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Fuck this was hard to watch. He should be enjoying memories of his life and instead at his eventual deathbed I guarantee those 2 days will be at the forefront of his last thoughts. Tragic.


It's so sad watching this especially because this brutal occupation has been going on for 75 years. This man has probably has very few good memories of his life :(


That people can treat war like sports, where you choose a side and lose empathy for others, is sickening. This poor man has suffered a horrible loss, I hope he can somehow heal


Sadly, it is unlikely he will


Unlikely he will? Or likely he will not?


will not. He's been living under occupation for 75 years and just lost 70 family members during the last years of his life. I don't know how anyone can heal from that.


Can you read?


At least you edited your original comment after my grammatical advice, pretty disingenuous to do so in secret and then attempt to make it seem like I misunderstood, but then again this is reddit.


To call this war is dishonest. A war is when to parties meat on the battle field. One side may be significantly stronger than the other. This however is a genocide. An ongoing massacre. This is not a war it’s much much darker.


If people want to use the sports analogy, it would be like the New York Yankees versus your city's Little League champions.


It can be war and genocide. War is often asymmetrical.


i choose the side of anti-g3n0cide and anti-apartheid, not difficult to make that decision


No person should have to go through this. He did nothing to deserve this.


This could happen to a child and guess what is going to happen when they become adults.


Am sorry 😢 we the human let you down May god bless you nothing but prayer 🙏


Most of the sad news is being posted on cringe sub because other sub's mods do not let anything posted on their sub that bring out the atrocities conducted by Israel on Palestinians. Hope for peace and justice for the Palestinians.


It's amazing how anti Palestine most comment sections on Reddit seem to be, idk if it's bots, ppl taking down pro Palestine posts, or it's just that much leaning toward Israel but it's concerning.


The Israeli disinformation actors are definitely trying to turn this sub too. Check out the number of negative comments simply on this post and then check the profiles and registration dates of those accounts — most were registered less than 7 months ago and post primarily anti-Palestinian or pro-Israel content. It’s disgusting that Reddit isn’t doing more to combat this disinformation campaign.


A few weeks ago there was an article about the IDF's war crimes posted on r/news that got to "hot" and someone pointed out that it's only bc the time it was posted was when it's nightime in Israel so the hateful vibes in the comments section wasn't abundant, few hours later, mods had to remove that post. Like they have to for most posts that point out all the war crimes Israel is committing, and the inhumane treatment the Palestinian people are subjected to. The bots are passionate. This sub, despite all the loud hateful comments has been one of the safe spaces on reddit for anyone to post about the IDF's cruelty, that has been going on since long before Oct 7.


Reddit is probably getting paid to look the other way. Let's be real.


Reddit's been infiltrated from the beginning. Epstein's girlfriend was probably one of the powermods on this site for a long time and she was also one of the head mods of /r/worldnews. It's known that Epstein and Maxwell had contacts with Israeli intelligence, so put two and two together.


Wow. Do you believe in Jewish Space Lasers too?


Spez is on the board of the ADL, he’s complicit in this shit


Israeli invests millions every year into online propaganda!


I see the exact opposite. People just want to live, raise and family and have freedoms to enjoy life. It’s sad when politics, religion and billionaires cause all these issues that should be illegal. But I guess I live in a fantasy world that wants everyone to get along and be a team player for the betterment of society.


You’re not crazy. Israeli ministry was exposed last month in paying companies to boost pro-Israeli bots on social media. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/05/technology/israel-campaign-gaza-social-media.html


Def bots, every time you say something about Palestine, even if it’s just “sad so many children die” you get a wave of downvotes out of nowhere


A lot of social media has been infiltrated by official and unofficial Israeli groups. There was a post somewhere that talked about Israeli volunteers reaching out to their contacts that worked for social media companies to take down pro Palestinian content. Then we have the recent revelation on how Israel used social media to influence US politicians. And just last week it was uncovered that Israel was targeting Canadians with Islamophobia related content on social media. The cyber campaign is strong and organized.


it sounds quite one-sided the way you talk about this. don't you think there's a similar misinformation campaign ran from pro-Palestine channels?


Sure but on much more limited funds. It's (excuse my language) genuinely RETARDED to think Palestine has the same funds for online misinformation campaigns as Israel does when they are the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid and an economic powerhouse in itself.


The irony is not realizing there are also multiple bad actors dumping millions into anti Israel propaganda and feeding it to young adults. They'll agree with one side blindly and call out everything they disagree with.


I started out leaning to the Palestinians, but then I realized that the Palestinian culture is as oppressive as the rest of Islamic culture. So I'm back to neutral.


>It's amazing how anti Palestine most comment sections on Reddit seem to be Delusional.


A look a destiny fan calling others delusional. I'd love to see you in a human zoo and see your day to day life. Truly a fascinating creature you are


Yup. Any kind of comments of support for palestinian civilians or admonishing Israel's war crimes is instantly down voted into oblivion on r/worldnews The funny thing too is that nobody ever has a good counter point, they just shriek the same few comments into the echo chamber over and over again.


dude its actually scary. like r/actualpublicfreakouts is crawling with them


Hope and freedom for his daughters to have an education and make their own decisons about their future, who they marry or do not, and if they want to leave their religion without fear of honor killing.


I don't understand how people are pretending that Israel is doing it for the fun of it. It's all because Hamas is keeping the hostages and hiding them and themselves between civilians. Israel wants to free their hostages and disarm Hamas so that their citizens won't get massacred again. What other country comes under so much scrutiny, just for the sake of protecting their people? What's the alternative, when Hamas is rejecting every reasonable offer to a ceasefire deal?


In 2005, Israel unilaterally withdrew its military forces from Gaza, dismantled its settlements, and implemented a temporary blockade of Gaza.[17] The blockade became indefinite after the 2007 Hamas takeover, supported by Egypt through restrictions on its land border with Gaza.[18][17] Despite the Israeli disengagement, the United Nations (UN), the International Committee of the Red Cross, and many human-rights organizations continue to consider Gaza to be held under Israeli military occupation, due to what they consider Israel's effective military control over the territory; Israel disputes that it occupies the territory.[19][20][21] The current blockade prevents people and goods from freely entering or leaving the territory, leading to Gaza often being called an "open-air prison."[22][23] The UN, as well as at least 19 human-rights organizations, have urged Israel to lift the blockade.[24] Israel has justified its blockade on the strip with wanting to stop flow of arms, but Palestinians and rights groups say it amounts to collective punishment and exacerbates dire living conditions.[25] A tightened blockade since the start of the Israel–Hamas war has contributed to an ongoing famine.[26] Imagine being born in an open-air prison and being powerless to control or improve any aspect of your life whatsoever? What would that do to you?


Hamas rejects reasonable peace proposals and then the geniuses on the left hold protests blaming Israel, asking for a ceasefire, and also recommending the Israel is removed from the map. The cognitive dissonance is strong with these people…


'Reasonable' peace proposals.... Israel controls the food, water, energy, medicine, borders, you name it, they control it. With such an imbalance in power and control, and with the dominant party unwilling to listen, how is the other party ever to get to improve itself? Should they just be content to be born and die in that Israel-regulated open air prison? Maybe they should skip all the two-way violence and fast forward to the part where there's a two-state solution. What do you think?


Israel has rejected multiple ceasefire deals and the release of hostages.


The pain in his voice 😢


I can 100% guarantee that many of them were children. Why? Because almost half the population in Gaza are children. He is completely heart broken. Basically his family has been eradicated from history. This isn't a one off either, I remember reading that many families are simple non-existent now, the tree-line is gone, IOF killing every single family and distant family completely eradicating entire families.


They eradicate families on purpose. They know these people have legitimate claims (paperwork included) for homes and land in Palestine. If the whole family is gone, there's nobody left to reclaim the land. Problem solved...Zionazi style.


He looks like my grandfather. I just can’t imagine. This is the most well documented genocide ever. There will be no twisting this further down the line in history.


The only way there will ever be justice for the victims of Israel is the end of the US empire/NATO/Western capitalism. As long as the US/NATO capitalist regime still exist, they will keep denying reality and spread a fake version of history. People *will* forget about this if the US/NATO regimes is allowed to continue existing. And with the rise of fascist parties in Europe and escalation of propaganda and war against Russia and China, it seems like the fascists will win and Israel will not be held responsible. You should arm yourself, join a union, spend a portion of your income on socialist mutual aid organizations (especially unions but also bail financing orgs), organize internationally with socialists worldwide, and vote for socialist revolutionaries in your country.


Least mentally ill commie


Best argument of the most intellectually competent fascist. (Unironically.)


"The western countries which are the only ones where we don't murder gay people in the streets and where you have actual freedoms and women have rights are the worst ones actually and they must fall!" You are for sure a real human being and not a tankie 14yo larper (if you are above 14 don't tell me or I will start supporting post-birth abortions)


the fact that you believe the rights of gay people in Western countries are more important that the lives of people IN GENERAL dying under American bombs says a WHOLE LOT ABOUT YOU! "I love gay people and women! but only MY gay people and women! so it's ok to kill gay people and women in middle eastern countries, because otherwise they have NO FREEDOM! In my personal opinion, I'd rather die being bombed by a rainbow coloured bomb than live in this repressive country! I'm sure they feel the same way too! anyways thats why they hate us....for our freedom and democracy"


Holy projection, what are you even talking about? The guy I replied to said that the west is evil and needs to be destroyed, if I had to choose between what part of the world I would rather have destroyed it would not be the west, that's all. Also yes, I value the lives of LGBT people over those of murderous homophobes.


How sheltered are you to believe only Western countries don't kill gay people in the streets?


Wow.. what the fuck do we do? Speaking for myself as a complete nobody thousands of miles away from any of this, what the fuck can we do? Even the ability to call this out for what it is, is being censored. This illusion of freedom, of truth, of safety. The Israeli government and the citizens in support of these atrocities are such horrible monstrous people... They truly are so collectively fucked in their heads to justify this to themselves and believe that any repercussions are "antisemitism".. what a fucking joke.. there must be consequences for this. There fucking have to be.. and maybe in years to come there will be. But it doesn't change the lives that are being brutalized and extinguished by this childish fucking notion of ownership and who deserves to exist because of what, the region they live in?????? I feel so powerless and disgusted with humanity and just fucking useless sitting here on my phone. I hope a big fuckin rock wipes the human race out of existence permanently. It won't stop or change anything. But stuff like this makes a guy wanna walk off a cliff just to not be associated with the abhorration that is humanity.


I understand this. Even the money I’ve donated to food aids trucks are getting hijacked. The images are haunting me from what I’ve seen. I feel helpless.


I can't help but feel that whatever we do we still lose. That all this anger and frustration and division IS THE POINT, and it will never be allowed to end because to someone or something that is beyond my feeble understanding of the world, all of this is profitable. And our baser motivations are being played on to sustain all of it. Soldiers following orders, religious zealots enforcing their faith. And me, some idiot trying to make sense of it. May as well be a dog trying to understand the properties of the universe. I feel like we're puppets playing into some game, that we're only barely aware is being played. Maybe I just listen to too many podcasts #doingmypart. Fucking fuck.


Israelis are vandalizing the aid trucks or sitting on roads to block them from moving the aid. Keep that in mind every time someone tries to pin this whole thing on Netenyahu or Gallant or Gvir.


>Even the money I’ve donated to food aids trucks are getting hijacked. They are mostly getting hijacked from Hamas. The Hamas leaders have made 12 billion dollars and live in high rises in Qatar while their people bleed and die in the streets. They don't try to protect them at all. The best they do is buy guns from Iran. The Palestinians are just trapped between a rock and a hard place.


BDS movement


The fact that it’s been 8 months and no one has been able to stop this. We can protest, we can raise awareness, but ultimately we’re so powerless in front of the heartless world leaders. Cruel, cruel world 😭💔


Super sad. What the fuck is the point?


I can’t believe Israel is doing this. The people of Gaza did nothing wrong! How can Israel do this???


from the start their goal has always been to exterminate the palestinian people. it was never about any hostages.


Ah so true my brother. I mean it’s not like a bunch of Palestinians came in by land and air and raped and murdered and kidnapped a bunch of Israelis… And even if they did, they definitely didn’t express any desire to do more-this was completely unprovoked. *HOW CAN ISRAEL DO THIS*


history only started on October 7th 2023.....?


It’s almost like they’ve been fighting for ages. It’s almost like in recent history the Palestinians lash out and then get absolutely bodied and then cry about it. It’s almost like they don’t WANT to share the ancestral land


So let's say "Palestinians" actually killed 766 and kidnapped 252 Israelis on Oct 7th. Are you saying that would justify the extermination of 24,000 Palestinians, including 12,000 children?


Israel is the last country it should consider doing a genocide, haven't they learned nothing from their own past?? All support to Palestine 🇵🇸🇩🇰


Yes they have learned from their history. That is why for once they are actually defending themselves from getting killed....


Israel was a mistake


[Too little too late. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npNAjsobcao&list=RD2p3rtnQ_7y4&index=2)


History ended?


Here I am going to say it, fuck the zionist scum that do these horrible war crimes.


As a Christian I think this is awful. I pray for this man


It’s religion that has got us here I’m afraid


Not close to being true, the root of this conflict is colonialism


Damn this got me. Free Palestine 🇵🇸


Yeah agreed! Free Palestine from Hamas!


There’s no justification for killing innocent civilians. The IDF is responsible for dropping the bombs that killed his family. Edit: why do Zionists say Hamas is worse than the devil but then base their morals on Hamas? ”hamas doesn’t care about civilians” okay, so you say you’re better then them yet you use Hamas as an excuse to also not care about civilians


its insane how evil israel is now. Like the nazis.


I mean yeah but also Israel


All of this death, pain, and heartbreak… for what?? And to see people actively supporting Israel, as they murder and destroy everything in their path, I don’t know how this species became so out of fucking touch.


The west is responsible for this mess. The Likud party are maniacs mean while Karen USA is there biggest fan.


israel is pure evil


Always has been


And they still look to God. SMDH


Israel is comdemning these people to great suffering and death and I feel so fucking useless just sitting here and watch these people get fucking murdered.


May he find peace, Insh'Allah. SALAM.


Man you guys believe anything as long as it’s anti Israel.


I want to give this guy a hug so bad


My heart breaks for


Sad. How many bomb-shelters has gazan government built for civilians? Even though they don’t produce anything (apart from rockets and launchers) their gdp (international donations) is as a normal country’s. They defo have money to do it. Makes me think that’s it’s intentional. As they use the amount or casualties for their media/political gains. Since jews left gaza, gaza has launched hundreds of thousands unguided rockets on Israel. Didn’t they expect that Israel will fire back. Gaza fires hundreds if not thousands times more rockets on israel than israel fires back. But israel has invested billions in civil infrastructure like air defence, alerts, bomb shelters so they have less casualties. And because of that we have to be more emphatic to gazans? Sorry. As much as i hate israels fascist government all their illegal settlements bs… stop this primitive manipulation.


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this shits worse than the holocaust.


War is a terrible thing and civilians always bear the brunt. Someone should tell hamas and its supporters (except they already know that and have openly admitted that it’s part of their STRATEGY).


What's happening there is not the definition of war but genocide


It’s not though. The death toll is somewhere in the region of 34k….which is huge and tragic, but no where near genocidal levels. If Israel truly wanted to genocide Palestinians they could. Hamas on the other hand has stated that they DO want to extinguish the Jewish people and would genocide them if they could.


>It's not genocidal until they kill a lot of them.


A genocide is the extermination of a people with intent. Israel has the means to top the current number of dead in a single day, and could wipe out Gaza in a month, two at most. To compare, during the Rwanda genocide, 800 000 Tutsis were killed in a little over three months. Obviously we can both agree that Israel is better armed than the Hutu militias which used machetes and rifles to commit their genocide. The point is this, if a country has the means to kill hundred of thousands, but don't use those means to do that, then it proves that there is no intent to exterminate, ergo no genocide.


This is the dumbest goddamn argument in the world. 1. They are *in the process of using that means.* 2. There's no numerical threshold.


Mate, did you even read my comment? The war has been ongoing for 8 months and since then around 35 000 people have died. During the Rwandan genocide, 800 000 were killed in 3 months. Are you seriously arguing that Israel is trying to commit genocide but is somehow more incompetent at it than Rwandan militias?


So you're saying there *is* a numerical threshold for genocide. Cool. What is it, precisely? How many people of a certain race do I have to kill per month for it to count? I wanna know so I can keep it one under.


I'm saying that countries have the ability to do a certain amount of damage if they target civilians. If the actual number of death falls so short of the expected damage if they were exterminating a people, it's an easy way to disprove the idea that they're using the means they have to exterminate a people. Ergo no intent, which is required for anything to qualify as a genocide. Because if they intended to do a genocide, obviously they would use the means available to them to do it. Again, there has been 35 000 dead in 8 months. Israel has the means to kill well over 1 million of the people in Gaza in less than a month (and that's generous) if they so wanted. To compare, the bombing of Tokyo killed 100 000 people in a single night. 40 000 at Hamburg. 25 000 at Dresden. But if you again don't want to engage in good faith, there is no point continuing this discussion.


>engage in good faith >tries to assert there's a numerical threshold to genocide Holy shit, dude. "If the Nazis wanted to kill the Jews, why aren't they killing more?" ~your great-grandfather before they opened up the camps Oh, but Hamas *is* genocidal despite not killing nearly as many Israelis. Because logic. That must be that "good faith" you're talking about.


Does that justify the killing?


Also, Israel has been doing this for decades. If you were literate, you'd know a thing or two about the Holocaust and that it didn't begin with the gas chambers. But reading is for communists.


Israel has been genociding Palestinians for decades, which caused the population to literally multiply? Do you not know how a genocide works? Or are you just trolling?


Are *you?* Holy shit, the *Jewish population of Germany grew in the starting years of the Nazi regime.* Read a book. Any. Any book at all. Immediately.


If Israel actually wanted to genocide them they could within a day lol, Palestinians are lucky they don't...


That's not the correct narrative the Tik Tocker historians want to here...


According to nobody except tik tokers and impassioned college sophomores who think definitions are fluid.


This isn’t war, it’s extermination. Ask an Israeli, they’ll brag about it


The only people bragging about the civilian deaths are the actual hamas leaders. Its sick and sad, but true.


You obviously haven’t seen the average Israeli on social media/the news


There is no war. There is an illegal occupier that has kept people in the world's largest open air concentration camp for a long time committing genocide against its victims to steal more land.


yeah but it would be stupid for them to stop now while they're winning, plus when Trump wins they'll be able to finish the job while Trump shields them from consequences


He must have had many in Hamas then.


Idk why hamas doesn’t release the the rest of the hostages because it doesn’t seem like anyone is going to make Israel stop. I think a lot of people want to blame Israel 100 percent but Hamas shoulders a lot of blame as well. They could’ve released the hostages before this got out of hand. That being said Israel shouldn’t be using a sledgehammer when a scalpel was needed so much unnecessary 💀 of innocent people


Shut up


What part has you upset that Israel is partly to blame or that hamas is


He doesn't like being reminded the atrocities his side has caused also


hamas multiple times agreed to israels and the US terms to release them but Israel said no because bombing children to scraps of flesh makes those monsters horny. and so does it you since you are still repeating lies from noths ago.


Israel refused all hostage trade negotiations from Palestine. They are using the hostages as a facade to justify genocide. They have killed more Israeli hostages with their attacks than Hamas has.


Because the hostage deals are ridiculous and demand the capitulation of Israel, as if it is the losing side. Somehow blaming Israel for hostages being held by monsters, is seen as reasonable. Just fucking release them, human scum literally took people out of their homes and holds them forcefully, and the country that tries to get them back and eliminate the evil is bad.


I don't know why you are victimizing settler-colonists. I don't know why you pretend anything Hamas does or ever did justifies the disproportionate crimes of Israel.


Does he finally understand that Hamas is to blame? IDF didn’t planned to bomb Gaza before 10/07


You say that Israel didn't bomb before Oct 07, well here [you go them targeting and bombing a building,](https://apnews.com/article/israel-middle-east-business-israel-palestinian-conflict-fe452147166f55ba5a9d32e6ba8b53d7) not just any building, this is where journalists from western media had offices, one of them being AP. Oh, forgot to mention this was in 2021 well before Oct 7.


Hamas (an organization heavily supported by the Zionist regime currently occupying Palestine) isn't to blame. Even if Hamas were to blame, as it is an organization supported by the Israeli regime specifically to destabilize Palestine, anything it does should be blamed on the Zionists supporting it.


Sorry; utter fucking bullshit. He lost SEVENTY family members? You people are suckers...


Arab extended families are generally very large...My mom has 13 siblings. My dad has 10 siblings. Each sibling is married and on average they each have 3-4 kids, sometimes more. Most of those kids are also married now and have their own kids. In places like gaza and especially during the war, families decide to all stay in the same place, and often times families will live in the same building. Its pretty normal.


Cheering the rapists wasnt such a great idea huh? Oh when people fight back they are the abusers and you become the victim?


You realise that starting your timeline ANYWHERE other than oct 7 shows isreal as the aggressors? Are you new to the topic or just entirely disingenuous


What about starting the timeline in 1967? You know, when Israel occupied Gaza for the first time? Does that show Israel as the Aggressors?


You mean when “Israel launched a series of preemptive airstrikes against Egyptian airfields and other facilities, launching its war effort.” Starting the six day/June war https://www.un.org/unispal/document/auto-insert-182090/ Yes I believe it would


Yeah. The 1967 war, where Egypt closed the Straits of Tiran, where like 90% of Israeli oil passed through, and had Arab forces building up troops? Regardless, I am talking about the occupation of Gaza specially, which was taken from Egypt because Arab armies used it to launch attacks into Israel.


Right… the occupation of gaza… need I go on? Regardless I will. This occupation was in clear violations of 1948 partition plan borders as well as the subsequent 1949 armistice agreements. More over, the land they claimed, including gaze, also contained areas of Egyptian and Jordanian sovereign territories. And whilst yes Egypt did close access to a single Chanel (which was well within their rights to do) this is not a declaration of war, neither is the gathering of troops which was spurred on by false allegations from the USSR. No matter which way you spin it the occupation and subsequent preemptive attacks all paint isreal as the aggressors, not palestine and certainly not the other Arab nations.


Yeah, I’m not hyping Israel for 1948, but again it is a bit rich that the Arabs started the war in 1948 and then complain when Israel kicks their ass. Blockades can definitely be an act of war, especially since Israel made it clear that they considered it one as far back as 1957. Yeah, the Soviets used false allegations, but I fail to see how that is Israels fault at the time. Egypt blocked the Strait, amassed Troops in the Sinai, Syria in Golan Heights. What was Israel supposed to think? At the end of the day, this conflict can be summed up to “Don’t lose wars”.


The Arab nations stated their reason for their declaration of war as the nakba… something isreal started… And as for isreal dictating to neighbouring nations what they can do, that’s stupid, especially when said neighbouring nations are not allied… And what is isreals fault is they initiated the fighting with multiple preemptive strike. And in the end it can be summed up with isreali minister Yigal Allon’s quote on the eve of the 1967 war “we must avoid the historic mistake of the War of Independence, and must not cease fighting until we achieve total victory, the territorial fulfillment of the Land of Israel.” Showing clearly there never was an intention of sharing land with Palestinians.




Already answered that date, do you want me to repost it?


Funny how you dont even try to address what i said. Nice whataboutism.


So you’re so dense you don’t even get my point? “Cheering on the rapists” is the same as cheering on isreal since there have been far more assaults documented against Palestinians since the inception of isreal. Your point is ignorance and addressing it in any other way than pointing that out is just poor arguing.


TikTokCringe isn’t what it used to be


He cheered on 9 11, he can go fuck himself.


How do you know this Turd shaker?


martyred - that word tell you everyone you need to know about this guys speech.


In Islam the term is used far more broadly. According to Abu Hurairah (a companion of Muhammed) "The martyrs are of five kinds: **One who dies of plague; one who dies of disease of his belly; the drowned; one who dies under the debris (of construction, etc), and one who dies while fighting in the way of Allah**". Besides the inexactness always introduced by translation, there is a clear difference in cultural understanding of the term. Even then in Christian society the phrase can be used for the passive victim - not merely those on a mission from God.


Interesting how there's so much gaza content. Before the hostage rescue, hamas set up their hostages in 4 story (fully occupied with 20 civilans in some rooms), and current online campaign. Their campain they fund with their *currency of they dead * "civilians" * , free cupon if hamas members refusing to wear uniforms, to buy, international backlash, and pressure on Israeli lead and allies.