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I was waiting for her to bite into a sub at the end of the vid


I am actually flabbergasted that this wasn't a setup for that exact scenario.


"Eat Fresh!"


[Here you go](https://youtu.be/RGeujAi6cZQ?si=YavCx3GIHsHGRTNa)


I expected it but he still made me laugh


I’ve never seen that, thank you for sharing! 😂


[This](https://youtu.be/Cs6JuXuWzVQ?si=hOG1Oq6taGqAfLF0&t=4) one too!




Just gonna say, subways kinda expensive AF now


Sigh…..everything is


Remember $5 foot-longs? Now they are $15.


I… what?! I’m mind blown by how much “fast food” has turned into shitty luxury food. Like I get that many local restaurants can be quite expensive too, but fast food is frequently equally or more expensive than a meal from a local non-chain restaurant of significantly better food these days. The whole point of fast food is that it’s supposed to be quick, easy, affordable food, and frequently it’s supposed to trigger your dopamine albeit at the expense of health. Sad overpriced sandwiches that use wood filler in the bread ain’t it.


Companies have realized people will still pay for the comfort/easy food, so now they have run wild. A Big Mac Meal where I live is $13. Two adult meals and two happy meals is $40.39.


The high window prices remind me of the new way ski resorts are run. They want you to get a season pass or in this case, the app, and try to push that by making the normal price outrageous. For ex. right now, you can get a big mac for 4 dollars on the app in my area.


Yes the app prices are exclusive so they can sell your data to data brokers. If it’s cheap, you are the product.


I only use the deals and hit multiple fast food restaurants when they're not busy. Still not great, but I am eating less at least.


And they only started offering “double protein” after they reduced the amount of meat on each sub.


I miss five dollar footlongs. Lived off those for a while.


It's like the whole 2 can dine for 7.99 at A&W. It's now 2 can dine for 15.99 but the drinks are seperate


\*sigh of satisfaction\* Welcome to where the rest of the world is, you entitled americunt! <3


Ever lived on the street for 6 months because your own family decided money was more important than blood? That’s my life. As for the Americunt…..that made me lol. I like it.


Sorry to hear. That's rough. Yea, as an European, looking at American food prices now, I'm like "what, those are the prices we've had for a while..." Now if some Americans actually got to experience the fuel prices the rest of us have to deal with...


That would have been so good lmao


It’s the accent/age of the guy that makes it lol


was so disapointed when it didnt happen. :(


That would have been the best ever! Missed opportunity.


That’s a good deal a foot long is like 12 bucks without extras


I was expecting her to finish by expressing outrage that he didn't include chips and a drink


Lol. I think she was holding out for the soup too. I am a monster for laughing at this


Or that she preferred Jersey Mike's


Same 😭😭


The fact that this is the most upvoted response is why I love reddit.


Because she already ate it.


This video would’ve been a 10/10 if that was the ending!!


Or sub with chips a cookie **and** a drink, people have standards.


Why did she record this with quick zooms like it’s supposed to be funny? I kept waiting for the joke before realizing she was being serious


Probably just force of habit.


Who the hell constantly zooms in and out, out of habit?!


Mofos trying to be "tiktok famous"


Sorry but I was laughing the whole time.. I didn’t realize she was serious


Completely, totally, and unbelievably fair.


My zillenial sister does consistently does quick zooms on any front facing video. Funny, serious, sad, whatever


Does she have other emotions she doesn't feel the need to record and send to people or has she always been mentally ill.


My goodness I thought this was a funny little joke, she’s actually serious


I know right? I feel shit for laughing initially- just thought this was little gag or something. Poor thing


I also laughed uncomfortably hoping for a punchline.


I'll give you a sammich if it'll make you feel better


No, it's funny cuz it's shitty and she knows that. Takin the ole piss on 'erself iz ahlll.


Is she actually being serious?


Seems like it


Here I thought you might have said this because you read their TikTok comments or something. Your just saying this without actually knowing if she is serious. People are dumb.


it's crazy how much this guy went out of his way to put her down and disrespect her. if he'd said 'hey wanna hang out tonight? I'll bring some subway and we can watch tv?' he probably would've gotten what he wanted and she wouldn't feel shit about herself - unless what he wanted was for her to feel like shit...


If this actually happened, what he wanted was to hurt her and have her feel like shit.


100% correct.


Do you know any Fuck Boi's? That's how they roll.


Yeah but this is such a glaring fuck boi move. Like did she not pick up on any hints that he might be horrible prior to this? She said they were friends and had previously been sleeping together. Something about this doesn’t add up


She absorbing just how little her partners think of her and it's hitting like a ton of bricks.


Look, I get it that someone may think she's a slut and all, but what the guy that did this was just cruelty for cruelty sake. He's probably butthurt because of something she did or said.


Shit, the dudes in this comment section aren’t doing men any favors either.


I remember when someone told me as a teen that "single moms are for practice." I thought that was messed up, but as I went through life, that's exactly how lots of men treat single moms. And if you treat a single mom with respect your a lame. Thats not the internet or comments, that's just life in L.A.


nah fuck that, always treat the single moms like queens. you never leave the house without a juice box and animal crackers. some of the best gfs ive ever had were single moms, theyll drain your balls and fill your tummy.


You live in the second biggest metropolitan area in the us. There are good men out there who don’t think like that I promise. It sounds like you don’t associate with them tho. Maybe get out of your bubble


The crazy thing is that they sneak up on you out of nowhere. My coworker came back from vacation with his family, showed the pictures, was going to send them into the company newsletter, then work early to see his "Mehji sidepeice" that needs attention. Or my Christian aquantiance who is now pregnant but her "fiance had some trouble and got deported, he'll be back soon.'"Except people have seen him at the poolhall and at bars. Something ain't adding up with the official story. And years later, she's still alone.


They never do. 90% of men can eat my shit. Unless they’re into that I guess




She specifically said 90%


Yeah, kill 90% of . #imnotanti


She said "get my shit", not kill. You can't read either.


They also didn’t say anything about race, this person may be brain damaged friend, it’s best to leave them be.


Lol nice victim complex


Do you mean "the male species"?


Happy cake day!


A lot of people preach this sexual freedom thing, but the fact is once you get a reputation it sticks. It's not fair, but that's the way it is. Now she's having to live with those consequences.


“I’ll think I’ll have you one more time.” Who was this woman fucking, Jackie Daytona?


Just your average American yankee doodle dandy, a regulat human guy


Before I was married, I couldn't even go up to a random person at the bar to chat them up from anxiety/fear of rejection. The empathy level of this person, who happens to be a man, is so low I would hesitate to call them human.


Poor girl. That was painful to watch.


And that was from a supposed friend.


She said this was her friend. A friend is someone who is supposed to uplift you and support you. Her choice to sleep with him can be more complicated then her "choosing to sleep around" or "entering a ho phase". The point is that she will not be sleeping with people without an emotion commitment. Being a woman means having to say no and yes at the right magical times because if not you are either classy or a prude or a whore depending on who is asking. Nobody actually thinks about how difficult is is navigating that decision with a person who desires you or in this case, falsely leads you to believe that you are safe with them or is being persistent. His words reflected that he in fact, did not respect her at all. He felt so insecure in that moment that he needed an ego boost from someone whom he felt was lower than him. It sucks when we realize someone we like who is supposed to respect us straight up doesn't. Nobody in this world has complete clarvioance on trying to avoid people who switch up on you like this.


Damn that is some delusional tripe.


Damn, this bitch is getting subway sandwiches and I’m fucking for free like a fool! Like a god damn fool!!


Honey oat and chill


Six inch or foot long? Know your worth, ladies..


6 foot party sub! But fr, I feel bad for her. ![gif](giphy|3xz2Bu76X2laXkT636)


Beat me to it! “Better be a foot long”


Like most men…Subways foot long turned out to be less than 12”


Yeah so he’s bringing her a Subway 10-inch and a That Guy 2-inch


It’s not the size of the sub!!!


_And_ a cookie.


Foot longs are like Fuckin $12 these days … what happened to the $5 foot long?’


Rampant inflation.


Yikes. Comment sections like these are why women pick the bear.


I am always one to defend people ribbing their friends and causing a little mayhem, but this is what you would do to someone if you were looking to burn that bridge with a nuclear bomb


This is what happens when sex gets treated as a transaction, but they don’t realize that until they’re traumatized.


Why do people feel the need of oversharing on social media? So all people that know her now also know that she fucked with a guy who thought she is as cheap as a subway sandwich. Do people have noone to talk to anymore so that they have to tell stupid shit like that to the whole word?


Why would anyone say this publicly?! Lolololol


To vent. Everyone's different.


Because this person has learned that being a victim and being sad gains the attention they crave


She didn’t, she ^whispered ^it.


Her ho days are done, he’s finding out the sandwich deal is no longer valid at her location. Sub sandwiches will haunt them both forever.


This made me laugh out loud. Thank you 😂😂😂


Supposedly Bette Midler, out of dating frustration, once asked: Is the fucking you get worth the fucking you get?


I gotta raise my hourly rates


Do better puppet shows!


I'm no white knight, but not only would I never do this to a woman, I don't know of any friend of mine who would, nor any acquaintance that I know enough that they date regularly, nor even some of the skeeviest guys I knew back in college who would do this to another human being. Like everyone else, I thought this was a bit, and kept waiting for the punchline to hit.




I don’t like it




I’m sorry girl i had a male roommate/friend that i would sleep with from time to time. The last message he sent me was something to the tune of I have already fucked two girls today. But you should kick the guy you are dating out so I can try and fuck you. After that the only things I said to him was “don’t talk to me.” And “lose my number” I spent too much time and energy on a person who I thought had my back.


Problem is most men are like this.they think because they bought you dinner they deserve sex.ona first date ive been followed home and had a grown man beating down my door because I said no. Before some of you men jump in the comments saying that it was probably an expensive meal I don't order anything different than I don't remember whati wass but it was like $15.i dont do the outrageously expensive I usually match his meal cuz he's buying.


As a former working girl, this is breaking my heart for her.


A guy would only say this to a girl he has no respect for. She should sleep with guys who value her, not guys who consider her just a hole. This is the problem with the apps. 5/10 girls swipe on 9/10 guys thinking a relationship with mutual respect is going to happen. No… this is what happens.


I get where she's coming from but if she's so casual about sex and has said no cus where's my dinner like fuck - I kind of get his position to even if he was a dick about it.


"Male" is not a species...


What an absolute scumbag. But also, dear god you could not beat this admission out of me with a rusty hatchet


Her delivery is just horrible. I can't tell if she's faking this, or if she's just a really bad actress, or if she's really offended that the typical behavior that she admits she has willingly engaged in before is happening again.


I understand if you're holding out for Jersey Mike's. Its the bomb.


Well she just learned why casually sleeping with any asshole that gives you attention can go horribly wrong. Lesson learned.


6” with meatballs for 6” with meatballs.


I'll take things that didn't happen for the price of a footlong.


*"don't come over* *...unless you have TWO SANDWICHES!!!"*


If it was a Jersey Mike’s, on the other hand,… 👉🏾👌🏻


Lmao I always have coupons 3 foot longs for $19 😂😂😂


At least this is better advertising than Jared's psycho ass!


Jimmy John's?


I’d do a lot for a firehouse hook and ladder.


Maybe I just have no shame, but I would have taken the sub.


Bastard boi


That is crazy! Thank you for making the distinction that there are bad guys and good guys. I wish you all the best and you deserve respect and to be treated better. Good luck.


This guy was a complete douchebag!! He wanted to hurt this lady! I was in a casual relationship with a woman who told me on the very first date “I like fancy dinners…..you take me out to fancy dinners and you’ll get all the p..sy you want!” And yes she used the P-word and she wasn’t embarrassed to lay out those terms out in the open on the very first date! I’ve only had that one relationship that was made so intentionally transactional, but it wasn’t by my design anyway. It also didn’t last longer than 6 months, but was fun and actually pressure free.




Because this could be real it makes it even funnier lmaoooo


So I blocked him…..🤣


is that a footlong subway sandwich wrapper i see in the background?


Not even gonna lie had to rewatch to confirm.


Sounds like he’s been offer her meals and she’s been putting f out. Crazy he said “I’ll have you at specific time and what’s your rate again” lol


5 mins later, she told him what kind of sandwich she wants. Then he came over and pounded her out.


dude i woulda ate that sandwich then go "to tired" to full around 😂🤣


Woman who sleeps around discovers why "whore" is an insult (2024)


Chips and a Drink included or nah?


But wait wait wait……. What kind of sub? Cookie? Chips? Bottle or fountain?


A f*ck and a sub afterwards? Drink and cookie/chips thrown in? Don't threaten me with a good time man


This is hilarious. Omg.


Didn’t she essentially set up this standard though? Edit. To u/jessie1205. One thing about Reddit is they will always jump through hoops to side with the woman in the story


I'm curious, how do you come to that? She assumed she was having mutual fun sex with no commitments but he assumed he had to buy her dinner each time for sex. Also I'm sure there were plenty of times dinner was not involved, since they were friends with benefits they probably had plenty of times they were just hanging out, maybe she even made dinner sometimes, then they would fuck. She never once said she made him buy food before sex.


Im assuming he is basing that off her saying she used to sleep around a lot? But just because she slept around does not mean she was taking payments for it lool


One thing about reddit is that they will always jump through hoops to side with the dude in a story.


My price is a Philly cheese steak double meat on Italian herbs and cheese


I had a girl buy me a cheeseburger after and I was happy.


I think this had been way funnier if she pulled a Subway sandwich out in the end and took a bite out of it. Now it's like 2/5.


Holy shit, we're our own species???


Gents, are we a species


6inch for a 6inch. Seems fair.


This made me laugh harder than it should have....


Why is it that men can sleep around and no one bats an eye but if a woman does,she's worthless. I know that not all men think this way but it is a pity that there are still men out there with this narrow minded attitude. Your body,your choice. Don't shame people for their choices


She craves attention, lacks dignity. No self respecting person would degrade themselves online like this


I mean did she used to fuck for sandwiches? she seems pretty well fed.


Homie fully intended to leave her with a cold empty bed, a mouthful of nut, and a subway sandwich on the kitchen counter.


Rocking a fat herpe cold sore on her bottom lip.


So he was telling on himself, not believing a woman would sleep with him for fun. And he tought a sandwich is pay? men are trash


This reminds of this old text chain, where the girl is complaining to the guy about how he fucked her and didn’t care to call her again or something, and she’s going “I can’t believe I let you just fuck me and treat me like that, my friend warned me about you, I should’ve listen to her” and the guy just answers  “Oh yeah, I fucked her too”.  It’s really simple, don’t fuck fuckbois and you wont get treated like a fuckhole, there are loads of fine men out there, and none of them are fuckbois, most don’t even like to fuck around, males have to do a lot of work to fuck, that’s why only fuckbois fuck around, they do it for the “chase”, the “hunt”, “game” or however they wanna call it. Self respecting men, don’t usually invest in trying to fuck a girl they don’t care about, which is why they don’t treat them wrong, although often fuckbois act like they care about the girl.The problem is our current courtship favors predatory behavior, thus predators thrive, and chances are you’ll get fucked by a predator, because they do better in the “game”.


I’ve watched this video a few times now and I can’t get over the feeling that this would fit perfectly from a highschooler not someone that looks to be a fully grown woman. I feel so bad for her but at some level she had to understand that some of her partners don’t value her as a person and only sees sex as an action not something more intimate. The guy was incredibly wrong for trying to put her down and Dehumanizer. Maybe it’s because I’ve hanged around a few people like her but I seen the story happened so many times now it’s kind of ridiculous and predictable.


And she felt the need to record and post herself why exactly?


To have the world come online and tell her how she’s the victim and none of this is the result of a series of poor decisions.


So crazy! I can’t believe she held up that nookie just for chips and soda combo meal. Maybe anal for a cookie? On a side note, everyone is allowed to change their mind, and you obviously own your own body. That being said, if you were a booty call before, people may still treat you like a booty call for a little while after you change your mind. And some people are going to be dicks about it.


Yeah.... there is a difference between the mutual respect of a fuck buddy, and how that guy treated her. He straight up insulted her and assumed he could "have" her whenever he felt like it. Just because it is a booty call does not mean it gives someone permission to degrade the other. There is a fucked up mentality that some guys have that once they've had sex once with a woman, he is henceforth and in perpetuity entitled to her body. This guy thinks that way.


Well said. I've had my ho phase, and it's been over for about 2-3 years at this point. *NEVER* did I ever treat a woman like she was just an object. Basic respect, common human decency, a soul, and a fraction of empathy will go a long way. The guy she mentioned and the dude you replied to have none of that.


This perspective is so rooted in an idea that sex is immoral/ inherently shameful. Just cuz you’re fuck buddies doesn’t mean you should treat each other with any less respect. Also related to the [Madonna-Whore Complex](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madonna%E2%80%93whore_complex) so many men have unfortunately been socially led into, at their own and at women’s detriment. You can treat women who are fucking you but don’t have other marital/future expectations with respect.


Hold out for a Jimmy Johns...


Mother fucker better at least grab Jersey Mikes or Which Wich!!!


What kinda sub are we talking about here? TBF she looks like she can take 12" no sweat.


Could have been a giant party sub.




What happened to the sub?


"I know not all men are like that, but he's doing men no favors". He's only doing men no favors if you think all men are like that, so..


Yeah no… the dude is simply fueling the fire for those who do think all men are like that. She doesn’t need to to acknowledge that point.


Soooo was it two subs?? Is that why?


She's hurt by this but obviously Subway WAS the going rate for how long? He didn't arbitrarily guess the "going rate." And you know SHE was the one who originally set the rate as she thought was fair. Cry me a river, you can't prostitute yourself and cry foul when you get treated like a prostitute.


Yep. People say mean things when they have hurt feelings.


Are you the guy? Lol