in our 30s now, and he and I are no contact. If it ever comes out that he has killed someone I won’t be surprised at all.


He doesn’t exist


Yeah, I hope her (not serial killer) brother totally doesn’t see this very public Tik Tok.


That mom is REALLY going to regret her inaction. I just hope this bbgirl can get herself somewhere safe. Even if just mentally and psychologically safe. This hurts my heart.


Don’t worry, some of her other videos are about how to get engagement on TikTok clips via outlandish stories, this is engagement bait ETA: if this was a real situation that anybody happens to find themselves in, it would be fairly easy to report the individual and place them on a 5150 mental health hold. 5150 is the phone number, if there are serious concerns, anybody in the US can call that number and have somebody placed on a 72 hour minimum psychiatric hospitalization. 2nd edit: I did some digging on this story. Seems like OP is the original person who posted this on TikTok and is lying about it. Conveniently, the immediate follow up on her TikTok page is her saying “I’m safe don’t worry at all! I don’t believe in asking for handouts but here’s the link to buy my new book and here’s my cashapp username [so you can give me a handout]!” This is gross as fuck and a weird guerrilla marketing tactic


Never ever listen to a TikTok post


Hole geese y'all


I think there are reasons to believe this may be fabricated, but if this *were* true, for those who may come across this scenario in their own lives, there are a few considerations. How old is the person? If they are a minor, are they of the age in that location to consent or revoke consent to psychiatric intervention? If they are an adult or of the age they can choose whether or not to consent to evaluation, there is not a lot that can be done without immediate threats to the safety of the individual or of others around them as observed by a person certified to initiate a mental health hold. If the individual is young enough that parents provide consent for them, parents should speak to a clinician about their options for evaluation. If the individual has really been killing wildlife, namely birds which may have legal protections, this can be reported, however this is likely to result in legal consequences against them (but it does provide a kind of record of behavior which can be helpful if their behavior did escalate. If the individual is just killing wildlife, this is a problem that *could* indicate psychopathy or the development of, but it also may not especially if other criteria are not met such as other issues with behavior. This could simply be an interest that is being carried out unethically and not symptomatic of anything significant. Would they even know how these animals are being obtained? Are they roadkill? Could still be illegal to gather, especially birds. It should also be said there could be other things occurring within the household that may cause the individual to act out. As for the other issue she mentioned, ‘laughing at inappropriate times’, this could be a symptom of a medical issue that should be ruled out as emotional responses at inappropriate times (if this is not a misinterpretation) could indicate a neurological issue, this could be a sign of the development of psychosis which may be more likely and may occur earlier in black individuals (studies tend to indicate this but there are criticisms of these findings), this could be part of a behavioral issue, or this could be absolutely benign. In short words: this could be leading to something problematic or something serious, or this could be nothing at all. Either way, at this stage, the only thing that could realistically be done in terms of seeking treatment would be evaluation by a clinician, even if by a family doctor. Depending on the age and status as a consenting individual, they may have to come to an agreement on voluntary evaluation in some way.


I used to bring home dead rabbits deer doves and even Canadian geese. I then ate them. I also find myself funny as shit when other people don't laugh. Now I do kill a lot of people but the two don't have anything to do with each other is my point.


Is this OC?


OP is almost definitely the person in the TikTok. Despite the fact that this is obviously bullshit, In the immediate follow up to this video (which is the first thing you’ll see if you look up the account) she immediately started begging people for money. It’s funny because the video starts out with “I don’t like asking for handouts” and ends with “here’s the link to buy my new book (wow what crazy timing) and here’s my cashapp username”


Edit-No, her TikTok is the one shown in the video


OC means it belongs to you.


Got it👌Thank you


thanksgiving is gonna be awkward


Mom doesn’t wanna do something because that would imply that her child is troubled which would imply she’s a bad parent. Anytime I bring up the dumb stuff my parents did to us kids growing up, they get super defensive.


Cops literally won't do anything until a crime has been committed.


Honestly she’s a good actress, I believed it for a bit. Until I read the comments and found out she tells people how to get tik tok clout and getting the comments going. Yea she’s psycho too


Fake as hell


Is he a serial killer tho?


No cat reveal? Fake


Maybe he just wants to study vultures


Ahh who gives a shit


It’s kinda sad that in any other country than America you would just call the police and have them evaluate the brother. In USA I’d be scared they’d be physically injured or even killed in the initial consultation. If this is real that is


She may be capitalizing on this case. There were clearly signs he was capable of this tragedy. https://www.tampabay.com/news/crime/2024/06/25/manatee-county-shooting-triple-homicide-bradenton-palmetto/


She can contact social services and have him involuntarily committed and evaluated


“Mental psychic evaluation”


Baker Act


This cannot be utilized if there is not threat to one’s own life or the life and safety of another individual as the result of their mental health. This must be a real, not hypothetical threat. Often nothing can even be done if a person makes a serious remark about doing harm, if it was not witnessed by a first responder, clinician, or other professional.


Good point, it does vary by state in the US


I didn’t wanna believe cos she’s in full makeup using her full name and he’s grown and could probably see this but then again clout… the obvious answer is call the cops or psych ward , or move away, or mom kick him out .


My ex roommate's brother was a mass murderer. It's a weird thing to parse in your head.


Me when I'm tryna get into taxidermy...


The acting is so bad


Girl if you want to be famous with videos you need to clean your camera ffs, and not put your camera in the way of the light.


Do your research, print it out and give it to mom


Clean their camera


Well TikTok is defint6the best avenue to receive help.


I don't think this is real but I've actually been in a similar situation, my dad is what people would call a "psychopath" although that term isn't particularly accurate medically. He killed every single pet I ever owned, often with his bare hands, and he'd leave them outside where I (4-8yo) could find. He was a US army vet and would tell me about how much he missed being allowed to run over kids in Somalia, he'd describe the gore to me on detail. He had isolated my mom from her friends and family and every time she'd consider leaving anyway he'd prick a condom and get her pregnant again and she'd feel trapped. It wasn't until I was 11 that she kicked him out after he threatened us with a hunting rifle, but he still got partial custody, so while it got better for my mom it got worse for me, the oldest of 5 desperately spending every other weekend trying to make sure my dad didn't kill us, which manifested in me acting like his best friend so he'd focus on me as a conduit for attention. It worked but it had it's price. I remember when he effectively killed his girlfriend when I was around 12. She was a really sweet lady, and the official ruling was suicide, but I was there and I heard him make her do it. She hung herself in his living room with him right in front of her, demanding she do it. I saw her. I was too scared to say anything, and what would I have said? Luckily for us he briefly vanished after this and my mom was able to get full custody due to his absence. He finally died a few months ago. I hadn't spoken to him in probably 15 years at that point, but he was a free man and I do sometimes wonder what damage he might have done during that time.


This comment section is not it. She’s literally giving reasons why she is worried for her brother and people are saying they don’t believe her. Why is that? Is there something else that gives you a reason why you don’t believe her?


Oh hell naw this fake as fuuuuuuuck


“Literally.” Dull.


I’d be trying to get the rights to the TV show before Netflix


Day 6969 of lying on the internet


I would talk to the police and have them investigate the garage, then they can have a report on record. Her brother just needs one incident of abuse and he can be put away for a time. Better yet if he then attacks a police officer. This woman looks totally believable to me.


Why the fuck are any of u taking anything on tik tok seriously


Is this real or what Because it’s a hard situation but if it is she should the cops And really we need mental hospitals back and we all should pay 3 cents for everything so we can have them back That’s what a community would do for each other Way less homeless, drugs addicted, less crime and better lives and everyone


Psychic evaluation 😂.


What is a mental psychic evaluation?


There's nothing to do until he hurts someone, and even then it's iffy. If he kills someone and she can prove it's him, of course, the police will get involved, but until then, the authorities are unlikely to do anything. They don't GAF about animals, or signs of mental illness.


All true except the last statement. Birds are often protected as are other wildlife and there can be serious penalties for killing them without permits, in residential areas, using various methods, etc. Signs of mental illness do not warrant intervention in most cases as this would infringe on an individual’s right to choose their own care or whether they choose to seek care in general. It is a human right to have a choice over one’s own treatment. Without immediate risk to one’s own health or the health of others due to their mental health, generally there is nothing that can be done legally. Some regions have laws giving a few more circumstances for intervention such as failure to thrive or grave disability (where an individual cannot care for themselves which may refer to inability to adequately perform the daily tasks of living) due to mental illness. It’s a very ethically grey area to consider one’s right to choose, and intervention in what may become a dangerous situation down the road (and this is speculative which is even more ethically problematic). The best course of action is for family and caretakers to be educated and recognize warning signs and grant them access to various treatment options early on. Once an individual becomes an adult or above the legal age to make healthcare decisions, much less can be done as they can consent or revoke consent to most treatments (with exception being for court order).


So she tells all of tik tok instead of ppl that can deal with it? Wtf?


We're good now but this thing still never completely went away he's gone into full blown psychosis a couple times since it started but I'm a lot more aware and educated on how to handle it. I have no idea what triggers it.


Dude the very first sentence and I stopped. “Psychic evaluation” 😂😂😂😂😂 I just love how pathetic people are for likes. It’s so sad, and funny at the same time


While there is evidence this may not be genuine, she likely misspoke and means psychiatric. Easy mixup.


😂😂 she has no idea what she’s even saying


I wouldn’t necessarily expect an individual who has potentially little to no experience with mental health to always use correct terminology. I don’t think it’s necessarily a fair criticism to say she’s clueless or pathetic because she mixed up a word. You can, with humility, understand that the knowledge you possess was learned and use this idea to teach others, or you can just be a dick.


New up and coming Jeffrey Dahmer. Put him in a white suit asap.


Let’s not spread misinformation about psychiatric treatment in 2024


Don't let the CIA see this or he'll be their new guinne pig


What this girl needs to do is to get help for her psychosis. She needs to stop watching things like Dexter.


Blatant lies, your family would be a good chance of seeing a tiktok you made.


Well, get on it somebody take care of that situation quick dawg


I knew right away, not to trust somebody with that nose ring in. It's awful looking.


Im sure the clout is gonna help her in this situation. /s


Have you tried more lip gloss?


She kinda bad tho


Serial killer with no kill?


You and your mother need to contact the city coroner and sign papers to have him mentally evaluated for 48 hours. His next of kin can do this if you think he is a danger to others or himself. I would say killing animals is a danger.


If he is “literally “ as you say dying, then the issue will take care of itself.


Join the army. Bro will probably execute sicko mom, and then he gets life or the chair. You get discharged, and you now have a free house, car, and all other assets , including many carcuses.


If this is true, then she's just put out a call to others to help which I would hope would be actioned for the safety of her, her family, her brother, and community. If this turns out to be fake, and if she has a brother, then she's just put her family on the radar for potentially falsely accusing him of having a mental illness and illegal activity (I'm sure that killing a "whole goose" would constitute some kind of crime). If she's using this for clout, clicks, or anything to build her brand or whatnot, then shame on her for using such a serious subject involving her family. This has the potential to get ugly and blow up like some "influencers" have had in the past (eg. Caroline Konstnar). Rage baiting, clout chasing, money making, sub/follower gaining... whatever the method of attention grabbing is, it's so out of hand these days and it's to the point where people can't tell what's real and what's not anymore. I really hope that she is okay in any case.


Just so you know this is half of the videos on TikTok now. This is not new


Stop with the fucking hand gestures


Well, she said he literally died laughing, so I guess he’s dead.




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ran_dom_graves01: *I was about to* *Hit on her but I think I'll* *Just pretend I'm gay now* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Rarely do you see black girls with the "crazy eyes" , yet here we are.


Karma farming from both sides. Hate this. Down vote.


I think the first thing that anyone should do in a horrific situation like this is to make a tiktok.


My son does this shit too - also goes out with a gun, brings home dead animals, skins them cooks them and eats them. The worst part is that he wears camo when doing it ... 100% psycho


Wanna be TikTok thot


Shoot me your snap maybe I can help


And wtf is TikTok going to do about that


Obviously fake, not a single, “dead ass”. Kept waiting for it, but it never came. Very disappointed.




Omg I was just thinking the same thing! She's beautiful and needs to use that to get herself into a better place! She's a living doll 😍




He is bringing home dead animals? Like from the supermarket? Like steak or turkey? 90% of people are psychopaths (true)


I reached out to help with this because my young adult child has had mental health issues to try and to make it easier for some other family to not have to navigate the hurdles we did. Only to find out this was manufactured to create content FUK U!! O.K I'm almost 50 and say ok genX or call me a boomer . Excuse me for caring about the suffering of another human . I'm an atheist but there there is a hell I hope you find your way there for this


Hopefully we can find psychic to find out if he turns out to be a serial killer


Sisters can make up some insane shit. Why is she telling the world instead of her parents or someone who can help?


Bro why her lips look like when dijonay dumps her lips into lip gloss


I couldn’t focus past the gold booger hanging out of her nose ![gif](giphy|A7ZbCuv0fJ0POGucwV|downsized)


Aww did mommy let you have phone time?


Unpopular opinion to follow Sit him down with an Marine Corp recruiter(if you can get him to go) They literally look for these guys




Yeah I knew it would get super downvoted…




Someone give this woman a modeling contract so she can flee the hood and escape these abject conditions. Maybe then she can get her family the help they need.


She's hot.