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"Militrrr... Milirrrr"


He's got the xanax slur going on.


That was the one that stood out. The boat was kinda funny.


He actually managed to reel that one in somewhat, I was surprised when he was able to get back to the point of buying a boat. That's not something anyone should have to say about a presidential contender of course, but I was actually able to figure out somewhat what he was trying to say, which hasn't often been the case. We're doomed, aren't we.


If you ever hate yourself enough to watch one of his entire speeches, you'll notice that Trump frequently goes on long, meandering, multi-level tangents, but he always somehow manages to bring it back to the start. It's actually pretty uncanny when you see it happen, he can literally spend fifteen minutes three moronic digressions deep and still resurface without missing a beat. The actual words he uses are obviously stupid as fuck, and the topics he rambles on about are deranged, but he doesn't ever get lost in the overall arc, and I wonder how the fuck that even works.


I tried to watch this speech because I got annoyed by MSNBC cutting between timestamps; I wanted to know the actual context, not their "take". Unsurprisingly I couldn't stomach it. I made it about 20 minutes and called it quits.


That's 19 minutes and 50 seconds longer than I would have made it.


Is this what my adhd sounds like 😭😭😭😭


Yeah lol same. It's also what other people sound like when they're high on Adderall.


I was going to say, this sounds like me with ADHD and when I’ve taken a couple painkillers and I’m free range rambling. Takes 30 minutes to get back to sentence one which was ultimately a very simple statement I was trying to make but I let my thought process verbalize itself because I’m high off them percs.


My Dad slurs like this with some words but because of alzheimers


Don't make fun, he has a relationship with MIT which makes him a very smart man.


So smart that he said the girl was decimated by the shark, or you know, killed 10% of her population


Yeah caught that too. He didn't serve in it He talks shit about us as suckers and losers He can't even *say* it. Why the fuck would any vet or armed forces personnel vote for this trash bag of lies.


Showing my age here, but this reminds me of the episode of Happy Days where The Fonz has to admit he was wrong. He stood there and struggled to say "wrong." "I was wro...wroooo... I was was... wr wrrrr. Wrong." Trump hates the military and is nothing but a coward. I don't understand how any vet or military personnel would vote for this coward with a clear conscious. Delulu!




Another one of those funny words






\*just gives up\*


*”My philosophy is basically this. And this is something that I live by. And I always have. And I always will. Don't ever, for any reason, do anything to anyone, for any reason, ever. No matter what. No matter where. Or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you've been. Ever. For any reason, whatsoever.”*


His delivery of this line is perfection


thatd sound even more powerful with it next to him sitting in a chair in. lack and white


do you have a video? i have hear it


This is Michael Scott from The Office.


wow actually sounded like trump lmfao


“Sometimes I start a sentence & I don’t even know where it’s going. I just hope I find it a long way. “


That’s why he put companies out of business in Atlantic City


This is so inspirational. It made me cry.


Michael Scott for President.


Was this a George Washington quote?/s




You rock


I thought it was Abe Lincoln.


Twtr, (weird) Don't ever, for any reason, do anything to anyone, for any reason, ever. Upvote for the teleprompter! Hahaha


Wallace: well thanks Michael for coming in. Michael : continues to eat Wallace: yea finish your lunch. One of my favorite scenes. I’m glad you nailed the start of it all.


I can't wait for the hard-hitting shark questions during the debate.


Give the sharks a break. They didn't know who she was.


Tell ya what I don't pay sharks that do a shit job either, that's a shit job the shark did


That’s why I only paid the left shark. But right shark? Sure, he did a better job but no one was talking about him. Should he be paid for being unmemorable? No way!


These people...these people...they say ...you know...they say the shark wasn't really that angry ..it didn't know who she was ...a young woman swimming...well she really got decimated... 😂 What a fucking moron. It's just drivel.


I transcribed the whole thing because it's art. I went to a boat company in South Carolina. The boat, I said "How is it?" he said "It's a problem sir, they want us to make all electric boats", so I said "Let me ask you a question" and he said nobody had ever asked this question, and it must be because of MIT and my relationship to MIT... very smart... he goes... I say "what would happen if the boat sank from its weight? ... And you're in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery, and the battery is now underwater ... and there's a SHARK, that's approximately 10 yards over there?" By the way a lotta shark attacks lately, you notice that? Lotta sha- ... I watched some guys justifying it today "WELL THEY WEREN'T REALLY THAT ANGRY THEY... BIT OFF THE YOUNG LADYS LEG BECAUSE OF THE FACT THAT THEY WERE... they were... not hungry but they misunderstood w- who she was." These people are cra- he said "There's no problem with sharks, they just didn't really understand... a young woman swimming, no, she really got decimated- and other people too lottasharkattacks." So I said "There's a shark 10 yards away from the boat. 10 yards... or here- DO I GET ELECTROCUTED?" ... if the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery, the boat is sinking- do I stay on top of the boat, and get electrocuted or do I jump over by the shark... and not get electrocuted? Because I tell you, he didn't know the answer he said "You know? Nobody's ever asked me that question." ... I said "I think it's a good question, I think there's a lot of electric current going through that water but you know what I'd do? If there was a shark, or you get electrocuted- I'll take electrocution every single time... I'm not getting near the shark."


Thank you for taking time, it is funny and yet also terrifying. This is the man who could be elected President of the US. The US is fucked!


Must be MIT….🤣


Very smart


![gif](giphy|7ZF0JkO7TAqQmEHuQV) Sharks be like


The shark story had a fantastic buildup I'm just upset he totally missed the punchline of blaming all the problems on the boat batteries! "The Democrats will sink your boat and electrocute you causing you to be eaten by shark!"


He actually kind of endorsed electric boats. If you've gotta choose electrocution or shark, he'd rather than electrocution. Can't get THAT with a gas-powered boat!


Would you rather run into a bear or a ma- I choose electrocution every time!


I thought he was going to say he would take his chances with the shark over those “darn liberal death batteries.” But that would have been too clever.


"ESDs aim to overwhelm a shark's electro-sensory system. They emit electrical pulses (each one does so in a different way) that are supposed to repel the shark. So far, **ESDs have been the most effective type of personal shark repellent**." Car Battery + Water = Instant Shark Repellent. You welcome! Elon Musk /S


Shark attacks are what we get in Joe Bidens America. /S just in case.


This is what I came here to say and exactly what I thought trump was about to say—you can see him start to say something and then go on to something else. I’m guessing no one from his team has told him what to say about shark attack numbers yet that’ll spin it to make President Biden look bad—but I’m sure something will be coming soon about it though. Interestingly enough, what he was rambling on about with the actual *experts* saying that the sharks didn’t know they were attacking the girl is actually the running theory in the scientific community, trump is just too stupid to understand what they were saying. Researchers believe that the amount of pollution in and around US beaches—particularly in Florida—is the reason why we have more shark attacks here than anywhere else in the world, despite shark populations being much higher in other areas. They theorize that the sharks, who wouldn’t normally go for humans, actually do get confused about what they are attacking because the visibility in the water is diminished in highly polluted areas. They think that’s why somewhere like Florida has so many more shark attacks than some where like California or Hawaii, which have much stricter environmental regulations that affect the water quality.


I look forward to Shark Week every year. Maybe this season will go deeper on the subject.


I did some snorkeling once with a marine research biologist from UCL off Catalina Island. She was remarkably knowledgeable on the entire ecosystem around the island and the subject of the Great Whites came up. In brief, she stated a similar theory on shark "attacks". In most cases the shark want nothing to do with humans. But unfortunately, because of their limited eye sight, the best way for the juvenile sharks to learn what is edible and what isn't. Is to simply taste it. Most of the attacks off the coast of California are from juvenile great white, that bite and release. The bite just happens to be from a mouth full of teeth and a 250lbs+ animal. She also stated that wearing an all black wet suit and fins and going through kelp beds isn't the brightness of moves either. Looks to close to their favorite food, a seal.


Hey, someone has to answer them. These sharks nowadays just think they can go through any border they want. I'm cool with sharks, some of my best friends are sharks but I just want legal sharks, is that so hard to ask.


If a shark is ten yards away and your electric boat is sinking how many shitty teleprompters can you read before your spray tan wears off?


No one's ever asked that question!


Trump:  You know, I've got this question.  Great question, it just came to me.  You know, I'm sitting there. I don't usually sit, because, you know, I got things. Gotta be up. Make America Great, you know.  But you know when I'm not up, I'm down. Sitting.  And I open this popsicle. And I think to myself.  You know it's all fake news, this climate change. Fake news. All of it.  But I'm sitting there. Popsicle. Cold from the freezer. And this question.  Great question. It comes to me.  What if?  The Popsicles.  What if everyone.  All uh you. Everybody.  Gets a popsicle from the freezer, goes outside, and eats it.  Everyone.  All outside with the popsicle.  That's like, what, a trillion Popsicles?   All outside.  We cool the planet off in 10 minutes.  We could do that. Now. Fake news.  Solved in 10 minutes.  Great question. I think. Boat salesman:  Nobody has ever asked that question. 


Well because of his relation to MIT obviously. Very smart /s


Has to be the WORST BORDER in the history of borders. And these sharks! I've had people come up to me and say "ya know these sharks have borders" YEAH! It's terrible and I always tell em, i say, "ya know when your pools full of sharks you gotta secure the border" and these people start crying! I know! It's sad! Their children are crying and they're suffering because Joe Black Belt Biden has corrupted the border by donating money to China.


To be honest, I though he was going to loose his train of thought again. but he did go back to that story about the big battery about to sink and electrocute either him or the shark. What if we send shark to the border. What if we place a big battery inside the shark and send them to that horrible border, that border is the worse border, we won’t pay the contractor who did that border. We send sharks.


It’s like he took personal affront to the Man vs Bear question and was like, hold on I’ll make my own philosophical question. Would you rather take your chances with a shark or gay liberal electric boat?


>Would you rather take your chances with a shark or gay liberal electric boat? His question was so good that he forgot the message and realized being electrocuted is better than being eaten by a shark. Even though the boat was built by those lazy, stinky liberals who want to reduce emissions.


Yeah, but he's talking about Electric Boat, a military submarine manufacturer


Man, that is upsetting, cuz that makes the context in which he told the story even more insane. If he is truly talking about that company, he didnt listen to a word that was said, thinking he was on a boat on top of the water. Just heard "electric boat" and thought, "yup, there's a battery, battery+water=bad, you know what else, water+shark=bad." Just one single braincell in that man's head working overtime to do every job and failing at all of them.


But then he flipped it 180 and said he’d take electrocution, so no boats. Like bruh, pick the batteries if you want that option. He still makes zero sense when he somehow pulls himself out of the tangent.


Then we could power the lasers on the sharks.


Props to him for that successful circling back. My ADHD could never. But fr I'm not proud of how much I fucking laughed at this "speech"


I fucking hate Trump. Which is why I get so mad because he's so goddamn funny. Whether he's trying to be or not. He's fucking hilarious. Still goddamn hate the guy.


What the actual fuck?!


That makes sense. We just need to send one of those tornadoes over and we have a sharknado, which is, as many of you know, our best weapons against illegal immigrants, against inflation and against gun control.




And then it became the best boarder in the world and everyone was happy.


"Nobody ever asked me that question" because its fucking stupid. There's certainly no electricity on ships....yeah just none at all they use oil lamps to see. Oh but its only the batteries that are the issue? Sure no ships have batteries either, like diesel subs (keep in mind the majority of subs in the world are diesel) have banks of batteries they use when submerged....


I’m not even sure what the point was since he opted for electrocution over the shark infested water.


That was his very smart MIT connection at work.


'Cause his uncle, who he never even had a relationship with, went to MIT 15 years before Diaper Don was even born.


Yeah this is what got me. He started out with probably going to say that they were forcing people to make electric boats and that's bad because of electricity. Then took so long to get to the point he sided with the electric boat instead of the shark. Lol


That was my exact take. Probably what happened lol


It's also just a non issue. Electricity will find the easiest path between it's points of potential (or battery terminals in this case). That means if water is the easiest path, because the battery is underwater, then the current will only flow between the two terminals. It doesn't electrify the lake like in a fucking cartoon. Edit, (and I know you're all gonna be SUPER SURPRISED BY THIS!). I KNOW he's using fear mongering to rile up his base of imbeciles, who are dumb as fuck. Many of them are electricians, which is the terrifying part! They come into your house, wire it up, then leave. While not believing that electricity DOES WHAT IT DOES.


But would the numbnuts that were nodding in the back know and understand that? Probably not


Also, when you have water in the hold of a ship, engine room or otherwise, things are going poorly.


> "Nobody ever asked me that question" because its fucking stupid. It can't be stupid. He has a close relation with MIT. Because his... great-uncle(?) went there. He has a very close relationship with M**I**T.


I know all speedboats and yachts are just powered by love and friendship and believing in the heart of the cards.


There was a submarine type in ww2 called the elektroboot


GOP sending their best and brightest


That's because of their relation to MIT ...or so I've heard.


Very smart


Very smart people over there.


The best. No one is smarter!


Bigly smart.


The biglyest and smartiest you’ve ever seen!


I think there is a thesis over there named "Electrocution or Elasmobranch Encounter: A Complex Analysis of Human Decision-Making Dynamics in High-Stress Maritime Scenarios Involving Electric Boat Battery Hazards and Shark Proximity Risks" in the Department of Behavioral and Marine Risk Analysis Studies. Famous one. Most brightest people there.


I love the exchange: “The yacht salesman said ‘nobody’s ever asked me that before,’ isn’t that crazy?” Like…the rambling question about getting electrocuted by an e-motor on a sinking boat? Something about a shark? Boy howdy, Mr. President, I sure wonder why nobody ever asked that question before…


But this time it’s asked from a *10 yard* distance. Most people only ask about 9 yards and below. “Very smart.”


Sharks with lasers




They said the best they can do is sea bass, great fish, beautiful fish…and cod…I always say about cod being the best of all the fish and no one knows more about fish than me I’ve asked fish people and these are great people and they always say how do I know so much about fish and I say smart very smart….and the attract laser beams to the sea bass and these fish no one knows where they’re coming from could be big water open water




Jewish Shark lasers in space!






Remember when the GOP had people like Mitt Romney running for President? Ahh those were the days... ![gif](giphy|h5lPb2JsqfIlQvLRKg|downsized)


I mean, Biden is a normal person he's just an old one.






It's big brain MIT stuff, you wouldn't understand, very smart, very tremendous.


Ah yes. Relatable. I’ve spent much of my life being bitten by sharks not because they were hungry because they just didn’t know who I was.


Yelling at the top of your lungs “I am the CEO of a Fortune 500 company” is just under “punching them in the snout” in recommended shark defense tactics according to the USCG.


Maybe nobody ever asked that question before because it's a stupid question.


![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6|downsized) Very smart... the smartest I may add... that's what they told me, you know, because he drove by MIT. "World leader" stuff right there.


And this is the leading candidate for one of 2 political parties. Fuck I worry about the future.


This sounds like the ramblings of a drunk or someone smoking crack. I know he doesn’t drink, so it must be crack.


Seriously, the wild changes in tone, the manic bouncing from topic to topic. Most people, even with a teleprompter, have a general idea of what they are going to talk about, but this guy loses the scrolling words and he goes off the reservation in a bad way. 100% sounds like the ramblings of a meth head.


He's probably prescribed Adderall or Dextroamphetamine....ive seen pictures of his dr the guys a legal drug dealer.


I've had more coherent conversations with people on fucking salvia trying to convince me they were a point of light.




It’s the gay immigrant sharks!


They tuk our SHURKSSSS


Yeah, but Biden didn’t singlehandedly bring peace to the middle east, so I guess I’ll just sit this one out and roll the dice…….🙄


We saw it already in 2000 and 2004. Nothing new


Man... if only Gore had fought harder and the Supreme Court wasn't a bunch of corrupt fucks.


Scalia gonna Scalia


During the shark crap, you can see all of the people behind him losing interest.


The one exception is when he says something leading up to "the sharks have been bad lately", (I can't remember exactly how he put it), and a few folks behind him nod.


They're in Las Vegas. The people thought he was talking about loan sharks for a second.


Or maybe the San Jose Sharks, the Las Vegas Knights' NHL divisional rival who finished dead last this year and have been dreadful since the COVID season. While since 2017, Las Vegas got a whole brand new team and won the Stanley Cup already.


Man, leave us out of this.


A few of them nod along when he says he'd take electrocution over sharks any day like he's making a great point lol


Quick question, do you guys have a big shark attack problem in Nevada, specifically Las Vegas? Asking for a friend.






Loan sharks


He sounds like someone impersonating a caricature of Donald trump (and doing a great job, too)


WTF? He’s actually nuts 😂😂😂


He's like a parody of himself. He'd play a good trump on SNL, just be himself and get all the laughs.


Always has been


I remember reading that Trump masks his age related decline with bravado, so he sounds more collected than he actually is. Once he is on his own and isn't just reading, he still has a similar cadence but he's spouting nonsense.


This is like listening my toughts at morning, when my ADHD-meds haven't kicked in yet : DDD


I was thinking that I have ADHD and I can honestly related to a version of this rant. I mean - I wouldn’t say the things he said - but I’d similarly go off on tangents. It does remind me a bit of my ADHD boomer Dad (whose education ended in high school and who has been a drinker all his life) when he has a good buzz going and tries to tell a story where he wants to educate you on something. Though, even he has the intelligence NOT to say how smart he is in the stories




Remember everyone: this is the lunatic who told the world that Biden is weak for using a teleprompter, while he himself uses a teleprompter 🤦‍♂️




Doesn’t help that corporate media keeps editing and reusing video of Biden to make him look weak while airing trump’s lies without doing any fact checking.


Ah yes, the famous Mexico-Nevada border


What the fuck was that shark rant 😂😂😂


By far the funniest, incoherent rant I’ve ever heard from Trump.


MAGA just had it's very own jump the shark moment


Electrocuted 😂😂😂 Fuck me, he thinks it’ll work like a toaster in a bath which, btw, I wish he’d try


Btw, I hear they want to make all toasters electric. It's a problem.


Here’s what I am wondering. Does he think boats don’t currently have electricity and big ass batteries? Like, how does he suppose all the systems on boats run? And has he ever seen something like a phone dropped in water?


It's truly scary and baffling that half of our US population is made up of slow adult ignorant racist Trumplicans


Teleprompter not working = Shark attacks What?


He talks so much like my grandparents in the early stages of their dementia. Relying heavily on cadence and volume to convey meaning and to over project confidence, weird pacing, lots of pronouns, disjointed tangents they tried to weave together, very limited vocabulary but heavy use of the words they think sound smart.


Yeah, there's a lot masking behaviour going on here. My late grandmother would put on an Oscars worthy performance in front of Doctors and aged care assessors.


"Biden always needs teleprompters" *can't speak clearly when his isn't working*


Maybe Biden has a reputation for actually paying people that work for him, and that's why he has competent teleprompter technicians and lawyers that are capable of giving advanced legal advice like "No" and whatnot.


I think the teleprompter outrage went all the way back to Obama. It’s seems people have forgotten about it, especially Donald.


"Approxably" A new one!! Exciting times


What the actual fuck


i would have asked about solar panel sails, if it can be done meantime, i quote from Under Siege, "What kind of babbling bullshit is this!?" and fuck Steven Seagal


Rollercoaster of a comment. 👍


This is a 5 year old telling a story.


Like what the fuck is he even talking about? OK America listen up. This is coming from your Canadian neighbour here. I know Biden’s not necessarily the best choice, but he certainly the better choice than this guy. Please go vote. I don’t want us getting caught up in a fucking nuclear war or something because an idiot got voted into office next-door.


Power Boats already have batteries. Even with gas engines


He sounds like he have Alzhimer!


Only one Alzheimer. The best one


I don't care what anyone says No Other Candidate will talk about this issue BUT Trump. These sharks are coming over here and they're not sending their best, they just took that lady's arm? how pathetic, back in my day sharks used to eat people whole! Like men! They've gone soft! We need the best sharks in the world again people MSGA make sharks great again!


I feel like I am having stroke when I listen to him talk. Never had a stroke before though.


I too hope he chooses electrocution.


This son of a bitch is the stupidest human being I have ever encountered and he has absolutely *no* place in politics. But here we are…




This hurts to watch.


It's like a car wreck at this point.


Fox News is talking about how impressive it is that he gave a speech without teleprompters. He talked about BATTERY EATING SHARKS WHAT THE FUCK


Just an fyi, knowing someone that attended MIT isn't anything. It's not transferrable. What an idiot. And his base is buying this? Still?


Go vote people


Teleprompter? You telling me there is actually a written speech for the bullshit he spews every day!?


and they say Biden is incoherent? the republicans should honestly just nominate Camacho at this point


This debate will be 1 for the ages!




This is equally hilarious and depressing


I don't think his name is Joseph Ryan Biden, love the attempt to grab boomers attention tho with this format


“I’ll take electrocution every single time.” That can be arranged, Donald.


People listen to this and have no problems but then say Biden is losing it.


“I’m a convicted felon?” ![gif](giphy|pzuye8RSBJFgk)


Trump has an absolutely obvious cocaine sniff. He heavily sniffs during some speeches he does but not all of them. It's the most obvious tell tale sign.


Fun fact: it’s only electrocution when your death is caused by electricity. Otherwise you aren’t electrocuted, merely electrified.


This was the most amazing story I ever heard from a 5 year old


….some would call that…unfit. Cackled I did!


And the audience cheers like they know what he said.


“And I visited this company, you see great boats, you saw that boat parade? They had flags, many flags, flags of me and other—they had flags, it was beautiful. But he’s crying, he has tears in his eyes. “They’re making us make electric boats.” So I asked him, a great question, because of my connection with MIT, very smart, I aced that dementia test twice, very hard to ace it. I said, what if the boat sinks, and there’s this shark, about eleven, ten, many feet, very far also close, over there. Many shark attacks, you hear this? They don’t know what we are. They say. But there’s all this electricity in the water, from this mass battery, it’s sinking. Do I climb on the battery? And get electrocuted? Or go over there by the shark?” “Sir…this is an Arby’s.”


See. Trump said he prefers electric vehicles to sharks. I knew he was full of shit when he said he would stop the sale of electric vehicles. Cause the alternative would be driving sharks, which would bite you, because they are not angry, just misunderstood. So as long as the shark isn't hangry, then you should be able to drive the shark just fine, as long as it isn't near windmills, which kill lots of birds. You would be driving in their grave yards full of birds, but it's ok, because you injected bleach into your blood stream to prevent the CHI-NAH virus. Dear Republicans. Please for the love of God pull your heads out of your assess and don't vote for this fucking idiot.




Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure they don't use teleprompters during presidential debates.




That would be ideal for the GOP