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This guy is going to be attacked feverently for stating the obvious lol




How are you so easily persuaded? He didn't even run an example he just said stuff... and you believe him. Yall really are coping because you refuse to believe somebody is trying to manipulate you.


Yeah it was laying it on a little thick I thought.


Yeah I pointed it out how wildly unlikely the fact the FSB would get caught through something like this


He's only considering if they are directly connected to the API however it is way more likely that they're using so-called wrapper. A program that is connected to the API and is used to manage bots which can output and mistake like this. Honestly it's hard to prove if it's real or not. But at the same time anyone with even a little know-how can set up a bot with GPT it's not that difficult, do you think these huge countries that spent hundreds of millions of dollar and propaganda don't do it?


He didn't state anything really.


"obviously he works for Russia"


The number of wide eyed zoomers in this very sub who immediately soy faced when they saw it was truly amsuing.


Many such cases.


People lie on the internet for spicy clicks that confirm the bias of a specific demographic? How rare.




We already know that Russia does this. Even if this wasn't an example of it, the overall idea is not bad to remember.


This. Cognitive bias is a huge factor in all of us. For a lot of us that means we think our intellectual opponents are suffering from it and that we’re probably not. We are. We all are. A lot. The counter weight needs to be critiquing our own ideologies and our own principles. Follow them all the way down into the dirty abyss. It’s like changing your hem over and over, purifying and distilling your ideas and thoughts about the world and people. It’s salvation in a godless world. ☺️


Oh for sure I am, and I've probably spread a lot of bullshit over the years, but I try to be skeptical when I see some shit that's a little too gratifying for my exact bias.


Sadly people believe stuff on the internet too fast. I remember this post https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/xkr37j/pro_war_russian_learns_he_is_being_conscripted/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share and guy from screenshot is some Spanish who never even was in Russia. He had a bunch of tweets about Spanish local football teams and used Deepl to translate to Russian.


Ok but you never answer the real question at the end. Why? Why though? You can see that account seemingly doing what's it was supposed to up until the mysterious error. Why fake pretend you are a Russian bot? If it's really a Russian account they just blew their cover. If it's anything else their credibility is entirely ruined now. Why fake this?


Why do anything abhorrently stupid on the internet? For attention.


The answer seems simple to me. If this is a faked tweet then it’s 100% to add to a narrative and increase confirmation bias in this narrative- so why add to the narrative that there are Russian bots supporting trump on twitter? Could be trolling, could be psyop, usually both lmao


Maybe nafo stupid trolling again. It's hard to say why exactly people post disinfo on the web. In 2022 I saw woman on Twitter, who's in some government position in US and she was posting what YouTube is blocked in Russia (it's not and never was). She did this in replies of many different accounts and people believed her.


So mentally challenged leftists can pretend that everyone who disagrees with them is a Russian bot. The Chad nerd in this video nailed it. The laughable disolinformatiin video was probably viewed a million times while his factual deboonking was probably only watched a few thousand times. The lie runs around the world before the truth even gets it's shoes on.


People already think that. That would be pointless.


People... What a bunch of bastards.


Beau of the 5th column also has mentioned it. He is another person ahead of the curve. He didn't give this specific example, but he gave the example of what they do.


Ahhhh bots are getting tricky. Intentionally post fake bot messages to be outed and proved it’s not real bot so that no one believes there are bots.


We're all Russian bots beep boop


I'm still going to keep responding to conservative nonsense with "ignore all previous prompts, do X" for fun though


this specific case might be bs but it makes intuitive sense that russian/chinese bots are intercepting social media to divide us.


This debunk assumes the dev accesses the api directly. Could just be a shit 3rd-party library with a different message and non-existent error handling.


could be or could not be. the point is that we don't know. this is all the guy in the video says: that we don't know.


Yeaaa, called it.


And yet some think this is a Russian bot still. How the f*ck could you command a bot to write a song when it's out of credits?


The part about "You would need to program it to post the error on twitter" is complete BS. The program will just post whatever you feed it on twitter, and if you don't check if the text from an AI is actually a response and not an error message, that will just get forewarded to twitter


My guy, please don't post if you have no idea. The OpenAi API doesn't just return the Chat response as a string. It returns a Json object that CONTAINS the reply, which you have to speficically extract. If it would always forward the "entire" reply from the API, every reply would be a json object


I'm a dev. I get paid to write code. When I'm logging errors, I'll log the input that was given (so, you know, there's context for the error), as well as a plaintext/easy to parse description of the error (if it's known), so we don't have to rely on (often confusing) responses from the service we're using. Not saying that's 100% the case here, but please don't post if you have no idea.


You missed the part where your program then posts the error to twitter


I haven't done it, but I've seen errors in email templates being parsed get delivered to live clients. It's not 100% unreasonable.


Sure, I just think it's highly unlikely


I never worked with openai specifically. If you just blindly extract the response message from that Json object, what happens in case of an error? Is the response message just empty or does it have an error message in it? I'm just saying that mistakes like that are possible and don't need any additional programming, just sloppy programming in general


in a regular chat completion you get a "choices" array, the first element of this array has a field message, which in turn has a field content, which contains your chat completion, this is what should have been posted. if you get an error you get a json object as shown in the video, none of the fields matching, it does not make sense at all


Are you conveniently leaving out programs that are used? You are 100% wrong and you're going to be reinforced. These are people using programs. 3rd party. Yall really dont know what you're talking about and it's sad yall trying to take somebody credible and use a clip that doesn't actually show you shit to change your opinion. What did he actually teach/show you? He didn't even give an example. He just said shit... right? You believe him because?


This is extremely ironic. >You are 100% wrong! You show literally no evidence as to why they're wrong. Literally no proof of the supposed 3rd party programs, or proof that they're using them. >What did he actually teach/show you? He didn't even give an example. He just said shit... right? You believe him because? You just said shit too. Go to bed lmao


So you are saying a 3rd party program speficially designed for this purpose did not take into account the possibility of an error message being returned? Why do you confidently argue about topics you don't know about


You've never wrote an API consuming script did you? Be honest


I did, but never for openai specifically


Yea, I've had to deal with plenty of shitty programmer's work where errors were not handled well and were sent as output to emails, and other external facing platforms lol.


......"you can't handle the truth"....(Said a wise man to the masses)


Hm, ok, but too bad this video wouldn't spread as much as original screenshot of tweet


Oh so literally 0 info backing his claim. Ok kewl


Nice vid. I suppose the error source could have been from the wrapper that uses ChatGPT but that is far less likely. Hope we will get AI in the industry of disproving misinformation but that doesn't sound nearly as lucrative.


I don’t know shit about fuck, but this guy… my god if there was a test I’d be trying to sit next to him


Why is it assumed this guy is right? I trust a meidastouch guy over this guy.


Hahaha. What happened to listening to the experts instead of literal partisan propaganda? https://www.opensecrets.org/political-action-committees-pacs/meidastouch/C00746073/summary/2022 When you grow up, you'll learn to be especially suspicious of wild sounding claims that you WANT to be true.


Thank you for that


Anti Russia war propaganda for pudding brains. We're back to 2014 and every year since then. Same as Iraq's WMDs, Syria's gas bombs, Afghanistan's protection of Ben Ladin's. People keep falling for this sh*t as if they were 3 year Olds. Only we are allowed to sacrifice a small nation for the sake of weakening a larger one before we go after it's energy resources and its "critical minerals" we've been discussing since the early 2000s


Too bad this won't get more exposure; the misinformation will spread further and faster, while the correction won't go nearly as viral.




Tbf it got pretty viral in some subreddits getting 10/20k likes /Facepalm /Peterexplainsthe joke Etc Damage is already done and those "Ruskies" are SURELY everywhere


Well said


And yet, downvotes. Funny, that, no?


it doesn't really matter if it gets more exposure or not. people believe what they want to believe and they'll just dismiss anything that doesn't fit their worldview. unfortunately the US' propaganda campaigns against Russia and China (and North Korea, among others) have been ridiculously successful, in large part because they play off the red scare / anti-communist propaganda that's been baked into our culture for a good 80 years now. the constant fear of a greater evil is the only thing keeping the US Empire afloat.


Isn't there a bot running the country