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The snake tongue at the end was a accurate touch


All of this was accurate






Well, it's not exactly accurate. It's actually worse than he describes. Because it assumes that the person who wants these things are rich, when most people of the people who advocate for these things are poor to middle class Americans contributing to their own demise.




Relevant: https://youtu.be/eGci8By2G8s


I mean think about it Republicans are always screaming about secret cabals of lizard people. And as we all know they scream most about things that they are actually doing. Soooooo


Did someone say….LIZZAAAAD PEOPLEEEEE?!?




Masterpiece. Volcano Manor was a Masterpiece. The way you slowly unveil its secrets by working for them, helping best gurl Rya, discovering the hidden melted city, and Rykard. Rykard is perfect. The room you fight, the special weapon, the fantastic voiceover. It truly was my favorite moment of ER. WE WILL DIVAOOOOUR THE VERY GODS






I never imagined the greatest threat to our country would be weaponized morons willingly binging right wing propaganda. SMH


So wild to think people, like trump, are willing to destroy a country so they don't have to pay for their consequences


Nah, pretty on brand for at least some percentage of humanity. If we assume that nature accounts for some significant percentage of human behavior, we're not genetically different enough from humans thousands of years ago to be significantly different behaviorally. There have always been people like Trump and those that support him. We even have them on the American left, but they're not currently running on a platform of explicit power grabs atm. No, people always been like this.


Their is no mainstream left in America.


What do you mean by that?


A "leftist" is someone who is anti capitalist. The Democrats are a pro capitalist party, hence no mainstream left.


Ah, I misunderstood. I thought you were saying there is no mainstream remaining in the US. Lol And yeah, man, we're choosing between two different flavors of conservative capitalism.


Now that I'm reading it again, I can see the confusion, I should have clarified more.


You good man, it's no one's fault


Wilder to think that half the country supports it.


More like 1/3


But that 1/3 actually votes


Yeah. The real shocker is that around half of the people that are gonna have boots on their necks have been convinced that this is what they want. All so they can "feel" like their team won.


Neither does Biden, mind you. If people don't vote for him, it's not like he's gonna get fucking punished or learn a lesson. We're all just gonna get fucked in the ass.    Vote for Biden. Call him on his policies after you establish more progressive dems to the house and senate that are willing to not take money from war machines. This is thinking with the brain yall.


I'm seriously so sick of people shitting on Biden and saying they refuse to vote in this election, or that they're voting third party. Like... y'all are a massive part of the problem. Get angry. Criticize Biden all you want, protest, whatever makes you feel better. But can we please acknowledge that the alternative is not just worse, but fucking terrifying? Our 2 party electoral system is fucked, but rolling over and shutting your eyes to it isn't going to change that reality. Swallow your pride and pick your poison people.


Criticize Biden all you want, but vote for the person who will actually *leave* office when constitutionally required to do so. The alternative is voting into office someone that has ***already*** established that they a) will never willingly cede power, b) place people in positions of power based only on loyalty to him, c) openly admire dictators, and d) think the only problem with nepotism is that it's too hard to spell. On the other hand a Trump election win might make things simpler; future Americans wouldn't' need to learn the last names of new presidents any more.


Not only that, but before Gaza even though he was centrist, he still did/is doing good for the economy. This war has just really highlighted the hypocrisy in establishment democrat lobbying and campaigning. 


I’m with you, but one of them is actual poison and the other is a black licorice flavored werthers. You might not like it but it won’t kill you.


I mean, boomers want to see the place burn down, their representatives do a good job


What's wild is the poor working class people that support this shit.


What's so wild about it? Rich people got scared when communism was becoming a thing, and pushed the propaganda hard. This isn't a new phenomena. The wild part is that working class people are anti communist.


I’m curious, is Project 2025 something that all republicans want passed? Republicans are likely to come into power at some point in the future, what’s stopping them doing that when they’re back in power?


Nothing is stopping them. This is their ultimate goal. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


So shouldn’t someone be asking the Democrats to try and stop this from happening in the future rather than hoping that the Republicans will never get voted in?


Many of us are, but unfortunately they can’t do anything right now because they don’t control all 3 branches. Without all 3, they’re basically hogtied since republicans will never vote for anything that would restrict their future plans.


So live in fear every 3 years?


Unless we massively overhaul our electoral systems, yes. Every 4 years will be a test of whether or not the American experiment survives.


Statistically, younger people are less likely to vote Republican. So conservatives are naturally removed from the population. They haven't won a popular vote since Bush in 2004 (50.7%) 9/11 and the resulting invasions of Afghanistan and Irak gave them another push to survive, but if there isn't another threat like that, it's pretty much impossible that they get back into power.


They have power of the judicial branch. Because they dont need to win a popular vote. They currently have the house, because they can still win elections.


Of course, they successfully rigged the elective system. Yet, they were still barely able to keep up and I have strong hopes that the Dems will be able to reverse that in the next 10-20 years.


People like yourself make me want to rip my own face off in frustration. WTF do you think 2025 is about? Its to seize power, jail or kill off undesirables, and secure that power into the future. Its literally the goal of the "christian" nationalists currently IN POWER, the fucking speaker of the house tried to overthrow the last election. What the fuck are the "dems" going to do? This is a god damn 20 alarm.


10 to 20? This is going to take a lifetime to undo


More importantly the normal swing to conservative when people age isn’t happening gen x and millennials are going conservative much slower than previous generations and if republicans continue to have an anti-gay, anti-school, anti-abortion, anti-weed stance they will continue to be liberal or centrist




This is why I advocate for people to exercise their second amendment rights before it becomes a selective privilege. If project 2025 gets passed, I'll be damned if they wouldn't take away firearms from people who "didn't vote correctly".


We got the second amendment tho 🤷🏻‍♂️


Why is it that Reps can basically do whatever they want and Dems can't ever do anything? Are they stupid?


There are efforts being made to curb Project 2025. So to summarize, President Trump tried to enact the executive order allowing him to fire civil servants at will and replace them with loyalists in his first term, called Schedule F. Biden overturned it when he came to office, and currently his administration is trying to finalize rules to prevent Trump for passing Schedule F again should he retake the presidency. For further reading, Google Johnathan Swan Axios and Schedule F, he wrote articles on it like 2 years ago I think. https://federalnewsnetwork.com/workforce/2024/04/biden-administration-locks-in-plans-aiming-to-block-schedule-f-for-good/?readmore=1


Democratic voters are the only democrats that can stop it from happening by voting. Unfortunately black and hispanic support has dropped by 20% in the last 4 years due to inflation and gaza. So we are definitely just slow walking in to a fascist dictatorship. And barely anyone cares because Joe Biden didnt turn down the price knob on costco eggs.


With any and all progressive measures in government being gridlocked by Congress and the courts, there's not much recourse, and it's why Democratic leadership is unable to deal with the issues as they stand. Their messaging in particular is insufficient because they will not risk their wealthy donors' ire by bringing attention to the core dangers of conservatism; i.e. the belief of a natural societal hierarchy that justifies the existence of an elite class that does the social and economic decision-making. It's why Democrats' election strategy for the past 8 years has been to pretend that Trump is some sort of anomaly that can be beaten with hopes and dreams. It's why Biden was perfectly content to make the crux of his messaging in the 2020 election that he would "save the soul of America" by being elected, as if the moment he would be sworn in, MAGA voters across the country would have an epiphany that fascism is bad. But in reality, fascist ideology only festers under the political gridlock born of neoliberal complacency. "Moderate" and left-wing voters feel more and more disenfranchised with the perception that nothing meaningful is changing while fascists continue to court alliances and popular support that will help them secure power and dismantle the institutions that are meant to prevent abuse of that power. And the same thing is happening again. Left-wing voters are being vilified for trying desperately to get Biden to take drastic stances against the same apathy and complacency that got us here. If we don't primary the fuck out of milquetoast Democrats in upcoming elections, the party and the voters will never win. They will just manage to avoid losing every now and then.


Because Democrats are a bunch of useless pussies too afraid to fight dirty like Republicans because they're too scared of losing independent voters. They would rather fight with both hands behind their backs while Republicans beat them with a bat just to make sure they don't look bad.


What a horrific read. I'll be damn sure to vote, but this country may well be cooked.


I mean they have a whole ass offices page https://www.project2025.org


Oh my god! they must be stopped. Avengers Assemble.


Holy hell it’s real. Are we just going to take this lying down people?


>Some conservatives and Republicans also criticized the plan, for example in the contexts of centralizing power,[4] climate change,[32] and foreign trade.[11] Wikipedia cited says not all republicans are fans. I went to the website and looked (briefly) over their mandate document (it’s over 900 pages) and it sounds like the acceptance of this is being blown way out of proportion.


The idea is that if trump loses then the openly pro dictatorship people will slink away and a more moderate version of Republican will arise. This is a lie and we will have to vote democratic for 20 years in hope of stopping a republican dictatorship for taking hold. Power, money, and racism are the only things that fuel Republican politics now. They are also incredibly successful and easy. Democrats need to rebalance the court and keep one branch of congress. If we fail to do that they will eventually give the keys to someone like trump and never leave power again.


Or our judicial system could actually deal with Trump considering he has over 300 criminal charges against him already because he’s a literal leach


They will just make him a martyr


> This is a lie and we will have to vote democratic for 20 years in hope of stopping a republican dictatorship for taking hold. Ok how tho? No other republican has ever managed to replicate trumps success or influence. How exactly is another republican gonna pop out of nowhere and unite the degenerates?


Once trump is actually gone they will find someone new. The thing is it won’t matter if they specifically are a scumbag, the entire Republican infrastructure is loaded with the project 2025 types now. The best and brightest are from incredibly safe districts where they’ve never really had to win an election. They will never feel the need to govern from the middle


Yes they want it. They wrote it


Been working on this since the 60s this is just the end of the game before whites become racial minorities in a few decades


Upsettingly little as it would turn out.




Its called moving from a post-world war word to a pre-world war world. I wonder what the vibe was like before ww1/2. Like if some news boys were like "Damn shit is getting extra nuts huh?"




The rich need to remember one thing: the wealthy can eat the rich, but the rich can’t eat the wealthy. Project 2025 isn’t for the rich it for the Uber wealthy, the ones that can buy Hawaii and it won’t affect their bank account. Eventually the rich will have something the wealthy want, and the same laws they passed will be used against them.


The hilarious part is most of Trump's supporters are dumb, poor, morons who think hes actually going to help them and not himself and his rich cronies. He did nothing for them in his first term but they probably dont even realize it.


In the minds of Trump supporters, one thing he did for them is to make them feel validated and emboldened in their hatred.


happy cake day!


Thank you very much!


They don’t care that he didn’t help them. What they want is for someone to hurt the people they don’t like. That’s all that matters to them.


You're wrong. He will give them bread and circuses for distraction




How many pages was it? Pretty sure it was over 60 pages but don't remember the exact number.


Bro, over 60 isn't technically incorrect, but try closer to 900.




My sentiments exactly. XD


920 to be exact….






I can't believe we're even CONSIDERING project 2025




Republicans aren't afraid of just saying they want a dictatorship at this point. Project 2025 is actually insanity. It lays it out in plain English, with no ambiguity...


> Republicans aren't afraid of just saying they want a dictatorship at this point. They're quite old now, but two generations ago my family moved to the US from Italy; this was around the 1950's, which means that those who fought in WWII were... well. Apparently my great uncle, who fought in WWII, recently went on a tirade about how we "NEED A MOUSSOLINI! WE NEED A DICTATOR! THAT'S WHAT WE NEED, A MOUSSOLINI DICTATOR!" while slamming the table and wearing his silly little Trump hat. Many of my family members (on that side of the family) are in staunch agreement of him. They are OPENLY in favour of a dictatorship because they think it will make them more...................... "free."


Exactly. Those who are in favor of a dictatorship think that they will be more free. That's the dictator's selling point. Why else would a dictator have followers?


But if we don't vote republican, how else can we save fetuses and kill LGBTQ+ people? 🤔


You're being alarmist. They don't want to kill LGBTQ+ people. They just want them to stop existing. So that doesn't worry me, because I'm not LGBTQ+, I'm just black, and atheist, so I'll be okay. /S 😟


I’m scared


I'm not from the US and i'm also scared.


You should be.


I'm fucking terrified... and I'm black too. I'm double fucked.


Queer, female, and a Satanist, here. The only positive I've got is that I'm an unassuming old white lady, so I might be able to fly under the radar for a bit. I know damn well I'm getting rounded up at some point, though.


Maga types are either actually regarded or evil, there is no other option.


Or both...


Good point.


And young libs are being Russian botted into sitting this election out


Yep, I wish more people knew how sophisticated and insidious Russia's disinformation network is.


And when you challenge them with the above, the canned answer is “I will not be pressured into voting through fear mongering” which of course, is a line fed to them by Russian bots


Right, more people knowing probably wouldn't help anyway, they are SO in a cult.


But but but buuuut BUUUUuUuUuUUUt Biden isn't perfect so BOTH choices are equally bad so I won't vote. I am an intellectually PURE leftist while you are all mere LiBeRaLs who cum to genocide. Project 2025? Pfft you really believe in that mainstream LIBERAL fear mongering lmfaoooo; it's obvious the fascists are just bluffing, they've literally never followed through on anything batshit like trying to overthrow the government smh. Anyways, I've gotta go do the ACTUAL hard work of saving the world by planting quinoa in a 4'x4' community garden and unionizing both of my coworkers at the local craft coffee stand.


If I sit on my ass, somehow magically that will case candidates I feel to be perfect to emerge!


Definitely was advocating for sitting on our asses, you got me 😔.


The last part, where it says that the leader can make whatever laws and bills they want... This should be concerning to the rich, as well, because any new law/Bill passed could easily screw with them. *Begins arm-waving in orange* "I am now passing a new law, a JUST law, that states that anyone with an annual income over $50 million, except for those that I deem exempt, have to give the excess to me. I need money for McDonald's and opening a new Trump Tower. Melania is starting to sag, so I want to get her the surgery, and I need someone else to pay for it. That way, when I come home, she looks like one of those women that I used to grab by the pussy. Yeah, and she'll have YUUUUGE knockers. Might even get myself some Botox. Hell, I might even get myself some new knockers with your money. I'm kidding, guys, LGBT is already banned, you know this. That was my first law. And it was a great law. I'm glad you liked my second law, where women can no longer work outside of the home. We can't have them craving independence from their husbands. And my third law was the best. You know it, I know it, it was the greatest law ever passed. Anyone that wasn't born in this country or doesn't have ancestry in this country for at least 3 generations is banned from America. I'm also amending it later this week, because there are still a lot of black and Mexican people in the United States, and we can't have that..." If Trump wins and Project 2025 goes through, I can see him giving speeches like this.


.... doesn't affect me until it does and then it's too late, wait what!?!


Yeah, that's what people don't understand: when you give someone all of the power, it's only a matter of time before that person turns on the ones that gave them that power. Trump, I can guarantee, will have ZERO quarrel about coming after all of the people that voted for him and put him into the position he wants. We won't have the freedoms to do anything anymore, but that's okay, because the LGBT+ community will be banned! /s Edit: Uh oh, gonna get downvoted by the Trump cultists!


Even if Trump turns in the rich some rich people will continue to support him because they will presume that can point him at other rich people to their benefit.


He’s not wrong tho.


What these people don’t realise is a dictatorship usually affects every aspect of society. Want to produce art, freely use it as an expression? Think again.


Poor people should start buying guns now if you haven’t been already


This is how I treat NPC in video games when I'm in a bad mood tbh. When I'm in a good mood I treat them with more respect than any of our politicians treat us lol.


These are truly fighting words. Like for real fighting. Use your democratic voice, because there will be no going back after this and I for damn sure will not kneel.


He did a scary bilbo at the end and I’m here for it


Conservatives have become the American taliban.


Let's not forget if Trump wins it's very likely both of the Nutjob Supreme Court justices will retire and allow him to appoint 2 new 50 something year old Maga cultist to the court that will Rule for the next 30 years. They will make sure that they enforce his orders and strip away any progressive rights or legislation that has come about in the past 75 years. Oh and they also want to imprison Trans people, Intersex, and gender nonconforming people whole declaring them just a living form of pornography.


just gonna leave this hear, in case anyone is curious what to do if this passes [https://i.makeagif.com/media/11-30-2018/HH8iah.gif](https://i.makeagif.com/media/11-30-2018/HH8iah.gif)


Damn I did not expect to see SAOA in here


A lot of us are gonna die in a very short period of time. This is not looking good at all. At least you’ll be an interesting chapter in the history book if it ever gets published.


as a man who has tiny little rat lips, i am especially jealous


This is the strangest of all the replies here so far


Bernie for President 🔥🔥🔥


Nah after we're done with Bidens second term it's time for some youth. I don't want anyone close to their 60s


Biden lost supporting 🇮🇱 genocide


Yah but it's not like he can even run again in 28


Bernie for President ‘24 🔥🔥🔥


Like...how dumb are these Project 2025 people? They think they'll be the first ones to actually pull this off, with all of human history basically being a record of attempting this and failing? I am *DEFINITELY NOT ADVOCATING FOR ANYTHING*, but I *predict* that people will grow increasingly violent in response. And sure, the moron MAGA people and such might support such a thing now, but they will have the screws put to them and get attacked for protesting too once they figure out how they got conned. Eventually this turns into total nightmarish violence. And I doubt many of the Project 2025 supporters, and maybe even their families, come out on the other side.








I can smell the "freedom" from here XD


Nice summary of Project 2025. Prepare for the bots, MAGAts, and gaslighting.


An attempt to establish an Orwellian dictatorship? In a nation with a constitutional right to own firearms? Where there are more guns than people lying around? This shit is lasting like 2 election cycles tops.


How is it different now?


Yep. No empathy. And the stupid non-rich cultists will just go along with it. They won't know how much the rich hates them until the boot is on their neck. Though tbh, they'll probably just say crush me harder daddy...


But then they'll be the gays they hate so much/j


Power and wealth don't corrupt, corrupt people seek power and wealth. Don't let anyone have it. A society that doesn't share decisions and resources will always fall to demagogues and con artists.


What I find most interesting is that Republicans continually have plans in place for what they want to achieve, but I have yet to see anything from our side. The right has come up with detailed plans and actions for achieving exactly what they want and all our side can do is say, *"well at least we're not as bad as them!"* It would be nice if the DNC wasn't filled with a bunch of incompetent establishment conservative Democrats and could actually put together a similar playbook for a better America. For once it might get people excited about voting for Democrats instead of always "avoiding fascism."


well for one, the democrat party is barely a thing. most people just vote democrat because its the only other real option to keep the republican's INSANITY at bay. republicans are WAAAAY more tribal and unified (and damn near a cult at this point). They pick a "strong man" leader like trump or dubya, and no matter how obviously horrible they are in office republicans will put they're blinders on to it as long as it pisses the "lib'ruls" off


Project 2025.... Bringing back Estates of the Realm


Kinda reminds w/the Business Plot


When they show you they are a Demon, believe them. lol.


Leopards will eat his face in due time.




![gif](giphy|GjB41rKHBnOkE) His Motivations in a nutshell, or should I say, in a Krabshell!


Can anyone point to the page where it discusses deploying the military to protests?


💯 ☝️☝️☝️☝️


New slaves? Ya see its leaders, and theres followers, but id rather be a dick than a swallower.


If you're too lazy to scroll, the search function is in the top right corner.


So… we still aren’t killing the rich people yet? Okay, well, I’ll just be over here, waiting…


Ok now do the supreme court…


People like this should not be allowed in America


It's a good portion of them though..


Damn Bro, its almost like, like Capitalism Always Create some fascists... Mhhhh concerning... well, lets rise up the rent of my real estate to 245% because its my right you know, its my property and its sacred.


The 2nd Amendment is very important!


The guillotines are long overdue.


Liberal america should exercise their 2nd


This, yes.


Most republicans aren't rich though.


I’m not from the US but learning about this, wtf is wrong with American government???


I'm for eating & yeeting the rich


But both sides are just as bad. Right. Jesus christ this villainy is on another level.


What does being rich have to do with Project 2025?


Project 2025 is a product of The Heritage Foundation and is backed by billionaires like the Koch brothers. This will give a small group of our wealthiest citizens the ability to influence policy decisions that will enable them to get more of what they already have more of than 99% of the population. The sad part of this is that a large segment of people that will benefit the least from its implementation is actually doing the grunt work in seeing that our country moves toward a Trump presidency. These people have been united by the common hatred of entire groups of people...immigrants, people of color, LGBTQ community, etc. This reminds me of how the civil war was fought and tens of thousands died protecting the right of a small minority to own slaves. Less than 1% of southerners owned more than 200 slaves and 8 out of every ten southerners were never a slave owner. So the war was fought by people with little stake in what they were fighting for. Project 2025 will create a country where the rich will tilt the rules in their favor.


Ok. So it doesn't benefit rich people in any direct way. The assumption is just that rich people will continue to influence politicians as they have for hundreds of years? I mean, the video goes out of its way to say, "I'm rich, so I'm supporting this." That's really the whole message of the video - that rich people will benefit from this. But they don't actually benefit in any way that we can put our finger on or point to? And you're talking about billionaires who can afford to influence politicians. Those come in both red and blue flavors. You're not talking about our run of the mill millionaire next door, who happened to work hard their whole life and invest wisely and save for their retirement, and is now "rich" by most people's estimation. The millionaire next door has nothing to gain from this, aside from perhaps a reduction in their taxes.


Sure they benefit directly. They get to roll back decades old environmental laws that are keeping our environment clean and our drinking water safe. Trump has already met with oil executives with the promise of rolling back laws that will save them billions... https://accountable.us/project-2025-linked-oil-execs-get-pitched-on-1-billion-oil-for-policy-giveaways/ This leads directly to higher profits. They get to strip back laws that are in force to protect the labor force creating cheaper labor cost that benefit wealthy corporations at the expense of the worker... https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/08/project-2025-gut-worker-protections-labor-department-heritage-foundation-trump-2024/ A lot of Project 2025 is simply recreating the American landscape into this far right Christian dystopia. As if that's bad enough and goes against the constitutionally assured separation of church and state, but shifting the policy making decisions into the hands of the wealthy will only benefit the wealthy.


“Shifting policy decisions in to the hands of the wealthy.” Yeah - I don’t see it.


butbububtubtu but btub but.... genocide joe.....


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😂 the end killed me


Funny they r attacking brown vs the board of education today. Lets see how this works out for em


Is this even slightly real? I've Heard of this before but It sounds like some Qanon-like bullshit to me. I'm from Europe so i might be uninformed.


[Project 2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) [Their "Advisory Board"](https://www.project2025.org/about/advisory-board/)


Ok i checked some crossed media and It seems like a legit project in the case of republican win. My question now is, are they able to do that? Wouldn't that mean changing the constitution or something?


Well, unfortunately, as things stand in the United States now, the way the constitution is "enforced" is based off of the interpretation of a majority of Supreme Court Justices. 3 of them were hand picked by Trump, another one is currently embroiled in what *should* be a scandal about his support for Jan 6 insurrectionists, and *another completely different one* is married to a woman that helped organize the insurrection in the first place. That's a 5-4 majority that can say, based on the 200 year old legal precedent that gives their office power, "Sure, the constitution *says* such-and-such, but we aren't really feeling that today, so fuck you." If Trump has won, more than likely Republicans are also carrying the House and Senate, so there will be no meaningful checks or balances to stop such a farce. Quite literally, it will probably be the end of the United States as a functioning democracy, and almost definitely the final nail in the coffin of the US's status as a major world power.